The Tree mixin enables expansion of rows to display children.
], function (declare, OnDemandGrid, Keyboard, Selection, Tree) {
var treeGrid = new (declare([ OnDemandGrid, Keyboard, Selection, Tree ]))({
collection: myStore,
columns: {
// Render expando icon and trigger expansion from first column
name: { label: 'Name', renderExpando: true },
type: 'Type',
population: 'Population',
timezone: 'Timezone'
}, 'treeGrid');
The Tree mixin expects to operate on a store-backed grid, such as an OnDemandGrid or a grid with the Pagination extension mixed in.
The store connected to the grid is expected to provide a getChildren(object)
method to return the children for a given item. getChildren
should return a
collection as well; dgrid will track and request ranges from it just like it
does for the top level.
The store may also (optionally) provide a mayHaveChildren(object)
method which
returns a boolean indicating whether or not the row can be expanded. If this
is not provided, all items will be rendered with expand icons.
The dstore/Tree
module provides a reference implementation of these functions.
The Tree mixin supports the following additional column definition properties.
Property | Description |
expandOn |
Event(s) to trigger grid expansion; defaults to expanding when an expando icon is clicked, or a cell in the tree column is double-clicked or receives a space key event. |
renderExpando |
Boolean or function. If set to true , this column will contain an arrow icon and double-click handler for expanding/collapsing rows. If set to a function, that function will be called to render the expando icon instead of the default. Note: only one column in the grid should have renderExpando set. |
When the Tree mixin is applied to a column in a grid, the grid is augmented with the following methods and properties.
Property | Description |
collapseOnRefresh |
Boolean indicating whether to collapse all parents (essentially "forgetting" expanded state) whenever the grid is refreshed; the default is false . |
enableTreeTransitions |
Boolean indicating whether to perform CSS transitions when expanding/collapsing; the default is true . Note that this does not apply to browsers which do not support CSS transitions (e.g. IE < 10). |
expand(row, expand) |
Expands or collapses the row indicated by the given Row object (from grid.row(target) ) or a dgrid-row element. The optional expand argument specifies whether the row should be expanded (true ) or collapsed (false ); if unspecified, the method toggles the current expanded state of the row. Returns a promise which resolves after data for the children has been retrieved. |
shouldExpand(row, level, previouslyExpanded) |
Optional function which returns a boolean indicating whether the given row should be expanded when rendered. The default implementation simply returns the value of previouslyExpanded , which denotes whether the row in question was previously expanded before being re-rendered. |
treeIndentWidth |
Number of pixels to indent each nested level of children; the default is 9 . |