Download can be found here:
Please note that BOTH disks need to be imported for the VM to function properly.
- Check the latest commits here:
- Documentation can be found here:
PR's are more than welcome. Happy Nextclouding!
If you run Hyper-V or want 500 GB, 1 TB or 2 TB VM you can download it from T&M Hansson IT's shop.
- Drop all tables from FTS when reinstalling to avoid leftovers
- Make Talk security optional. Should work out of the box on all scenarios now.
- Previewgenerator and Webmin are no longer default apps during installation
- Support really old versions when migrating/upgrading Nextcloud
- Improve some scripts and other stuff in the
folder - Minor bugfixes and improvements
- And more...
- Update Fail2ban with a better regex
- Fix FTS, and make sure it's gone when removed (even DB)
- Make Talk installable again by fixing source-repos and some tweaks to the script
- Fix dependencies for Bitwarden
- Improve the port checking function (for checking open ports)
- Allow
to be other than default when checking for Nextcloud version (lowest_compatible_version()
) - Upgrade Realtek firmware drivers for the Home/SME Nextcloud server
- Add Googles DNS as an option (user request)
- Always recover old Nextcloud apps, even if app store is broken
- Remove some legacy code
- Improve backup scripts and other stuff in the
folder - Ubuntu 22.04 reached its first maintenance release, consider it 100% stable.
- And more...
This release is quite huge, including Ubuntu 22.04 (minimal), PHP-FPM 8.1, and PosgreSQL 14.
- Prefer use of local lib file
- Add
- Use minimal OS, instead of full blown. Install only needed dependecies.
- Deprecate Ubuntu 18.04
- Upgrade to Ubuntu 22.04
- Upgrade to PHP 8.1
- Upgrade to PostgreSQL 14
- Upgrade Documentserver scripts to work with the new Docker images
- Deprectae
and introduce a new and better way for adding keys - Make the menu update option default. It first upgrades minor, then asks for major if applicable
- Only clean disk if it's 70% full and/or less than 100 GB left
- Remove legacy code
- Make it possible to add your own DNS servers during installation (not setup)
- Do not ask for password change if it differs from default, since that means you probably already set your own password
- Make it possible to add your own GUI user during installation
- Change DH-param instead of DSA-param
- Make Talk a bit safer
- Minor bugfixes and improvements
- Updated geoblock database
- Fixed a few backup related details
- And more...
- Change to another Full Text Search implementation
- Improve deSEC functions
- Minor bugfixes and improvements
- And more...
- Fixed all the bugs with the old release (23.0.0)
- Minor bugfixes and improvements
- And more...
- Change from lool to cool for Collabora
- Make it possible to ugrade NIC-firmware from all old releases (Home/SME server)
- Minor bugfixes and improvements
- And more...
- Change to AllowOverride None for Apache and include .htaccess instead (speeds up I/O)
- Change IPv4 check (WANIP4)
- Set productname
- Minor bugfixes and improvements
- And more...
- Upgrade Home/SME server NIC firmware
- Add NVMe to format disk
- Change keyserver
- Minor bugfixes and improvements
- And more...
- Remove Group Folders in the standard installation
- Improved deSEC and added support for existing accounts
- Improved SPAMHAUS rules and script
- Show the hostname when notifying - better if you run multiple servers
- Only update update script if it's older than 120 days
- Changed to EDCSA for certbot (TLS)
- Add script for removal or deSEC + subdomain
- Make deSEC a menu instead
- Crucial fixes for the new PN51 network drivers
- Update script - only update the updatenotification script if a new Nextcloud update is available
- Updated and renamed Bitwarden RS to Vaultwarden
- Updated geoblock database - August 2021
- Update script - don't execute the update before all cronjobs are finished
- Always create a backup before updating
- Minor bugfixes and improvements
- And more...
