- eZ Platform 1.0+
Run the following from your website root folder to install Netgen OpenWeatherMap Bundle:
$ composer require netgen/open-weather-map-bundle
Activate the bundle in app/AppKernel.php
file by adding it to the $bundles
array in registerBundles
public function registerBundles()
$bundles[] = new Netgen\Bundle\OpenWeatherMapBundle\NetgenOpenWeatherMapBundle();
return $bundles;
Put the following in your app/config/routing.yml
file to be able to display tag view pages:
resource: "@NetgenOpenWeatherMapBundle/Resources/config/routing.yml"
prefix: /
Configure parameters related to OpenWeatherMap API in app/config/config.yml
or app/config/ezplatform.yml
api_key: 'YOUR API KEY HERE'
units: 'metric' # metric, imperial or standard
language: 'en' # Please check http://openweathermap.org/ for this one
type: 'accurate' # like or accurate
handler: 'stash' # stash, memcached or null
ttl: 3600 # required for memcached and stash
server: localhost # required for memcached
port: 11211 # required for memcached
Clear the eZ Platform caches with the following command:
$ php app/console cache:clear