diff --git a/Source/CSharpTools.cs b/Source/CSharpTools.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d8056ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Source/CSharpTools.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,167 @@
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.Globalization;
+using System.Text;
+namespace LinqToDB.LINQPad
+ // added temporary from https://github.com/linq2db/linq2db/pull/1393
+ internal static class CSharpTools
+ {
+ ///
+ /// Reserved words taken from
+ /// .
+ /// List actual for C# 7.3.
+ /// Doesn't contain "using static",
+ ///
+ private static readonly ISet _reservedWords
+ = new HashSet()
+ {
+ "abstract", "as", "base", "bool", "break", "byte", "case", "catch",
+ "char", "checked", "class", "const", "continue", "decimal", "default", "delegate",
+ "do", "double", "else", "enum", "event", "explicit", "extern", "false",
+ "finally", "fixed", "float", "for", "foreach", "goto", "if", "implicit",
+ "in", "int", "interface", "internal", "is", "lock", "long", "namespace",
+ "new", "null", "object", "operator", "out", "override", "params", "private",
+ "protected", "public", "readonly", "ref", "return", "sbyte", "sealed", "short",
+ "sizeof", "stackalloc", "static", "string", "struct", "switch", "this", "throw",
+ "true", "try", "typeof", "uint", "ulong", "unchecked", "unsafe", "ushort",
+ "using", "virtual", "void", "volatile", "while"
+ };
+ ///
+ /// Contextual words taken from
+ /// .
+ /// List actual for C# 7.3.
+ ///
+ private static readonly ISet _contextualWords
+ = new HashSet()
+ {
+ "add", "alias", "ascending", "async", "await", "by", "descending", "dynamic",
+ "equals", "from", "get", "global", "group", "into", "join", "let",
+ "nameof", "on", "orderby", "partial", "remove", "select", "set", "unmanaged",
+ "value", "var", "when", "where", "yield"
+ };
+ private static readonly ISet _otherCharsCategories;
+ private static readonly ISet _startCharCategories;
+ static CSharpTools()
+ {
+ _startCharCategories = new HashSet()
+ {
+ // Lu letter
+ UnicodeCategory.UppercaseLetter,
+ // Ll letter
+ UnicodeCategory.LowercaseLetter,
+ // Lt letter
+ UnicodeCategory.TitlecaseLetter,
+ // Lm letter
+ UnicodeCategory.ModifierLetter,
+ // Lo letter
+ UnicodeCategory.OtherLetter,
+ // Nl letter
+ UnicodeCategory.LetterNumber
+ };
+ _otherCharsCategories = new HashSet(_startCharCategories)
+ {
+ // Mn
+ UnicodeCategory.NonSpacingMark,
+ // Mc
+ UnicodeCategory.SpacingCombiningMark,
+ // Nd
+ UnicodeCategory.DecimalDigitNumber,
+ // Pc
+ UnicodeCategory.ConnectorPunctuation,
+ // Cf
+ UnicodeCategory.Format
+ };
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Converts to valid C# identifier.
+ ///
+ public static string ToValidIdentifier(string name)
+ {
+ if (name == null || name == string.Empty || name == "@")
+ {
+ return "_";
+ }
+ if (_reservedWords.Contains(name) || _contextualWords.Contains(name))
+ {
+ return "@" + name;
+ }
+ if (name.StartsWith("@"))
+ {
+ if (_reservedWords.Contains(name.Substring(1)) || _contextualWords.Contains(name.Substring(1)))
+ {
+ return name;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ name = name.Substring(1);
+ }
+ }
+ var sb = new StringBuilder();
+ foreach (var chr in name)
+ {
+ var cat = CharUnicodeInfo.GetUnicodeCategory(chr);
+ if (sb.Length == 0 && !_startCharCategories.Contains(cat) && chr != '_')
+ {
+ sb.Append("_");
+ }
+ if (sb.Length != 0 && !_otherCharsCategories.Contains(cat))
+ {
+ sb.Append("_");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ sb.Append(chr);
+ }
+ }
+ if (sb.Length >= 2 && sb[0] == '_' && sb[1] == '_' && (sb.Length == 2 || sb[2] != '_'))
+ {
+ sb.Insert(0, '_');
+ }
+ return sb.ToString();
+ }
+ public static string ToStringLiteral(string value)
+ {
+ if (value == null)
+ return "null";
+ var sb = new StringBuilder("\"");
+ foreach (var chr in value)
+ {
+ switch (chr)
+ {
+ case '\t': sb.Append("\\t"); break;
+ case '\n': sb.Append("\\n"); break;
+ case '\r': sb.Append("\\r"); break;
+ case '\\': sb.Append("\\\\"); break;
+ case '"': sb.Append("\\\""); break;
+ case '\0': sb.Append("\\0"); break;
+ case '\u0085':
+ case '\u2028':
+ case '\u2029':
+ sb.Append($"\\u{(ushort)chr:X4}"); break;
+ default: sb.Append(chr); break;
+ }
+ }
+ sb.Append('"');
+ return sb.ToString();
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/Source/LinqToDB.Templates/DataAnnotations.ttinclude b/Source/LinqToDB.Templates/DataAnnotations.ttinclude
deleted file mode 100644
index 70f22af..0000000
--- a/Source/LinqToDB.Templates/DataAnnotations.ttinclude
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
- {
- var beforeGenerateModel = BeforeGenerateModel;
- BeforeGenerateModel = () =>
- {
- beforeGenerateModel();
- DataAnnotationsImpl();
- };
- }
-void DataAnnotationsImpl()
- foreach (Class cl in GetTreeNodes(Model).OfType())
- {
- foreach (var p in GetTreeNodes(cl).OfType())
- {
- if (p.DisplayName != null)
- {
- p.Attributes.Add(new Attribute("Display", "Name=\"" + p.DisplayName + "\"") { IsSeparated = true });
- }
- if (p.IsRequired)
- {
- var attr = new Attribute("Required") { IsSeparated = true };
- if (p.IsRequiredMessage != null)
- attr.Parameters.Add(string.Format("ErrorMessage=\"" + p.IsRequiredMessage + "\"", p.DisplayName ?? p.Name));
- p.Attributes.Add(attr);
- }
- if (p.StringLength > 0)
- {
- var attr = new Attribute("StringLength", p.StringLength.ToString()) { IsSeparated = true };
- if (p.StringLengthMessage != null)
- attr.Parameters.Add(string.Format("ErrorMessage=\"" + p.StringLengthMessage + "\"", p.DisplayName ?? p.Name));
- p.Attributes.Add(attr);
-// p.Attributes.Add(
-// new Attribute("StringLength",
-// p.StringLength.ToString(),
-// string.Format(
-// "ErrorMessage=\"The {0} must be a string with a maximum lenfth of {1}.\"",
-// p.DisplayName ?? "field",
-// p.StringLength))
-// {
-// IsSeparated = true
-// });
- }
- }
- }
-partial class Property
- public string DisplayName;
- public bool IsRequired;
- public string IsRequiredMessage;
- public int StringLength;
- public string StringLengthMessage;
diff --git a/Source/LinqToDB.Templates/DataModel.ttinclude b/Source/LinqToDB.Templates/DataModel.ttinclude
deleted file mode 100644
index 95e6f52..0000000
--- a/Source/LinqToDB.Templates/DataModel.ttinclude
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,862 +0,0 @@
-<#@ assembly name="System.Data" #>
-<#@ import namespace="System.Data" #>
-<#@ import namespace="LinqToDB.SchemaProvider" #>
-<#@ import namespace="LinqToDB.Data" #>
-<#@ include file="T4Model.ttinclude" #>
- {
- var beforeGenerateModel = BeforeGenerateModel;
- BeforeGenerateModel = () =>
- {
- GenerateTypesFromMetadata();
- beforeGenerateModel();
- };
- }
-string NamespaceName
- get { return Model.Namespace.Name; }
- set { Model.Namespace.Name = value; }
-string DatabaseName = null;
-string DataContextName = null;
-string BaseDataContextClass = null;
-string BaseEntityClass = null;
-string OneToManyAssociationType = "IEnumerable<{0}>";
-bool GenerateDatabaseName = false;
-bool GenerateConstructors = true;
-string DefaultConfiguration = null;
-bool GenerateAssociations = true;
-bool GenerateBackReferences = true;
-bool GenerateAssociationExtensions = false;
-bool ReplaceSimilarTables = true;
-bool IncludeDefaultSchema = true;
-Class DataContextObject;
-bool PluralizeClassNames = false;
-bool SingularizeClassNames = true;
-bool PluralizeDataContextPropertyNames = true;
-bool SingularizeDataContextPropertyNames = false;
-bool NormalizeNames = true;
-private Func _toValidName;
-Func ToValidName
- get { return _toValidName ?? ToValidNameDefault; }
- set { _toValidName = value; }
-private Func _convertToCompilabl;
-Func ConvertToCompilable
- get { return _convertToCompilabl ?? ConvertToCompilableDefault; }
- set { _convertToCompilabl = value; }
-private Func _getAssociationExtensionPluralName;
-Func GetAssociationExtensionPluralName
- get { return _getAssociationExtensionPluralName ?? GetAssociationExtensionPluralNameDefault; }
- set { _getAssociationExtensionPluralName = value; }
-private Func _getAssociationExtensionSingularName;
-Func GetAssociationExtensionSinglularName
- get { return _getAssociationExtensionSingularName ?? GetAssociationExtensionSinglularNameDefault; }
- set { _getAssociationExtensionSingularName = value; }
-LinqToDB.SchemaProvider.GetSchemaOptions GetSchemaOptions =
- new LinqToDB.SchemaProvider.GetSchemaOptions();
-LinqToDB.SqlProvider.ISqlBuilder SqlBuilder;
-Func LoadProviderSpecificTable = tableSchema => null;
-static Func ConvertColumnMemberType = (c) => c.MemberType;
-static Func ConvertTableColumnMemberType = (t,c) => ConvertColumnMemberType(c);
-static Func ConvertProcedureColumnMemberType = (t,c) => ConvertColumnMemberType(c);
-HashSet KeyWords = new HashSet
- "abstract", "as", "base", "bool", "break", "byte", "case", "catch", "char", "checked",
- "class", "const", "continue", "decimal", "default", "delegate", "do", "double", "else", "enum",
- "event", "explicit", "extern", "false", "finally", "fixed", "float", "for", "foreach", "goto",
- "if", "implicit", "in", "int", "interface", "internal", "is", "lock", "long", "new",
- "null", "object", "operator", "out", "override", "params", "private", "protected", "public", "readonly",
- "ref", "return", "sbyte", "sealed", "short", "sizeof", "stackalloc", "static", "struct", "switch",
- "this", "throw", "true", "try", "typeof", "uint", "ulong", "unchecked", "unsafe", "ushort",
- "using", "virtual", "volatile", "void", "while", "namespace", "string"
-void LoadServerMetadata(DataConnection dataConnection)
- SqlBuilder = dataConnection.DataProvider.CreateSqlBuilder();
- var sp = dataConnection.DataProvider.GetSchemaProvider();
- var db = sp.GetSchema(dataConnection, GetSchemaOptions);
- if (DatabaseName == null && GenerateDatabaseName)
- DatabaseName = db.Database;
- if (DataContextName == null)
- DataContextObject.Name = DataContextName = (ToValidName(db.Database, true) + "DB");
- DataContextObject.Comment.Add("/ ");
- DataContextObject.Comment.Add("/ Database : " + db.Database);
- DataContextObject.Comment.Add("/ Data Source : " + db.DataSource);
- DataContextObject.Comment.Add("/ Server Version : " + db.ServerVersion);
- DataContextObject.Comment.Add("/ ");
- var tables = db.Tables
- .Where(t => !t.IsProviderSpecific)
- .Select(t => new
- {
- t,
- key = t.IsDefaultSchema ? t.TableName : t.SchemaName + "." + t.TableName,
- table = new Table
- {
- TableSchema = t,
- Schema = (t.IsDefaultSchema && !IncludeDefaultSchema) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(t.SchemaName)? null : t.SchemaName,
- BaseClass = BaseEntityClass,
- TableName = t.TableName,
- TypeName = t.TypeName,
- DataContextPropertyName = t.TypeName,
- IsView = t.IsView,
- IsProviderSpecific = false,
- Description = t.Description,
- Columns = t.Columns.ToDictionary(
- c => c.ColumnName,
- c => new Column
- {
- ColumnName = c.ColumnName,
- ColumnType = c.ColumnType,
- DataType = "DataType." + c.DataType,
- Length = c.Length,
- Precision = c.Precision,
- Scale = c.Scale,
- IsNullable = c.IsNullable,
- IsIdentity = c.IsIdentity,
- IsPrimaryKey = c.IsPrimaryKey,
- PrimaryKeyOrder = c.PrimaryKeyOrder,
- MemberName = CheckType(c.SystemType, c.MemberName),
- Type = ConvertTableColumnMemberType(t, c),
- SkipOnInsert = c.SkipOnInsert,
- SkipOnUpdate = c.SkipOnUpdate,
- Description = c.Description,
- })
- }
- })
- .ToList();
- if (PluralizeClassNames || SingularizeClassNames)
- {
- var foundNames = new HashSet(tables.Select(t => t.table.TypeName));
- foreach (var t in tables)
- {
- var newName = t.table.TypeName;
- newName =
- PluralizeClassNames ? ToPlural (newName) :
- SingularizeClassNames ? ToSingular(newName) : newName;
- if (newName != t.table.TypeName)
- {
- if (!foundNames.Contains(newName))
- {
- t.table.TypeName = newName;
- foundNames.Add(newName);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if (PluralizeDataContextPropertyNames || SingularizeDataContextPropertyNames)
- {
- var foundNames = new HashSet(tables.Select(t => t.table.DataContextPropertyName));
- foreach (var t in tables)
- {
- var newName = t.table.DataContextPropertyName;
- newName =
- PluralizeDataContextPropertyNames ? ToPlural (newName) :
- SingularizeDataContextPropertyNames ? ToSingular(newName) : newName;
- if (newName != t.table.TypeName)
- {
- if (!foundNames.Contains(newName))
- {
- t.table.DataContextPropertyName = newName;
- foundNames.Add(newName);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- tables.AddRange(db.Tables
- .Where(t => t.IsProviderSpecific)
- .Select(t => new
- {
- t,
- key = t.IsDefaultSchema ? t.TableName : t.SchemaName + "." + t.TableName,
- table = LoadProviderSpecificTable(t)
- })
- .Where(t => t.table != null));
- foreach (var t in tables)
- Tables.Add(t.key, t.table);
- var keys =
- (
- from t in tables
- from k in t.t.ForeignKeys
- let otherTable = tables.Where(tbl => tbl.t == k.OtherTable).Select(tbl => tbl.table).Single()
- select new
- {
- k,
- k.KeyName,
- t,
- key = new ForeignKey
- {
- KeyName = k.KeyName,
- OtherTable = otherTable,
- OtherColumns = k.OtherColumns.Select(c => otherTable.Columns[c.ColumnName]).ToList(),
- ThisColumns = k.ThisColumns. Select(c => t.table. Columns[c.ColumnName]).ToList(),
- CanBeNull = k.CanBeNull,
- MemberName = k.MemberName,
- AssociationType = (AssociationType)(int)k.AssociationType,
- }
- }
- ).ToList();
- foreach (var key in keys)
- {
- var keyName = key.k.OtherTable.IsDefaultSchema ? key.KeyName : key.k.OtherTable.SchemaName + "." + key.KeyName;
- ForeignKey foundKey;
- if (key.t.table.ForeignKeys.TryGetValue(keyName, out foundKey))
- {
- key.t.table.ForeignKeys.Remove(keyName);
- key.t.table.ForeignKeys.Add(foundKey.OtherTable.TableName + "." + keyName, foundKey);
- keyName = key.k.OtherTable.TableName + "." + keyName;
- }
- key.t.table.ForeignKeys.Add(
- key.k.OtherTable.IsDefaultSchema ? key.KeyName : key.k.OtherTable.SchemaName + "." + key.KeyName,
- key.key);
- if (key.k.BackReference != null)
- key.key.BackReference = keys.First(k => k.k == key.k.BackReference).key;
- }
- var procedures = db.Procedures
- .Select(p => new
- {
- p,
- key = p.IsDefaultSchema ? p.ProcedureName : p.SchemaName + "." + p.ProcedureName,
- proc = new Procedure
- {
- Schema = (p.IsDefaultSchema && !IncludeDefaultSchema) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(p.SchemaName)? null : p.SchemaName,
- ProcedureName = p.ProcedureName,
- Name = ToValidName(p.MemberName, true),
- IsFunction = p.IsFunction,
- IsTableFunction = p.IsTableFunction,
- IsDefaultSchema = p.IsDefaultSchema,
- IsLoaded = p.IsLoaded,
- ResultTable = p.ResultTable == null ? null :
- new Table
- {
- TypeName = ToValidName(
- PluralizeClassNames ? ToPlural (p.ResultTable.TypeName) :
- SingularizeClassNames ? ToSingular(p.ResultTable.TypeName) : p.ResultTable.TypeName, true),
- Columns = ToDictionary(
- p.ResultTable.Columns,
- c => c.ColumnName,
- c => new Column
- {
- ColumnName = c.ColumnName,
- ColumnType = c.ColumnType,
- IsNullable = c.IsNullable,
- IsIdentity = c.IsIdentity,
- IsPrimaryKey = c.IsPrimaryKey,
- PrimaryKeyOrder = c.PrimaryKeyOrder,
- MemberName = CheckColumnName(CheckType(c.SystemType, c.MemberName)),
- Type = ConvertProcedureColumnMemberType(p, c),
- SkipOnInsert = c.SkipOnInsert,
- SkipOnUpdate = c.SkipOnUpdate,
- Description = c.Description,
- },
- (c,n) =>
- {
- c.IsDuplicateOrEmpty = true;
- return "$" + (c.MemberName = "Column" + n);
- })
- },
- ResultException = p.ResultException,
- SimilarTables = p.SimilarTables == null ? new List() :
- p.SimilarTables
- .Select(t => tables.Single(tbl => tbl.t == t).table)
- .ToList(),
- ProcParameters = p.Parameters
- .Select(pr => new Parameter
- {
- SchemaName = pr.SchemaName,
- SchemaType = pr.SchemaType,
- IsIn = pr.IsIn,
- IsOut = pr.IsOut,
- IsResult = pr.IsResult,
- Size = pr.Size,
- ParameterName = CheckParameterName(pr.ParameterName),
- ParameterType = pr.ParameterType,
- SystemType = pr.SystemType,
- DataType = pr.DataType.ToString(),
- })
- .ToList(),
- }
- })
- .ToList();
- foreach (var p in procedures)
- {
- if (ReplaceSimilarTables)
- if (p.proc.SimilarTables.Count() == 1 || p.proc.SimilarTables.Count(t => !t.IsView) == 1)
- p.proc.ResultTable = p.proc.SimilarTables.Count() == 1 ?
- p.proc.SimilarTables[0] :
- p.proc.SimilarTables.First(t => !t.IsView);
- Procedures[p.key] = p.proc;
- }
-Dictionary ToDictionary(IEnumerable source, Func keyGetter, Func objGetter, Func getKeyName)
- var dic = new Dictionary();
- var current = 1;
- foreach (var item in source)
- {
- var key = keyGetter(item);
- var obj = objGetter(item);
- if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(key) || dic.ContainsKey(key))
- key = getKeyName(obj, current);
- dic.Add(key, obj);
- current++;
- }
- return dic;
-string CheckType(Type type, string typeName)
- if (!Model.Usings.Contains(type.Namespace))
- Model.Usings.Add(type.Namespace);
- return typeName;
-string CheckColumnName(string memberName)
- if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(memberName))
- memberName = "Empty";
- else
- {
- memberName = memberName
- .Replace("%", "Percent")
- .Replace(">", "Greater")
- .Replace("<", "Lower")
- .Replace("+", "Plus")
- .Replace('(', '_')
- .Replace(')', '_')
- .Replace('-', '_')
- .Replace('|', '_')
- .Replace(',', '_')
- .Replace('"', '_')
- .Replace("'", "_")
- .Replace(".", "_")
- .Replace("\u00A3", "Pound");
- if (KeyWords.Contains(memberName))
- memberName = "@" + memberName;
- }
- return memberName;
-string CheckParameterName(string parameterName)
- var invalidParameterNames = new List
- {
- "@DataType"
- };
- var result = parameterName;
- while (invalidParameterNames.Contains(result))
- {
- result = result + "_";
- }
- return result;
-Action AfterLoadMetadata = () => {};
-void LoadMetadata(DataConnection dataConnection)
- if (DataContextObject == null)
- {
- DataContextObject = new Class(DataContextName) { BaseClass = BaseDataContextClass, };
- Model.Types.Add(DataContextObject);
- }
- LoadServerMetadata(dataConnection);
- if (Tables.Values.SelectMany(_ => _.ForeignKeys.Values).Any(_ => _.AssociationType == AssociationType.OneToMany))
- Model.Usings.Add("System.Collections.Generic");
- foreach (var t in Tables.Values)
- {
- if (KeyWords.Contains(t.TypeName))
- t.TypeName = "@" + t.TypeName;
- if (KeyWords.Contains(t.DataContextPropertyName))
- t.DataContextPropertyName = "@" + t.DataContextPropertyName;
- t.TypeName = ConvertToCompilable(t.TypeName, true);
- t.DataContextPropertyName = ConvertToCompilable(t.DataContextPropertyName, true);
- foreach (var col in t.Columns.Values)
- {
- if (KeyWords.Contains(col.MemberName))
- col.MemberName = "@" + col.MemberName;
- col.MemberName = ConvertToCompilable(col.MemberName, true);
- if (col.MemberName == t.TypeName)
- col.MemberName += "_Column";
- }
- }
- foreach (var t in Tables.Values)
- {
- foreach (var fk in t.ForeignKeys.Values)
- {
- var memberName = fk.OtherTable.TypeName;
- memberName = fk.AssociationType == AssociationType.OneToMany ?
