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thatJavaNerd edited this page Oct 31, 2014 · 8 revisions

Iteration through any sort of data returned by the Reddit API is done through the Paginator class. Paginator is used to iterate a listing, a data type defined by the Reddit API (see here for more). Its respective class can be found here.

Perhaps the most simplistic way to demonstrate a Paginator is by using SubredditPaginator. You can use this class to iterate the submissions on the front page or a subreddit.

RedditClient reddit = new RedditClient("MY-USER-AGENT");
SubredditPaginator frontPage = new SubredditPaginator(reddit);
// Adjust the request parameters
frontPage.setLimit(50);                    // Default is 25 (Paginator.DEFAULT_LIMIT)
frontPage.setTimePeriod(TimePeriod.MONTH); // Default is DAY (Paginator.DEFAULT_TIME_PERIOD)
frontPage.setSorting(Sorting.TOP);         // Default is HOT (Paginator.DEFAULT_SORTING)
// This Paginator is now set up to retrieve the highest-scoring links submitted within the past
// month, 50 at a time

// Since Paginator implements Iterator, you can use it just how you would expect to, using next() and hasNext()
Listing<Submission> submissions =;
for (Submission s : submissions) {
    // Print some basic stats about the posts
    System.out.printf("[/r/%s - %s karma] %s\n", s.getSubredditName(), s.getScore(), s.getTitle());

The output for this example might look something like this:

[/r/pics - 8510 karma] Got divorced, lost my job, so me and my buddy got on our motorcycles and rode North to the Alaskan Arctic until the road ran out.
[/r/funny - 6560 karma] Man trying to return a dog's toy gets tricked into playing fetch
[/r/videos - 6557 karma] Man races train overground from one station to the next.

Several Paginator subclasses (found in the net.dean.jraw.pagination package) are provided for you for data that is commonly accessed when writing bots and other applications.

Class Use Example Data
AllSubredditsPaginator View the newest or most popular subreddits Here
CompoundSubredditPaginator View submissions from multiple subreddits Here
InboxPaginator Read a user's inbox Here
LiveThreadPaginator View a live thread's updates (see here for more). Here
MultiHubPaginator Designed specifically to iterate /r/multihub and parse the owners and names of multireddits found there Here
MultiRedditPaginator Like SubredditPaginator, but instead iterates over a multireddit Here
SearchPaginator Allows access to Reddit's search functionality Here
SubredditPaginator Iterates over the submissions posted in a subreddit Here
SpecificPaginator Allows you to iterate over a given set of submission IDs, if for some reason you would like to do that. Here
UserContributionPaginator Iterates over a user's submissions, comments, gilded comments/submissions, etc. Here
UserRecordPaginator View listings of users relevant to a specific subreddit (banned, moderators, approved contributors, etc.) Here
UserSubredditsPaginator View the subreddits a user is an approved contributor of, moderates, or is subscribed to Here
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