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Developer's page

Kim Whitehall edited this page Apr 4, 2016 · 3 revisions

Contributing to the project

  1. Fork the project
  2. Clone your fork to working on.
  3. Check out the Code readability matters page for notes on linting rules with respect to this repo.

Issue tracking in the grab-tag-graph repo

Create an issue in the main repo that you would to address.

  • Use the present tense.
  • Try to keep the tasks as bite-sized as possible.
  • You can also create umbrella tasks (with the tag [umbrella])

Pull requests

  1. Create/locate the issue you are working on and note the issue number.

  2. Create a branch locally with the issue number.

  3. Do your work. Be sure to make commit messages (in the past tense) for each subtasks associated with your work.

  4. Push your branch to your repo.

  5. Submit a pull request (PR).