MT is looking how to get "THERE"
- Moving test from cost center to cost benefit
- Being Force multiplier
Software is much easier to produce
Thanks to advancements in Continuous Delivery, the customer has much more options to choose from
- Companies are shipping faster
It's much easier to compete with any company
- For customers, the switching cost has gone way down
- They are based on Experience and observation
To make contrast with Traditional
- Traditional testing is not only a cost but also delay
Our priority is improving the business.
What it means to improve the business?
- MTer needs to be seen as positive influence
- Boiling Frogs
- Adoption has to be gradual
- Delta from Idea to deployments is rapid
- Get that mvp out with just enough quality to get feedback from customers
- “You don’t get value from engineering effort until it is in customer hands”
- Think not only how to get it out but what’s next
- No one tests your product better than your customer
- what in case of software houses? They don't have product per se
- There are bugs and bugs that customer cares about
- The GOAL
- Short Term
- Provide Value to customer Frequently
- Long Term
- Making sure Principle are Followed
We accelerate the team, and use models like Lean Thinking and the Theory of Constraints to help identify, prioritize and mitigate bottlenecks from the system.
Our goal is to accelerate team
that doesn't mean "we have to go fast"
- Instead we are force multiplier
its about combining
- adaptiblity
- Reaction
- Quickness
Lean Principles
- Deliver fast by managing the flow
- source: https://www.lean.org/WhatsLean/Principles.cfm
Books to read
- The Goal: A Business Graphic Novel
- Phonix Project
- Lean Thinking
Don’t forget MT context
By focusing the MT Practitioner on identifying their role as acceleration”
- this model were chosen because they are proven
It’s important cause far to much of The TEST is reverse of this
they create the bottleneck instead of resolving them
Example: stabilization period just before release
It’s easier to "build quality In" instead of trying to test "quality in"
Test Complete date
- No i don't mean the tool
- “If you test after test complete you will find bugs and that will cause us to miss the deadline"
This mantra is About completion and predictability not about value in order to accelerate you need mechanism to identify what value is and what the next bottleneck
- Mt don’t want testing to be viewed as bottle neck
Quality is problem solved to humans being
Fast feedback loop is critical in context of understanding what is quality
By Balancing fallacy of value with failure to launch
We are a force for continuous improvement, helping the team adapt and optimize in order to succeed, rather than providing a safety net to catch failures.
“We are going to favour continuously adapting and improving above safety net presentation model.”
Thou shall kill your safety net
- Traditional testing is treated as safty net
It’s wrong that testers feel validated by the fact the developers don’t want to test.
If we are going to move quality upstream, we have to retrain developers without the safety net
- “Too many people think the quality is limited to testing “
Code correctnes
The tester can coach code correctness, but devs own it.
Developers have to learn from their mistakes.
- Continuous improvement is about not being afraid of making mistakes but embracing them as a learning opportunity.
Isn’t unit testing a safety net too?
- Yes it is. And it should be there. TESTERS aren't though.
Safty net is a problem
- Brent test harness lead to developers stopped using design patterns and ended doing code reviews. Cause automation would catch mistakes. - it’s terrible cause sloppy architecture can’t scale and is hard to maintain.
To remove safety net, you need also ensure minimal risk of getting harm and consequences of damage cannot be severe
Continuous improvement
getting better all the time
Every time, not every half year, not every two weeks
Actionable vs vanity
- looking for improvement every time everywhere
- reducing the waste.
- Efficiency vs productivity
It’s a critical process change directly related to Quality
Testers are well suited to drive continuous improvement
- Tester has to see the system as a whole because of this they can easily spot place for improvement
- Testers are specialists in asking questions
By measuring
- Visibility
Unified engineering
- Specialists is a bottleneck!
Lots of small changes
Frequent retrospective (only 1-3 action)
- Testers are well suited for driving retros
- Also starfish model for long term retros
A small vertical slices of architecture
- MVP!
Master branch owned by the business they can release it whenever they want
We care deeply about the quality culture of our team, and we coach, lead, and nurture the team towards a more mature quality culture.
