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Coding Conventions

Moritz edited this page Nov 24, 2022 · 14 revisions


We use GitHub Actions to run several checks and tests in every pull request (PR). Check the ci.yml workflow. Only PRs were all test succeed can be merged.

The linter scripts in the test folder can be useful for local testing.


Packages should depend on the package common.vm and import the module vm.common near the top of the code via:

Import-Module vm.common -Force -DisableNameChecking

This module, packages/common.vm/tools/vm.common/vm.common.psm1, defines functions that start with VM- to reuse code amongst packages and make package creation easier.


Script to Generate Package Templates

The package template generation script can automate most of the initial file setup. In most cases this should be your starting point.

Standard Template

Use this standard template to ensure all errors are properly logged.

$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'
Import-Module vm.common -Force -DisableNameChecking

try {
} catch {
  VM-Write-Log-Exception $_

ZIP Packages Template

For executables that are downloaded as a ZIP file from a URL and does not require any special installation steps, use the VM-Install-From-Zip function. For example, check the capa installer.

NOTE: This assumes there is an executable after unzipping named $toolName.exe.

$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'
Import-Module vm.common -Force -DisableNameChecking

$toolName = 'TOOL-NAME'
$category = 'CATEGORY-NAME'

$zipUrl = "ZIP-URL"
$zipSha256 = "ZIP-SHA265-HASH"

VM-Install-From-Zip $toolName $category $zipUrl $zipSha256

If your ZIP file unzips to a single folder and this folder contains all the tools (this is commonly seen with ZIPs from GitHub), use the flag -innerFolder $true as follows:

$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'
Import-Module vm.common -Force -DisableNameChecking

$toolName = 'TOOL-NAME'
$category = 'CATEGORY-NAME'

$zipUrl = "ZIP-URL"
$zipSha256 = "ZIP-SHA265-HASH"

VM-Install-From-Zip $toolName $category $zipUrl $zipSha256 -innerFolder $true

If you perform additional instructions before or after VM-Install-From-Zip (you've deviated from the ZIP template), surround all the code after Import-Module vm.common -Force -DisableNameChecking in the try/catch as seen in the standard template. For instance:

$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'
Import-Module vm.common -Force -DisableNameChecking

try {
  $toolName = 'die'
  $category = 'Utilities'

  $zipUrl = ''
  $zipSha256 = '00e01b28e50d32673d59d09f1e33457639a722aabec9f12c832e738e104fdf5b'
  $zipUrl_64 = ''
  $zipSha256_64 = '1ffd192e0f8120691e5c2c018c05245c6761d8aa01695807257044c82a676f27'

  $executablePath = (VM-Install-From-Zip $toolName $category $zipUrl $zipSha256 $zipUrl_64 $zipSha256_64 -innerFolder $true)[-1]
  VM-Add-To-Right-Click-Menu $toolName "detect it easy (DIE)" "`"$executablePath`" `"%1`"" "file"
} catch {
  VM-Write-Log-Exception $_

Standard Uninstaller Template

For software that does not require any special uninstall steps, use the VM-Uninstall function. For example, check the capa uninstaller.

$ErrorActionPreference = 'Continue'
Import-Module vm.common -Force -DisableNameChecking

$toolName = 'TOOL-NAME'
$category = 'CATEGORY-NAME'

VM-Uninstall $toolName $category

Best Practices

Error Handling

Package installers should set their error preferences to Stop when possible to ensure Chocolatey is notified of errors and that the packaged failed to install. This should be the first line of an installer (e.g., chocolateyInstall.ps1):

$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'

Where possible, leverage the function VM-Assert-Path to assert specific paths exist in order to fail the package as quickly as possible. For instance, after downloading a tool check that the file path to the tool exists:

# Download and unzip
$url = ""
$checksum = "00e8d32941b3a1a58a164efc38826099fd70856156762647c4bbd9e946e41606"
$packageArgs = @{
  packageName   = ${Env:ChocolateyPackageName}
  unzipLocation = $toolDir
  url           = $url
  checksum      = $checksum
  checksumType  = 'sha256'
Install-ChocolateyZipPackage @packageArgs
VM-Assert-Path (Join-Path $toolDir "capa.exe")

If joining a path via Join-Path that you expect to immediately exist, suffix it with -Resolve to have PowerShell check to see if the path exists and throw an error if it doesn't. For example:

$toolDir = Join-Path ${Env:RAW_TOOLS_DIR} 'x64dbg\release' -Resolve

Additionally, check for a few expected files to ensure installation succeeded. For example:

# Check for a few expected files to ensure installation succeeded
Join-Path $toolDir 'x64dbgpy.h' -Resolve | Out-Null

# -OR-

VM-Assert-Path (Join-Path $toolDir 'x64dbgpy.h')

