JSON for all demos
"title": "Hello World",
"id": 333,
"comments": [
"text": "Lorem Ipsum",
"free": true
"text": "999"
{* I’m a gtpl comment *}
<!-- I’m a standard html comment and I will be part of the output -->
{template Test}
{* A template in the top namespace *}
{template MyNamespace.MySubNamespace.FooBar}
* A template in namespace "MyNamespace.MySubNamespace".
* Templates can’t be namespaces at the same time
{namespace MyNamespace.MySubNamespace}
{template .FooBar}
* !! This is a short form to improve readability!
* Each time a template name starts with a dot, the first
* preceeding namespace declaration is added to its name.
{template Example}
{_} {* Local Root Node *}
{_ctx} {* Global Root Node *}
{_p.foo} {* Parameter "foo" *}
{link_to(_)} {* Registered helper function *}
{_.comments.filter(item('free'))} {* evalNodes contain side-effect free, javascript *}
{_.comments && _.comments[0].text || ‘no comment’} {* "&&" and "||" can be useful *}
{namespace DemoCall}
{template .Start}
{_.title} {* "Hello World" *}
{_ctx.title} {* "Hello World" *}
{call DemoCall.Two root=_.comment[0]}
{template .Two}
{_.text} {* "Lorem Ipsum" (New local root) *}
{_ctx.title} {* "Hello World" *}
{template .MoreCallExamples}
{call .Two root=_.comment[0]} {* Namespace Rules also apply to calls *}
{call .Three} {* Dosn’t change local root. Same as "root=_" *}
{template DemoParam}
{param foo="bar"} {* _p.foo == "bar" *}
{param name=_.name || "noname"} {* RHS is javascript *}
This shows the semanitcs of calls in combination with params.
{template DemoParam2}
{param foo=’bar’}
{_p.foo} {* "bar" *}
{call Two}
{_p.foo} {* "bar" (param not changed here) *}
{template Two}
{_p.foo} {* "bar" !!params are propagated *}
{param foo="blub"}
{_p.foo} {* "blub" !!params changed locally*}
Call (with capital "C") expects a closing statement {/Call}. One can specify params and containers in its body which are padded to the called template.
{template DemoCall2}
{Call Two}
{param foo="bar"}
{_p.foo || "not set"} {* "not set". params in Call bodies are only defined the called template *}
{template Two}
{_p.foo} {* "bar" *}
{template DemoIf}
{if _.title == "yodel"} {* This is a javascript expression *}
{elseif _.id == 222}
Small ID
{elseif _.comments.length > 10}
Many comments
Hello World
{template DemoForeach}
{foreach comment in _.comments}
{comment.text} {* comment is defined in foreach*}
{comment$first} {* true on first item *}
{comment$last} {* true on last item *}
{comment$index} {* position in list,starting with 0*}
{comment$length} {* length of list *}
{comment$list} {* list itself *}
{break} {* stops looping *}
{continue} {* continues with next list item *}
{cycle ["black", "white", "red"]} {*evals to "black","white","red","black",...on each loop *}
{ifempty} {* optional *}
No Comments
A special form of "call", uses template containers instead of template names.
{template DemoYield}
{foreach comment in _.comments}
{Call GenericBox root=comment}
{container GENERICBOXCONTENT = MyComment} {* set GENERICBOXCONTENT to template "MyComment" *}
{template GenericBox}
{* This template doesn’t know anything about comments *}
<div class="box">
* Calls template in container GENERICBOXCONTENTS.
* In this example, it is set to MyComment
{template MyComment}
fallback deals with undefined containers
{template GenericBox}
<div class="box">
* In case GENERICBOXCONTENT was not set, EmptyBox will be called.
{yield GENERICBOXCONTENT fallback=EmptyBox root=_}
{yield ANNOTATION fallback=noop} {* noop: nothing will be called *}
{template EmptyBox}
No Content
Yield has a captial-form, too. Use it in the same way as Call to pass new params or containers.
{template GenericBox}
{param called_from="box"}
{container SPECIAL=SpecialContent}
Container (with capital "C") defines an inline template. Some special variables are available.
{template DemoYield2}
{param foo="bar"}
{foreach comment in _.comments}
{Call GenericBox root=comment}
{comment.text} {* is still defined here *}
{_.name} {* local root is not changed *}
{_y.text} {* holds new local root of yield-call *}
{_p.foo} {* "bar" *}
{_yp.foo} {* "blub" *}
{template GenericBox}
<div class="box">
{param foo="blub"}
This statement adds meta information to the compiled template, which can be evaluated by custom plugins.
{template DemoMeta}
{meta description="this is an example template for meta"}
{meta export_template=false}