Quality culture and leadership
Testers need to stop being passive
Quality culture
is not Bugs
is not code correctnes
is user reaction to what you built
- What is a higher quality app with no bugs but with few users, or app with lots of bugs but 100k users?
is about eliminating friction (enchanting positive, reducing negativities)
Alan Defintion
- The shared mindset that delivering high-quality software to the customer is our top priority and all our practices support this effort
Bren Definiton
- IT is how do we build healthy, actives, not intuition based, useful view of users empathy within the organisation, caring about problems that users have
Getting people closer to understanding the problems that users are facing, how software developers are geared to solve it and how to stay current.
- Getting people closer to understanding the problems that users are facing, how software developers are geared to solve it and how to stay current.
- “Hey, customer are you happier ?”
What it mature Quality culture
It is maturity model use with caution
- its alan model - it doesn't has to work for you
Testing breadth
infancy example
- functional testing
adulthood example
- contextual testing
Quality test ownership ship
infancy example
- Tester are doing all the testing
adulthood example
- Testers are coaches
- No testeres needed, cause team gets it
Bug life cycle
infancy example
- bug backlog
adulthood example
- zero bug policy
how do you use code corretnes tools
Data analysis
infancy example
- oblivous
adulthood example
- data centric
Development approach
infancy example
- ad-hoc
adulthood example
- super small pathes
Learn and improvement
infancy example
no learning happens
- retrospectives are for whining
adulthood example
every failure is oportunity to learn
- and oportunity is taken
Leadership support
infancy example
adulthood example
- good quality pratices are praised suported and celebrated
read book
- Book leadership on the line
The reason is we want feedback from our customers more often
we want to understand and react to what they are doing,
- we want to reduce risk in the ability to do that
To work in the way we want to function, to keep, retain and engage more users we need the quality culture
to move testing
From Risk minimalisation
- to reacting to knowledge gained.
Unless the whole team has a common understanding of the problem trying to solve it is pointless
Small Batches
Knowledge sharing (software is knowledge works)
Try stuff -> fail -> learn
Don’t make sweeping changes at once
Small changes, and don’t give up
- Don’t try to change all at once
Reaping the band-aid works only when people are ready.
Brent example on slack TL:DR verion
my history: most time as QA, then as dev, now DS. I went to dev as a manager. Half of my dev were old school we dont test and half were ex Testers. 3 things I did to start: 0 bug backlog allowed , trained everyone on TDD , and lastly, bugs will not be fixed by the code author.
After learning/rumbling period was over, the whole team mentioned they would not ever go back to old ways....
bugs will NOT be fixed by the code author?
is the social pressure... teammates do not appreciate having to fix a bug in code you should have tested.... motivates correct behavior in long term.
Even better is to assign bug fixing to the peeps who approved the checkin
What about toxicty and hostily
- combine with retrospective
- and a clear non-negotiable expectation that the team works as a team
great way for knowledge sharing about code.
We believe that the customer is the only one capable to judge and evaluate the quality of our product
Definition customer - it is a human who takes a dependency on what you are releasing, and that human can make decisions what quality is
It is not about preventing harm
- How do we help business to go faster
Customers don’t want software; they want the problem solved.
It is seductive to believe “hey I am doing it forever I know what I am doing
There is a risk in trust that QA belife in requirements doc and PMs , are solving a customer problem
which is not often true
Features are developed cause we think they are cool, not because It solves problems.
Quite often asking teams
Q: “What problem it solves? “
lead to answer
“They will use it”
Q2:“What value does it bring? “
- “They will use it”
Need vs want
Usually, you need to decompose the want to Find the need
- Even in B2B case delivering what customer want not what they need, may end with customer leaving and never returning
Example of building wrong thing
Microsoft Kin
Ask your self
Who is my customer ?
What is the case when I am delivering software to business?
Who is customer then? Buissness or its customer?
- Both
- You need to be able to help your customers help their customers.
End users who benefit from software you are producing.
Testers are not customers.
- Unless you are selling software for testers.
Requirements from the business should be treated as hypothesis
For each feature request you can ask question:
- “Imagine you had that what would you do with it?”
Leaders ship is disappointing people at level they can absorb
- Small changes!
We use data extensively to deeply understand customer usage and then close the gaps between product hypotheses and business impact.
Validating hypotheses doesn’t mean pushing buggy software.
