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This directory contains additional information about experiments summarized in the DSN2021 submission.
Excel file FIG2STORM_API_results.xlsx contains summay of experiments. Each row of sheet-1 refers to a different test case, and columns refer to experiments performed with different tools.
PDF file BDMPs.pdf contains BDMPs that we have experimented with FigaroAPI.
Text file Stormresults.txt provides screen dump of some test cases.
The directory Results-reported-in-paper contains source files for the test cases reported in DSN paper.
The direcotry 04-FigaroAPI-results for comparison with storm contains many test cases used during development of the FigaroAPI.
PDF file Test cases.pdf contains the test cases reported in the paper.
This python file is the translator that loops over the directory structure and converts all encountered figaro files to cpp files.
The data base V4.0database.mdb can only be opened in KB3. Therefore, might not be helpful for reviewrs.
The tool is available here as a branch of Storm We plan to build command line interface and ship FigaroAPI in futrue release of Storms model checker