- Take the XXXcover, XXXlcdAddapter and attach the XXXlcdscreen with 4 m3xXXXX screws.
- Peel the back of the XXXmembranKeypad making sure to remove all the paper.
- Take the XXXbase and Mount the XXXraspberry upside down on the mounting points. Make sure to place the usb port on the correct side.
- Take the XXXdrives and paste the heatsink in this position:
- Take 4 XXXscrews and 4 XXXnuts, place the nuts under the XXXbase and then secure the XXXregulator with the XXXscrews:
- Take the XXXpliug and fix it on the left upper corner of the base following this orientation.
- After every component is secured, take 1 XXXscrew and 1 nut, then place and fix the XXXelectronics holder.
Now you should have all the main components secured to your interface.