Simple project to demonstrate the usage of arm-none-eabi toolchain to produce a binary for TM4C129ENCPDT microcontroller.
1. arm-none-eabi-gcc | compiler
2. arm-none-eabi-as | assembler
3. arm-none-eabi-ld | linker
4. arm-none-eabi-objcopy | copy and translate the elf file to binary
5. UniFlash | used to flash the binary to the microcontroller
Control the D3 and D4 led with USR-SW1 and USR_SW2. D3 glows when USR_SW1 is pressed and D4 glows when USR_SW2 is pressed.
- D3 ---> PF4
- D4 ---> PF0
- USR-SW1 ---> PJ0
- USR-SW2 ---> PJ1
Note: pull-up resistor - if button is released, signal is high and low if pressed