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File metadata and controls

186 lines (149 loc) · 6.58 KB


The following serves as a sort of pseudo-example. It skips server/client implementation details not related to JSON:API but still gives a more complete picture of what an implementation using this framework might look like. You can play with this example code in the Playground provided with this repo.

Preamble (Setup shared by server and client)

// Make String a CreatableRawIdType.
var globalStringId: Int = 0
extension String: CreatableRawIdType {
	public static func unique() -> String {
		globalStringId += 1
		return String(globalStringId)

// Create a typealias because we do not expect JSON:API Resource
// Objects for this particular API to have Metadata or Links associated
// with them. We also expect them to have String Identifiers.
typealias JSONEntity<Description: ResourceObjectDescription> = JSONAPI.ResourceObject<Description, NoMetadata, NoLinks, String>

// Similarly, create a typealias for unidentified entities. JSON:API
// only allows unidentified entities (i.e. no "id" field) for client
// requests that create new entities. In these situations, the server
// is expected to assign the new entity a unique ID.
typealias UnidentifiedJSONEntity<Description: ResourceObjectDescription> = JSONAPI.ResourceObject<Description, NoMetadata, NoLinks, Unidentified>

// Create relationship typealiases because we do not expect
// JSON:API Relationships for this particular API to have
// Metadata or Links associated with them.
typealias ToOneRelationship<Entity: JSONAPIIdentifiable> = JSONAPI.ToOneRelationship<Entity, NoIdMetadata, NoMetadata, NoLinks>
typealias ToManyRelationship<Entity: Relatable> = JSONAPI.ToManyRelationship<Entity, NoIdMetadata, NoMetadata, NoLinks>

// Create a typealias for a Document because we do not expect
// JSON:API Documents for this particular API to have Metadata, Links,
// useful Errors, or an APIDescription (The *SPEC* calls this
// "API Description" the "JSON:API Object").
typealias Document<PrimaryResourceBody: JSONAPI.CodableResourceBody, IncludeType: JSONAPI.Include> = JSONAPI.Document<PrimaryResourceBody, NoMetadata, NoLinks, IncludeType, NoAPIDescription, BasicJSONAPIError<String>>

// MARK: Entity Definitions

enum AuthorDescription: ResourceObjectDescription {
    public static var jsonType: String { return "authors" }

    public struct Attributes: JSONAPI.Attributes {
        public let name: Attribute<String>

    public typealias Relationships = NoRelationships

typealias Author = JSONEntity<AuthorDescription>

enum ArticleDescription: ResourceObjectDescription {
    public static var jsonType: String { return "articles" }

    public struct Attributes: JSONAPI.Attributes {
        public let title: Attribute<String>
        public let abstract: Attribute<String>

    public struct Relationships: JSONAPI.Relationships {
        public let author: ToOneRelationship<Author>

typealias Article = JSONEntity<ArticleDescription>

// MARK: Document Definitions

// We create a typealias to represent a document containing one Article
// and including its Author
typealias SingleArticleDocument = Document<SingleResourceBody<Article>, Include1<Author>>

// ... and a typealias to represent a batch document containing any number of Articles
typealias ManyArticleDocument = Document<ManyResourceBody<Article>, Include1<Author>>

Server Pseudo-example

// Skipping over all the API and database stuff, here's a chunk of code
// that creates a document. Note that this document is the entirety
// of a JSON:API response body.
func article(includeAuthor: Bool) -> CompoundResource<Article, SingleArticleDocument.Include> {
    // Let's pretend all of this is coming from a database:

    let authorId = Author.Id(rawValue: "1234")

    let article = Article(
        id: .init(rawValue: "5678"),
        attributes: .init(
            title: .init(value: "JSON:API in Swift"),
            abstract: .init(value: "Not yet written")
        relationships: .init(author: .init(id: authorId)),
        meta: .none,
        links: .none

    let authorInclude: SingleArticleDocument.Include?
    if includeAuthor {
        let author = Author(
            id: authorId,
            attributes: .init(name: .init(value: "Janice Bluff")),
            relationships: .none,
            meta: .none,
            links: .none
        authorInclude = .init(author)
    } else {
        authorInclude = nil

    return CompoundResource(
        primary: article,
        relatives: { [$0] } ?? []

func articleDocument(includeAuthor: Bool) -> SingleArticleDocument {

    let compoundResource = article(includeAuthor: includeAuthor)

    return SingleArticleDocument(
        apiDescription: .none,
        resource: compoundResource,
        meta: .none,
        links: .none

let encoder = JSONEncoder()
encoder.keyEncodingStrategy = .convertToSnakeCase
encoder.outputFormatting = .prettyPrinted

let responseBody = articleDocument(includeAuthor: true)
let responseData = try! encoder.encode(responseBody)

// Next step would be setting the HTTP body of a response.
// We will just print it out instead:
print(String(data: responseData, encoding: .utf8)!)

// ... and if we had received a request for an article without
// including the author:
let otherResponseBody = articleDocument(includeAuthor: false)
let otherResponseData = try! encoder.encode(otherResponseBody)
print(String(data: otherResponseData, encoding: .utf8)!)

Client Pseudo-example

enum NetworkError: Swift.Error {
    case serverError
    case quantityMismatch

// Skipping over all the API stuff, here's a chunk of code that will
// decode a document. We will assume we have made a request for a
// single article including the author.
func docode(articleResponseData: Data) throws -> (article: Article, author: Author) {
    let decoder = JSONDecoder()
    decoder.keyDecodingStrategy = .convertFromSnakeCase

    let articleDocument = try decoder.decode(SingleArticleDocument.self, from: articleResponseData)

    switch articleDocument.body {
    case .data(let data):
        let authors = data.includes[Author.self]

        guard authors.count == 1 else {
            throw NetworkError.quantityMismatch

        return (article: data.primary.value, author: authors[0])
    case .errors(let errors, meta: _, links: _):
        throw NetworkError.serverError

let response = try! docode(articleResponseData: responseData)

// Next step would be to do something useful with the article and author but we will print them instead.