- ToPlural(memberName) : ToSingular(memberName);
- fk.MemberName = memberName;
- }
- }
- foreach (var t in Tables.Values)
- {
- var forbidden = KeyWords.Concat(new [] {t.TypeName});
- var hasDuplicates = t.Columns.Values
- .Select(c => c.MemberName)
- .Concat(t.ForeignKeys.Values.Select(f => f.MemberName))
- .Concat(forbidden)
- .ToLookup(n => n)
- .Any(g => g.Count() > 1);
- if (hasDuplicates)
- {
- foreach (var fk in t.ForeignKeys.Values)
- {
- var mayDuplicate = t.Columns.Values
- .Select(c => c.MemberName)
- .Concat(forbidden)
- .Concat(t.ForeignKeys.Values.Where(f => f != fk).Select(f => f.MemberName));
- fk.MemberName = SuggestNoDuplicate(mayDuplicate, fk.MemberName, "FK");
- }
- foreach (var col in t.Columns.Values)
- {
- var mayDuplicate = t.Columns.Values
- .Where(c => c != col)
- .Select(c => c.MemberName)
- .Concat(forbidden)
- .Concat(t.ForeignKeys.Values.Select(fk => fk.MemberName));
- col.MemberName = SuggestNoDuplicate(mayDuplicate, col.MemberName, null);
- }
- }
- }
- AfterLoadMetadata();
-string SuggestNoDuplicate(IEnumerable currentNames, string newName, string prefix)
- var names = new HashSet(currentNames);
- var result = newName;
- if (names.Contains(result))
- {
- if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(prefix))
- result = prefix + result;
- if (names.Contains(result))
- {
- var counter = 0;
- var number = string.Concat(result.Reverse().Take(6).TakeWhile(c => Char.IsDigit(c)).Reverse());
- if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(number))
- {
- if (int.TryParse(number, out counter))
- {
- result = result.Remove(result.Length - number.Length);
- }
- }
- do
- {
- ++counter;
- if (!names.Contains(result + counter))
- {
- result = result + counter;
- break;
- }
- }
- while(true);
- }
- }
- return result;
-string ConvertToCompilableDefault(string name, bool mayRemoveUnderscore)
- var query =
- from c in name
- select char.IsLetterOrDigit(c) || c == '@' ? c : '_';
- return ToValidName(new string(query.ToArray()), mayRemoveUnderscore);
-Table GetTable(string name)
- Table tbl;
- if (Tables.TryGetValue(name, out tbl))
- return tbl;
- WriteLine("#error Table '" + name + "' not found.");
- WriteLine("/*");
- WriteLine("\tExisting tables:");
- WriteLine("");
- foreach (var key in Tables.Keys)
- WriteLine("\t" + key);
- WriteLine(" */");
- throw new ArgumentException("Table '" + name + "' not found.");
-Procedure GetProcedure(string name)
- Procedure proc;
- if (Procedures.TryGetValue(name, out proc))
- return proc;
- WriteLine("#error Procedure '" + name + "' not found.");
- WriteLine("");
- WriteLine("/*");
- WriteLine("\tExisting procedures:");
- WriteLine("");
- foreach (var key in Procedures.Keys)
- WriteLine("\t" + key);
- WriteLine(" */");
- throw new ArgumentException("Procedure '" + name + "' not found.");
-Column GetColumn(string tableName, string columnName)
- var tbl = GetTable(tableName);
- Column col;
- if (tbl.Columns.TryGetValue(columnName, out col))
- return col;
- WriteLine("#error Column '" + tableName + "'.'" + columnName + "' not found.");
- WriteLine("");
- WriteLine("/*");
- WriteLine("\tExisting '" + tableName + "'columns:");
- WriteLine("");
- foreach (var key in tbl.Columns.Keys)
- WriteLine("\t" + key);
- WriteLine(" */");
- throw new ArgumentException("Column '" + tableName + "'.'" + columnName + "' not found.");
-ForeignKey GetFK(string tableName, string fkName)
- return GetForeignKey(tableName, fkName);
-ForeignKey GetForeignKey(string tableName, string fkName)
- var tbl = GetTable(tableName);
- ForeignKey col;
- if (tbl.ForeignKeys.TryGetValue(fkName, out col))
- return col;
- WriteLine("#error FK '" + tableName + "'.'" + fkName + "' not found.");
- WriteLine("");
- WriteLine("/*");
- WriteLine("\tExisting '" + tableName + "'FKs:");
- WriteLine("");
- foreach (var key in tbl.ForeignKeys.Keys)
- WriteLine("\t" + key);
- WriteLine(" */");
- throw new ArgumentException("FK '" + tableName + "'.'" + fkName + "' not found.");
-public TableContext SetTable(string tableName,
- string TypeName = null,
- string DataContextPropertyName = null)
- var ctx = new TableContext { Transformation = this, TableName = tableName };
- if (TypeName != null || DataContextPropertyName != null)
- {
- var t = GetTable(tableName);
- if (TypeName != null) t.TypeName = TypeName;
- if (DataContextPropertyName != null) t.DataContextPropertyName = DataContextPropertyName;
- }
- return ctx;
-public class TableContext
- public GeneratedTextTransformation Transformation;
- public string TableName;
- public TableContext Column(string columnName,
- string MemberName = null,
- string Type = null,
- bool? IsNullable = null,
- string Conditional = null)
- {
- var c = Transformation.GetColumn(TableName, columnName);
- if (MemberName != null) c.MemberName = MemberName;
- if (Type != null) c.Type = Type;
- if (IsNullable != null) c.IsNullable = IsNullable.Value;
- if (Conditional != null) c.Conditional = Conditional;
- return this;
- }
- public TableContext FK(string fkName,
- string MemberName = null,
- AssociationType? AssociationType = null,
- bool? CanBeNull = null)
- {
- var c = Transformation.GetFK(TableName, fkName);
- if (MemberName != null) c.MemberName = MemberName;
- if (AssociationType != null) c.AssociationType = AssociationType.Value;
- if (CanBeNull != null) c.CanBeNull = CanBeNull.Value;
- return this;
- }
-Dictionary Tables = new Dictionary ();
-Dictionary Procedures = new Dictionary();
-public partial class Table : Class
- public TableSchema TableSchema { get; set; }
- public string Schema { get; set; }
- public string TableName { get; set; }
- public string DataContextPropertyName { get; set; }
- public MemberBase DataContextProperty { get; set; }
- public bool IsView { get; set; }
- public bool IsProviderSpecific { get; set; }
- public string Description { get; set; }
- public string AliasPropertyName { get; set; }
- public string AliasTypeName { get; set; }
- public string TypePrefix { get; set; }
- public string TypeName
- {
- get { return Name; }
- set { Name = value; }
- }
- public Dictionary Columns;
- public Dictionary ForeignKeys = new Dictionary();
-public partial class Column : Property
- public string ColumnName; // Column name in database
- public bool IsNullable;
- public bool IsIdentity;
- public string ColumnType; // Type of the column in database
- public string DataType;
- public long? Length;
- public int? Precision;
- public int? Scale;
- public DbType DbType;
- public string Description;
- public bool IsPrimaryKey;
- public int PrimaryKeyOrder;
- public bool SkipOnUpdate;
- public bool SkipOnInsert;
- public bool IsDuplicateOrEmpty;
- public bool IsDiscriminator;
- public string AliasName;
- public string MemberName
- {
- get { return Name; }
- set { Name = value; }
- }
-public enum AssociationType
- Auto,
- OneToOne,
- OneToMany,
- ManyToOne,
-public partial class ForeignKey : Property
- public string KeyName;
- public Table OtherTable;
- public List ThisColumns;
- public List OtherColumns;
- public bool CanBeNull;
- public ForeignKey BackReference;
- public string MemberName
- {
- get { return Name; }
- set { Name = value; }
- }
- private AssociationType _associationType = AssociationType.Auto;
- public AssociationType AssociationType
- {
- get { return _associationType; }
- set
- {
- _associationType = value;
- if (BackReference != null)
- {
- switch (value)
- {
- case AssociationType.Auto : BackReference.AssociationType = AssociationType.Auto; break;
- case AssociationType.OneToOne : BackReference.AssociationType = AssociationType.OneToOne; break;
- case AssociationType.OneToMany : BackReference.AssociationType = AssociationType.ManyToOne; break;
- case AssociationType.ManyToOne : BackReference.AssociationType = AssociationType.OneToMany; break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
-public partial class Procedure : Method
- public string Schema { get; set; }
- public string ProcedureName { get; set; }
- public bool IsFunction { get; set; }
- public bool IsTableFunction { get; set; }
- public bool IsDefaultSchema { get; set; }
- public bool IsLoaded { get; set; }
- public Table ResultTable { get; set; }
- public Exception ResultException { get; set; }
- public List SimilarTables { get; set; }
- public List ProcParameters { get; set; }
-public class Parameter
- public string SchemaName { get; set; }
- public string SchemaType { get; set; }
- public bool IsIn { get; set; }
- public bool IsOut { get; set; }
- public bool IsResult { get; set; }
- public long? Size { get; set; }
- public string ParameterName { get; set; }
- public string ParameterType { get; set; }
- public Type SystemType { get; set; }
- public string DataType { get; set; }
-private int _counter = 0;
-string ToValidNameDefault(string name, bool mayRemoveUnderscore)
- if (NormalizeNames && mayRemoveUnderscore && name.Contains("_"))
- {
- name = SplitAndJoin(name, "", '_');
- }
- if (name.Contains("."))
- {
- name = SplitAndJoin(name, "", '.');
- }
- if (name.Length > 0 && char.IsDigit(name[0]))
- name = "_" + name;
- if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(name))
- name = "_" + _counter++;
- if (NormalizeNames)
- {
- name = char.ToUpper(name[0]) + name.Substring(1);
- }
- return name;
-static string SplitAndJoin(string value, string join, params char[] split)
- var ss = value.Split(split, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
- .Select(s => char.ToUpper(s[0]) + s.Substring(1));
- return string.Join(join, ss.ToArray());
-private string GetAssociationExtensionSinglularNameDefault(ForeignKey key)
- return ToSingular(key.Name);
-private string GetAssociationExtensionPluralNameDefault(ForeignKey key)
- return ToPlural(ToSingular(key.Name));
diff --git a/Source/LinqToDB.Templates/EditableObject.ttinclude b/Source/LinqToDB.Templates/EditableObject.ttinclude
deleted file mode 100644
index dd4e4f2..0000000
--- a/Source/LinqToDB.Templates/EditableObject.ttinclude
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,235 +0,0 @@
- {
- var beforeGenerateModel = BeforeGenerateModel;
- BeforeGenerateModel = () =>
- {
- EditableObjectImpl();
- beforeGenerateModel();
- };
- SetPropertyValueAction += (obj,prop,val) =>
- {
- if (prop == "IsEditable")
- obj.IsEditable = (bool)val;
- };
- }
-void EditableObjectImpl()
- foreach (Property prop in GetTreeNodes(Model).OfType().Where(p => p.IsEditable).ToList())
- {
- SetPropertyValue(prop, "IsNotifying", true);
- List parentMembers;
- MemberGroup gr = null;
- if (prop.Parent is Class)
- {
- var parent = (Class)prop.Parent;
- parentMembers = parent.Members;
- }
- else
- {
- var parent = (MemberGroup)prop.Parent;
- parentMembers = parent.Members;
- parent.IsCompact = false;
- }
- var name = prop.Name.Trim();
- var type = prop.Type.Trim();
- if (gr == null)
- {
- gr = new MemberGroup
- {
- Region = name + " : " + type,
- Members = { prop },
- IsPropertyGroup = true,
- };
- var index = parentMembers.IndexOf(prop);
- parentMembers.RemoveAt(index);
- parentMembers.Insert (index, gr);
- }
- var originalField = new Field(type, "_original" + name)
- {
- AccessModifier = AccessModifier.Private,
- InsertBlankLineAfter = false,
- };
- gr.Members.Insert(0, originalField);
- var currentField = new Field(type, " _current" + name)
- {
- AccessModifier = AccessModifier.Private,
- InsertBlankLineAfter = false,
- };
- if (prop.InitValue != null)
- currentField.InitValue = prop.InitValue;
- gr.Members.Insert(0, currentField);
- prop.Name = " " + name;
- prop.Type = " " + type;
- prop.IsAuto = false;
- if (prop.HasGetter) prop.GetBody.Add("return " + currentField.Name.Trim() + ";");
- if (prop.HasSetter) prop.SetBody.Add(currentField.Name.Trim() + " = value;");
- var ac = new Method ("void", "Accept" + name + "Changes", null, new[] { string.Format("_original{0} = _current{0};", name) });
- var rc = new Method ("void", "Reject" + name + "Changes", null, new[] { string.Format("{0} = _original{0};", name) });
- var id = new Property("bool", "Is" + name + "Dirty")
- .InitGetter(string.Format(prop.IsDirtyText, "_current" + name, "_original" + name));
- gr.Members.Add(new MemberGroup
- {
- Region = "EditableObject support",
- Members = { ac, rc, id },
- });
- prop.Parent.SetTree();
- }
- foreach (Class cl in GetTreeNodes(Model).OfType())
- {
- var props = GetTreeNodes(cl).OfType().Where(p => p.IsEditable).ToList();
- if (props.Count > 0)
- {
- if (props.Any(p => p.IsEditable))
- {
- var ctor = GetTreeNodes(cl)
- .OfType()
- .FirstOrDefault(m => m.Name == cl.Name && m.Parameters.Count == 0);
- if (ctor == null)
- {
- ctor = new Method(null, cl.Name);
- cl.Members.Insert(0, ctor);
- }
- ctor.Body.Add("AcceptChanges();");
- }
- var maxLen = props.Max(p => p.Name.Trim().Length);
- var ac = new Method("void", "AcceptChanges") { IsVirtual = true };
- var rc = new Method("void", "RejectChanges") { IsVirtual = true };
- var id = new Property("bool", "IsDirty") { IsAuto = false, HasSetter = false, IsVirtual = true };
- ac.Body.Add("BeforeAcceptChanges();");
- ac.Body.Add("");
- rc.Body.Add("BeforeRejectChanges();");
- rc.Body.Add("");
- id.GetBody.Add("return");
- foreach (var p in props)
- {
- var name = p.Name.Trim();
- ac.Body.Add(string.Format("Accept{0}Changes();", name));
- rc.Body.Add(string.Format("Reject{0}Changes();", name));
- id.GetBody.Add(string.Format("\tIs{0}Dirty{1} ||", name, LenDiff(maxLen, name)));
- }
- ac.Body.Add("");
- ac.Body.Add("AfterAcceptChanges();");
- rc.Body.Add("");
- rc.Body.Add("AfterRejectChanges();");
- id.GetBody[id.GetBody.Count - 1] = id.GetBody[id.GetBody.Count - 1].Trim(' ' , '|') + ";";
- cl.Members.Add(new MemberGroup
- {
- Region = "EditableObject support",
- Members =
- {
- new MemberGroup
- {
- IsCompact = true,
- Members =
- {
- new Method("void", "BeforeAcceptChanges") { AccessModifier = AccessModifier.Partial },
- new Method("void", "AfterAcceptChanges") { AccessModifier = AccessModifier.Partial },
- }
- },
- ac,
- new MemberGroup
- {
- IsCompact = true,
- Members =
- {
- new Method("void", "BeforeRejectChanges") { AccessModifier = AccessModifier.Partial },
- new Method("void", "AfterRejectChanges") { AccessModifier = AccessModifier.Partial },
- }
- },
- rc,
- id
- },
- });
- if (!cl.Interfaces.Contains("IEditableObject"))
- {
- if (!Model.Usings.Contains("System.ComponentModel"))
- Model.Usings.Add("System.ComponentModel");
- cl.Interfaces.Add("IEditableObject");
- cl.Members.Add(new MemberGroup
- {
- Region = "IEditableObject support",
- Members =
- {
- new MemberGroup
- {
- IsCompact = true,
- Members =
- {
- new Field ("bool", "_isEditing") { AccessModifier = AccessModifier.Private },
- new Property("bool", " IsEditing").InitGetter("_isEditing"),
- }
- },
- new MemberGroup
- {
- IsCompact = true,
- Members =
- {
- new Method("void", "BeginEdit", null, new[] { "AcceptChanges();", "_isEditing = true;" }) { IsVirtual = true },
- new Method("void", "CancelEdit", null, new[] { "_isEditing = false;", "RejectChanges();", }) { IsVirtual = true },
- new Method("void", "EndEdit", null, new[] { "_isEditing = false;", "AcceptChanges();", }) { IsVirtual = true },
- }
- },
- }
- });
- }
- }
- cl.SetTree();
- }
-partial class Property
- public bool IsEditable;
- public string IsDirtyText = "{0} != {1}";
-class EditableProperty : Property
- public EditableProperty()
- {
- IsEditable = true;
- }
- public EditableProperty(string type, string name)
- : base(type, name, null, null)
- {
- IsEditable = true;
- }
diff --git a/Source/LinqToDB.Templates/Humanizer.ttinclude b/Source/LinqToDB.Templates/Humanizer.ttinclude
deleted file mode 100644
index 88f657b..0000000
--- a/Source/LinqToDB.Templates/Humanizer.ttinclude
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-To use this extension tou should:
-1) Reference Humanizer NuGet package into your project
-2) Iclude Humanizer.ttinclude
-3) Reference assembly like aassembly name="$(SolutionDir)\packages\Humanizer.Core.2.2.0\lib\netstandard1.0\Humanizer.dll"
-<#@ import namespace="Humanizer" #>
- {
- ToPlural = s => s.Pluralize (inputIsKnownToBeSingular: false);
- ToSingular = s => s.Singularize(inputIsKnownToBePlural: false);
- ToValidName = (s, r) => s.Pascalize();
- }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Source/LinqToDB.Templates/LinqToDB.Access.ttinclude b/Source/LinqToDB.Templates/LinqToDB.Access.ttinclude
deleted file mode 100644
index 4d36a2c..0000000
--- a/Source/LinqToDB.Templates/LinqToDB.Access.ttinclude
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-<#@ include file="LinqToDB.ttinclude" #>
-LinqToDB.Data.DataConnection GetAccessConnection(string connectionString)
- return LinqToDB.DataProvider.Access.AccessTools.CreateDataConnection(connectionString);
-LinqToDB.Data.DataConnection GetAccessConnection(string path, string database)
- return GetAccessConnection(string.Format(
- "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source={0};Locale Identifier=1033;Jet OLEDB:Engine Type=5;Persist Security Info=True",
- System.IO.Path.Combine(path, database)));
-void LoadAccessMetadata(string connectionString)
- var dataConnection = GetAccessConnection(connectionString);
- LoadMetadata(dataConnection);
-void LoadAccessMetadata(string path, string database)
- var dataConnection = GetAccessConnection(path, database);
- LoadMetadata(dataConnection);
diff --git a/Source/LinqToDB.Templates/LinqToDB.DB2.ttinclude b/Source/LinqToDB.Templates/LinqToDB.DB2.ttinclude
deleted file mode 100644
index 466ca8f..0000000
--- a/Source/LinqToDB.Templates/LinqToDB.DB2.ttinclude
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-<#@ include file="LinqToDB.ttinclude" #>
- LinqToDB.DataProvider.DB2.DB2Tools.ResolveDB2(
- typeof(IBM.Data.DB2.DB2Connection).Assembly);
-LinqToDB.Data.DataConnection GetDB2Connection(string connectionString)
- var conn = new IBM.Data.DB2.DB2Connection(connectionString);
- return LinqToDB.DataProvider.DB2.DB2Tools.CreateDataConnection(conn);
-LinqToDB.Data.DataConnection GetDB2Connection(string server, string port, string database, string uid, string password)
- return GetDB2Connection(string.Format("Server={0}:{1};Database={2};UID={3};PWD={4};", server, port, database, uid, password));
-void LoadDB2Metadata(string connectionString)
- var dataConnection = GetDB2Connection(connectionString);
- LoadMetadata(dataConnection);
-void LoadDB2Metadata(string server, string port, string database, string uid, string password)
- var dataConnection = GetDB2Connection(server, port, database, uid, password);
- LoadMetadata(dataConnection);
diff --git a/Source/LinqToDB.Templates/LinqToDB.Firebird.ttinclude b/Source/LinqToDB.Templates/LinqToDB.Firebird.ttinclude
deleted file mode 100644
index 156a47f..0000000
--- a/Source/LinqToDB.Templates/LinqToDB.Firebird.ttinclude
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
-<#@ include file="LinqToDB.ttinclude" #>
- LinqToDB.DataProvider.Firebird.FirebirdTools.ResolveFirebird(
- typeof(FirebirdSql.Data.FirebirdClient.FbConnection).Assembly);
- {
- var afterLoadMetadata = AfterLoadMetadata;
- AfterLoadMetadata = () =>
- {
- afterLoadMetadata();
- CheckNameCasing();
- };
- }
-void CheckNameCasing()
- foreach (var t in Tables.Values)
- {
- var name = t.TableName;
- if (!name.StartsWith("\""))
- if (name.StartsWith("_") || name.Any(c => char.IsLower(c) || char.IsWhiteSpace(c)))
- t.TableName = "\\\"" + name + "\\\"";
- foreach (var col in t.Columns.Values)
- {
- name = col.ColumnName;
- if (!name.StartsWith("\""))
- if (name.StartsWith("_") || name.Any(c => char.IsLower(c) || char.IsWhiteSpace(c)))
- col.ColumnName = "\\\"" + name + "\\\"";
- }
- }
-LinqToDB.Data.DataConnection GetFirebirdConnection(string connectionString)
- return LinqToDB.DataProvider.Firebird.FirebirdTools.CreateDataConnection(connectionString);
-LinqToDB.Data.DataConnection GetFirebirdConnection(string server, string database)
- return GetFirebirdConnection(server, database, "SYSDBA", "masterkey");
-LinqToDB.Data.DataConnection GetFirebirdConnection(string server, string database, string uid, string password)
- return GetFirebirdConnection(string.Format(
- "DataSource={0};Database={1};User Id={2};Password={3}",
- server, database, uid, password));
-void LoadFirebirdMetadata(string connectionString)
- var dataConnection = GetFirebirdConnection(connectionString);
- LoadMetadata(dataConnection);
-void LoadFirebirdMetadata(string server, string database, string uid, string password)
- var dataConnection = GetFirebirdConnection(server, database, uid, password);
- LoadMetadata(dataConnection);
-void LoadFirebirdMetadata(string server, string database)
- var dataConnection = GetFirebirdConnection(server, database);
- LoadMetadata(dataConnection);
diff --git a/Source/LinqToDB.Templates/LinqToDB.Informix.ttinclude b/Source/LinqToDB.Templates/LinqToDB.Informix.ttinclude
deleted file mode 100644
index 0e6cc90..0000000
--- a/Source/LinqToDB.Templates/LinqToDB.Informix.ttinclude
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-<#@ include file="LinqToDB.ttinclude" #>
- LinqToDB.DataProvider.Informix.InformixTools.ResolveInformix(
- typeof(IBM.Data.Informix.IfxConnection).Assembly);
-LinqToDB.Data.DataConnection GetInformixConnection(string connectionString)
- var conn = new IBM.Data.Informix.IfxConnection(connectionString);
- return LinqToDB.DataProvider.Informix.InformixTools.CreateDataConnection(conn);
-LinqToDB.Data.DataConnection GetInformixConnection(string host, string port, string server, string database, string uid, string password)
- return GetInformixConnection(string.Format("Host={0};Service={1};Server={2};Protocol=onsoctcp;Database={3};UID={4};PWD={5}", host, port, server, database, uid, password));
-void LoadInformixMetadata(string connectionString)
- var dataConnection = GetInformixConnection(connectionString);
- LoadMetadata(dataConnection);
-void LoadInformixMetadata(string host, string port, string server, string database, string uid, string password)
- var dataConnection = GetInformixConnection(host, port, server, database, uid, password);
- LoadMetadata(dataConnection);
diff --git a/Source/LinqToDB.Templates/LinqToDB.MySql.ttinclude b/Source/LinqToDB.Templates/LinqToDB.MySql.ttinclude
deleted file mode 100644
index 3d96937..0000000
--- a/Source/LinqToDB.Templates/LinqToDB.MySql.ttinclude
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-<#@ include file="LinqToDB.ttinclude" #>
- LinqToDB.DataProvider.MySql.MySqlTools.ResolveMySql(
- typeof(MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlConnection).Assembly);
-LinqToDB.Data.DataConnection GetMySqlConnection(string connectionString)
- return LinqToDB.DataProvider.MySql.MySqlTools.CreateDataConnection(connectionString);
-LinqToDB.Data.DataConnection GetMySqlConnection(string server, string database, string uid, string password, int port=3306)
- return GetMySqlConnection(string.Format(
- "Server={0};Port={4};Database={1};Uid={2};Pwd={3};charset=utf8;",
- server, database, uid, password,port));
-void LoadMySqlMetadata(string connectionString)
- var dataConnection = GetMySqlConnection(connectionString);
- LoadMetadata(dataConnection);
-void LoadMySqlMetadata(string server, string database, string uid, string password,int port=3306)
- var dataConnection = GetMySqlConnection(server, database, uid, password,port);
- LoadMetadata(dataConnection);
diff --git a/Source/LinqToDB.Templates/LinqToDB.Oracle.ttinclude b/Source/LinqToDB.Templates/LinqToDB.Oracle.ttinclude
deleted file mode 100644
index dabdefa..0000000
--- a/Source/LinqToDB.Templates/LinqToDB.Oracle.ttinclude
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-<#@ include file="LinqToDB.ttinclude" #>
- LinqToDB.DataProvider.Oracle.OracleTools.AssemblyName = "Oracle.ManagedDataAccess";
- LinqToDB.DataProvider.Oracle.OracleTools.ResolveOracle(
- typeof(Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.Client.OracleConnection).Assembly);
-LinqToDB.Data.DataConnection GetOracleConnection(string connectionString)
- //return LinqToDB.DataProvider.Oracle.OracleTools.CreateDataConnection(connectionString);
- return new LinqToDB.Data.DataConnection(new LinqToDB.DataProvider.Oracle.OracleDataProvider("OracleManaged"), connectionString);
