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File metadata and controls

244 lines (176 loc) · 7.66 KB

binparsergen - Binary parser generator

This project aims to ease the creation of parsers for binary data formats. It is comprised of a data definition language, that allows to specify the data format in a readable and declarative way, and a code generatior (compiler) that generates Java classes from data definitions.

Data definition language

The basic data definition structure looks like this :

struct <Name of the format> {
   <@offset>  <data type>  <field name>  <constraints>  "<description>";

The data type is either a built-in primitive type or a user defined type.

The field name can be any valid Java identifier, with the exception that it must not start with a $ character.

The description is an optional string, enclosed in double quotes, that will be used when formatting the toString() output of the parser.

Example :

struct MyFormat {
   string(4)   magic ="HELO";
   int32       length             "Length of the file in bytes";
   uint(3)     some_value;
   uint(5)     another_value;

Primitive data types

The recognized elementary data types are as follows :

DDL type Description Java Type
int8 Single byte signed integer byte
int16 Two-byte signed integer short
int24 3-byte signed integer int
int32 4-byte signed integer int
int64 8-byte signed integer long
uint8 Single byte unsigned integer int
uint16 Two-byte unsigned integer int
uint24 3-byte unsigned integer int
uint32 4-byte unsigned integer long
uint(n) n-bits unsigned integer int
string(n) ASCII string of n bytes String

All integer types are big-endian and bits are read in MSB to LSB order.

The uint(n) type allows to read integers made up of any number of bits. n must be between 1 and 31, inclusive. A multiple of 8 bits must always be read at any one time before reading other data types. For example the following is valid :

struct OnByteBoundary {
   uint(7)     foo;
   uint(1)     bar;
   int8        baz;

But the following is not :

struct NotOnByteBoundary {
   uint(7)     foo;
   int8        baz;

Composite data types

Nested structures can be defined and used as data types. Example :

struct MyFormat {
   struct Version {
      int8    major;
      int8    minor;
   string(4)   magic;
   Version     version;

Structures can also have parameters which are specified in parenthesis after the struct name, and that must be specified when using the type (see arrays below) :

struct MyFormat {
   struct Collection(size) {
      int8    type;
      string(4)[size]    elements;
   int32             size;
   Collection(size)  items;


It is possible to specify the offset at which a piece of data should be read by prefixing the data declaration by an @ character followed by the offset value. The offset is understood as the number of bytes from the start of the current struct. The value can be a constant or an expression which can reference the current value of other fields. Note that if a field has not yet been read its value will be zero. Offsets should always go forward and never go back in the data stream. Example :

struct MyFormat {
   int32       offset;
   @offset*4   int32     foo;


Constraints can be specified on primitive data elements :

struct MyFormat {
   int32       min    >0;
   int32       max    <1000;
   int32       value  >=min <=max;

Valid operators on numeric types are =, <=, >=, <, >, !=. Only = is valid on strings. If data does not conform to a constraint, a ConstraintViolationException will be thrown when parsing it.


Short form arrays

Arrays can be specified in two forms. The short form is the familiar square bracket syntax :

struct MyFormat {
   int32        items;
   int32[items] values;

Arrays specified that way will be read consecutively, without gaps, from the byte stream.

Long form arrays

The second long form array syntax is as follows :

array(<size>) { <offset>  <type>  <constraints> }

The offset, type and constraints are specified the same way as for a single data type. In addition, the special value $ represents the index of the array element being read. This allows to describe the common case of data format which use a list of offsets to index array elements.

struct MyFormat {
   struct Collection(size) {
      int8    type;
      string(4)[size]    elements;
   int32             size;
   int32             offsets;
   int8[size]        sizes;
   array(size) { @offsets[$] Collection(sizes[$]) } items;


Conditionals allow to read data only if a condition on previous data applies. They are specified with an if block. The condition must be a valid Java expression. Example :

struct MyFormat {
   int24       prefix = 0x000001;
   int8        stream_id;
   if ( stream_id == 0b1011_1100 ) {
      int8     control;


All text after an # character is a comment and is ignored. Example :

struct MyFormat {
   string(4)   magic;
   int32       length;   # Length of data after the header

Ignoring data

Quite often data present in the format must be ignored, because it is unused or its role is unknown. In that case, simply do not specify a name for the data element. Constraints, if present, will still be checked.

struct MyFormat {
   uint(2)         flags;
   uint(2);        # reserved
   uint(4)         more_flags;

Code generation

To generate Java classes from a data definition (DDL) file, use the following code :

    String packageName = "com.example.parser.gen";
    File targetDir = new File( "/path/to/src/main/java" );
    BinParserGen.generateParser( getClass().getResourceAsStream( "MyFormat.ddl" ), packageName, targetDir );

Subdirectories will be created in the target directory corresponding to the Java package name. A Java source file containing the parser code will be created for each top-level struct in the DDL file. The parser can then be used like this :

    File file = new File( "/path/to/my/file.myformat" );
    InputStream is = new FileInputStream( file );
    MyFormat myFormat = new MyFormat();
    myFormat.parse( is );
    System.out.println( myFormat );


To use this library in your project, either use Maven and add the repository in your pom.xml :


Then in your <dependencies> section :


Or grab the jar from the repository at this location :


This project is in progress, syntax or interfaces might change at a later time. I am very much open to suggestions, especially regarding syntax and features.



  • Renamed bits() to uint()
  • Added uint8, uint16, uint24 and uint32 types
  • uint(n) can now straddle byte boundaries


  • Initial release