diff --git a/CHANGES.md b/CHANGES.md index 720a141e6f..1fa9a54507 100644 --- a/CHANGES.md +++ b/CHANGES.md @@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ - Fixed an issue that zendesk integration feedback form might not always be opened via footer link - #3449: Gateway ckanRedirection module performance improvement +- related to #3448: make web server module to use read only registry node for site map generation ## v2.2.2 diff --git a/deploy/helm/internal-charts/web-server/README.md b/deploy/helm/internal-charts/web-server/README.md index 2028844466..bbe166300c 100644 --- a/deploy/helm/internal-charts/web-server/README.md +++ b/deploy/helm/internal-charts/web-server/README.md @@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ Kubernetes: `>= 1.14.0-0` | openInExternalTerriaMapButtonText | string | `nil` | When set, the string here will replace the text of the `Open in National Map` button in Map Preview area. | | openInExternalTerriaMapTargetUrl | string | `nil` | When set, the `Open in National Map` button in Map Preview area will sent map data to the URL provided and open the map preview there. When not set, UI will by default send to the National Map. | | previewMapFormatPerference | list | `[{"format":"WMS","urlRegex":"^(?!.*(SceneServer)).*$"},{"format":"ESRI MAPSERVER","urlRegex":"MapServer"},{"format":"WFS","urlRegex":"^(?!.*(SceneServer)).*$"},{"format":"ESRI FEATURESERVER","urlRegex":"FeatureServer"},{"format":"GeoJSON","singleFile":true},{"format":"csv-geo-au","singleFile":true},{"format":"KML","singleFile":true},{"format":"KMZ","singleFile":true}]` | Preview map module format perference list The list includes one or more `format perference item`. When there are more than one data source available, "Preview Map module" will use this perference to determine which data soruce will be used. It will go through the perference list. The first matched format (i.e. find a data source with the format ) will be chosen. A `format perference item` can have the following fields: