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An example of how to use the bundle config

python -m monai.bundle run display --config_file example.yaml

By running the command within the same directory of this readme file, an example MedNIST dataset (~60MB) will be downloaded and a PyTorch-style Dataset will be created. The yaml config file also specifies the necessary commands to display the first pair of images in the dataset (shown in the figure).

More specifically:

  • python -m monai.bundle run is the command provided by the monai.bundle module. Apart from run, there are other actions available, such as download and init_bundle.
  • display is a user-defined component name in the example.yaml config file.
  • --config_file example.yaml specifies the config file describing the workflow, monai.bundle module supports both yaml and json formats (syntax quick ref.).

The rest of the readme file will explain how the yaml config file is parsed in detail.


Installing MONAI ( and basic knowledge of Python and Pytorch.

Parsing the example.yaml

Import modules

The bundle parser will first evaluate all the import statements such as import package and from package import mod.

  - $import glob
  - $import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

These two statements will be evaluated and the imported modules will be available throughout the config file. By default, the parser imports monai's modules and import numpy as np for you, so you don't need to add them in the config file.

Running the display component

After all the import statements are evaluated, the display component defined as follows will be evaluated:

  - _requires_: "@downloading"
  - $print("displaying images:")
  - $plt.subplot(1,2,1)
  - $plt.imshow(@first_pair['f_img'][0], cmap="gray")
  - $plt.subplot(1,2,2)
  - $plt.imshow(@first_pair['m_img'][0], cmap="gray")
  - $

_requires_ is a special key for the bundle parsing, it specifies the dependencies of the component. In this case, the display component requires the downloading component to be executed first.

The rest of the keys are the list of commands to be executed. The bundle parser will evaluate the commands in the order they are defined in the config file.

$ is the prefix for the commands, it tells the parser to evaluate the following string as a Python expression.

The @ prefix is used to refer to another component. In this case, the display component refers to the output of the first_pair component, which is a dictionary containing the first pair of images in the dataset. At the runtime, the @first_pair will be replaced by the output of the first_pair component.

Running the first_pair component

first_pair: $@preprocessing(@paired_dataset[0])

The first_pair component is a simple Python expression, it refers to calling the preprocessing python instance with the first element of paired_dataset, which is a dictionary containing the first pair of images in the dataset.

Defining the preprocessing component

  _target_: Compose

    - _target_: LoadImaged
      keys: [f_img, m_img]
      image_only: True

    - _target_: EnsureChannelFirstd
      keys: [f_img, m_img]

    - _target_: ScaleIntensityRanged
      keys: [f_img, m_img]
      a_min: 0.
      a_max: 255.
      b_min: 0.0
      b_max: 1.0

    - _target_: RandRotated
      keys: [m_img]
      range_x: $np.pi/4
      prob: 1.0
      mode: "bicubic"
      keep_size: True

    - _target_: RandZoomd
      keys: [m_img]
      min_zoom: 0.9
      max_zoom: 1.1
      prob: 1.0
      mode: "bicubic"

_target_ is a special key for the bundle parsing, it specifies the class to be instantiated. In this case, the preprocessing component is a Compose object. Compose is resolved to monai.transforms.Compose by default, so you don't need to specify the full path.

transforms is the first argument to monai.transforms.Compose, it specifies the list of transforms to be added to the Compose object.

The rest of the keys are the arguments to the transforms. In this case, the LoadImaged transform is used to load the images from the file paths, EnsureChannelFirstd transform is used to ensure the image data is in channel-first format, ScaleIntensityRanged transform is used to scale the image intensity to [0, 1]. RandRotated transform is used to randomly rotate the moving image, and RandZoomd transform is used to randomly zoom the moving image.

The equivalent Python code of the yaml config file as a comparison

import glob
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import monai
import monai.transforms as mt
import numpy as np

url = ""
monai.apps.utils.download_and_extract(url, './mednist.tar.gz')

dataset_dir = "MedNIST/Hand"
datalist = list(sorted(glob.glob(f"{dataset_dir}/*.jpeg")))
paired_dataset = [{"f_img": item, "m_img": item} for item in datalist]

preprocessing = mt.Compose(
        mt.LoadImaged(keys=("f_img", "m_img"), image_only=True),
        mt.EnsureChannelFirstd(keys=("f_img", "m_img")),
            keys=("f_img", "m_img"), a_min=0.0, a_max=255.0, b_min=0.0, b_max=1.0
            keys=["m_img"], range_x=np.pi / 4, prob=1.0, mode="bicubic", keep_size=True
        mt.RandZoomd(keys=["m_img"], min_zoom=0.9, max_zoom=1.1, prob=1.0, mode="bicubic"),

first_pair = preprocessing(paired_dataset[0])
print("displaying images:")
plt.subplot(1, 2, 1)
plt.imshow(first_pair["f_img"][0], cmap="gray")
plt.subplot(1, 2, 2)
plt.imshow(first_pair["m_img"][0], cmap="gray")

Topics not covered but possible in the config

  • Running customized Python components (made available on the PYTHONPATH).
  • Overriding the component in example.yaml using, for example, --id=new_value in the command line.
  • Multiple configuration files and cross-file references.
  • Replacing in terms of plain texts instead of Python objects (tutorial).
  • The debugging mode to investigate the intermediate variables and results.