- string handling
- string manipulation methods: split(), join(), strip(), replace(), find()
- formatting methods
- f-strings: formatted string literals)
- format(): constructing strings with variables
- regular expressions: for advanced string manipulation
- data structures
- built-in data structures: lists, dictionaries, sets, tuples
- lists: for dynamic arrays, stacks, queues
- dictionaries: uesful for key-value pair storage and quick lookups
- sets: for unique valuestroage and set operations
- set operations: union, intersection, complement, difference, symmetric difference, subset, superset, disjoin sets
- tuples: immutable and can used when ordered collection of itmes are needed
- built-in data structures: lists, dictionaries, sets, tuples
- list comprehension
- create compact and readable code for list transformations and filtering using list comprehension
- error handling
- try...except blocks
- IndexError,TypeError, ValueError
- try...except blocks
- built-in functions
- len(), max(), min(), sum()
- libraries and modules
- math, regluar expressions, data manipulation
- time complexity
- of list slicing, dictionary lookups,and set operations
- testing
- unittest: built-in testing frameworks
- pytest: third-party libraries
- documentation and comments
- use docstrings for functions and comments to explain my code
- coding style
- adhere to the PEP 8 style guide
- lambda function