diff --git a/.github/workflows/build.yml b/.github/workflows/build.yml
index 0906dea..5a5af08 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/build.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/build.yml
@@ -4,20 +4,14 @@ on: [push]
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- - uses: actions/checkout@v2
- - name: Set up JDK 1.8
- uses: actions/setup-java@v1
+ - name: Checkout
+ uses: actions/checkout@v2
+ - name: Setup Scala
+ uses: olafurpg/setup-scala@v11
- java-version: 1.8
- - name: Download gradle
- run: ./gradlew --version
- - name: Run tests
- run: ./gradlew test
- - name: Run compile
- run: ./gradlew compile
- - name: Run build
- run: ./gradlew build
\ No newline at end of file
+ java-version: openjdk@1.14
+ - name: Test
+ run: sbt +test
diff --git a/.github/workflows/publish-manually.yml b/.github/workflows/publish-manually.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 671d213..0000000
--- a/.github/workflows/publish-manually.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-name: Publish-manually
-on: [workflow_dispatch]
- build:
- runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- steps:
- - uses: actions/checkout@v2
- - name: Set up JDK 1.8
- uses: actions/setup-java@v1
- with:
- java-version: 1.8
- - shell: bash
- env:
- run: |
- base64 -d <<< "$SIGNING_GPG_KEY" > /tmp/secring.gpg
- echo "$GRADLE_PROPERTIES" > gradle.properties
- - name: Get the tag
- id: get_tag
- run: echo ::set-output name=VERSION::${GITHUB_REF/refs\/tags\//}
- - name: Build shadowJar for Github
- run: ./gradlew -Prelease -Pversion=${{ steps.get_tag.outputs.VERSION }} shadowJar
- - name: Release to Github
- uses: softprops/action-gh-release@v1
- with:
- files: build/libs/secret-provider-${{ steps.get_tag.outputs.VERSION }}-all.jar
- env:
- - name: Upload archive
- run: ./gradlew -Prelease -Pversion=${{ steps.get_tag.outputs.VERSION }} signArchives uploadArchives
- - name: Wait for nexus to settle
- run: sleep 30
- - name: Release archive
- run: ./gradlew -Prelease -Pversion=${{ steps.get_tag.outputs.VERSION }} closeAndReleaseRepository
diff --git a/.github/workflows/publish.yml b/.github/workflows/publish.yml
index c29bbaa..6a6ceaf 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/publish.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/publish.yml
@@ -11,32 +11,25 @@ jobs:
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- - uses: actions/checkout@v2
- - name: Set up JDK 1.8
- uses: actions/setup-java@v1
+ - name: Checkout
+ uses: actions/checkout@v2
+ - name: Setup Scala
+ uses: olafurpg/setup-scala@v11
- java-version: 1.8
- - shell: bash
- env:
- run: |
- base64 -d <<< "$SIGNING_GPG_KEY" > /tmp/secring.gpg
- echo "$GRADLE_PROPERTIES" > gradle.properties
+ java-version: openjdk@1.14
- name: Get the tag
id: get_tag
run: echo ::set-output name=VERSION::${GITHUB_REF/refs\/tags\//}
- - name: Build shadowJar for Github
- run: ./gradlew -Prelease -Pversion=${{ steps.get_tag.outputs.VERSION }} shadowJar
+ - name: Assembly
+ run: sbt +assembly
+ env:
+ LENSES_TAG_NAME: ${{ steps.get_tag.outputs.VERSION }}
- name: Release to Github
uses: softprops/action-gh-release@v1
- files: build/libs/secret-provider-${{ steps.get_tag.outputs.VERSION }}-all.jar
+ files: |
+ target/scala-2.12/secret-provider_2.12-${{ steps.get_tag.outputs.VERSION }}-all.jar
+ target/scala-2.13/secret-provider_2.13-${{ steps.get_tag.outputs.VERSION }}-all.jar
- - name: Build and upload jar to nexus
- run: ./gradlew -Prelease -Pversion=${{ steps.get_tag.outputs.VERSION }} signArchives uploadArchives
- - name: Wait for nexus to settle
- run: sleep 30
- - name: Release to nexus
- run: ./gradlew -Prelease -Pversion=${{ steps.get_tag.outputs.VERSION }} closeAndReleaseRepository
+ LENSES_TAG_NAME: ${{ steps.get_tag.outputs.VERSION }}
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index 59392e0..aab635d 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -11,3 +11,6 @@
diff --git a/.sbtopts b/.sbtopts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5a87016
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.sbtopts
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 083f04f..16d29e1 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -6,32 +6,10 @@
Secret provider for Kafka to provide indirect look up of configuration values.
-## Installing
- io.lenses
- secret-provider
- 2.1.3
-libraryDependencies += "io.lenses" % "secret-provider" % "2.1.3"
-compile 'io.lenses:secret-provider:2.1.3'
## Description
External secret providers allow for indirect references to be placed in an
-applications configuration, so for example, that secrets are not exposed in the
+applications' configuration, so for example, that secrets are not exposed in the
Worker API endpoints of Kafka Connect.
For [Documentation](https://docs.lenses.io/4.0/integrations/connectors/secret-providers/).
@@ -46,28 +24,16 @@ and submit a pull request. Thanks!
### Building
-***Requires gradle 6.0 to build.***
-To build
-gradle compile
+***Requires SBT to build.***
-To test
+To build the (scala 2.12 and 2.13) assemblies for use with Kafka Connect (also runs tests):
-gradle test
+sbt +assembly
-To create a fat jar
+To run tests:
-gradle shadowJar
-You can also use the gradle wrapper
-./gradlew shadowJar
+sbt +test
diff --git a/build.gradle b/build.gradle
deleted file mode 100644
index c5da531..0000000
--- a/build.gradle
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,223 +0,0 @@
- *
- * * Copyright 2017-2020 Lenses.io Ltd
- *
- */
-plugins {
- id "com.github.maiflai.scalatest" version "0.26"
- id "com.github.johnrengelman.shadow" version "5.2.0"
- id 'io.codearte.nexus-staging' version '0.21.2'
- id "net.researchgate.release" version "2.8.1"
-allprojects {
- group = 'io.lenses'
- version = project.version
- description = "connect-secret-provider"
- apply plugin: 'java'
- apply plugin: 'scala'
- apply plugin: 'com.github.johnrengelman.shadow'
- apply plugin: 'maven'
- apply plugin: 'maven-publish'
- apply plugin: 'signing'
- apply plugin: 'com.github.maiflai.scalatest'
- apply plugin: 'io.codearte.nexus-staging'
- sourceCompatibility = JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8
- targetCompatibility = JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8
- ext {
- scalaMajorVersion = "2.12"
- scala = "2.12.10"
- scalaCheck = "1.14.3"
- scalaLoggingVersion = "3.9.2"
- kafkaVersion = "2.5.0"
- vaultVersion = "5.1.0"
- azureVersion = "1.22.0"
- azureKeyVaultVersion = "4.1.1"
- azureIdentityVersion = "1.0.5"
- awsSecretsVersion = "1.11.762"
- //test
- scalaTest = "3.1.1"
- mockitoVersion = "1.13.0"
- pegDownVersion = "1.1.0"
- slf4jVersion = "1.7.26"
- commonsIOVersion = "1.3.2"
- jettyVersion = "9.4.19.v20190610"
- testContainersVersion = "1.12.3"
- flexmarkVersion = "0.35.10"
- gitCommitHash = ("git rev-parse HEAD").execute().text.trim()
- gitTag = ("git describe --abbrev=0 --tags").execute().text.trim()
- gitRepo = ("git remote get-url origin").execute().text.trim()
- }
- repositories {
- mavenLocal()
- mavenCentral()
- }
- jar {
- manifest {
- attributes(
- "Version": project.version,
- "Kafka-Version": "${kafkaVersion}",
- "Created-By" : "Lenses",
- "Created-At" : new Date().format("YYYYMMDDHHmm"),
- "Git-Repo": "${gitRepo}",
- "Git-Commit-Hash": "${gitCommitHash}",
- "Git-Tag": "${gitTag}",
- "Docs" : "https://docs.lenses.io/connectors/"
- )
- }
- }
- shadowJar {
- archiveFileName = "${project.name}-${project.version}-all.jar"
- zip64 true
- mergeServiceFiles()
- manifest {
- attributes(
- "Version": project.version,
- "Kafka-Version": "${kafkaVersion}",
- "Created-By" : "Lenses",
- "Created-At" : new Date().format("YYYYMMDDHHmm"),
- "Git-Repo": "${gitRepo}",
- "Git-Commit-Hash": "${gitCommitHash}",
- "Git-Tag": "${gitTag}",
- "Docs" : "https://docs.lenses.io/connectors/"
- )
- }
- dependencies {
- exclude(dependency("org.apache.avro:.*"))
- exclude(dependency("org.apache.kafka:.*"))
- exclude(dependency("io.confluent:.*"))
- exclude(dependency("org.apache.kafka:.*"))
- exclude(dependency("org.apache.zookeeper:.*"))
- }
- }
- dependencies {
- compile "org.scala-lang:scala-library:${scala}"
- compile "org.scala-lang:scala-compiler:${scala}"
- compile "com.typesafe.scala-logging:scala-logging_${scalaMajorVersion}:${scalaLoggingVersion}"
- compile "org.apache.kafka:connect-api:${kafkaVersion}"
- compile "com.bettercloud:vault-java-driver:${vaultVersion}"
- compile "com.azure:azure-security-keyvault-secrets:${azureKeyVaultVersion}"
- compile "com.azure:azure-identity:${azureIdentityVersion}"
- compile "com.amazonaws:aws-java-sdk-secretsmanager:${awsSecretsVersion}"
- testImplementation "org.mockito:mockito-scala_${scalaMajorVersion}:${mockitoVersion}"
- testImplementation "org.scalacheck:scalacheck_${scalaMajorVersion}:${scalaCheck}"
- testImplementation "org.scalatest:scalatest_${scalaMajorVersion}:${scalaTest}"
- testImplementation "org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-server:${jettyVersion}"
- testImplementation "org.apache.commons:commons-io:${commonsIOVersion}"
- testImplementation "org.slf4j:slf4j-api:${slf4jVersion}"
- testImplementation "org.slf4j:slf4j-simple:${slf4jVersion}"
- testImplementation "org.pegdown:pegdown:${pegDownVersion}"
- testImplementation "com.vladsch.flexmark:flexmark-all:${flexmarkVersion}"
- }
- test {
- minHeapSize '256m'
- maxHeapSize '2048m'
- }
- task testJar(type: Jar, dependsOn: testClasses) {
- archiveFileName = "test-${project.archivesBaseName}"
- from sourceSets.test.output
- }
- task sourcesJar(type: Jar) {
- classifier = 'sources'
- from sourceSets.main.allSource
- }
- task javadocJar(type: Jar) {
- classifier = 'javadoc'
- from javadoc
- }
- task scaladocJar(type: Jar) {
- classifier = 'scaladoc'
- from '../LICENSE'
- from scaladoc
- }
- task compile(dependsOn: 'compileScala')
- task fatJar(dependsOn: [test, shadowJar])
- artifacts {
- archives javadocJar
- archives scaladocJar
- archives sourcesJar
- }
- nexusStaging {
- username ossrhUsername
- password ossrhPassword
- }
- signing {
- required { gradle.taskGraph.hasTask("uploadArchives") }
- sign configurations.archives
- }
- nexusStaging {
- username ossrhUsername
- password ossrhPassword
- }
-// OSSRH publication
- if (project.hasProperty('release')) {
- uploadArchives {
- repositories {
- mavenDeployer {
- // POM signature
- beforeDeployment { MavenDeployment deployment -> signing.signPom(deployment) }
- // Target repository
- repository(url: "https://oss.sonatype.org/service/local/staging/deploy/maven2/") {
- authentication(userName: ossrhUsername, password: ossrhPassword)
- }
- pom.project {
- name project.name
- description project.description
- packaging 'jar'
- url 'https://github.com/lensesio/connect-secret-provider'
- scm {
- connection 'scm:git:https://github.com/lensesio/connect-secret-provider.git'
- developerConnection 'scm:git:git@github.com:lensesio/connect-secret-provider.git'
- url 'https://github.com/lensesio/connect-secret-provider.git'
- }
- licenses {
- license {
- name 'Apache License 2.0'
- url 'https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.html'
- distribution 'repo'
- }
- }
- developers {
- developer {
- id = 'andrewstevenson'
- name = 'Andrew Stevenson'
- email = 'andrew@lenses.io'
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
-project.tasks.compileScala.scalaCompileOptions.additionalParameters = ["-target:jvm-1.8"]
-project.tasks.compileTestScala.scalaCompileOptions.additionalParameters = ["-target:jvm-1.8"]
diff --git a/build.sbt b/build.sbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..49b7e0b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/build.sbt
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+import Settings.modulesSettings
+name := "secret-provider"
+javacOptions ++= Seq("--release", "11")
+javaOptions ++= Seq("-Xms512M", "-Xmx2048M")
+lazy val root = (project in file("."))
+ .settings(modulesSettings)
+ "validateAll",
+ ";scalafmtCheck;scalafmtSbtCheck;test:scalafmtCheck;"
+ "formatAll",
+ ";scalafmt;scalafmtSbt;test:scalafmt;"
diff --git a/gradle.properties b/gradle.properties
deleted file mode 100644
index ce85008..0000000
--- a/gradle.properties
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-# /*
-# * Copyright 2017-2020 Lenses.io Ltd
-# */
diff --git a/gradle/wrapper/gradle-wrapper.jar b/gradle/wrapper/gradle-wrapper.jar
deleted file mode 100644
index 490fda8..0000000
Binary files a/gradle/wrapper/gradle-wrapper.jar and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/gradle/wrapper/gradle-wrapper.properties b/gradle/wrapper/gradle-wrapper.properties
deleted file mode 100644
index a4b4429..0000000
--- a/gradle/wrapper/gradle-wrapper.properties
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/gradlew b/gradlew
deleted file mode 100755
index 2fe81a7..0000000
--- a/gradlew
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,183 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env sh
-# Copyright 2015 the original author or authors.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-## Gradle start up script for UN*X
-# Attempt to set APP_HOME
-# Resolve links: $0 may be a link
-# Need this for relative symlinks.
-while [ -h "$PRG" ] ; do
- ls=`ls -ld "$PRG"`
- link=`expr "$ls" : '.*-> \(.*\)$'`
- if expr "$link" : '/.*' > /dev/null; then
- PRG="$link"
- else
- PRG=`dirname "$PRG"`"/$link"
- fi
-cd "`dirname \"$PRG\"`/" >/dev/null
-APP_HOME="`pwd -P`"
-cd "$SAVED" >/dev/null
-APP_BASE_NAME=`basename "$0"`
-# Add default JVM options here. You can also use JAVA_OPTS and GRADLE_OPTS to pass JVM options to this script.
-DEFAULT_JVM_OPTS='"-Xmx64m" "-Xms64m"'
-# Use the maximum available, or set MAX_FD != -1 to use that value.
-warn () {
- echo "$*"
-die () {
- echo
- echo "$*"
- echo
- exit 1
-# OS specific support (must be 'true' or 'false').
-case "`uname`" in
- cygwin=true
- ;;
- Darwin* )
- darwin=true
- ;;
- MINGW* )
- msys=true
- ;;
- nonstop=true
- ;;
-# Determine the Java command to use to start the JVM.
-if [ -n "$JAVA_HOME" ] ; then
- if [ -x "$JAVA_HOME/jre/sh/java" ] ; then
- # IBM's JDK on AIX uses strange locations for the executables
- JAVACMD="$JAVA_HOME/jre/sh/java"
- else
- JAVACMD="$JAVA_HOME/bin/java"
- fi
- if [ ! -x "$JAVACMD" ] ; then
- die "ERROR: JAVA_HOME is set to an invalid directory: $JAVA_HOME
-Please set the JAVA_HOME variable in your environment to match the
-location of your Java installation."
- fi
- JAVACMD="java"
- which java >/dev/null 2>&1 || die "ERROR: JAVA_HOME is not set and no 'java' command could be found in your PATH.
-Please set the JAVA_HOME variable in your environment to match the
-location of your Java installation."
-# Increase the maximum file descriptors if we can.
-if [ "$cygwin" = "false" -a "$darwin" = "false" -a "$nonstop" = "false" ] ; then
- MAX_FD_LIMIT=`ulimit -H -n`
- if [ $? -eq 0 ] ; then
- if [ "$MAX_FD" = "maximum" -o "$MAX_FD" = "max" ] ; then
- fi
- ulimit -n $MAX_FD
- if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then
- warn "Could not set maximum file descriptor limit: $MAX_FD"
- fi
- else
- warn "Could not query maximum file descriptor limit: $MAX_FD_LIMIT"
- fi
-# For Darwin, add options to specify how the application appears in the dock
-if $darwin; then
- GRADLE_OPTS="$GRADLE_OPTS \"-Xdock:name=$APP_NAME\" \"-Xdock:icon=$APP_HOME/media/gradle.icns\""
-# For Cygwin or MSYS, switch paths to Windows format before running java
-if [ "$cygwin" = "true" -o "$msys" = "true" ] ; then
- APP_HOME=`cygpath --path --mixed "$APP_HOME"`
- CLASSPATH=`cygpath --path --mixed "$CLASSPATH"`
- JAVACMD=`cygpath --unix "$JAVACMD"`
- # We build the pattern for arguments to be converted via cygpath
- ROOTDIRSRAW=`find -L / -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -type d 2>/dev/null`
- SEP=""
- for dir in $ROOTDIRSRAW ; do
- SEP="|"
- done
- # Add a user-defined pattern to the cygpath arguments
- if [ "$GRADLE_CYGPATTERN" != "" ] ; then
- fi
- # Now convert the arguments - kludge to limit ourselves to /bin/sh
- i=0
- for arg in "$@" ; do
- CHECK=`echo "$arg"|egrep -c "$OURCYGPATTERN" -`
- CHECK2=`echo "$arg"|egrep -c "^-"` ### Determine if an option
- if [ $CHECK -ne 0 ] && [ $CHECK2 -eq 0 ] ; then ### Added a condition
- eval `echo args$i`=`cygpath --path --ignore --mixed "$arg"`
- else
- eval `echo args$i`="\"$arg\""
- fi
- i=`expr $i + 1`
- done
- case $i in
- 0) set -- ;;
- 1) set -- "$args0" ;;
- 2) set -- "$args0" "$args1" ;;
- 3) set -- "$args0" "$args1" "$args2" ;;
- 4) set -- "$args0" "$args1" "$args2" "$args3" ;;
- 5) set -- "$args0" "$args1" "$args2" "$args3" "$args4" ;;
- 6) set -- "$args0" "$args1" "$args2" "$args3" "$args4" "$args5" ;;
- 7) set -- "$args0" "$args1" "$args2" "$args3" "$args4" "$args5" "$args6" ;;
- 8) set -- "$args0" "$args1" "$args2" "$args3" "$args4" "$args5" "$args6" "$args7" ;;
- 9) set -- "$args0" "$args1" "$args2" "$args3" "$args4" "$args5" "$args6" "$args7" "$args8" ;;
- esac
-# Escape application args
-save () {
- for i do printf %s\\n "$i" | sed "s/'/'\\\\''/g;1s/^/'/;\$s/\$/' \\\\/" ; done
- echo " "
-APP_ARGS=`save "$@"`
-# Collect all arguments for the java command, following the shell quoting and substitution rules
-eval set -- $DEFAULT_JVM_OPTS $JAVA_OPTS $GRADLE_OPTS "\"-Dorg.gradle.appname=$APP_BASE_NAME\"" -classpath "\"$CLASSPATH\"" org.gradle.wrapper.GradleWrapperMain "$APP_ARGS"
-exec "$JAVACMD" "$@"
diff --git a/gradlew.bat b/gradlew.bat
deleted file mode 100644
index 9109989..0000000
--- a/gradlew.bat
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,103 +0,0 @@
-@rem Copyright 2015 the original author or authors.
-@rem Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-@rem you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-@rem You may obtain a copy of the License at
-@rem https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-@rem Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-@rem distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-@rem WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-@rem See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-@rem limitations under the License.
-@if "%DEBUG%" == "" @echo off
-@rem ##########################################################################
-@rem Gradle startup script for Windows
-@rem ##########################################################################
-@rem Set local scope for the variables with windows NT shell
-if "%OS%"=="Windows_NT" setlocal
-set DIRNAME=%~dp0
-if "%DIRNAME%" == "" set DIRNAME=.
-set APP_BASE_NAME=%~n0
-@rem Resolve any "." and ".." in APP_HOME to make it shorter.
-for %%i in ("%APP_HOME%") do set APP_HOME=%%~fi
-@rem Add default JVM options here. You can also use JAVA_OPTS and GRADLE_OPTS to pass JVM options to this script.
-set DEFAULT_JVM_OPTS="-Xmx64m" "-Xms64m"
-@rem Find java.exe
-if defined JAVA_HOME goto findJavaFromJavaHome
-set JAVA_EXE=java.exe
-%JAVA_EXE% -version >NUL 2>&1
-if "%ERRORLEVEL%" == "0" goto init
-echo ERROR: JAVA_HOME is not set and no 'java' command could be found in your PATH.
-echo Please set the JAVA_HOME variable in your environment to match the
-echo location of your Java installation.
-goto fail
-set JAVA_EXE=%JAVA_HOME%/bin/java.exe
-if exist "%JAVA_EXE%" goto init
-echo ERROR: JAVA_HOME is set to an invalid directory: %JAVA_HOME%
-echo Please set the JAVA_HOME variable in your environment to match the
-echo location of your Java installation.
-goto fail
-@rem Get command-line arguments, handling Windows variants
-if not "%OS%" == "Windows_NT" goto win9xME_args
-@rem Slurp the command line arguments.
-set _SKIP=2
-if "x%~1" == "x" goto execute
-@rem Setup the command line
-set CLASSPATH=%APP_HOME%\gradle\wrapper\gradle-wrapper.jar
-@rem Execute Gradle
-"%JAVA_EXE%" %DEFAULT_JVM_OPTS% %JAVA_OPTS% %GRADLE_OPTS% "-Dorg.gradle.appname=%APP_BASE_NAME%" -classpath "%CLASSPATH%" org.gradle.wrapper.GradleWrapperMain %CMD_LINE_ARGS%
-@rem End local scope for the variables with windows NT shell
-if "%ERRORLEVEL%"=="0" goto mainEnd
-rem Set variable GRADLE_EXIT_CONSOLE if you need the _script_ return code instead of
-rem the _cmd.exe /c_ return code!
-if not "" == "%GRADLE_EXIT_CONSOLE%" exit 1
-exit /b 1
-if "%OS%"=="Windows_NT" endlocal
diff --git a/project/.sbtopts b/project/.sbtopts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5a87016
--- /dev/null
+++ b/project/.sbtopts
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/project/Dependencies.scala b/project/Dependencies.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1d63148
--- /dev/null
+++ b/project/Dependencies.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2017-2020 Lenses.io Ltd
+ */
+import sbt._
+trait Dependencies {
+ object Versions {
+ val scalaLoggingVersion = "3.9.5"
+ val kafkaVersion = "3.4.0"
+ val vaultVersion = "5.1.0"
+ val azureKeyVaultVersion = "4.5.2"
+ val azureIdentityVersion = "1.8.0"
+ val awsSecretsVersion = "1.12.411"
+ //test
+ val scalaTestVersion = "3.2.15"
+ val mockitoVersion = ""
+ val byteBuddyVersion = "1.14.0"
+ val slf4jVersion = "2.0.5"
+ val commonsIOVersion = "1.3.2"
+ val jettyVersion = "11.0.13"
+ val testContainersVersion = "1.12.3"
+ val flexmarkVersion = "0.64.0"
+ val scalaCollectionCompatVersion = "2.8.1"
+ val jakartaServletVersion = "6.0.0"
+ }
+ object Dependencies {
+ import Versions._
+ val `scala-logging` =
+ "com.typesafe.scala-logging" %% "scala-logging" % scalaLoggingVersion
+ val `kafka-connect-api` = "org.apache.kafka" % "connect-api" % kafkaVersion
+ val `vault-java-driver` =
+ "com.bettercloud" % "vault-java-driver" % vaultVersion
+ val `azure-key-vault` =
+ "com.azure" % "azure-security-keyvault-secrets" % azureKeyVaultVersion
+ val `azure-identity` = "com.azure" % "azure-identity" % azureIdentityVersion
+ val `aws-secrets-manager` =
+ "com.amazonaws" % "aws-java-sdk-secretsmanager" % awsSecretsVersion
+ val `mockito` = "org.scalatestplus" %% "mockito-4-6" % mockitoVersion
+ val `scalatest` = "org.scalatest" %% "scalatest" % scalaTestVersion
+ val `jetty` = "org.eclipse.jetty" % "jetty-server" % jettyVersion
+ val `commons-io` = "org.apache.commons" % "commons-io" % commonsIOVersion
+ val `flexmark` = "com.vladsch.flexmark" % "flexmark-all" % flexmarkVersion
+ val `slf4j-api` = "org.slf4j" % "slf4j-api" % slf4jVersion
+ val `slf4j-simple` = "org.slf4j" % "slf4j-simple" % slf4jVersion
+ val `byteBuddy` = "net.bytebuddy" % "byte-buddy" % byteBuddyVersion
+ val `scalaCollectionCompat` =
+ "org.scala-lang.modules" %% "scala-collection-compat" % scalaCollectionCompatVersion
+ val `jakartaServlet` =
+ "jakarta.servlet" % "jakarta.servlet-api" % jakartaServletVersion
+ }
+ import Dependencies._
+ val secretProviderDeps = Seq(
+ `scala-logging`,
+ `kafka-connect-api` % Provided,
+ `vault-java-driver`,
+ `azure-key-vault`,
+ `azure-identity` exclude ("javax.activation", "activation"),
+ `aws-secrets-manager`,
+ `scalaCollectionCompat`,
+ `jakartaServlet` % Test,
+ `mockito` % Test,
+ `byteBuddy` % Test,
+ `scalatest` % Test,
+ `jetty` % Test,
+ `commons-io` % Test,
+ `flexmark` % Test,
+ `slf4j-api` % Test,
+ `slf4j-simple` % Test
+ )
diff --git a/project/Settings.scala b/project/Settings.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6a7edd4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/project/Settings.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2017-2020 Lenses.io Ltd
+ */
+import sbt.Keys._
+import sbt._
+import sbtassembly.AssemblyKeys._
+import sbtassembly.MergeStrategy
+object Settings extends Dependencies {
+ val scala212 = "2.12.14"
+ val scala213 = "2.13.10"
+ val scala3 = "3.2.2"
+ val nextVersion = "2.1.7"
+ val artifactVersion = {
+ sys.env.get("LENSES_TAG_NAME") match {
+ case Some(tag) => tag
+ case _ => s"$nextVersion-SNAPSHOT"
+ }
+ }
+ object ScalacFlags {
+ val FatalWarnings212 = "-Xfatal-warnings"
+ val FatalWarnings213 = "-Werror"
+ val WarnUnusedImports212 = "-Ywarn-unused-import"
+ val WarnUnusedImports213 = "-Ywarn-unused:imports"
+ }
+ val modulesSettings: Seq[Setting[_]] = Seq(
+ organization := "io.lenses",
+ version := artifactVersion,
+ scalaOrganization := "org.scala-lang",
+ resolvers ++= Seq(
+ Resolver.mavenLocal,
+ Resolver.mavenCentral
+ ),
+ libraryDependencies ++= secretProviderDeps,
+ crossScalaVersions := List( /*scala3, */ scala213 /*scala212*/ ),
+ Compile / scalacOptions ++= Seq(
+ "-release:11",
+ "-encoding",
+ "utf8",
+ "-deprecation",
+ "-unchecked",
+ "-feature",
+ "11"
+ ),
+ Compile / scalacOptions ++= {
+ CrossVersion.partialVersion(scalaVersion.value) match {
+ case Some((2, n)) if n <= 12 =>
+ Seq(
+ "-Ypartial-unification",
+ ScalacFlags.WarnUnusedImports212
+ )
+ case _ =>
+ Seq(
+ ScalacFlags.WarnUnusedImports213
+ )
+ }
+ },
+ Compile / console / scalacOptions --= Seq(
+ ScalacFlags.FatalWarnings212,
+ ScalacFlags.FatalWarnings213,
+ ScalacFlags.WarnUnusedImports212,
+ ScalacFlags.WarnUnusedImports213
+ ),
+ assembly / assemblyJarName := s"secret-provider_${SemanticVersioning(scalaVersion.value).majorMinor}-${artifactVersion}-all.jar",
+ assembly / assemblyExcludedJars := {
+ val cp = (assembly / fullClasspath).value
+ val excludes = Set(
+ "org.apache.avro",
+ "org.apache.kafka",
+ "io.confluent",
+ "org.apache.zookeeper"
+ )
+ cp filter { f => excludes.exists(f.data.getName.contains(_)) }
+ },
+ assembly / assemblyMergeStrategy := {
+ case "module-info.class" => MergeStrategy.discard
+ case x if x.contains("io.netty.versions.properties") =>
+ MergeStrategy.concat
+ case x =>
+ val oldStrategy = (assembly / assemblyMergeStrategy).value
+ oldStrategy(x)
+ },
+ Test / fork := true
+ )
diff --git a/project/Versioning.scala b/project/Versioning.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bcfc176
--- /dev/null
+++ b/project/Versioning.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+import java.util.regex.{Matcher, Pattern}
+case class SemanticVersioning(version: String) {
+ private val versionPattern: Pattern =
+ Pattern.compile("([1-9]\\d*)\\.(\\d+)\\.(\\d+)(?:-([a-zA-Z0-9]+))?")
+ private val matcher: Matcher = versionPattern.matcher(version)
+ def majorMinor = {
+ require(matcher.matches())
+ s"${matcher.group(1)}.${matcher.group(2)}"
+ }
diff --git a/project/build.properties b/project/build.properties
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..875272d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/project/build.properties
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/project/plugins.sbt b/project/plugins.sbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a2af00e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/project/plugins.sbt
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+addSbtPlugin("com.eed3si9n" % "sbt-assembly" % "0.15.0")
+addSbtPlugin("org.scalameta" % "sbt-scalafmt" % "2.5.0")
diff --git a/src/main/scala/io/lenses/connect/secrets/async/AsyncFunctionLoop.scala b/src/main/scala/io/lenses/connect/secrets/async/AsyncFunctionLoop.scala
index 2de7ca8..e7575f5 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/io/lenses/connect/secrets/async/AsyncFunctionLoop.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/io/lenses/connect/secrets/async/AsyncFunctionLoop.scala
@@ -6,17 +6,14 @@
package io.lenses.connect.secrets.async
-import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean
-import java.util.concurrent.Executors
-import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit
-import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong
import com.typesafe.scalalogging.StrictLogging
+import java.util.concurrent.atomic.{AtomicBoolean, AtomicLong}
+import java.util.concurrent.{Executors, TimeUnit}
import scala.concurrent.duration.Duration
class AsyncFunctionLoop(interval: Duration, description: String)(thunk: => Unit)
- extends AutoCloseable
+ extends AutoCloseable
with StrictLogging {
private val running = new AtomicBoolean(false)
@@ -28,7 +25,9 @@ class AsyncFunctionLoop(interval: Duration, description: String)(thunk: => Unit)
if (!running.compareAndSet(false, true)) {
throw new IllegalStateException(s"$description already running.")
