Releases: ofpinewood/pineblog
Remove support for .Net Core 2.2 and add support for .Net Core 3.0/3.1.
- 8928d5a Enable UseDatabaseErrorPage
- 667ca3c Filemanager not working fixed (#78)
- d48a3ad Update nuspec file
- 308b458 Update azure-pipelines.yml
- 739f0a5 Remove support for .Net Core 2.2 and add support for .Net Core 3.0/3.1 (#76) [ #64, #65 ]
- a49c729 Update npm packages
- cc6f8e9 Update to gulp 4.x (#75)
This list of changes was auto generated.
Remove support for .Net Core 2.2 and add support for .Net Core 3.0/3.1.
- Filemanager not working fixed
- 667ca3c Filemanager not working fixed (#78)
- d48a3ad Update nuspec file
- 308b458 Update azure-pipelines.yml
- 739f0a5 Remove support for .Net Core 2.2 and add support for .Net Core 3.0/3.1 (#76) [ #64, #65 ]
- a49c729 Update npm packages
- cc6f8e9 Update to gulp 4.x (#75)
This list of changes was auto generated.
Remove support for .Net Core 2.2 and add support for .Net Core 3.0/3.1
- d48a3ad Update nuspec file
- 308b458 Update azure-pipelines.yml
- 739f0a5 Remove support for .Net Core 2.2 and add support for .Net Core 3.0/3.1 (#76) [ #64, #65 ]
- a49c729 Update npm packages
- cc6f8e9 Update to gulp 4.x (#75)
This list of changes was auto generated.
Delete images/files from the filemanager
- c01977a Delete images/files from the filemanager (#71) [ #26 ]
- 187175b Refactoring (#70)
- 5aa3ac8 Update
- 0174c9c Add paging to the admin posts page (#69) [ #18 ]
- 7826bec Check if the BlogSettingsConfigurationSource is configured on startup (#68) [ #63 ]
- 63a594a Update documentation for AddPineBlogConfiguration
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Fix: Page cover on homepage not showing cover image
- c696815 Fix nuspec package references
- e1160f1 Fix: Page cover on homepage not showing cover image (#67)
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- Manage blog settings
- Give a warning when changing the title of a published post
- RSS and ATOM feeds
- 3386438 Manage blog settings (#62) [ #23 ]
- b90178b Delete a post (#61) [ #40 ]
- 8288322 Update azure-pipelines.yml
- 6cfac52 Update azure-pipelines.yml
- c29f08a Give a warning when changing the title of a published post (#60) [ #32 ]
- 29ff9ad RSS and ATOM feeds (#59) [ #52, #54 ]
- 4826142 Setup demo site for PineBlog (#58) [ #20 ]
- 4aaabea Pipeline update
- ff8bdcc Update application insights package
- c008233 Pipeline update
PineBlog is a light-weight open source blogging engine written in ASP.NET Core MVC Razor Pages, using Entity Framework Core. It is highly extendable, customizable and easy to integrate in an existing web application.
- Markdown post editor
- File management
- Light-weight using Razor Pages
- SEO optimized
- Open Graph protocol
- Clean Architecture (youtube: Clean Architecture with ASP.NET Core)
- Entity Framework Core, SQL database
- Azure Blob Storage, for file storage
- ..only a blogging engine, nothing else..
What is not included
Because PineBlog is very light-weight it is not a complete web application, it needs to be integrated in an existing web application or you need to create a basic web application for it. There are a few things PineBlog depends on, but that it does not provide.
- Authentication and authorization
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