-LinqToDB.Data.DataConnection GetOracleConnection(string server, string port, string database, string uid, string password)
- return GetOracleConnection(string.Format("Data Source=(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST={0})(PORT={1}))(CONNECT_DATA=(SERVICE_NAME={2})));User Id={3};Password={4};", server, port, database, uid, password));
-void LoadOracleMetadata(string connectionString)
- var dataConnection = GetOracleConnection(connectionString);
- LoadMetadata(dataConnection);
-void LoadOracleMetadata(string server, string port, string database, string uid, string password)
- var dataConnection = GetOracleConnection(server, port, database, uid, password);
- LoadMetadata(dataConnection);
diff --git a/Source/LinqToDB.Templates/LinqToDB.PostgreSQL.ttinclude b/Source/LinqToDB.Templates/LinqToDB.PostgreSQL.ttinclude
deleted file mode 100644
index 2ac6c38..0000000
--- a/Source/LinqToDB.Templates/LinqToDB.PostgreSQL.ttinclude
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
-<#@ include file="LinqToDB.ttinclude" #>
- LinqToDB.DataProvider.PostgreSQL.PostgreSQLTools.ResolvePostgreSQL(
- typeof(Npgsql.NpgsqlConnection).Assembly);
- {
- var beforeGenerateLinqToDBModel = BeforeGenerateLinqToDBModel;
- BeforeGenerateLinqToDBModel = () =>
- {
- beforeGenerateLinqToDBModel();
- SetCaseSensitiveNames();
- };
- }
-bool GenerateCaseSensitiveNames = false; // Defines whether to generate case sensitive or insensitive names
-void SetCaseSensitiveNames()
- if (GenerateCaseSensitiveNames)
- {
- foreach (var t in Tables.Values)
- {
- if (t.TableName.Any(char.IsUpper))
- t.TableName = "\\\"" + t.TableName + "\\\"";
- foreach (var c in t.Columns.Values)
- {
- if (c.ColumnName.Any(char.IsUpper))
- c.ColumnName = "\\\"" + c.ColumnName + "\\\"";
- }
- }
- }
-LinqToDB.Data.DataConnection GetPostgreSQLConnection(string connectionString)
- return LinqToDB.DataProvider.PostgreSQL.PostgreSQLTools.CreateDataConnection(connectionString);
-LinqToDB.Data.DataConnection GetPostgreSQLConnection(string server, string port, string database, string uid, string password)
- return GetPostgreSQLConnection(string.Format(@"Server={0};Port={1};Database={2};User Id={3};Password={4};Pooling=true;MinPoolSize=10;MaxPoolSize=100;", server, port, database, uid, password));
-void LoadPostgreSQLMetadata(string connectionString)
- var dataConnection = GetPostgreSQLConnection(connectionString);
- LoadMetadata(dataConnection);
-void LoadPostgreSQLMetadata(string server, string port, string database, string uid, string password)
- var dataConnection = GetPostgreSQLConnection(server, port, database, uid, password);
- LoadMetadata(dataConnection);
diff --git a/Source/LinqToDB.Templates/LinqToDB.SQLite.ttinclude b/Source/LinqToDB.Templates/LinqToDB.SQLite.ttinclude
deleted file mode 100644
index 6b04b24..0000000
--- a/Source/LinqToDB.Templates/LinqToDB.SQLite.ttinclude
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-<#@ include file="LinqToDB.ttinclude" #>
- LinqToDB.DataProvider.SQLite.SQLiteTools.ResolveSQLite(typeof(System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteConnection).Assembly);
- {
- var beforeGenerateLinqToDBModel = BeforeGenerateLinqToDBModel;
- BeforeGenerateLinqToDBModel = () =>
- {
- ConvertSQLiteMetadata();
- beforeGenerateLinqToDBModel();
- };
- }
-void ConvertSQLiteMetadata()
- foreach (var t in Tables.Values)
- foreach (var fk in t.ForeignKeys.Values)
- if (fk.MemberName.Length == 0 || char.IsDigit(fk.MemberName[0]))
- fk.MemberName = "FK_" + fk.MemberName;
-LinqToDB.Data.DataConnection GetSQLiteConnection(string connectionString)
- return LinqToDB.DataProvider.SQLite.SQLiteTools.CreateDataConnection(connectionString);
-LinqToDB.Data.DataConnection GetSQLiteConnection(string path, string database)
- return GetSQLiteConnection(string.Format("Data Source={0}", System.IO.Path.Combine(path, database)));
-void LoadSQLiteMetadata(string connectionString)
- var dataConnection = GetSQLiteConnection(connectionString);
- LoadMetadata(dataConnection);
-void LoadSQLiteMetadata(string path, string database)
- var dataConnection = GetSQLiteConnection(path, database);
- LoadMetadata(dataConnection);
diff --git a/Source/LinqToDB.Templates/LinqToDB.SapHana.ttinclude b/Source/LinqToDB.Templates/LinqToDB.SapHana.ttinclude
deleted file mode 100644
index 0cbb3e8..0000000
--- a/Source/LinqToDB.Templates/LinqToDB.SapHana.ttinclude
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,109 +0,0 @@
-<#@ include file="LinqToDB.ttinclude" #>
-<#@ import namespace="LinqToDB.DataProvider.SapHana" #>
- LinqToDB.DataProvider.SapHana.SapHanaTools.ResolveSapHana(
- typeof(Sap.Data.Hana.HanaConnection).Assembly);
- Model.Usings.Add("LinqToDB.DataProvider.SapHana");
- Model.Usings.Add("System.Reflection");
- GenerateProviderSpecificTable = t =>
- {
- var method = new Method(
- String.Format("ITable<{0}>", t.TypeName),
- t.DataContextPropertyName,
- t.Parameters.Select(p => p.ParameterType + " " + p.ParameterName),
- new []
- {
- String.Concat("return GetTable<",t.TypeName,">(this, (MethodInfo) MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod(),"),
- String.Join(",", t.Parameters.Select(p => p.ParameterName)),
- ");"
- });
- method.Attributes.Add(new Attribute("CalculationViewInputParametersExpression", new string[] {}));
- return method;
- };
- LoadProviderSpecificTable = t =>
- {
- var v = t as ViewWithParametersTableSchema;
- return new Table
- {
- Schema = (t.IsDefaultSchema && !IncludeDefaultSchema) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(t.SchemaName)? null : t.SchemaName,
- BaseClass = BaseEntityClass,
- TableName = t.TableName,
- TypeName =
- PluralizeClassNames ? ToPlural (t.TypeName) :
- SingularizeClassNames ? ToSingular(t.TypeName) : t.TypeName,
- DataContextPropertyName =
- PluralizeDataContextPropertyNames ? ToPlural (t.TypeName) :
- SingularizeDataContextPropertyNames ? ToSingular(t.TypeName) : t.TypeName,
- IsView = t.IsView,
- IsProviderSpecific = true,
- Description = t.Description,
- Columns = t.Columns.ToDictionary(
- c => c.ColumnName,
- c => new Column
- {
- ColumnName = c.ColumnName,
- ColumnType = c.ColumnType,
- IsNullable = c.IsNullable,
- IsIdentity = c.IsIdentity,
- IsPrimaryKey = c.IsPrimaryKey,
- PrimaryKeyOrder = c.PrimaryKeyOrder,
- MemberName = CheckType(c.SystemType, c.MemberName),
- Type = c.MemberType,
- SkipOnInsert = c.SkipOnInsert,
- SkipOnUpdate = c.SkipOnUpdate,
- Description = c.Description,
- }),
- Parameters = v.Parameters.Select(pr => new Parameter
- {
- SchemaName = pr.SchemaName,
- SchemaType = pr.SchemaType,
- IsIn = pr.IsIn,
- IsOut = pr.IsOut,
- IsResult = pr.IsResult,
- Size = pr.Size,
- ParameterName = pr.ParameterName,
- ParameterType = pr.ParameterType,
- SystemType = pr.SystemType,
- DataType = pr.DataType.ToString(),
- })
- .ToList()
- };
- };
- public partial class Table
- {
- public List Parameters;
- }
- LinqToDB.Data.DataConnection GetSapHanaConnection(string connectionString)
- {
- return LinqToDB.DataProvider.SapHana.SapHanaTools.CreateDataConnection(connectionString);
- }
- LinqToDB.Data.DataConnection GetSapHanaConnection(string server, string schema, string uid, string password)
- {
- return GetSapHanaConnection(string.Format("Server={0};Current Schema={1};UserID={2};Password={3};", server, schema, uid, password));
- }
- void LoadSapHanaMetadata(DataConnection dataConnection)
- {
- LoadMetadata(dataConnection);
- }
- void LoadSapHanaMetadata(string connectionString)
- {
- var dataConnection = GetSapHanaConnection(connectionString);
- LoadMetadata(dataConnection);
- }
- void LoadSapHanaMetadata(string server, string schema, string uid, string password)
- {
- var dataConnection = GetSapHanaConnection(server, schema, uid, password);
- LoadMetadata(dataConnection);
- }
diff --git a/Source/LinqToDB.Templates/LinqToDB.SqlCe.ttinclude b/Source/LinqToDB.Templates/LinqToDB.SqlCe.ttinclude
deleted file mode 100644
index 4160979..0000000
--- a/Source/LinqToDB.Templates/LinqToDB.SqlCe.ttinclude
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-<#@ include file="LinqToDB.ttinclude" #>
- LinqToDB.DataProvider.SqlCe.SqlCeTools.ResolveSqlCe(
- typeof(System.Data.SqlServerCe.SqlCeConnection).Assembly);
-LinqToDB.Data.DataConnection GetSqlCeConnection(string connectionString)
- return LinqToDB.DataProvider.SqlCe.SqlCeTools.CreateDataConnection(connectionString);
-LinqToDB.Data.DataConnection GetSqlCeConnection(string path, string database)
- return GetSqlCeConnection(string.Format("Data Source={0}", System.IO.Path.Combine(path, database)));
-void LoadSqlCeMetadata(string connectionString)
- var dataConnection = GetSqlCeConnection(connectionString);
- LoadMetadata(dataConnection);
-void LoadSqlCeMetadata(string path, string database)
- var dataConnection = GetSqlCeConnection(path, database);
- LoadMetadata(dataConnection);
diff --git a/Source/LinqToDB.Templates/LinqToDB.SqlServer.SqlTypes.ttinclude b/Source/LinqToDB.Templates/LinqToDB.SqlServer.SqlTypes.ttinclude
deleted file mode 100644
index aded8bd..0000000
--- a/Source/LinqToDB.Templates/LinqToDB.SqlServer.SqlTypes.ttinclude
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-<#@ include file="LinqToDB.SqlServer.ttinclude" #>
- LinqToDB.DataProvider.SqlServer.SqlServerTools.ResolveSqlTypes(
- typeof(Microsoft.SqlServer.Types.SqlGeography).Assembly);
diff --git a/Source/LinqToDB.Templates/LinqToDB.SqlServer.ttinclude b/Source/LinqToDB.Templates/LinqToDB.SqlServer.ttinclude
deleted file mode 100644
index 74791db..0000000
--- a/Source/LinqToDB.Templates/LinqToDB.SqlServer.ttinclude
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,130 +0,0 @@
-<#@ include file="LinqToDB.ttinclude" #>
- {
- var afterGenerateLinqToDBModel = AfterGenerateLinqToDBModel;
- AfterGenerateLinqToDBModel = () =>
- {
- afterGenerateLinqToDBModel();
- DoGenerateSqlServerFreeText();
- };
- }
-bool GenerateSqlServerFreeText = true; // Defines whether to generate extensions for Free Text search, or not
-void DoGenerateSqlServerFreeText()
- if (!GenerateSqlServerFreeText)
- return;
- Model.Usings.Add("System.Collections.Generic");
- Model.Usings.Add("System.Linq.Expressions");
- Model.Usings.Add("System.Reflection");
- Model.Usings.Add("LinqToDB");
- Model.Usings.Add("LinqToDB.DataProvider.SqlServer");
- Model.Usings.Add("LinqToDB.Extensions");
- DataContextObject.Members.Add(
- new MemberGroup
- {
- Region = "FreeTextTable",
- Members =
- {
- new Class("FreeTextKey",
- new MemberGroup
- {
- IsCompact = true,
- Members =
- {
- new Field("T", "Key"),
- new Field("int", "Rank")
- }
- })
- {
- IsPartial = false
- },
- new Field("MethodInfo", "_freeTextTableMethod1")
- {
- AccessModifier = AccessModifier.Private,
- IsStatic = true,
- InitValue = "typeof(" + DataContextObject.Name + ").GetMethod(\"FreeTextTable\", new Type[] { typeof(string), typeof(string) })"
- },
- new Method("ITable>", "FreeTextTable",
- new[] { "string field", "string text" },
- new[]
- {
- "return this.GetTable>(",
- " this,",
- " _freeTextTableMethod1,",
- " field,",
- " text);",
- })
- {
- Attributes = { new Attribute("FreeTextTableExpression") }
- },
- new Field("MethodInfo", "_freeTextTableMethod2")
- {
- AccessModifier = AccessModifier.Private,
- IsStatic = true,
- InitValue = Environment.NewLine +
- " typeof(" + DataContextObject.Name + ").GetMethods()" + Environment.NewLine +
- " .Where(m => m.Name == \"FreeTextTable\" && m.IsGenericMethod && m.GetParameters().Length == 2)" + Environment.NewLine +
- " .Where(m => m.GetParameters()[0].ParameterType.IsGenericTypeEx() && m.GetParameters()[0].ParameterType.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(Expression<>))" + Environment.NewLine +
- " .Where(m => m.GetParameters()[1].ParameterType == typeof(string))" + Environment.NewLine +
- " .Single()"
- },
- new Method("ITable>", "FreeTextTable",
- new[] { "Expression> fieldSelector", "string text" },
- new[]
- {
- "return this.GetTable>(",
- " this,",
- " _freeTextTableMethod2,",
- " fieldSelector,",
- " text);",
- })
- {
- Attributes = { new Attribute("FreeTextTableExpression") }
- },
- }
- }
- );
-LinqToDB.Data.DataConnection GetSqlServerConnection(string connectionString)
- return LinqToDB.DataProvider.SqlServer.SqlServerTools.CreateDataConnection(connectionString);
-LinqToDB.Data.DataConnection GetSqlServerConnection(string server, string database)
- return GetSqlServerConnection(string.Format("Data Source={0};Database={1};Integrated Security=SSPI", server, database));
-LinqToDB.Data.DataConnection GetSqlServerConnection(string server, string database, string user, string password)
- return GetSqlServerConnection(string.Format("Server={0};Database={1};User Id={2};Password={3};", server, database, user, password));
-void LoadSqlServerMetadata(string connectionString)
- var dataConnection = GetSqlServerConnection(connectionString);
- LoadMetadata(dataConnection);
-void LoadSqlServerMetadata(string server, string database)
- var dataConnection = GetSqlServerConnection(server, database);
- LoadMetadata(dataConnection);
-void LoadSqlServerMetadata(string server, string database, string user, string password)
- var dataConnection = GetSqlServerConnection(server, database, user, password);
- LoadMetadata(dataConnection);
diff --git a/Source/LinqToDB.Templates/LinqToDB.Sybase.ttinclude b/Source/LinqToDB.Templates/LinqToDB.Sybase.ttinclude
deleted file mode 100644
index 154c181..0000000
--- a/Source/LinqToDB.Templates/LinqToDB.Sybase.ttinclude
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
-<#@ include file="LinqToDB.ttinclude" #>
- LinqToDB.DataProvider.Sybase.SybaseTools.ResolveSybase(
- typeof(Sybase.Data.AseClient.AseConnection).Assembly);
- {
- var beforeGenerateLinqToDBModel = BeforeGenerateLinqToDBModel;
- BeforeGenerateLinqToDBModel = () =>
- {
- beforeGenerateLinqToDBModel();
- GenerateSybaseTypes();
- };
- }
-bool GenerateSybaseSystemTables = false; // Defines whether to generate Sybase sysobjects tables or not
-void GenerateSybaseTypes()
- if (GenerateSybaseSystemTables)
- {
- Tables.Add("sysobjects", new Table
- {
- Name = "sysobjects",
- TableName = "sysobjects",
- TypeName = "SysObject",
- DataContextPropertyName = "SysObjects",
- BaseClass = BaseEntityClass,
- Columns = new Dictionary()
- {
- { "name", new Column { Name = "name", ColumnName = "name", ColumnType = "varchar", Type = "string", DbType = DbType.AnsiString, /*Length = 255*/ }},
- { "id", new Column { Name = "id", ColumnName = "id", ColumnType = "int", Type = "int", DbType = DbType.Int32, }},
- { "uid", new Column { Name = "uid", ColumnName = "uid", ColumnType = "int", Type = "int", DbType = DbType.Int32, }},
- { "type", new Column { Name = "type", ColumnName = "type", ColumnType = "char", Type = "string", DbType = DbType.AnsiStringFixedLength, /*Length = 2,*/ }},
- { "userstat", new Column { Name = "userstat", ColumnName = "userstat", ColumnType = "smallint", Type = "short", DbType = DbType.Int16, }},
- { "sysstat", new Column { Name = "sysstat", ColumnName = "sysstat", ColumnType = "smallint", Type = "short", DbType = DbType.Int16, }},
- { "indexdel", new Column { Name = "indexdel", ColumnName = "indexdel", ColumnType = "smallint", Type = "short", DbType = DbType.Int16, }},
- { "schemacnt", new Column { Name = "schemacnt", ColumnName = "schemacnt", ColumnType = "smallint", Type = "short", DbType = DbType.Int16, }},
- { "sysstat2", new Column { Name = "sysstat2", ColumnName = "sysstat2", ColumnType = "int", Type = "int", DbType = DbType.Int32, }},
- { "crdate", new Column { Name = "crdate", ColumnName = "crdate", ColumnType = "datetime", Type = "DateTime", DbType = DbType.DateTime }},
- { "expdate", new Column { Name = "expdate", ColumnName = "expdate", ColumnType = "datetime", Type = "DateTime", DbType = DbType.DateTime }},
- { "deltrig", new Column { Name = "deltrig", ColumnName = "deltrig", ColumnType = "int", Type = "int", DbType = DbType.Int32, }},
- { "instrig", new Column { Name = "instrig", ColumnName = "instrig", ColumnType = "int", Type = "int", DbType = DbType.Int32, }},
- { "updtrig", new Column { Name = "updtrig", ColumnName = "updtrig", ColumnType = "int", Type = "int", DbType = DbType.Int32, }},
- { "seltrig", new Column { Name = "seltrig", ColumnName = "seltrig", ColumnType = "int", Type = "int", DbType = DbType.Int32, }},
- { "ckfirst", new Column { Name = "ckfirst", ColumnName = "ckfirst", ColumnType = "int", Type = "int", DbType = DbType.Int32, }},
- { "cache", new Column { Name = "cache", ColumnName = "cache", ColumnType = "smallint", Type = "short", DbType = DbType.Int16 }},
- { "audflags", new Column { Name = "audflags", ColumnName = "audflags", ColumnType = "int", Type = "int", DbType = DbType.Int32, IsNullable = true }},
- { "objspare", new Column { Name = "objspare", ColumnName = "objspare", ColumnType = "int", Type = "int", DbType = DbType.Int32, }},
- { "versionts", new Column { Name = "versionts", ColumnName = "versionts", ColumnType = "binary", Type = "byte[]", DbType = DbType.Binary, IsNullable = true, /*Length = 6*/ }},
- { "loginame", new Column { Name = "loginame", ColumnName = "loginame", ColumnType = "varchar", Type = "string", DbType = DbType.AnsiString, /*Length = 30*/ }},
- }
- });
- }
-LinqToDB.Data.DataConnection GetSybaseConnection(string connectionString)
- return LinqToDB.DataProvider.Sybase.SybaseTools.CreateDataConnection(connectionString);
-LinqToDB.Data.DataConnection GetSybaseConnection(string server, string database)
- return GetSybaseConnection(string.Format("Data Source={0};Database={1};Integrated Security=SSPI", server, database));
-LinqToDB.Data.DataConnection GetSybaseConnection(string server, string port, string database, string uid, string password)
- return GetSybaseConnection(string.Format("Data Source={0};Port={1};Database={2};Uid={3};Password={4};Charset=utf8;", server, port, database, uid, password));
-void LoadSybaseMetadata(string connectionString)
- var dataConnection = GetSybaseConnection(connectionString);
- LoadMetadata(dataConnection);
-void LoadSybaseMetadata(string server, string port, string database, string uid, string password)
- var dataConnection = GetSybaseConnection(server, port, database, uid, password);
- LoadMetadata(dataConnection);
diff --git a/Source/LinqToDB.Templates/LinqToDB.Tools.ttinclude b/Source/LinqToDB.Templates/LinqToDB.Tools.ttinclude
deleted file mode 100644
index 44d4529..0000000
--- a/Source/LinqToDB.Templates/LinqToDB.Tools.ttinclude
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-<#@ assembly name="$(SolutionDir).tools\linq2db.t4models\linq2db.dll" #>
diff --git a/Source/LinqToDB.Templates/LinqToDB.ttinclude b/Source/LinqToDB.Templates/LinqToDB.ttinclude
deleted file mode 100644
index efa6700..0000000
--- a/Source/LinqToDB.Templates/LinqToDB.ttinclude
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,882 +0,0 @@
-<#@ assembly name="System.Data" #>
-<#@ import namespace="System.Data" #>
-<#@ import namespace="LinqToDB.Data" #>
-<#@ import namespace="System.Text" #>
-<#@ include file="DataModel.ttinclude" #>
- if (BaseDataContextClass == null)
- BaseDataContextClass = "LinqToDB.Data.DataConnection";
-Action BeforeGenerateLinqToDBModel = () => {};
-Action AfterGenerateLinqToDBModel = () => {};
-Func GenerateProviderSpecificTable = t => null;
-bool GenerateObsoleteAttributeForAliases = false;
-bool GenerateFindExtensions = true;
-bool IsCompactColumns = true;
-bool IsCompactColumnAliases = true;
-bool GenerateDataTypes = false;
-bool? GenerateLengthProperty = null;
-bool? GeneratePrecisionProperty = null;
-bool? GenerateScaleProperty = null;
-bool GenerateDbTypes = false;
-bool GenerateSchemaAsType = false;
-bool GenerateViews = true;
-string SchemaNameSuffix = "Schema";
-string SchemaDataContextTypeName = "DataContext";
-Dictionary SchemaNameMapping = new Dictionary();
-Func> GetConstructors = (conf, name) => GetConstructorsImpl(conf, name);
-static IEnumerable GetConstructorsImpl(string defaultConfiguration, string name)
- if (defaultConfiguration == null)
- yield return new Method(null, name);
- else
- yield return new Method(null, name) { AfterSignature = { ": base(\"" + defaultConfiguration + "\")" } };
- yield return new Method(null, name, new[] { "string configuration" }) { AfterSignature = { ": base(configuration)" } };
-void GenerateTypesFromMetadata()
- BeforeGenerateLinqToDBModel();
- Model.Usings.Add("LinqToDB");
- Model.Usings.Add("LinqToDB.Mapping");
- if (NamespaceName == null)
- NamespaceName = "DataModel";
- string schemaName;
- var schemas =
- (
- from t in Tables.Values
- where GenerateSchemaAsType && t.Schema != null && !t.TableSchema.IsDefaultSchema
- group t by t.Schema into gr
- orderby gr.Key
- let typeName = SchemaNameMapping.TryGetValue(gr.Key, out schemaName) ? schemaName : gr.Key
- select new
- {
- Name = gr.Key,
- TypeName = typeName + SchemaNameSuffix,
- PropertyName = typeName,
- Props = new MemberGroup { IsCompact = true },
- Aliases = new MemberGroup { IsCompact = true, Region = "Alias members" },
- TableExtensions = new MemberGroup { Region = "Table Extensions" },
- Type = new Class(typeName + SchemaNameSuffix) { IsStatic = true },
- Tables = gr.ToList(),
- DataContext = new Class(SchemaDataContextTypeName),
- Procedures = new MemberGroup(),
- Functions = new MemberGroup(),
- TableFunctions = new MemberGroup { Region = "Table Functions" },
- }
- ).ToDictionary(t => t.Name);
- var defProps = new MemberGroup { IsCompact = true };
- var defAliases = new MemberGroup { IsCompact = true, Region = "Alias members" };
- var defTableExtensions = new MemberGroup { };
- if (schemas.Count > 0)
- {
- var body = new List();
- var schemaGroup = new MemberGroup { Region = "Schemas" };
- var schemaMembers = new MemberGroup { IsCompact = true };
- var maxLen1 = schemas.Values.Max(schema => schema.PropertyName.Trim().Length);
- var maxLen2 = schemas.Values.Max(schema => schema.TypeName. Trim().Length);
- foreach (var schema in schemas.Values)
- {
- schemaMembers.Members.Add(new Property(schema.TypeName + "." + SchemaDataContextTypeName, schema.PropertyName));
- body.Add(
- schema.PropertyName + LenDiff(maxLen1, schema.PropertyName) +
- " = new " + schema.TypeName + "." + LenDiff(maxLen2, schema.TypeName) +
- SchemaDataContextTypeName + "(this);");
- }
- schemaGroup.Members.Add(schemaMembers);
- schemaGroup.Members.Add(new Method("void", "InitSchemas", new string[0], body));
- DataContextObject.Members.Add(schemaGroup);
- }
- if (GenerateConstructors)
- {
- foreach (var c in GetConstructors(DefaultConfiguration, DataContextObject.Name))
- {
- if (c.Body.Count > 0)
- c.Body.Add("");
- if (schemas.Count > 0)
- c.Body.Add("InitSchemas();");
- c.Body.Add("InitDataContext();");
- DataContextObject.Members.Add(c);
- }
- }
- DataContextObject.Members.Add(new MemberGroup
- {
- IsCompact = true,
- Members = { new Method("void", "InitDataContext") { AccessModifier = AccessModifier.Partial } }
- });
- if (Tables.Count > 0)
- DataContextObject.Members.Insert(0, defProps);
- foreach (var schema in schemas.Values)
- {
- schema.Type.Members.Add(schema.DataContext);
- schema.DataContext.Members.Insert(0, schema.Props);
- schema.DataContext.Members.Add(new Field ("IDataContext", "_dataContext") { AccessModifier = AccessModifier.Private, IsReadonly = true });
- schema.DataContext.Members.Add(new Method(null, schema.DataContext.Name, new[] { "IDataContext dataContext" }, new[] { "_dataContext = dataContext;" }));
- foreach (var t in schema.Tables)
- {
- t.TypePrefix = schema.TypeName + ".";
- }
- }
- var associationExtensions = new MemberGroup() {Region = "Associations"};
- foreach (var t in Tables.Values.OrderBy(tbl => tbl.IsProviderSpecific).ThenBy(tbl => tbl.TypeName))
- {
- Action addType = tp => Model.Types.Add(tp);
- var props = defProps;
- var aliases = defAliases;
- var tableExtensions = defTableExtensions;
- if (t.IsView && !GenerateViews){
- continue;
- }
- var schema = t.Schema != null && schemas.ContainsKey(t.Schema) ? schemas[t.Schema] : null;
- if (schema != null)
- {
- var si = schemas[t.Schema];
- addType = tp => si.Type.Members.Add(tp);
- props = si.Props;
- aliases = si.Aliases;
- tableExtensions = si.TableExtensions;
- }
- MemberBase dcProp = t.IsProviderSpecific ?
