Releases: mfroeling/QMRITools
Releases · mfroeling/QMRITools
Code cleanup
3.5.0 cleanup for release 4.0
rebuild for 13.3
performance and functionality of tractography
rebuild of documentation.
tractography updates
3.3.0 dix fix
finalize bids process for DTI, Dixon and T2mapping
3.2.0 version update
demonstration update
small bug fixes and alignment of demonstration notebook with code updates
final muscle bids v1
completed muscle bids functionality for motion study
Muscle Bids and Dixon
major changes to dixon and optimization of muscle bids.
needs documentation update!
Introduction of Muscle-Bids
Update to include Muscle-Bids support, Extended logging for scripting and imporved tractography methods.
Full rebuild of 750 documentation pages.
Added functions for Fasculation analysis of muscle DTI data
Update of documentation.
dixon and registration fixes
bugfixes and cleanup of registration functions.
masking optimization
restructure of internal toolboox demo data and files
denoise updates
dixon updates