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- How to capture a variable from a pattern match? Use
(def a_opprmdefblk [(ophirPrmDef :inBoneTrk ctidChannel #{:EArg-In}) (ophirPrmDef :inoutBoneTrk ctidChannel #{:EArg-In :EArg-Out}) (ophirPrmDef :outBoneTrk ctidChannel #{:EArg-Out})]) (m/search a_opprmdefblk [(m/or {:argFlags #{:EArg-Out} :as !argOut} {:argFlags #{:EArg-In} :as !argIn}) ...] {:opmirArgIn !argIn :opmirArgOut !argOut})
Desired Result
;EBNF ns <= "obj" | "oppas" | "dc" segattr <= ["/"] "@" alphanumeric segobj <= ["/"] alphanumeric xpath <= ns (segattr|segobj) {(segattr|segobj)} ; Input "obj:/myobj/mychild/@myattrib" ;; Result => {:ns :obj, :xsegs ({:segkind :seg-chld, :segpath ""} {:segkind :seg-chld, :segpath "myobj"} {:segkind :seg-chld, :segpath "mychild"} {:segkind :seg-attr, :segpath "@myattrib"})}
What this shows:
- Input: a tokenized string
- Make sure tokens match order pattern (
nstoken xseg {xseg}
) - Transform each of the tokens based on the token
nstoken => case "obj": :objstore default: (keyword nstoken)
Normal Clojure
(defn initOppath-clj [axpath] (let [nsandpath (str/split axpath #"[:]" 2) nsstr (first nsandpath) pathtokens (-> nsandpath (nth 1) (str/split #"[/]"))] {:ns (case nsstr "op" :op "obj" :obj "oppas" :oppas) :xsegs (map #(if (= (first %1) \@) (->OppathSeg :seg-attr %1) (->OppathSeg :seg-chld %1)) pathtokens)}))
Naive attempt:
(defn initOppath-m1 [axpath] (let [axptokens (str/split axpath #"[/:]")] {:ns (m/match (first axptokens) (m/and ?ns (m/or "op" "obj" "oppas")) (keyword ?ns)) :xsegs (map #(if (= (first %1) \@) (->OppathSeg :seg-attr %1) (->OppathSeg :seg-chld %1)) (rest axptokens))}))
Second Attempt: Better but a nitpick is the functional transformation is on the pattern matching clause where conceptually feels like it should go in the generation part
(defn initOppath-m2 [axpath] (m/match (str/split axpath #"[/:]") (m/with [%segattr (m/pred #(= (first %1) \@) (m/app #(->OppathSeg :seg-attr %1) !seg)) %segobj (m/pred #(not= (first %1) \@) (m/app #(->OppathSeg :seg-chld %1) !seg))] [(m/re #"obj|oppas|dc" ?ns) . (m/or %segobj %segattr) ...]) {:ns (keyword ?ns) :xsegs !seg}))
Cleaner Solution Use a helper to construct the xseg:
(defn make-xseg [val] (m/rewrite val (m/re #"@.*" ?val) {:kind :seg-attr :val ?val} (m/re #"[^@].*" ?val) {:kind :seg-chld :val ?val} ?val {:kind :unknown :val ?val})) (m/rewrite ["oppas" "obj1" "@attr1" "@attr2" "obj2"] [(m/re #"obj|oppas|dc" ?ns) . !segs ...] {:ns (m/keyword ?ns) :xsegs [(m/app make-xseg !segs) ...]}) ;; => {:ns :oppas, :xsegs [{:kind :seg-chld, :val "obj1"} {:kind :seg-attr, :val "@attr1"} {:kind :seg-attr, :val "@attr2"} {:kind :seg-chld, :val "obj2"}]}
Concise Using Recursion: The second uses
on the left or right side:-
Left side
(m/rewrite ["oppas" "obj1" "@attr1" "@attr2" "obj2"] [(m/re #"obj|oppas|dc" ?ns) . (m/cata !segs) ...] {:ns (m/keyword ?ns) :xsegs [!segs ...]} (m/re #"@.*" ?val) {:kind :seg-attr :val ?val} (m/re #"[^@].*" ?val) {:kind :seg-chld :val ?val} ?val {:kind :unknown :val ?val})
Right side
(m/rewrite ["oppas" "obj1" "@attr1" "@attr2" "obj2"] [(m/re #"obj|oppas|dc" ?ns) . !segs ...] {:ns (m/keyword ?ns) :xsegs [(m/cata !segs) ...]} (m/re #"@.*" ?val) {:kind :seg-attr :val ?val} (m/re #"[^@].*" ?val) {:kind :seg-chld :val ?val} ?val {:kind :unknown :val ?val})
Final Solution: Cata on the right side can be used to construct a value to be recursively rewritten. It’s the dual of the left.
