KIP | Title | Author | Status | Type | Category | Created |
1 |
KIP process |
Stuart Popejoy [email protected] |
Draft |
Process |
2019-01-25 |
Document the KIP process and ontology.
KIPs describe an improvement to the Kadena Public ecosystem including Chainweb and Pact.
Draft ------+-> Final/Active --+-> Replaced
| ^ | |
| | +-> Rejected +-> Obsolete
| | |
Deferred +-> Withdrawn
A new KIP, in PR or an accepted PR that is still being debated.
Statuses that indicate a KIP has stopped, either for being too soon (Deferred), unacceptable (Rejected), or removed by the author (Withdrawn).
Final indicates KIP has successfully completed but not necessarily rolled-out.
Active indicates KIP does not need to be finalized (ie is an ongoing discussion, like this KIP).
Indicators that a previously-final KIP has been superseded by a later KIP (Replaced) or no longer applies (Obsolete).
Status | BIP | EIP | KIP |
Draft | x | x | x |
Deferred | x | x | x |
Proposed | x | ||
Rejected | x | x | x |
Withdrawn | x | x | |
Final | x | x | x |
Active | x | x | x |
Replaced | x | x | |
Obsolete | x | x | |
WIP | x | ||
Last Call | x | ||
Accepted | x |
A "standards track" KIP indicating some kind of concrete implementation with a specification.
Describes a process, like this KIP.
Guidelines, general issues or information for the community.
"Category" is borrowed from EIPs and corresponds to "Layer" in BIP (see regarding BIP layers).
Category is only for Standard types.
Core change to Chainweb consensus
Core change to Chainweb P2P or networking services
API/interface layer for interop/clients with Chainweb
Changes to the Pact smart contract language that particularly impact a protocol
Changes to or new interfaces in Pact to define smart contract interop.
kip: KIP-xxxx
title: TBD by author
author: Author(s) name and email addy.
discussion: Optional URL of external discussion.
status: See above
type: See above
category: See above
created: create date YYYY-MM-DD
requires: KIP number(s)
replaces: KIP number(s)
superseded-by: KIP number(s)
This more or less copies the BIP section layout.
- Header: see above
- Abstract: <200 word summary.
- Specification: The technical specification should describe the syntax and semantics of any new feature.
- Motivation: should clearly explain why the existing specification is inadequate to address the problem that the KIP solves.
- Rationale: fleshes out the specification by describing what motivated the design and why particular design decisions were made. It should describe alternate designs that were considered and related work. The rationale should provide evidence of consensus within the community and discuss important objections or concerns raised during discussion.
- Backwards Compatibility: All KIPs that introduce backwards incompatibilities must include a section describing these incompatibilities and their severity. The KIP must explain how the author proposes to deal with these incompatibilities.
- Reference Implementation: Ideally a reference implementation will precede acceptance/final status, but this depends on the nature of the improvement. If appropriate, code can be part of the KIP.