- logger.info(s"Starting $description loop with an interval of ${interval.toMillis}ms.")
+ logger.info(
+ s"Starting $description loop with an interval of ${interval.toMillis}ms."
+ )
executorService.submit(new Runnable {
override def run(): Unit = {
while (running.get()) {
@@ -36,8 +35,7 @@ class AsyncFunctionLoop(interval: Duration, description: String)(thunk: => Unit)
- }
- catch {
+ } catch {
case _: InterruptedException =>
case t: Throwable =>
logger.warn("Failed to renew the Kerberos ticket", t)
diff --git a/src/main/scala/io/lenses/connect/secrets/config/AWSProviderConfig.scala b/src/main/scala/io/lenses/connect/secrets/config/AWSProviderConfig.scala
index 4af13e4..544368e 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/io/lenses/connect/secrets/config/AWSProviderConfig.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/io/lenses/connect/secrets/config/AWSProviderConfig.scala
@@ -1,64 +1,64 @@
- *
- * * Copyright 2017-2020 Lenses.io Ltd
- *
- */
-package io.lenses.connect.secrets.config
-import java.util
-import io.lenses.connect.secrets.connect.{AuthMode, _}
-import org.apache.kafka.common.config.ConfigDef.{Importance, Type}
-import org.apache.kafka.common.config.{AbstractConfig, ConfigDef}
-object AWSProviderConfig {
- val AWS_REGION: String = "aws.region"
- val AWS_ACCESS_KEY: String = "aws.access.key"
- val AWS_SECRET_KEY: String = "aws.secret.key"
- val AUTH_METHOD: String = "aws.auth.method"
- val config: ConfigDef = new ConfigDef()
- .define(
- Type.STRING,
- Importance.HIGH,
- "AWS region the Secrets manager is in"
- )
- .define(
- Type.STRING,
- null,
- Importance.HIGH,
- "AWS access key"
- )
- .define(
- null,
- Importance.HIGH,
- "AWS password key"
- )
- .define(
- Type.STRING,
- AuthMode.CREDENTIALS.toString,
- Importance.HIGH,
- """
- | AWS authenticate method, 'credentials' to use the provided credentials
- | or 'default' for the standard AWS provider chain.
- | Default is 'credentials'
- |""".stripMargin
- )
- .define(
- Type.STRING,
- "",
- Importance.MEDIUM,
- )
-case class AWSProviderConfig(props: util.Map[String, _])
- extends AbstractConfig(AWSProviderConfig.config, props)
+ *
+ * * Copyright 2017-2020 Lenses.io Ltd
+ *
+ */
+package io.lenses.connect.secrets.config
+import io.lenses.connect.secrets.connect.{AuthMode, _}
+import org.apache.kafka.common.config.ConfigDef.{Importance, Type}
+import org.apache.kafka.common.config.{AbstractConfig, ConfigDef}
+import java.util
+object AWSProviderConfig {
+ val AWS_REGION: String = "aws.region"
+ val AWS_ACCESS_KEY: String = "aws.access.key"
+ val AWS_SECRET_KEY: String = "aws.secret.key"
+ val AUTH_METHOD: String = "aws.auth.method"
+ val config: ConfigDef = new ConfigDef()
+ .define(
+ Type.STRING,
+ Importance.HIGH,
+ "AWS region the Secrets manager is in"
+ )
+ .define(
+ Type.STRING,
+ null,
+ Importance.HIGH,
+ "AWS access key"
+ )
+ .define(
+ null,
+ Importance.HIGH,
+ "AWS password key"
+ )
+ .define(
+ Type.STRING,
+ AuthMode.CREDENTIALS.toString,
+ Importance.HIGH,
+ """
+ | AWS authenticate method, 'credentials' to use the provided credentials
+ | or 'default' for the standard AWS provider chain.
+ | Default is 'credentials'
+ |""".stripMargin
+ )
+ .define(
+ Type.STRING,
+ "",
+ Importance.MEDIUM,
+ )
+case class AWSProviderConfig(props: util.Map[String, _])
+ extends AbstractConfig(AWSProviderConfig.config, props)
diff --git a/src/main/scala/io/lenses/connect/secrets/config/AWSProviderSettings.scala b/src/main/scala/io/lenses/connect/secrets/config/AWSProviderSettings.scala
index a5465c6..d11b096 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/io/lenses/connect/secrets/config/AWSProviderSettings.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/io/lenses/connect/secrets/config/AWSProviderSettings.scala
@@ -1,54 +1,54 @@
- *
- * * Copyright 2017-2020 Lenses.io Ltd
- *
- */
-package io.lenses.connect.secrets.config
-import io.lenses.connect.secrets.connect.AuthMode.AuthMode
-import io.lenses.connect.secrets.connect._
-import org.apache.kafka.common.config.types.Password
-import org.apache.kafka.connect.errors.ConnectException
-case class AWSProviderSettings(
- region: String,
- accessKey: String,
- secretKey: Password,
- authMode: AuthMode,
- fileDir: String
-import AbstractConfigExtensions._
-object AWSProviderSettings {
- def apply(configs: AWSProviderConfig): AWSProviderSettings = {
- val region = configs.getStringOrThrowOnNull(AWSProviderConfig.AWS_REGION)
- val accessKey =
- configs.getStringOrThrowOnNull(AWSProviderConfig.AWS_ACCESS_KEY)
- val secretKey =
- configs.getPasswordOrThrowOnNull(AWSProviderConfig.AWS_SECRET_KEY)
- val authMode =
- getAuthenticationMethod(configs.getString(AWSProviderConfig.AUTH_METHOD))
- if (authMode == AuthMode.CREDENTIALS) {
- if (accessKey.isEmpty)
- throw new ConnectException(
- s"${AWSProviderConfig.AWS_ACCESS_KEY} not set"
- )
- if (secretKey.value().isEmpty)
- throw new ConnectException(
- s"${AWSProviderConfig.AWS_SECRET_KEY} not set"
- )
- }
- val fileDir = configs.getString(FILE_DIR)
- new AWSProviderSettings(
- region = region,
- accessKey = accessKey,
- secretKey = secretKey,
- authMode = authMode,
- fileDir = fileDir
- )
- }
+ *
+ * * Copyright 2017-2020 Lenses.io Ltd
+ *
+ */
+package io.lenses.connect.secrets.config
+import io.lenses.connect.secrets.connect.AuthMode.AuthMode
+import io.lenses.connect.secrets.connect._
+import org.apache.kafka.common.config.types.Password
+import org.apache.kafka.connect.errors.ConnectException
+case class AWSProviderSettings(
+ region: String,
+ accessKey: String,
+ secretKey: Password,
+ authMode: AuthMode,
+ fileDir: String
+import io.lenses.connect.secrets.config.AbstractConfigExtensions._
+object AWSProviderSettings {
+ def apply(configs: AWSProviderConfig): AWSProviderSettings = {
+ val region = configs.getStringOrThrowOnNull(AWSProviderConfig.AWS_REGION)
+ val accessKey =
+ configs.getStringOrThrowOnNull(AWSProviderConfig.AWS_ACCESS_KEY)
+ val secretKey =
+ configs.getPasswordOrThrowOnNull(AWSProviderConfig.AWS_SECRET_KEY)
+ val authMode =
+ getAuthenticationMethod(configs.getString(AWSProviderConfig.AUTH_METHOD))
+ if (authMode == AuthMode.CREDENTIALS) {
+ if (accessKey.isEmpty)
+ throw new ConnectException(
+ s"${AWSProviderConfig.AWS_ACCESS_KEY} not set"
+ )
+ if (secretKey.value().isEmpty)
+ throw new ConnectException(
+ s"${AWSProviderConfig.AWS_SECRET_KEY} not set"
+ )
+ }
+ val fileDir = configs.getString(FILE_DIR)
+ new AWSProviderSettings(
+ region = region,
+ accessKey = accessKey,
+ secretKey = secretKey,
+ authMode = authMode,
+ fileDir = fileDir
+ )
+ }
diff --git a/src/main/scala/io/lenses/connect/secrets/config/AbstractConfigProvider.scala b/src/main/scala/io/lenses/connect/secrets/config/AbstractConfigExtensions.scala
similarity index 96%
rename from src/main/scala/io/lenses/connect/secrets/config/AbstractConfigProvider.scala
rename to src/main/scala/io/lenses/connect/secrets/config/AbstractConfigExtensions.scala
index f4b3e19..5cebe46 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/io/lenses/connect/secrets/config/AbstractConfigProvider.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/io/lenses/connect/secrets/config/AbstractConfigExtensions.scala
@@ -1,29 +1,29 @@
- *
- * * Copyright 2017-2020 Lenses.io Ltd
- *
- */
-package io.lenses.connect.secrets.config
-import org.apache.kafka.common.config.types.Password
-import org.apache.kafka.common.config.AbstractConfig
-import org.apache.kafka.connect.errors.ConnectException
-object AbstractConfigExtensions {
- implicit class AbstractConfigExtension(val config: AbstractConfig)
- extends AnyVal {
- def getStringOrThrowOnNull(field: String): String =
- Option(config.getString(field)).getOrElse(raiseException(field))
- def getPasswordOrThrowOnNull(field: String): Password = {
- val password = config.getPassword(field)
- if (password == null) raiseException(field)
- password
- }
- private def raiseException(fieldName: String) = throw new ConnectException(
- s"$fieldName not set"
- )
- }
+ *
+ * * Copyright 2017-2020 Lenses.io Ltd
+ *
+ */
+package io.lenses.connect.secrets.config
+import org.apache.kafka.common.config.AbstractConfig
+import org.apache.kafka.common.config.types.Password
+import org.apache.kafka.connect.errors.ConnectException
+object AbstractConfigExtensions {
+ implicit class AbstractConfigExtension(val config: AbstractConfig)
+ extends AnyVal {
+ def getStringOrThrowOnNull(field: String): String =
+ Option(config.getString(field)).getOrElse(raiseException(field))
+ def getPasswordOrThrowOnNull(field: String): Password = {
+ val password = config.getPassword(field)
+ if (password == null) raiseException(field)
+ password
+ }
+ private def raiseException(fieldName: String) = throw new ConnectException(
+ s"$fieldName not set"
+ )
+ }
diff --git a/src/main/scala/io/lenses/connect/secrets/config/Aes256DecodingProviderConfig.scala b/src/main/scala/io/lenses/connect/secrets/config/Aes256ProviderConfig.scala
similarity index 77%
rename from src/main/scala/io/lenses/connect/secrets/config/Aes256DecodingProviderConfig.scala
rename to src/main/scala/io/lenses/connect/secrets/config/Aes256ProviderConfig.scala
index 717367e..8c164e1 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/io/lenses/connect/secrets/config/Aes256DecodingProviderConfig.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/io/lenses/connect/secrets/config/Aes256ProviderConfig.scala
@@ -1,13 +1,14 @@
package io.lenses.connect.secrets.config
import io.lenses.connect.secrets.connect.{FILE_DIR, FILE_DIR_DESC}
-import org.apache.kafka.common.config.{AbstractConfig, ConfigDef}
import org.apache.kafka.common.config.ConfigDef.{Importance, Type}
+import org.apache.kafka.common.config.{AbstractConfig, ConfigDef}
import java.util
object Aes256ProviderConfig {
val SECRET_KEY = "aes256.key"
val config = new ConfigDef()
@@ -26,7 +27,7 @@ object Aes256ProviderConfig {
case class Aes256ProviderConfig(props: util.Map[String, _])
- extends AbstractConfig(Aes256ProviderConfig.config, props) {
- def aes256Key: String = getString(Aes256ProviderConfig.SECRET_KEY)
- def writeDirectory: String = getString(FILE_DIR)
- }
+ extends AbstractConfig(Aes256ProviderConfig.config, props) {
+ def aes256Key: String = getString(Aes256ProviderConfig.SECRET_KEY)
+ def writeDirectory: String = getString(FILE_DIR)
diff --git a/src/main/scala/io/lenses/connect/secrets/config/AzureProviderConfig.scala b/src/main/scala/io/lenses/connect/secrets/config/AzureProviderConfig.scala
index d05fcb4..a8b5c5e 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/io/lenses/connect/secrets/config/AzureProviderConfig.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/io/lenses/connect/secrets/config/AzureProviderConfig.scala
@@ -1,65 +1,65 @@
- *
- * * Copyright 2017-2020 Lenses.io Ltd
- *
- */
-package io.lenses.connect.secrets.config
-import java.util
-import io.lenses.connect.secrets.connect._
-import org.apache.kafka.common.config.ConfigDef.{Importance, Type}
-import org.apache.kafka.common.config.{AbstractConfig, ConfigDef}
-object AzureProviderConfig {
- val AZURE_CLIENT_ID = "azure.client.id"
- val AZURE_TENANT_ID = "azure.tenant.id"
- val AZURE_SECRET_ID = "azure.secret.id"
- val AUTH_METHOD = "azure.auth.method"
- val config: ConfigDef = new ConfigDef()
- .define(
- Type.STRING,
- null,
- Importance.HIGH,
- "Azure client id for the service principal"
- )
- .define(
- Type.STRING,
- null,
- Importance.HIGH,
- "Azure tenant id for the service principal"
- )
- .define(
- null,
- Importance.HIGH,
- "Azure secret id for the service principal"
- )
- .define(
- Type.STRING,
- AuthMode.CREDENTIALS.toString,
- Importance.MEDIUM,
- """
- |Azure authenticate method, 'credentials' to use the provided credentials or
- |'default' for the standard Azure provider chain
- |Default is 'credentials'
- |""".stripMargin
- )
- .define(
- Type.STRING,
- "",
- Importance.MEDIUM,
- )
-case class AzureProviderConfig(props: util.Map[String, _])
- extends AbstractConfig(AzureProviderConfig.config, props)
+ *
+ * * Copyright 2017-2020 Lenses.io Ltd
+ *
+ */
+package io.lenses.connect.secrets.config
+import io.lenses.connect.secrets.connect._
+import org.apache.kafka.common.config.ConfigDef.{Importance, Type}
+import org.apache.kafka.common.config.{AbstractConfig, ConfigDef}
+import java.util
+object AzureProviderConfig {
+ val AZURE_CLIENT_ID = "azure.client.id"
+ val AZURE_TENANT_ID = "azure.tenant.id"
+ val AZURE_SECRET_ID = "azure.secret.id"
+ val AUTH_METHOD = "azure.auth.method"
+ val config: ConfigDef = new ConfigDef()
+ .define(
+ Type.STRING,
+ null,
+ Importance.HIGH,
+ "Azure client id for the service principal"
+ )
+ .define(
+ Type.STRING,
+ null,
+ Importance.HIGH,
+ "Azure tenant id for the service principal"
+ )
+ .define(
+ null,
+ Importance.HIGH,
+ "Azure secret id for the service principal"
+ )
+ .define(
+ Type.STRING,
+ AuthMode.CREDENTIALS.toString,
+ Importance.MEDIUM,
+ """
+ |Azure authenticate method, 'credentials' to use the provided credentials or
+ |'default' for the standard Azure provider chain
+ |Default is 'credentials'
+ |""".stripMargin
+ )
+ .define(
+ Type.STRING,
+ "",
+ Importance.MEDIUM,
+ )
+case class AzureProviderConfig(props: util.Map[String, _])
+ extends AbstractConfig(AzureProviderConfig.config, props)
diff --git a/src/main/scala/io/lenses/connect/secrets/config/AzureProviderSettings.scala b/src/main/scala/io/lenses/connect/secrets/config/AzureProviderSettings.scala
index cab4fec..31d58ce 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/io/lenses/connect/secrets/config/AzureProviderSettings.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/io/lenses/connect/secrets/config/AzureProviderSettings.scala
@@ -1,63 +1,63 @@
- *
- * * Copyright 2017-2020 Lenses.io Ltd
- *
- */
-package io.lenses.connect.secrets.config
-import com.typesafe.scalalogging.StrictLogging
-import io.lenses.connect.secrets.connect.AuthMode.AuthMode
-import io.lenses.connect.secrets.connect._
-import org.apache.kafka.common.config.types.Password
-import org.apache.kafka.connect.errors.ConnectException
-case class AzureProviderSettings(
- clientId: String,
- tenantId: String,
- secretId: Password,
- authMode: AuthMode,
- fileDir: String
-import AbstractConfigExtensions._
-object AzureProviderSettings extends StrictLogging {
- def apply(config: AzureProviderConfig): AzureProviderSettings = {
- val authMode = getAuthenticationMethod(
- config.getString(AzureProviderConfig.AUTH_METHOD)
- )
- if (authMode == AuthMode.CREDENTIALS) {
- val clientId =
- config.getStringOrThrowOnNull(AzureProviderConfig.AZURE_CLIENT_ID)
- val tenantId =
- config.getStringOrThrowOnNull(AzureProviderConfig.AZURE_TENANT_ID)
- val secretId =
- config.getPasswordOrThrowOnNull(AzureProviderConfig.AZURE_SECRET_ID)
- if (clientId.isEmpty)
- throw new ConnectException(
- s"${AzureProviderConfig.AZURE_CLIENT_ID} not set"
- )
- if (tenantId.isEmpty)
- throw new ConnectException(
- s"${AzureProviderConfig.AZURE_TENANT_ID} not set"
- )
- if (secretId.value().isEmpty)
- throw new ConnectException(
- s"${AzureProviderConfig.AZURE_SECRET_ID} not set"
- )
- }
- val fileDir = config.getString(FILE_DIR)
- AzureProviderSettings(
- clientId = config.getString(AzureProviderConfig.AZURE_CLIENT_ID),
- tenantId = config.getString(AzureProviderConfig.AZURE_TENANT_ID),
- secretId = config.getPassword(AzureProviderConfig.AZURE_SECRET_ID),
- authMode = authMode,
- fileDir = fileDir
- )
- }
+ *
+ * * Copyright 2017-2020 Lenses.io Ltd
+ *
+ */
+package io.lenses.connect.secrets.config
+import com.typesafe.scalalogging.StrictLogging
+import io.lenses.connect.secrets.connect.AuthMode.AuthMode
+import io.lenses.connect.secrets.connect._
+import org.apache.kafka.common.config.types.Password
+import org.apache.kafka.connect.errors.ConnectException
+case class AzureProviderSettings(
+ clientId: String,
+ tenantId: String,
+ secretId: Password,
+ authMode: AuthMode,
+ fileDir: String
+import io.lenses.connect.secrets.config.AbstractConfigExtensions._
+object AzureProviderSettings extends StrictLogging {
+ def apply(config: AzureProviderConfig): AzureProviderSettings = {
+ val authMode = getAuthenticationMethod(
+ config.getString(AzureProviderConfig.AUTH_METHOD)
+ )
+ if (authMode == AuthMode.CREDENTIALS) {
+ val clientId =
+ config.getStringOrThrowOnNull(AzureProviderConfig.AZURE_CLIENT_ID)
+ val tenantId =
+ config.getStringOrThrowOnNull(AzureProviderConfig.AZURE_TENANT_ID)
+ val secretId =
+ config.getPasswordOrThrowOnNull(AzureProviderConfig.AZURE_SECRET_ID)
+ if (clientId.isEmpty)
+ throw new ConnectException(
+ s"${AzureProviderConfig.AZURE_CLIENT_ID} not set"
+ )
+ if (tenantId.isEmpty)
+ throw new ConnectException(
+ s"${AzureProviderConfig.AZURE_TENANT_ID} not set"
+ )
+ if (secretId.value().isEmpty)
+ throw new ConnectException(
+ s"${AzureProviderConfig.AZURE_SECRET_ID} not set"
+ )
+ }
+ val fileDir = config.getString(FILE_DIR)
+ AzureProviderSettings(
+ clientId = config.getString(AzureProviderConfig.AZURE_CLIENT_ID),
+ tenantId = config.getString(AzureProviderConfig.AZURE_TENANT_ID),
+ secretId = config.getPassword(AzureProviderConfig.AZURE_SECRET_ID),
+ authMode = authMode,
+ fileDir = fileDir
+ )
+ }
diff --git a/src/main/scala/io/lenses/connect/secrets/config/ENVProviderConfig.scala b/src/main/scala/io/lenses/connect/secrets/config/ENVProviderConfig.scala
index fc8641e..e21f531 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/io/lenses/connect/secrets/config/ENVProviderConfig.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/io/lenses/connect/secrets/config/ENVProviderConfig.scala
@@ -1,26 +1,26 @@
- *
- * * Copyright 2017-2020 Lenses.io Ltd
- *
- */
-package io.lenses.connect.secrets.config
-import java.util
-import io.lenses.connect.secrets.connect.{FILE_DIR, FILE_DIR_DESC}
-import org.apache.kafka.common.config.{AbstractConfig, ConfigDef}
-import org.apache.kafka.common.config.ConfigDef.{Importance, Type}
-object ENVProviderConfig {
- val config = new ConfigDef().define(
- Type.STRING,
- "",
- Importance.MEDIUM,
- )
-case class ENVProviderConfig(props: util.Map[String, _])
- extends AbstractConfig(ENVProviderConfig.config, props)
+ *
+ * * Copyright 2017-2020 Lenses.io Ltd
+ *
+ */
+package io.lenses.connect.secrets.config
+import io.lenses.connect.secrets.connect.{FILE_DIR, FILE_DIR_DESC}
+import org.apache.kafka.common.config.ConfigDef.{Importance, Type}
+import org.apache.kafka.common.config.{AbstractConfig, ConfigDef}
+import java.util
+object ENVProviderConfig {
+ val config = new ConfigDef().define(
+ Type.STRING,
+ "",
+ Importance.MEDIUM,
+ )
+case class ENVProviderConfig(props: util.Map[String, _])
+ extends AbstractConfig(ENVProviderConfig.config, props)
diff --git a/src/main/scala/io/lenses/connect/secrets/config/VaultProviderConfig.scala b/src/main/scala/io/lenses/connect/secrets/config/VaultProviderConfig.scala
index 3df6828..05eb808 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/io/lenses/connect/secrets/config/VaultProviderConfig.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/io/lenses/connect/secrets/config/VaultProviderConfig.scala
@@ -1,362 +1,363 @@
- *
- * * Copyright 2017-2020 Lenses.io Ltd
- *
- */
-package io.lenses.connect.secrets.config
-import java.util
-import io.lenses.connect.secrets.connect.{FILE_DIR, FILE_DIR_DESC}
-import org.apache.kafka.common.config.ConfigDef.{Importance, Type}
-import org.apache.kafka.common.config.{AbstractConfig, ConfigDef, SslConfigs}
-object VaultAuthMethod extends Enumeration {
- type VaultAuthMethod = Value
- GITHUB = Value
- def withNameOpt(s: String): Option[Value] = values.find(_.toString == s)
-object VaultProviderConfig {
- val VAULT_ADDR: String = "vault.addr"
- val VAULT_TOKEN: String = "vault.token"
- val VAULT_NAMESPACE: String = "vault.namespace"
- val VAULT_CLIENT_PEM: String = "vault.client.pem"
- val VAULT_PEM: String = "vault.pem"
- val VAULT_ENGINE_VERSION = "vault.engine.version"
- val AUTH_METHOD: String = "vault.auth.method"
- val VAULT_KEYSTORE_LOC: String =
- val KUBERNETES_ROLE: String = "kubernetes.role"
- val KUBERNETES_TOKEN_PATH: String = "kubernetes.token.path"
- "/var/run/secrets/kubernetes.io/serviceaccount/token"
- val APP_ROLE: String = "app.role.id"
- val APP_ROLE_SECRET_ID: String = "app.role.secret.id"
- val AWS_ROLE: String = "aws.role"
- val AWS_REQUEST_URL: String = "aws.request.url"
- val AWS_REQUEST_HEADERS: String = "aws.request.headers"
- val AWS_REQUEST_BODY: String = "aws.request.body"
- val AWS_MOUNT: String = "aws.mount"
- val GCP_ROLE: String = "gcp.role"
- val GCP_JWT: String = "gcp.jwt"
- val LDAP_USERNAME: String = "ldap.username"
- val LDAP_PASSWORD: String = "ldap.password"
- val LDAP_MOUNT: String = "ldap.mount"
- val USERNAME: String = "username"
- val PASSWORD: String = "password"
- val UP_MOUNT: String = "mount"
- val JWT_ROLE: String = "jwt.role"
- val JWT_PROVIDER: String = "jwt.provider"
- val JWT: String = "jwt"
- val CERT_MOUNT: String = "cert.mount"
- val GITHUB_TOKEN: String = "github.token"
- val GITHUB_MOUNT: String = "github.mount"
- val TOKEN_RENEWAL: String = "token.renewal.ms"
- val TOKEN_RENEWAL_DEFAULT: Int = 600000
- val config: ConfigDef = new ConfigDef()
- .define(
- ConfigDef.Type.STRING,
- "http://localhost:8200",
- Importance.HIGH,
- "Address of the Vault server"
- )
- .define(
- ConfigDef.Type.PASSWORD,
- null,
- Importance.HIGH,
- s"Vault app role token. $AUTH_METHOD must be 'token'"
- )
- .define(
- Type.STRING,
- "",
- Importance.MEDIUM,
- "Sets a global namespace to the Vault server instance. Required Vault Enterprize Pro"
- )
- .define(
- ConfigDef.Type.STRING,
- "",
- ConfigDef.Importance.HIGH,
- )
- .define(
- ConfigDef.Type.PASSWORD,
- "",
- ConfigDef.Importance.HIGH,
- )
- .define(
- ConfigDef.Type.STRING,
- "",
- ConfigDef.Importance.HIGH,
- )
- .define(
- Type.STRING,
- "",
- Importance.HIGH,
- "File containing the Vault server certificate string contents"
- )
- .define(
- Type.STRING,
- "",
- Importance.HIGH,
- "File containing the Client certificate string contents"
- )
- .define(
- Type.INT,
- 2,
- Importance.HIGH,
- "KV Secrets Engine version of the Vault server instance. Defaults to 2"
- )
- // auth mode
- .define(
- Type.STRING,
- "token",
- Importance.HIGH,
- """
- |The authentication mode for Vault.
- |Available values are approle, userpass, kubernetes, cert, token, ldap, gcp, awsiam, jwt, github
- |
- |""".stripMargin
- )
- // app role auth mode
- .define(
- Type.STRING,
- null,
- Importance.HIGH,
- s"Vault App role id. $AUTH_METHOD must be 'approle'"
- )
- .define(
- null,
- Importance.HIGH,
- s"Vault App role name secret id. $AUTH_METHOD must be 'approle'"
- )
- // userpass
- .define(
- Type.STRING,
- null,
- Importance.HIGH,
- s"Username to connect to Vault with. $AUTH_METHOD must be 'userpass'"
- )
- .define(
- null,
- Importance.HIGH,
- s"Password for the username. $AUTH_METHOD must be 'uerspass'"
- )
- .define(
- Type.STRING,
- "userpass",
- Importance.HIGH,
- s"The mount name of the userpass authentication back end. Defaults to 'userpass'. $AUTH_METHOD must be 'userpass'"
- )
- // kubernetes
- .define(
- Type.STRING,
- null,
- Importance.HIGH,
- s"The kubernetes role used for authentication. $AUTH_METHOD must be 'kubernetes'"
- )
- .define(
- Type.STRING,
- Importance.HIGH,
- s"""
- | s"Path to the service account token. $AUTH_METHOD must be 'kubernetes'.
- | $AUTH_METHOD must be '
- |""".stripMargin
- )
- // awsiam
- .define(
- Type.STRING,
- null,
- Importance.HIGH,
- s"""
- |Name of the role against which the login is being attempted. If role is not specified, t
- in endpoint
- |looks for a role bearing the name of the AMI ID of the EC2 instance that is trying to
- ing the ec2
- |auth method, or the "friendly name" (i.e., role name or username) of the IAM pr
- henticated.
- |If a matching role is not found, login fails. $AUTH_METHOD
- must be 'awsiam'
- |""".stripMargin
- )
- .define(
- Type.STRING,
- null,
- Importance.HIGH,
- s"""
- |PKCS7 signature of the identity document with all \n characters removed.Base64-encoded Hsed in the signed request.
- |Most likely just aHR0cHM6Ly9zdHMuYW1hem9uYXdzLmNvbS8= (base64-encoding of https://sts.amom/) as most requests will
- |probably use POST with an empty URI. $AUTH_METHOD must be 'awsiam'
- |""".stripMargin
- )
- .define(
- null,
- Importance.HIGH,
- s"Request headers. $AUTH_METHOD must be 'awsiam'"
- )
- .define(
- null,
- Importance.HIGH,
- s"""
- ded body of the signed request.