(m/rewrite ["oppas" "obj1" "@attr1" "@attr2" "obj2"] [(m/re #"obj|oppas|dc" ?ns) . !segs ...] {:ns (m/keyword ?ns) :xsegs [(m/cata ($EXAMPLE !segs)) ...]} ($EXAMPLE (m/re #"@.*" ?val)) {:kind :seg-attr :val ?val} ($EXAMPLE (m/re #"[^@].*" ?val)) {:kind :seg-chld :val ?val} ($EXAMPLE ?val) {:kind :unknown :val ?val}) ;; => {:ns :oppas, :xsegs [{:kind :seg-chld, :val "obj1"} {:kind :seg-attr, :val "@attr1"} {:kind :seg-attr, :val "@attr2"} {:kind :seg-chld, :val "obj2"}]}
Pseudo code:
filter( (predA? x) => (projA x) :as !projAseq (predB? x) => (projB x) :as !projBseq )
Clojure Code
;; Test Data (def arglist [{:name :inBoneTrk :argFlags #{:EArg-In}} {:name :inoutBoneTrk :argFlags #{:EArg-In :EArg-Out}} {:name :outBoneTrk :argFlags #{:EArg-Out}}]) ;; Using match (m/match arglist [(m/or {:argFlags #{:EArg-Out} :as !argOut} {:argFlags #{:EArg-In} :as !argIn}) ...] {:opmirArgIn !argIn :opmirArgOut !argOut}) ;; => {:opmirArgIn [{:name :inBoneTrk :argFlags #{:EArg-In}}] :opmirArgOut [{:name :inoutBoneTrk :argFlags #{:EArg-Out :EArg-In}} {:name :outBoneTrk :argFlags #{:EArg-Out}}]}
Now let's use m/search to see the difference
(m/search arglist [(m/or {:argFlags #{:EArg-Out} :as !argOut} {:argFlags #{:EArg-In} :as !argIn}) ...] {:opmirArgIn !argIn :opmirArgOut !argOut}) ;; => ({:opmirArgIn [{:name :inBoneTrk, :argFlags #{:EArg-In}}] :opmirArgOut [{:name :inoutBoneTrk, :argFlags #{:EArg-Out :EArg-In}} {:name :outBoneTrk, :argFlags #{:EArg-Out}}]} {:opmirArgIn [{:name :inBoneTrk, :argFlags #{:EArg-In}} {:name :inoutBoneTrk, :argFlags #{:EArg-Out :EArg-In}}] :opmirArgOut [{:name :outBoneTrk, :argFlags #{:EArg-Out}}]})
Now let's look using m/scan
(m/search arglist (m/scan {:argFlags #{:EArg-In} :as ?argIn}) ?argIn) ;; => ({:name :inBoneTrk :argFlags #{:EArg-In}} {:name :inoutBoneTrk :argFlags #{:EArg-Out :EArg-In}})
Now let's look at m/scan with a memory variable
(m/search arglist (m/scan {:argFlags #{:EArg-In} :as !argIn}) !argIn) ;; => ([{:name :inBoneTrk :argFlags #{:EArg-In}}] [{:name :inoutBoneTrk :argFlags #{:EArg-Out :EArg-In}}])
- How to do EBNF like production rules. Ex:
token ::= (:arg-in|:arg-out) ?argname pseudocode-result:: (str (emit-in ?arg-attr)|emit-out :arg-attr) ?argname)
(m/defsyntax ending-with [end]
['_ '... end])
[1 2 3 4 5]
(ending-with ?x)
;;=> 5
[:a :b [1 2 3]]
[:a :b (ending-with ?x)]
;;=> 3
(m/match {:pair [2 [3 [4 5]]]}
(m/with [%pair [!as (m/or %pair !bs)]]
{:pair %pair})
[!as !bs])
;; => [[2 3 4] [5]]
You can use ..!n
as a subsequence grouping facility, and with
to define a recursive pattern.
