This program cuts protein sequences under 4 different criteria: 1) cut a residue range
The following Python module needs to be available to the script:
- tmsFunction
This module is part of the distribution.
The following options are available. You can also run the script without arguments to display the options:
-h, --help show this help message and exit.
-if INPUTFILE The path of the file containing the FASTA sequences
that are to be processed.
-od OUTPUTDIR The path to the directory for the output. If the
directory is not present,it will be created.
-of OUTFILE Name of the file in which the processed sequence will
be placed. NOTE: Do not add any extensions to the
name. ".faa" will automaticaly be assigned.
-rangeCut Extract a segment of variable size from a protein
sequence. Start(-s or --start) and End(-e or --end)
required for range cut.
-equal Cut protein(s) into segments of equal length. Parts
(-p or --parts) required for equal cut.
-tmsCut Cut multiple sequences between any two TMS's. Start(-s
or --start) and End(-e or --end) required for TMS
cut.The tail argument is optional, but the default is 3.
-split Split protein(s) into groups of TMS. Choose
overlapping(-over) or non-overlapping(-non). DEFAULT
is non-overlapping. TMS(-tms) argument required for
TMS split.The tail argument is optional, but the
default is 3.
-t TAIL, --tail TAIL The number of residues left before and after the
sequence segments. DEFAULT is 3.
-p PARTS, --parts PARTS
Argument for equal cut. The number of segments of
equal length the sequence(s) should be cut into.
-s START, --start START
Argument for TMS cut. The number of the TMS or Residue
that will be the first in the segment.
-e END, --end END Argeument for TMS cut. The number of the TMS or
Residue that will be the last in the segment.
-tms TMS Argument for TMS Split. The number of TMS per group.
-over Argument for TMS Split. TMS are grouped by overlapping
sections. Ex [1,2,3],[2,3,4] etc...
-non DEFAULT Argument for TMS Split. TMSs are grouped by
non-overlapping sections. Ex [1,2,3],[4,5,6] etc...
Also requires a condition -ignore, -append, or -new
-ignore Argument for TMS Split Non-Overlapping. Any TMS that
are not able to be formed into a full group are
-append DEFAULT Argument for TMS Split Non-Overlapping.Any TMS
that are not able to be formed into a full group are
added to the last possible segment.
-new Argument for TMS Split Non-Overlapping. Any TMS that
are not able to be formed into a full group are added
to another segment