- |Most likely QWN0aW9uPUdldENhbGxlcklkZ
- nNpb249MjAxMS0wNi0xNQ== which is
- |the base64 encoding of Action=GetCallerIdentity&Versi
- 5. $AUTH_METHOD must be 'awsiam'
- |""".stripMargin
- )
- .define(
- Type.STRING,
- "aws",
- Importance.HIGH,
- s"AWS auth mount. $AUTH_METHOD must be 'awsiam'. Default 'aws'"
- )
- //ldap
- .define(
- Type.STRING,
- null,
- Importance.HIGH,
- s"LDAP username to connect to Vault with. $AUTH_METHOD must be 'ldap'"
- )
- .define(
- null,
- Importance.HIGH,
- s"LDAP Password for the username. $AUTH_METHOD must be 'ldap'"
- )
- .define(
- Type.STRING,
- "ldap",
- Importance.HIGH,
- s"The mount name of the ldap authentication back end. Defaults to 'ldap'. $AUTH_METHOD must be 'ldap'"
- )
- //jwt
- .define(
- Type.STRING,
- null,
- Importance.HIGH,
- s"Role the JWT token belongs to. $AUTH_METHOD must be 'jwt'"
- )
- .define(
- Type.STRING,
- null,
- Importance.HIGH,
- s"Provider of JWT token. $AUTH_METHOD must be 'jwt'"
- )
- .define(
- JWT,
- null,
- Importance.HIGH,
- s"JWT token. $AUTH_METHOD must be 'jwt'"
- )
- //gcp
- .define(
- Type.STRING,
- null,
- Importance.HIGH,
- s"The gcp role used for authentication. $AUTH_METHOD must be 'gcp'"
- )
- .define(
- null,
- Importance.HIGH,
- s"JWT token. $AUTH_METHOD must be 'gcp'"
- )
- // cert mount
- .define(
- Type.STRING,
- "cert",
- Importance.HIGH,
- s"The mount name of the cert authentication back end. Defaults to 'cert'. $AUTH_METHOD must be 'cert'"
- )
- .define(
- null,
- Importance.HIGH,
- s"The github app-id used for authentication. $AUTH_METHOD must be 'github'"
- )
- .define(
- Type.STRING,
- "github",
- Importance.HIGH,
- s"The mount name of the github authentication back end. Defaults to 'cert'. $AUTH_METHOD must be 'github'"
- )
- .define(
- Type.STRING,
- "",
- Importance.MEDIUM,
- ).define(
- Type.INT,
- Importance.MEDIUM,
- "The time in milliseconds to renew the Vault token"
- )
-case class VaultProviderConfig(props: util.Map[String, _])
- extends AbstractConfig(VaultProviderConfig.config, props)
+ *
+ * * Copyright 2017-2020 Lenses.io Ltd
+ *
+ */
+package io.lenses.connect.secrets.config
+import io.lenses.connect.secrets.connect.{FILE_DIR, FILE_DIR_DESC}
+import org.apache.kafka.common.config.ConfigDef.{Importance, Type}
+import org.apache.kafka.common.config.{AbstractConfig, ConfigDef, SslConfigs}
+import java.util
+object VaultAuthMethod extends Enumeration {
+ type VaultAuthMethod = Value
+ GITHUB = Value
+ def withNameOpt(s: String): Option[Value] = values.find(_.toString == s)
+object VaultProviderConfig {
+ val VAULT_ADDR: String = "vault.addr"
+ val VAULT_TOKEN: String = "vault.token"
+ val VAULT_NAMESPACE: String = "vault.namespace"
+ val VAULT_CLIENT_PEM: String = "vault.client.pem"
+ val VAULT_PEM: String = "vault.pem"
+ val VAULT_ENGINE_VERSION = "vault.engine.version"
+ val AUTH_METHOD: String = "vault.auth.method"
+ val VAULT_KEYSTORE_LOC: String =
+ val KUBERNETES_ROLE: String = "kubernetes.role"
+ val KUBERNETES_TOKEN_PATH: String = "kubernetes.token.path"
+ "/var/run/secrets/kubernetes.io/serviceaccount/token"
+ val APP_ROLE: String = "app.role.id"
+ val APP_ROLE_SECRET_ID: String = "app.role.secret.id"
+ val AWS_ROLE: String = "aws.role"
+ val AWS_REQUEST_URL: String = "aws.request.url"
+ val AWS_REQUEST_HEADERS: String = "aws.request.headers"
+ val AWS_REQUEST_BODY: String = "aws.request.body"
+ val AWS_MOUNT: String = "aws.mount"
+ val GCP_ROLE: String = "gcp.role"
+ val GCP_JWT: String = "gcp.jwt"
+ val LDAP_USERNAME: String = "ldap.username"
+ val LDAP_PASSWORD: String = "ldap.password"
+ val LDAP_MOUNT: String = "ldap.mount"
+ val USERNAME: String = "username"
+ val PASSWORD: String = "password"
+ val UP_MOUNT: String = "mount"
+ val JWT_ROLE: String = "jwt.role"
+ val JWT_PROVIDER: String = "jwt.provider"
+ val JWT: String = "jwt"
+ val CERT_MOUNT: String = "cert.mount"
+ val GITHUB_TOKEN: String = "github.token"
+ val GITHUB_MOUNT: String = "github.mount"
+ val TOKEN_RENEWAL: String = "token.renewal.ms"
+ val TOKEN_RENEWAL_DEFAULT: Int = 600000
+ val config: ConfigDef = new ConfigDef()
+ .define(
+ ConfigDef.Type.STRING,
+ "http://localhost:8200",
+ Importance.HIGH,
+ "Address of the Vault server"
+ )
+ .define(
+ ConfigDef.Type.PASSWORD,
+ null,
+ Importance.HIGH,
+ s"Vault app role token. $AUTH_METHOD must be 'token'"
+ )
+ .define(
+ Type.STRING,
+ "",
+ Importance.MEDIUM,
+ "Sets a global namespace to the Vault server instance. Required Vault Enterprize Pro"
+ )
+ .define(
+ ConfigDef.Type.STRING,
+ "",
+ ConfigDef.Importance.HIGH,
+ )
+ .define(
+ ConfigDef.Type.PASSWORD,
+ "",
+ ConfigDef.Importance.HIGH,
+ )
+ .define(
+ ConfigDef.Type.STRING,
+ "",
+ ConfigDef.Importance.HIGH,
+ )
+ .define(
+ Type.STRING,
+ "",
+ Importance.HIGH,
+ "File containing the Vault server certificate string contents"
+ )
+ .define(
+ Type.STRING,
+ "",
+ Importance.HIGH,
+ "File containing the Client certificate string contents"
+ )
+ .define(
+ Type.INT,
+ 2,
+ Importance.HIGH,
+ "KV Secrets Engine version of the Vault server instance. Defaults to 2"
+ )
+ // auth mode
+ .define(
+ Type.STRING,
+ "token",
+ Importance.HIGH,
+ """
+ |The authentication mode for Vault.
+ |Available values are approle, userpass, kubernetes, cert, token, ldap, gcp, awsiam, jwt, github
+ |
+ |""".stripMargin
+ )
+ // app role auth mode
+ .define(
+ Type.STRING,
+ null,
+ Importance.HIGH,
+ s"Vault App role id. $AUTH_METHOD must be 'approle'"
+ )
+ .define(
+ null,
+ Importance.HIGH,
+ s"Vault App role name secret id. $AUTH_METHOD must be 'approle'"
+ )
+ // userpass
+ .define(
+ Type.STRING,
+ null,
+ Importance.HIGH,
+ s"Username to connect to Vault with. $AUTH_METHOD must be 'userpass'"
+ )
+ .define(
+ null,
+ Importance.HIGH,
+ s"Password for the username. $AUTH_METHOD must be 'uerspass'"
+ )
+ .define(
+ Type.STRING,
+ "userpass",
+ Importance.HIGH,
+ s"The mount name of the userpass authentication back end. Defaults to 'userpass'. $AUTH_METHOD must be 'userpass'"
+ )
+ // kubernetes
+ .define(
+ Type.STRING,
+ null,
+ Importance.HIGH,
+ s"The kubernetes role used for authentication. $AUTH_METHOD must be 'kubernetes'"
+ )
+ .define(
+ Type.STRING,
+ Importance.HIGH,
+ s"""
+ | s"Path to the service account token. $AUTH_METHOD must be 'kubernetes'.
+ | $AUTH_METHOD must be '
+ |""".stripMargin
+ )
+ // awsiam
+ .define(
+ Type.STRING,
+ null,
+ Importance.HIGH,
+ s"""
+ |Name of the role against which the login is being attempted. If role is not specified, t
+ in endpoint
+ |looks for a role bearing the name of the AMI ID of the EC2 instance that is trying to
+ ing the ec2
+ |auth method, or the "friendly name" (i.e., role name or username) of the IAM pr
+ henticated.
+ |If a matching role is not found, login fails. $AUTH_METHOD
+ must be 'awsiam'
+ |""".stripMargin
+ )
+ .define(
+ Type.STRING,
+ null,
+ Importance.HIGH,
+ s"""
+ |PKCS7 signature of the identity document with all \n characters removed.Base64-encoded Hsed in the signed request.
+ |Most likely just aHR0cHM6Ly9zdHMuYW1hem9uYXdzLmNvbS8= (base64-encoding of https://sts.amom/) as most requests will
+ |probably use POST with an empty URI. $AUTH_METHOD must be 'awsiam'
+ |""".stripMargin
+ )
+ .define(
+ null,
+ Importance.HIGH,
+ s"Request headers. $AUTH_METHOD must be 'awsiam'"
+ )
+ .define(
+ null,
+ Importance.HIGH,
+ s"""
+ ded body of the signed request.
+ |Most likely QWN0aW9uPUdldENhbGxlcklkZ
+ nNpb249MjAxMS0wNi0xNQ== which is
+ |the base64 encoding of Action=GetCallerIdentity&Versi
+ 5. $AUTH_METHOD must be 'awsiam'
+ |""".stripMargin
+ )
+ .define(
+ Type.STRING,
+ "aws",
+ Importance.HIGH,
+ s"AWS auth mount. $AUTH_METHOD must be 'awsiam'. Default 'aws'"
+ )
+ //ldap
+ .define(
+ Type.STRING,
+ null,
+ Importance.HIGH,
+ s"LDAP username to connect to Vault with. $AUTH_METHOD must be 'ldap'"
+ )
+ .define(
+ null,
+ Importance.HIGH,
+ s"LDAP Password for the username. $AUTH_METHOD must be 'ldap'"
+ )
+ .define(
+ Type.STRING,
+ "ldap",
+ Importance.HIGH,
+ s"The mount name of the ldap authentication back end. Defaults to 'ldap'. $AUTH_METHOD must be 'ldap'"
+ )
+ //jwt
+ .define(
+ Type.STRING,
+ null,
+ Importance.HIGH,
+ s"Role the JWT token belongs to. $AUTH_METHOD must be 'jwt'"
+ )
+ .define(
+ Type.STRING,
+ null,
+ Importance.HIGH,
+ s"Provider of JWT token. $AUTH_METHOD must be 'jwt'"
+ )
+ .define(
+ JWT,
+ null,
+ Importance.HIGH,
+ s"JWT token. $AUTH_METHOD must be 'jwt'"
+ )
+ //gcp
+ .define(
+ Type.STRING,
+ null,
+ Importance.HIGH,
+ s"The gcp role used for authentication. $AUTH_METHOD must be 'gcp'"
+ )
+ .define(
+ null,
+ Importance.HIGH,
+ s"JWT token. $AUTH_METHOD must be 'gcp'"
+ )
+ // cert mount
+ .define(
+ Type.STRING,
+ "cert",
+ Importance.HIGH,
+ s"The mount name of the cert authentication back end. Defaults to 'cert'. $AUTH_METHOD must be 'cert'"
+ )
+ .define(
+ null,
+ Importance.HIGH,
+ s"The github app-id used for authentication. $AUTH_METHOD must be 'github'"
+ )
+ .define(
+ Type.STRING,
+ "github",
+ Importance.HIGH,
+ s"The mount name of the github authentication back end. Defaults to 'cert'. $AUTH_METHOD must be 'github'"
+ )
+ .define(
+ Type.STRING,
+ "",
+ Importance.MEDIUM,
+ )
+ .define(
+ Type.INT,
+ Importance.MEDIUM,
+ "The time in milliseconds to renew the Vault token"
+ )
+case class VaultProviderConfig(props: util.Map[String, _])
+ extends AbstractConfig(VaultProviderConfig.config, props)
diff --git a/src/main/scala/io/lenses/connect/secrets/config/VaultProviderSettings.scala b/src/main/scala/io/lenses/connect/secrets/config/VaultProviderSettings.scala
index cdf4fec..e7b61e9 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/io/lenses/connect/secrets/config/VaultProviderSettings.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/io/lenses/connect/secrets/config/VaultProviderSettings.scala
@@ -1,210 +1,215 @@
- *
- * * Copyright 2017-2020 Lenses.io Ltd
- *
- */
-package io.lenses.connect.secrets.config
-import com.typesafe.scalalogging.StrictLogging
-import io.lenses.connect.secrets.config.VaultAuthMethod.VaultAuthMethod
-import io.lenses.connect.secrets.connect._
-import AbstractConfigExtensions._
-import scala.concurrent.duration._
-import io.lenses.connect.secrets.config.VaultProviderConfig.TOKEN_RENEWAL
-import org.apache.kafka.common.config.types.Password
-import org.apache.kafka.connect.errors.ConnectException
-import scala.concurrent.duration.FiniteDuration
-import scala.io.Source
-import scala.util.{Failure, Success, Try}
-case class AwsIam(
- role: String,
- url: String,
- headers: Password,
- body: Password,
- mount: String
-case class Gcp(role: String, jwt: Password)
-case class Jwt(role: String, provider: String, jwt: Password)
-case class UserPass(username: String, password: Password, mount: String)
-case class Ldap(username: String, password: Password, mount: String)
-case class AppRole(role: String, secretId: Password)
-case class K8s(role: String, jwt: Password)
-case class Cert(mount: String)
-case class Github(token: Password, mount: String)
-case class VaultSettings(
- addr: String,
- namespace: String,
- token: Password,
- authMode: VaultAuthMethod,
- keystoreLoc: String,
- keystorePass: Password,
- truststoreLoc: String,
- pem: String,
- clientPem: String,
- engineVersion: Int = 2,
- appRole: Option[AppRole],
- awsIam: Option[AwsIam],
- gcp: Option[Gcp],
- jwt: Option[Jwt],
- userPass: Option[UserPass],
- ldap: Option[Ldap],
- k8s: Option[K8s],
- cert: Option[Cert],
- github: Option[Github],
- fileDir: String,
- tokenRenewal: FiniteDuration
-object VaultSettings extends StrictLogging {
- def apply(config: VaultProviderConfig): VaultSettings = {
- val addr = config.getString(VaultProviderConfig.VAULT_ADDR)
- val token = config.getPassword(VaultProviderConfig.VAULT_TOKEN)
- val namespace = config.getString(VaultProviderConfig.VAULT_NAMESPACE)
- val keystoreLoc = config.getString(VaultProviderConfig.VAULT_KEYSTORE_LOC)
- val keystorePass =
- config.getPassword(VaultProviderConfig.VAULT_KEYSTORE_PASS)
- val truststoreLoc =
- config.getString(VaultProviderConfig.VAULT_TRUSTSTORE_LOC)
- val pem = config.getString(VaultProviderConfig.VAULT_PEM)
- val clientPem = config.getString(VaultProviderConfig.VAULT_CLIENT_PEM)
- val engineVersion = config.getInt(VaultProviderConfig.VAULT_ENGINE_VERSION)
- val authMode = VaultAuthMethod.withNameOpt(
- config.getString(VaultProviderConfig.AUTH_METHOD).toUpperCase
- ) match {
- case Some(auth) => auth
- case None =>
- throw new ConnectException(
- s"Unsupported ${VaultProviderConfig.AUTH_METHOD}"
- )
- }
- val awsIam =
- if (authMode.equals(VaultAuthMethod.AWSIAM)) Some(getAWS(config))
- else None
- val gcp =
- if (authMode.equals(VaultAuthMethod.GCP)) Some(getGCP(config)) else None
- val appRole =
- if (authMode.equals(VaultAuthMethod.APPROLE)) Some(getAppRole(config))
- else None
- val jwt =
- if (authMode.equals(VaultAuthMethod.JWT)) Some(getJWT(config)) else None
- val k8s =
- if (authMode.equals(VaultAuthMethod.KUBERNETES)) Some(getK8s(config))
- else None
- val userpass =
- if (authMode.equals(VaultAuthMethod.USERPASS)) Some(getUserPass(config))
- else None
- val ldap =
- if (authMode.equals(VaultAuthMethod.LDAP)) Some(getLDAP(config)) else None
- val cert =
- if (authMode.equals(VaultAuthMethod.CERT)) Some(getCert(config)) else None
- val github =
- if (authMode.equals(VaultAuthMethod.GITHUB)) Some(getGitHub(config))
- else None
- val fileDir = config.getString(FILE_DIR)
- val tokenRenewal = config.getInt(TOKEN_RENEWAL).toInt.milliseconds
- VaultSettings(
- addr = addr,
- namespace = namespace,
- token = token,
- authMode = authMode,
- keystoreLoc = keystoreLoc,
- keystorePass = keystorePass,
- truststoreLoc = truststoreLoc,
- pem = pem,
- clientPem = clientPem,
- engineVersion = engineVersion,
- appRole = appRole,
- awsIam = awsIam,
- gcp = gcp,
- jwt = jwt,
- userPass = userpass,
- ldap = ldap,
- k8s = k8s,
- cert = cert,
- github = github,
- fileDir = fileDir,
- tokenRenewal = tokenRenewal
- )
- }
- def getCert(config: VaultProviderConfig): Cert =
- Cert(config.getString(VaultProviderConfig.CERT_MOUNT))
- def getGitHub(config: VaultProviderConfig): Github = {
- val token = config.getPasswordOrThrowOnNull(VaultProviderConfig.GITHUB_TOKEN)
- val mount = config.getStringOrThrowOnNull(VaultProviderConfig.GITHUB_MOUNT)
- Github(token = token, mount = mount)
- }
- def getAWS(config: VaultProviderConfig): AwsIam = {
- val role = config.getStringOrThrowOnNull(VaultProviderConfig.AWS_ROLE)
- val url = config.getStringOrThrowOnNull(VaultProviderConfig.AWS_REQUEST_URL)
- val headers = config.getPasswordOrThrowOnNull(VaultProviderConfig.AWS_REQUEST_HEADERS)
- val body = config.getPasswordOrThrowOnNull(VaultProviderConfig.AWS_REQUEST_BODY)
- val mount = config.getStringOrThrowOnNull(VaultProviderConfig.AWS_MOUNT)
- AwsIam(
- role = role,
- url = url,
- headers = headers,
- body = body,
- mount = mount
- )
- }
- def getAppRole(config: VaultProviderConfig): AppRole = {
- val role = config.getStringOrThrowOnNull(VaultProviderConfig.APP_ROLE)
- val secretId = config.getPasswordOrThrowOnNull(VaultProviderConfig.APP_ROLE_SECRET_ID)
- AppRole(role = role, secretId = secretId)
- }
- def getK8s(config: VaultProviderConfig): K8s = {
- val role = config.getStringOrThrowOnNull(VaultProviderConfig.KUBERNETES_ROLE)
- val path = config.getStringOrThrowOnNull(VaultProviderConfig.KUBERNETES_TOKEN_PATH)
- val file = Try(Source.fromFile(path)) match {
- case Success(file) => file
- case Failure(exception) =>
- throw new ConnectException(
- s"Failed to load kubernetes token file [$path]",
- exception
- )
- }
- val jwt = new Password(file.getLines.mkString)
- file.close()
- K8s(role = role, jwt = jwt)
- }
- def getUserPass(config: VaultProviderConfig): UserPass = {
- val user = config.getStringOrThrowOnNull(VaultProviderConfig.USERNAME)
- val pass = config.getPasswordOrThrowOnNull(VaultProviderConfig.PASSWORD)
- val mount = config.getStringOrThrowOnNull(VaultProviderConfig.UP_MOUNT)
- UserPass(username = user, password = pass, mount = mount)
- }
- def getLDAP(config: VaultProviderConfig): Ldap = {
- val user = config.getStringOrThrowOnNull(VaultProviderConfig.LDAP_USERNAME)
- val pass = config.getPasswordOrThrowOnNull(VaultProviderConfig.LDAP_PASSWORD)
- val mount = config.getStringOrThrowOnNull(VaultProviderConfig.LDAP_MOUNT)
- Ldap(username = user, password = pass, mount = mount)
- }
- def getGCP(config: VaultProviderConfig): Gcp = {
- val role = config.getStringOrThrowOnNull(VaultProviderConfig.GCP_ROLE)
- val jwt = config.getPasswordOrThrowOnNull(VaultProviderConfig.GCP_JWT)
- Gcp(role = role, jwt = jwt)
- }
- def getJWT(config: VaultProviderConfig): Jwt = {
- val role = config.getStringOrThrowOnNull(VaultProviderConfig.JWT_ROLE)
- val provider = config.getStringOrThrowOnNull(VaultProviderConfig.JWT_PROVIDER)
- val jwt = config.getPasswordOrThrowOnNull(VaultProviderConfig.JWT)
- Jwt(role = role, provider = provider, jwt = jwt)
- }
+ *
+ * * Copyright 2017-2020 Lenses.io Ltd
+ *
+ */
+package io.lenses.connect.secrets.config
+import com.typesafe.scalalogging.StrictLogging
+import io.lenses.connect.secrets.config.AbstractConfigExtensions._
+import io.lenses.connect.secrets.config.VaultAuthMethod.VaultAuthMethod
+import io.lenses.connect.secrets.config.VaultProviderConfig.TOKEN_RENEWAL
+import io.lenses.connect.secrets.connect._
+import org.apache.kafka.common.config.types.Password
+import org.apache.kafka.connect.errors.ConnectException
+import scala.concurrent.duration.{FiniteDuration, _}
+import scala.io.Source
+import scala.util.{Failure, Success, Using}
+case class AwsIam(
+ role: String,
+ url: String,
+ headers: Password,
+ body: Password,
+ mount: String
+case class Gcp(role: String, jwt: Password)
+case class Jwt(role: String, provider: String, jwt: Password)
+case class UserPass(username: String, password: Password, mount: String)
+case class Ldap(username: String, password: Password, mount: String)
+case class AppRole(role: String, secretId: Password)
+case class K8s(role: String, jwt: Password)
+case class Cert(mount: String)
+case class Github(token: Password, mount: String)
+case class VaultSettings(
+ addr: String,
+ namespace: String,
+ token: Password,
+ authMode: VaultAuthMethod,
+ keystoreLoc: String,
+ keystorePass: Password,
+ truststoreLoc: String,
+ pem: String,
+ clientPem: String,
+ engineVersion: Int = 2,
+ appRole: Option[AppRole],
+ awsIam: Option[AwsIam],
+ gcp: Option[Gcp],
+ jwt: Option[Jwt],
+ userPass: Option[UserPass],
+ ldap: Option[Ldap],
+ k8s: Option[K8s],
+ cert: Option[Cert],
+ github: Option[Github],
+ fileDir: String,
+ tokenRenewal: FiniteDuration
+object VaultSettings extends StrictLogging {
+ def apply(config: VaultProviderConfig): VaultSettings = {
+ val addr = config.getString(VaultProviderConfig.VAULT_ADDR)
+ val token = config.getPassword(VaultProviderConfig.VAULT_TOKEN)
+ val namespace = config.getString(VaultProviderConfig.VAULT_NAMESPACE)
+ val keystoreLoc = config.getString(VaultProviderConfig.VAULT_KEYSTORE_LOC)
+ val keystorePass =
+ config.getPassword(VaultProviderConfig.VAULT_KEYSTORE_PASS)
+ val truststoreLoc =
+ config.getString(VaultProviderConfig.VAULT_TRUSTSTORE_LOC)
+ val pem = config.getString(VaultProviderConfig.VAULT_PEM)
+ val clientPem = config.getString(VaultProviderConfig.VAULT_CLIENT_PEM)
+ val engineVersion = config.getInt(VaultProviderConfig.VAULT_ENGINE_VERSION)
+ val authMode = VaultAuthMethod.withNameOpt(
+ config.getString(VaultProviderConfig.AUTH_METHOD).toUpperCase
+ ) match {
+ case Some(auth) => auth
+ case None =>
+ throw new ConnectException(
+ s"Unsupported ${VaultProviderConfig.AUTH_METHOD}"
+ )
+ }
+ val awsIam =
+ if (authMode.equals(VaultAuthMethod.AWSIAM)) Some(getAWS(config))
+ else None
+ val gcp =
+ if (authMode.equals(VaultAuthMethod.GCP)) Some(getGCP(config)) else None
+ val appRole =
+ if (authMode.equals(VaultAuthMethod.APPROLE)) Some(getAppRole(config))
+ else None
+ val jwt =
+ if (authMode.equals(VaultAuthMethod.JWT)) Some(getJWT(config)) else None
+ val k8s =
+ if (authMode.equals(VaultAuthMethod.KUBERNETES)) Some(getK8s(config))
+ else None
+ val userpass =
+ if (authMode.equals(VaultAuthMethod.USERPASS)) Some(getUserPass(config))
+ else None
+ val ldap =
+ if (authMode.equals(VaultAuthMethod.LDAP)) Some(getLDAP(config)) else None
+ val cert =
+ if (authMode.equals(VaultAuthMethod.CERT)) Some(getCert(config)) else None
+ val github =
+ if (authMode.equals(VaultAuthMethod.GITHUB)) Some(getGitHub(config))
+ else None
+ val fileDir = config.getString(FILE_DIR)
+ val tokenRenewal = config.getInt(TOKEN_RENEWAL).toInt.milliseconds
+ VaultSettings(
+ addr = addr,
+ namespace = namespace,
+ token = token,
+ authMode = authMode,
+ keystoreLoc = keystoreLoc,
+ keystorePass = keystorePass,
+ truststoreLoc = truststoreLoc,
+ pem = pem,
+ clientPem = clientPem,
+ engineVersion = engineVersion,
+ appRole = appRole,
+ awsIam = awsIam,
+ gcp = gcp,
+ jwt = jwt,
+ userPass = userpass,
+ ldap = ldap,
+ k8s = k8s,
+ cert = cert,
+ github = github,
+ fileDir = fileDir,
+ tokenRenewal = tokenRenewal
+ )
+ }
+ def getCert(config: VaultProviderConfig): Cert =
+ Cert(config.getString(VaultProviderConfig.CERT_MOUNT))
+ def getGitHub(config: VaultProviderConfig): Github = {
+ val token =
+ config.getPasswordOrThrowOnNull(VaultProviderConfig.GITHUB_TOKEN)
+ val mount = config.getStringOrThrowOnNull(VaultProviderConfig.GITHUB_MOUNT)
+ Github(token = token, mount = mount)
+ }
+ def getAWS(config: VaultProviderConfig): AwsIam = {
+ val role = config.getStringOrThrowOnNull(VaultProviderConfig.AWS_ROLE)
+ val url = config.getStringOrThrowOnNull(VaultProviderConfig.AWS_REQUEST_URL)
+ val headers =
+ config.getPasswordOrThrowOnNull(VaultProviderConfig.AWS_REQUEST_HEADERS)
+ val body =
+ config.getPasswordOrThrowOnNull(VaultProviderConfig.AWS_REQUEST_BODY)
+ val mount = config.getStringOrThrowOnNull(VaultProviderConfig.AWS_MOUNT)
+ AwsIam(
+ role = role,
+ url = url,
+ headers = headers,
+ body = body,
+ mount = mount
+ )
+ }
+ def getAppRole(config: VaultProviderConfig): AppRole = {
+ val role = config.getStringOrThrowOnNull(VaultProviderConfig.APP_ROLE)
+ val secretId =
+ config.getPasswordOrThrowOnNull(VaultProviderConfig.APP_ROLE_SECRET_ID)
+ AppRole(role = role, secretId = secretId)
+ }
+ def getK8s(config: VaultProviderConfig): K8s = {
+ val role =
+ config.getStringOrThrowOnNull(VaultProviderConfig.KUBERNETES_ROLE)
+ val path =
+ config.getStringOrThrowOnNull(VaultProviderConfig.KUBERNETES_TOKEN_PATH)
+ Using(Source.fromFile(path))(_.getLines().mkString) match {
+ case Failure(exception) =>
+ throw new ConnectException(
+ s"Failed to load kubernetes token file [$path]",
+ exception
+ )
+ case Success(fileContents) =>
+ K8s(role = role, jwt = new Password(fileContents))
+ }
+ }
+ def getUserPass(config: VaultProviderConfig): UserPass = {
+ val user = config.getStringOrThrowOnNull(VaultProviderConfig.USERNAME)
+ val pass = config.getPasswordOrThrowOnNull(VaultProviderConfig.PASSWORD)
+ val mount = config.getStringOrThrowOnNull(VaultProviderConfig.UP_MOUNT)
+ UserPass(username = user, password = pass, mount = mount)
+ }
+ def getLDAP(config: VaultProviderConfig): Ldap = {
+ val user = config.getStringOrThrowOnNull(VaultProviderConfig.LDAP_USERNAME)
+ val pass =
+ config.getPasswordOrThrowOnNull(VaultProviderConfig.LDAP_PASSWORD)
+ val mount = config.getStringOrThrowOnNull(VaultProviderConfig.LDAP_MOUNT)
+ Ldap(username = user, password = pass, mount = mount)
+ }
+ def getGCP(config: VaultProviderConfig): Gcp = {
+ val role = config.getStringOrThrowOnNull(VaultProviderConfig.GCP_ROLE)
+ val jwt = config.getPasswordOrThrowOnNull(VaultProviderConfig.GCP_JWT)
+ Gcp(role = role, jwt = jwt)
+ }
+ def getJWT(config: VaultProviderConfig): Jwt = {
+ val role = config.getStringOrThrowOnNull(VaultProviderConfig.JWT_ROLE)
+ val provider =
+ config.getStringOrThrowOnNull(VaultProviderConfig.JWT_PROVIDER)
+ val jwt = config.getPasswordOrThrowOnNull(VaultProviderConfig.JWT)
+ Jwt(role = role, provider = provider, jwt = jwt)
+ }
diff --git a/src/main/scala/io/lenses/connect/secrets/io/FileWriter.scala b/src/main/scala/io/lenses/connect/secrets/io/FileWriter.scala
index 894a168..c4a3326 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/io/lenses/connect/secrets/io/FileWriter.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/io/lenses/connect/secrets/io/FileWriter.scala
@@ -5,18 +5,14 @@
package io.lenses.connect.secrets.io
-import java.io.BufferedOutputStream
-import java.io.FileOutputStream
-import java.nio.file.Path
-import java.nio.file.Paths
import com.typesafe.scalalogging.StrictLogging
import io.lenses.connect.secrets.utils.WithRetry
+import java.io.{BufferedOutputStream, FileOutputStream}
+import java.nio.file.attribute.PosixFilePermissions
+import java.nio.file.{Files, Path, Paths}
import scala.concurrent.duration._
import scala.util.Try
-import java.nio.file.attribute.PosixFilePermissions
-import java.nio.file.Files
trait FileWriter {
def write(fileName: String, content: Array[Byte], key: String): Path
@@ -28,11 +24,14 @@ class FileWriterOnce(rootPath: Path)
with StrictLogging {
private val folderPermissions = PosixFilePermissions.fromString("rwx------")
- private val filePermissions = PosixFilePermissions.fromString("rw-------")
- private val folderAttributes = PosixFilePermissions.asFileAttribute(folderPermissions)
- private val fileAttributes = PosixFilePermissions.asFileAttribute(filePermissions)
- if (!rootPath.toFile.exists) Files.createDirectories(rootPath, folderAttributes)
+ private val filePermissions = PosixFilePermissions.fromString("rw-------")
+ private val folderAttributes =
+ PosixFilePermissions.asFileAttribute(folderPermissions)
+ private val fileAttributes =
+ PosixFilePermissions.asFileAttribute(filePermissions)
+ if (!rootPath.toFile.exists)
+ Files.createDirectories(rootPath, folderAttributes)
def write(fileName: String, content: Array[Byte], key: String): Path = {
val fullPath = Paths.get(rootPath.toString, fileName)
diff --git a/src/main/scala/io/lenses/connect/secrets/package.scala b/src/main/scala/io/lenses/connect/secrets/package.scala
index 8779641..2334ecb 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/io/lenses/connect/secrets/package.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/io/lenses/connect/secrets/package.scala
@@ -1,176 +1,172 @@
- *
- * * Copyright 2017-2020 Lenses.io Ltd
- *
- */
-package io.lenses.connect.secrets
-import java.io.File
-import java.io.FileOutputStream
-import java.time.OffsetDateTime
-import java.util.Base64
-import com.typesafe.scalalogging.StrictLogging
-import org.apache.kafka.common.config.ConfigData
-import org.apache.kafka.connect.errors.ConnectException
-import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
-import scala.collection.mutable
-import scala.util.Failure
-import scala.util.Success
-import scala.util.Try
-package object connect extends StrictLogging {
- val FILE_ENCODING: String = "file-encoding"
- val FILE_DIR: String = "file.dir"
- val FILE_DIR_DESC: String =
- """
- | Location to write any files for any secrets that need to
- | be written to disk. For example java keystores.
