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Thrift Client

Thrift client library for NodeJS written in TypeScript.

Supports communicating with Thrift services over HTTP or TCP.


We're going to go through this step-by-step.

  • Install dependencies
  • Define our service
  • Run codegen on our Thrift IDL
  • Create a client
  • Make service calls with our client


All Thrift Server libraries define inter-dependencies as peer dependencies to avoid type collisions.

$ npm install --save-dev @creditkarma/thrift-typescript
$ npm install --save @creditkarma/thrift-server-core
$ npm install --save @creditkarma/thrift-client
$ npm install --save request
$ npm install --save @types/request

Example Service

service Calculator {
  i32 add(1: i32 left, 2: i32 right)
  i32 subtract(1: i32 left, 2: i32 right)


Requires @creditkarma/thrift-typescript >= v3.0.0

Add a script to your package.json to codegen. The 'target' option is important to make thrift-typescript generate for this library instead of the Apache libraries.

"scripts": {
  "codegen": "thrift-typescript --target thrift-server --sourceDir thrift --outDir codegen"

Then you can run codegen:

$ npm run codegen

Creating an HTTP Client

There are two ways to create HTTP clients with the public API.

  • Use the createHttpClient factory function.
  • Manually create your own HttpConnection object


Using the createHttpClient function you pass in two arguments, the first is your Thrift service client class and the second is a map of options to configure the underlying HTTP connection.

When creating a client using this method Thrift Client uses the got library for making HTTP requests.

import {
} from '@creditkarma/thrift-client'

import { Calculator } from './codegen/calculator'

// Create Thrift client
const thriftClient: Calculator.Client<RequestOptions> = createHttpClient(Calculator.Client, {
    serviceName: 'calculator-service',
    hostName: 'localhost',
    port: 8080,
    requestOptions: {} // RequestOptions to pass to got

The available options are:

  • serviceName (optional): The name of your service. Used for logging.
  • hostName (required): The name of the host to connect to.
  • port (required): The port number to attach to on the host.
  • path (optional): The path on which the Thrift service is listening. Defaults to '/thrift'.
  • https (optional): Boolean value indicating whether to use https. Defaults to false.
  • transport (optional): Name of the Thrift transport type to use. Defaults to 'buffered'.
  • protocol (optional): Name of the Thrift protocol type to use. Defaults to 'binary'.
  • requestOptions (optional): Options to pass to the underlying got library. Defaults to {}.
  • register (optional): A list of filters to apply to your client. More on this later.
  • requestImpl (optional): Provide a request implementation. Defaults to 'request' module.

Currently @creditkarma/thrift-server-core" only supports buffered transport and binary or compact protocols.

type TransportType = 'buffered'

The possible protocol types are:

type ProtocolType = 'binary' | 'compact'

Manual Creation

Manually creating your Thrift client allows you to choose the use of another HTTP client library or to reuse a previously created instance of Request.

import {
} from '@creditkarma/thrift-client'
import * as request from 'request'

import { Calculator } from './codegen/calculator'

const clientConfig: IHttpConnectionOptions = {
    hostName: 'localhost',
    port: 3000,
    path: '/',
    transport: 'buffered',
    protocol: 'binary',

// Create Thrift client
const requestClient: RequestInstance = request.defaults({})

const connection: HttpConnection =
    new HttpConnection(requestClient, clientConfig)

const thriftClient: Calculator.Client<RequestOptions> = new Calculator.Client(connection)

Here HttpConnection is a class that extends the ThriftConnection abstract class. You could create custom connections, for instance TCP, by extending the same class.

Also of note here is that the type IHttpConnectionOptions does not accept the requestOptions parameter. Options to Request here would be passed directly to the call to request.defaults({}).

Creating a TCP Client

Creating a TCP client is much like creating an HTTP client.

  • Use the createTcpClient factory function.
  • Manually create your own TcpConnection object

Note: Our TcpConnection object uses an underlying connection pool instead of all client requests reusing the same connection. This pool is configurable. We use GenericPool for managing our connection pool. Pool options are passed directly through to GenericPool.


Using the createTcpClient function you pass in two arguments, the first is your Thrift service client class and the second is a map of options to configure the underlying TCP connection.

import {
} from '@creditkarma/thrift-client'

import { Calculator } from './codegen/calculator'

// Create Thrift client
const thriftClient: Calculator.Client<RequestOptions> = createTcpClient(Calculator.Client, {
    serviceName: 'calculator-service',
    hostName: 'localhost',
    port: 8080,

The available options are:

  • serviceName (optional): The name of your service. Used for logging.
  • hostName (required): The name of the host to connect to.
  • port (required): The port number to attach to on the host.
  • timeout (optional): Connection timeout in milliseconds. Defaults to 5000.
  • transport (optional): Name of the Thrift transport type to use. Defaults to 'buffered'.
  • protocol (optional): Name of the Thrift protocol type to use. Defaults to 'binary'.
  • pool (optional): Options to configure the underlying connection pool.
  • register (optional): A list of filters to apply to your client. More on this later.

Manual Creation

import {
} from '@creditkarma/thrift-client'

import { Calculator } from './codegen/calculator'

const connection: TcpConnection = new TcpConnection({
    hostName: 'localhost',
    port: 3000,
    transport: 'buffered',
    protocol: 'binary',

const thriftClient: Calculator.Client<RequestOptions> = new Calculator.Client(connection)

Here TcpConnection is a class that extends the ThriftConnection abstract class. You could create custom connections, for instance TCP, by extending the same class.

Making Service Calls with our Client

However we chose to make our client, we use them in the same way.