(m/rewrite [1 2 3 0 4 5 6 0 7 8 0 9]
(m/with [%split (m/or [!xs ..!n 0 & %split]
[!xs ..!n])]
[[!xs ..!n] ...])
;; => [[1 2 3] [4 5 6] [7 8] [9]]
You can use m/cata
to recursively apply the same pattern for identifying a separator and subsequent values.
Here we group odd numbers after even numbers together.
(m/rewrite [2 3 5 4 3 2]
[] [] ; The base case for no values left
[(m/pred even? ?x) . (m/pred odd? !ys) ... & ?more]
[[?x [!ys ...]] & (m/cata ?more)])
;; => [[2 [3 5]] [4 [3]] [2 []]]
(m/match {1 2 3 4 5 6}
{& (m/seqable [!ks !vs] ...)}
[!ks !vs])
;; => [[1 3 5] [2 4 6]]
Use a library like hickory
to parse the HTML into data structures, then you can match either the DOM or hiccup.
is a convenient way to search for matches in sub-trees.
(m/search (fetch-as-hiccup company-directory-page)
(m/$ [:div {:class "directory-tables"}
. _ ...
[:h3 _ ?department & _]])
Patterns can call themselves with the m/cata
This is like recursion.
You can leverage self recursion to accumulate a result.
(m/rewrite [() '(1 2 3)] ;; Initial state
;; Intermediate step with recursion
[?current (?head & ?tail)]
(m/cata [(?head & ?current) ?tail])
;; Done
[?current ()]
;; => (3 2 1)
[{:foo 1 :bar 2}
{:foo 4 :bar 8}]}}
{:x {:y [!vs ...]}}
[(m/cata !vs) ...]
{:foo ?foo :bar ?bar} [?foo ?bar])
;; => [[1 2] [4 8]]
{:k1 {:foo 1 :bar 2}
:k2 {:foo 4 :bar 8}}}}
{:x {:y {& (m/seqable [!_ !vs] ...)}}}
[(m/cata !vs) ...]
{:foo ?foo :bar ?bar} [?foo ?bar])
;; => [[1 2] [4 8]]
{:k1 {:foo 1 :bar 2}
:k2 {:foo 4 :bar 8}}
:z {:w :another-value}}}
{:x {:y {& (m/seqable [!_ !vs] ...)}
:z {:w ?val}}}
[{:val ?val
& (m/cata !vs)}
{:foo ?foo :bar ?bar} {:fizz ?foo :buzz ?bar}
;; => [{:fizz 1, :buzz 2, :val :another-value}
;; {:fizz 4, :buzz 8, :val :another-value}]
Notice how the result of applying the sub rewrite again on !vs
via cata
returns a map which is merge with the toplevel map containing :val
The "more" operator ...
should be outside the scope of the repeated pattern.
When you have a match pattern that contains a memory varible !n
and a substitution pattern where you want to make use of the variable in multiple ways, you can't do that directly because [!n !n]
would take 2 different values out of !n
instead of the same value twice. However, you can easily create two names for the same value in the search pattern with (m/and !n !n2)
which will match a single value, but create 2 memory variables.
(m/rewrite [[:a 1] [:b 2] [:c 3]]
[[!k (m/and !n !n2)] ...]
[[!k !n (m/app str !n2)] ...])
;; => [[:a 1 "1"] [:b 2 "2"] [:c 3 "3"]]
You can use meander.strategy.epsilon/top-down
or bottom-up
to find and replace.
(def p
(m/pred string? ?s) (keyword ?s)
?x ?x)))
(p [1 ["a" 2] "b" 3 "c"])
;; => [1 [:a 2] :b 3 :c]
Say you want to match a number that may be followed by a string, and then a keyword:
[1 "this is fine" :foo]
[1 :foo]
Zeta will include a regex style ?
Prior to zeta there are 3 ways to handle optional values:
a) Write separate patterns:
(m/match [1 "this is fine" :foo]
[(m/pred number? ?n) (m/pred string? ?s) ?k]
"first case!"
[(m/pred number? ?n) (m/pred keyword? ?k)]
"second case!")
;; => "first case!"
b) Use recursion:
(m/match [1 "this is fine" :foo]
[(m/pred number? ?n) & (m/with [%tail [(m/pred keyword? ?k)]]
(m/or [(m/pred string? ?s) & %tail]
(m/and (m/let [?s nil])
[?n ?s ?k])
;; => [1 "this is fine" :foo]
c) Constrain a memory variable to length <= 1:
(m/match [1 "this is fine" :foo]
[(m/pred number? ?n) . (m/pred string? !s) ..?sn (m/pred keyword? ?k)]
(m/guard (<= ?sn 1)))
[?n (first !s) ?k])
;; => [1 "this is fine" :foo]
can be used to greatly simplify clojure code unrolling relationships.