- | Files will be written under this directory following the
- | pattern /file.dir/[path|keyvault]/key
- |""".stripMargin
- object AuthMode extends Enumeration {
- type AuthMode = Value
- def withNameOpt(s: String): Option[Value] = values.find(_.toString == s)
- }
- object Encoding extends Enumeration {
- type Encoding = Value
- val BASE64, BASE64_FILE, UTF8, UTF8_FILE = Value
- def withNameOpt(s: String): Option[Value] = values.find(_.toString == s)
- }
- // get the authmethod
- def getAuthenticationMethod(method: String): AuthMode.Value = {
- AuthMode.withNameOpt(method.toUpperCase) match {
- case Some(auth) => auth
- case None =>
- throw new ConnectException(
- s"Unsupported authentication method"
- )
- }
- }
- // base64 decode secret
- def decode(key: String, value: String): String = {
- Try(Base64.getDecoder.decode(value)) match {
- case Success(decoded) => decoded.map(_.toChar).mkString
- case Failure(exception) =>
- throw new ConnectException(
- s"Failed to decode value for key [$key]",
- exception
- )
- }
- }
- def decodeToBytes(key: String, value: String): Array[Byte] = {
- Try(Base64.getDecoder.decode(value)) match {
- case Success(decoded) => decoded
- case Failure(exception) =>
- throw new ConnectException(
- s"Failed to decode value for key [$key]",
- exception
- )
- }
- }
- // decode a key bases on the prefix encoding
- def decodeKey(
- encoding: Option[Encoding.Value],
- key: String,
- value: String,
- writeFileFn: Array[Byte] => String
- ): String = {
- encoding.fold(value) {
- case Encoding.BASE64 => decode(key, value)
- case Encoding.BASE64_FILE =>
- val decoded = decodeToBytes(key, value)
- writeFileFn(decoded)
- case Encoding.UTF8 => value
- case Encoding.UTF8_FILE => writeFileFn(value.getBytes())
- }
- }
- // write secrets to file
- private def writer(file: File, payload: Array[Byte], key: String): Unit = {
- Try(file.createNewFile()) match {
- case Success(_) =>
- Try(new FileOutputStream(file)) match {
- case Success(fos) =>
- fos.write(payload)
- logger.info(
- s"Payload written to [${file.getAbsolutePath}] for key [$key]"
- )
- case Failure(exception) =>
- throw new ConnectException(
- s"Failed to write payload to file [${file.getAbsolutePath}] for key [$key]",
- exception
- )
- }
- case Failure(exception) =>
- throw new ConnectException(
- s"Failed to create file [${file.getAbsolutePath}] for key [$key]",
- exception
- )
- }
- }
- // write secrets to a file
- def fileWriter(
- fileName: String,
- payload: Array[Byte],
- key: String,
- overwrite: Boolean = false
- ): Unit = {
- val file = new File(fileName)
- file.getParentFile.mkdirs()
- if (file.exists()) {
- logger.warn(s"File [$fileName] already exists")
- if (overwrite) {
- writer(file, payload, key)
- }
- } else {
- writer(file, payload, key)
- }
- }
- //calculate the min expiry for secrets and return the configData and expiry
- def getSecretsAndExpiry(
- secrets: Map[String, (String, Option[OffsetDateTime])]
- ): (Option[OffsetDateTime], ConfigData) = {
- var expiryList = mutable.ListBuffer.empty[OffsetDateTime]
- val data = secrets
- .map({
- case (key, (value, expiry)) =>
- expiry.foreach(e => expiryList.append(e))
- (key, value)
- })
- .asJava
- if (expiryList.isEmpty) {
- (None, new ConfigData(data))
- } else {
- val minExpiry = expiryList.min
- val ttl = minExpiry.toInstant.toEpochMilli - OffsetDateTime.now.toInstant
- .toEpochMilli
- (Some(minExpiry), new ConfigData(data, ttl))
- }
- }
- def getFileName(
- rootDir: String,
- path: String,
- key: String,
- separator: String
- ): String =
- s"${rootDir.stripSuffix(separator)}$separator$path$separator${key.toLowerCase}"
+ *
+ * * Copyright 2017-2020 Lenses.io Ltd
+ *
+ */
+package io.lenses.connect.secrets
+import com.typesafe.scalalogging.StrictLogging
+import org.apache.kafka.common.config.ConfigData
+import org.apache.kafka.connect.errors.ConnectException
+import java.io.{File, FileOutputStream}
+import java.time.OffsetDateTime
+import java.util.Base64
+import scala.collection.mutable
+import scala.jdk.CollectionConverters._
+import scala.util.{Failure, Success, Try}
+package object connect extends StrictLogging {
+ val FILE_ENCODING: String = "file-encoding"
+ val FILE_DIR: String = "file.dir"
+ val FILE_DIR_DESC: String =
+ """
+ | Location to write any files for any secrets that need to
+ | be written to disk. For example java keystores.
+ | Files will be written under this directory following the
+ | pattern /file.dir/[path|keyvault]/key
+ |""".stripMargin
+ object AuthMode extends Enumeration {
+ type AuthMode = Value
+ def withNameOpt(s: String): Option[Value] = values.find(_.toString == s)
+ }
+ object Encoding extends Enumeration {
+ type Encoding = Value
+ val BASE64, BASE64_FILE, UTF8, UTF8_FILE = Value
+ def withNameOpt(s: String): Option[Value] = values.find(_.toString == s)
+ }
+ // get the authmethod
+ def getAuthenticationMethod(method: String): AuthMode.Value = {
+ AuthMode.withNameOpt(method.toUpperCase) match {
+ case Some(auth) => auth
+ case None =>
+ throw new ConnectException(
+ s"Unsupported authentication method"
+ )
+ }
+ }
+ // base64 decode secret
+ def decode(key: String, value: String): String = {
+ Try(Base64.getDecoder.decode(value)) match {
+ case Success(decoded) => decoded.map(_.toChar).mkString
+ case Failure(exception) =>
+ throw new ConnectException(
+ s"Failed to decode value for key [$key]",
+ exception
+ )
+ }
+ }
+ def decodeToBytes(key: String, value: String): Array[Byte] = {
+ Try(Base64.getDecoder.decode(value)) match {
+ case Success(decoded) => decoded
+ case Failure(exception) =>
+ throw new ConnectException(
+ s"Failed to decode value for key [$key]",
+ exception
+ )
+ }
+ }
+ // decode a key bases on the prefix encoding
+ def decodeKey(
+ encoding: Option[Encoding.Value],
+ key: String,
+ value: String,
+ writeFileFn: Array[Byte] => String
+ ): String = {
+ encoding.fold(value) {
+ case Encoding.BASE64 => decode(key, value)
+ case Encoding.BASE64_FILE =>
+ val decoded = decodeToBytes(key, value)
+ writeFileFn(decoded)
+ case Encoding.UTF8 => value
+ case Encoding.UTF8_FILE => writeFileFn(value.getBytes())
+ }
+ }
+ // write secrets to file
+ private def writer(file: File, payload: Array[Byte], key: String): Unit = {
+ Try(file.createNewFile()) match {
+ case Success(_) =>
+ Try(new FileOutputStream(file)) match {
+ case Success(fos) =>
+ fos.write(payload)
+ logger.info(
+ s"Payload written to [${file.getAbsolutePath}] for key [$key]"
+ )
+ case Failure(exception) =>
+ throw new ConnectException(
+ s"Failed to write payload to file [${file.getAbsolutePath}] for key [$key]",
+ exception
+ )
+ }
+ case Failure(exception) =>
+ throw new ConnectException(
+ s"Failed to create file [${file.getAbsolutePath}] for key [$key]",
+ exception
+ )
+ }
+ }
+ // write secrets to a file
+ def fileWriter(
+ fileName: String,
+ payload: Array[Byte],
+ key: String,
+ overwrite: Boolean = false
+ ): Unit = {
+ val file = new File(fileName)
+ file.getParentFile.mkdirs()
+ if (file.exists()) {
+ logger.warn(s"File [$fileName] already exists")
+ if (overwrite) {
+ writer(file, payload, key)
+ }
+ } else {
+ writer(file, payload, key)
+ }
+ }
+ //calculate the min expiry for secrets and return the configData and expiry
+ def getSecretsAndExpiry(
+ secrets: Map[String, (String, Option[OffsetDateTime])]
+ ): (Option[OffsetDateTime], ConfigData) = {
+ val expiryList = mutable.ListBuffer.empty[OffsetDateTime]
+ val data = secrets
+ .map({
+ case (key, (value, expiry)) =>
+ expiry.foreach(e => expiryList.append(e))
+ (key, value)
+ })
+ .asJava
+ if (expiryList.isEmpty) {
+ (None, new ConfigData(data))
+ } else {
+ val minExpiry = expiryList.min
+ val ttl = minExpiry.toInstant.toEpochMilli - OffsetDateTime.now.toInstant
+ .toEpochMilli
+ (Some(minExpiry), new ConfigData(data, ttl))
+ }
+ }
+ def getFileName(
+ rootDir: String,
+ path: String,
+ key: String,
+ separator: String
+ ): String =
+ s"${rootDir.stripSuffix(separator)}$separator$path$separator${key.toLowerCase}"
diff --git a/src/main/scala/io/lenses/connect/secrets/providers/AWSHelper.scala b/src/main/scala/io/lenses/connect/secrets/providers/AWSHelper.scala
index 26742ad..cb75a56 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/io/lenses/connect/secrets/providers/AWSHelper.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/io/lenses/connect/secrets/providers/AWSHelper.scala
@@ -1,137 +1,151 @@
- *
- * * Copyright 2017-2020 Lenses.io Ltd
- *
- */
-package io.lenses.connect.secrets.providers
-import java.nio.file.FileSystems
-import java.nio.file.Paths
-import java.time.OffsetDateTime
-import java.util.Calendar
-import com.amazonaws.auth.{AWSStaticCredentialsProvider, BasicAWSCredentials, DefaultAWSCredentialsProviderChain}
-import com.amazonaws.services.secretsmanager.model.{DescribeSecretRequest, GetSecretValueRequest}
-import com.amazonaws.services.secretsmanager.{AWSSecretsManager, AWSSecretsManagerClientBuilder}
-import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper
-import com.typesafe.scalalogging.StrictLogging
-import io.lenses.connect.secrets.config.AWSProviderSettings
-import io.lenses.connect.secrets.connect.{decodeKey, getFileName, AuthMode}
-import io.lenses.connect.secrets.io.FileWriter
-import io.lenses.connect.secrets.io.FileWriterOnce
-import io.lenses.connect.secrets.utils.EncodingAndId
-import org.apache.kafka.connect.errors.ConnectException
-import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
-import scala.util.{Failure, Success, Try}
-trait AWSHelper extends StrictLogging {
- private val separator: String = FileSystems.getDefault.getSeparator
- // initialize the AWS client based on the auth mode
- def createClient(settings: AWSProviderSettings): AWSSecretsManager = {
- logger.info(
- s"Initializing client with mode [${settings.authMode}]"
- )
- val credentialProvider = settings.authMode match {
- case AuthMode.CREDENTIALS =>
- new AWSStaticCredentialsProvider(new BasicAWSCredentials(settings.accessKey, settings.secretKey.value()))
- case _ =>
- new DefaultAWSCredentialsProviderChain()
- }
- AWSSecretsManagerClientBuilder
- .standard()
- .withCredentials(credentialProvider)
- .withRegion(settings.region)
- .build()
- }
- // determine the ttl for the secret
- private def getTTL(
- client: AWSSecretsManager,
- secretId: String
- ): Option[OffsetDateTime] = {
- // describe to get the ttl
- val descRequest: DescribeSecretRequest =
- new DescribeSecretRequest().withSecretId(secretId)
- Try(client.describeSecret(descRequest)) match {
- case Success(d) =>
- if (d.getRotationEnabled) {
- val lastRotation = d.getLastRotatedDate
- val nextRotationInDays =
- d.getRotationRules.getAutomaticallyAfterDays
- val cal = Calendar.getInstance()
- //set to last rotation date
- cal.setTime(lastRotation)
- //increment
- cal.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, nextRotationInDays.toInt)
- Some(
- OffsetDateTime.ofInstant(cal.toInstant, cal.getTimeZone.toZoneId))
- } else None
- case Failure(exception) =>
- throw new ConnectException(
- s"Failed to describe secret [$secretId]",
- exception
- )
- }
- }
- // get the key value and ttl in the specified secret
- def getSecretValue(
- client: AWSSecretsManager,
- rootDir: String,
- secretId: String,
- key: String
- ): (String, Option[OffsetDateTime]) = {
- // get the secret
- Try(
- client.getSecretValue(new GetSecretValueRequest().withSecretId(secretId))
- ) match {
- case Success(secret) =>
- val value =
- new ObjectMapper()
- .readValue(
- secret.getSecretString,
- classOf[java.util.HashMap[String, String]]
- )
- .asScala
- .getOrElse(
- key,
- throw new ConnectException(
- s"Failed to look up key [$key] in secret [${secret.getName}]. key not found"
- )
- )
- val fileWriter:FileWriter = new FileWriterOnce(Paths.get(rootDir, secretId))
- // decode the value
- val encodingAndId = EncodingAndId.from(key)
- (
- decodeKey(
- key = key,
- value = value,
- encoding = encodingAndId.encoding,
- writeFileFn = content=>{
- fileWriter.write(key.toLowerCase, content, key).toString
- }
- ),
- getTTL(client, secretId)
- )
- case Failure(exception) =>
- throw new ConnectException(
- s"Failed to look up key [$key] in secret [$secretId}]",
- exception
- )
- }
- }
+ *
+ * * Copyright 2017-2020 Lenses.io Ltd
+ *
+ */
+package io.lenses.connect.secrets.providers
+import com.amazonaws.auth.{
+ AWSStaticCredentialsProvider,
+ BasicAWSCredentials,
+ DefaultAWSCredentialsProviderChain
+import com.amazonaws.services.secretsmanager.model.{
+ DescribeSecretRequest,
+ GetSecretValueRequest
+import com.amazonaws.services.secretsmanager.{
+ AWSSecretsManager,
+ AWSSecretsManagerClientBuilder
+import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper
+import com.typesafe.scalalogging.StrictLogging
+import io.lenses.connect.secrets.config.AWSProviderSettings
+import io.lenses.connect.secrets.connect.{AuthMode, decodeKey}
+import io.lenses.connect.secrets.io.{FileWriter, FileWriterOnce}
+import io.lenses.connect.secrets.utils.EncodingAndId
+import org.apache.kafka.connect.errors.ConnectException
+import java.nio.file.Paths
+import java.time.OffsetDateTime
+import java.util.Calendar
+import scala.jdk.CollectionConverters._
+import scala.util.{Failure, Success, Try}
+trait AWSHelper extends StrictLogging {
+ // initialize the AWS client based on the auth mode
+ def createClient(settings: AWSProviderSettings): AWSSecretsManager = {
+ logger.info(
+ s"Initializing client with mode [${settings.authMode}]"
+ )
+ val credentialProvider = settings.authMode match {
+ case AuthMode.CREDENTIALS =>
+ new AWSStaticCredentialsProvider(
+ new BasicAWSCredentials(
+ settings.accessKey,
+ settings.secretKey.value()
+ )
+ )
+ case _ =>
+ new DefaultAWSCredentialsProviderChain()
+ }
+ AWSSecretsManagerClientBuilder
+ .standard()
+ .withCredentials(credentialProvider)
+ .withRegion(settings.region)
+ .build()
+ }
+ // determine the ttl for the secret
+ private def getTTL(
+ client: AWSSecretsManager,
+ secretId: String
+ ): Option[OffsetDateTime] = {
+ // describe to get the ttl
+ val descRequest: DescribeSecretRequest =
+ new DescribeSecretRequest().withSecretId(secretId)
+ Try(client.describeSecret(descRequest)) match {
+ case Success(d) =>
+ if (d.getRotationEnabled) {
+ val lastRotation = d.getLastRotatedDate
+ val nextRotationInDays =
+ d.getRotationRules.getAutomaticallyAfterDays
+ val cal = Calendar.getInstance()
+ //set to last rotation date
+ cal.setTime(lastRotation)
+ //increment
+ cal.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, nextRotationInDays.toInt)
+ Some(
+ OffsetDateTime.ofInstant(cal.toInstant, cal.getTimeZone.toZoneId)
+ )
+ } else None
+ case Failure(exception) =>
+ throw new ConnectException(
+ s"Failed to describe secret [$secretId]",
+ exception
+ )
+ }
+ }
+ // get the key value and ttl in the specified secret
+ def getSecretValue(
+ client: AWSSecretsManager,
+ rootDir: String,
+ secretId: String,
+ key: String
+ ): (String, Option[OffsetDateTime]) = {
+ // get the secret
+ Try(
+ client.getSecretValue(new GetSecretValueRequest().withSecretId(secretId))
+ ) match {
+ case Success(secret) =>
+ val value =
+ new ObjectMapper()
+ .readValue(
+ secret.getSecretString,
+ classOf[java.util.HashMap[String, String]]
+ )
+ .asScala
+ .getOrElse(
+ key,
+ throw new ConnectException(
+ s"Failed to look up key [$key] in secret [${secret.getName}]. key not found"
+ )
+ )
+ val fileWriter: FileWriter = new FileWriterOnce(
+ Paths.get(rootDir, secretId)
+ )
+ // decode the value
+ val encodingAndId = EncodingAndId.from(key)
+ (
+ decodeKey(
+ key = key,
+ value = value,
+ encoding = encodingAndId.encoding,
+ writeFileFn = content => {
+ fileWriter.write(key.toLowerCase, content, key).toString
+ }
+ ),
+ getTTL(client, secretId)
+ )
+ case Failure(exception) =>
+ throw new ConnectException(
+ s"Failed to look up key [$key] in secret [$secretId] due to [${exception.getMessage}]",
+ exception
+ )
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/main/scala/io/lenses/connect/secrets/providers/AWSSecretProvider.scala b/src/main/scala/io/lenses/connect/secrets/providers/AWSSecretProvider.scala
index f1fa126..0cc4a1a 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/io/lenses/connect/secrets/providers/AWSSecretProvider.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/io/lenses/connect/secrets/providers/AWSSecretProvider.scala
@@ -1,64 +1,66 @@
- *
- * * Copyright 2017-2020 Lenses.io Ltd
- *
- */
-package io.lenses.connect.secrets.providers
-import java.time.OffsetDateTime
-import java.util
-import io.lenses.connect.secrets.config.{AWSProviderConfig, AWSProviderSettings}
-import io.lenses.connect.secrets.connect.getSecretsAndExpiry
-import com.amazonaws.services.secretsmanager.AWSSecretsManager
-import org.apache.kafka.common.config.ConfigData
-import org.apache.kafka.common.config.provider.ConfigProvider
-import org.apache.kafka.connect.errors.ConnectException
-import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
-class AWSSecretProvider() extends ConfigProvider with AWSHelper {
- var client: Option[AWSSecretsManager] = None
- var rootDir: String = ""
- override def get(path: String): ConfigData =
- new ConfigData(Map.empty[String, String].asJava)
- // path is expected to be the name of the AWS secret
- // keys are expect to be the keys in the payload
- override def get(path: String, keys: util.Set[String]): ConfigData = {
- client match {
- case Some(awsClient) =>
- //aws client caches so we don't need to check here
- val (expiry, data) = getSecretsAndExpiry(
- getSecrets(awsClient, path, keys.asScala.toSet))
- expiry.foreach(exp =>
- logger.info(s"Min expiry for TTL set to [${exp.toString}]"))
- data
- case None => throw new ConnectException("AWS client is not set.")
- }
- }
- override def close(): Unit = client.foreach(_.shutdown())
- override def configure(configs: util.Map[String, _]): Unit = {
- val settings = AWSProviderSettings(AWSProviderConfig(props = configs))
- rootDir = settings.fileDir
- client = Some(createClient(settings))
- }
- def getSecrets(
- awsClient: AWSSecretsManager,
- path: String,
- keys: Set[String]): Map[String, (String, Option[OffsetDateTime])] = {
- keys.map { key =>
- logger.info(s"Looking up value at [$path] for key [$key]")
- val (value, expiry) = getSecretValue(awsClient, rootDir, path, key)
- (key, (value, expiry))
- }.toMap
- }
+ *
+ * * Copyright 2017-2020 Lenses.io Ltd
+ *
+ */
+package io.lenses.connect.secrets.providers
+import com.amazonaws.services.secretsmanager.AWSSecretsManager
+import io.lenses.connect.secrets.config.{AWSProviderConfig, AWSProviderSettings}
+import io.lenses.connect.secrets.connect.getSecretsAndExpiry
+import org.apache.kafka.common.config.ConfigData
+import org.apache.kafka.common.config.provider.ConfigProvider
+import org.apache.kafka.connect.errors.ConnectException
+import java.time.OffsetDateTime
+import java.util
+import scala.jdk.CollectionConverters._
+class AWSSecretProvider() extends ConfigProvider with AWSHelper {
+ var client: Option[AWSSecretsManager] = None
+ var rootDir: String = ""
+ override def get(path: String): ConfigData =
+ new ConfigData(Map.empty[String, String].asJava)
+ // path is expected to be the name of the AWS secret
+ // keys are expect to be the keys in the payload
+ override def get(path: String, keys: util.Set[String]): ConfigData = {
+ client match {
+ case Some(awsClient) =>
+ //aws client caches so we don't need to check here
+ val (expiry, data) = getSecretsAndExpiry(
+ getSecrets(awsClient, path, keys.asScala.toSet)
+ )
+ expiry.foreach(exp =>
+ logger.info(s"Min expiry for TTL set to [${exp.toString}]")
+ )
+ data
+ case None => throw new ConnectException("AWS client is not set.")
+ }
+ }
+ override def close(): Unit = client.foreach(_.shutdown())
+ override def configure(configs: util.Map[String, _]): Unit = {
+ val settings = AWSProviderSettings(AWSProviderConfig(props = configs))
+ rootDir = settings.fileDir
+ client = Some(createClient(settings))
+ }
+ def getSecrets(
+ awsClient: AWSSecretsManager,
+ path: String,
+ keys: Set[String]
+ ): Map[String, (String, Option[OffsetDateTime])] = {
+ keys.map { key =>
+ logger.info(s"Looking up value at [$path] for key [$key]")
+ val (value, expiry) = getSecretValue(awsClient, rootDir, path, key)
+ (key, (value, expiry))
+ }.toMap
+ }
diff --git a/src/main/scala/io/lenses/connect/secrets/providers/Aes256DecodingHelper.scala b/src/main/scala/io/lenses/connect/secrets/providers/Aes256DecodingHelper.scala
index b1b948a..dfd64be 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/io/lenses/connect/secrets/providers/Aes256DecodingHelper.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/io/lenses/connect/secrets/providers/Aes256DecodingHelper.scala
@@ -2,13 +2,9 @@ package io.lenses.connect.secrets.providers
import java.security.SecureRandom
import java.util.Base64
import javax.crypto.Cipher
-import javax.crypto.spec.IvParameterSpec
-import javax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec
-import scala.util.Failure
-import scala.util.Try
+import javax.crypto.spec.{IvParameterSpec, SecretKeySpec}
+import scala.util.{Failure, Try}
private[providers] object Aes256DecodingHelper {
@@ -33,10 +29,10 @@ private[providers] object Aes256DecodingHelper {
-private[providers] class Aes256DecodingHelper private(
- key: String,
- ivSeparator: String
- ) {
+private[providers] class Aes256DecodingHelper private (
+ key: String,
+ ivSeparator: String
+) {
import Aes256DecodingHelper.CHARSET
import B64._
@@ -45,15 +41,18 @@ private[providers] class Aes256DecodingHelper private(
def decrypt(s: String): Try[String] =
for {
- (iv, encoded) <- InitializationVector.extractInitialisationVector(s, ivSeparator)
+ (iv, encoded) <- InitializationVector.extractInitialisationVector(
+ s,
+ ivSeparator
+ )
decoded <- base64Decode(encoded)
decrypted <- decryptBytes(iv, decoded)
} yield new String(decrypted, CHARSET)
private def decryptBytes(
- iv: InitializationVector,
- bytes: Array[Byte]
- ): Try[Array[Byte]] =
+ iv: InitializationVector,
+ bytes: Array[Byte]
+ ): Try[Array[Byte]] =
for {
cipher <- getCipher(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, iv)
encrypted <- Try(cipher.doFinal(bytes))
@@ -68,7 +67,7 @@ private[providers] class Aes256DecodingHelper private(
-private case class InitializationVector private(bytes: Array[Byte])
+private case class InitializationVector private (bytes: Array[Byte])
private object InitializationVector {
@@ -85,9 +84,9 @@ private object InitializationVector {
def extractInitialisationVector(
- s: String,
- ivSeparator: String
- ): Try[(InitializationVector, String)] =
+ s: String,
+ ivSeparator: String
+ ): Try[(InitializationVector, String)] =
s.indexOf(ivSeparator) match {
case -1 =>
diff --git a/src/main/scala/io/lenses/connect/secrets/providers/Aes256DecodingProvider.scala b/src/main/scala/io/lenses/connect/secrets/providers/Aes256DecodingProvider.scala
index faa33e7..43edbac 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/io/lenses/connect/secrets/providers/Aes256DecodingProvider.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/io/lenses/connect/secrets/providers/Aes256DecodingProvider.scala
@@ -1,27 +1,23 @@
package io.lenses.connect.secrets.providers
-import java.nio.file.Paths
-import java.util
import io.lenses.connect.secrets.config.Aes256ProviderConfig
import io.lenses.connect.secrets.connect.decodeKey
-import io.lenses.connect.secrets.connect.Encoding
-import io.lenses.connect.secrets.io.FileWriter
-import io.lenses.connect.secrets.io.FileWriterOnce
+import io.lenses.connect.secrets.io.{FileWriter, FileWriterOnce}
import io.lenses.connect.secrets.utils.EncodingAndId
-import org.apache.kafka.common.config.ConfigData
import org.apache.kafka.common.config.provider.ConfigProvider
-import org.apache.kafka.common.config.ConfigException
+import org.apache.kafka.common.config.{ConfigData, ConfigException}
import org.apache.kafka.connect.errors.ConnectException
-import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
+import java.nio.file.Paths
+import java.util
+import scala.jdk.CollectionConverters._
class Aes256DecodingProvider extends ConfigProvider {
var decoder: Option[Aes256DecodingHelper] = None
private var fileWriter: FileWriter = _
override def configure(configs: util.Map[String, _]): Unit = {
val aes256Cfg = Aes256ProviderConfig(configs)
val aes256Key = aes256Cfg.aes256Key
@@ -33,22 +29,33 @@ class Aes256DecodingProvider extends ConfigProvider {
fileWriter = new FileWriterOnce(Paths.get(writeDir, "secrets"))
- override def get(path: String): ConfigData = new ConfigData(Map.empty[String, String].asJava)
+ override def get(path: String): ConfigData =
+ new ConfigData(Map.empty[String, String].asJava)
override def get(path: String, keys: util.Set[String]): ConfigData = {
val encodingAndId = EncodingAndId.from(path)
decoder match {
case Some(d) =>
def decrypt(key: String): String = {
- val decrypted = d.decrypt(key).fold(e => throw new ConnectException("Failed to decrypt the secret.", e), identity)
+ val decrypted = d
+ .decrypt(key)
+ .fold(
+ e =>
+ throw new ConnectException("Failed to decrypt the secret.", e),
+ identity
+ )
key = key,
value = decrypted,
encoding = encodingAndId.encoding,
writeFileFn = { content =>
encodingAndId.id match {
- case Some(value) => fileWriter.write(value, content, key).toString
- case None => throw new ConnectException(s"Invalid argument received for key:$key. Expecting a file identifier.")
+ case Some(value) =>
+ fileWriter.write(value, content, key).toString
+ case None =>
+ throw new ConnectException(
+ s"Invalid argument received for key:$key. Expecting a file identifier."
