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Advanced Configuration

linrongbin16 edited this page Oct 8, 2023 · 18 revisions

local function file_previewer_rg(line) local line_helpers = require("fzfx.line_helpers") local parsed = line_helpers.parse_grep(line) local style = "numbers,changes" if type(vim.env["BAT_STYLE"]) == "string" and string.len(vim.env["BAT_STYLE"]) > 0 then style = vim.env["BAT_STYLE"] end local theme = "base16" if type(vim.env["BAT_THEME"]) == "string" and string.len(vim.env["BAT_THEME"]) > 0 then theme = vim.env["BAT_THEME"] end -- "%s --style=%s --theme=%s --color=always --pager=never --highlight-line=%s -- %s" return { vim.fn.executable("batcat") > 0 and "batcat" or "bat", "--style=" .. style, "--theme=" .. theme, "--color=always", "--pager=never", "--highlight-line=" .. parsed.lineno, "--", parsed.filename, } end

local function merge_query_options(merged, option) local option_splits = vim.split(option, " ", { plain = true, trimempty = true }) for _, o in ipairs(option_splits) do if type(o) == "string" and string.len(o) > 0 then table.insert(merged, o) end end return merged end

require("fzfx").setup({ live_grep = { commands = { -- normal { name = "FzfxLiveGrep", feed = "args", opts = { bang = true, nargs = "", desc = "Live grep", }, default_provider = "restricted_mode", }, { name = "FzfxLiveGrepU", feed = "args", opts = { bang = true, nargs = "", desc = "Live grep unrestricted", }, default_provider = "unrestricted_mode", }, { name = "FzfxLiveGrepB", feed = "args", opts = { bang = true, nargs = "", desc = "Live grep only on current buffer", }, default_provider = "buffer_mode", }, -- visual { name = "FzfxLiveGrepV", feed = "visual", opts = { bang = true, range = true, desc = "Live grep by visual select", }, default_provider = "restricted_mode", }, { name = "FzfxLiveGrepUV", feed = "visual", opts = { bang = true, range = true, desc = "Live grep unrestricted by visual select", }, default_provider = "unrestricted_mode", }, { name = "FzfxLiveGrepBV", feed = "visual", opts = { bang = true, nargs = "", desc = "Live grep only on current buffer by visual select", }, default_provider = "buffer_mode", }, -- cword { name = "FzfxLiveGrepW", feed = "cword", opts = { bang = true, desc = "Live grep by cursor word", }, default_provider = "restricted_mode", }, { name = "FzfxLiveGrepUW", feed = "cword", opts = { bang = true, desc = "Live grep unrestricted by cursor word", }, default_provider = "unrestricted_mode", }, { name = "FzfxLiveGrepBW", feed = "cword", opts = { bang = true, nargs = "", desc = "Live grep only on current buffer by cursor word", }, default_provider = "buffer_mode", }, -- put { name = "FzfxLiveGrepP", feed = "put", opts = { bang = true, desc = "Live grep by yank text", }, default_provider = "restricted_mode", }, { name = "FzfxLiveGrepUP", feed = "put", opts = { bang = true, desc = "Live grep unrestricted by yank text", }, default_provider = "unrestricted_mode", }, { name = "FzfxLiveGrepBP", feed = "put", opts = { bang = true, nargs = "", desc = "Live grep only on current buffer by yank text", }, default_provider = "buffer_mode", }, }, providers = { restricted_mode = { key = "ctrl-r", provider = function(query) local parsed_query = require("fzfx.utils").parse_flag_query(query or "") local content = parsed_query[1] local option = parsed_query[2]

                if type(option) == "string" and string.len(option) > 0 then
                    -- "rg --column -n --no-heading --color=always -S %s -- %s"
                    local args = {
                    args = merge_query_options(args, option)
                    table.insert(args, "--")
                    table.insert(args, content)
                    return args
                    -- "rg --column -n --no-heading --color=always -S -- %s"
                    return {
            provider_type = "command_list",
            line_opts = {
                prepend_icon_by_ft = true,
                prepend_icon_path_delimiter = ":",
                prepend_icon_path_position = 1,
        unrestricted_mode = {
            key = "ctrl-u",
            provider = function(query)
                local parsed_query =
                    require("fzfx.utils").parse_flag_query(query or "")
                local content = parsed_query[1]
                local option = parsed_query[2]

                if type(option) == "string" and string.len(option) > 0 then
                    -- "rg --column -n --no-heading --color=always -S -uu %s -- %s"
                    local args = {
                    args = merge_query_options(args, option)
                    table.insert(args, "--")
                    table.insert(args, content)
                    return args
                    -- "rg --column -n --no-heading --color=always -S -uu -- %s"
                    return {
            provider_type = "command_list",
            line_opts = {
                prepend_icon_by_ft = true,
                prepend_icon_path_delimiter = ":",
                prepend_icon_path_position = 1,
        buffer_mode = {
            key = "ctrl-o",
            provider = function(query, context)
                local utils = require("fzfx.utils")
                local log = require("fzfx.log")
                local path = require("fzfx.path")

                local parsed_query = utils.parse_flag_query(query or "")
                local content = parsed_query[1]
                local option = parsed_query[2]
                if not utils.is_buf_valid(context.bufnr) then
                        "not valid buffer(%s).",
                    return nil
                local current_bufpath =
                if type(option) == "string" and string.len(option) > 0 then
                    -- "rg --column -n --no-heading --color=always -S -uu %s -- %s"
                    local args = {
                    args = merge_query_options(args, option)
                    table.insert(args, "--")
                    table.insert(args, content)
                    return args
                    -- "rg --column -n --no-heading --color=always -S -uu -- %s"
                    return {
            provider_type = "command_list",
            line_opts = {
                prepend_icon_by_ft = true,
                prepend_icon_path_delimiter = ":",
                prepend_icon_path_position = 1,
    previewers = {
        restricted_mode = {
            previewer = file_previewer_rg,
            previewer_type = "command_list",
        unrestricted_mode = {
            previewer = file_previewer_rg,
            previewer_type = "command_list",
        buffer_mode = {
            previewer = file_previewer_rg,
            previewer_type = "command_list",
    actions = {
        ["esc"] = require("fzfx.actions").nop,
        ["enter"] = require("fzfx.actions").edit_rg,
        ["double-click"] = require("fzfx.actions").edit_rg,
    fzf_opts = {
        { "--prompt", "Live Grep > " },
        { "--delimiter", ":" },
        { "--preview-window", "+{2}-/2" },
    other_opts = {
        reload_on_change = true,


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