- GenerateProviderSpecificTable(t) :
- new Property(
- string.Format("ITable<{0}>", t.TypeName),
- t.DataContextPropertyName,
- new[] { string.Format((schema == null ? "this" : "_dataContext") + ".GetTable<{0}>()", t.TypeName) },
- null);
- if (dcProp == null) continue;
- t.DataContextProperty = dcProp;
- props.Members.Add(dcProp);
- Property aProp = null;
- if (t.AliasPropertyName != null && t.AliasPropertyName != t.DataContextPropertyName)
- {
- aProp = new Property(
- string.Format("ITable<{0}>", t.TypeName),
- t.AliasPropertyName,
- new[] { t.DataContextPropertyName },
- null);
- if (GenerateObsoleteAttributeForAliases)
- aProp.Attributes.Add(new Attribute("Obsolete", "\"Use " + t.DataContextPropertyName + " instead.\""));
- aliases.Members.Add(aProp);
- }
- var tableAttrs = new List();
- if (DatabaseName != null) tableAttrs.Add("Database=" + '"' + DatabaseName + '"');
- if (t.Schema != null) tableAttrs.Add("Schema=" + '"' + t.Schema + '"');
- tableAttrs.Add((tableAttrs.Count == 0 ? "" : "Name=") + '"' + t.TableName + '"');
- if (t.IsView)
- tableAttrs.Add("IsView=true");
- t.Attributes.Add(new Attribute("Table", tableAttrs.ToArray()) { IsSeparated = true } );
- var comments = new List();
- if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(t.Description))
- {
- comments.Add("/ ");
- foreach (var line in t.Description.Split('\n'))
- comments.Add("/ " + line.TrimEnd());
- comments.Add("/ ");
- }
- if (comments.Count > 0)
- {
- t. Comment.AddRange(comments);
- dcProp.Comment.AddRange(comments);
- if (aProp != null)
- aProp.Comment.AddRange(comments);
- }
- var columns = new MemberGroup { IsCompact = IsCompactColumns };
- var columnAliases = new MemberGroup { IsCompact = IsCompactColumnAliases, Region = "Alias members" };
- var nPKs = t.Columns.Values.Count(c => c.IsPrimaryKey);
- var allNullable = t.Columns.Values.All (c => c.IsNullable || c.IsIdentity);
- var nameMaxLen = t.Columns.Values.Max (c => (int?)(c.MemberName == c.ColumnName
- ? 0
- : NormalizeStringName(c.ColumnName).Length)) ?? 0;
- var dbTypeMaxLen = t.Columns.Values.Max (c => (int?)(c.ColumnType.Length)) ?? 0;
- var dataTypeMaxLen = t.Columns.Values.Where(c => c.DataType != null).Max (c => (int?)(c.DataType.Length)) ?? 0;
- var dataTypePrefix = t.Columns.Values.Any (c => c.MemberName == "DataType") ? "LinqToDB." : "";
- foreach (var c in t.Columns.Values)
- {
- // Column.
- //
- var ca = new Attribute("Column");
- var canBeReplaced = true;
- if (c.MemberName != c.ColumnName)
- {
- var columnNameInAttr = NormalizeStringName(c.ColumnName);
- var space = new string(' ', nameMaxLen - columnNameInAttr.Length);
- ca.Parameters.Add(columnNameInAttr + space);
- canBeReplaced = false;
- }
- else if (nameMaxLen > 0)
- {
- ca.Parameters.Add(new string(' ', nameMaxLen));
- canBeReplaced = false;
- }
- if (GenerateDbTypes)
- {
- var space = new string(' ', dbTypeMaxLen - c.ColumnType.Length);
- ca.Parameters.Add("DbType=\"" + c.ColumnType + '"' + space);
- canBeReplaced = false;
- }
- if (GenerateDataTypes)
- {
- var space = new string(' ', dataTypeMaxLen - c.DataType.Length);
- ca.Parameters.Add("DataType=" + dataTypePrefix + c.DataType + space);
- canBeReplaced = false;
- }
- if (GenerateDataTypes && !GenerateLengthProperty.HasValue || GenerateLengthProperty == true)
- {
- if (c.Length != null) ca.Parameters.Add("Length=" + (c.Length == int.MaxValue ? "int.MaxValue" : c.Length.ToString()));
- canBeReplaced = false;
- }
- if (GenerateDataTypes && !GeneratePrecisionProperty.HasValue || GeneratePrecisionProperty == true)
- {
- if (c.Precision != null) ca.Parameters.Add("Precision=" + c.Precision);
- canBeReplaced = false;
- }
- if (GenerateDataTypes && !GenerateScaleProperty.HasValue || GenerateScaleProperty == true)
- {
- if (c.Scale != null) ca.Parameters.Add("Scale=" + c.Scale);
- canBeReplaced = false;
- }
- if (c.SkipOnInsert && !c.IsIdentity)
- {
- ca.Parameters.Add("SkipOnInsert=true");
- canBeReplaced = false;
- }
- if (c.SkipOnUpdate && !c.IsIdentity)
- {
- ca.Parameters.Add("SkipOnUpdate=true");
- canBeReplaced = false;
- }
- if (c.IsDiscriminator)
- {
- ca.Parameters.Add("IsDiscriminator=true");
- canBeReplaced = false;
- }
- c.Attributes.Add(ca);
- // PK.
- //
- if (c.IsPrimaryKey)
- {
- var pka = new Attribute("PrimaryKey");
- if (nPKs > 1)
- pka.Parameters.Add(c.PrimaryKeyOrder.ToString());
- if (canBeReplaced)
- c.Attributes[0] = pka;
- else
- c.Attributes.Add(pka);
- canBeReplaced = false;
- }
- // Identity.
- //
- if (c.IsIdentity)
- {
- var ida = new Attribute("Identity");
- if (canBeReplaced)
- c.Attributes[0] = ida;
- else
- c.Attributes.Add(ida);
- canBeReplaced = false;
- }
- // Nullable.
- //
- if (c.IsNullable)
- c.Attributes.Add(new Attribute((allNullable ? "" : " ") + "Nullable"));
- else if (!c.IsIdentity)
- c.Attributes.Add(new Attribute("NotNull"));
- var columnComments = new List();
- if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(c.Description))
- {
- columnComments.Add("/ ");
- foreach (var line in c.Description.Split('\n'))
- columnComments.Add("/ " + line.TrimEnd());
- columnComments.Add("/ ");
- }
- if (columnComments.Count > 0)
- c.Comment.AddRange(columnComments);
- // End line comment.
- //
- c.EndLineComment = c.ColumnType;
- SetPropertyValue(c, "IsNotifying", true);
- SetPropertyValue(c, "IsEditable", true);
- columns.Members.Add(c);
- // Alias.
- //
- if (c.AliasName != null && c.AliasName != c.MemberName)
- {
- var caProp = new Property(
- c.Type,
- c.AliasName,
- new[] { c.MemberName },
- new[] { c.MemberName + " = value;"});
- caProp.Comment.AddRange(columnComments);
- if (GenerateObsoleteAttributeForAliases)
- caProp.Attributes.Add(new Attribute("Obsolete", "\"Use " + c.MemberName + " instead.\""));
- caProp.Attributes.Add(new Attribute("ColumnAlias", "\"" + c.MemberName + "\""));
- columnAliases.Members.Add(caProp);
- }
- }
- t.Members.Add(columns);
- if (columnAliases.Members.Count > 0)
- t.Members.Add(columnAliases);
- if (GenerateAssociations || GenerateAssociationExtensions)
- {
- var keys = t.ForeignKeys.Values.ToList();
- if (!GenerateBackReferences)
- keys = keys.Where(k => k.BackReference != null).ToList();
- if (keys.Count > 0)
- {
- var associations = new MemberGroup { Region = "Associations" };
- var extensionAssociations = new MemberGroup { Region = t.Name + " Associations"};
- foreach (var key in keys.OrderBy(k => k.MemberName))
- {
- key.Comment.Add("/ ");
- key.Comment.Add("/ " + key.KeyName);
- key.Comment.Add("/ ");
- if (key.AssociationType == AssociationType.OneToMany)
- key.Type = string.Format(OneToManyAssociationType, key.OtherTable.TypePrefix + key.OtherTable.TypeName);
- else
- key.Type = key.OtherTable.TypePrefix + key.OtherTable.TypeName;
- var aa = new Attribute("Association");
- aa.Parameters.Add("ThisKey=\"" + string.Join(", ", (from c in key.ThisColumns select c.MemberName).ToArray()) + "\"");
- aa.Parameters.Add("OtherKey=\"" + string.Join(", ", (from c in key.OtherColumns select c.MemberName).ToArray()) + "\"");
- aa.Parameters.Add("CanBeNull=" + (key.CanBeNull ? "true" : "false"));
- switch (key.AssociationType)
- {
- case AssociationType.OneToOne : aa.Parameters.Add("Relationship=Relationship.OneToOne"); break;
- case AssociationType.OneToMany : aa.Parameters.Add("Relationship=Relationship.OneToMany"); break;
- case AssociationType.ManyToOne : aa.Parameters.Add("Relationship=Relationship.ManyToOne"); break;
- }
- if (key.BackReference != null)
- {
- if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(key.KeyName))
- aa.Parameters.Add("KeyName=\"" + key.KeyName + "\"");
- if (GenerateBackReferences && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(key.BackReference.MemberName))
- aa.Parameters.Add("BackReferenceName=\"" + key.BackReference.MemberName + "\"");
- }
- else
- {
- aa.Parameters.Add("IsBackReference=true");
- }
- key.Attributes.Add(aa);
- SetPropertyValue(key, "IsNotifying", true);
- SetPropertyValue(key, "IsEditable", true);
- associations.Members.Add(key);
- var extension = new Method(string.Format("IQueryable<{0}>", key.OtherTable.TypePrefix + key.OtherTable.TypeName), GetAssociationExtensionPluralName(key));
- extension.Parameters.Add(string.Format("this {0} obj", t.TypeName));
- extension.Parameters.Add("IDataContext db");
- extension.Attributes.Add(aa);
- extension.IsStatic = true;
- extension.Comment.Add("/ ");
- extension.Comment.Add("/ " + key.KeyName);
- extension.Comment.Add("/ ");
- var sb = new StringBuilder();
- sb
- .Append("return db.GetTable<")
- .Append(key.OtherTable.TypePrefix + key.OtherTable.TypeName)
- .Append(">().Where(c => ");
- for (var i = 0; i < key.OtherColumns.Count; i++)
- {
- sb.Append("c.")
- .Append(key.OtherColumns[i].MemberName)
- .Append(" == obj.")
- .Append(key.ThisColumns[i].MemberName)
- .Append(" && ");
- }
- sb.Length -= 4;
- sb.Append(");");
- extension.Body.Add(sb.ToString());
- extensionAssociations.Members.Add(extension);
- if (key.AssociationType != AssociationType.OneToMany)
- {
- extension.Name = GetAssociationExtensionPluralName(key);
- var single = new Method(key.OtherTable.TypePrefix + key.OtherTable.TypeName, GetAssociationExtensionSinglularName(key));
- single.Parameters.Add(string.Format("this {0} obj", t.TypeName));
- single.Parameters.Add("IDataContext db");
- single.Attributes.Add(aa);
- single.IsStatic = true;
- single.Comment.Add("/ ");
- single.Comment.Add("/ " + key.KeyName);
- single.Comment.Add("/ ");
- sb.Length -= 1;
- if (key.CanBeNull)
- sb.Append(".FirstOrDefault();");
- else
- sb.Append(".First();");
- single.Body.Add(sb.ToString());
- extensionAssociations.Members.Add(single);
- }
- }
- if (GenerateAssociations)
- t.Members.Add(associations);
- if (GenerateAssociationExtensions)
- associationExtensions.Members.Add(extensionAssociations);
- }
- }
- if (GenerateFindExtensions && nPKs > 0)
- {
- var PKs = t.Columns.Values.Where(c => c.IsPrimaryKey).ToList();
- var maxNameLen1 = PKs.Max(c => (int?)c.MemberName.Length) ?? 0;
- var maxNameLen2 = PKs.Take(nPKs - 1).Max(c => (int?)c.MemberName.Length) ?? 0;
- tableExtensions.Members.Add(
- new Method(
- t.TypeName,
- "Find",
- new[] { (string.Format("this ITable<{0}> table", t.TypeName)) }
- .Union(PKs.Select(c => c.Type + " " + c.MemberName)),
- new[] { "return table.FirstOrDefault(t =>" }
- .Union(PKs.SelectMany((c,i) =>
- {
- var ss = new List();
- if (c.Conditional != null)
- ss.Add("#if " + c.Conditional);
- ss.Add(string.Format("\tt.{0}{1} == {0}{3}{2}",
- c.MemberName, LenDiff(maxNameLen1, c.MemberName), i == nPKs - 1 ? ");" : " &&", i == nPKs - 1 ? "" : LenDiff(maxNameLen2, c.MemberName)));
- if (c.Conditional != null)
- {
- if (ss[1].EndsWith(");"))
- {
- ss[1] = ss[1].Substring(0, ss[1].Length - 2);
- ss.Add("#endif");
- ss.Add("\t\t);");
- }
- else
- {
- ss.Add("#endif");
- }
- }
- return ss;
- })))
- {
- IsStatic = true
- });
- }
- addType(t);
- if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(t.AliasTypeName))
- {
- var aClass = new Class(t.AliasTypeName)
- {
- BaseClass = t.TypeName
- };
- if (comments.Count > 0)
- aClass.Comment.AddRange(comments);
- if (GenerateObsoleteAttributeForAliases)
- aClass.Attributes.Add(new Attribute("Obsolete", "\"Use " + t.TypeName + " instead.\""));
- Model.Types.Add(aClass);
- }
- }
- if (associationExtensions.Members.Count > 0)
- defTableExtensions.Members.Add(associationExtensions);
- if (defAliases.Members.Count > 0)
- DataContextObject.Members.Add(defAliases);
- foreach (var schema in schemas.Values)
- if (schema.Aliases.Members.Count > 0)
- schema.Type.Members.Add(defAliases);
- if (Procedures.Count > 0)
- {
- Model.Usings.Add("System.Collections.Generic");
- Model.Usings.Add("System.Data");
- Model.Usings.Add("LinqToDB.Data");
- Model.Usings.Add("LinqToDB.Common");
- if (Procedures.Values.Any(p => p.IsTableFunction))
- Model.Usings.Add("System.Reflection");
- var procs = new MemberGroup();
- var funcs = new MemberGroup();
- var tabfs = new MemberGroup { Region = "Table Functions" };
- foreach (var p in Procedures.Values.Where(
- proc => proc.IsLoaded || proc.IsFunction && !proc.IsTableFunction ||
- proc.IsTableFunction && proc.ResultException != null
- ))
- {
- Action addProcs = tp => procs.Members.Add(tp);
- Action addFuncs = tp => funcs.Members.Add(tp);
- Action addTabfs = tp => tabfs.Members.Add(tp);
- var thisDataContext = "this";
- var schema = p.Schema != null && schemas.ContainsKey(p.Schema) ? schemas[p.Schema] : null;
- if (schema != null)
- {
- var si = schemas[p.Schema];
- addProcs = tp => si.Procedures. Members.Add(tp);
- addFuncs = tp => si.Functions. Members.Add(tp);
- addTabfs = tp => si.TableFunctions.Members.Add(tp);
- thisDataContext = "_dataContext";
- }
- var proc = new MemberGroup { Region = p.Name };
- if (!p.IsFunction) addProcs(proc);
- else if (p.IsTableFunction) addTabfs(proc);
- else addFuncs(proc);
- if (p.ResultException != null)
- {
- proc.Errors.Add(p.ResultException.Message);
- continue;
- }
- proc.Members.Add(p);
- if (p.IsTableFunction)
- {
- var tableAttrs = new List();
- if (DatabaseName != null) tableAttrs.Add("Database=" + '"' + DatabaseName + '"');
- if (p.Schema != null) tableAttrs.Add("Schema=" + '"' + p.Schema + '"');
- tableAttrs.Add("Name=" + '"' + p.ProcedureName + '"');
- p.Attributes.Add(new Attribute("Sql.TableFunction", tableAttrs.ToArray()));
- p.Type = "ITable<" + p.ResultTable.TypeName + ">";
- }
- else if (p.IsFunction)
- {
- p.IsStatic = true;
- p.Type = p.ProcParameters.Single(pr => pr.IsResult).ParameterType;
- p.Attributes.Add(new Attribute("Sql.Function", "Name=\"" + p.Schema + "." + p.ProcedureName + "\"", "ServerSideOnly=true"));
- }
- else
- {
- p.IsStatic = true;
- p.Type = p.ResultTable == null ? "int" : "IEnumerable<" + p.ResultTable.TypeName + ">";
- p.Parameters.Add("this DataConnection dataConnection");
- }
- foreach (var pr in p.ProcParameters.Where(par => !par.IsResult))
- p.Parameters.Add(string.Format("{0}{1} {2}",
- pr.IsOut ? pr.IsIn ? "ref " : "out " : "", pr.ParameterType, pr.ParameterName));
- if (p.IsTableFunction)
- {
- var body = string.Format("return " + thisDataContext + ".GetTable<{0}>(this, (MethodInfo)MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod()", p.ResultTable.TypeName);
- body += p.ProcParameters.Count == 0 ? ");" : ",";
- p.Body.Add(body);
- for (var i = 0; i < p.ProcParameters.Count; i++)
- p.Body.Add("\t" + p.ProcParameters[i].ParameterName + (i + 1 == p.ProcParameters.Count ? ");" : ","));
- }
- else if (p.IsFunction)
- {
- p.Body.Add("throw new InvalidOperationException();");
- }
- else
- {
- var spName =
- SqlBuilder.BuildTableName(
- new System.Text.StringBuilder(),
- (string)SqlBuilder.Convert(DatabaseName, LinqToDB.SqlProvider.ConvertType.NameToDatabase),
- (string)SqlBuilder.Convert(p.Schema, LinqToDB.SqlProvider.ConvertType.NameToOwner),
- (string)SqlBuilder.Convert(p.ProcedureName, LinqToDB.SqlProvider.ConvertType.NameToQueryTable)
- ).ToString();
- spName = "\"" + spName.Replace("\"", "\\\"") + "\"";
- var inputParameters = p.ProcParameters.Where(pp => pp.IsIn). ToList();
- var outputParameters = p.ProcParameters.Where(pp => pp.IsOut).ToList();
- spName += inputParameters.Count == 0 ? ");" : ",";
- var retName = "ret";
- var retNo = 0;
- while (p.ProcParameters.Any(pp => pp.ParameterName == retName))
- retName = "ret" + ++retNo;
- var hasOut = outputParameters.Any(pr => pr.IsOut);
- var prefix = hasOut ? "var " + retName + " = " : "return ";
- if (p.ResultTable == null)
- p.Body.Add(prefix + "dataConnection.ExecuteProc(" + spName);
- else
- {
- if (p.ResultTable.Columns.Values.Any(c => c.IsDuplicateOrEmpty))
- {
- p.Body.Add("var ms = dataConnection.MappingSchema;");
- p.Body.Add("");
- p.Body.Add(prefix + "dataConnection.QueryProc(dataReader =>");
- p.Body.Add("\tnew " + p.ResultTable.TypeName);
- p.Body.Add("\t{");
- var n = 0;
- var maxNameLen = p.ResultTable.Columns.Values.Max(c => (int?)c.MemberName.Length) ?? 0;
- var maxTypeLen = p.ResultTable.Columns.Values.Max(c => (int?)c.Type. Length) ?? 0;
- foreach (var c in p.ResultTable.Columns.Values)
- {
- p.Body.Add(string.Format("\t\t{0}{1} = Converter.ChangeTypeTo<{2}>{3}(dataReader.GetValue({4}), ms),",
- c.MemberName, LenDiff(maxNameLen, c.MemberName), c.Type, LenDiff(maxTypeLen, c.Type), n++));
- }
- p.Body.Add("\t},");
- p.Body.Add("\t" + spName);
- }
- else
- {
- p.Body.Add(prefix + "dataConnection.QueryProc<" + p.ResultTable.TypeName + ">(" + spName);
- }
- }
- var maxLenSchema = inputParameters.Max(pr => (int?)pr.SchemaName. Length) ?? 0;
- var maxLenParam = inputParameters.Max(pr => (int?)pr.ParameterName.Length) ?? 0;
- var maxLenType = inputParameters.Max(pr => (int?)("DataType." + pr.DataType).Length) ?? 0;
- for (var i = 0; i < inputParameters.Count; i++)
- {
- var pr = inputParameters[i];
- var str = string.Format("\tnew DataParameter(\"{0}\", {1}{2}, {3}{4})",
- pr.SchemaName,
- LenDiff(maxLenSchema, pr.SchemaName),
- pr.ParameterName,
- LenDiff(maxLenParam, pr.ParameterName),
- "DataType." + pr.DataType);
- if (pr.IsOut)
- {
- str += LenDiff(maxLenType, "DataType." + pr.DataType);
- str += " { Direction = " + (pr.IsIn ? "ParameterDirection.InputOutput" : "ParameterDirection.Output");
- if (pr.Size != null && pr.Size.Value != 0)
- str += ", Size = " + pr.Size.Value;
- str += " }";
- }
- str += i + 1 == inputParameters.Count ? ");" : ",";
- p.Body.Add(str);
- }
- if (hasOut)
- {
- maxLenSchema = outputParameters.Max(pr => (int?)pr.SchemaName. Length) ?? 0;
- maxLenParam = outputParameters.Max(pr => (int?)pr.ParameterName.Length) ?? 0;
- maxLenType = outputParameters.Max(pr => (int?)pr.ParameterType.Length) ?? 0;
- p.Body.Add("");
- foreach (var pr in p.ProcParameters.Where(_ => _.IsOut))
- {
- var str = string.Format("{0} {1}= Converter.ChangeTypeTo<{2}>{3}(((IDbDataParameter)dataConnection.Command.Parameters[\"{4}\"]).{5}Value);",
- pr.ParameterName,
- LenDiff(maxLenParam, pr.ParameterName),
- pr.ParameterType,
- LenDiff(maxLenType, pr.ParameterType),
- pr.SchemaName,
- LenDiff(maxLenSchema, pr.SchemaName));
- p.Body.Add(str);
- }
- p.Body.Add("");
- p.Body.Add("return " + retName + ";");
- }
- }
- if (p.ResultTable != null && p.ResultTable.DataContextPropertyName == null)
- {
- var columns = new MemberGroup { IsCompact = true };
- foreach (var c in p.ResultTable.Columns.Values)
- {
- if (c.MemberName != c.ColumnName)
- c.Attributes.Add(new Attribute("Column") { Parameters = { NormalizeStringName(c.ColumnName) } });
- columns.Members.Add(c);
- }
- p.ResultTable.Members.Add(columns);
- proc.Members.Add(p.ResultTable);
- }
- }
- if (procs.Members.Count > 0)
- Model.Types.Add(new Class(DataContextObject.Name + "StoredProcedures", procs) { IsStatic = true });