+ )
diff --git a/src/main/scala/io/lenses/connect/secrets/providers/AzureHelper.scala b/src/main/scala/io/lenses/connect/secrets/providers/AzureHelper.scala
index dc95a5c..0acd6bd 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/io/lenses/connect/secrets/providers/AzureHelper.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/io/lenses/connect/secrets/providers/AzureHelper.scala
@@ -1,117 +1,111 @@
- *
- * * Copyright 2017-2020 Lenses.io Ltd
- *
- */
-package io.lenses.connect.secrets.providers
-import java.nio.file.FileSystems
-import java.time.OffsetDateTime
-import com.azure.core.credential.TokenCredential
-import com.azure.identity.{
- ClientSecretCredentialBuilder,
- DefaultAzureCredentialBuilder
-import com.azure.security.keyvault.secrets.SecretClient
-import com.typesafe.scalalogging.StrictLogging
-import io.lenses.connect.secrets.config.AzureProviderSettings
-import io.lenses.connect.secrets.connect.{
- AuthMode,
- Encoding,
- decode,
- decodeToBytes,
- fileWriter,
- getFileName
-import org.apache.kafka.connect.errors.ConnectException
-import scala.util.{Failure, Success, Try}
-trait AzureHelper extends StrictLogging {
- private val separator: String = FileSystems.getDefault.getSeparator
- // look up secret in Azure
- def getSecretValue(
- rootDir: String,
- path: String,
- client: SecretClient,
- key: String
- ): (String, Option[OffsetDateTime]) = {
- Try(client.getSecret(key)) match {
- case Success(secret) =>
- val value = secret.getValue
- val props = secret.getProperties
- // check if the file-encoding
- val encoding =
- Encoding.withName(
- Option(props.getTags)
- .map { _.getOrDefault(FILE_ENCODING, Encoding.UTF8.toString) }
- .getOrElse(Encoding.UTF8.toString)
- .toUpperCase)
- val content = encoding match {
- case Encoding.UTF8 =>
- value
- case Encoding.UTF8_FILE =>
- val fileName = getFileName(rootDir, path, key.toLowerCase, separator)
- fileWriter(
- fileName,
- value.getBytes,
- key.toLowerCase
- )
- fileName
- case Encoding.BASE64 =>
- decode(key, value)
- // write to file and set the file name as the value
- case Encoding.BASE64_FILE | Encoding.UTF8_FILE =>
- val fileName = getFileName(rootDir, path, key.toLowerCase, separator)
- val decoded = decodeToBytes(key, value)
- fileWriter(
- fileName,
- decoded,
- key.toLowerCase
- )
- fileName
- }
- val expiry = Option(props.getExpiresOn)
- (content, expiry)
- case Failure(e) =>
- throw new ConnectException(
- s"Failed to look up secret [$key] at [${client.getVaultUrl}]",
- e
- )
- }
- }
- // setup azure credentials
- def createCredentials(settings: AzureProviderSettings): TokenCredential = {
- logger.info(
- s"Initializing client with mode [${settings.authMode.toString}]"
- )
- settings.authMode match {
- case AuthMode.CREDENTIALS =>
- new ClientSecretCredentialBuilder()
- .clientId(settings.clientId)
- .clientSecret(settings.secretId.value())
- .tenantId(settings.tenantId)
- .build()
- case _ =>
- new DefaultAzureCredentialBuilder().build()
- }
- }
+ *
+ * * Copyright 2017-2020 Lenses.io Ltd
+ *
+ */
+package io.lenses.connect.secrets.providers
+import com.azure.core.credential.TokenCredential
+import com.azure.identity.{
+ ClientSecretCredentialBuilder,
+ DefaultAzureCredentialBuilder
+import com.azure.security.keyvault.secrets.SecretClient
+import com.typesafe.scalalogging.StrictLogging
+import io.lenses.connect.secrets.config.AzureProviderSettings
+import io.lenses.connect.secrets.connect._
+import org.apache.kafka.connect.errors.ConnectException
+import java.nio.file.FileSystems
+import java.time.OffsetDateTime
+import scala.util.{Failure, Success, Try}
+trait AzureHelper extends StrictLogging {
+ private val separator: String = FileSystems.getDefault.getSeparator
+ // look up secret in Azure
+ def getSecretValue(
+ rootDir: String,
+ path: String,
+ client: SecretClient,
+ key: String
+ ): (String, Option[OffsetDateTime]) = {
+ Try(client.getSecret(key)) match {
+ case Success(secret) =>
+ val value = secret.getValue
+ val props = secret.getProperties
+ // check if the file-encoding
+ val encoding =
+ Encoding.withName(
+ Option(props.getTags)
+ .map { _.getOrDefault(FILE_ENCODING, Encoding.UTF8.toString) }
+ .getOrElse(Encoding.UTF8.toString)
+ .toUpperCase
+ )
+ val content = encoding match {
+ case Encoding.UTF8 =>
+ value
+ case Encoding.UTF8_FILE =>
+ val fileName =
+ getFileName(rootDir, path, key.toLowerCase, separator)
+ fileWriter(
+ fileName,
+ value.getBytes,
+ key.toLowerCase
+ )
+ fileName
+ case Encoding.BASE64 =>
+ decode(key, value)
+ // write to file and set the file name as the value
+ case Encoding.BASE64_FILE | Encoding.UTF8_FILE =>
+ val fileName =
+ getFileName(rootDir, path, key.toLowerCase, separator)
+ val decoded = decodeToBytes(key, value)
+ fileWriter(
+ fileName,
+ decoded,
+ key.toLowerCase
+ )
+ fileName
+ }
+ val expiry = Option(props.getExpiresOn)
+ (content, expiry)
+ case Failure(e) =>
+ throw new ConnectException(
+ s"Failed to look up secret [$key] at [${client.getVaultUrl}]",
+ e
+ )
+ }
+ }
+ // setup azure credentials
+ def createCredentials(settings: AzureProviderSettings): TokenCredential = {
+ logger.info(
+ s"Initializing client with mode [${settings.authMode.toString}]"
+ )
+ settings.authMode match {
+ case AuthMode.CREDENTIALS =>
+ new ClientSecretCredentialBuilder()
+ .clientId(settings.clientId)
+ .clientSecret(settings.secretId.value())
+ .tenantId(settings.tenantId)
+ .build()
+ case _ =>
+ new DefaultAzureCredentialBuilder().build()
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/main/scala/io/lenses/connect/secrets/providers/AzureSecretProvider.scala b/src/main/scala/io/lenses/connect/secrets/providers/AzureSecretProvider.scala
index 3b2bcb5..41efa0a 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/io/lenses/connect/secrets/providers/AzureSecretProvider.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/io/lenses/connect/secrets/providers/AzureSecretProvider.scala
@@ -1,107 +1,119 @@
- *
- * * Copyright 2017-2020 Lenses.io Ltd
- *
- */
-package io.lenses.connect.secrets.providers
-import java.time.OffsetDateTime
-import java.util
-import com.azure.core.credential.TokenCredential
-import com.azure.security.keyvault.secrets.{SecretClient, SecretClientBuilder}
-import io.lenses.connect.secrets.config.{
- AzureProviderConfig,
- AzureProviderSettings
-import io.lenses.connect.secrets.connect.getSecretsAndExpiry
-import org.apache.kafka.common.config.ConfigData
-import org.apache.kafka.common.config.provider.ConfigProvider
-import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
-import scala.collection.mutable
-class AzureSecretProvider() extends ConfigProvider with AzureHelper {
- private var rootDir: String = _
- private var credentials: Option[TokenCredential] = None
- val clientMap: mutable.Map[String, SecretClient] = mutable.Map.empty
- val cache = mutable.Map.empty[String, (Option[OffsetDateTime], ConfigData)]
- // configure the vault client
- override def configure(configs: util.Map[String, _]): Unit = {
- val settings = AzureProviderSettings(AzureProviderConfig(configs))
- rootDir = settings.fileDir
- credentials = Some(createCredentials(settings))
- }
- // lookup secrets at a path
- // returns and empty map since Azure is flat
- // and we need to know the secret to lookup
- override def get(path: String): ConfigData =
- new ConfigData(Map.empty[String, String].asJava)
- // get secret keys at a path
- // paths is expected to be the url of the azure keyvault without the protocol (https://)
- // since the connect work will not parse it correctly do to the :
- // including the azure environment.
- override def get(path: String, keys: util.Set[String]): ConfigData = {
- val keyVaultUrl =
- if (path.startsWith("https://")) path else s"https://$path"
- // don't need to cache but allows for testing
- // this way we don't require a keyvault set in the
- // worker properties and we take the path as the target keyvault
- val client = clientMap.getOrElse(
- keyVaultUrl,
- new SecretClientBuilder()
- .vaultUrl(keyVaultUrl)
- .credential(credentials.get)
- .buildClient
- )
- clientMap += (keyVaultUrl -> client)
- val (expiry, data) = cache.get(keyVaultUrl) match {
- case Some((expiresAt, data)) =>
- // we have all the keys and are before the expiry
- val now = OffsetDateTime.now()
- if (keys.asScala.subsetOf(data.data().asScala.keySet) && (expiresAt
- .getOrElse(now.plusSeconds(1))
- .isAfter(now))) {
- logger.info("Fetching secrets from cache")
- (expiresAt,
- new ConfigData(
- data.data().asScala.filterKeys(k => keys.contains(k)).asJava,
- data.ttl()))
- } else {
- // missing some or expired so reload
- getSecretsAndExpiry(getSecrets(client, keys.asScala.toSet))
- }
- case None =>
- getSecretsAndExpiry(getSecrets(client, keys.asScala.toSet))
- }
- expiry.foreach(exp =>
- logger.info(s"Min expiry for TTL set to [${exp.toString}]"))
- cache += (keyVaultUrl -> (expiry, data))
- data
- }
- override def close(): Unit = {}
- private def getSecrets(
- client: SecretClient,
- keys: Set[String]): Map[String, (String, Option[OffsetDateTime])] = {
- val path = client.getVaultUrl.stripPrefix("https://")
- keys.map { key =>
- logger.info(s"Looking up value at [$path] for key [$key]")
- val (value, expiry) = getSecretValue(rootDir, path, client, key)
- (key, (value, expiry))
- }.toMap
- }
+ *
+ * * Copyright 2017-2020 Lenses.io Ltd
+ *
+ */
+package io.lenses.connect.secrets.providers
+import com.azure.core.credential.TokenCredential
+import com.azure.security.keyvault.secrets.{SecretClient, SecretClientBuilder}
+import io.lenses.connect.secrets.config.{
+ AzureProviderConfig,
+ AzureProviderSettings
+import io.lenses.connect.secrets.connect.getSecretsAndExpiry
+import org.apache.kafka.common.config.ConfigData
+import org.apache.kafka.common.config.provider.ConfigProvider
+import java.time.OffsetDateTime
+import java.util
+import scala.collection.mutable
+import scala.jdk.CollectionConverters._
+class AzureSecretProvider() extends ConfigProvider with AzureHelper {
+ private var rootDir: String = _
+ private var credentials: Option[TokenCredential] = None
+ val clientMap: mutable.Map[String, SecretClient] = mutable.Map.empty
+ val cache = mutable.Map.empty[String, (Option[OffsetDateTime], ConfigData)]
+ // configure the vault client
+ override def configure(configs: util.Map[String, _]): Unit = {
+ val settings = AzureProviderSettings(AzureProviderConfig(configs))
+ rootDir = settings.fileDir
+ credentials = Some(createCredentials(settings))
+ }
+ // lookup secrets at a path
+ // returns and empty map since Azure is flat
+ // and we need to know the secret to lookup
+ override def get(path: String): ConfigData =
+ new ConfigData(Map.empty[String, String].asJava)
+ // get secret keys at a path
+ // paths is expected to be the url of the azure keyvault without the protocol (https://)
+ // since the connect work will not parse it correctly do to the :
+ // including the azure environment.
+ override def get(path: String, keys: util.Set[String]): ConfigData = {
+ val keyVaultUrl =
+ if (path.startsWith("https://")) path else s"https://$path"
+ // don't need to cache but allows for testing
+ // this way we don't require a keyvault set in the
+ // worker properties and we take the path as the target keyvault
+ val client = clientMap.getOrElse(
+ keyVaultUrl,
+ new SecretClientBuilder()
+ .vaultUrl(keyVaultUrl)
+ .credential(credentials.get)
+ .buildClient
+ )
+ clientMap += (keyVaultUrl -> client)
+ val (expiry, data) = cache.get(keyVaultUrl) match {
+ case Some((expiresAt, data)) =>
+ // we have all the keys and are before the expiry
+ val now = OffsetDateTime.now()
+ if (keys.asScala.subsetOf(data.data().asScala.keySet) && (expiresAt
+ .getOrElse(now.plusSeconds(1))
+ .isAfter(now))) {
+ logger.info("Fetching secrets from cache")
+ (
+ expiresAt,
+ new ConfigData(
+ data
+ .data()
+ .asScala
+ .view
+ .filter {
+ case (k, _) => keys.contains(k)
+ }
+ .toMap
+ .asJava,
+ data.ttl()
+ )
+ )
+ } else {
+ // missing some or expired so reload
+ getSecretsAndExpiry(getSecrets(client, keys.asScala.toSet))
+ }
+ case None =>
+ getSecretsAndExpiry(getSecrets(client, keys.asScala.toSet))
+ }
+ expiry.foreach(exp =>
+ logger.info(s"Min expiry for TTL set to [${exp.toString}]")
+ )
+ cache += (keyVaultUrl -> (expiry, data))
+ data
+ }
+ override def close(): Unit = {}
+ private def getSecrets(
+ client: SecretClient,
+ keys: Set[String]
+ ): Map[String, (String, Option[OffsetDateTime])] = {
+ val path = client.getVaultUrl.stripPrefix("https://")
+ keys.map { key =>
+ logger.info(s"Looking up value at [$path] for key [$key]")
+ val (value, expiry) = getSecretValue(rootDir, path, client, key)
+ (key, (value, expiry))
+ }.toMap
+ }
diff --git a/src/main/scala/io/lenses/connect/secrets/providers/ENVSecretProvider.scala b/src/main/scala/io/lenses/connect/secrets/providers/ENVSecretProvider.scala
index b9de025..4fa8353 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/io/lenses/connect/secrets/providers/ENVSecretProvider.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/io/lenses/connect/secrets/providers/ENVSecretProvider.scala
@@ -1,77 +1,84 @@
- *
- * * Copyright 2017-2020 Lenses.io Ltd
- *
- */
-package io.lenses.connect.secrets.providers
-import java.nio.file.FileSystems
-import java.util
-import io.lenses.connect.secrets.config.ENVProviderConfig
-import io.lenses.connect.secrets.connect.{FILE_DIR, decode, decodeToBytes, fileWriter}
-import org.apache.kafka.common.config.ConfigData
-import org.apache.kafka.common.config.provider.ConfigProvider
-import org.apache.kafka.connect.errors.ConnectException
-import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
-class ENVSecretProvider extends ConfigProvider {
- var vars = Map.empty[String, String]
- var fileDir: String = ""
- private val separator: String = FileSystems.getDefault.getSeparator
- private val BASE64_FILE = "(ENV-mounted-base64:)(.*$)".r
- private val UTF8_FILE = "(ENV-mounted:)(.*$)".r
- private val BASE64 = "(ENV-base64:)(.*$)".r
- override def get(path: String): ConfigData =
- new ConfigData(Map.empty[String, String].asJava)
- override def get(path: String, keys: util.Set[String]): ConfigData = {
- val data =
- keys.asScala
- .map { key =>
- {
- val envVarVal =
- vars.getOrElse(key,
- throw new ConnectException(
- s"Failed to lookup environment variable [$key]"))
- // match the value to see if its coming from contains
- // the value metadata pattern
- envVarVal match {
- case BASE64_FILE(m, v) =>
- //decode and write to file
- val fileName = s"${fileDir}$separator${key.toLowerCase}"
- fileWriter(fileName, decodeToBytes(key, v), key)
- (key, fileName)
- case UTF8_FILE(m, v) =>
- val fileName = s"${fileDir}$separator${key.toLowerCase}"
- fileWriter(fileName, v.getBytes(), key)
- (key, fileName)
- case BASE64(m, v) =>
- (key, decode(key, v))
- case _ =>
- (key, envVarVal)
- }
- }
- }
- .toMap
- .asJava
- new ConfigData(data)
- }
- override def configure(configs: util.Map[String, _]): Unit = {
- vars = System.getenv().asScala.toMap
- val config = ENVProviderConfig(configs)
- fileDir = config.getString(FILE_DIR).stripSuffix(separator)
- }
- override def close(): Unit = {}
+ *
+ * * Copyright 2017-2020 Lenses.io Ltd
+ *
+ */
+package io.lenses.connect.secrets.providers
+import io.lenses.connect.secrets.config.ENVProviderConfig
+import io.lenses.connect.secrets.connect.{
+ decode,
+ decodeToBytes,
+ fileWriter
+import org.apache.kafka.common.config.ConfigData
+import org.apache.kafka.common.config.provider.ConfigProvider
+import org.apache.kafka.connect.errors.ConnectException
+import java.nio.file.FileSystems
+import java.util
+import scala.jdk.CollectionConverters._
+class ENVSecretProvider extends ConfigProvider {
+ var vars = Map.empty[String, String]
+ var fileDir: String = ""
+ private val separator: String = FileSystems.getDefault.getSeparator
+ private val BASE64_FILE = "(ENV-mounted-base64:)(.*$)".r
+ private val UTF8_FILE = "(ENV-mounted:)(.*$)".r
+ private val BASE64 = "(ENV-base64:)(.*$)".r
+ override def get(path: String): ConfigData =
+ new ConfigData(Map.empty[String, String].asJava)
+ override def get(path: String, keys: util.Set[String]): ConfigData = {
+ val data =
+ keys.asScala
+ .map { key =>
+ {
+ val envVarVal =
+ vars.getOrElse(
+ key,
+ throw new ConnectException(
+ s"Failed to lookup environment variable [$key]"
+ )
+ )
+ // match the value to see if its coming from contains
+ // the value metadata pattern
+ envVarVal match {
+ case BASE64_FILE(_, v) =>
+ //decode and write to file
+ val fileName = s"$fileDir$separator${key.toLowerCase}"
+ fileWriter(fileName, decodeToBytes(key, v), key)
+ (key, fileName)
+ case UTF8_FILE(_, v) =>
+ val fileName = s"$fileDir$separator${key.toLowerCase}"
+ fileWriter(fileName, v.getBytes(), key)
+ (key, fileName)
+ case BASE64(_, v) =>
+ (key, decode(key, v))
+ case _ =>
+ (key, envVarVal)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ .toMap
+ .asJava
+ new ConfigData(data)
+ }
+ override def configure(configs: util.Map[String, _]): Unit = {
+ vars = System.getenv().asScala.toMap
+ val config = ENVProviderConfig(configs)
+ fileDir = config.getString(FILE_DIR).stripSuffix(separator)
+ }
+ override def close(): Unit = {}
diff --git a/src/main/scala/io/lenses/connect/secrets/providers/VaultHelper.scala b/src/main/scala/io/lenses/connect/secrets/providers/VaultHelper.scala
index 10411f9..b9fef96 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/io/lenses/connect/secrets/providers/VaultHelper.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/io/lenses/connect/secrets/providers/VaultHelper.scala
@@ -1,165 +1,165 @@
- *
- * * Copyright 2017-2020 Lenses.io Ltd
- *
- */
-package io.lenses.connect.secrets.providers
-import java.io.File
-import com.bettercloud.vault.{SslConfig, Vault, VaultConfig}
-import com.typesafe.scalalogging.StrictLogging
-import io.lenses.connect.secrets.config.{VaultAuthMethod, VaultSettings}
-import org.apache.kafka.connect.errors.ConnectException
-trait VaultHelper extends StrictLogging {
- // initialize the vault client
- def createClient(settings: VaultSettings): Vault = {
- val config =
- new VaultConfig().address(settings.addr)
- // set ssl if configured
- config.sslConfig(configureSSL(settings))
- if (settings.namespace.nonEmpty) {
- logger.info(s"Setting namespace to ${settings.namespace}")
- config.nameSpace(settings.namespace)
- }
- logger.info(s"Setting engine version to ${settings.engineVersion}")
- config.engineVersion(settings.engineVersion)
- val vault = new Vault(config.build())
- logger.info(
- s"Initializing client with mode [${settings.authMode.toString}]"
- )
- val token = settings.authMode match {
- case VaultAuthMethod.USERPASS =>
- settings.userPass
- .map(
- up =>
- vault
- .auth()
- .loginByUserPass(up.username, up.password.value(), up.mount)
- .getAuthClientToken)
- case VaultAuthMethod.APPROLE =>
- settings.appRole
- .map(
- ar =>
- vault
- .auth()
- .loginByAppRole(ar.role, ar.secretId.value())
- .getAuthClientToken)
- case VaultAuthMethod.CERT =>
- settings.cert
- .map(c => vault.auth().loginByCert(c.mount).getAuthClientToken)
- case VaultAuthMethod.AWSIAM =>
- settings.awsIam
- .map(
- aws =>
- vault
- .auth()
- .loginByAwsIam(
- aws.role,
- aws.url,
- aws.body.value(),
- aws.headers.value(),
- aws.mount
- )
- .getAuthClientToken)
- case VaultAuthMethod.KUBERNETES =>
- settings.k8s
- .map(
- k8s =>
- vault
- .auth()
- .loginByKubernetes(k8s.role, k8s.jwt.value())
- .getAuthClientToken)
- case VaultAuthMethod.GCP =>
- settings.gcp
- .map(
- gcp =>
- vault
- .auth()
- .loginByGCP(gcp.role, gcp.jwt.value())
- .getAuthClientToken)
- case VaultAuthMethod.LDAP =>
- settings.ldap
- .map(
- l =>
- vault
- .auth()
- .loginByLDAP(l.username, l.password.value(), l.mount)
- .getAuthClientToken)
- case VaultAuthMethod.JWT =>
- settings.jwt
- .map(
- j =>
- vault
- .auth()
- .loginByJwt(j.provider, j.role, j.jwt.value())
- .getAuthClientToken)
- case VaultAuthMethod.TOKEN =>
- Some(settings.token.value())
- case VaultAuthMethod.GITHUB =>
- settings.github
- .map(
- gh =>
- vault
- .auth()
- .loginByGithub(gh.token.value(), gh.mount)
- .getAuthClientToken)
- case _ =>
- throw new ConnectException(
- s"Unsupported auth method [${settings.authMode.toString}]")
- }
- config.token(token.get)
- config.build()
- new Vault(config)
- }
- // set up tls
- private def configureSSL(settings: VaultSettings): SslConfig = {
- val ssl = new SslConfig()
- if (settings.keystoreLoc != "") {
- logger.info(s"Configuring keystore at [${settings.keystoreLoc}]")
- ssl.keyStoreFile(
- new File(settings.keystoreLoc),
- settings.keystorePass.value()
- )
- }
- if (settings.truststoreLoc != "") {
- logger.info(s"Configuring keystore at [${settings.truststoreLoc}]")
- ssl.trustStoreFile(new File(settings.truststoreLoc))
- }
- if (settings.clientPem != "") {
- logger.info(s"Configuring client PEM. Ignored if JKS set.")
- ssl.clientKeyPemFile(new File(settings.clientPem))
- }
- if (settings.pem != "") {
- logger.info(s"Configuring Vault Server PEM. Ignored if JKS set.")
- ssl.pemFile(new File(settings.pem))
- }
- ssl.build()
- }
+ *
+ * * Copyright 2017-2020 Lenses.io Ltd
+ *
+ */
+package io.lenses.connect.secrets.providers
+import com.bettercloud.vault.{SslConfig, Vault, VaultConfig}
+import com.typesafe.scalalogging.StrictLogging
+import io.lenses.connect.secrets.config.{VaultAuthMethod, VaultSettings}
+import org.apache.kafka.connect.errors.ConnectException
+import java.io.File
+trait VaultHelper extends StrictLogging {
+ // initialize the vault client
+ def createClient(settings: VaultSettings): Vault = {
+ val config =
+ new VaultConfig().address(settings.addr)
+ // set ssl if configured
+ config.sslConfig(configureSSL(settings))
+ if (settings.namespace.nonEmpty) {
+ logger.info(s"Setting namespace to ${settings.namespace}")
+ config.nameSpace(settings.namespace)
+ }
+ logger.info(s"Setting engine version to ${settings.engineVersion}")
+ config.engineVersion(settings.engineVersion)
+ val vault = new Vault(config.build())
+ logger.info(
+ s"Initializing client with mode [${settings.authMode.toString}]"
+ )
+ val token = settings.authMode match {
+ case VaultAuthMethod.USERPASS =>
+ settings.userPass
+ .map(up =>
+ vault
+ .auth()
+ .loginByUserPass(up.username, up.password.value(), up.mount)
+ .getAuthClientToken
+ )
+ case VaultAuthMethod.APPROLE =>
+ settings.appRole
+ .map(ar =>
+ vault
+ .auth()
+ .loginByAppRole(ar.role, ar.secretId.value())
+ .getAuthClientToken
+ )
+ case VaultAuthMethod.CERT =>
+ settings.cert
+ .map(c => vault.auth().loginByCert(c.mount).getAuthClientToken)
+ case VaultAuthMethod.AWSIAM =>
+ settings.awsIam
+ .map(aws =>
+ vault
+ .auth()
+ .loginByAwsIam(
+ aws.role,
+ aws.url,
+ aws.body.value(),
+ aws.headers.value(),
+ aws.mount
+ )
+ .getAuthClientToken
+ )
+ case VaultAuthMethod.KUBERNETES =>
+ settings.k8s
+ .map(k8s =>
+ vault
+ .auth()
+ .loginByKubernetes(k8s.role, k8s.jwt.value())
+ .getAuthClientToken
+ )
+ case VaultAuthMethod.GCP =>
+ settings.gcp
+ .map(gcp =>
+ vault
+ .auth()
+ .loginByGCP(gcp.role, gcp.jwt.value())
+ .getAuthClientToken
+ )
+ case VaultAuthMethod.LDAP =>
+ settings.ldap
+ .map(l =>
+ vault
+ .auth()
+ .loginByLDAP(l.username, l.password.value(), l.mount)
+ .getAuthClientToken
+ )
+ case VaultAuthMethod.JWT =>
+ settings.jwt
+ .map(j =>
+ vault
+ .auth()
+ .loginByJwt(j.provider, j.role, j.jwt.value())
+ .getAuthClientToken
+ )
+ case VaultAuthMethod.TOKEN =>
+ Some(settings.token.value())
+ case VaultAuthMethod.GITHUB =>
+ settings.github
+ .map(gh =>
+ vault
+ .auth()
+ .loginByGithub(gh.token.value(), gh.mount)
+ .getAuthClientToken
+ )
+ case _ =>
+ throw new ConnectException(
+ s"Unsupported auth method [${settings.authMode.toString}]"
+ )
+ }
+ config.token(token.get)
+ config.build()
+ new Vault(config)
+ }
+ // set up tls
+ private def configureSSL(settings: VaultSettings): SslConfig = {
+ val ssl = new SslConfig()
+ if (settings.keystoreLoc != "") {
+ logger.info(s"Configuring keystore at [${settings.keystoreLoc}]")
+ ssl.keyStoreFile(
+ new File(settings.keystoreLoc),
+ settings.keystorePass.value()
+ )
+ }
+ if (settings.truststoreLoc != "") {
+ logger.info(s"Configuring keystore at [${settings.truststoreLoc}]")
+ ssl.trustStoreFile(new File(settings.truststoreLoc))
+ }
+ if (settings.clientPem != "") {
+ logger.info(s"Configuring client PEM. Ignored if JKS set.")
+ ssl.clientKeyPemFile(new File(settings.clientPem))
+ }
+ if (settings.pem != "") {
+ logger.info(s"Configuring Vault Server PEM. Ignored if JKS set.")