(m/search {:context-tag :one-to-five
:numbers [1 2 3 4 5]}
{:context-tag ?context
:numbers (m/scan ?n)}
[?context ?n])
; => ([:one-to-five 1]
; [:one-to-five 2]
; [:one-to-five 3]
; [:one-to-five 4]
; [:one-to-five 5])
Remember that ...
and memory variables work well together!
(m/search [{:a :whatever :b [{:n 1} {:n 2} {:n 1}]}
{:a :goes :b [{:n 1} {:n 2} {:n 4}]}
{:a :here :b [{:n 2} {:n 2} {:n 3}]}]
(m/scan {:a ?a :b [{:n !n} ...]})
{:a ?a :n !n})
;=> ({:a :whatever, :n [1 2 1]}
; {:a :goes, :n [1 2 4]}
; {:a :here, :n [2 2 3]})
This piece of code would throw a StackOverflowError
(m/match {:a 1 :b 2}
{:a ?a & (m/cata ?rest)}
{:aa ?a :rest ?rest}
{:b ?b}
{:bb ?b})
This is because when matching a logic variable to a map value, the match would succeed even if the key doesn't exist (the variable would bind to nil
). So the recursion unfolds like this:
- 1st call:
binds to 1,?rest
binds to{:b 2}
- 2nd call:
binds to nil,?rest
binds to{:b 2}
- 3rd call: and now we have a dead loop!
To fix this, simply use m/some
to constrain the key :a
must exist. This is because m/some
only succeeds on a non-nil value.
(m/match {:a 1 :b 2}
{:a (m/some ?a) & (m/cata ?rest)}
{:aa ?a :rest ?rest}
{:b ?b}
{:bb ?b})
;; it works!
;; {:aa 1, :rest {:bb 2}}
Sometimes the data may contain an optional nested field, e.g. a map
that describes a task could be either unassigned and assigned, and
when it's assigned it would have an :assignee
field with a value of
{:name "Assignee's Name"}
, otherwise the field is nil.
(def tasks [{:id "TASK-1"
:priority "high"
:assignee {:name "Jack"}}
{:id "TASK-2"
:priority "normal"
:assignee nil}])
We could write a naive pattern match like this:
(m/search tasks
(m/scan {:id ?id
:assignee {:name ?assignee}})
{:id ?id
:assignee ?assignee})
But the return value of the above code would ignore "TASK-2", because its :assignee
part is not a map.
To solve this, we could write the code like this:
(m/search tasks
(m/scan {:id ?id
:assignee (m/or (m/and nil ?assignee)
{:name ?assignee})})
{:id ?id
:assignee ?assignee})
For the :assignee
field, it either matches a nil and at the same
time binds the ?assignee
variable to nil, or it matches a map whose
value is bound to the ?assignee
Consider the following Scheme syntax definition:
(define-syntax conde
(syntax-rules ()
((_ (g0 g ...) ...) (disj+ (conj+ g0 g ...) ...))))
i.e. a form such as:
(conde (g0 g1 g2) (g3 g4))
Will expand to:
(disj+ (conj+ g0 g1 g2) (conj+ g3 g4))
Using regular macros, it could be written in Clojure as:
(defmacro conde
[[g0 & gs] & more]
(conj+ ~g0 ~@gs)
(fn [[g0 & gs]]
`(cojn+ ~g0 ~@gs))
In meander, we might try implementing it as:
'(conde [g0 g1 g2] [g3 g4])
(_ . [!g ...] ... )
(disj+ . (conj+ . !g ...) ... ))
;; => (disj+ (conj+ g0 g1 g2 g3 g4))
But the memory variable !g
captures all g
We can provide an "early termination" condition to each group by specifying a quantifier to the inner matching pattern:
'(conde [g0 g1 g2] [g3 g4] [g7 g8 g9])
(_ . [!g ..!n] ... )
(disj+ . (conj+ . !g ..!n) ... ))
;; => (disj+ (conj+ g0 g1 g2) (conj+ g3 g4) (conj+ g7 g8 g9))