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- filePath: "/general/development/policies/codingstyle/index.md"
slug: "/general/development/policies/codingstyle"
+- filePath: "/docs/apis/core/comment/index.md"
+ slug: "/docs/apis/core/comment/"
- filePath: "/general/development/policies/component-communication/index.md"
slug: "/general/development/policies/component-communication"
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@@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ The [Check API](./apis/subsystems/check/index.md) allows you to add security, pe
### Comment API (comment)
-The [Comment API](https://docs.moodle.org/dev/Comment_API) allows you to save and retrieve user comments, so that you can easily add commenting to any of your code.
+The [Comment API](./api/core/comment) allows you to save and retrieve user comments, so that you can easily add commenting to any of your code.
### Competency API (competency)
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+title: Comment API
+ - API
+import { Since } from '@site/src/components';
+## Objectives
+The goals of Comment API:
+- Manage comments centrally
+- Use a consistent approach for all comments throughout Moodle
+- Easily integrate Comment API with existing modules
+- Works no matter JavaScript is enabled or not
+## Overview
+Comment API provides following functionalities:
+1. Add comments
+1. Manage comments
+1. Delete comments
+And provides a fancy ajax interface to add/delete comments without reloading page.
+## Comment API database table
+| Field | Type | Default | Info |
+| --- | --- | --- | --- |
+| id | int(10) | auto-incrementing | The unique ID for this comment. |
+| userid | int(10) | | who wrote this comment |
+| contextid | int(10) | | The context id defined in context table - identifies the instance of plugin owning the comment. |
+| itemid | int(10) | | Some plugin specific item id (eg. forum post, blog entry or assignment submission) |
+| commentarea | int(10) | | for example, in user profile, you can comment user's description or interests, but they share the same itemid(==userid), we need comment_area to separate them |
+| timecreated | int(10) | | |
+| timemodified | int(10) | | |
+| content | text | | content of comment |
+## Use Comment API
+### Add an option to format_text function
+Using this `format_text` function will add a comment icon automatically at the end of the text:
+For example, using the following code in the forum module will add a comment icon to every post:
+$cmt = new stdclass;
+$cmt->contextid = $modcontext->id;
+$cmt->area = 'format_post';
+$cmt->itemid = $post->id;
+$options->comments = $cmt;
+echo format_text($post->message, $post->messageformat, $options, $course->id)."
+### Use comment class
+To use Comment API elsewhere, using following code:
+$options->area = 'database_entry';
+$options->context = $context;
+$options->itemid = $record->id;
+$options->component = 'mod_data';
+$options->showcount = true;
+$comment = new comment($options);
+## Comment API overview
+Generally speaking, only two functions you need to know to get comment API worked:
+1. Use `comment::init` to initialize Comment API
+1. Use `$comment->output` to display comments
+The comment class has been implemented in `comment/lib.php`.
+### class comment()
+#### __construct($contextid, $comment_area, $itemid))
+Initialize class members.
+#### init()
+It is a static function used to initialize comments, setting up languages, which must be called before html head printed.
+#### output($return = false)
+Will print the html snippet for commenting interface, if set `$return` as true, it will return html string instead of printing out.
+#### print_comments($params = array())
+Used by non-JavaScript comment interface, will print a list of comments.
+#### add($content)
+Public instance funciton, add a comment to database, used in `comment/comment_ajax.php`.
+#### count()
+Counting the number of comments.
+#### delete($id)
+Delete a comment from database, used in `comment/comment_ajax.php`
+#### delete_comments
+Delete all comments in a specific contexts (like all comments belonging to a forum post).
+## JavaScript API
+Comment API implemented a YUI3 module M.core_comment to deal with the communication between browsers and moodle.
+It can be found in `comment/comment.js`.
+Call `M.core_comment.init` will create an instance of CommentHelper class. You don't need to make any calls to this instance, it simply works out of box.
+## Moodle modules callback
+Comment API allows `modules/blocks/blog` to decide how comments display.
+### Data validation
+This callback method is required, it must be implemented. Otherwise, new comment will be rejected by default.
+Plugins must implement `pluginname_comment_validate` callback to validate comments parameters, it must return true to pass validation.
+### Permission control
+Modules must implement function `pluginname_comment_permissions` to return post and view permission.
+Blocks need to overwrite `blockname_comment_permissions` function of block_base.
+Blog need to implement `blog_comment_permissions` function.
+This function will return an array: `array('post'=>true, 'view'=>true)`.
+### Check new added comment
+The callback function allows you to change the comment content before inserting into database or reject this comment.
+It takes two arguments, the comment object which contains comment details, and $params which contains context and course information.
+Modules can implement a function named `modname_comment_add`.
+Blocks need to overwrite `blockname_comment_add` function.
+Blog need to implement `blog_comment_add` function.
+This function should return a boolean value.
+### Filter/format comments
+This callback allows modules check/format comments when user request to display comments.
+It takes the same arguments as `pluginname_comment_add`.
+Modules can implement a function named `pluginname_comment_display`.
+Blocks need to overwrite `blockname_comment_display` function.
+Blog need to implement `blog_comment_display` function.
+It will return the comment object.
+### Define a comment template
+Modules can implement a function named `pluginname_comment_template`, which allow modules define a comment template.
+The template must have 4 embedding variables, `___id___`, `___content___`, `___time___`, `___name___`, they will be replaced with html id, comments content, comment time and commenter name
+## Backup and Restore
+Comments will automatically be included in the activity/course backups and restored provided the itemids can be updated during the restore process. To do this either:
+- do not use item ids and rely just on the context
+- make the commentarea the same as one of the mappings in the restore (set_mapping); or
+- override the function `get_comment_mapping_itemname` in the restore activity class
+If you do not do one of these the comments will be silently ignored on restore.
+## See also
+- [Core APIs](../../../apis.md)
+- [MDL-19118](https://tracker.moodle.org/browse/MDL-19118) - Comment API issue
+- [コメントAPI](https://docs.moodle.org/ja/コメントAPI)