- Add SMTP2GO to SMTP-Relay
- Remove APCu and replace with Redis instead
- Made it possible to add subdomains to deSEC
- Improved spinner_loading
- Added dates to automatic updates log
- Added regular ZFS snapshot prune
- Added retention for Nextclouds user activities
- Previewgenerator - allow to clear all previews
- Update script - update Nextclouds mimetype list
- Moved mimteype update to nextcloud_configuration menu
- Reworked office scripts
- Update script - change crontab on all installations to 5 minutes
- Fixed a bug with Netdata
- Geoblock - updated link to csv file
- Refactored the bitwarden_mailconfig script
- Added more functionality to curl_to_dir
- Docker documentserver - don't restart docker daemon upon installation
- Restart notify push in some situations
- Make sure sudo and software-properties-common is installed
- Fixed password generation in edge cases
- Reworked the cookielifetime script
- Updated geoblock database - June 2021
- Added option to check for 0-byte files
- Changed from apt to apt-get
- Simplified ClamAV notifications and small fix to fail2ban notification
- Harden-SSH script - allow to set up 2FA authentication
- SMB-server - added option to automatically empty recylce bins
- SMB-server - added option to empty all recycle bins
- SMB-server - Create the files directory for new users directly during the user creation
- Reworked system-restore
- Minor bugfixes and improvements
- And more...
- Make it possible to choose port for public access in the deSEC setup (only when you choose TLS)
- Fix bugs with the deSEC script
- Avoid ending up in a loop in the deSEC script
- It's now possible to check for NONO ports with a function
- Loop port selection in the Talk script
- Move backups location to /mnt/NCBACKUPS and delete backups from last year
- Tune chunking in GUI uploads
- Clean up some more scripts in the end of each setup
- Add the Azure kernel for Hyper-V VMs
- Shorten the time files are stored in trashbin (can still be configured)
- Escape all Apache Log dirs correctly
- Made some enhancements to scripts in the not-supported folder
- Minor bugfixes and improvements
- And more...
- Add TLS with DNS and deSEC. It's now possible to get DNS from a local machine without any open ports!
- ClamAV - give the daemon more time to start
- SMB-server - completely rework how directories get mounted to Nextcloud
- SMTP-mail - add providers
- Create a script for the Pico CMS Nextcloud app
- Add a Firewall script to the not-supported folder
- Add SSH hardening
- Add deSEC magic
- S.M.A.R.T. Monitoring - test drives directly
- Add a script for the Facerecognition Nextcloud app
- ClamAV - improve weekly full-scan tremendously
- Update geoblock database - april
- Speed up the network check if the network already works
- Made some enhancements to scripts in the not-supported folder
- Minor bugfixes and improvements
- Added Push Notifications for Nextcloud (
High Performance Backend for Nextcloud files
) - Added Whiteboard for Nextcloud (
New in Nextcloud 21
) - Moved Extract for Nextcloud to its own script
- Add phone region (new in 21)
- Made sure that all docker containers only listen on localhost
- Improve Strict Transport Security in TLS
- DDclient - added No-IP
- Updated geoblock database files
- Avoid double crontabs when reexecuting some scripts
- Don't enable disabled apps after update
- Geoblock - allow some IP-addresses by default
- Fix watchtower updates
- Geoblock - add Let's Encrypt advice
- Fix upgrade.disable-web
- Don't break update when enabling app
- Fix not enabled PECL extensions
- Prevent apps from breaking the update due to incompatibility
- Made some enhancements to scripts in the not-supported folder
- Minor bugfixes and improvements
- Ask to get the latest
script when running updates
- Allow to reinstall Bitwarden RS also if local files are present
- Updated geoblock database files
- Made some enhancements to scripts in the not-supported folder
- Minor bugfixes and improvements
- Minor bugfixes and improvements
- Happy new year!
- Add ban notifications to Fail2ban
- Remove unattended upgrades to improve stability (we have our own auto updater)
- Fixes to the SMB Mount script
- Fixes to DDclient
- Minor bugfixes and improvements
- Allow to choose between latest version or not
- Always run the permissions script
- Don't allow MariaDB specifically
- Fix PHP error message from Redis
- Fix grammar and spelling
- Update geoblock files
- Minor bugfixes and improvements
- Fixed bugs with the
flag - Updated to get rid of jq
- Added a script-explainer to
- ClamAV - added a mechanism to inform about found files
- Fixed a bug in
- Created to allow continuously smart checking
- Switched from Travis to Github Actions
- Added Reviewdog
- Improved previewgenerator
- Made some SC rules global
- Fixed some problems with wrong ownership of /mnt/ncdata
- Fixed link in startup-script
- Fixed ClamAV-Fullscan
- Added apt over https
- Further improved ClamAV
- Allow to reinstall automatic updates
- Improved partition check during the install-script
- Fixed some typo's
- Added more options to the not-supported folder and made some enhancements
- Minor bugfixes and improvements
- Made the setup of SMTP-mail more reliable
- Added a switch to the install-script to enable automatic provisioning of new releases
- Changed occ_command to nextcloud_occ to simplify copy and paste between scripts and CLI
- Improved the logging for SMTP-mail
- Added deSEC to DDclient-configuration
- Implemented an option to create LVM snapshots during the update script for certain instances
- Don't clear the CLI history anymore to simplify debugging
- Created in order to allow access from configured countries and/or continents
- Made it more clear that a Nextcloud update started
- Added DuckDNS to DDclient-configuration
- Fixed an incorrect OnlyOffice-URL
- Improved the guidance how to control whiptails
- Added some popups that explain the Additional Apps Menu and Server Configuration Menu during the startup script
- Switched to TLS1.3 for new website-configurations on Ubuntu 20.04
- Added a mechanism to update geoblock database file and added the geoblockdat folder to the repository
- SMTP-mail: allow to cancel the removal of configurations and packets if the testmail fails in order to simplify debugging
- Made BPYTOP its own script
- Standardized the usage of the word CLI
- Made Midnight Commander its own script
- Updated all app scripts with a new function for reinstalling
- Renamed the talk-signaling script to talk and deleted the old talk script
- Use start_if_stopped everywhere it fits
- Updatenotification: added an advice for Major Nextcloud updates
- Improved previewgenerator
- Fixed problems with static-ip
- Added Docker migrate script
- Fixed and issue with ClamAV
- Added more options to the not-supported folder and made some enhancements
- Minor bugfixes and improvements
Add SMTP email relay to be able to send emails directly from the OS (Ubuntu)
Make it possible to open ports with UPNP
Update notify_admin_gui to cache all found admin users (tested with 500 users, and it's MUCH faster now)
Disable hibernation (Ubuntu)
Set as default Repo (Ubuntu)
Standardize whiptails even more
Improve fetch_lib
Use fetch_lib in all scripts to prefer local library instead of hammering Github with requests in every script
Update all Docker containers one by one when the update script is run due to compatibility issues with Bitwarden Password manager
Improve the way passwords are set during the initial setup
SMBmount: Introduce the option to customize the mount before adding as external storage to Nextcloud
SMBmount: Add the option to utilize inotify to actively watch over externally changed files and folders
Repository: cleanup by removing duplicate scripts and not-needed functions
Repository: added the not-supported folder with additional options like creating a SMB-server
Minor bugfixes and improvements
- Standardize input_box flow
- Automatically rewrite Webmin to HTTPS
- Add default dark mode theme to Adminer
- Make Adminer work on HTTP/2
- Introduce fetch_lib and chain libaries - this is now the new way of fetching the libs
- Add more menu scripts
- Add more Yes/No boxes and fix occurrences where the text wasn't shown due to print_text_in_color
- Standardize Whiptails even more
- Change to TLS1.2 all over
- Make functions out of all special variables
- Create a new (smart) startup script with basic server settings
- Automatically get the main domain for all scripts with built in proxies
- Minor bugfixes and improvements
- N/A