Built using XCode 11.7 (Swift 4)
iOS Deployment Target > 13.7
- XCode 11.0+ running on macOS 10.15+
- iPhone with iOS 13.0+ for simulating app
Steps to run the app:
- Clone this repo
- Open shell window and navigate to project folder
- Run
pod install
- Open
and run the project on selected device (note: launching on simulator is not available as AR functionality is not supported on device simulator)
This app's purpose is to provide information to tourists in Vilnius using Augmented Reality.
Users using the app are able to:
- Find nearby landmarks in Vilnius
- Search through database of landmarks with information
- Rate landmarks
- Scan landmark object using AR for information
- Browse for landmarks in a map
- Find landmark in map
- Get directions to landmark
- Find your location relative to landmarks in the city
- Change language between Lithuanian and English in app settings
- Set dark/light mode in general device settings
Demonstration of the app: