prompts2dataset is a tool that converts a json list of prompts into a dataset for use with dream-bench.
--prompt-list TEXT A json file containing a list of prompts.
--output-folder TEXT parent folder of the dataset to be created
--batch-size INTEGER Number of prompts to process in parallel.
--prompt-repeat INTEGER Number of times to run inference for a prompt.
--embed-text Wether to use clip to embed the prompts as text
--tokenize-text Wether to save the tokenized the text.
--predict-image Wether to use a diffusion prior to create an image
embedding from each prompt.
--clip-model TEXT Clip model to use for embedding images.
--prior-checkpoint TEXT A local path or web url to a prior config file.
--prior-config TEXT A local path or web url to a prior checkpoint.
--override-folder wether to overrite the output folder if it exists
--help Show this message and exit.
currently provides two major methods for supplying your model with input each with three sub-types for you to choose from.
1. Text
1. clip text embeddings (tensor)
2. tokenized text (tensor)
3. raw text (string)
2. Images
1. clip image embeddings (tensor)
2. diffusion prior embeddings (tensor)
3. raw RGB-images (tensor)
The easiest way to get started is to have a model that can generate images from text, as well as a list of prompts you wish to utilize as your benchmark. For convinience, this repository hosts popular benchmarking prompts, available here.
To turn your prompt list into a dataset, you can simply utilize the provided
script to format everything nicely.
python --prompt-list drawbench.json --output-folder benchmarks/drawbench --tokenize-text True --predict-image True
Here we call the prompt-processing script and pass it four arguments:
- First, the path to our prompt list (in this case, we use the provided drawbench list).
- Then, we specify the root folder we'd like to store the resulting benchmark.
- Next, we specify that we'd prefer tokenized text (as opposed to raw strings of text).
- Finally, we specify that we would also like to leverage a diffusion prior to invert the text, and generate a synthetic image embedding for each caption.