At this point we support migrations from MantisBT. However, let us know what bug trackers you would like to migration from.
We don't support the following:
- Code customizations
- Migration from databases other than MySQL.
- Use of deprecated features (e.g. news, project docs, FTP attachments).
- Custom plugins that are not offered by MantisHub.
However, we support config customization, hence, any config overrides you had will work in MantisHub.
- Signup for a trial using the plan and subdomain name that you would like to migrate to.
- Feel free to try out the MantisHub experience. Any data entered into the trial will be discarded when your instance is migrated.
- Provide support with your database and attachment data to be migrated.
- Once migrated, you won't have to worry anymore about backups, upgrades, etc. You will be able to enjoy the MantisHub experience similar to users who started in MantisHub.
- Dump database "mysqldump -u [database_user] -p[database_password] [database_name] > [mysql_dump_file_path]". Replace parameters between square brackets with real values.
- Create a OneDrive, Google Drive or Dropbox folder.
- Copy config files like config_inc.php, custom_strings_inc.php (optional), custom_constants_inc.php (optional), custom_relationships_inc.php (optional) to the shared folder.
- Copy a zipped version of the mysql dump to the shared folder.
- Copy a zipped version of all attachments to the shared folder (if disk attachments are used).
- Contact support and we will arrange your migration and provide email to share folder with. We offer migrations over weekends to avoid downtime for your users.