- code alias as a shell builtin IN PROGRESS
- give identifier (pid) to commands PARTIALLY DONE
- support stdin, stdout, stderr and redirections PARTIALLY DONE
- make pipe
functionnal OK - make file writing
functionnal - make file reading
functionnal - redirecting redirections (with
put engine translations on engine part (
)- collect terms to translate in
(using a generator script ?) - allow override in assembling tool (
) - update the translations
- collect terms to translate in
add a precompilation step to unify po file (one per lang)
- find where is the best place for this file
- idem for pot file ?
Need external point of view...
- Is it easy to start from source ?
- Is it easy to create a little game with the engine ?
- Is it really hard to understand how to use the dev tools ?
- Is it really hard to understand how to parameter the dev tools ?
- Is it really hard to understand where to add a feature on engine ?
Allow to set a map position , to see the current place in a plan:
- require inheritance of parent position
- result appears with pwd
- text description of pwd shall have similarity with the picture
- test = walkthrough ?
- an interesting idea is to put logbook in the test/walkthrough. Where to put logbook / itentions ?
- cf how it is done in pyvida and game "Escape from Pleasure Island".
- Tag directories, i.e
- bridge/mansion:north
- bridge/path:west
- bridge/forest:south
- bridge/river:under
- bridge/sky:above
- get unifont as webfont ? or go back to terminal grotesque