- if (funcs.Members.Count > 0)
- Model.Types.Add(new Class("SqlFunctions", funcs) { IsStatic = true });
- if (tabfs.Members.Count > 0)
- DataContextObject.Members.Add(tabfs);
- foreach (var schema in schemas.Values)
- {
- if (schema.Procedures.Members.Count > 0)
- schema.Type.Members.Add(new Class(DataContextObject.Name + "StoredProcedures", schema.Procedures) { IsStatic = true });
- if (schema.Functions.Members.Count > 0)
- schema.Type.Members.Add(new Class("SqlFunctions", schema.Functions) { IsStatic = true });
- if (schema.TableFunctions.Members.Count > 0)
- schema.DataContext.Members.Add(schema.TableFunctions);
- }
- }
- if (defTableExtensions.Members.Count > 0)
- {
- Model.Usings.Add("System.Linq");
- Model.Types.Add(new Class("TableExtensions", defTableExtensions) { IsStatic = true });
- }
- foreach (var schema in schemas.Values)
- {
- Model.Types.Add(schema.Type);
- if (schema.TableExtensions.Members.Count > 0)
- {
- Model.Usings.Add("System.Linq");
- schema.Type.Members.Add(schema.TableExtensions);
- }
- }
- Tables. Clear();
- Procedures.Clear();
- Model.SetTree();
- AfterGenerateLinqToDBModel();
-string NormalizeStringName(string name)
- if (name.Contains("\"") || name.Contains("\\"))
- return @"@""" + name.Replace(@"""", @"""""") + @"""";
- return "\"" + name + "\"";
diff --git a/Source/LinqToDB.Templates/MultipleFiles.ttinclude b/Source/LinqToDB.Templates/MultipleFiles.ttinclude
deleted file mode 100644
index 4b43ba0..0000000
--- a/Source/LinqToDB.Templates/MultipleFiles.ttinclude
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
-<#@ assembly name="System.Core" #>
-<#@ assembly name="EnvDTE" #>
-<#@ import namespace="System.Collections.Generic" #>
-<#@ import namespace="System.IO" #>
-<#@ import namespace="System.Linq" #>
-<#@ import namespace="EnvDTE" #>
-DTE _dte;
-DTE DTE => _dte ?? (_dte = (DTE)((IServiceProvider)Host).GetService(typeof(DTE)));
-ProjectItem _templateProjectItem;
-ProjectItem TemplateProjectItem => _templateProjectItem ?? (_templateProjectItem = DTE.Solution.FindProjectItem(Host.TemplateFile));
-readonly Dictionary _fileNames = new Dictionary();
-Func CompareContent = (s1,s2) => s1 == s2;
-void SaveOutput(string fileName, int fileType = 1)
- var dir = Path.GetDirectoryName(Host.TemplateFile);
- var output = Path.Combine(dir, fileName);
- var newContent = GenerationEnvironment.ToString();
- var oldContent = File.Exists(output) ? File.ReadAllText(output) : "";
- if (!CompareContent(newContent, oldContent))
- {
- if (DTE.SourceControl != null && DTE.SourceControl.IsItemUnderSCC(output) && !DTE.SourceControl.IsItemCheckedOut(output))
- DTE.SourceControl.CheckOutItem(output);
- File.WriteAllText(output, newContent);
- }
- GenerationEnvironment.Length = 0;
- _fileNames.Add(output, fileType);
-void SyncProject()
- var keepFileNames = _fileNames.ToDictionary(f => f.Key);
- var projectFiles = new Dictionary();
- var templateFileName = TemplateProjectItem.FileNames[0];
- var originalFilePrefix = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(templateFileName) + ".";
- foreach (ProjectItem projectItem in TemplateProjectItem.ProjectItems)
- {
- projectFiles.Add(projectItem.FileNames[0], projectItem);
- }
- foreach (var pair in projectFiles)
- {
- if (!keepFileNames.ContainsKey(pair.Key))
- if (!(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(pair.Key) + ".").StartsWith(originalFilePrefix))
- //if (pair.Key != templateFileName)
- pair.Value.Delete();
- }
- // Add missing files to the project.
- //
- foreach (var fileName in keepFileNames)
- {
- if (!projectFiles.ContainsKey(fileName.Value.Key))
- if (File.Exists(fileName.Value.Key))
- {
- var newItem = TemplateProjectItem.ProjectItems.AddFromFile(fileName.Value.Key);
- newItem.Properties.Item("BuildAction").Value = fileName.Value.Value;
- }
- }
diff --git a/Source/LinqToDB.Templates/NotifyDataErrorInfo.ttinclude b/Source/LinqToDB.Templates/NotifyDataErrorInfo.ttinclude
deleted file mode 100644
index 4663038..0000000
--- a/Source/LinqToDB.Templates/NotifyDataErrorInfo.ttinclude
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,133 +0,0 @@
- {
- var beforeGenerateModel = BeforeGenerateModel;
- BeforeGenerateModel = () =>
- {
- beforeGenerateModel();
- NotifyDataErrorInfoImpl();
- };
- }
-void NotifyDataErrorInfoImpl()
- foreach (var prop in GetTreeNodes(Model).OfType().Where(p => p.CustomValidation).ToList())
- {
- ITree p = prop.Parent;
- while (!(p is Class) && p != null)
- p = p.Parent;
- if (p != null)
- {
- var cl = (Class)p;
- if (!cl.Interfaces.Contains("INotifyDataErrorInfo"))
- {
- if (!Model.Usings.Contains("System.ComponentModel")) Model.Usings.Add("System.ComponentModel");
- if (!Model.Usings.Contains("System.Collections")) Model.Usings.Add("System.Collections");
- if (!Model.Usings.Contains("System.Linq")) Model.Usings.Add("System.Linq");
- cl.Interfaces.Add("INotifyDataErrorInfo");
- cl.Members.Add(new MemberGroup
- {
- Region = "INotifyDataErrorInfo support",
- Members =
- {
- new Event("EventHandler", "ErrorsChanged")
- {
- IsVirtual = true,
- Attributes = { new Attribute("field : NonSerialized") { Conditional = "!SILVERLIGHT" } }
- },
- new Field("Dictionary>", "_validationErrors")
- {
- InitValue = "new Dictionary>()",
- AccessModifier = AccessModifier.Private,
- IsReadonly = true,
- Attributes = { new Attribute("field : NonSerialized") { Conditional = "!SILVERLIGHT" } }
- },
- new Method("void", "AddError",
- new[]
- {
- "string propertyName",
- "string error"
- },
- new[]
- {
- "List errors;",
- "",
- "if (!_validationErrors.TryGetValue(propertyName, out errors))",
- "{",
- "\t_validationErrors[propertyName] = new List { error };",
- "}",
- "else if (!errors.Contains(error))",
- "{",
- "\terrors.Add(error);",
- "}",
- "else",
- "\treturn;",
- "",
- "OnErrorsChanged(propertyName);",
- })
- {
- AccessModifier = AccessModifier.Public
- },
- new Method("void", "RemoveError",
- new[]
- {
- "string propertyName",
- },
- new[]
- {
- "List errors;",
- "",
- "if (_validationErrors.TryGetValue(propertyName, out errors) && errors.Count > 0)",
- "{",
- "\t_validationErrors.Clear();",
- "\tOnErrorsChanged(propertyName);",
- "}",
- })
- {
- AccessModifier = AccessModifier.Public
- },
- new Method("void", "OnErrorsChanged",
- new[]
- {
- "string propertyName",
- },
- new[]
- {
- "if (ErrorsChanged != null)",
- "{",
- "\tif (System.Windows.Deployment.Current.Dispatcher.CheckAccess())",
- "\t\tErrorsChanged(this, new DataErrorsChangedEventArgs(propertyName));",
- "\telse",
- "\t\tSystem.Windows.Deployment.Current.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(",
- "\t\t\t() => ErrorsChanged(this, new DataErrorsChangedEventArgs(propertyName)));",
- "}",
- })
- {
- AccessModifier = AccessModifier.Protected
- },
- new Method("IEnumerable", "GetErrors",
- new[]
- {
- "string propertyName",
- },
- new[]
- {
- "List errors;",
- "return propertyName != null && _validationErrors.TryGetValue(propertyName, out errors) ? errors : null;",
- })
- {
- AccessModifier = AccessModifier.Public
- },
- new Property("bool", "HasErrors").InitGetter("_validationErrors.Values.Any(e => e.Count > 0)")
- }
- });
- }
- }
- }
diff --git a/Source/LinqToDB.Templates/NotifyPropertyChanged.ttinclude b/Source/LinqToDB.Templates/NotifyPropertyChanged.ttinclude
deleted file mode 100644
index eda008e..0000000
--- a/Source/LinqToDB.Templates/NotifyPropertyChanged.ttinclude
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,380 +0,0 @@
- {
- var beforeGenerateModel = BeforeGenerateModel;
- BeforeGenerateModel = () =>
- {
- beforeGenerateModel();
- NotifyPropertyChangedImpl();
- };
- SetPropertyValueAction += (obj,prop,val) =>
- {
- if (prop == "IsNotifying")
- obj.IsNotifying = (bool)val;
- };
- }
-public bool ImplementNotifyPropertyChanging;
-public bool SkipNotifyPropertyChangedImplementation = false;
-void NotifyPropertyChangedImpl()
- foreach (Property prop in GetTreeNodes(Model).OfType().Where(p => p.IsNotifying).ToList())
- {
- List parentMembers;
- MemberGroup gr = null;
- if (prop.Parent is Class)
- {
- var parent = (Class)prop.Parent;
- parentMembers = parent.Members;
- }
- else
- {
- var parent = (MemberGroup)prop.Parent;
- parent.IsCompact = false;
- parentMembers = parent.Members;
- if (parent.IsPropertyGroup)
- gr = parent;
- }
- var name = prop.Name.Trim();
- var type = prop.Type.Trim();
- if (gr == null)
- {
- gr = new MemberGroup
- {
- Region = name + " : " + type,
- Members = { prop },
- IsPropertyGroup = true,
- };
- var index = parentMembers.IndexOf(prop);
- parentMembers.RemoveAt(index);
- parentMembers.Insert (index, gr);
- }
- if (prop.IsAuto)
- {
- var field = new Field(type, "_" + ToCamelCase(name))
- {
- AccessModifier = AccessModifier.Private,
- InsertBlankLineAfter = false,
- };
- if (prop.InitValue != null)
- field.InitValue = prop.InitValue;
- gr.Members.Insert(0, field);
- prop.Name = " " + name;
- prop.Type = " " + type;
- prop.IsAuto = false;
- if (prop.HasGetter) prop.GetBody.Add("return " + field.Name + ";");
- if (prop.HasSetter) prop.SetBody.Add(field.Name + " = value;");
- }
- var methods = new MemberGroup
- {
- Region = "INotifyPropertyChanged support",
- Members =
- {
- new Field("const string", "NameOf" + name)
- {
- InitValue = "\"" + name + "\"",
- AccessModifier = AccessModifier.Public,
- },
- new Field("PropertyChangedEventArgs", "_" + ToCamelCase(name) + "ChangedEventArgs")
- {
- InitValue = "new PropertyChangedEventArgs(NameOf" + name + ")",
- AccessModifier = AccessModifier.Private,
- IsStatic = true,
- IsReadonly = true,
- },
- new Method("void", "On" + name + "Changed", null,
- new[] { "OnPropertyChanged(_" + ToCamelCase(name) + "ChangedEventArgs);" })
- {
- AccessModifier = AccessModifier.Private
- }
- }
- };
- gr.Members.Add(methods);
- if (prop.Dependents.Count == 0)
- prop.Dependents.Add(name);
- if (ImplementNotifyPropertyChanging)
- {
- gr.Members.Add(new MemberGroup
- {
- Region = "INotifyPropertyChanging support",
- Members =
- {
- new Field("PropertyChangingEventArgs", "_" + ToCamelCase(name) + "ChangingEventArgs")
- {
- InitValue = "new PropertyChangingEventArgs(NameOf" + name + ")",
- AccessModifier = AccessModifier.Private,
- IsStatic = true,
- IsReadonly = true,
- },
- new Method("void", "On" + name + "Changing", null,
- new[] { "OnPropertyChanging(_" + ToCamelCase(name) + "ChangingEventArgs);" })
- {
- AccessModifier = AccessModifier.Private
- }
- }
- });
- }
- if (prop.HasSetter)
- {
- prop.SetBody = prop.SetBody.Select(s => "\t" + s).ToList();
- string getValue;
- if (prop.GetBody.Count == 1 && prop.GetBody[0].StartsWith("return"))
- {
- getValue = prop.GetBody[0].Substring("return".Length).Trim(' ', '\t', ';');
- }
- else
- {
- getValue = name;
- }
- var insSpaces = prop.SetBody.Count > 1;
- var n = 0;
- prop.SetBody.Insert(n++, "if (" + getValue + " != value)");
- prop.SetBody.Insert(n++, "{");
- if (ImplementNotifyPropertyChanging)
- {
- foreach (var dp in prop.Dependents)
- prop.SetBody.Insert(n++, "\tOn" + dp + "Changing();");
- prop.SetBody.Insert(n++, "");
- }
- prop.SetBody.Insert(n++, "\tBefore" + name + "Changed(value);");
- if (insSpaces)
- {
- prop.SetBody.Insert(3, "");
- prop.SetBody.Add("");
- }
- prop.SetBody.Add("\tAfter" + name + "Changed();");
- prop.SetBody.Add("");
- foreach (var dp in prop.Dependents)
- prop.SetBody.Add("\tOn" + dp + "Changed();");
- prop.SetBody.Add("}");
- methods.Members.Insert(0, new MemberGroup
- {
- IsCompact = true,
- Members =
- {
- new Method("void", "Before" + name + "Changed", new[] { type + " newValue" }) { AccessModifier = AccessModifier.Partial },
- new Method("void", "After" + name + "Changed") { AccessModifier = AccessModifier.Partial },
- }
- });
- }
- prop.Parent.SetTree();
- ITree p = prop.Parent;
- while (!(p is Class) && p != null)
- p = p.Parent;
- if (p != null)
- {
- var cl = (Class)p;
- if (!SkipNotifyPropertyChangedImplementation && !cl.Interfaces.Contains("INotifyPropertyChanged"))
- {
- if (!Model.Usings.Contains("System.ComponentModel"))
- Model.Usings.Add("System.ComponentModel");
- cl.Interfaces.Add("INotifyPropertyChanged");
- cl.Members.Add(new MemberGroup
- {
- Region = "INotifyPropertyChanged support",
- Members =
- {
- new Event("PropertyChangedEventHandler", "PropertyChanged")
- {
- IsVirtual = true,
- Attributes = { new Attribute("field : NonSerialized") { Conditional = "!SILVERLIGHT" } }
- },
- new Method("void", "OnPropertyChanged", new[] { "string propertyName" }, OnPropertyChangedBody)
- {
- AccessModifier = AccessModifier.Protected
- },
- new Method("void", "OnPropertyChanged", new[] { "PropertyChangedEventArgs arg" }, OnPropertyChangedArgBody)
- {
- AccessModifier = AccessModifier.Protected
- },
- }
- });
- }
- if (ImplementNotifyPropertyChanging && !cl.Interfaces.Contains("INotifyPropertyChanging"))
- {
- if (!Model.Usings.Contains("System.ComponentModel"))
- Model.Usings.Add("System.ComponentModel");
- cl.Interfaces.Add("INotifyPropertyChanging");
- cl.Members.Add(new MemberGroup
- {
- Region = "INotifyPropertyChanging support",
- Members =
- {
- new Event("PropertyChangingEventHandler", "PropertyChanging")
- {
- IsVirtual = true,
- Attributes = { new Attribute("field : NonSerialized") { Conditional = "!SILVERLIGHT" } }
- },
- new Method("void", "OnPropertyChanging", new[] { "string propertyName" }, OnPropertyChangingBody)
- {
- AccessModifier = AccessModifier.Protected
- },
- new Method("void", "OnPropertyChanging", new[] { "PropertyChangingEventArgs arg" }, OnPropertyChangingArgBody)
- {
- AccessModifier = AccessModifier.Protected
- },
- }
- });
- }
- }
- }
-public string[] OnPropertyChangedBody = new[]
- "var propertyChanged = PropertyChanged;",
- "",
- "if (propertyChanged != null)",
- "{",
- "\tif (System.Windows.Deployment.Current.Dispatcher.CheckAccess())",
- "\t\tpropertyChanged(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName));",
- "\telse",
- "\t\tSystem.Windows.Deployment.Current.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(",
- "\t\t\t() =>",
- "\t\t\t{",
- "\t\t\t\tvar pc = PropertyChanged;",
- "\t\t\t\tif (pc != null)",
- "\t\t\t\t\tpc(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName));",
- "\t\t\t});",
- "#else",
- "\tpropertyChanged(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName));",
- "#endif",
- "}",
-public string[] OnPropertyChangedArgBody = new[]
- "var propertyChanged = PropertyChanged;",
- "",
- "if (propertyChanged != null)",
- "{",
- "\tif (System.Windows.Deployment.Current.Dispatcher.CheckAccess())",
- "\t\tpropertyChanged(this, arg);",
- "\telse",
- "\t\tSystem.Windows.Deployment.Current.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(",
- "\t\t\t() =>",
- "\t\t\t{",
- "\t\t\t\tvar pc = PropertyChanged;",
- "\t\t\t\tif (pc != null)",
- "\t\t\t\t\tpc(this, arg);",
- "\t\t\t});",
- "#else",
- "\tpropertyChanged(this, arg);",
- "#endif",
- "}",
-public string[] OnPropertyChangingBody = new[]
- "var propertyChanging = PropertyChanging;",
- "",
- "if (propertyChanging != null)",
- "{",
- "\tif (System.Windows.Deployment.Current.Dispatcher.CheckAccess())",
- "\t\tpropertyChanging(this, new PropertyChangingEventArgs(propertyName));",
- "\telse",
- "\t\tSystem.Windows.Deployment.Current.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(",
- "\t\t\t() =>",
- "\t\t\t{",
- "\t\t\t\tvar pc = PropertyChanging;",
- "\t\t\t\tif (pc != null)",
- "\t\t\t\t\tpc(this, new PropertyChangingEventArgs(propertyName));",
- "\t\t\t});",
- "#else",
- "\tpropertyChanging(this, new PropertyChangingEventArgs(propertyName));",
- "#endif",
- "}",
-public string[] OnPropertyChangingArgBody = new[]
- "var propertyChanging = PropertyChanging;",
- "",
- "if (propertyChanging != null)",
- "{",
- "\tif (System.Windows.Deployment.Current.Dispatcher.CheckAccess())",
- "\t\tpropertyChanging(this, arg);",
- "\telse",
- "\t\tSystem.Windows.Deployment.Current.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(",
- "\t\t\t() =>",
- "\t\t\t{",
- "\t\t\t\tvar pc = PropertyChanging;",
- "\t\t\t\tif (pc != null)",
- "\t\t\t\t\tpc(this, arg);",
- "\t\t\t});",
- "#else",
- "\tpropertyChanging(this, arg);",
- "#endif",
- "}",
-partial class Property
- public bool IsNotifying;
- public List Dependents = new List();
-class NotifyingProperty : Property
- public NotifyingProperty()
- {
- IsNotifying = true;
- }
- public NotifyingProperty(string type, string name, params string[] dependents)
- : base(type, name, null, null)
- {
- IsNotifying = true;
- if (dependents.Length == 0)
- Dependents.Add(name);
- else
- Dependents.AddRange(dependents);
- }
diff --git a/Source/LinqToDB.Templates/ObsoleteAttributes.ttinclude b/Source/LinqToDB.Templates/ObsoleteAttributes.ttinclude
deleted file mode 100644
index 94f1b05..0000000
--- a/Source/LinqToDB.Templates/ObsoleteAttributes.ttinclude
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,100 +0,0 @@
- {
- var beforeGenerateLinqToDBModel = BeforeGenerateLinqToDBModel;
- var afterGenerateLinqToDBModel = AfterGenerateLinqToDBModel;
- var obsoleteTables = new List>();
- BeforeGenerateLinqToDBModel = () =>
- {
- beforeGenerateLinqToDBModel();
- foreach (var table in Tables.Values)
- {
- var idx = table.Description.IndexOf("[Obsolete");
- if (idx >= 0)
- {
- var idx2 = table.Description.IndexOf(']', idx);
- if (idx2 > idx)
- {
- var text = table.Description.Substring(idx + 1, idx2 - idx - 1);
- var attr = new Attribute(text);
- var info = Tuple.Create(table.Schema, table.Name, text);
- if (obsoleteTables.All(a => a != info))
- obsoleteTables.Add(info);
- table.Attributes.Add(attr);
- table.Description = table.Description.Substring(0, idx) + table.Description.Substring(idx2 + 1);
- }
- }
- foreach (var c in table.Columns.Values)
- {
- idx = c.Description.IndexOf("[Obsolete");
- if (idx >= 0)
- {
- var idx2 = c.Description.IndexOf(']', idx);
- if (idx2 > idx)
- {
- var attr = new Attribute(c.Description.Substring(idx + 1, idx2 - idx - 1));
- c.Attributes.Add(attr);
- c.Description = c.Description.Substring(0, idx) + c.Description.Substring(idx2 + 1);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- };
- AfterGenerateLinqToDBModel = () =>
- {
- foreach (var tableInfo in obsoleteTables)
- {
- var schema = tableInfo.Item1;
- var name = tableInfo.Item2;
- var text = tableInfo.Item3;
- var obsoleteAttr = new Attribute(text);
- foreach (var cm in GetTreeNodes(Model)
- .OfType()
- .Where(t => t.Type != null)
- .Where(t => t.Type == name || t.Type.Contains("<" + name + ">")))
- {
- // check schema
- if (cm.Parent != null && cm.Parent.Parent != null)
- {
- var parent = cm.Parent.Parent;
- if (parent is Table)
- {
- var table = (Table)parent;