+ ssl.pemFile(new File(settings.pem))
+ }
+ ssl.build()
+ }
diff --git a/src/main/scala/io/lenses/connect/secrets/providers/VaultSecretProvider.scala b/src/main/scala/io/lenses/connect/secrets/providers/VaultSecretProvider.scala
index 3d4f9a0..44f2827 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/io/lenses/connect/secrets/providers/VaultSecretProvider.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/io/lenses/connect/secrets/providers/VaultSecretProvider.scala
@@ -6,14 +6,8 @@
package io.lenses.connect.secrets.providers
-import java.nio.file.FileSystems
-import java.nio.file.Paths
-import java.time.OffsetDateTime
-import java.util
-import _root_.io.lenses.connect.secrets.config.VaultProviderConfig
-import _root_.io.lenses.connect.secrets.config.VaultSettings
-import _root_.io.lenses.connect.secrets.connect._
+import io.lenses.connect.secrets.config.{VaultProviderConfig, VaultSettings}
+import io.lenses.connect.secrets.connect._
import com.bettercloud.vault.Vault
import io.lenses.connect.secrets.async.AsyncFunctionLoop
import io.lenses.connect.secrets.io.FileWriterOnce
@@ -22,26 +16,30 @@ import org.apache.kafka.common.config.ConfigData
import org.apache.kafka.common.config.provider.ConfigProvider
import org.apache.kafka.connect.errors.ConnectException
-import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
+import java.nio.file.Paths
+import java.time.OffsetDateTime
+import java.util
import scala.collection.mutable
-import scala.util.Failure
-import scala.util.Success
-import scala.util.Try
+import scala.jdk.CollectionConverters._
+import scala.util.{Failure, Success, Try}
class VaultSecretProvider() extends ConfigProvider with VaultHelper {
- private val separator: String = FileSystems.getDefault.getSeparator
private var settings: VaultSettings = _
private var vaultClient: Option[Vault] = None
private var tokenRenewal: Option[AsyncFunctionLoop] = None
- private val cache = mutable.Map.empty[String, (Option[OffsetDateTime], ConfigData)]
+ private val cache =
+ mutable.Map.empty[String, (Option[OffsetDateTime], ConfigData)]
def getClient: Option[Vault] = vaultClient
// configure the vault client
override def configure(configs: util.Map[String, _]): Unit = {
settings = VaultSettings(VaultProviderConfig(configs))
vaultClient = Some(createClient(settings))
- val renewalLoop = new AsyncFunctionLoop(settings.tokenRenewal, "Vault Token Renewal")(renewToken())
+ val renewalLoop =
+ new AsyncFunctionLoop(settings.tokenRenewal, "Vault Token Renewal")(
+ renewToken()
+ )
tokenRenewal = Some(renewalLoop)
@@ -50,9 +48,7 @@ class VaultSecretProvider() extends ConfigProvider with VaultHelper {
def tokenRenewalFailure: Long = tokenRenewal.map(_.failureRate).getOrElse(-1)
private def renewToken(): Unit = {
- vaultClient.foreach { client =>
- client.auth().renewSelf()
- }
+ vaultClient.foreach { client => client.auth().renewSelf() }
// lookup secrets at a path
@@ -75,7 +71,8 @@ class VaultSecretProvider() extends ConfigProvider with VaultHelper {
expiry.foreach(exp =>
- logger.info(s"Min expiry for TTL set to [${exp.toString}]"))
+ logger.info(s"Min expiry for TTL set to [${exp.toString}]")
+ )
cache += (path -> (expiry, data))
@@ -89,25 +86,40 @@ class VaultSecretProvider() extends ConfigProvider with VaultHelper {
val now = OffsetDateTime.now()
if (keys.asScala.subsetOf(data.data().asScala.keySet) && expiresAt
- .getOrElse(now.plusSeconds(1))
- .isAfter(now)) {
+ .getOrElse(now.plusSeconds(1))
+ .isAfter(now)) {
logger.info("Fetching secrets from cache")
- (expiresAt,
+ (
+ expiresAt,
new ConfigData(
- data.data().asScala.filterKeys(k => keys.contains(k)).asJava,
- data.ttl()))
+ data
+ .data()
+ .asScala
+ .view
+ .filter {
+ case (k, _) => keys.contains(k)
+ }
+ .toMap
+ .asJava,
+ data.ttl()
+ )
+ )
} else {
// missing some or expired so reload
- getSecretsAndExpiry(
- getSecrets(path).filterKeys(k => keys.contains(k)))
+ getSecretsAndExpiry(getSecrets(path).view.filter {
+ case (k, _) => keys.contains(k)
+ }.toMap)
case None =>
- getSecretsAndExpiry(getSecrets(path).filterKeys(k => keys.contains(k)))
+ getSecretsAndExpiry(getSecrets(path).view.filter {
+ case (k, _) => keys.contains(k)
+ }.toMap)
expiry.foreach(exp =>
- logger.info(s"Min expiry for TTL set to [${exp.toString}]"))
+ logger.info(s"Min expiry for TTL set to [${exp.toString}]")
+ )
cache += (path -> (expiry, data))
@@ -117,7 +129,9 @@ class VaultSecretProvider() extends ConfigProvider with VaultHelper {
// get the secrets and ttl under a path
- def getSecrets(path: String): Map[String, (String, Option[OffsetDateTime])] = {
+ def getSecrets(
+ path: String
+ ): Map[String, (String, Option[OffsetDateTime])] = {
val now = OffsetDateTime.now()
logger.info(s"Looking up value at [$path]")
@@ -126,16 +140,13 @@ class VaultSecretProvider() extends ConfigProvider with VaultHelper {
case Success(response) =>
if (response.getRestResponse.getStatus != 200) {
throw new ConnectException(
- s"No secrets found at path [$path]. Vault response: ${
- new String(
- response.getRestResponse.getBody)
- }"
+ s"No secrets found at path [$path]. Vault response: ${new String(response.getRestResponse.getBody)}"
val ttl = Option(vaultClient.get.logical().read(path).getLeaseDuration) match {
case Some(duration) => Some(now.plusSeconds(duration))
- case None => None
+ case None => None
if (response.getData.isEmpty) {
@@ -148,9 +159,14 @@ class VaultSecretProvider() extends ConfigProvider with VaultHelper {
case (k, v) =>
val encodingAndId = EncodingAndId.from(k)
val decoded =
- decodeKey(encoding = encodingAndId.encoding, key = k, value = v, writeFileFn = { content =>
- fileWriter.write(k.toLowerCase, content, k).toString
- })
+ decodeKey(
+ encoding = encodingAndId.encoding,
+ key = k,
+ value = v,
+ writeFileFn = { content =>
+ fileWriter.write(k.toLowerCase, content, k).toString
+ }
+ )
(k, (decoded, ttl))
diff --git a/src/main/scala/io/lenses/connect/secrets/utils/WithRetry.scala b/src/main/scala/io/lenses/connect/secrets/utils/WithRetry.scala
index 2bf0340..1ac541b 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/io/lenses/connect/secrets/utils/WithRetry.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/io/lenses/connect/secrets/utils/WithRetry.scala
@@ -7,20 +7,22 @@ package io.lenses.connect.secrets.utils
import scala.annotation.tailrec
import scala.concurrent.duration.FiniteDuration
+import scala.util.{Failure, Success, Try}
trait WithRetry {
- protected final def withRetry[T](retry: Int = 5, interval:Option[FiniteDuration])(thunk: => T): T =
- try {
+ @tailrec
+ protected final def withRetry[T](
+ retry: Int = 5,
+ interval: Option[FiniteDuration]
+ )(thunk: => T): T =
+ Try {
- } catch {
- case t: Throwable =>
+ } match {
+ case Failure(t) =>
if (retry == 0) throw t
- interval match {
- case Some(value) =>
- Thread.sleep(value.toMillis)
- withRetry(retry - 1, interval)(thunk)
- case None =>
- withRetry(retry-1,interval)(thunk)
- }
+ interval.foreach(sleepValue => Thread.sleep(sleepValue.toMillis))
+ withRetry(retry - 1, interval)(thunk)
+ case Success(value) => value
diff --git a/src/test/java/io/lenses/connect/secrets/vault/MockVault.java b/src/test/java/io/lenses/connect/secrets/vault/MockVault.java
index e587c09..2968960 100644
--- a/src/test/java/io/lenses/connect/secrets/vault/MockVault.java
+++ b/src/test/java/io/lenses/connect/secrets/vault/MockVault.java
@@ -10,9 +10,9 @@
import org.eclipse.jetty.server.Request;
import org.eclipse.jetty.server.handler.AbstractHandler;
-import javax.servlet.ServletException;
-import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
-import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
+import jakarta.servlet.ServletException;
+import jakarta.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
+import jakarta.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Optional;
diff --git a/src/test/java/io/lenses/connect/secrets/vault/VaultTestUtils.java b/src/test/java/io/lenses/connect/secrets/vault/VaultTestUtils.java
index d41884d..b788875 100644
--- a/src/test/java/io/lenses/connect/secrets/vault/VaultTestUtils.java
+++ b/src/test/java/io/lenses/connect/secrets/vault/VaultTestUtils.java
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
import org.eclipse.jetty.server.*;
import org.eclipse.jetty.util.ssl.SslContextFactory;
-import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
+import jakarta.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Map;
@@ -78,9 +78,6 @@ public static Optional readRequestBody(HttpServletRequest request) {
public static Map readRequestHeaders(HttpServletRequest request) {
-// ArrayList x = new ArrayList<>();
-// x.add(request.getHeaderNames()).stream().collect(toMap(identity(), request::getHeader));
return Collections.list(request.getHeaderNames()).stream().collect(toMap(identity(), request::getHeader));
diff --git a/src/test/scala/io/lenses/connect/secrets/TmpDirUtil.scala b/src/test/scala/io/lenses/connect/secrets/TmpDirUtil.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..68d45a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/test/scala/io/lenses/connect/secrets/TmpDirUtil.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+package io.lenses.connect.secrets
+import java.nio.file.FileSystems
+object TmpDirUtil {
+ val separator: String = FileSystems.getDefault.getSeparator
+ def getTempDir: String =
+ System.getProperty("java.io.tmpdir").stripSuffix(separator)
diff --git a/src/test/scala/io/lenses/connect/secrets/async/AsyncFunctionLoopTest.scala b/src/test/scala/io/lenses/connect/secrets/async/AsyncFunctionLoopTest.scala
index 095fe27..d0b0c22 100644
--- a/src/test/scala/io/lenses/connect/secrets/async/AsyncFunctionLoopTest.scala
+++ b/src/test/scala/io/lenses/connect/secrets/async/AsyncFunctionLoopTest.scala
@@ -6,12 +6,10 @@
package io.lenses.connect.secrets.async
-import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch
-import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit
import org.scalatest.funsuite.AnyFunSuite
import org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers
+import java.util.concurrent.{CountDownLatch, TimeUnit}
import scala.concurrent.duration.DurationInt
class AsyncFunctionLoopTest extends AnyFunSuite with Matchers {
diff --git a/src/test/scala/io/lenses/connect/secrets/io/FileWriterOnceTest.scala b/src/test/scala/io/lenses/connect/secrets/io/FileWriterOnceTest.scala
index 9ba13f6..e86c306 100644
--- a/src/test/scala/io/lenses/connect/secrets/io/FileWriterOnceTest.scala
+++ b/src/test/scala/io/lenses/connect/secrets/io/FileWriterOnceTest.scala
@@ -1,15 +1,14 @@
package io.lenses.connect.secrets.io
-import java.io.File
-import java.nio.file.Paths
-import java.util.UUID
+import org.scalatest.BeforeAndAfterAll
import org.scalatest.funsuite.AnyFunSuite
import org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers
-import org.scalatest.BeforeAndAfterAll
+import java.io.File
+import java.nio.file.Paths
+import java.util.UUID
import scala.io.Source
-import scala.util.Try
+import scala.util.{Success, Try, Using}
class FileWriterOnceTest
extends AnyFunSuite
@@ -34,10 +33,7 @@ class FileWriterOnceTest
val file = Paths.get(folder.toPath.toString, "thisone").toFile
file.exists() shouldBe true
- val source = Source.fromFile(file)
- val size = source.size
- source.close()
- size shouldBe content.length
+ Using(Source.fromFile(file))(_.size) shouldBe Success(content.length)
test("does not write the file twice") {
@@ -47,16 +43,11 @@ class FileWriterOnceTest
val file = Paths.get(folder.toPath.toString, fileName).toFile
file.exists() shouldBe true
- var source = Source.fromFile(file)
- var size = source.size
- source.close()
- size shouldBe content1.length
+ Using(Source.fromFile(file))(_.size) shouldBe Success(content1.length)
- val content2 = Array(1, 2, 3,4,5,6,7,8).map(_.toByte)
+ val content2 = Array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8).map(_.toByte)
writer.write(fileName, content2, "key1")
- source = Source.fromFile(file)
- size = source.size
- source.close()
- size shouldBe content1.length
+ Using(Source.fromFile(file))(_.size) shouldBe Success(content1.length)
diff --git a/src/test/scala/io/lenses/connect/secrets/providers/AWSSecretProviderTest.scala b/src/test/scala/io/lenses/connect/secrets/providers/AWSSecretProviderTest.scala
index c4b17ce..a568daf 100644
--- a/src/test/scala/io/lenses/connect/secrets/providers/AWSSecretProviderTest.scala
+++ b/src/test/scala/io/lenses/connect/secrets/providers/AWSSecretProviderTest.scala
@@ -1,339 +1,336 @@
- *
- * * Copyright 2017-2020 Lenses.io Ltd
- *
- */
-package io.lenses.connect.secrets.providers
-import java.nio.file.FileSystems
-import java.util.Base64
-import java.util.Date
-import com.amazonaws.services.secretsmanager.AWSSecretsManager
-import com.amazonaws.services.secretsmanager.model._
-import com.bettercloud.vault.json.JsonObject
-import io.lenses.connect.secrets.config.AWSProviderConfig
-import io.lenses.connect.secrets.config.AWSProviderSettings
-import io.lenses.connect.secrets.connect._
-import io.lenses.connect.secrets.connect.AuthMode
-import io.lenses.connect.secrets.connect.Encoding
-import io.lenses.connect.secrets.utils.EncodingAndId
-import org.apache.kafka.common.config.ConfigTransformer
-import org.apache.kafka.common.config.provider.ConfigProvider
-import org.apache.kafka.connect.errors.ConnectException
-import org.mockito.ArgumentMatchers.any
-import org.mockito.MockitoSugar
-import org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers
-import org.scalatest.wordspec.AnyWordSpec
-import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
-import scala.io.Source
-class AWSSecretProviderTest
- extends AnyWordSpec
- with Matchers
- with MockitoSugar {
- val separator: String = FileSystems.getDefault.getSeparator
- val tmp: String =
- System.getProperty("java.io.tmpdir") + separator + "provider-tests-aws"
- "should authenticate with credentials" in {
- val props = Map(
- AWSProviderConfig.AUTH_METHOD -> AuthMode.CREDENTIALS.toString,
- AWSProviderConfig.AWS_ACCESS_KEY -> "somekey",
- AWSProviderConfig.AWS_SECRET_KEY -> "secretkey",
- AWSProviderConfig.AWS_REGION -> "someregion"
- ).asJava
- val provider = new AWSSecretProvider()
- provider.configure(props)
- provider.close()
- }
- "should authenticate with credentials and lookup a secret" in {
- val props = Map(
- AWSProviderConfig.AUTH_METHOD -> AuthMode.CREDENTIALS.toString,
- AWSProviderConfig.AWS_ACCESS_KEY -> "somekey",
- AWSProviderConfig.AWS_SECRET_KEY -> "secretkey",
- AWSProviderConfig.AWS_REGION -> "someregion"
- ).asJava
- val secretKey = "my-secret-key"
- val secretName = "my-secret-name"
- val secretValue = "secret-value"
- val provider = new AWSSecretProvider()
- provider.configure(props)
- val mockClient = mock[AWSSecretsManager]
- val secretValRequest =
- new GetSecretValueRequest().withSecretId(secretName)
- val secretValResponse = new GetSecretValueResult()
- val secretJson = new JsonObject().add(secretKey, secretValue)
- secretValResponse.setName(secretName)
- secretValResponse.setSecretString(secretJson.toString())
- val now = new Date()
- val describeSecretResponse = new DescribeSecretResult()
- describeSecretResponse.setLastRotatedDate(now)
- describeSecretResponse.setRotationEnabled(true)
- describeSecretResponse.setLastRotatedDate(now)
- val rotationRulesType = new RotationRulesType()
- rotationRulesType.setAutomaticallyAfterDays(1.toLong)
- describeSecretResponse.setRotationRules(rotationRulesType)
- when(mockClient.describeSecret(any[DescribeSecretRequest]))
- .thenReturn(describeSecretResponse)
- when(mockClient.getSecretValue(secretValRequest))
- .thenReturn(secretValResponse)
- provider.client = Some(mockClient)
- val data = provider.get(secretName, Set(secretKey).asJava)
- data.data().get(secretKey) shouldBe secretValue
- provider.close()
- }
- "should authenticate with credentials and lookup a base64 secret" in {
- val props = Map(
- AWSProviderConfig.AUTH_METHOD -> AuthMode.CREDENTIALS.toString,
- AWSProviderConfig.AWS_ACCESS_KEY -> "somekey",
- AWSProviderConfig.AWS_SECRET_KEY -> "secretkey",
- AWSProviderConfig.AWS_REGION -> "someregion"
- ).asJava
- val secretKey = Encoding.BASE64.toString
- val secretName = "my-secret-name"
- val secretValue = "base64-secret-value"
- val provider = new AWSSecretProvider()
- provider.configure(props)
- val mockClient = mock[AWSSecretsManager]
- val secretValRequest =
- new GetSecretValueRequest().withSecretId(secretName)
- val secretValResponse = new GetSecretValueResult()
- secretValResponse.setName(secretName)
- val secretJson = new JsonObject().add(
- secretKey,
- Base64.getEncoder.encodeToString(secretValue.getBytes)
- )
- secretValResponse.setSecretString(secretJson.toString)
- val now = new Date()
- val describeSecretResponse = new DescribeSecretResult()
- describeSecretResponse.setLastRotatedDate(now)
- describeSecretResponse.setRotationEnabled(true)
- describeSecretResponse.setLastRotatedDate(now)
- val rotationRulesType = new RotationRulesType()
- rotationRulesType.setAutomaticallyAfterDays(1.toLong)
- describeSecretResponse.setRotationRules(rotationRulesType)
- when(mockClient.describeSecret(any[DescribeSecretRequest]))
- .thenReturn(describeSecretResponse)
- when(mockClient.getSecretValue(secretValRequest))
- .thenReturn(secretValResponse)
- provider.client = Some(mockClient)
- val data = provider.get(secretName, Set(secretKey).asJava)
- data.data().get(secretKey) shouldBe secretValue
- provider.get("").data().isEmpty shouldBe true
- provider.close()
- }
- "should authenticate with credentials and lookup a base64 secret and write to file" in {
- val props = Map(
- AWSProviderConfig.AUTH_METHOD -> AuthMode.CREDENTIALS.toString,
- AWSProviderConfig.AWS_ACCESS_KEY -> "somekey",
- AWSProviderConfig.AWS_SECRET_KEY -> "secretkey",
- AWSProviderConfig.AWS_REGION -> "someregion",
- FILE_DIR -> tmp
- ).asJava
- val secretKey = Encoding.BASE64_FILE.toString
- val secretName = "my-secret-name"
- val secretValue = "base64-secret-value"
- val provider = new AWSSecretProvider()
- provider.configure(props)
- val mockClient = mock[AWSSecretsManager]
- val secretValRequest =
- new GetSecretValueRequest().withSecretId(secretName)
- val secretValResponse = new GetSecretValueResult()
- secretValResponse.setName(secretName)
- val secretJson = new JsonObject().add(
- secretKey,
- Base64.getEncoder.encodeToString("base64-secret-value".getBytes)
- )
- secretValResponse.setSecretString(secretJson.toString)
- val now = new Date()
- val describeSecretResponse = new DescribeSecretResult()
- describeSecretResponse.setLastRotatedDate(now)
- describeSecretResponse.setRotationEnabled(true)
- describeSecretResponse.setLastRotatedDate(now)
- val rotationRulesType = new RotationRulesType()
- rotationRulesType.setAutomaticallyAfterDays(1.toLong)
- describeSecretResponse.setRotationRules(rotationRulesType)
- when(mockClient.describeSecret(any[DescribeSecretRequest]))
- .thenReturn(describeSecretResponse)
- when(mockClient.getSecretValue(secretValRequest))
- .thenReturn(secretValResponse)
- provider.client = Some(mockClient)
- val data = provider.get(secretName, Set(secretKey).asJava)
- val outputFile = data.data().get(secretKey)
- outputFile shouldBe s"$tmp$separator$secretName$separator${secretKey.toLowerCase}"
- val result = Source.fromFile(outputFile)
- result.getLines().mkString shouldBe secretValue
- result.close()
- provider.get("").data().isEmpty shouldBe true
- provider.close()
- }
- "should authenticate with credentials and lookup a utf8 secret and write to file" in {
- val props = Map(
- AWSProviderConfig.AUTH_METHOD -> AuthMode.CREDENTIALS.toString,
- AWSProviderConfig.AWS_ACCESS_KEY -> "somekey",
- AWSProviderConfig.AWS_SECRET_KEY -> "secretkey",
- AWSProviderConfig.AWS_REGION -> "someregion",
- FILE_DIR -> tmp
- ).asJava
- val secretKey =
- s"${Encoding.UTF8_FILE}${EncodingAndId.Separator}my-secret-key"
- val secretName = "my-secret-name"
- val secretValue = "utf8-secret-value"
- val provider = new AWSSecretProvider()
- provider.configure(props)
- val mockClient = mock[AWSSecretsManager]
- val secretValRequest =
- new GetSecretValueRequest().withSecretId(secretName)
- val secretValResponse = new GetSecretValueResult()
- secretValResponse.setName(secretName)
- val secretJson = new JsonObject().add(
- secretKey,
- secretValue
- )
- secretValResponse.setSecretString(secretJson.toString)
- val now = new Date()
- val describeSecretResponse = new DescribeSecretResult()
- describeSecretResponse.setLastRotatedDate(now)
- describeSecretResponse.setRotationEnabled(true)
- describeSecretResponse.setLastRotatedDate(now)
- val rotationRulesType = new RotationRulesType()
- rotationRulesType.setAutomaticallyAfterDays(1.toLong)
- describeSecretResponse.setRotationRules(rotationRulesType)
- when(mockClient.describeSecret(any[DescribeSecretRequest]))
- .thenReturn(describeSecretResponse)
- when(mockClient.getSecretValue(secretValRequest))
- .thenReturn(secretValResponse)
- provider.client = Some(mockClient)
- val data = provider.get(secretName, Set(secretKey).asJava)
- val outputFile = data.data().get(secretKey)
- outputFile shouldBe s"$tmp$separator$secretName$separator${secretKey.toLowerCase}"
- val result = Source.fromFile(outputFile)
- result.getLines().mkString shouldBe secretValue
- result.close()
- provider.get("").data().isEmpty shouldBe true
- provider.close()
- }
- "should throw an exception if access key not set and not default auth mode" in {
- intercept[ConnectException] {
- AWSProviderSettings(
- AWSProviderConfig(
- Map(
- AWSProviderConfig.AWS_REGION -> "someregion",
- AWSProviderConfig.AUTH_METHOD -> AuthMode.CREDENTIALS.toString,
- AWSProviderConfig.AWS_SECRET_KEY -> "secretId"
- ).asJava
- )
- )
- }
- }
- "should throw an exception if secret key not set and not default auth mode" in {
- intercept[ConnectException] {
- AWSProviderSettings(
- AWSProviderConfig(
- Map(
- AWSProviderConfig.AWS_REGION -> "someregion",
- AWSProviderConfig.AUTH_METHOD -> AuthMode.CREDENTIALS.toString,
- AWSProviderConfig.AWS_ACCESS_KEY -> "someclientid"
- ).asJava
- )
- )
- }
- }
- "should check transformer" in {
- val secretKey = s"my-secret-key"
- val secretName = "my-secret-name"
- val secretValue = "utf8-secret-value"
- val mockClient = mock[AWSSecretsManager]
- val secretValRequest =
- new GetSecretValueRequest().withSecretId(secretName)
- val secretValResponse = new GetSecretValueResult()
- val secretJson = new JsonObject().add(secretKey, secretValue)
- secretValResponse.setName(secretName)
- secretValResponse.setSecretString(secretJson.toString())
- val now = new Date()
- val describeSecretResponse = new DescribeSecretResult()
- describeSecretResponse.setLastRotatedDate(now)
- describeSecretResponse.setRotationEnabled(true)
- describeSecretResponse.setLastRotatedDate(now)
- val rotationRulesType = new RotationRulesType()
- rotationRulesType.setAutomaticallyAfterDays(1.toLong)
- describeSecretResponse.setRotationRules(rotationRulesType)
- when(mockClient.describeSecret(any[DescribeSecretRequest]))
- .thenReturn(describeSecretResponse)
- when(mockClient.getSecretValue(secretValRequest))
- .thenReturn(secretValResponse)
- val props = Map(
- AWSProviderConfig.AUTH_METHOD -> AuthMode.CREDENTIALS.toString,
- AWSProviderConfig.AWS_ACCESS_KEY -> "somekey",
- AWSProviderConfig.AWS_SECRET_KEY -> "secretkey",
- AWSProviderConfig.AWS_REGION -> "someregion"
- ).asJava
- val provider = new AWSSecretProvider()
- provider.configure(props)
- provider.client = Some(mockClient)
- // check the workerconfigprovider
- val map = new java.util.HashMap[String, ConfigProvider]()
- map.put("aws", provider)
- val transformer = new ConfigTransformer(map)
- val props2 =
- Map("mykey" -> "${aws:my-secret-name:my-secret-key}").asJava
- val data = transformer.transform(props2)
- data.data().get("mykey") shouldBe secretValue
- provider.close()
- }
+ *
+ * * Copyright 2017-2020 Lenses.io Ltd
+ *
+ */
+package io.lenses.connect.secrets.providers
+import com.amazonaws.services.secretsmanager.AWSSecretsManager
+import com.amazonaws.services.secretsmanager.model._
+import com.bettercloud.vault.json.JsonObject
+import io.lenses.connect.secrets.TmpDirUtil.getTempDir
+import io.lenses.connect.secrets.config.{AWSProviderConfig, AWSProviderSettings}
+import io.lenses.connect.secrets.connect.{AuthMode, Encoding, _}
+import io.lenses.connect.secrets.utils.EncodingAndId
+import org.apache.kafka.common.config.ConfigTransformer
+import org.apache.kafka.common.config.provider.ConfigProvider
+import org.apache.kafka.connect.errors.ConnectException
+import org.mockito.ArgumentMatchers.any
+import org.mockito.Mockito.when
+import org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers
+import org.scalatest.wordspec.AnyWordSpec
+import org.scalatestplus.mockito.MockitoSugar
+import java.nio.file.FileSystems
+import java.util.{Base64, Date}
+import scala.io.Source
+import scala.jdk.CollectionConverters._
+import scala.util.{Success, Using}
+class AWSSecretProviderTest
+ extends AnyWordSpec
+ with Matchers
+ with MockitoSugar {
+ val separator: String = FileSystems.getDefault.getSeparator
+ val tmp: String = s"$getTempDir${separator}provider-tests-aws"
+ "should authenticate with credentials" in {
+ val props = Map(
+ AWSProviderConfig.AUTH_METHOD -> AuthMode.CREDENTIALS.toString,
+ AWSProviderConfig.AWS_ACCESS_KEY -> "somekey",
+ AWSProviderConfig.AWS_SECRET_KEY -> "secretkey",
+ AWSProviderConfig.AWS_REGION -> "someregion"
+ ).asJava
+ val provider = new AWSSecretProvider()
+ provider.configure(props)
+ provider.close()
+ }
+ "should authenticate with credentials and lookup a secret" in {
+ val props = Map(
+ AWSProviderConfig.AUTH_METHOD -> AuthMode.CREDENTIALS.toString,
+ AWSProviderConfig.AWS_ACCESS_KEY -> "somekey",
+ AWSProviderConfig.AWS_SECRET_KEY -> "secretkey",
+ AWSProviderConfig.AWS_REGION -> "someregion"
+ ).asJava
+ val secretKey = "my-secret-key"
+ val secretName = "my-secret-name"
+ val secretValue = "secret-value"
+ val provider = new AWSSecretProvider()
+ provider.configure(props)
+ val mockClient = mock[AWSSecretsManager]
+ val secretValRequest =
+ new GetSecretValueRequest().withSecretId(secretName)
+ val secretValResponse = new GetSecretValueResult()
+ val secretJson = new JsonObject().add(secretKey, secretValue)
+ secretValResponse.setName(secretName)
+ secretValResponse.setSecretString(secretJson.toString())
+ val now = new Date()
+ val describeSecretResponse = new DescribeSecretResult()
+ describeSecretResponse.setLastRotatedDate(now)
+ describeSecretResponse.setRotationEnabled(true)
+ describeSecretResponse.setLastRotatedDate(now)
+ val rotationRulesType = new RotationRulesType()
+ rotationRulesType.setAutomaticallyAfterDays(1.toLong)
+ describeSecretResponse.setRotationRules(rotationRulesType)
+ when(mockClient.describeSecret(any[DescribeSecretRequest]))
+ .thenReturn(describeSecretResponse)
+ when(mockClient.getSecretValue(secretValRequest))
+ .thenReturn(secretValResponse)
+ provider.client = Some(mockClient)
+ val data = provider.get(secretName, Set(secretKey).asJava)
+ data.data().get(secretKey) shouldBe secretValue
+ provider.close()
+ }
+ "should authenticate with credentials and lookup a base64 secret" in {
+ val props = Map(
+ AWSProviderConfig.AUTH_METHOD -> AuthMode.CREDENTIALS.toString,
+ AWSProviderConfig.AWS_ACCESS_KEY -> "somekey",
+ AWSProviderConfig.AWS_SECRET_KEY -> "secretkey",
+ AWSProviderConfig.AWS_REGION -> "someregion"
+ ).asJava
+ val secretKey = Encoding.BASE64.toString
+ val secretName = "my-secret-name"
+ val secretValue = "base64-secret-value"
+ val provider = new AWSSecretProvider()
+ provider.configure(props)
+ val mockClient = mock[AWSSecretsManager]
+ val secretValRequest =
+ new GetSecretValueRequest().withSecretId(secretName)
+ val secretValResponse = new GetSecretValueResult()
+ secretValResponse.setName(secretName)
+ val secretJson = new JsonObject().add(
+ secretKey,
+ Base64.getEncoder.encodeToString(secretValue.getBytes)
+ )
+ secretValResponse.setSecretString(secretJson.toString)
+ val now = new Date()
+ val describeSecretResponse = new DescribeSecretResult()
+ describeSecretResponse.setLastRotatedDate(now)
+ describeSecretResponse.setRotationEnabled(true)
+ describeSecretResponse.setLastRotatedDate(now)
+ val rotationRulesType = new RotationRulesType()
+ rotationRulesType.setAutomaticallyAfterDays(1.toLong)
+ describeSecretResponse.setRotationRules(rotationRulesType)
+ when(mockClient.describeSecret(any[DescribeSecretRequest]))
+ .thenReturn(describeSecretResponse)
+ when(mockClient.getSecretValue(secretValRequest))
+ .thenReturn(secretValResponse)
+ provider.client = Some(mockClient)
+ val data = provider.get(secretName, Set(secretKey).asJava)
+ data.data().get(secretKey) shouldBe secretValue
+ provider.get("").data().isEmpty shouldBe true
+ provider.close()
+ }
+ "should authenticate with credentials and lookup a base64 secret and write to file" in {
+ val props = Map(
+ AWSProviderConfig.AUTH_METHOD -> AuthMode.CREDENTIALS.toString,
+ AWSProviderConfig.AWS_ACCESS_KEY -> "somekey",
+ AWSProviderConfig.AWS_SECRET_KEY -> "secretkey",
+ AWSProviderConfig.AWS_REGION -> "someregion",
+ FILE_DIR -> tmp
+ ).asJava
+ val secretKey = Encoding.BASE64_FILE.toString
+ val secretName = "my-secret-name"
+ val secretValue = "base64-secret-value"
+ val provider = new AWSSecretProvider()
+ provider.configure(props)
+ val mockClient = mock[AWSSecretsManager]
+ val secretValRequest =
+ new GetSecretValueRequest().withSecretId(secretName)
+ val secretValResponse = new GetSecretValueResult()
+ secretValResponse.setName(secretName)
+ val secretJson = new JsonObject().add(
+ secretKey,
+ Base64.getEncoder.encodeToString("base64-secret-value".getBytes)
+ )
+ secretValResponse.setSecretString(secretJson.toString)
+ val now = new Date()
+ val describeSecretResponse = new DescribeSecretResult()
+ describeSecretResponse.setLastRotatedDate(now)
+ describeSecretResponse.setRotationEnabled(true)
+ describeSecretResponse.setLastRotatedDate(now)
+ val rotationRulesType = new RotationRulesType()
+ rotationRulesType.setAutomaticallyAfterDays(1.toLong)
+ describeSecretResponse.setRotationRules(rotationRulesType)
+ when(mockClient.describeSecret(any[DescribeSecretRequest]))
+ .thenReturn(describeSecretResponse)
+ when(mockClient.getSecretValue(secretValRequest))
+ .thenReturn(secretValResponse)
+ provider.client = Some(mockClient)
+ val data = provider.get(secretName, Set(secretKey).asJava)
+ val outputFile = data.data().get(secretKey)
+ outputFile shouldBe s"$tmp$separator$secretName$separator${secretKey.toLowerCase}"
+ Using(Source.fromFile(outputFile))(_.getLines().mkString) shouldBe Success(
+ secretValue
+ )
+ provider.get("").data().isEmpty shouldBe true
+ provider.close()
+ }
+ "should authenticate with credentials and lookup a utf8 secret and write to file" in {
+ val props = Map(
+ AWSProviderConfig.AUTH_METHOD -> AuthMode.CREDENTIALS.toString,
+ AWSProviderConfig.AWS_ACCESS_KEY -> "somekey",
+ AWSProviderConfig.AWS_SECRET_KEY -> "secretkey",
+ AWSProviderConfig.AWS_REGION -> "someregion",
+ FILE_DIR -> tmp
+ ).asJava
+ val secretKey =
+ s"${Encoding.UTF8_FILE}${EncodingAndId.Separator}my-secret-key"
+ val secretName = "my-secret-name"
+ val secretValue = "utf8-secret-value"
+ val provider = new AWSSecretProvider()
+ provider.configure(props)
+ val mockClient = mock[AWSSecretsManager]
+ val secretValRequest =
+ new GetSecretValueRequest().withSecretId(secretName)
+ val secretValResponse = new GetSecretValueResult()
+ secretValResponse.setName(secretName)
+ val secretJson = new JsonObject().add(
+ secretKey,
+ secretValue
+ )
+ secretValResponse.setSecretString(secretJson.toString)
+ val now = new Date()
+ val describeSecretResponse = new DescribeSecretResult()
+ describeSecretResponse.setLastRotatedDate(now)
+ describeSecretResponse.setRotationEnabled(true)
+ describeSecretResponse.setLastRotatedDate(now)
+ val rotationRulesType = new RotationRulesType()
+ rotationRulesType.setAutomaticallyAfterDays(1.toLong)
+ describeSecretResponse.setRotationRules(rotationRulesType)
+ when(mockClient.describeSecret(any[DescribeSecretRequest]))
+ .thenReturn(describeSecretResponse)
+ when(mockClient.getSecretValue(secretValRequest))
+ .thenReturn(secretValResponse)
+ provider.client = Some(mockClient)
+ val data = provider.get(secretName, Set(secretKey).asJava)
+ val outputFile = data.data().get(secretKey)
+ outputFile shouldBe s"$tmp$separator$secretName$separator${secretKey.toLowerCase}"
+ Using(Source.fromFile(outputFile))(_.getLines().mkString) shouldBe Success(
+ secretValue
+ )
+ provider.get("").data().isEmpty shouldBe true
+ provider.close()
+ }
+ "should throw an exception if access key not set and not default auth mode" in {
+ intercept[ConnectException] {
+ AWSProviderSettings(
+ AWSProviderConfig(
+ Map(
+ AWSProviderConfig.AWS_REGION -> "someregion",
+ AWSProviderConfig.AUTH_METHOD -> AuthMode.CREDENTIALS.toString,
+ AWSProviderConfig.AWS_SECRET_KEY -> "secretId"
+ ).asJava
+ )
+ )
+ }
+ }
+ "should throw an exception if secret key not set and not default auth mode" in {
+ intercept[ConnectException] {
+ AWSProviderSettings(
+ AWSProviderConfig(
+ Map(
+ AWSProviderConfig.AWS_REGION -> "someregion",
+ AWSProviderConfig.AUTH_METHOD -> AuthMode.CREDENTIALS.toString,
+ AWSProviderConfig.AWS_ACCESS_KEY -> "someclientid"
+ ).asJava
+ )
+ )
+ }
+ }
+ "should check transformer" in {
+ val secretKey = s"my-secret-key"
+ val secretName = "my-secret-name"
+ val secretValue = "utf8-secret-value"
+ val mockClient = mock[AWSSecretsManager]
+ val secretValRequest =
+ new GetSecretValueRequest().withSecretId(secretName)
+ val secretValResponse = new GetSecretValueResult()
+ val secretJson = new JsonObject().add(secretKey, secretValue)
+ secretValResponse.setName(secretName)
+ secretValResponse.setSecretString(secretJson.toString())
+ val now = new Date()
+ val describeSecretResponse = new DescribeSecretResult()
+ describeSecretResponse.setLastRotatedDate(now)
+ describeSecretResponse.setRotationEnabled(true)
+ describeSecretResponse.setLastRotatedDate(now)
+ val rotationRulesType = new RotationRulesType()
+ rotationRulesType.setAutomaticallyAfterDays(1.toLong)
+ describeSecretResponse.setRotationRules(rotationRulesType)
+ when(mockClient.describeSecret(any[DescribeSecretRequest]))
+ .thenReturn(describeSecretResponse)
+ when(mockClient.getSecretValue(secretValRequest))
+ .thenReturn(secretValResponse)
+ val props = Map(
+ AWSProviderConfig.AUTH_METHOD -> AuthMode.CREDENTIALS.toString,
+ AWSProviderConfig.AWS_ACCESS_KEY -> "somekey",
+ AWSProviderConfig.AWS_SECRET_KEY -> "secretkey",
+ AWSProviderConfig.AWS_REGION -> "someregion"
+ ).asJava
+ val provider = new AWSSecretProvider()
+ provider.configure(props)
+ provider.client = Some(mockClient)
+ // check the workerconfigprovider
+ val map = new java.util.HashMap[String, ConfigProvider]()
+ map.put("aws", provider)
+ val transformer = new ConfigTransformer(map)
+ val props2 =
+ Map("mykey" -> "${aws:my-secret-name:my-secret-key}").asJava
+ val data = transformer.transform(props2)
+ data.data().get("mykey") shouldBe secretValue
+ provider.close()
+ }
diff --git a/src/test/scala/io/lenses/connect/secrets/providers/Aes256DecodingHelperTest.scala b/src/test/scala/io/lenses/connect/secrets/providers/Aes256DecodingHelperTest.scala
index ad8404e..4e313de 100644
--- a/src/test/scala/io/lenses/connect/secrets/providers/Aes256DecodingHelperTest.scala
+++ b/src/test/scala/io/lenses/connect/secrets/providers/Aes256DecodingHelperTest.scala
@@ -1,25 +1,25 @@
package io.lenses.connect.secrets.providers
+import io.lenses.connect.secrets.providers.Aes256DecodingHelper.INITIALISATION_VECTOR_SEPARATOR
import org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers
-import org.scalatest.wordspec.AnyWordSpec
import org.scalatest.prop.TableDrivenPropertyChecks
+import org.scalatest.wordspec.AnyWordSpec
+import java.util.UUID.randomUUID
import scala.util.Random.nextString
-import scala.util.Try
import scala.util.Success
-import java.util.UUID.randomUUID
class Aes256DecodingHelperTest
extends AnyWordSpec
with Matchers
with TableDrivenPropertyChecks {
- import AesDecodingTestHelper.encrypt
+ import AesDecodingTestHelper.encrypt
"AES-256 decorer" should {
"not be created for invalid key length" in {
val secretKey = randomUUID.toString.take(16)
- Aes256DecodingHelper.init(secretKey) shouldBe 'left
+ Aes256DecodingHelper.init(secretKey) shouldBe Symbol("left")
"not be able to decrypt message for uncrecognized key" in new TestContext {
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ class Aes256DecodingHelperTest
trait TestContext {
- val key = generateKey()
+ val key = generateKey()
def generateKey(): String = randomUUID.toString.take(32)
diff --git a/src/test/scala/io/lenses/connect/secrets/providers/Aes256DecodingProviderTest.scala b/src/test/scala/io/lenses/connect/secrets/providers/Aes256DecodingProviderTest.scala
index 282a768..7f8e187 100644
--- a/src/test/scala/io/lenses/connect/secrets/providers/Aes256DecodingProviderTest.scala
+++ b/src/test/scala/io/lenses/connect/secrets/providers/Aes256DecodingProviderTest.scala
@@ -1,32 +1,23 @@
package io.lenses.connect.secrets.providers
+import io.lenses.connect.secrets.config.Aes256ProviderConfig
+import io.lenses.connect.secrets.connect.{Encoding, FILE_DIR}
+import io.lenses.connect.secrets.utils.EncodingAndId
import org.apache.kafka.common.config.provider.ConfigProvider
+import org.apache.kafka.common.config.{ConfigException, ConfigTransformer}
+import org.apache.kafka.connect.errors.ConnectException
import org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers
import org.scalatest.prop.TableDrivenPropertyChecks
import org.scalatest.wordspec.AnyWordSpec
-import java.util.Base64
-import java.util.UUID.randomUUID
-import io.lenses.connect.secrets.config.Aes256ProviderConfig
-import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
-import org.apache.kafka.connect.errors.ConnectException
-import org.apache.kafka.common.config.ConfigException
-import org.apache.kafka.common.config.ConfigTransformer
-import io.lenses.connect.secrets.connect.FILE_DIR
-import java.io.File
-import java.nio.file.Files
-import org.scalatest.compatible.Assertion
-import scala.io.Source
import java.io.FileInputStream
+import java.nio.file.Files
import java.util
-import io.lenses.connect.secrets.connect.Encoding
-import io.lenses.connect.secrets.utils.EncodingAndId
-import scala.util.Random
+import java.util.Base64
+import java.util.UUID.randomUUID
+import scala.io.Source
+import scala.jdk.CollectionConverters._
+import scala.util.{Random, Success, Using}
class Aes256DecodingProviderTest
extends AnyWordSpec
@@ -35,42 +26,60 @@ class Aes256DecodingProviderTest
import AesDecodingTestHelper.encrypt
"aes256 provider" should {
- "decrypt aes 256 utf-8 encoded value" in new TestContext with ConfiguredProvider {
+ "decrypt aes 256 utf-8 encoded value" in new TestContext
+ with ConfiguredProvider {
val encrypted = encrypt(value, key)
forAll(Table("encoding", "", "utf-8")) { encoding =>
- val decrypted = provider.get(encoding, Set(encrypted).asJava).data().asScala
+ val decrypted =
+ provider.get(encoding, Set(encrypted).asJava).data().asScala
decrypted.get(encrypted) shouldBe Some(value)
- "decrypt aes 256 base64 encoded value" in new TestContext with ConfiguredProvider {
- val encrypted = encrypt(Base64.getEncoder.encodeToString(value.getBytes()), key)
+ "decrypt aes 256 base64 encoded value" in new TestContext
+ with ConfiguredProvider {
+ val encrypted =
+ encrypt(Base64.getEncoder.encodeToString(value.getBytes()), key)
- val decrypted = provider.get("base64", Set(encrypted).asJava).data().asScala
+ val decrypted =
+ provider.get("base64", Set(encrypted).asJava).data().asScala
decrypted.get(encrypted) shouldBe Some(value)
- "decrypt aes 256 encoded value stored in file with utf-8 encoding" in new TestContext with ConfiguredProvider {
+ "decrypt aes 256 encoded value stored in file with utf-8 encoding" in new TestContext
+ with ConfiguredProvider {
val encrypted = encrypt(value, key)
- val providerData = provider.get(s"utf8_file${EncodingAndId.Separator}id1", Set(encrypted).asJava).data().asScala
+ val providerData = provider
+ .get(s"utf8_file${EncodingAndId.Separator}id1", Set(encrypted).asJava)
+ .data()
+ .asScala
val decryptedPath = providerData(encrypted)
decryptedPath should startWith(s"$tmpDir/secrets/")
decryptedPath.toLowerCase.contains(encrypted.toLowerCase) shouldBe false
- Source.fromFile(decryptedPath).getLines.mkString shouldBe value
+ Using(Source.fromFile(decryptedPath))(_.getLines().mkString) shouldBe Success(
+ value
+ )
- "decrypt aes 256 encoded value stored in file with base64 encoding" in new TestContext with ConfiguredProvider {
+ "decrypt aes 256 encoded value stored in file with base64 encoding" in new TestContext
+ with ConfiguredProvider {
val bytesAmount = 100
val bytesInput = Array.fill[Byte](bytesAmount)(0)
val encrypted = encrypt(Base64.getEncoder.encodeToString(bytesInput), key)
- val providerData = provider.get(s"${Encoding.BASE64_FILE}${EncodingAndId.Separator}fileId1", Set(encrypted).asJava).data().asScala
+ val providerData = provider
+ .get(
+ s"${Encoding.BASE64_FILE}${EncodingAndId.Separator}fileId1",
+ Set(encrypted).asJava
+ )
+ .data()
+ .asScala
val decryptedPath = providerData(encrypted)
decryptedPath should startWith(s"$tmpDir/secrets/")
@@ -81,7 +90,6 @@ class Aes256DecodingProviderTest
bytesConsumed.toList shouldBe bytesInput.toList
"transform value referencing to the provider" in new TestContext {
val value = "hi!"
