- Navigate to your Application Insights resource in the Portal
- Click on Workbooks New
- Click Empty then click "+Add" in the New Workbook section to add text describing the upcoming content in the workbook. Text is edited using Markdown syntax.
Tip: You can add here the text of our Challenge (Objectives, Tasks ..etc)
- Click done editing to see how it looks, if it looks bad you can use an online Text to Markup converter.
Tips: Use Add text to describe the upcoming table Use Add parameters to create the time selector Use Add query to retrieve data from pageViews Use Column Settings to change labels of column headers and use Bar and Threshold visualizations.
Add the following time parameter:
- And the following Query: (Browser Statistics)
| summarize pageSamples = count(itemCount), pageTimeAvg = avg(duration), pageTimeMax = max(duration) by name
| sort by pageSamples desc
- And the following Query: (Request Failures)
| where success == false
| summarize total_count=sum(itemCount), pageDurationAvg=avg(duration) by name, resultCode
- You can also add a Metric to create a metric chart, add the server response time.
Should look something like that:
- Add another query to show the CPU Usage but change your Resource Type to Virtual Machines
Tip: Make use of the sample queries in the Log Analytics Workspace
- Add another query, change the Resource Type to Log Analytics
- Change your workspace to the LA workspace with your AKS container logs
Add this query which is used for section Disk Used Percentage
| where Namespace == "container.azm.ms/disk"
| where Name == "used_percent"
| project TimeGenerated, Computer, Val
| summarize avg(Val) by Computer, bin(TimeGenerated, 1m)
| render timechart
Should look like that:
- Save your workbook.
Great work ;-) you have finished!