To deploy from the command line you will need a GCP account and the glcoud tool installed. Instruction for installing the Google Cloud SDK that includes gcloud are here.
To set up your Google environment, run the command:
gcloud init
Now, you'll need a copy of this repo. To make a local copy, run the commands:
git clone
cd google-deployment-manager-couchbase
cd simple
This repo countains four different parameters files. You can deploy with any of them using For example, to deploy the simple configuration run the command:
./ simple <some deployment name>
The script then passes the cluster configuration to GCP and builds your cluster automatically.
To access the cluster, open the Google cloud console, navigate to Compute Engine and pick a node. You can access Couchbase Server on port 8091 of the public IP of that node. Couchbase Sync Gateway is accessible on port 4984.
To delete a deployment, run the command:
gcloud deployment-manager deployments delete <some deployment name>