- if (schema == table.Schema)
- if (cm.Attributes.All(a => a.Name != text))
- cm.Attributes.Add(obsoleteAttr);
- }
- else if (parent is Class)
- {
- var cls = (Class)parent;
- bool parentClassIncludesSchemaName = cls.Name.Equals(schema + "Schema", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase);
- bool classIsForDefaultSchema = cls.Name == DataContextName;
- bool isExtensionMethod = cls.Parent is Namespace || cls.Name == "TableExtensions";
- if (classIsForDefaultSchema || parentClassIncludesSchemaName || isExtensionMethod)
- if (cm.Attributes.All(a => a.Name != text))
- cm.Attributes.Add(obsoleteAttr);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- afterGenerateLinqToDBModel();
- };
- }
diff --git a/Source/LinqToDB.Templates/PluralizationService.ttinclude b/Source/LinqToDB.Templates/PluralizationService.ttinclude
deleted file mode 100644
index 352edfb..0000000
--- a/Source/LinqToDB.Templates/PluralizationService.ttinclude
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,122 +0,0 @@
-<#@ assembly name="System.Data.Entity.Design" #>
-<#@ import namespace="System.Data.Entity.Design.PluralizationServices" #>
- {
- ToPlural = Pluralization.ToPlural;
- ToSingular = Pluralization.ToSingular;
- }
-static class Pluralization
- public static string CultureInfo = "en";
- static PluralizationService _service;
- public static Dictionary Dictionary = new Dictionary
- {
- { "access", "accesses" }, { "afterlife", "afterlives" }, { "alga", "algae" },
- { "alumna", "alumnae" }, { "alumnus", "alumni" }, { "analysis", "analyses" },
- { "antenna", "antennae" }, { "appendix", "appendices" }, { "axis", "axes" },
- { "bacillus", "bacilli" }, { "basis", "bases" }, { "Bedouin", "Bedouin" },
- { "cactus", "cacti" }, { "calf", "calves" }, { "cherub", "cherubim" },
- { "child", "children" }, { "cod", "cod" }, { "cookie", "cookies" },
- { "criterion", "criteria" }, { "curriculum", "curricula" }, { "data", "data" },
- { "deer", "deer" }, { "diagnosis", "diagnoses" }, { "die", "dice" },
- { "dormouse", "dormice" }, { "elf", "elves" }, { "elk", "elk" },
- { "erratum", "errata" }, { "esophagus", "esophagi" }, { "fauna", "faunae" },
- { "fish", "fish" }, { "flora", "florae" }, { "focus", "foci" },
- { "foot", "feet" }, { "formula", "formulae" }, { "fundus", "fundi" },
- { "fungus", "fungi" }, { "genie", "genii" }, { "genus", "genera" },
- { "goose", "geese" }, { "grouse", "grouse" }, { "hake", "hake" },
- { "half", "halves" }, { "headquarters", "headquarters" }, { "hippo", "hippos" },
- { "hippopotamus", "hippopotami" }, { "hoof", "hooves" }, { "housewife", "housewives" },
- { "hypothesis", "hypotheses" }, { "index", "indices" }, { "info", "info" },
- { "jackknife", "jackknives" },
- { "knife", "knives" }, { "labium", "labia" }, { "larva", "larvae" },
- { "leaf", "leaves" }, { "life", "lives" }, { "loaf", "loaves" },
- { "louse", "lice" }, { "magus", "magi" }, { "man", "men" },
- { "memorandum", "memoranda" }, { "midwife", "midwives" }, { "millennium", "millennia" },
- { "moose", "moose" }, { "mouse", "mice" }, { "nebula", "nebulae" },
- { "neurosis", "neuroses" }, { "nova", "novas" }, { "nucleus", "nuclei" },
- { "oesophagus", "oesophagi" }, { "offspring", "offspring" }, { "ovum", "ova" },
- { "ox", "oxen" }, { "papyrus", "papyri" }, { "passerby", "passersby" },
- { "penknife", "penknives" }, { "person", "people" }, { "phenomenon", "phenomena" },
- { "placenta", "placentae" }, { "pocketknife", "pocketknives" }, { "process", "processes" },
- { "pupa", "pupae" }, { "radius", "radii" }, { "reindeer", "reindeer" },
- { "retina", "retinae" }, { "rhinoceros", "rhinoceros" }, { "roe", "roe" },
- { "salmon", "salmon" }, { "scarf", "scarves" }, { "self", "selves" },
- { "seraph", "seraphim" }, { "series", "series" }, { "sheaf", "sheaves" },
- { "sheep", "sheep" }, { "shelf", "shelves" }, { "species", "species" },
- { "spectrum", "spectra" }, { "status", "status" }, { "stimulus", "stimuli" },
- { "stratum", "strata" }, { "supernova", "supernovas" }, { "swine", "swine" },
- { "terminus", "termini" }, { "thesaurus", "thesauri" }, { "thesis", "theses" },
- { "thief", "thieves" }, { "trout", "trout" }, { "vulva", "vulvae" },
- { "wife", "wives" }, { "wildebeest", "wildebeest" }, { "wolf", "wolves" },
- { "woman", "women" }, { "yen", "yen" },
- };
- static string GetLastWord(string str)
- {
- if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(str))
- return string.Empty;
- var i = str.Length - 1;
- var isLower = char.IsLower(str[i]);
- while (i > 0 && char.IsLower(str[i-1]) == isLower)
- i--;
- return str.Substring(isLower && i > 0 ? i - 1 : i);
- }
- public static string ToPlural(string str)
- {
- if (_service == null)
- _service = PluralizationService.CreateService(System.Globalization.CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo(CultureInfo));
- var word = GetLastWord(str);
- string newWord;
- if (!Dictionary.TryGetValue(word.ToLower(), out newWord))
- newWord = _service.IsPlural(word) ? word : _service.Pluralize(word);
- if (string.Compare(word, newWord, true) != 0)
- {
- if (char.IsUpper(word[0]))
- newWord = char.ToUpper(newWord[0]) + newWord.Substring(1, newWord.Length - 1);
- return word == str ? newWord : str.Substring(0, str.Length - word.Length) + newWord;
- }
- return str;
- }
- public static string ToSingular(string str)
- {
- if (_service == null)
- _service = PluralizationService.CreateService(System.Globalization.CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo(CultureInfo));
- var word = GetLastWord(str);
- var newWord =
- Dictionary
- .Where(dic => string.Compare(dic.Value, word, true) == 0)
- .Select(dic => dic.Key)
- .FirstOrDefault()
- ??
- (_service.IsSingular(word) ? word : _service.Singularize(word));
- if (string.Compare(word, newWord, true) != 0)
- {
- if (char.IsUpper(word[0]))
- newWord = char.ToUpper(newWord[0]) + newWord.Substring(1, newWord.Length - 1);
- return word == str ? newWord : str.Substring(0, str.Length - word.Length) + newWord;
- }
- return str;
- }
diff --git a/Source/LinqToDB.Templates/README.md b/Source/LinqToDB.Templates/README.md
deleted file mode 100644
index ae9d457..0000000
--- a/Source/LinqToDB.Templates/README.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,237 +0,0 @@
-# T4 Models
-T4 models are used to generate POCO's C# code using your database structure.
-### Build status
-* Master: [![Build status](https://ci.appveyor.com/api/projects/status/ld4cv53wyfi4qtqm/branch/master?svg=true)](https://ci.appveyor.com/project/igor-tkachev/t4models/branch/master)
-* Current: [![Build status](https://ci.appveyor.com/api/projects/status/ld4cv53wyfi4qtqm?svg=true)](https://ci.appveyor.com/project/igor-tkachev/t4models)
-## Installation
-Firstly you should install one of tools packages into your project:
-`Install-Package linq2db.XXX`
-Where XXX is one of supported databases, for example:
-`Install-Package linq2db.SqlServer`
-This also will install needed linq2db packages:
-* linq2db.t4models
-* linq2db
-But **not** data provider packages (install them only if needed to compile your project, T4 models ships it's own data provider assemblies).
-### .Net Core specific
-Because of .Net Core projects do not support NuGet content files all stuff is not copied into project's folder, so to run T4 templates you'll need:
-* open `$(SolutionDir).tools\linq2db.t4models` in Explorer
-* copy `CopyMe.XXX.Core.tt.txt` to your project's folder or subfolder, then you should use it instead of `CopyMe.XXX.tt.txt`
-# Running
-After package installing you will see new `LinqToDB.Templates` folder in your project, this folder contains all needed T4 stuff to generate your model. Also would be created new folder in tour solution: `$(SolutionDir).tools\linq2db.t4models`, it is used to store and link assemblies, needed for generation (linq2db.dll and data provider assemblies).
-To create a data model template take a look at one of the CopyMe.XXX.tt.txt file in your LinqToDB.Templates project folder. Copy this file to needed project location and rename it, like `MyModel.tt`
-There are few main steps in this file:
-1. Configuring generation process (read below)
-1. Loading metadata - this is a call to `LoadMatadata()` function - it connects to your database and fetches all needed metadata (table structure, views, and so on)
-1. Customizing generation process (read below)
-1. Calling `GenerateModel()` - this will run model generation
-## Configuring generation process
-Use the following initialization **before** you call the `LoadMetadata()` method.
-NamespaceName = "DataModels"; // Namespace of the generated classes.
-DataContextName = null; // DataContext class name. If null - database name + "DB".
-BaseDataContextClass = null; // Base DataContext class name. If null - LinqToDB.Data.DataConnection.
-GenerateConstructors = true; // Enforce generating DataContext constructors.
-DefaultConfiguration = null; // Defines default configuration for default DataContext constructor.
-BaseEntityClass = null; // Base Entity class name. If null - none.
-DatabaseName = null; // Table database name - [Table(Database="DatabaseName")].
-GenerateDatabaseName = false; // Always generate table database name, even though DatabaseName is null.
-IncludeDefaultSchema = true; // Default schema name is generated - [Table(Database="Northwind", Schema="dbo", Name="Customers")]
-OneToManyAssociationType = "IEnumerable<{0}>"; // One To Many association type (for members only). Change it to "List<{0}>" if needed.
-GenerateAssociations = true; // Enforce generating associations as type members.
-GenerateBackReferences = true; // Enforce generating backreference associations (affects both members and extensions).
-GenerateAssociationExtensions = false; // Enforce generating associations as extension methods. NB: this option does not affect GenerateAssociations. This will require linq2db 1.9.0 and above
-ReplaceSimilarTables = true; // Replaces stored procedure result class names with similar to existing table class names.
-GenerateFindExtensions = true; // Generates find extension methods based on PKs information.
-IsCompactColumns = true; // If true, column compact view.
-PluralizeClassNames = false; // If true, pluralizes table class names.
-SingularizeClassNames = true; // If true, singularizes table class names.
-PluralizeDataContextPropertyNames = true; // If true, pluralizes DataContext property names.
-SingularizeDataContextPropertyNames = false; // If true, singularizes DataContex pProperty names.
-GenerateDataTypes = false; // If true, generates the DataType/Length/Precision/Scale properties of the Column attribute (unless overriden by the properties below).
-GenerateDataTypeProperty = null; // If true, generates the DataType property of the Column attribute. If false, excludes generation on the DataType property even if GenerateDataTypes == true.
-GenerateLengthProperty = null; // If true, generates the Length property of the Column attribute. If false, excludes generation on the Length property even if GenerateDataTypes == true.
-GeneratePrecisionProperty = null; // If true, generates the Precision property of the Column attribute. If false, excludes generation on the Precision property even if GenerateDataTypes == true.
-GenerateScaleProperty = null; // If true, generates the Scale property of the Column attribute. If false, excludes generation on the Scale property even if GenerateDataTypes == true.
-GenerateDbTypes = false; // If true, generates the DbType property of the Column attribute.
-GenerateObsoleteAttributeForAliases = false; // If true, generates [Obsolete] attribute for aliases.
-IsCompactColumnAliases = true; // If true, column alias compact view.
-NormalizeNames = true; // convert some_name to SomeName for types and members
-GetSchemaOptions.ExcludedSchemas = new[] { "TestUser", "SYSSTAT" }; // Defines excluded schemas.
-GetSchemaOptions.IncludedSchemas = new[] { "TestUser", "SYS" }; // Defines only included schemas.
-GetSchemaOptions.ExcludedCatalogs = new[] { "TestUser", "SYSSTAT" }; // Defines excluded catalogs.
-GetSchemaOptions.IncludedCatalogs = new[] { "TestUser", "SYS" }; // Defines only included catalogs.
-Func ToValidName = ToValidNameDefault; // Defines function to convert names to valid (My_Table to MyTable)
-Func ConvertToCompilable = ConvertToCompilableDefault; // Converts name to c# compatible. By default removes uncompatible symbols and converts result with ToValidName
-Func GetAssociationExtensionSinglularName = GetAssociationExtensionSinglularNameDefault; // Gets singular method extension method name for association
-Func GetAssociationExtensionPluralName = GetAssociationExtensionPluralNameDefault; // Gets plural method extension method name for association
-## Provider specific configurations
-### SQL Server
-bool GenerateSqlServerFreeText = true; // Defines wheather to generate extensions for Free Text search, or not
-### PostgreSQL
-bool GenerateCaseSensitiveNames = false; // Defines whether to generate case sensitive or insensitive names
-### Sybase
-bool GenerateSybaseSystemTables = false; // Defines whether to generate Sybase sysobjects tables or not
-## Customizing generation process
-Use the following code to modify your model **before** you call the `GenerateModel()` method.
-GetTable("Person").TypeName = "MyName"; // Replaces table name.
-GetTable("Person").BaseClass = "PersonBase, IId"; // Set base class & interface for type, null to reset
-GetColumn("Person", "PersonID") .MemberName = "ID"; // Replaces column PersonID of Person table with ID.
-GetColumn("Person", "PasswordHash").SkipOnUpdate = true; // Set [Column(SkipOnUpdate=true)], same for other column options
-GetColumn("Person", "Gender") .Type = "global::Model.Gender"; // Change column type
-GetFK("Orders", "FK_Orders_Customers").MemberName = "Customers"; // Replaces association name.
-GetFK("Orders", "FK_Orders_Customers").AssociationType = AssociationType.OneToMany; // Changes association type.
-SetTable(string tableName,
- string TypeName = null,
- string DataContextPropertyName = null)
- .Column(string columnName, string MemberName = null, string Type = null, bool? IsNullable = null)
- .FK (string fkName, string MemberName = null, AssociationType? AssociationType = null)
- ;
-Model.Usings.Add("MyNamespace"); // Adds using of namespace.
-// Replaces all the columns where name is 'TableName' + 'ID' with 'ID'.
-foreach (var t in Tables.Values)
- foreach (var c in t.Columns.Values)
- if (c.IsPrimaryKey && c.MemberName == t.TypeName + "ID")
- c.MemberName = "ID";
-## Useful members and data structures
-Dictionary Tables = new Dictionary ();
-Dictionary Procedures = new Dictionary();
-Table GetTable (string name);
-Procedure GetProcedure (string name);
-Column GetColumn (string tableName, string columnName);
-ForeignKey GetFK (string tableName, string fkName);
-ForeignKey GetForeignKey(string tableName, string fkName);
-public class Table
- public string Schema;
- public string TableName;
- public string DataContextPropertyName;
- public bool IsView;
- public string Description;
- public string AliasPropertyName;
- public string AliasTypeName;
- public string TypeName;
- public Dictionary Columns;
- public Dictionary ForeignKeys;
-public partial class Column : Property
- public string ColumnName; // Column name in database
- public bool IsNullable;
- public bool IsIdentity;
- public string ColumnType; // Type of the column in database
- public DbType DbType;
- public string Description;
- public bool IsPrimaryKey;
- public int PrimaryKeyOrder;
- public bool SkipOnUpdate;
- public bool SkipOnInsert;
- public bool IsDuplicateOrEmpty;
- public string AliasName;
- public string MemberName;
-public enum AssociationType
- Auto,
- OneToOne,
- OneToMany,
- ManyToOne,
-public partial class ForeignKey : Property
- public string KeyName;
- public Table OtherTable;
- public List ThisColumns;
- public List OtherColumns;
- public bool CanBeNull;
- public ForeignKey BackReference;
- public string MemberName;
- public AssociationType AssociationType;
-public partial class Procedure : Method
- public string Schema;
- public string ProcedureName;
- public bool IsFunction;
- public bool IsTableFunction;
- public bool IsDefaultSchema;
- public Table ResultTable;
- public Exception ResultException;
- public List SimilarTables;
- public List ProcParameters;
-public class Parameter
- public string SchemaName;
- public string SchemaType;
- public bool IsIn;
- public bool IsOut;
- public bool IsResult;
- public int? Size;
- public string ParameterName;
- public string ParameterType;
- public Type SystemType;
- public string DataType;
diff --git a/Source/LinqToDB.Templates/T4Model.ttinclude b/Source/LinqToDB.Templates/T4Model.ttinclude
deleted file mode 100644
index 50ce91a..0000000
--- a/Source/LinqToDB.Templates/T4Model.ttinclude
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1482 +0,0 @@
-<#@ assembly name="System.Core" #>
-<#@ import namespace="System" #>
-<#@ import namespace="System.Collections.Generic" #>
-<#@ import namespace="System.Linq" #>
-static Action WriteComment = (tt,s) => tt.WriteLine("//{0}", s);
-Action BeforeGenerateModel = () => {};
-bool GenerateProcedureErrors = true;
-void GenerateModel()
- Model.SetTree();
- BeforeGenerateModel();
- if (GenerationEnvironment.Length > 0 && GenerationEnvironment.ToString().Trim().Length == 0)
- GenerationEnvironment.Length = 0;
- WriteComment(this, "---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------");
- WriteComment(this, " ");
- WriteComment(this, " This code was generated by T4Model template for T4 (https://github.com/linq2db/t4models).");
- WriteComment(this, " Changes to this file may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is regenerated.");
- WriteComment(this, " ");
- WriteComment(this, "---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------");
- Model.Render(this);
-void Trim()
- var arr = new[] { '\r', '\n', ' ' };
- while (GenerationEnvironment.Length > 0 && arr.Contains(GenerationEnvironment[GenerationEnvironment.Length - 1]))
- GenerationEnvironment.Length--;
- WriteLine("");
-static Action WriteUsing = (tt,s) => tt.WriteLine("using {0};", s);
-void RenderUsings(List usings)
- var q =
- from ns in usings.Distinct()
- group ns by ns.Split('.')[0];
- var groups =
- (from ns in q where ns.Key == "System" select ns).Concat
- (from ns in q where ns.Key != "System" orderby ns.Key select ns);
- foreach (var gr in groups)
- {
- foreach (var ns in from s in gr orderby s select s)
- WriteUsing(this, ns);
- WriteLine("");
- }
- Trim();
-// Base data types.
