This file is an initial list of activities for the MELD testing project. The intent is to tick these off as they cease to become planned tasks, or move them to the GitHub issue list.
Prepare SOFA intro for MELDfest (done)
Prepare command line tool presentation for MELDfest
- add to SOFA presentation?
Prepare SSI project premise for MELDfest
- add to SOFA presentation? Based on Kevin's proposal
- Join presentation of MELD to BitH project
Progress status of antheia (now back online and publicly accessible)
Progress getting seldom back online (hosts MMM video)
- Note that BitH testing is not a goal for SSI3, but hope that SSI3 work may inform BitH (e.g. via the report)
go through Kevin's emails and merge SSI3 activities to get on with into a single list
- currently nvalt:20201013-SSI3-project-tasks on my laptop (this file)
Prepare for MELDfest (see 2020-07-29 above)
- draft agenda:
- Sofa slides on my laptop at oerc-music/nin-remixer-public/notes/20201004-SOFA-and-MELD.key
- also
- seek out copy of SOFA video
- SOFA SAAM paper:
- SOFA SAAM paper:
- Prep to talk about SOFA testing / meld-cli-tools
- Prep to talk about SSI3 premise (and focus?)
Chase JPNP for copy of SOFA video
- 2020-10-13: sent chasing email (in case there's a later version)
- 2020-10-13: Found copy Desktop/screencast2-SOFA-SAAM-demo.mkv in email "Fwd: Re: Chillin' on the SOFA" dated 2018-10-08
- An updated screencast (once I managed to work out audio settings in "simplescreenrecorder"). It now features a fragment being played back before the selection is made. It doesn't show the whole composition being played as that bit is not yet functional.
review Lohengrin app - "page in" some familiarity with it
- (Links from 2020-10-13 Teams chat log)
- ‘Lohengrin TimeMachine Digital Companion’ - interactive tablet app, essay, and video
- Video of app:
- Introductory video by Prof. Dreyfus, information on app, link to live demo (best effort):
- App:
Connects essay, music score, vocal score, and provides cross-links for playback.
Opera timeline is visible at bottom, with colour coding for the different story realms. Side by side comparisons of different instances of the motif are possible. -
look at graph traversal code on Lohengrin app
- Repo for Lohengrin app: Link , by David Lewis.
- 2020-10-20: currently stuck finding my way into the app
- Plan to come back to this when simpler stuff (Hello MELD, selectable score) is nailed
review Delius app
- delius-annotation is the live quartet annotation on tablet
- delius-playback is the replay of that capture
- annotations-bith_meld_intro-2020106-01.odp - Kevin's MELD intro with Climb! and delius
- ‘Delius in Performance’ - enhanced BL Discovering Music article:
- Video of app:
- Paper:
- Live demo (best effort availability):
- Delius String Quartet live performance annotation
- Background video:
- Paper:
- Live demo (best effort availability):
- delius_in_performance-enhanced_article-sound.mp4 (
review Lohengrin, Delius and MELD papers
think about focusing testing effort on the MELD traversal app.
- Basically this is a generalised facility to extract information required for a given app.
- (note to self - e.g. think SPARQL DESCRIBE issues?)
- Basically this is a generalised facility to extract information required for a given app.
think about profiling options to be part of testing framework. Identify where time is being spent? ‘Listening through Time’ - companion to New York Philharmonic Archives podcast Background information and video demonstration: Live demo (best effort availability):
raise simple app in internal SSI3 MELD testing discussion in Oxford. (see also: minimal selectable-score application, see and
consider support for tracking React changes? (Note: any form of testing should go a way toward this. More generally, problems of moving dependencies.) Consider effect on choice of testing framework.
look at changing names of blackList/whiteList in meld core codebase (dev branch)
- see issue #1
- proposed name changes - see issue
- proposed name changes - see issue
- [.] discuss new name choices with team
- [.] apply name changes to codebase
- [.] see if anything breaks
- look into CI for MELD core (see email this date from Kevin)
work with David/Mark to get MELD simple annotation example running
- Simple Help MELD app is running, with basic score rendering.
- Add selectable score to "Hello MELD" family
- see issue #2
think about presenting test framework at mini-MELDfest in spring 2021
set up project for MELD testing
- create project on GitHub
- pick testing framework; MochaJS? (alt JestJS)
- Create simple test suite for "Hello MELD"
look at graph traversal code on Lohengrin app
- Repo for Lohengrin app: Link , by David Lewis.
