This part concerns the visual presentation of the data from the backend.
In order to build this project, you will need Node.JS updated to the version v7.10.0 and npm to v4.2.0. To make sure of that, run those commands below.
$ node --version
$ npm --version
The second part of the whole project, the backend API must be launched and accessible.
# Grab the repository
$ git clone
# Move to the datascouts/frontend directory
$ cd datascouts/frontend
# Install dependencies
$ npm install
The API Url must be set in the config file. This file is in frontend/src/config/index.js
This step is required to continue.
# serve the applcation at localhost:8082
$ npm run serve
# The application is build and running on http://localhost:8082
# Instead of npm run serve
npm run build
- Browserify to handle allow us to write our client-side scripts with es6 syntax.
- BabelJS is a compiler for writing next generation JavaScript.
- Vue.JS is used for web UI.
- GULP-SASS is used to write futureproof CSS for CSS vendor prefix under the hood).