Various scripts used for recovery and system maintenance by Nintendo Homebrew on Discord.
For instructions on how to use these scripts, open the links to their info pages on the Hacks Guide Wiki.
ctrcheck.gm9 is a general system maintenance and recovery tool, meant to be used in initial troubleshooting.
manual_transfer.gm9 is the script used as part of a manual CTRTransfer.
MovableMoveover.gm9 is the script used as part of a Movable Moveover, which is effectively a manual System Transfer.
ctrtransfer.gm9 is the script used as part of a CTRTransfer. It verifies the CTRTransfer image's integrity and makes sure it is the correct type of image for the console.
- FrozenChen: Creator of ctrcheck.
- fox8091 and AnalogMan: Creators of manual_transfer.
- ItsCrocoSwine: Creator and current maintainer of MovableMoveover.
- StarlitSkies: Current maintainer of ctrcheck and manual_transfer.
- fyredragon69: Creator and current maintainer of ctrtransfer.