- 2020-10-20: currently stuck finding my way into the app
- Plan to come back to this when simpler stuff (Hello MELD, selectable score) is nailed
review Delius app
- delius-annotation is the live quartet annotation on tablet
- delius-playback is the replay of that capture
- annotations-bith_meld_intro-2020106-01.odp - Kevin's MELD intro with Climb! and delius
- ‘Delius in Performance’ - enhanced BL Discovering Music article:
- Video of app:
- Paper:
- Live demo (best effort availability):
- Delius String Quartet live performance annotation
- Background video:
- Paper:
- Live demo (best effort availability):
- delius_in_performance-enhanced_article-sound.mp4 (
review Lohengrin, Delius and MELD papers
think about focusing testing effort on the MELD traversal app.
- Basically this is a generalised facility to extract information required for a given app.
- (note to self - e.g. think SPARQL DESCRIBE issues?)
- Basically this is a generalised facility to extract information required for a given app.
think about profiling options to be part of testing framework. Identify where time is being spent?
consider support for tracking React changes? (Note: any form of testing should go a way toward this. More generally, problems of moving dependencies.) Consider effect on choice of testing framework.
[.] look at changing names of blackList/whiteList in meld core codebase (dev branch)
- see issue #1
- created local "unblacking" branch from git-meld-2.0 branch
- proposed name changes - see issue
- [.] discuss new name choices with team
- [.] apply name changes to codebase
- [.] see if anything breaks
- look into CI for MELD core (see email this date from Kevin)
work with David/Mark to get MELD simple annotation example running
- Simple Help MELD app is running, with basic score rendering.
- Add selectable score to "Hello MELD" family
- see issue #2
think about presenting test framework at mini-MELDfest in spring 2021
set up project for MELD testing
- create project on GitHub
- experiment with testing frameworks
- leaning to MochaJS, but for testing node+React server apps, thinking about how the apps should be structured. Will initially test with "Hello MELD"
- pick testing framework; MochaJS? (alt JestJS)
- Create simple test suite for "Hello MELD"
new update on RS work to MMM list
- email sent 2020-11-10
- no further comments since email sent
- ACTION: ask Toby to publish on MMM site
look at graph traversal code on Lohengrin app
- Repo for Lohengrin app: Link , by David Lewis.
- 2020-10-20: currently stuck finding my way into the app
- Plan to come back to this when simpler stuff (Hello MELD, selectable score) is nailed
- Plan to look at next hello meld and score selection with Mark on 2020-12-09
set up project for MELD testing
- create project on GitHub
- experiment with testing frameworks
- leaning to MochaJS, but for testing node+React server apps, thinking about how the apps should be structured. Will initially test with "Hello MELD"
- pick testing framework; MochaJS? (alt JestJS)
- Create simple test suite for "Hello MELD"
work with David/Mark to get MELD simple annotation example running
- Simple Hello MELD app is running, with basic score rendering.
- Add selectable score to "Hello MELD" family
- see issue #2
investigate toolchain for MEI creation. DONE
- "Hello MELD" score created in MuseScore
- Generate MusicXML and try conversion to MEI.
- See: - renders with Verovio in "hello-meld-2" app.
look at changing names of blackList/whiteList in meld core codebase (dev branch)
- see issue #1
- proposed name changes - see issue
- created local "unblacking" branch from git-meld-2.0 branch
- [.] discuss new name choices with team
- [.] apply name changes to codebase
- [.] see if anything breaks
Note that MELD mini-FEST is scheduled for 2021-02-08 (tentative)
Further ACTIONS:
MELDfest - think about what to present - "Hello MELD" + testing framework
Project timeline outline (MELDfest as milestone - what alternative topics are coming up?) Note timeline for work... thinks we want to explore and things we want to explore. Allow for feedback on write-up. Aim for early feedback on parts of report.
2020-12-09 - Hello MELD discussion. Register MIME type for MEI. (application/mei+xml) (See TEI:
NOTE: warnings about node package versions.
NOTE: By end of project need to articulate an approach (or approaches) to avoiding deprecated library dependencies, as part of SSI3 activity. Also node version dependencies. (see next) Articulate problems of technical debt? Note maintenance load from building on new, fast-moving projects. Isolate dependencies behind API. Use MELD as example...
NOTE: for MELD, raise this early. E.g. raise an issue against meld-client-core. Also suggest possible solutions? (incl CI.)
hello-meld-3 - with linked data
hello-meld-4 - with interactions
@@@ARC app
Actions from 2021-06-11 MELD futures meeting:
ACTION: GK send link to failing test to Alastair. (hello-meld-2)
NOTE to GK for report: in choosing software dependencies, look at recency of updates/active support of package(s) used.