Your reaction time is important.
we need to be able to know
- What metrics meter
- What part of your product
Data is critical to scale
As long as you have good telemetry, you can find and fix bugs
Relaying on telemetry and customer data doesn’t mean it is using the customer as testers
Customer don’t care about test cases run, nor about a code coverage
- They care if theirs problem was solved
Instrument the hell out of your software
Use automation as a load generator and let the telemetry be a test oracle.
Data tells you where to focus.
Check episode 82
Once the product ship - look at the data and try to figure out which testing effort was wasted.
Which feature is barely used?
- It will help you count What is the ROI of current testing
Who values your product?
We expand testing abilities and knowhow across the team; understanding that this may reduce (or eliminate) the need for a dedicated testing specialist.
Modern Tester doesn’t test
- It is also transitory role
If you follow all principles you may not need testing specialists
No testing isn’t dead
- but testers are on their way out
- Testing is not a unique skill for testers others can do it too
- Testing is an activity, not a job.
There is a risk that Dev manager may not be able to deal with the mixed team - he will need a boiling frog
You need people that genuinely understand testing to help with the transition.
At the beginning you need experts to teach others how to test.
- Aka Bootstrapping effort
There is social pressure to conform
when you achieve quality culture
- it will be kept with minimal help, unless some one will actively try to change it
If you are a manager start working with your people. and easing them into transition
Give them a new place for their career to go
- And that new place is a positive one.
Based on agile principles
I have taken them from here: https://www.agilealliance.org/agile101/12-principles-behind-the-agile-manifesto/
- Our highest priority is to satisfy the customer through early and continuous delivery of valuable software.
- Welcome changing requirements, even late in development. Agile processes harness change for the customer's competitive advantage.
- Deliver working software frequently, from a couple of weeks to a couple of months, with a preference to the shorter timescale.
- Business people and developers must work together daily throughout the project.
- Build projects around motivated individuals. Give them the environment and support they need, and trust them to get the job done.
- The most efficient and effective method of conveying information to and within a development team is face-to-face conversation.
- Working software is the primary measure of progress.
- Agile processes promote sustainable development. The sponsors, developers, and users should be able to maintain a constant pace indefinitely.
- Continuous attention to technical excellence and good design enhances agility.
- Simplicity--the art of maximizing the amount of work not done--is essential.
- The best architectures, requirements, and designs emerge from self-organizing teams.
- At regular intervals, the team reflects on how to become more effective, then tunes and adjusts its behavior accordingly.
Who is customer for MT Principles?
Modern Tester
- Existed in this version
- Tester as coach
- He is not Champion of quality
- Responsible for quality culture
Principle importance
- Alan think all are equaly important
- Brent thinks principle 1 is most important
Principlaces first version
- The customer is the only one suitable to judge and evaluate the quality of our software
- it is combination of Testing Discipline , agile and Budisness as data
- We apply the theory of constraints to identify, prioritize and mitigate bottlenecks from the system (and accelerate the team).
- Constant re-evaluate of bottle necks
- Testing often is a bottle neck but rarly is a root cause of one.
- We are not the safety net for software correctness – we focus on improving the business, and not the code.
Testing is not responsible for code correctness
- Software quality!=code correctness
- We are responsible for the quality culture of our team, and are accountable for helping and coaching the team in this regard.
- We use data to deeply understand customer usage and customer pain.
- Embrace continuous improvement, and help the team adapt and optimize in order to solve customer pain
neither It doesn’t need to be now, nor it doesn’t have to be perfect- balance
- its about ballance
- We strive to reduce or eliminate the need for a dedicated testing specialist on our teams by increasing testing abilities and knowhow across the team.
Q: “These principles sound like Agile things. Why are they called out separately in MT principles ?“
- A: Agile is more fundamental than MT and addressees generic issues. MT principles are more focused on addressing testing issues
There is no MT specialist but MT activities are part of unified development, MT practitioner can take PM hat from time to time if needed
He is optimizer
Reducing waste and increasing value
Follower of MT notices patterns
unified development defintion
- https://www.angryweasel.com/ABTesting/ab-testing-episode-77-the-conception-of-the-modern-testing-principles/
- general: who is customer of the principles?