Uninstalling is Best Effort

When uninstalling a package we do our best effort to remove everything related to the package. But this is not always possible (at least not in an easy way). Because of that, the uninstall shouldn't fail if any of the steps fail. This should be the first line of an uninstaller (e.g., chocolateyUninstall.ps1):

$ErrorActionPreference = 'Continue'

ZIP Files Cleanup Previous Files

If installing the contents of a ZIP file (i.e., using Install-ChocolateyZipPackage) preface the installation with the line of code below to assist potential upgrades:

VM-Remove-PreviousZipPackage ${Env:chocolateyPackageFolder}

The helper function above reads a .txt file within the Chocolatey package folder that lists line by line the location of each file copied to disk from the installed ZIP file and deletes each file.

Common Variable Names

Below are common variables used throughout most of our chocolateyInstall.ps1 files. Please reuse these names so each installer file feels and reads similar.


The name of the tool being installed, normally different from the package name. For example fakenet-ng.vm (package name) vs FakeNet-NG (tool name). For example:

$toolName = 'FakeNet-NG'


Represents the directory where the tool is actually installed. Typically, a subdirectory inside the tools directory (i.e., ${Env:RAW_TOOLS_DIR}); however, this can also be somewhere like ${Env:ProgramFiles}. For example:

$toolDir = Join-Path ${Env:RAW_TOOLS_DIR} $toolName


Path to a subdirectory inside the tools shortcuts directory (i.e., ${Env:TOOL_LIST_DIR}). The subdirectory represents the tool category. Possible values: Android, Debuggers, Decompilers, Delphi, Developer Tools, Disassemblers, dotNet, Flash, Forensic, Hex Editors, Java, Javascript, Net, Office, PDF, Pentest, PowerShell, Python, Text Editors, Utilities, VB, and Web Application. For example:

$shortcutDir = Join-Path ${Env:TOOL_LIST_DIR} 'Utilities'


The .LNK shortcut file that opens the tool. This file is located in the $shortcutDir. For example:

$shortcut = Join-Path $shortcutDir "$toolName.lnk"


Arguments used to call Install-ChocolateyZipPackage or Install-ChocolateyInstallPackage. For example:

$packageArgs = @{
  packageName   = ${Env:ChocolateyPackageName}
  unzipLocation = $toolDir
  url           = $url
  checksum      = $checksum
  checksumType  = 'sha256'
Install-ChocolateyZipPackage @packageArgs

Proxy Execution of a Tool

Some tools are command-line tools. The current method to execute command-line tools is to use a proxy such as cmd.exe. Below are the variables and an example showing how to execute a tool via a proxy.


Path to the tool's executable file. Generally used as the target of a shortcut and tool's file path added to the PATH.


Path to the tool's icon. If the tool executable has an icon within its resource section, you can reuse the tool's path (i.e., $executablePath).


Proxy to execute the tool's executable -- typically cmd.exe.


Working directory to execute the tool from.


Additional command-line arguments to pass to the tool. For example:

$executablePath = Join-Path $toolsDir 'capa.exe' -Resolve
$executableIcon = $executablePath
$executableCmd  = Join-Path ${Env:WinDir} "system32\cmd.exe"
$executableDir  = Join-Path ${Env:UserProfile} "Desktop"
$executableArgs = "/K `"cd `"$executableDir`" && `"$executablePath`" --help`""

$shortcut = Join-Path $shortcutDir 'capa.lnk'
Install-ChocolateyShortcut -shortcutFilePath $shortcut -targetPath $executableCmd -Arguments $executableArgs -WorkingDirectory $executableDir -IconLocation $executableIcon
VM-Assert-Path $shortcut

Path Passing

When using a file path variable as an argument to an external program, properly quote the path so that it will work correctly even if it has spaces in the path. For example:

$executableArgs = "/K `"cd `"$executableDir`" && `"$executablePath`" --help`""

And a full example:

$executablePath = Join-Path $toolsDir 'capa.exe' -Resolve
$executableIcon = $executablePath
$executableCmd  = Join-Path ${Env:WinDir} "system32\cmd.exe"
$executableDir  = Join-Path ${Env:UserProfile} "Desktop"
$executableArgs = "/K `"cd `"$executableDir`" && `"$executablePath`" --help`""

$shortcut = Join-Path $shortcutDir 'capa.lnk'
Install-ChocolateyShortcut -shortcutFilePath $shortcut -targetPath $executableCmd -Arguments $executableArgs -WorkingDirectory $executableDir -IconLocation $executableIcon
VM-Assert-Path $shortcut