-public interface ITree
- ITree Parent { get; set; }
- IEnumerable GetNodes();
- void SetTree();
-ModelSource Model = new ModelSource();
-public partial class ModelSource : ITree
- public int CurrentNamespace = 0;
- public List Usings = new List { "System" };
- public List Namespaces = new List { new Namespace() };
- public Namespace Namespace { get { return Namespaces[CurrentNamespace]; } }
- public List Types { get { return Namespaces[CurrentNamespace].Types; } }
- public virtual void Render(GeneratedTextTransformation tt)
- {
- tt.RenderUsings(Usings);
- tt.WriteLine("");
- foreach (var nm in Namespaces)
- {
- nm.Render(tt);
- tt.WriteLine("");
- }
- tt.Trim();
- }
- public ITree Parent { get; set; }
- public IEnumerable GetNodes() { return Namespaces; }
- public void SetTree()
- {
- foreach (var ch in GetNodes())
- {
- ch.Parent = this;
- ch.SetTree();
- }
- }
-static Action WriteBeginNamespace = (tt,s) => { tt.WriteLine("namespace {0}", s); tt.WriteLine("{"); };
-static Action WriteEndNamespace = tt => tt.WriteLine("}");
-public partial class Namespace : ITree
- public string Name;
- public List Types = new List();
- public List Usings = new List();
- public virtual void Render(GeneratedTextTransformation tt)
- {
- if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Name))
- {
- WriteBeginNamespace(tt, Name);
- tt.PushIndent("\t");
- }
- tt.RenderUsings(Usings);
- foreach (var t in Types)
- {
- t.Render(tt);
- tt.WriteLine("");
- }
- tt.Trim();
- if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Name))
- {
- tt.PopIndent();
- WriteEndNamespace(tt);
- }
- }
- public ITree Parent { get; set; }
- public IEnumerable GetNodes() { return Types; }
- public void SetTree()
- {
- foreach (var ch in GetNodes())
- {
- ch.Parent = this;
- ch.SetTree();
- }
- }
-public interface IClassMember : ITree
-public enum AccessModifier
- Public,
- Protected,
- Internal,
- Private,
- Partial
-public abstract partial class TypeBase : IClassMember
- public AccessModifier AccessModifier = AccessModifier.Public;
- public string Name;
- public bool IsPartial = true;
- public List Comment = new List();
- public List Attributes = new List();
- public string Conditional;
- public abstract void Render(GeneratedTextTransformation tt);
- protected virtual void BeginConditional(GeneratedTextTransformation tt)
- {
- if (Conditional != null)
- {
- tt.RemoveSpace();
- tt.WriteLine("#if " + Conditional);
- tt.WriteLine("");
- }
- }
- protected virtual void EndConditional(GeneratedTextTransformation tt)
- {
- if (Conditional != null)
- {
- tt.RemoveSpace();
- tt.WriteLine("");
- tt.RemoveSpace();
- tt.WriteLine("#endif");
- }
- }
- public ITree Parent { get; set; }
- public abstract IEnumerable GetNodes();
- public abstract void SetTree ();
-static Action WriteBeginClass = (tt,cl) =>
- tt.Write(cl.AccessModifier.ToString().ToLower() + " ");
- if (cl.IsStatic) tt.Write("static ");
- if (cl.IsPartial) tt.Write("partial ", cl.Name);
- tt.Write("class {0}", cl.Name);
- if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(cl.BaseClass) || cl.Interfaces.Count > 0)
- {
- var arr = new[] { cl.BaseClass }.Concat(cl.Interfaces)
- .Where(n => n != null)
- .ToArray();
- tt.Write(" : ");
- tt.Write(string.Join(", ", arr));
- }
- tt.WriteLine("");
- tt.WriteLine("{");
-static Action WriteEndClass = tt => tt.WriteLine("}");
-public partial class Class : TypeBase
- public string BaseClass;
- public bool IsStatic = false;
- public List Interfaces = new List();
- public List Members = new List();
- public Class()
- {
- }
- public Class(string name, params IClassMember[] members)
- {
- Name = name;
- Members.AddRange(members);
- }
- public override void Render(GeneratedTextTransformation tt)
- {
- BeginConditional(tt);
- foreach (var c in Comment)
- tt.WriteLine("//" + c);
- if (Attributes.Count > 0)
- {
- var aa = Attributes.Where(a => !a.IsSeparated).ToList();
- if (aa.Count > 0)
- {
- tt.Write("[");
- for (var i = 0; i < aa.Count; i++)
- {
- if (i > 0) SkipSpacesAndInsert(tt, ", ");
- aa[i].Render(tt);
- }
- tt.WriteLine("]");
- }
- aa = Attributes.Where(a => a.IsSeparated).ToList();
- foreach (var a in aa)
- {
- tt.Write("[");
- a.Render(tt);
- tt.WriteLine("]");
- }
- }
- WriteBeginClass(tt, this);
- tt.PushIndent("\t");
- foreach (var cm in Members)
- {
- if (cm is MemberBase)
- {
- var m = (MemberBase)cm;
- if (!(m is MemberGroup))
- m.BeginConditional(tt, false);
- foreach (var c in m.Comment)
- WriteComment(tt, c);
- if (m.Attributes.Count > 0)
- {
- var q =
- from a in m.Attributes
- group a by a.Conditional ?? "";
- foreach (var g in q)
- {
- if (g.Key.Length > 0)
- {
- tt.RemoveSpace();
- tt.WriteLine("#if " + g.Key);
- }
- var attrs = g.ToList();
- tt.Write("[");
- for (var i = 0; i < attrs.Count; i++)
- {
- if (i > 0) SkipSpacesAndInsert(tt, ", ");
- attrs[i].Render(tt);
- }
- tt.WriteLine("]");
- if (g.Key.Length > 0)
- {
- tt.RemoveSpace();
- tt.WriteLine("#endif");
- }
- }
- }
- m.Render(tt, false);
- if (m.InsertBlankLineAfter)
- tt.WriteLine("");
- if (!(m is MemberGroup))
- m.EndConditional(tt, false);
- }
- else if (cm is TypeBase)
- {
- var t = (TypeBase)cm;
- t.Render(tt);
- tt.WriteLine("");
- }
- }
- tt.Trim();
- tt.PopIndent();
- WriteEndClass(tt);
- EndConditional(tt);
- }
- public override IEnumerable GetNodes()
- {
- return Members;
- }
- public override void SetTree()
- {
- foreach (var ch in GetNodes())
- {
- ch.Parent = this;
- ch.SetTree();
- }
- }
-public abstract partial class MemberBase : IClassMember
- public string ID;
- public AccessModifier AccessModifier = AccessModifier.Public;
- public string Name;
- public string Type;
- public List Comment = new List();
- public string EndLineComment;
- public List Attributes = new List();
- public bool InsertBlankLineAfter = true;
- public string Conditional;
- public int AccessModifierLen;
- public int ModifierLen;
- public int TypeLen;
- public int NameLen;
- public int ParamLen;
- public int BodyLen;
- public virtual int CalcModifierLen() { return 0; }
- public abstract int CalcBodyLen ();
- public virtual int CalcParamLen () { return 0; }
- public abstract void Render (GeneratedTextTransformation tt, bool isCompact);
- public virtual void BeginConditional(GeneratedTextTransformation tt, bool isCompact)
- {
- if (Conditional != null)
- {
- tt.RemoveSpace();
- tt.WriteLine("#if " + Conditional);
- if (!isCompact)
- tt.WriteLine("");
- }
- }
- public virtual void EndConditional(GeneratedTextTransformation tt, bool isCompact)
- {
- if (Conditional != null)
- {
- tt.RemoveSpace();
- tt.WriteLine("#endif");
- if (!isCompact)
- tt.WriteLine("");
- }
- }
- public ITree Parent { get; set; }
- public virtual IEnumerable GetNodes() { return Enumerable.Empty(); }
- public virtual void SetTree () {}
-static Action BeginRegion = (tt,s) => { tt.WriteLine("#region {0}", s); };
-static Action EndRegion = (tt) => { tt.WriteLine("#endregion"); };
-public partial class MemberGroup : MemberBase
- public string Region;
- public bool IsCompact;
- public bool IsPropertyGroup;
- public List Members = new List();
- public List Errors = new List();
- public override int CalcBodyLen() { return 0; }
- public override void Render(GeneratedTextTransformation tt, bool isCompact)
- {
- if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Region))
- {
- BeginRegion(tt, Region);
- tt.WriteLine("");
- }
- BeginConditional(tt, isCompact);
- if (Errors.Count > 0 && tt.GenerateProcedureErrors)
- {
- tt.RemoveSpace();
- WriteComment(tt, " Use 'GenerateProcedureErrors=false' to disable errors.");
- foreach (var error in Errors)
- {
- tt.Error(error);
- foreach (var e in error.Split('\n'))
- {
- tt.RemoveSpace();
- tt.WriteLine("#error " + e.Trim('\r'));
- }
- }
- tt.WriteLine("");
- }
- if (IsCompact)
- {
- var allMembers = GetTreeNodes(this).OfType().Where(m => !(m is MemberGroup)).ToList();
- if (allMembers.Count > 0)
- {
- int max = allMembers.Max(m => m.AccessModifier.ToString().Length);
- foreach (var m in allMembers)
- m.AccessModifierLen = max;
- max = allMembers.Max(m => m.CalcModifierLen());
- foreach (var m in allMembers)
- m.ModifierLen = max;
- max = allMembers.Max(m => (m.Type ?? "").Length);
- foreach (var m in allMembers)
- m.TypeLen = max;
- var notHasGetter = allMembers.OfType().Any(m => m.IsAuto && !m.HasGetter);
- var notHasSetter = allMembers.OfType().Any(m => m.IsAuto && !m.HasSetter);
- foreach (var p in allMembers.OfType())
- {
- if (notHasGetter) p.GetterLen = 13;
- if (notHasSetter) p.SetterLen = 13;
- }
- max = allMembers.Max(m => m.Name.Length);
- foreach (var m in allMembers)
- m.NameLen = max;
- max = allMembers.Max(m => m.CalcParamLen());
- foreach (var m in allMembers)
- m.ParamLen = max;
- max = allMembers.Max(m => m.CalcBodyLen());
- foreach (var m in allMembers)
- m.BodyLen = max;
- var members =
- (
- from m in allMembers
- select new
- {
- m,
- attrs =
- (
- from a in m.Attributes
- group a by a.Name into gr
- select gr.Select((a,i) => new { a, name = a.Name + "." + i }).ToList() into s
- from a in s
- select a
- ).ToList()
- }
- ).ToList();
- var attrWeight =
- (
- from m in members
- from a in m.attrs
- group a by a.name into gr
- select new { gr.Key, Count = gr.Count() }
- ).ToDictionary(a => a.Key, a => a.Count);
- var q =
- from m in members
- where m.attrs.Count > 0
- select new { m, w = m.attrs.Sum(aa => attrWeight[aa.name]) } into m
- orderby m.w descending
- select m.m;
- var attrs = new List();
- foreach (var m in q)
- {
- var list = m.attrs.Select(a => a.name).ToList();
- if (attrs.Count == 0)
- attrs.AddRange(list);
- else
- {
- for (var i = 0; i < list.Count; i++)
- {
- var nm = list[i];
- if (!attrs.Contains(nm))
- {
- for (var j = i + 1; j < list.Count; j++)
- {
- var idx = attrs.IndexOf(list[j]);
- if (idx >= 0)
- {
- attrs.Insert(idx, nm);
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- if (!attrs.Contains(nm))
- attrs.Add(nm);
- }
- }
- }
- var mms = members.Select(m =>
- {
- var arr = new Attribute[attrs.Count];
- foreach (var a in m.attrs)
- arr[attrs.IndexOf(a.name)] = a.a;
- return new { m.m, attrs = arr.ToList() };
- }).ToList();
- var idxs = Enumerable.Range(0, attrs.Count).Select(_ => new List()).ToList();
- for (var i = 0; i < mms.Count; i++)
- for (var j = 0; j < mms[i].attrs.Count; j++)
- if (mms[i].attrs[j] != null)
- idxs[j].Add(i);
- var toRemove = new List();
- for (int i = 1; i < idxs.Count; i++)
- {
- for (int j = 0; j < i; j++)
- {
- if (idxs[j] == null)
- continue;
- if (idxs[i].Intersect(idxs[j]).Count() == 0)
- {
- foreach (var m in mms)
- {
- if (m.attrs[i] != null)
- {
- m.attrs[j] = m.attrs[i];
- m.attrs[i] = null;
- }
- }
- idxs[j].AddRange(idxs[i]);
- idxs[i] = null;
- toRemove.Add(i);
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- foreach (var n in toRemove.OrderByDescending(i => i))
- foreach (var m in mms)
- m.attrs.RemoveAt(n);
- var lens = new int[attrs.Count - toRemove.Count];
- foreach (var m in mms)
- {
- for (var i = 0; i < m.attrs.Count; i++)
- {
- var a = m.attrs[i];
- if (a != null)
- {
- var len = a.Name.Length;
- if (a.Parameters.Count >= 0)
- len += a.Parameters.Sum(p => 2 + p.Length);
- lens[i] = Math.Max(lens[i], len);
- }
- }
- }
- foreach (var m in allMembers)
- {
- if (!(m is MemberGroup))
- m.BeginConditional(tt, IsCompact);
- foreach (var c in m.Comment)
- WriteComment(tt, c);
- if (attrs.Count > 0)
- {
- var ma = mms.First(mr => mr.m == m);
- if (m.Attributes.Count > 0)
- {
- tt.Write("[");
- for (var i = 0; i < ma.attrs.Count; i++)
- {
- var a = ma.attrs[i];
- if (a == null)
- {
- tt.WriteSpaces(lens[i]);
- if (i + 1 < ma.attrs.Count)
- tt.Write(" ");
- }
- else
- {
- var len = tt.GenerationEnvironment.Length;
- a.Render(tt);
- len = (tt.GenerationEnvironment.Length - len);
- var commaAdded = false;
- for (var j = i + 1; j < ma.attrs.Count; j++)
- {
- if (ma.attrs[j] != null)
- {
- SkipSpacesAndInsert(tt, ", ");
- commaAdded = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (i + 1 < ma.attrs.Count && !commaAdded)
- tt.Write(" ");
- tt.WriteSpaces(lens[i] - len);
- }
- }
- tt.Write("] ");
- }
- else
- {
- tt.WriteSpaces(lens.Sum() + ma.attrs.Count * 2 + 1);
- }
- }
- m.Render(tt, true);
- if (!IsCompact)
- tt.WriteLine("");
- if (!(m is MemberGroup))
- m.EndConditional(tt, IsCompact);
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- foreach (var cm in Members)
- {
- if (cm is MemberBase)
- {
- var m = (MemberBase)cm;
- if (!(m is MemberGroup))
- m.BeginConditional(tt, IsCompact);
- foreach (var c in m.Comment)
- WriteComment(tt, c);
- if (m.Attributes.Count > 0)
- {
- var q =
- from a in m.Attributes
- group a by a.Conditional ?? "";
- foreach (var g in q)
- {
- if (g.Key.Length > 0)
- {
- tt.RemoveSpace();
- tt.WriteLine("#if " + g.Key);
- }
- var attrs = g.ToList();
- var aa = attrs.Where(a => !a.IsSeparated).ToList();
- if (aa.Count > 0)
- {
- tt.Write("[");
- for (var i = 0; i < aa.Count; i++)
- {
- if (i > 0) tt.Write(", ");
- aa[i].Render(tt);
- }
- tt.WriteLine("]");
- }
- aa = attrs.Where(a => a.IsSeparated).ToList();
- foreach (var a in aa)
- {
- tt.Write("[");
- a.Render(tt);
- tt.WriteLine("]");
- }
- if (g.Key.Length > 0)
- {
- tt.RemoveSpace();
- tt.WriteLine("#endif");
- }
- }
- }
- m.Render(tt, false);
- if (m.InsertBlankLineAfter)
- tt.WriteLine("");
- if (!(m is MemberGroup))
- m.EndConditional(tt, IsCompact);
- }
- else if (cm is TypeBase)
- {
- var t = (TypeBase)cm;
- t.Render(tt);
- tt.WriteLine("");
- }
- }
- }
- tt.Trim();
- EndConditional(tt, isCompact);
- if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Region))
- {
- tt.WriteLine("");
- EndRegion(tt);
- }
- }
- public override IEnumerable GetNodes() { return Members; }
- public override void SetTree()
- {
- foreach (var ch in GetNodes())
- {
- ch.Parent = this;
- ch.SetTree();
- }
- }
-static Action WriteField = (tt,f) =>
- var am = f.AccessModifier.ToString().ToLower();
- var mdf =
- (f.IsStatic ? " static" : "") +
- (f.IsReadonly ? " readonly" : "") ;
- tt.Write("{0}{1}{2}{3} {4}{5} {6}",
- am, LenDiff(f.AccessModifierLen, am),
- mdf, LenDiff(f.ModifierLen, mdf),
- f.Type, LenDiff(f.TypeLen, f.Type),
- f.Name);
- if (f.InitValue != null)
- {
- tt.Write(" = {0}", f.InitValue);
- }
- tt.Write(";");
- if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(f.EndLineComment))
- {
- tt.WriteSpaces(f.NameLen - f.Name.Length + f.BodyLen + f.ParamLen - 1);
- tt.Write(" ");
- WriteComment(tt, " " + f.EndLineComment);
- }
- else
- tt.WriteLine("");
-public partial class Field : MemberBase
- public bool IsStatic;
- public bool IsReadonly;
- public string InitValue;
- public Field()
- {
- }
- public Field(string type, string name)
- {
- Type = type;
- Name = name;
- }
- public override int CalcModifierLen()
- {
- return
- (IsStatic ? " static". Length : 0) +
- (IsReadonly ? " readonly".Length : 0) ;
- }
- public override int CalcBodyLen() { return InitValue == null ? 1 : 4 + InitValue.Length; }
- public override void Render(GeneratedTextTransformation tt, bool isCompact)
- {
- WriteField(tt, this);
- }
-static Action WriteEvent = (tt,m) =>
- var am = m.AccessModifier.ToString().ToLower();
- var mdf =
- (m.IsStatic ? " static" : "") +
- (m.IsVirtual ? " virtual" : "") +
- " event";
- tt.Write("{0}{1}{2}{3} {4}{5} {6};",
- am, LenDiff(m.AccessModifierLen, am),
- mdf, LenDiff(m.ModifierLen, mdf),
- m.Type, LenDiff(m.TypeLen, m.Type),
- m.Name);
- if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(m.EndLineComment))
- {
- tt.WriteSpaces(m.NameLen - m.Name.Length + m.BodyLen + m.ParamLen - 1);
- tt.Write(" ");
- WriteComment(tt, " " + m.EndLineComment);
- }
- else
- tt.WriteLine("");
-public partial class Event : MemberBase
- public bool IsStatic;
- public bool IsVirtual;
- public Event()
- {
- }
- public Event(string type, string name)
- {
- Type = type;
- Name = name;
- }
- public override int CalcModifierLen()
- {
- return
- (IsStatic ? " static". Length : 0) +
- (IsVirtual ? " virtual".Length : 0) +
- " event".Length;
- }
- public override int CalcBodyLen() { return 1; }
- public override void Render(GeneratedTextTransformation tt, bool isCompact)
- {
- WriteEvent(tt, this);
- }
-static Action WriteProperty = (tt,p,compact) =>
- var am = p.AccessModifier.ToString().ToLower();
-// var mdf = p.IsVirtual ? " virtual" : "";
- var mdf = p.IsAbstract ? " abstract" : p.IsVirtual ? " virtual" : p.IsOverride ? " override" : p.IsStatic ? " static" : "";
- tt.Write("{0}{1}{2}{3} {4}{5} {6}",
- am, LenDiff(p.AccessModifierLen, am),
- mdf, LenDiff(p.ModifierLen, mdf),
- p.Type, LenDiff(p.TypeLen, p.Type),
- p.Name);
- Action writeComment = () =>
- {
- if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(p.EndLineComment))
- {
- tt.Write(" ");
- WriteComment(tt, " " + p.EndLineComment);
- }
- else
- tt.WriteLine("");
- };
- if (p.IsAuto)
- {
- tt.Write(LenDiff(p.NameLen + p.ParamLen, p.Name));
- var len = tt.GenerationEnvironment.Length;
- tt.Write(" { ");
- if (!p.HasGetter)
- tt.Write("private ");
- else if (p.GetterLen == 13)
- tt.Write(" ");
- tt.Write("get; ");
- if (!p.HasSetter)
- tt.Write("private ");
- else if (p.SetterLen == 13)
- tt.Write(" ");
- tt.Write("set; ");
- tt.Write("}");
- if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(p.EndLineComment))
- tt.WriteSpaces(p.BodyLen - (tt.GenerationEnvironment.Length - len));
- writeComment();
- }
- else
- {
- if (compact)
- {
- tt.Write(LenDiff(p.NameLen + p.ParamLen, p.Name));
- var len = tt.GenerationEnvironment.Length;
- tt.Write(" { ");
- if (p.HasGetter)
- {
- tt.Write("get { ");
- foreach (var t in p.GetBody)
- tt.Write("{0} ", t);
- tt.Write("} ");
- }
- if (p.HasSetter)
- {
- tt.Write("set { ");
- foreach (var t in p.SetBody)
- tt.Write("{0} ", t);
- tt.Write("} ");
- }
- tt.Write("}");
- if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(p.EndLineComment))
- tt.WriteSpaces(p.BodyLen - (tt.GenerationEnvironment.Length - len));
- writeComment();
- }
- else
- {
- writeComment();
- tt.WriteLine("{");
- tt.PushIndent("\t");
- if (p.HasGetter)
- {
- if (p.GetBody.Count == 1)
- {
- tt.WriteLine("get {{ {0} }}", p.GetBody[0]);
- }
- else
- {
- tt.WriteLine("get");
- tt.WriteLine("{");
- tt.PushIndent("\t");
- foreach (var t in p.GetBody)
- tt.WriteLine(t);
- tt.PopIndent();
- tt.WriteLine("}");
- }
- }
- if (p.HasSetter)
- {
- if (p.SetBody.Count == 1)
- {
- tt.WriteLine("set {{ {0} }}", p.SetBody[0]);
- }
- else
- {
- tt.WriteLine("set");
- tt.WriteLine("{");
- tt.PushIndent("\t");
- foreach (var t in p.SetBody)
- tt.WriteLine(t);
- tt.PopIndent();
- tt.WriteLine("}");
- }
- }
- tt.PopIndent();
- tt.WriteLine("}");
- }
- }
-public partial class Property : MemberBase
- public bool IsAuto = true;
- public string InitValue;
- public bool IsVirtual;
- public bool IsOverride;
- public bool IsAbstract;
- public bool IsStatic;
- public bool HasGetter = true;
- public bool HasSetter = true;
- public List GetBody = new List();
- public List SetBody = new List();
- public int GetterLen = 5;
- public int SetterLen = 5;
- public Property()
- {
- }
- public Property(string type, string name, IEnumerable getBody = null, IEnumerable setBody = null)
- {
- Type = type;
- Name = name;
- InitBody(getBody, setBody);
- }
- public override int CalcModifierLen()
- {
- return IsVirtual ? " virtual".Length : 0;
- }
- public override int CalcBodyLen()
- {
- if (IsAuto)
- return 4 + GetterLen + SetterLen; // ' { get; set; }'
- var len = " {".Length;
- if (HasGetter)
- {
- len += " get {".Length;
- foreach (var t in GetBody)
- len += 1 + t.Length;
- len += " }".Length;
- }
- if (HasSetter)
- {
- len += " set {".Length;
- foreach (var t in SetBody)
- len += 1 + t.Length;
- len += " }".Length;
- }
- len += " }".Length;
- return len;
- }
- public override void Render(GeneratedTextTransformation tt, bool isCompact)
- {
- if (!IsAuto && HasGetter && GetBody.Count == 1)
- {
- var t = GetBody[GetBody.Count - 1];
- if (!t.StartsWith("return"))
- {
- t = "return " + t;
- if (!t.EndsWith(";"))
- t += ";";
- GetBody[GetBody.Count - 1] = t;
- }
- }
- WriteProperty(tt, this, isCompact);
- }
- public Property InitBody(IEnumerable getBody = null, IEnumerable setBody = null)
- {
- IsAuto = getBody == null && setBody == null;
- if (getBody != null) GetBody.AddRange(getBody);
- if (setBody != null) SetBody.AddRange(setBody);
- if (!IsAuto)
- {
- HasGetter = getBody != null;
- HasSetter = setBody != null;
- }
- return this;
- }
- public Property InitGetter(params string[] getBody)
- {
- return InitBody(getBody, null);
- }
-static Action WriteMethod = (tt,m,compact) =>
- var am1 = m.AccessModifier.ToString().ToLower();
- var len1 = m.AccessModifierLen;
- var am2 = "";
- var len2 = 0;
- var mdf = m.IsAbstract ? " abstract" : m.IsVirtual ? " virtual" : m.IsOverride ? " override" : m.IsStatic ? " static" : "";
- var mlen = m.ModifierLen;
- if (am1 == "partial" && mdf.Length > 0)
- {
- am2 = " " + am1; len2 = len1 + 1;
- am1 = ""; len1 = 0;
- mdf = mdf.Trim();
- mlen--;
- }
- tt.Write("{0}{1}{2}{3}{4}{5}{6}{7}{8} {9}",
- am1, LenDiff(len1, am1),
- mdf, LenDiff(mlen, mdf),
- am2, LenDiff(len2, am2),
- m.Type == null ? "" : " ",
- m.Type, LenDiff(m.TypeLen, m.Type ?? ""),
- m.Name);
- Action writeComment = () =>
- {
- if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(m.EndLineComment))
- {
- tt.Write(" ");
- WriteComment(tt, " " + m.EndLineComment);
- }
- else
- tt.WriteLine("");
- };
- Action writeParams = () =>
- {
- tt.Write("(");
- for (int i = 0; i < m.Parameters.Count; i++)
- {
- if (i > 0)
- tt.Write(", ");
- tt.Write(m.Parameters[i]);
- }
- tt.Write(")");
- };
- if (compact)
- {
- tt.Write(LenDiff(m.NameLen, m.Name));
- var len = tt.GenerationEnvironment.Length;
- writeParams();
- foreach (var s in m.AfterSignature)
- {
- tt.Write(" ");
- tt.Write(s);
- }
- len = tt.GenerationEnvironment.Length - len;
- if (m.IsAbstract || m.AccessModifier == AccessModifier.Partial)
- {
- tt.Write(";");
- len = 0;
- }
- else
- {
- tt.WriteSpaces(m.ParamLen - len);
- len = tt.GenerationEnvironment.Length;
- tt.Write(" {");
- foreach (var t in m.Body)
- tt.Write(" {0}", t);
- tt.Write(" }");
- }
- if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(m.EndLineComment))
- tt.WriteSpaces(m.BodyLen - (tt.GenerationEnvironment.Length - len));
- writeComment();
- }
- else
- {
- writeParams ();
- writeComment();
- tt.PushIndent("\t");
- foreach (var s in m.AfterSignature)
- tt.WriteLine(s);
- tt.PopIndent();
- tt.WriteLine("{");
- tt.PushIndent("\t");
- foreach (var t in m.Body)
- {
- if (t.Length > 1 && t[0] == '#')
- {
- tt.RemoveSpace();
- }
- tt.WriteLine(t);
- }
- tt.PopIndent();
- tt.WriteLine("}");
- }
-public partial class Method : MemberBase
- public bool IsAbstract;
- public bool IsVirtual;
- public bool IsOverride;
- public bool IsStatic;
- public List AfterSignature = new List();
- public List Parameters = new List();
- public List Body = new List();
- public Method()
- {
- }
- public Method(string type, string name, IEnumerable parameters = null, IEnumerable body = null)
- {
- Type = type;
- Name = name;
- if (parameters != null) Parameters.AddRange(parameters);
- if (body != null) Body. AddRange(body);
- }
- public override int CalcModifierLen()
- {
- return
- IsAbstract ? " abstract".Length :
- IsVirtual ? " virtual".Length :
- IsStatic ? " static".Length : 0;
- }
- public override int CalcBodyLen()
- {
- if (IsAbstract || AccessModifier == AccessModifier.Partial)
- return 1;
- var len = " {".Length;
- foreach (var t in Body)
- len += 1 + t.Length;
- len += " }".Length;
- return len;
- }
- public override int CalcParamLen()
- {
- return Parameters.Sum(p => p.Length + 2);
- }
- public override void Render(GeneratedTextTransformation tt, bool isCompact)
- {
- WriteMethod(tt, this, isCompact);
- }
-static Action WriteAttribute = (tt,a) =>
- tt.Write(a.Name);
- if (a.Parameters.Count > 0)
- {
- tt.Write("(");
- for (var i = 0; i < a.Parameters.Count; i++)
- {
- if (i > 0)
- if (a.Parameters[i - 1].All(c => c == ' '))
- tt.Write(" ");
- else
- SkipSpacesAndInsert(tt, ", ");
- tt.Write(a.Parameters[i]);
- }
- SkipSpacesAndInsert(tt, ")");
- }
-public partial class Attribute
- public string Name;
- public List Parameters = new List();
- public string Conditional;
- public bool IsSeparated;
- public Attribute()
- {
- }
- public Attribute(string name, params string[] ps)
- {
- Name = name;
- Parameters.AddRange(ps);
- }
- public virtual void Render(GeneratedTextTransformation tt)
- {
- WriteAttribute(tt, this);
- }
-// Helpers.
-Func ToPlural = s => s + "s";
-Func ToSingular = s => s;
-static string LenDiff(int max, string str)
- var s = "";
- while (max-- > str.Length)
- s += " ";
- return s;
-public void WriteSpaces(int len)
- while (len-- > 0)
- Write(" ");
-void RemoveSpace()
- Write(" ");
- while (GenerationEnvironment.Length > 0 &&
- (GenerationEnvironment[GenerationEnvironment.Length - 1] == ' ' ||
- GenerationEnvironment[GenerationEnvironment.Length - 1] == '\t'))
- GenerationEnvironment.Length--;
-public static IEnumerable GetTreeNodes(ITree parent)
- foreach (var node in parent.GetNodes())
- {
- yield return node;
- foreach (var grandNode in GetTreeNodes(node))
- yield return grandNode;
- }
-public static ITree FindNode(ITree parent, Func func)
- foreach (var node in parent.GetNodes())
- {
- if (func(node))
- return node;
- var n = FindNode(node, func);
- if (n != null)
- return n;
- }
- return null;
-static void SkipSpacesAndInsert(GeneratedTextTransformation tt, string value)
- var l = tt.GenerationEnvironment.Length;
- for (; l > 0 && tt.GenerationEnvironment[l - 1] == ' '; l--)
- {
- }
- tt.GenerationEnvironment.Insert(l, value);
-string ToCamelCase(string name)
- var n = 0;
- foreach (var c in name)
- {
- if (char.IsUpper(c))
- n++;
- else
- break;
- }
- if (n == 0)
- return name;
- if (n == name.Length)
- return name.ToLower();
- n = Math.Max(1, n - 1);
- return name.Substring(0, n).ToLower() + name.Substring(n);
-event Action SetPropertyValueAction;
-void SetPropertyValue(Property propertyObject, string propertyName, object value)
- if (SetPropertyValueAction != null)
- SetPropertyValueAction(propertyObject, propertyName, value);
diff --git a/Source/LinqToDB.Templates/Validation.ttinclude b/Source/LinqToDB.Templates/Validation.ttinclude
deleted file mode 100644
index a31a6c8..0000000
--- a/Source/LinqToDB.Templates/Validation.ttinclude
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,175 +0,0 @@
- {
- var beforeGenerateModel = BeforeGenerateModel;
- BeforeGenerateModel = () =>
- {
- beforeGenerateModel();
- ValidationImpl();
- };
- }
-void ValidationImpl()
- foreach (Class cl in GetTreeNodes(Model).OfType())
- {
- var validationGroup = new MemberGroup
- {
- Region = "Validation",
- };
- var props = GetTreeNodes(cl).OfType().Where(p => p.CustomValidation).ToList();
- if (props.Count > 0)
- {
- if (!Model.Usings.Contains("System.Collections.Generic"))
- Model.Usings.Add("System.Collections.Generic");
- var isValid = new Method("bool", "IsValid", new[] { cl.Name + " obj" }) { IsStatic = true };
- var validator = new Class("CustomValidator", isValid) { IsStatic = true, };
- var partialGroup = new MemberGroup { IsCompact = true };
- validationGroup.Members.Add(new Field("int", "_isValidCounter") { Attributes = { new Attribute("field : NonSerialized") { Conditional = "!SILVERLIGHT" } } });
- validationGroup.Members.Add(validator);
- validationGroup.Members.Add(partialGroup);
- isValid.Body.Add("try");
- isValid.Body.Add("{");
- isValid.Body.Add("\tobj._isValidCounter++;");
- isValid.Body.Add("");
- var ret = "\treturn ";
- for (var i = 0; i < props.Count; i++)
- {
- var p = props[i];
- var name = p.Name.Trim();
- var mname = "Validate" + name;
- cl.Attributes.Add(
- new Attribute("CustomValidation",
- "typeof(" + cl.Name + ".CustomValidator)",
- "\"" + mname + "\"")
- {
- IsSeparated = true
- });
- isValid.Body.Add(
- "\tvar flag" + i + " = ValidationResult.Success == " + mname + "(obj, obj." + name + ");");
- ret += (i == 0 ? "" : " || ") + "flag" + i;
- var validate = new Method("ValidationResult", mname,
- new[] { cl.Name + " obj", p.Type.Trim() + " value" }) { IsStatic = true };
- validate.Body.Add("var list = new List();");
- validate.Body.Add("");
- validate.Body.Add("Validator.TryValidateProperty(");
- validate.Body.Add("\tvalue,");
- validate.Body.Add("\tnew ValidationContext(obj, null, null) { MemberName = NameOf" + name + " }, list);");
- validate.Body.Add("");
- validate.Body.Add("obj." + mname + "(value, list);");
- validate.Body.Add("");
- validate.Body.Add("if (list.Count > 0)");
- validate.Body.Add("{");
- validate.Body.Add("\tforeach (var result in list)");
- validate.Body.Add("\t\tforeach (var name in result.MemberNames)");
- validate.Body.Add("\t\t\tobj.AddError(name, result.ErrorMessage);");
- validate.Body.Add("");
- validate.Body.Add("\treturn list[0];");
- validate.Body.Add("}");
- validate.Body.Add("");
- validate.Body.Add("obj.RemoveError(NameOf" + name + ");");
- validate.Body.Add("");
- validate.Body.Add("return ValidationResult.Success;");
- validator.Members.Add(validate);
- partialGroup.Members.Add(new Method(
- "void",
- mname,
- new[]
- {
- p.Type.Trim() + " value",
- "List validationResults",
- })
- {
- AccessModifier = AccessModifier.Partial,
- });
- }
- isValid.Body.Add("");
- isValid.Body.Add(ret + ";");
- isValid.Body.Add("}");
- isValid.Body.Add("finally");
- isValid.Body.Add("{");
- isValid.Body.Add("\tobj._isValidCounter--;");
- isValid.Body.Add("}");
- }
- props = GetTreeNodes(cl).OfType().Where(p => p.ValidateProperty && p.HasSetter).ToList();
- if (props.Count > 0)
- {
- foreach (var p in props)
- {
- if (p.SetBody.Count > 0)
- p.SetBody.Insert(0, "");
- p.SetBody.Insert(0, "if (_validationLockCounter == 0)");
- p.SetBody.Insert(1, "{");
- if (p.CustomValidation)
- {
- p.SetBody.Insert(2, "\tvar validationResult = CustomValidator.Validate" + p.Name.Trim() + "(this, value);");
- p.SetBody.Insert(3, "\tif (validationResult != ValidationResult.Success)");
- p.SetBody.Insert(4, "\t\tthrow new ValidationException(validationResult, null, null);");
- p.SetBody.Insert(5, "}");
- }
- else
- {
- p.SetBody.Insert(2, "\tValidator.ValidateProperty(");
- p.SetBody.Insert(3, "\t\tvalue,");
- p.SetBody.Insert(4, string.Format("\t\tnew ValidationContext(this, null, null) {{ MemberName = NameOf{0} }});", p.Name.Trim()));
- p.SetBody.Insert(5, "}");
- }
- }
- validationGroup.Members.Add(new Field("int", "_validationLockCounter")
- {
- AccessModifier = AccessModifier.Private,
- InitValue = "0",
- Attributes = { new Attribute("field : NonSerialized") { Conditional = "!SILVERLIGHT" } }
- });
- validationGroup.Members.Add(new Method ("void", "LockValidation", null, new[] { "_validationLockCounter++;" }));
- validationGroup.Members.Add(new Method ("void", "UnlockValidation", null, new[] { "_validationLockCounter--;" }));
- }
- if (validationGroup.Members.Count > 0)
- {
- if (!Model.Usings.Contains("System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations"))
- Model.Usings.Add("System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations");
- cl.Members.Add(validationGroup);
- cl.SetTree();
- }
- }
-partial class Property
- public bool CustomValidation;
- public bool ValidateProperty;
- public bool Validate
- {
- set
- {
- CustomValidation = value;
- ValidateProperty = value;
- }
- }
diff --git a/Source/ProviderHelper.cs b/Source/ProviderHelper.cs
index 70c52c5..2200658 100644
--- a/Source/ProviderHelper.cs
+++ b/Source/ProviderHelper.cs
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ static void InitializeDataProviders()
ProviderLibraries = "Microsoft.SqlServer.Types.dll"
- AddDataProvider(new DynamicProviderRecord(DB2iSeriesProviderName.DB2, "DB2 iSeries", "IBM.Data.DB2.iSeries.iDB2Connection")
+ AddDataProvider(new DynamicProviderRecord(DB2iSeriesProviderName.DB2, "DB2 iSeries (Requires iAccess 7.1 .NET Provider)", "IBM.Data.DB2.iSeries.iDB2Connection")
InitalizationClassName = "LinqToDB.DataProvider.DB2iSeries.DB2iSeriesTools, LinqToDB.DataProvider.DB2iSeries",
ProviderLibraries = "LinqToDB.DataProvider.DB2iSeries.dll;IBM.Data.DB2.iSeries.dll"
diff --git a/Source/SchemaAndCodeGenerator.cs b/Source/SchemaAndCodeGenerator.cs
index e968eac..ffac7b4 100644
--- a/Source/SchemaAndCodeGenerator.cs
+++ b/Source/SchemaAndCodeGenerator.cs
@@ -47,21 +47,10 @@ public SchemaAndCodeGenerator(IConnectionInfo cxInfo)
private HashSet _existingMemberNames = new HashSet(StringComparer.InvariantCulture);
- private static HashSet _keyWords = new HashSet
- {
- "abstract", "as", "base", "bool", "break", "byte", "case", "catch", "char", "checked",
- "class", "const", "continue", "decimal", "default", "delegate", "do", "double", "else", "enum",
- "event", "explicit", "extern", "false", "finally", "fixed", "float", "for", "foreach", "goto",
- "if", "implicit", "in", "int", "interface", "internal", "is", "lock", "long", "new",
- "null", "object", "operator", "out", "override", "params", "private", "protected", "public", "readonly",
- "ref", "return", "sbyte", "sealed", "short", "sizeof", "stackalloc", "static", "struct", "switch",
- "this", "throw", "true", "try", "typeof", "uint", "ulong", "unchecked", "unsafe", "ushort",
- "using", "virtual", "volatile", "void", "while", "namespace", "string"
- };
public IEnumerable GetItemsAndCode(string nameSpace, string typeName)
+ typeName = ConvertToCompilable(typeName, false);
var connectionString = _cxInfo.DatabaseInfo.CustomCxString;
var provider = ProviderHelper.GetProvider(ProviderName).GetDataProvider(connectionString);
@@ -100,6 +89,7 @@ public IEnumerable GetItemsAndCode(string nameSpace, string typeNa
.AppendLine("using System.Collections.Generic;")
.AppendLine("using System.Data;")
.AppendLine("using System.Reflection;")
+ .AppendLine("using System.Linq;")
.AppendLine("using LinqToDB;")
.AppendLine("using LinqToDB.Common;")
.AppendLine("using LinqToDB.Data;")
@@ -126,15 +116,15 @@ public IEnumerable GetItemsAndCode(string nameSpace, string typeNa
.AppendLine($"namespace {nameSpace}")
.AppendLine( "{")
- .AppendLine($" public class @{typeName} : LinqToDB.LINQPad.LINQPadDataConnection")
+ .AppendLine($" public class {typeName} : LinqToDB.LINQPad.LINQPadDataConnection")
.AppendLine( " {")
- .AppendLine($" public @{typeName}(string provider, string connectionString)")
+ .AppendLine($" public {typeName}(string provider, string connectionString)")
.AppendLine( " : base(provider, connectionString)")
.AppendLine( " {")
.AppendLine($" CommandTimeout = {CommandTimeout};")
.AppendLine( " }")
- .AppendLine($" public @{typeName}()")
- .AppendLine($" : base({ToCodeString(ProviderName)}, {ToCodeString(connectionString)})")
+ .AppendLine($" public {typeName}()")
+ .AppendLine($" : base({CSharpTools.ToStringLiteral(ProviderName)}, {CSharpTools.ToStringLiteral(connectionString)})")
.AppendLine( " {")
.AppendLine($" CommandTimeout = {CommandTimeout};")
.AppendLine( " }")
@@ -228,14 +218,14 @@ void CodeProcedure(StringBuilder code, ProcedureSchema p, string sprocSqlName)
- var spName = $"\"{sprocSqlName.Replace("\"", "\\\"")}\"";
+ var spName = CSharpTools.ToStringLiteral(sprocSqlName);
if (p.IsTableFunction)
- code.Append($" [Sql.TableFunction(Name=\"{p.ProcedureName.Replace("\"", "\\\"")}\"");
+ code.Append($" [Sql.TableFunction(Name={CSharpTools.ToStringLiteral(p.ProcedureName)}");
if (p.SchemaName != null)
- code.Append($", Schema=\"{p.SchemaName}\")");
+ code.Append($", Schema={CSharpTools.ToStringLiteral(p.SchemaName)})");
@@ -307,10 +297,11 @@ void CodeProcedure(StringBuilder code, ProcedureSchema p, string sprocSqlName)
- var inputParameters = p.Parameters.Where(pp => pp.IsIn). ToList();
- var outputParameters = p.Parameters.Where(pp => pp.IsOut).ToList();
+ var inputParameters = p.Parameters.Where(pp => pp.IsIn) .ToList();
+ var outputParameters = p.Parameters.Where(pp => pp.IsOut) .ToList();
+ var inOrOutputParameters = p.Parameters.Where(pp => pp.IsIn || pp.IsOut).ToList();
- spName += inputParameters.Count == 0 ? ");" : ",";
+ spName += inOrOutputParameters.Count == 0 ? ");" : ",";
var retName = "__ret__";
var retNo = 0;
@@ -364,11 +355,17 @@ void CodeProcedure(StringBuilder code, ProcedureSchema p, string sprocSqlName)
- for (var i = 0; i < inputParameters.Count; i++)
+ for (var i = 0; i < inOrOutputParameters.Count; i++)
- var pr = inputParameters[i];
+ var pr = inOrOutputParameters[i];
- var str = $" new DataParameter(\"{pr.SchemaName}\", {pr.ParameterName}, DataType.{pr.DataType})";
+ var str = string.Format(
+ !pr.IsIn && pr.IsOut
+ ? " new DataParameter({0}, null, DataType.{2})"
+ : " new DataParameter({0}, {1}, DataType.{2})",
+ CSharpTools.ToStringLiteral(pr.SchemaName),
+ pr.ParameterName,
+ pr.DataType);
if (pr.IsOut)
@@ -380,7 +377,9 @@ void CodeProcedure(StringBuilder code, ProcedureSchema p, string sprocSqlName)
str += " }";
- str += i + 1 == inputParameters.Count ? ");" : ",";
+ // we need to call ToList(), because otherwise output parameters will not be updated
+ // with values. See https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms971497#gazoutas_topic6
+ str += i + 1 == inOrOutputParameters.Count ? (outputParameters.Count > 0 && p.ResultTable != null ? ").ToList();" : ");") : ",";
@@ -495,23 +494,23 @@ void CodeTable(StringBuilder classCode, TableSchema table, bool addTableAttribut
if (addTableAttribute)
- classCode.Append($" [Table(Name=\"{table.TableName}\"");
+ classCode.Append($" [Table(Name={CSharpTools.ToStringLiteral(table.TableName)}");
if (table.SchemaName.NotNullNorEmpty())
- classCode.Append($", Schema=\"{table.SchemaName}\"");
+ classCode.Append($", Schema={CSharpTools.ToStringLiteral(table.SchemaName)}");
- .AppendLine($" public class @{table.TypeName}")
+ .AppendLine($" public class {table.TypeName}")
.AppendLine( " {")
foreach (var c in table.Columns)
- .Append($" [Column(\"{c.ColumnName}\"), ")
+ .Append($" [Column({CSharpTools.ToStringLiteral(c.ColumnName)}), ")
.Append(c.IsNullable ? "Nullable" : "NotNull");
if (c.IsPrimaryKey) classCode.Append($", PrimaryKey({c.PrimaryKeyOrder})");
@@ -521,24 +520,24 @@ void CodeTable(StringBuilder classCode, TableSchema table, bool addTableAttribut
var memberType = UseProviderSpecificTypes ? (c.ProviderSpecificType ?? c.MemberType) : c.MemberType;
- classCode.AppendLine($" public {memberType} @{c.MemberName} {{ get; set; }}");
+ classCode.AppendLine($" public {memberType} {c.MemberName} {{ get; set; }}");
foreach (var key in table.ForeignKeys)
.Append( " [Association(")
- .Append($"ThisKey=\"{(key.ThisColumns.Select(c => c.MemberName)).Join(", ")}\"")
- .Append($", OtherKey=\"{(key.OtherColumns.Select(c => c.MemberName)).Join(", ")}\"")
+ .Append($"ThisKey={CSharpTools.ToStringLiteral((key.ThisColumns.Select(c => c.MemberName)).Join(", "))}")
+ .Append($", OtherKey={CSharpTools.ToStringLiteral((key.OtherColumns.Select(c => c.MemberName)).Join(", "))}")
.Append($", CanBeNull={(key.CanBeNull ? "true" : "false")}")
if (key.BackReference != null)
if (key.KeyName.NotNullNorEmpty())
- classCode.Append($", KeyName=\"{key.KeyName}\"");
+ classCode.Append($", KeyName={CSharpTools.ToStringLiteral(key.KeyName)}");
if (key.BackReference.KeyName.NotNullNorEmpty())
- classCode.Append($", BackReferenceName=\"{key.BackReference.MemberName}\"");
+ classCode.Append($", BackReferenceName={CSharpTools.ToStringLiteral(key.BackReference.MemberName)}");
@@ -551,7 +550,7 @@ void CodeTable(StringBuilder classCode, TableSchema table, bool addTableAttribut
? $"List<{key.OtherTable.TypeName}>"
: key.OtherTable.TypeName;
- classCode.AppendLine($" public {typeName} @{key.MemberName} {{ get; set; }}");
+ classCode.AppendLine($" public {typeName} {key.MemberName} {{ get; set; }}");
classCode.AppendLine(" }");
@@ -569,7 +568,7 @@ ExplorerItem GetTables(string header, ExplorerIcon icon, IEnumerable @{memberName} {{ get {{ return this.GetTable<@{t.TypeName}>(); }} }}");
+ Code.AppendLine($" public ITable<{t.TypeName}> {memberName} {{ get {{ return this.GetTable<{t.TypeName}>(); }} }}");
CodeTable(_classCode, t, true);
@@ -719,52 +718,24 @@ void ConvertSchema(string typeName)
- static string ToCodeString(string text)
- {
- return "\"" + text.Replace("\\", "\\\\").Replace("\"", "\\\"") + "\"";
- }
static string ConvertToCompilable(string name, bool capitalize)
- var query =
- from c in name.TrimStart('@')
- select c.IsLetterOrDigit() ? c : '_';
- var sb = new StringBuilder();
- sb.Append(query.ToArray());
- if (sb.Length == 0)
- {
- sb.Append('_');
- }
- else
+ if (capitalize)
- if (sb[0].IsDigit())
- {
- sb.Insert(0, "_");
- }
- if (capitalize)
+ var sb = new StringBuilder(name);
+ for (int i = 0; i < sb.Length; i++)
- for (int i = 0; i < sb.Length; i++)
+ if (char.IsLetter(sb[i]))
- if (Char.IsLetter(sb[i]))
- {
- sb[i] = Char.ToUpper(sb[i]);
- break;
- }
+ sb[i] = sb[i].ToUpper();
+ break;
- }
- name = sb.ToString();
- if (_keyWords.Contains(name) || name.StartsWith("__"))
- {
- name = '@' + name;
+ name = sb.ToString();
- return name;
+ return CSharpTools.ToValidIdentifier(name);
diff --git a/Source/linq2db.LINQPad.csproj b/Source/linq2db.LINQPad.csproj
index 96d6f75..3fd6214 100644
--- a/Source/linq2db.LINQPad.csproj
+++ b/Source/linq2db.LINQPad.csproj
@@ -185,6 +185,7 @@
@@ -200,36 +201,11 @@
+ Designer
diff --git a/appveyor.yml b/appveyor.yml
index 1f47091..518fb7c 100644
--- a/appveyor.yml
+++ b/appveyor.yml
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
-version: 2.5.1.{build}
+version: 2.5.2.{build}
os: Visual Studio 2017
configuration: Release
patch: true
file: '**\AssemblyInfo.*'
- assembly_version: '2.5.1'
- assembly_file_version: '2.5.1'
- assembly_informational_version: '2.5.1'
+ assembly_version: '2.5.2'
+ assembly_file_version: '2.5.2'
+ assembly_informational_version: '2.5.2'
- cmd: nuget restore