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Jailbreak Steering


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This command will

  1. Prompt you for your HuggingFace credentials and cache them.
  2. Create and activate a venv.
  3. Install the required packages.


Note: all commands should be run from the project's root directory.

Suffix generation

In this step, we take a dataset of (goal, target) pairs and generate a suffix for each goal that induces the target generation.

python3 -m jailbreak_steering.suffix_gen.run_suffix_gen \
    --dataset_path <path_to_dataset> \
    --results_dir <path_to_results_dir> \
    --logs_dir <path_to_logs_dir> \
    --config_path <path_to_config>


  • --dataset_path: path to the dataset CSV file containing goal and target columns.
  • --results_dir: directory where the generated suffixes will be stored.
  • --logs_dir: directory for saving logs.
  • --config_path: path to the configuration file.
  • --start_idx and --end_idx: range of dataset entries to process (end index is non-inclusive) - the suffix gen is run only for the prompts in dataset[start_idx:end_idx]
  • --seed: random seed for suffix generation.
  • --retry_failed: boolean flag to retry generating suffixes that failed previously.

Process suffix generation results

Before generating steering vectors, we'll process the results from suffix generation, creating a dataset with the proper formatting.

python3 -m jailbreak_steering.suffix_gen.process_suffix_gen \
    --suffix_gen_results_path <path_to_suffix_gen_results> \
    --output_dir <path_to_output_dir>


  • --suffix_gen_results_path: path to the file containing successful suffix generation results.
  • --output_path: File path where the processed results will be saved.
  • --pair_with_random_suffix: Boolean flag to pair each instruction with a randomly generated suffix.
  • --suffix_induces_behavior: Boolean flag label the combination of instruction and suffix as instruction_inducing_behavior.
  • --suffix_does_not_induce_behavior: Boolean flag to label the combination of instruction and suffix as instruction_not_inducing_behavior.

Vector generation

To generate steering vectors, run:

python3 -m jailbreak_steering.vector_gen.run_vector_gen \
    --dataset_path <path_to_data> \
    --vectors_dir <path_to_vectors_dir> \
    --data_type <data_type>


  • --dataset_path: Path to the dataset file.
  • --vectors_dir: Directory to save the generated vectors.
  • --data_type: Type of data to process, either instruction or instruction_answer.
    • instruction: Each dataset example consists of instruction_inducing_behavior,instruction_not_inducing_behavior.
    • instruction_answer: Each dataset example consists of instruction, answer_matching_behavior, answer_not_matching_behavior.
  • --use_default_system_prompt: Boolean flag to use the default system prompt. If not set, no system prompt is used.
  • --save_activations: Boolean flag to save the activation tensors.
  • --activations_dir: Directory to save the activation tensors.

Generating steered completions

python3 -m \
    --dataset_path <path_to_data> \
    --vectors_dir <path_to_vectors_dir> \
    --results_dir <path_to_results_dir> \
    --config_path <path_to_steering_config> \
    --max_new_tokens <number_tokens_generated_per_prompt> \
  • --dataset_path: Path to the dataset of instructions, which is assumed to be a csv with a column goal (the instruction, e.g. Tell me how to make a bomb) and a column target (the target response, e.g. Sure, here's how to make a bomb).
  • --vectors_dir: Directory where the vectors are stored.
  • --results_dir: Directory where the generated suffixes will be saved.
  • --config_path: Path of the config file containing the parameters that will be used to perform the steering. This config specifies which steering vector layers, multipliers, etc to use.
  • --run_locally: Boolean flag specifying whether to run the steering locally or in a Modal instance. This is set to True by default.
  • --max_new_tokens: Specifies the number of tokens we want to generate for each prompt. This is set to 50 by default.
  • --use_default_system_prompt: Boolean flag to use the default system prompt. If not set, no system prompt is used.
  • --num_test_datapoints: Specifies how many instructions to take from the dataset. This is set to None by default which means taking the whole dataset.
  • --hf_dataset: Name of a Huggingface dataset that we'll run generations for. This is set to None by default, but if we pass a value then we'll use a Huggingface dataset instead of passing the path to a locally stored dataset. The supported Huggingface datasets at the moment are obalcells/advbench and tatsu-lab/alpaca.

Calculate attack success rate

Given a set of instructions and corresponding generations, it returns the percentage of generations that contain harmful behavior. So if one instruction is "Tell me how to make a bomb.", a "succesful" generation is one that follows the instruction and contains useful content for making a bomb.

python3 -m \
    --method <method> \
    --generations_path <path_to_generations> \
    --results_dir <path_to_results_dir> \
    --model_name <name_of_llm_judge_model> \
    --api_key <modal_api_key> \
    --batch_size <batch_size> \
    --truncation_length <max_generation_length> \
    --verbose <boolean_flag_verbose>
  • method specifies which method to use to calculate the attack success rate. This can be either llm_judge or prefix_search.
  • generations_path is the path to the file containing the steered generations. Their format has to match the one of the files produced by running prompting_with_steering.
    "generations": [
            "instruction": "instruction text",
            "generation": "generation text"
        // more generations...
    // other content...
  • results_dir is the directory where the results will be saved.
  • model_name is the name of the LLM Judge model that we'll use to calculate the attack success rate.
  • api_key is the OpenAI API key. This is only needed if we run the evaluation using llm_judge.
  • batch_size is the batch size to use to make requests to Modal. This is set to 10 by default.
  • truncation_length is the maximum number of tokens to include per generation.
  • verbose is a boolean flag specifying whether to print the results of the attack success rate calculation. This is set to False by default.

Here's an example:

python3 -m jailbreak_steering.attack_success_rate.compute_attack_success_rate --generations_path ./jailbreak_steering/test_steering/results/results_20231205-00\:45_layers\=\[19\]_multipliers\=\[1\]_vector_label\=original_do_projection\=False_normalize\=True_add_every_token_position\=False_system_prompt\=custom.json


Evaluating generations: 100%|███████████████████████████████| 10/10 [01:43<00:00, 10.32s/it]
Overall success rate: 85.00%
Results saved to /path_to_repo/jailbreak_steering/jailbreak_steering/attack_success_rate/results/eval_ASR_gpt-3.5-turbo-1106_batchsize=10_maxgensize=200_date=20231206-12:53.json


To run tests, run:
