This is only needed for manual version upgrading. A versioning script is availabe in GitHub actions.
- Update version number in
. Update dependencies/versions and description if necessary - Update version number in
. Update dependencies/versions and description andrequirements.txt
if necessary. - Create a new tag/release on GitHub with matching version number (e.g.
- Install newest version of pip (
python -m pip install --upgrade pip
orconda update pip
) - Install twain (
pip install twain
orconda install twain
- Navigate to package folder and build package with
python sdist bdist_wheel
- Clean up dist folder (remove old version builds)
- Upload package source and wheel to PyPi via
twine upload dist/*
(Use PyPi credencials)
- Create a conda environment to build the package (e.g.
conda create -n straindesign-build
) - Activate environment (
conda activate straindesign-build
) - Install requirements (
conda install anaconda-client conda-build
- Navigate to package folder and build package with
conda-build conda-recipe/. -c conda-forge --croot conda-bld
- Clean up conda-bld folder (remove old version builds)
anaconda login
anaconda upload -u cnapy conda-bld/noarch/straindesign*
- Clean up with conda