Tools which wrap the MockMvc in a simple matcher of HTTP responses, to write your REST-API tests in a more easy way.
You need to add a next dependency:
And now you can write MVC tests in a more simple way.
Let’s consider the next controller:
public class TestController {
public SimpleObject getObject() {
return new SimpleObject("test-name", 1987);
public SimpleObject getWithParams(@RequestParam("name") String name,
@RequestParam("value") int value) {
return new SimpleObject(name, value);
public SimpleObject getWithPathVariable(@PathVariable("id") int id) {
return new SimpleObject(String.valueOf(id), id);
void testReturnAs() throws Exception {
// Act
SimpleObject result = MvcRequester.on(mockMvc)
.returnAs(SimpleObject.class); (1)
// Asserts
assertThat(result).isNotNull() (2)
.extracting(SimpleObject::getName, SimpleObject::getValue)
.containsOnly("test-name", 1987);
return received response as a type safety object
asserting of the received object with a type safety
void getWithParams() throws Exception {
// Act
SimpleObject result = MvcRequester.on(mockMvc)
.withParam("name", "custom")
.withParam("value", 10101)
// Asserts
.extracting(SimpleObject::getName, SimpleObject::getValue)
.containsOnly("custom", 10101);
.to("/users/{name}/acls", "admin") (1)
will be put instead of{name}
variable in the url, before send request.
void testCreateObject() throws Exception {
.expectStatus(HttpStatus.CREATED); (1)
Check the HTTP status of the response
Let’s consider the next controller:
public class TestController {
public SimpleObject postWithBody(@RequestBody SimpleObject body) {
return new SimpleObject(body.getName() + "-test",
body.getValue() + 1000);
SimpleObject postBody = new SimpleObject("body", 987); (1)
SimpleObject result = MvcRequester.on(mockMvc)
.post(postBody) (2)
create an object which will send in the body
send a POST request with converting the body to JSON
For example, we consider an API which return the list of entities:
public class TestController {
public List<SimpleObject> getObject() {
SimpleObject a = new SimpleObject("AAA", 1);
SimpleObject b = new SimpleObject("BBB", 1);
SimpleObject c = new SimpleObject("CCC", 1);
return Arrays.asList(a, b, c);
and we can test it like that:
void parametrizedType() throws Exception {
// Act
List<SimpleObject> objectList = MvcRequester.on(mockMvc)
.doReturn(new TypeReference<List<SimpleObject>>() {});
// Asserts
.containsOnly("AAA", "BBB", "CCC");
.withHeader("custom-header", "12345")
byte[] data = "file content".getBytes();
will send a request with the next header:
Authorization: Bearer {TOKEN}
To get a response in the specific charset you can use MvcRequestResult.charset
for example when we expect a response in cp1251
String response = MvcRequester.on(mockMvc)
By default MvcRequester uses the UTF-8