val encrypted = encrypt(value, key)
diff --git a/src/test/scala/io/lenses/connect/secrets/providers/AesDecodingTestHelper.scala b/src/test/scala/io/lenses/connect/secrets/providers/AesDecodingTestHelper.scala
index 0f2bcbb..6a957d0 100644
--- a/src/test/scala/io/lenses/connect/secrets/providers/AesDecodingTestHelper.scala
+++ b/src/test/scala/io/lenses/connect/secrets/providers/AesDecodingTestHelper.scala
@@ -1,41 +1,49 @@
package io.lenses.connect.secrets.providers
-import javax.crypto.Cipher
-import javax.crypto.spec.IvParameterSpec
-import javax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec
+import io.lenses.connect.secrets.providers.Aes256DecodingHelper.INITIALISATION_VECTOR_SEPARATOR
import java.util.Base64
+import javax.crypto.Cipher
+import javax.crypto.spec.{IvParameterSpec, SecretKeySpec}
import scala.util.Try
object AesDecodingTestHelper {
private val AES = "AES"
- def encrypt(s: String, key: String): String = {
- val iv = InitializationVector()
- encryptBytes(s.getBytes("UTF-8"), iv, key).map(encrypted =>
- base64Encode(iv.bytes) + INITIALISATION_VECTOR_SEPARATOR + base64Encode(encrypted)
- ).get
- }
- private def encryptBytes(
- bytes: Array[Byte],
- iv: InitializationVector,
- key: String
- ): Try[Array[Byte]] =
- for {
- cipher <- getCipher(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, iv, key)
- encrypted <- Try(cipher.doFinal(bytes))
- } yield encrypted
+ def encrypt(s: String, key: String): String = {
+ val iv = InitializationVector()
+ encryptBytes(s.getBytes("UTF-8"), iv, key)
+ .map(encrypted =>
+ base64Encode(iv.bytes) + INITIALISATION_VECTOR_SEPARATOR + base64Encode(
+ encrypted
+ )
+ )
+ .get
+ }
+ private def encryptBytes(
+ bytes: Array[Byte],
+ iv: InitializationVector,
+ key: String
+ ): Try[Array[Byte]] =
+ for {
+ cipher <- getCipher(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, iv, key)
+ encrypted <- Try(cipher.doFinal(bytes))
+ } yield encrypted
- private def getCipher(mode: Int, iv: InitializationVector, key: String): Try[Cipher] =
- Try {
- val cipher = Cipher.getInstance("AES/CBC/PKCS5Padding")
- val ivSpec = new IvParameterSpec(iv.bytes)
- val secret = new SecretKeySpec(key.getBytes("UTF-8"), AES)
- cipher.init(mode, secret, ivSpec)
- cipher
- }
+ private def getCipher(
+ mode: Int,
+ iv: InitializationVector,
+ key: String
+ ): Try[Cipher] =
+ Try {
+ val cipher = Cipher.getInstance("AES/CBC/PKCS5Padding")
+ val ivSpec = new IvParameterSpec(iv.bytes)
+ val secret = new SecretKeySpec(key.getBytes("UTF-8"), AES)
+ cipher.init(mode, secret, ivSpec)
+ cipher
+ }
- private def base64Encode(bytes: Array[Byte]) =
- Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(bytes)
+ private def base64Encode(bytes: Array[Byte]) =
+ Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(bytes)
diff --git a/src/test/scala/io/lenses/connect/secrets/providers/AzureSecretProviderTest.scala b/src/test/scala/io/lenses/connect/secrets/providers/AzureSecretProviderTest.scala
index 7331e7d..3ae7696 100644
--- a/src/test/scala/io/lenses/connect/secrets/providers/AzureSecretProviderTest.scala
+++ b/src/test/scala/io/lenses/connect/secrets/providers/AzureSecretProviderTest.scala
@@ -1,419 +1,438 @@
- *
- * * Copyright 2017-2020 Lenses.io Ltd
- *
- */
-package io.lenses.connect.secrets.providers
-import java.nio.file.FileSystems
-import java.time.OffsetDateTime
-import java.util.Base64
-import com.azure.security.keyvault.secrets.SecretClient
-import com.azure.security.keyvault.secrets.models.{KeyVaultSecret, SecretProperties}
-import io.lenses.connect.secrets.config.{AzureProviderConfig, AzureProviderSettings}
-import io.lenses.connect.secrets.connect
-import io.lenses.connect.secrets.connect.AuthMode
-import org.apache.kafka.common.config.{ConfigData, ConfigDef, ConfigTransformer}
-import org.apache.kafka.common.config.provider.ConfigProvider
-import org.apache.kafka.connect.errors.ConnectException
-import org.mockito.MockitoSugar
-import org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers
-import org.scalatest.wordspec.AnyWordSpec
-import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
-import scala.io.Source
-class AzureSecretProviderTest
- extends AnyWordSpec
- with Matchers
- with MockitoSugar {
- val separator: String = FileSystems.getDefault.getSeparator
- val tmp: String =
- System.getProperty("java.io.tmpdir") + separator + "provider-tests-azure"
- "should get secrets at a path with service principal credentials" in {
- val props = Map(
- AzureProviderConfig.AUTH_METHOD -> AuthMode.CREDENTIALS.toString,
- AzureProviderConfig.AZURE_CLIENT_ID -> "someclientid",
- AzureProviderConfig.AZURE_TENANT_ID -> "sometenantid",
- AzureProviderConfig.AZURE_SECRET_ID -> "somesecretid"
- ).asJava
- val provider = new AzureSecretProvider
- provider.configure(props)
- val secretKey = "my-key"
- val secretValue = "secret-value"
- val secretPath = "my-path.vault.azure.net"
- val client = mock[SecretClient]
- val secret = mock[KeyVaultSecret]
- val secretProperties = mock[SecretProperties]
- val offset = OffsetDateTime.now()
- // string secret
- when(secretProperties.getExpiresOn).thenReturn(offset)
- when(secret.getValue).thenReturn(secretValue)
- when(secret.getProperties).thenReturn(secretProperties)
- when(client.getSecret(secretKey)).thenReturn(secret)
- // poke in the mocked client
- provider.clientMap += (s"https://$secretPath" -> client)
- val data = provider.get(secretPath, Set(secretKey).asJava)
- data.data().containsKey(secretKey)
- data.data().get(secretKey) shouldBe secretValue
- provider.get("").data().isEmpty shouldBe true
- provider.close()
- }
- "should get base64 secrets at a path with service principal credentials" in {
- val props = Map(
- AzureProviderConfig.AUTH_METHOD -> AuthMode.CREDENTIALS.toString,
- AzureProviderConfig.AZURE_CLIENT_ID -> "someclientid",
- AzureProviderConfig.AZURE_TENANT_ID -> "sometenantid",
- AzureProviderConfig.AZURE_SECRET_ID -> "somesecretid"
- ).asJava
- val provider = new AzureSecretProvider
- provider.configure(props)
- val secretKey = "base64-key"
- val secretValue = "base64-secret-value"
- val secretPath = "my-path.vault.azure.net"
- val client = mock[SecretClient]
- //base64 secret
- val secretb64 = mock[KeyVaultSecret]
- val secretPropertiesb64 = mock[SecretProperties]
- val ttl = OffsetDateTime.now()
- when(secretPropertiesb64.getExpiresOn).thenReturn(ttl)
- when(secretPropertiesb64.getTags)
- .thenReturn(
- Map(connect.FILE_ENCODING -> connect.Encoding.BASE64.toString).asJava
- )
- when(secretb64.getValue).thenReturn(
- Base64.getEncoder.encodeToString(secretValue.getBytes)
- )
- when(secretb64.getProperties).thenReturn(secretPropertiesb64)
- when(client.getSecret(secretKey)).thenReturn(secretb64)
- // poke in the mocked client
- provider.clientMap += (s"https://$secretPath" -> client)
- val data = provider.get(secretPath, Set(secretKey).asJava)
- data.data().get(secretKey) shouldBe secretValue
- provider.get("").data().isEmpty shouldBe true
- provider.close()
- }
- "should get base64 secrets and write to file" in {
- val props = Map(
- AzureProviderConfig.AUTH_METHOD -> AuthMode.CREDENTIALS.toString,
- AzureProviderConfig.AZURE_CLIENT_ID -> "someclientid",
- AzureProviderConfig.AZURE_TENANT_ID -> "sometenantid",
- AzureProviderConfig.AZURE_SECRET_ID -> "somesecretid",
- connect.FILE_DIR -> tmp
- ).asJava
- val provider = new AzureSecretProvider
- provider.configure(props)
- val secretKey = "base64-key"
- val secretValue = "base64-secret-value"
- val secretPath = "my-path.vault.azure.net"
- val client = mock[SecretClient]
- //base64 secret
- val secretb64 = mock[KeyVaultSecret]
- val secretPropertiesb64 = mock[SecretProperties]
- val ttl = OffsetDateTime.now()
- when(secretPropertiesb64.getExpiresOn).thenReturn(ttl)
- when(secretPropertiesb64.getTags)
- .thenReturn(
- Map(connect.FILE_ENCODING -> connect.Encoding.BASE64_FILE.toString).asJava
- )
- when(secretb64.getValue).thenReturn(
- Base64.getEncoder.encodeToString(secretValue.getBytes)
- )
- when(secretb64.getProperties).thenReturn(secretPropertiesb64)
- when(client.getSecret(secretKey)).thenReturn(secretb64)
- when(client.getVaultUrl).thenReturn(s"https://$secretPath")
- // poke in the mocked client
- provider.clientMap += (s"https://$secretPath" -> client)
- val data = provider.get(secretPath, Set(secretKey).asJava)
- val outputFile = data.data().get(secretKey)
- outputFile shouldBe s"$tmp$separator$secretPath$separator$secretKey"
- val result = Source.fromFile(outputFile)
- result.getLines().mkString shouldBe secretValue
- result.close()
- provider.get("").data().isEmpty shouldBe true
- provider.close()
- }
- "should get utf secrets and write to file" in {
- val props = Map(
- AzureProviderConfig.AUTH_METHOD -> AuthMode.CREDENTIALS.toString,
- AzureProviderConfig.AZURE_CLIENT_ID -> "someclientid",
- AzureProviderConfig.AZURE_TENANT_ID -> "sometenantid",
- AzureProviderConfig.AZURE_SECRET_ID -> "somesecretid",
- connect.FILE_DIR -> tmp
- ).asJava
- val provider = new AzureSecretProvider
- provider.configure(props)
- val secretKey = "utf8-key"
- val secretValue = "utf8-secret-value"
- val secretPath = "my-path.vault.azure.net"
- val client = mock[SecretClient]
- val secret = mock[KeyVaultSecret]
- val secretProperties = mock[SecretProperties]
- val ttl = OffsetDateTime.now()
- when(secretProperties.getExpiresOn).thenReturn(ttl)
- when(secretProperties.getTags)
- .thenReturn(
- Map(connect.FILE_ENCODING -> connect.Encoding.UTF8_FILE.toString).asJava
- )
- when(secret.getValue).thenReturn(secretValue)
- when(secret.getProperties).thenReturn(secretProperties)
- when(client.getSecret(secretKey)).thenReturn(secret)
- when(client.getVaultUrl).thenReturn(s"https://$secretPath")
- // poke in the mocked client
- provider.clientMap += (s"https://$secretPath" -> client)
- val data = provider.get(secretPath, Set(secretKey).asJava)
- val outputFile = data.data().get(secretKey)
- outputFile shouldBe s"$tmp$separator$secretPath$separator$secretKey"
- val result = Source.fromFile(outputFile)
- result.getLines().mkString shouldBe secretValue
- result.close()
- provider.get("").data().isEmpty shouldBe true
- provider.close()
- }
- "should use cache" in {
- val props = Map(
- AzureProviderConfig.AUTH_METHOD -> AuthMode.CREDENTIALS.toString,
- AzureProviderConfig.AZURE_CLIENT_ID -> "someclientid",
- AzureProviderConfig.AZURE_TENANT_ID -> "sometenantid",
- AzureProviderConfig.AZURE_SECRET_ID -> "somesecretid",
- connect.FILE_DIR -> tmp
- ).asJava
- val provider = new AzureSecretProvider
- provider.configure(props)
- val secretKey = "utf8-key"
- val secretValue = "utf8-secret-value"
- val secretPath = "my-path.vault.azure.net"
- val client = mock[SecretClient]
- // poke in the mocked client
- provider.clientMap += (s"https://$secretPath" -> client)
- val now = OffsetDateTime.now().plusMinutes(10)
- val cachedData = new ConfigData(Map(secretKey -> secretPath).asJava)
- val cached = (Some(now), cachedData)
- // add to cache
- provider.cache += (s"https://$secretPath" -> cached)
- val data = provider.get(secretPath, Set(secretKey).asJava)
- data.data().containsKey(secretKey)
- }
- "should use not cache because of expiry" in {
- val props = Map(
- AzureProviderConfig.AUTH_METHOD -> AuthMode.CREDENTIALS.toString,
- AzureProviderConfig.AZURE_CLIENT_ID -> "someclientid",
- AzureProviderConfig.AZURE_TENANT_ID -> "sometenantid",
- AzureProviderConfig.AZURE_SECRET_ID -> "somesecretid",
- connect.FILE_DIR -> tmp
- ).asJava
- val provider = new AzureSecretProvider
- provider.configure(props)
- val secretKey = "utf8-key"
- val secretValue = "utf8-secret-value"
- val secretPath = "my-path.vault.azure.net"
- val vaultUrl = s"https://$secretPath"
- val client = mock[SecretClient]
- val secret = mock[KeyVaultSecret]
- val secretProperties = mock[SecretProperties]
- val ttl = OffsetDateTime.now().plusHours(1)
- when(secretProperties.getExpiresOn).thenReturn(ttl)
- when(secretProperties.getTags)
- .thenReturn(
- Map(connect.FILE_ENCODING -> connect.Encoding.UTF8_FILE.toString).asJava
- )
- when(secret.getValue).thenReturn(secretValue)
- when(secret.getProperties).thenReturn(secretProperties)
- when(client.getSecret(secretKey)).thenReturn(secret)
- when(client.getVaultUrl).thenReturn(vaultUrl)
- // poke in the mocked client
- provider.clientMap += (vaultUrl -> client)
- //put expiry of cache 1 second behind
- val now = OffsetDateTime.now().minusSeconds(1)
- val cachedData = new ConfigData(Map(secretKey -> secretPath).asJava)
- val cached = (Some(now), cachedData)
- // add to cache
- provider.cache += (vaultUrl -> cached)
- val data = provider.get(secretPath, Set(secretKey).asJava)
- data.data().containsKey(secretKey)
- // ttl should be in future now in cache
- provider.cache(vaultUrl)._1.get shouldBe ttl
- }
- "should use not cache because of different keys" in {
- val props = Map(
- AzureProviderConfig.AUTH_METHOD -> AuthMode.CREDENTIALS.toString,
- AzureProviderConfig.AZURE_CLIENT_ID -> "someclientid",
- AzureProviderConfig.AZURE_TENANT_ID -> "sometenantid",
- AzureProviderConfig.AZURE_SECRET_ID -> "somesecretid",
- connect.FILE_DIR -> tmp
- ).asJava
- val provider = new AzureSecretProvider
- provider.configure(props)
- val secretKey = "utf8-key"
- val secretValue = "utf8-secret-value"
- val secretPath = "my-path.vault.azure.net"
- val vaultUrl = s"https://$secretPath"
- val client = mock[SecretClient]
- val secret = mock[KeyVaultSecret]
- val secretProperties = mock[SecretProperties]
- val ttl = OffsetDateTime.now().plusHours(1)
- when(secretProperties.getExpiresOn).thenReturn(ttl)
- when(secretProperties.getTags)
- .thenReturn(
- Map(connect.FILE_ENCODING -> connect.Encoding.UTF8_FILE.toString).asJava
- )
- when(secret.getValue).thenReturn(secretValue)
- when(secret.getProperties).thenReturn(secretProperties)
- when(client.getSecret(secretKey)).thenReturn(secret)
- when(client.getVaultUrl).thenReturn(vaultUrl)
- // poke in the mocked client
- provider.clientMap += (vaultUrl -> client)
- //put expiry of cache 1 second behind
- val now = OffsetDateTime.now()
- val cachedData = new ConfigData(Map("old-key" -> secretPath).asJava)
- val cached = (Some(now), cachedData)
- // add to cache
- provider.cache += (vaultUrl -> cached)
- val data = provider.get(secretPath, Set(secretKey).asJava)
- data.data().containsKey(secretKey)
- }
- "should throw an exception if client id not set and not default auth mode" in {
- intercept[ConnectException] {
- AzureProviderSettings(
- AzureProviderConfig(
- Map(AzureProviderConfig.AUTH_METHOD -> AuthMode.CREDENTIALS.toString).asJava
- )
- )
- }
- }
- "should throw an exception if tenant id not set and not default auth mode" in {
- intercept[ConnectException] {
- AzureProviderSettings(
- AzureProviderConfig(
- Map(
- AzureProviderConfig.AUTH_METHOD -> AuthMode.CREDENTIALS.toString,
- AzureProviderConfig.AZURE_CLIENT_ID -> "someclientid"
- ).asJava
- )
- )
- }
- }
- "should throw an exception if secret id not set and not default auth mode" in {
- intercept[ConnectException] {
- AzureProviderSettings(
- AzureProviderConfig(
- Map(
- AzureProviderConfig.AUTH_METHOD -> AuthMode.CREDENTIALS.toString,
- AzureProviderConfig.AZURE_CLIENT_ID -> "someclientid",
- AzureProviderConfig.AZURE_TENANT_ID -> "sometenantid"
- ).asJava
- )
- )
- }
- }
- "should not throw an exception if service principals not set and default auth mode" in {
- val settings = AzureProviderSettings(
- AzureProviderConfig(
- Map(AzureProviderConfig.AUTH_METHOD -> AuthMode.DEFAULT.toString).asJava
- )
- )
- settings.authMode shouldBe AuthMode.DEFAULT
- }
- "check transformer" in {
- val props1 = Map(
- AzureProviderConfig.AZURE_CLIENT_ID -> "someclientid",
- AzureProviderConfig.AZURE_TENANT_ID -> "sometenantid",
- AzureProviderConfig.AZURE_SECRET_ID -> "somesecretid"
- ).asJava
- val secretKey = "key-1"
- val secretValue = "utf8-secret-value"
- val secretPath = "my-path.vault.azure.net"
- val client = mock[SecretClient]
- val secret = mock[KeyVaultSecret]
- val secretProperties = mock[SecretProperties]
- val offset = OffsetDateTime.now()
- // string secret
- when(secretProperties.getExpiresOn).thenReturn(offset)
- when(secret.getValue).thenReturn(secretValue)
- when(secret.getProperties).thenReturn(secretProperties)
- when(client.getSecret(secretKey)).thenReturn(secret)
- val provider = new AzureSecretProvider()
- provider.configure(props1)
- provider.clientMap += (s"https://$secretPath" -> client)
- // check the workerconfigprovider
- val map = new java.util.HashMap[String, ConfigProvider]()
- map.put("azure", provider)
- val transformer = new ConfigTransformer(map)
- val props2 =
- Map("mykey" -> "${azure:my-path.vault.azure.net:key-1}").asJava
- val data = transformer.transform(props2)
- data.data().get("mykey") shouldBe secretValue
- }
+ *
+ * * Copyright 2017-2020 Lenses.io Ltd
+ *
+ */
+package io.lenses.connect.secrets.providers
+import com.azure.security.keyvault.secrets.SecretClient
+import com.azure.security.keyvault.secrets.models.{
+ KeyVaultSecret,
+ SecretProperties
+import io.lenses.connect.secrets.TmpDirUtil.getTempDir
+import io.lenses.connect.secrets.config.{
+ AzureProviderConfig,
+ AzureProviderSettings
+import io.lenses.connect.secrets.connect
+import io.lenses.connect.secrets.connect.AuthMode
+import org.apache.kafka.common.config.provider.ConfigProvider
+import org.apache.kafka.common.config.{ConfigData, ConfigTransformer}
+import org.apache.kafka.connect.errors.ConnectException
+import org.mockito.Mockito.when
+import org.scalatestplus.mockito.MockitoSugar
+import org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers
+import org.scalatest.wordspec.AnyWordSpec
+import java.nio.file.FileSystems
+import java.time.OffsetDateTime
+import java.util.Base64
+import scala.io.Source
+import scala.jdk.CollectionConverters._
+import scala.util.{Success, Using}
+class AzureSecretProviderTest
+ extends AnyWordSpec
+ with Matchers
+ with MockitoSugar {
+ val separator: String = FileSystems.getDefault.getSeparator
+ val tmp: String =
+ s"$getTempDir${separator}provider-tests-azure"
+ "should get secrets at a path with service principal credentials" in {
+ val props = Map(
+ AzureProviderConfig.AUTH_METHOD -> AuthMode.CREDENTIALS.toString,
+ AzureProviderConfig.AZURE_CLIENT_ID -> "someclientid",
+ AzureProviderConfig.AZURE_TENANT_ID -> "sometenantid",
+ AzureProviderConfig.AZURE_SECRET_ID -> "somesecretid"
+ ).asJava
+ val provider = new AzureSecretProvider
+ provider.configure(props)
+ val secretKey = "my-key"
+ val secretValue = "secret-value"
+ val secretPath = "my-path.vault.azure.net"
+ val client = mock[SecretClient]
+ when(client.getVaultUrl).thenReturn(s"https://$secretPath")
+ val secret = mock[KeyVaultSecret]
+ val secretProperties = mock[SecretProperties]
+ val offset = OffsetDateTime.now()
+ // string secret
+ when(secretProperties.getExpiresOn).thenReturn(offset)
+ when(secret.getValue).thenReturn(secretValue)
+ when(secret.getProperties).thenReturn(secretProperties)
+ when(client.getSecret(secretKey)).thenReturn(secret)
+ // poke in the mocked client
+ provider.clientMap += (s"https://$secretPath" -> client)
+ val data = provider.get(secretPath, Set(secretKey).asJava)
+ data.data().containsKey(secretKey)
+ data.data().get(secretKey) shouldBe secretValue
+ provider.get("").data().isEmpty shouldBe true
+ provider.close()
+ }
+ "should get base64 secrets at a path with service principal credentials" in {
+ val props = Map(
+ AzureProviderConfig.AUTH_METHOD -> AuthMode.CREDENTIALS.toString,
+ AzureProviderConfig.AZURE_CLIENT_ID -> "someclientid",
+ AzureProviderConfig.AZURE_TENANT_ID -> "sometenantid",
+ AzureProviderConfig.AZURE_SECRET_ID -> "somesecretid"
+ ).asJava
+ val provider = new AzureSecretProvider
+ provider.configure(props)
+ val secretKey = "base64-key"
+ val secretValue = "base64-secret-value"
+ val secretPath = "my-path.vault.azure.net"
+ val client = mock[SecretClient]
+ when(client.getVaultUrl).thenReturn(s"https://$secretPath")
+ //base64 secret
+ val secretb64 = mock[KeyVaultSecret]
+ val secretPropertiesb64 = mock[SecretProperties]
+ val ttl = OffsetDateTime.now()
+ when(secretPropertiesb64.getExpiresOn).thenReturn(ttl)
+ when(secretPropertiesb64.getTags)
+ .thenReturn(
+ Map(connect.FILE_ENCODING -> connect.Encoding.BASE64.toString).asJava
+ )
+ when(secretb64.getValue).thenReturn(
+ Base64.getEncoder.encodeToString(secretValue.getBytes)
+ )
+ when(secretb64.getProperties).thenReturn(secretPropertiesb64)
+ when(client.getSecret(secretKey)).thenReturn(secretb64)
+ // poke in the mocked client
+ provider.clientMap += (s"https://$secretPath" -> client)
+ val data = provider.get(secretPath, Set(secretKey).asJava)
+ data.data().get(secretKey) shouldBe secretValue
+ provider.get("").data().isEmpty shouldBe true
+ provider.close()
+ }
+ "should get base64 secrets and write to file" in {
+ val props = Map(
+ AzureProviderConfig.AUTH_METHOD -> AuthMode.CREDENTIALS.toString,
+ AzureProviderConfig.AZURE_CLIENT_ID -> "someclientid",
+ AzureProviderConfig.AZURE_TENANT_ID -> "sometenantid",
+ AzureProviderConfig.AZURE_SECRET_ID -> "somesecretid",
+ connect.FILE_DIR -> tmp
+ ).asJava
+ val provider = new AzureSecretProvider
+ provider.configure(props)
+ val secretKey = "base64-key"
+ val secretValue = "base64-secret-value"
+ val secretPath = "my-path.vault.azure.net"
+ val client = mock[SecretClient]
+ when(client.getVaultUrl).thenReturn(s"https://$secretPath")
+ //base64 secret
+ val secretb64 = mock[KeyVaultSecret]
+ val secretPropertiesb64 = mock[SecretProperties]
+ val ttl = OffsetDateTime.now()
+ when(secretPropertiesb64.getExpiresOn).thenReturn(ttl)
+ when(secretPropertiesb64.getTags)
+ .thenReturn(
+ Map(connect.FILE_ENCODING -> connect.Encoding.BASE64_FILE.toString).asJava
+ )
+ when(secretb64.getValue).thenReturn(
+ Base64.getEncoder.encodeToString(secretValue.getBytes)
+ )
+ when(secretb64.getProperties).thenReturn(secretPropertiesb64)
+ when(client.getSecret(secretKey)).thenReturn(secretb64)
+ when(client.getVaultUrl).thenReturn(s"https://$secretPath")
+ // poke in the mocked client
+ provider.clientMap += (s"https://$secretPath" -> client)
+ val data = provider.get(secretPath, Set(secretKey).asJava)
+ val outputFile = data.data().get(secretKey)
+ outputFile shouldBe s"$tmp$separator$secretPath$separator$secretKey"
+ Using(Source.fromFile(outputFile))(_.getLines().mkString) shouldBe Success(
+ secretValue
+ )
+ provider.get("").data().isEmpty shouldBe true
+ provider.close()
+ }
+ "should get utf secrets and write to file" in {
+ val props = Map(
+ AzureProviderConfig.AUTH_METHOD -> AuthMode.CREDENTIALS.toString,
+ AzureProviderConfig.AZURE_CLIENT_ID -> "someclientid",
+ AzureProviderConfig.AZURE_TENANT_ID -> "sometenantid",
+ AzureProviderConfig.AZURE_SECRET_ID -> "somesecretid",
+ connect.FILE_DIR -> tmp
+ ).asJava