Notice the optional context parameter. All service client methods can take an optional context parameter. This context refers to the request options for got library (OptionsOfBufferResponseBody). These options will be deep merged with any default options (passed in on instantiation) before sending a service request. This context can be used to do useful things like tracing or authentication. Usually this will be used for changing headers on a per-request basis.

Related to context you will notice that our Thrift service client is a generic Calculator.Client<ThriftContext<RequestOptions>>. This type parameter refers to the type of the context, here the ThriftContext<RequestOptions> which extends the options interface from the got library.

import {
} from '@creditkarma/thrift-client'

import * as express from 'express'

import { Calculator } from './codegen/calculator'

const serverConfig = {
    hostName: 'localhost',
    port: 8080,

// Create Thrift client
const thriftClient: Calculator.Client<ThriftContext<RequestOptions>> = createHttpClient(Calculator.Client, {
    hostName: 'localhost',
    port: 8080,
    requestOptions: {} // RequestOptions to pass to got

// This receives a query like "http://localhost:8080/add?left=5&right=3"
app.get('/add', (req: express.Request, res: express.Response): void => {
    // Request contexts allow you to do tracing and auth
    const context: RequestOptions = {
        headers: {
            'x-trace-id': 'my-trace-id'

    // Client methods return a Promise of the expected result
    thriftClient.add(req.query.left, req.query.right, context).then((result: number) => {
    }, (err: any) => {

app.listen(serverConfig.port, () => {
    console.log(`Web server listening at http://${serverConfig.hostName}:${serverConfig.port}`)

Client Filters

Sometimes you'll want to universally filter or modify requests and/or responses. This is done with filters. If you've used many server libraries you are probably used to the idea of plugins or middleware.

A filter is an object that consists of a handler function and an optional list of client method names to apply the filter to.

Filters are applied in the order in which they are registered.

interface IRequestResponse {
    statusCode: number
    headers: IRequestHeaders
    body: Buffer

type NextFunction<Options> =
    (data?: Buffer, options?: Options) => Promise<IRequestResponse>

interface IThriftClientFilterConfig<Options> {
    methods?: Array<string>
    handler(request: IThriftRequest<Options>, next: NextFunction<Options>): Promise<IRequestResponse>

The handler function receives as its arguments the IThriftRequest object and the next RequestHandler in the chain. When you are done applying your filter you return the call to next. When calling next you can optionally pass along a modified Thrift data Buffer or new options to apply to the request. Options is almost always going to be RequestOptions for the underlying got library.


The IThriftRequest object wraps the outgoing data with some useful metadata about the current request.

export interface IThriftRequest<Context> {
    data: Buffer
    methodName: string
    uri: string
    context: Context

The data attribute is the outgoing Thrift payload. The methodName is the name of the Thrift service method being called.

The other interesting one is context. The context is the data passed through in the service method call.

If we look back at our previous client example we find this:

// This receives a query like "http://localhost:8080/add?left=5&right=3"
app.get('/add', (req: express.Request, res: express.Response): void => {
    // Request contexts allow you to do tracing and auth
    const context: RequestOptions = {
        headers: {
            'x-trace-id': 'my-trace-id'

    // Client methods return a Promise of the expected result
    thriftClient.add(req.query.left, req.query.right, context).then((result: number) => {
    }, (err: any) => {

Where the context passed through is an instance of RequestOptions. These options are passed through to modify the outgoing request. Any filter in the filter chain can modify this data.

To modify this context one needs to pass the updated context to the next function.

return next(, updatedContext)

Applying Filters to Outgoing Requests

Something you may want to do with middlware is to apply some common HTTP headers to every outgoing request from your service. Maybe there is a token your service should attach to every outgoing request.

You could do something like this:

import {
} from '@creditkarma/thrift-client'

import { Calculator } from './codegen/calculator'

const thriftClient: Calculator.Client = createHttpClient(Calculator.Client, {
    hostName: 'localhost',
    port: 8080,
    register: [ {
        handler(request: IThriftRequest<RequestOptions>, next: NextFunction<RequestOptions>): Promise<IRequestResponse> {
            return next(, {
                headers: {
                    'x-fake-token': 'fake-token',
    } ]

This sends data along unaltered, but adds a header x-fake-token to the outgoing request. When you send along options, the options are deep merged with any previous options that were applied.

Applying Filters to Incoming Responses

To apply filters to the response you would call .then on the next function. This would allow you to inspect or modify the response before allowing it to proceed up the chain.

import {
} from '@creditkarma/thrift-client'

import { Calculator } from './codegen/calculator'

const thriftClient: Calculator.Client = createHttpClient(Calculator.Client, {
    hostName: 'localhost',
    port: 8080,
    register: [ {
        handler(request: IThriftRequest<RequestOptions>, next: NextFunction<RequestOptions>): Promise<IRequestResponse> {
            return next().then((res: IRequestResponse) => {
                if (validateResponse(res.body)) {
                    return res
                } else {
                    throw new Error('Invalid data returned')
    } ]

Adding Filters to HttpConnection Object

When you're not using createHttpClient you can add filters directly to the connection instance.

// Create thrift client
const requestClient: RequestInstance = request.defaults({})

const connection: HttpConnection =
    new HttpConnection(requestClient, clientConfig)

    handler(request: IThriftRequest<RequestOptions>, next: NextFunction<RequestOptions>): Promise<IRequestResponse> {
        return next(, {
            headers: {
                'x-fake-token': 'fake-token',

const thriftClient: Calculator.Client = new Calculator.Client(connection)

The optional register option takes an array of filters to apply. Unsurprisingly they are applied in the order you pass them in.

Available Filters

These client filters are maintained as part of this repository:


For more information about contributing new features and bug fixes, see our Contribution Guidelines. External contributors must sign Contributor License Agreement (CLA)


This project is licensed under Apache License Version 2.0