+ val provider = new AzureSecretProvider
+ provider.configure(props)
+ val secretKey = "utf8-key"
+ val secretValue = "utf8-secret-value"
+ val secretPath = "my-path.vault.azure.net"
+ val client = mock[SecretClient]
+ when(client.getVaultUrl).thenReturn(s"https://$secretPath")
+ val secret = mock[KeyVaultSecret]
+ val secretProperties = mock[SecretProperties]
+ val ttl = OffsetDateTime.now()
+ when(secretProperties.getExpiresOn).thenReturn(ttl)
+ when(secretProperties.getTags)
+ .thenReturn(
+ Map(connect.FILE_ENCODING -> connect.Encoding.UTF8_FILE.toString).asJava
+ )
+ when(secret.getValue).thenReturn(secretValue)
+ when(secret.getProperties).thenReturn(secretProperties)
+ when(client.getSecret(secretKey)).thenReturn(secret)
+ when(client.getVaultUrl).thenReturn(s"https://$secretPath")
+ // poke in the mocked client
+ provider.clientMap += (s"https://$secretPath" -> client)
+ val data = provider.get(secretPath, Set(secretKey).asJava)
+ val outputFile = data.data().get(secretKey)
+ outputFile shouldBe s"$tmp$separator$secretPath$separator$secretKey"
+ Using(Source.fromFile(outputFile))(_.getLines().mkString) shouldBe Success(
+ secretValue
+ )
+ provider.get("").data().isEmpty shouldBe true
+ provider.close()
+ }
+ "should use cache" in {
+ val props = Map(
+ AzureProviderConfig.AUTH_METHOD -> AuthMode.CREDENTIALS.toString,
+ AzureProviderConfig.AZURE_CLIENT_ID -> "someclientid",
+ AzureProviderConfig.AZURE_TENANT_ID -> "sometenantid",
+ AzureProviderConfig.AZURE_SECRET_ID -> "somesecretid",
+ connect.FILE_DIR -> tmp
+ ).asJava
+ val provider = new AzureSecretProvider
+ provider.configure(props)
+ val secretKey = "utf8-key"
+ val secretPath = "my-path.vault.azure.net"
+ val client = mock[SecretClient]
+ when(client.getVaultUrl).thenReturn(s"https://$secretPath")
+ // poke in the mocked client
+ provider.clientMap += (s"https://$secretPath" -> client)
+ val now = OffsetDateTime.now().plusMinutes(10)
+ val cachedData = new ConfigData(Map(secretKey -> secretPath).asJava)
+ val cached = (Some(now), cachedData)
+ // add to cache
+ provider.cache += (s"https://$secretPath" -> cached)
+ val data = provider.get(secretPath, Set(secretKey).asJava)
+ data.data().containsKey(secretKey)
+ }
+ "should use not cache because of expiry" in {
+ val props = Map(
+ AzureProviderConfig.AUTH_METHOD -> AuthMode.CREDENTIALS.toString,
+ AzureProviderConfig.AZURE_CLIENT_ID -> "someclientid",
+ AzureProviderConfig.AZURE_TENANT_ID -> "sometenantid",
+ AzureProviderConfig.AZURE_SECRET_ID -> "somesecretid",
+ connect.FILE_DIR -> tmp
+ ).asJava
+ val provider = new AzureSecretProvider
+ provider.configure(props)
+ val secretKey = "utf8-key"
+ val secretValue = "utf8-secret-value"
+ val secretPath = "my-path.vault.azure.net"
+ val vaultUrl = s"https://$secretPath"
+ val client = mock[SecretClient]
+ when(client.getVaultUrl).thenReturn(s"https://$secretPath")
+ val secret = mock[KeyVaultSecret]
+ val secretProperties = mock[SecretProperties]
+ val ttl = OffsetDateTime.now().plusHours(1)
+ when(secretProperties.getExpiresOn).thenReturn(ttl)
+ when(secretProperties.getTags)
+ .thenReturn(
+ Map(connect.FILE_ENCODING -> connect.Encoding.UTF8_FILE.toString).asJava
+ )
+ when(secret.getValue).thenReturn(secretValue)
+ when(secret.getProperties).thenReturn(secretProperties)
+ when(client.getSecret(secretKey)).thenReturn(secret)
+ when(client.getVaultUrl).thenReturn(vaultUrl)
+ // poke in the mocked client
+ provider.clientMap += (vaultUrl -> client)
+ //put expiry of cache 1 second behind
+ val now = OffsetDateTime.now().minusSeconds(1)
+ val cachedData = new ConfigData(Map(secretKey -> secretPath).asJava)
+ val cached = (Some(now), cachedData)
+ // add to cache
+ provider.cache += (vaultUrl -> cached)
+ val data = provider.get(secretPath, Set(secretKey).asJava)
+ data.data().containsKey(secretKey)
+ // ttl should be in future now in cache
+ provider.cache(vaultUrl)._1.get shouldBe ttl
+ }
+ "should use not cache because of different keys" in {
+ val props = Map(
+ AzureProviderConfig.AUTH_METHOD -> AuthMode.CREDENTIALS.toString,
+ AzureProviderConfig.AZURE_CLIENT_ID -> "someclientid",
+ AzureProviderConfig.AZURE_TENANT_ID -> "sometenantid",
+ AzureProviderConfig.AZURE_SECRET_ID -> "somesecretid",
+ connect.FILE_DIR -> tmp
+ ).asJava
+ val provider = new AzureSecretProvider
+ provider.configure(props)
+ val secretKey = "utf8-key"
+ val secretValue = "utf8-secret-value"
+ val secretPath = "my-path.vault.azure.net"
+ val vaultUrl = s"https://$secretPath"
+ val client = mock[SecretClient]
+ when(client.getVaultUrl).thenReturn(s"https://$secretPath")
+ val secret = mock[KeyVaultSecret]
+ val secretProperties = mock[SecretProperties]
+ val ttl = OffsetDateTime.now().plusHours(1)
+ when(secretProperties.getExpiresOn).thenReturn(ttl)
+ when(secretProperties.getTags)
+ .thenReturn(
+ Map(connect.FILE_ENCODING -> connect.Encoding.UTF8_FILE.toString).asJava
+ )
+ when(secret.getValue).thenReturn(secretValue)
+ when(secret.getProperties).thenReturn(secretProperties)
+ when(client.getSecret(secretKey)).thenReturn(secret)
+ when(client.getVaultUrl).thenReturn(vaultUrl)
+ // poke in the mocked client
+ provider.clientMap += (vaultUrl -> client)
+ //put expiry of cache 1 second behind
+ val now = OffsetDateTime.now()
+ val cachedData = new ConfigData(Map("old-key" -> secretPath).asJava)
+ val cached = (Some(now), cachedData)
+ // add to cache
+ provider.cache += (vaultUrl -> cached)
+ val data = provider.get(secretPath, Set(secretKey).asJava)
+ data.data().containsKey(secretKey)
+ }
+ "should throw an exception if client id not set and not default auth mode" in {
+ intercept[ConnectException] {
+ AzureProviderSettings(
+ AzureProviderConfig(
+ Map(AzureProviderConfig.AUTH_METHOD -> AuthMode.CREDENTIALS.toString).asJava
+ )
+ )
+ }
+ }
+ "should throw an exception if tenant id not set and not default auth mode" in {
+ intercept[ConnectException] {
+ AzureProviderSettings(
+ AzureProviderConfig(
+ Map(
+ AzureProviderConfig.AUTH_METHOD -> AuthMode.CREDENTIALS.toString,
+ AzureProviderConfig.AZURE_CLIENT_ID -> "someclientid"
+ ).asJava
+ )
+ )
+ }
+ }
+ "should throw an exception if secret id not set and not default auth mode" in {
+ intercept[ConnectException] {
+ AzureProviderSettings(
+ AzureProviderConfig(
+ Map(
+ AzureProviderConfig.AUTH_METHOD -> AuthMode.CREDENTIALS.toString,
+ AzureProviderConfig.AZURE_CLIENT_ID -> "someclientid",
+ AzureProviderConfig.AZURE_TENANT_ID -> "sometenantid"
+ ).asJava
+ )
+ )
+ }
+ }
+ "should not throw an exception if service principals not set and default auth mode" in {
+ val settings = AzureProviderSettings(
+ AzureProviderConfig(
+ Map(AzureProviderConfig.AUTH_METHOD -> AuthMode.DEFAULT.toString).asJava
+ )
+ )
+ settings.authMode shouldBe AuthMode.DEFAULT
+ }
+ "check transformer" in {
+ val props1 = Map(
+ AzureProviderConfig.AZURE_CLIENT_ID -> "someclientid",
+ AzureProviderConfig.AZURE_TENANT_ID -> "sometenantid",
+ AzureProviderConfig.AZURE_SECRET_ID -> "somesecretid"
+ ).asJava
+ val secretKey = "key-1"
+ val secretValue = "utf8-secret-value"
+ val secretPath = "my-path.vault.azure.net"
+ val client = mock[SecretClient]
+ when(client.getVaultUrl).thenReturn(s"https://$secretPath")
+ val secret = mock[KeyVaultSecret]
+ val secretProperties = mock[SecretProperties]
+ val offset = OffsetDateTime.now()
+ // string secret
+ when(secretProperties.getExpiresOn).thenReturn(offset)
+ when(secret.getValue).thenReturn(secretValue)
+ when(secret.getProperties).thenReturn(secretProperties)
+ when(client.getSecret(secretKey)).thenReturn(secret)
+ val provider = new AzureSecretProvider()
+ provider.configure(props1)
+ provider.clientMap += (s"https://$secretPath" -> client)
+ // check the workerconfigprovider
+ val map = new java.util.HashMap[String, ConfigProvider]()
+ map.put("azure", provider)
+ val transformer = new ConfigTransformer(map)
+ val props2 =
+ Map("mykey" -> "${azure:my-path.vault.azure.net:key-1}").asJava
+ val data = transformer.transform(props2)
+ data.data().get("mykey") shouldBe secretValue
+ }
diff --git a/src/test/scala/io/lenses/connect/secrets/providers/DecodeTest.scala b/src/test/scala/io/lenses/connect/secrets/providers/DecodeTest.scala
index 50e4168..95794b7 100644
--- a/src/test/scala/io/lenses/connect/secrets/providers/DecodeTest.scala
+++ b/src/test/scala/io/lenses/connect/secrets/providers/DecodeTest.scala
@@ -1,109 +1,109 @@
- *
- * * Copyright 2017-2020 Lenses.io Ltd
- *
- */
-package io.lenses.connect.secrets.providers
-import java.io.File
-import java.nio.file.FileSystems
-import java.time.OffsetDateTime
-import java.util.Base64
-import io.lenses.connect.secrets.connect
-import io.lenses.connect.secrets.connect.Encoding
-import org.apache.commons.io.FileUtils
-import org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers
-import org.scalatest.wordspec.AnyWordSpec
-class DecodeTest extends AnyWordSpec with Matchers {
- val separator: String = FileSystems.getDefault.getSeparator
- val tmp: String =
- System.getProperty("java.io.tmpdir") + separator + "decoder-tests"
- def cleanUp(fileName: String): AnyVal = {
- val tmpFile = new File(fileName)
- if (tmpFile.exists) tmpFile.delete()
- }
- "should decode UTF" in {
- connect.decodeKey(None, "my-key", "secret", { _ =>
- fail("No files here")
- }) shouldBe "secret"
- connect.decodeKey(Some(Encoding.UTF8), "my-key", "secret", { _ =>
- fail("No files here")
- }) shouldBe "secret"
- }
- "should decode BASE64" in {
- val value = Base64.getEncoder.encodeToString("secret".getBytes)
- connect.decodeKey(Some(Encoding.BASE64), s"my-key", value, { _ =>
- fail("No files here")
- }) shouldBe "secret"
- }
- "should decode BASE64 and write to a file" in {
- val fileName = s"${tmp}my-file-base64"
- val value = Base64.getEncoder.encodeToString("secret".getBytes)
- var written = false
- connect.decodeKey(
- Some(Encoding.BASE64_FILE),
- s"my-key",
- value, { _ =>
- written = true
- fileName
- }
- ) shouldBe fileName
- written shouldBe true
- }
- "should decode and write a jks" in {
- val fileName = s"${tmp}my-file-base64-jks"
- val jksFile: String =
- getClass.getClassLoader.getResource("keystore.jks").getPath
- val fileContent = FileUtils.readFileToByteArray(new File(jksFile))
- val jksEncoded = Base64.getEncoder.encodeToString(fileContent)
- var written = false
- connect.decodeKey(
- Some(Encoding.BASE64_FILE),
- s"keystore.jks",
- jksEncoded, { _ =>
- written = true
- fileName
- }
- ) shouldBe fileName
- written shouldBe true
- }
- "should decode UTF8 and write to a file" in {
- val fileName = s"${tmp}my-file-utf8"
- var written = false
- connect.decodeKey(
- Some(Encoding.UTF8_FILE),
- s"my-key",
- "secret", { _ =>
- written = true
- fileName
- }
- ) shouldBe fileName
- written shouldBe true
- }
- "min list test" in {
- val now = OffsetDateTime.now()
- val secrets = Map(
- "ke3" -> ("value", Some(OffsetDateTime.now().plusHours(3))),
- "key1" -> ("value", Some(now)),
- "key2" -> ("value", Some(OffsetDateTime.now().plusHours(1)))
- )
- val (expiry, _) = connect.getSecretsAndExpiry(secrets)
- expiry shouldBe Some(now)
- }
+ *
+ * * Copyright 2017-2020 Lenses.io Ltd
+ *
+ */
+package io.lenses.connect.secrets.providers
+import io.lenses.connect.secrets.connect
+import io.lenses.connect.secrets.connect.Encoding
+import org.apache.commons.io.FileUtils
+import org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers
+import org.scalatest.wordspec.AnyWordSpec
+import java.io.File
+import java.nio.file.FileSystems
+import java.time.OffsetDateTime
+import java.util.Base64
+class DecodeTest extends AnyWordSpec with Matchers {
+ val separator: String = FileSystems.getDefault.getSeparator
+ val tmp: String =
+ System.getProperty("java.io.tmpdir") + separator + "decoder-tests"
+ def cleanUp(fileName: String): AnyVal = {
+ val tmpFile = new File(fileName)
+ if (tmpFile.exists) tmpFile.delete()
+ }
+ "should decode UTF" in {
+ connect.decodeKey(None, "my-key", "secret", { _ =>
+ fail("No files here")
+ }) shouldBe "secret"
+ connect.decodeKey(Some(Encoding.UTF8), "my-key", "secret", { _ =>
+ fail("No files here")
+ }) shouldBe "secret"
+ }
+ "should decode BASE64" in {
+ val value = Base64.getEncoder.encodeToString("secret".getBytes)
+ connect.decodeKey(Some(Encoding.BASE64), s"my-key", value, { _ =>
+ fail("No files here")
+ }) shouldBe "secret"
+ }
+ "should decode BASE64 and write to a file" in {
+ val fileName = s"${tmp}my-file-base64"
+ val value = Base64.getEncoder.encodeToString("secret".getBytes)
+ var written = false
+ connect.decodeKey(
+ Some(Encoding.BASE64_FILE),
+ s"my-key",
+ value, { _ =>
+ written = true
+ fileName
+ }
+ ) shouldBe fileName
+ written shouldBe true
+ }
+ "should decode and write a jks" in {
+ val fileName = s"${tmp}my-file-base64-jks"
+ val jksFile: String =
+ getClass.getClassLoader.getResource("keystore.jks").getPath
+ val fileContent = FileUtils.readFileToByteArray(new File(jksFile))
+ val jksEncoded = Base64.getEncoder.encodeToString(fileContent)
+ var written = false
+ connect.decodeKey(
+ Some(Encoding.BASE64_FILE),
+ s"keystore.jks",
+ jksEncoded, { _ =>
+ written = true
+ fileName
+ }
+ ) shouldBe fileName
+ written shouldBe true
+ }
+ "should decode UTF8 and write to a file" in {
+ val fileName = s"${tmp}my-file-utf8"
+ var written = false
+ connect.decodeKey(
+ Some(Encoding.UTF8_FILE),
+ s"my-key",
+ "secret", { _ =>
+ written = true
+ fileName
+ }
+ ) shouldBe fileName
+ written shouldBe true
+ }
+ "min list test" in {
+ val now = OffsetDateTime.now()
+ val secrets = Map(
+ "ke3" -> ("value", Some(OffsetDateTime.now().plusHours(3))),
+ "key1" -> ("value", Some(now)),
+ "key2" -> ("value", Some(OffsetDateTime.now().plusHours(1)))
+ )
+ val (expiry, _) = connect.getSecretsAndExpiry(secrets)
+ expiry shouldBe Some(now)
+ }
diff --git a/src/test/scala/io/lenses/connect/secrets/providers/ENVSecretProviderTest.scala b/src/test/scala/io/lenses/connect/secrets/providers/ENVSecretProviderTest.scala
index 34d2168..9a7dbab 100644
--- a/src/test/scala/io/lenses/connect/secrets/providers/ENVSecretProviderTest.scala
+++ b/src/test/scala/io/lenses/connect/secrets/providers/ENVSecretProviderTest.scala
@@ -1,83 +1,84 @@
- *
- * * Copyright 2017-2020 Lenses.io Ltd
- *
- */
-package io.lenses.connect.secrets.providers
-import java.nio.file.FileSystems
-import java.util.Base64
-import org.apache.kafka.common.config.ConfigTransformer
-import org.apache.kafka.common.config.provider.ConfigProvider
-import org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers
-import org.scalatest.wordspec.AnyWordSpec
-import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
-import scala.io.Source
-class ENVSecretProviderTest extends AnyWordSpec with Matchers {
- val separator: String = FileSystems.getDefault.getSeparator
- val tmp: String =
- System.getProperty("java.io.tmpdir").stripSuffix(separator) + separator + "provider-tests-env"
- "should filter and match" in {
- val provider = new ENVSecretProvider()
- provider.vars = Map(
- "RANDOM" -> "somevalue",
- "BASE64" -> s"ENV-base64:${Base64.getEncoder.encodeToString("my-base64-secret".getBytes)}",
- "BASE64_FILE" -> s"ENV-mounted-base64:${Base64.getEncoder.encodeToString("my-base64-secret".getBytes)}",
- "UTF8_FILE" -> s"ENV-mounted:my-secret"
- )
- provider.fileDir = tmp
- val data = provider.get("", Set("CONNECT_CASSANDRA_PASSWORD").asJava)
- data.data().get("CONNECT_CASSANDRA_PASSWORD") shouldBe "secret"
- data.data().containsKey("RANDOM") shouldBe false
- val data2 = provider.get("", Set("CONNECT_CASSANDRA_PASSWORD", "RANDOM").asJava)
- data2.data().get("CONNECT_CASSANDRA_PASSWORD") shouldBe "secret"
- data2.data().containsKey("RANDOM") shouldBe true
- val data3 = provider.get("", Set("BASE64").asJava)
- data3.data().get("BASE64") shouldBe "my-base64-secret"
- val data4 = provider.get("", Set("BASE64_FILE").asJava)
- val outputFile = data4.data().get("BASE64_FILE")
- outputFile shouldBe s"$tmp${separator}base64_file"
- val result = Source.fromFile(outputFile)
- result.getLines().mkString shouldBe "my-base64-secret"
- result.close()
- val data5 = provider.get("", Set("UTF8_FILE").asJava)
- val outputFile5 = data5.data().get("UTF8_FILE")
- outputFile5 shouldBe s"$tmp${separator}utf8_file"
- val result2 = Source.fromFile(outputFile5)
- result2.getLines().mkString shouldBe "my-secret"
- result2.close()
- }
- "check transformer" in {
- val props = Map.empty[String, String].asJava
- val provider = new ENVSecretProvider()
- provider.vars = Map("CONNECT_PASSWORD" -> "secret")
- // check the workerconfigprovider
- val map = new java.util.HashMap[String, ConfigProvider]()
- map.put("env", provider)
- val transformer = new ConfigTransformer(map)
- val props2 =
- Map("mykey" -> "${env::CONNECT_PASSWORD}").asJava
- val data = transformer.transform(props2)
- data.data().containsKey("value")
- data.data().get("mykey") shouldBe "secret"
- }
+ *
+ * * Copyright 2017-2020 Lenses.io Ltd
+ *
+ */
+package io.lenses.connect.secrets.providers
+import org.apache.kafka.common.config.ConfigTransformer
+import org.apache.kafka.common.config.provider.ConfigProvider
+import org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers
+import org.scalatest.wordspec.AnyWordSpec
+import java.nio.file.FileSystems
+import java.util.Base64
+import scala.io.Source
+import scala.jdk.CollectionConverters._
+import scala.util.{Success, Using}
+class ENVSecretProviderTest extends AnyWordSpec with Matchers {
+ val separator: String = FileSystems.getDefault.getSeparator
+ val tmp: String =
+ System
+ .getProperty("java.io.tmpdir")
+ .stripSuffix(separator) + separator + "provider-tests-env"
+ "should filter and match" in {
+ val provider = new ENVSecretProvider()
+ provider.vars = Map(
+ "RANDOM" -> "somevalue",
+ "BASE64" -> s"ENV-base64:${Base64.getEncoder.encodeToString("my-base64-secret".getBytes)}",
+ "BASE64_FILE" -> s"ENV-mounted-base64:${Base64.getEncoder.encodeToString("my-base64-secret".getBytes)}",
+ "UTF8_FILE" -> s"ENV-mounted:my-secret"
+ )
+ provider.fileDir = tmp
+ val data = provider.get("", Set("CONNECT_CASSANDRA_PASSWORD").asJava)
+ data.data().get("CONNECT_CASSANDRA_PASSWORD") shouldBe "secret"
+ data.data().containsKey("RANDOM") shouldBe false
+ val data2 =
+ provider.get("", Set("CONNECT_CASSANDRA_PASSWORD", "RANDOM").asJava)
+ data2.data().get("CONNECT_CASSANDRA_PASSWORD") shouldBe "secret"
+ data2.data().containsKey("RANDOM") shouldBe true
+ val data3 = provider.get("", Set("BASE64").asJava)
+ data3.data().get("BASE64") shouldBe "my-base64-secret"
+ val data4 = provider.get("", Set("BASE64_FILE").asJava)
+ val outputFile = data4.data().get("BASE64_FILE")
+ outputFile shouldBe s"$tmp${separator}base64_file"
+ Using(Source.fromFile(outputFile))(_.getLines().mkString) shouldBe Success(
+ "my-base64-secret"
+ )
+ val data5 = provider.get("", Set("UTF8_FILE").asJava)
+ val outputFile5 = data5.data().get("UTF8_FILE")
+ outputFile5 shouldBe s"$tmp${separator}utf8_file"
+ Using(Source.fromFile(outputFile5))(_.getLines().mkString) shouldBe Success(
+ "my-secret"
+ )
+ }
+ "check transformer" in {
+ val provider = new ENVSecretProvider()
+ provider.vars = Map("CONNECT_PASSWORD" -> "secret")
+ // check the workerconfigprovider
+ val map = new java.util.HashMap[String, ConfigProvider]()
+ map.put("env", provider)
+ val transformer = new ConfigTransformer(map)
+ val props2 =
+ Map("mykey" -> "${env::CONNECT_PASSWORD}").asJava
+ val data = transformer.transform(props2)
+ data.data().containsKey("value")
+ data.data().get("mykey") shouldBe "secret"
+ }
diff --git a/src/test/scala/io/lenses/connect/secrets/providers/VaultSecretProviderTest.scala b/src/test/scala/io/lenses/connect/secrets/providers/VaultSecretProviderTest.scala
index bda5472..a1d82c7 100644
--- a/src/test/scala/io/lenses/connect/secrets/providers/VaultSecretProviderTest.scala
+++ b/src/test/scala/io/lenses/connect/secrets/providers/VaultSecretProviderTest.scala
@@ -6,36 +6,34 @@
package io.lenses.connect.secrets.providers
-import java.io.File
-import java.nio.file.FileSystems
-import java.util.Base64
-import com.bettercloud.vault.json.JsonArray
-import com.bettercloud.vault.json.JsonObject
-import io.lenses.connect.secrets.config.VaultAuthMethod
-import io.lenses.connect.secrets.config.VaultProviderConfig
-import io.lenses.connect.secrets.config.VaultSettings
+import com.bettercloud.vault.json.{JsonArray, JsonObject}
+import io.lenses.connect.secrets.TmpDirUtil.{getTempDir, separator}
+import io.lenses.connect.secrets.config.{
+ VaultAuthMethod,
+ VaultProviderConfig,
+ VaultSettings
import io.lenses.connect.secrets.connect
-import io.lenses.connect.secrets.vault.MockVault
-import io.lenses.connect.secrets.vault.VaultTestUtils
-import org.apache.kafka.common.config.ConfigData
-import org.apache.kafka.common.config.ConfigTransformer
+import io.lenses.connect.secrets.vault.{MockVault, VaultTestUtils}
import org.apache.kafka.common.config.provider.ConfigProvider
+import org.apache.kafka.common.config.{ConfigData, ConfigTransformer}
import org.eclipse.jetty.server.Server
import org.scalatest.BeforeAndAfterAll
import org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers
import org.scalatest.wordspec.AnyWordSpec
-import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
+import java.io.File
+import java.util.Base64
import scala.io.Source
+import scala.jdk.CollectionConverters._
+import scala.util.{Success, Using}
class VaultSecretProviderTest
- extends AnyWordSpec
+ extends AnyWordSpec
with Matchers
with BeforeAndAfterAll {
- val separator: String = FileSystems.getDefault.getSeparator
- val tmp: String =
- System.getProperty("java.io.tmpdir") + separator + "provider-tests-vault"
+ val tmp: String = s"$getTempDir${separator}provider-tests-vault"
val data: JsonObject = new JsonObject().add(
@@ -57,7 +55,9 @@ class VaultSecretProviderTest
.add("lease_duration", 0)
.add("policies", new JsonArray())
- val root: JsonObject = new JsonObject().add("data", data).add("auth", auth)
+ val root: JsonObject = new JsonObject()
+ .add("data", data)
+ .add("auth", auth)
.add("renewable", true)
val mockVault = new MockVault(200, root.toString)
val server: Server = VaultTestUtils.initHttpsMockVault(mockVault)
@@ -333,9 +333,9 @@ class VaultSecretProviderTest
outputFile shouldBe s"$tmp$separator$secretPath$separator$secretKey"
- val result = Source.fromFile(outputFile)
- result.getLines().mkString shouldBe secretValue
- result.close()
+ Using(Source.fromFile(outputFile))(_.getLines().mkString) shouldBe Success(
+ secretValue
+ )
@@ -363,9 +363,9 @@ class VaultSecretProviderTest
outputFile shouldBe s"$tmp$separator$secretPath$separator$secretKey"
- val result = Source.fromFile(outputFile)
- result.getLines().mkString shouldBe secretValue
- result.close()
+ Using(Source.fromFile(outputFile))(_.getLines().mkString) shouldBe Success(
+ secretValue
+ )