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Sk Niyaj Ali edited this page Dec 25, 2024 · 3 revisions

Credentials Generation Guide

Our project uses different services and platforms to sign and distribute our app to users. To that end, we need different credentials and keys. Below, we've mentioned their use cases and how we're using them.

Required Github Secrets

To automate the build and deployment process, you need to configure the following secrets in your GitHub repository settings:

Platform Key Name Description Encoding/Format Required
Android ORIGINAL_KEYSTORE_FILE Base64 encoded release keystore Base64 Yes
Android ORIGINAL_KEYSTORE_FILE_PASSWORD Keystore password String Yes
Android ORIGINAL_KEYSTORE_ALIAS Keystore alias String Yes
Android ORIGINAL_KEYSTORE_ALIAS_PASSWORD Keystore alias password String Yes
Android UPLOAD_KEYSTORE_FILE Base64 encoded release keystore for upload Base64 Yes
Android UPLOAD_KEYSTORE_FILE_PASSWORD Upload keystore password String Yes
Android UPLOAD_KEYSTORE_ALIAS Upload keystore alias String Yes
Android UPLOAD_KEYSTORE_ALIAS_PASSWORD Upload keystore alias password String Yes
Google Services GOOGLESERVICES Google Services JSON content Base64 Yes
Play Console PLAYSTORECREDS Play Store service account credentials Base64 Yes
Firebase FIREBASECREDS Firebase App Distribution credentials Base64 Yes
iOS NOTARIZATION_APPLE_ID Apple ID for app notarization String Yes
iOS NOTARIZATION_PASSWORD Password for notarization process String Yes
iOS NOTARIZATION_TEAM_ID Apple Developer Team ID String Yes
Desktop (Windows) WINDOWS_SIGNING_KEY Signing key for Windows application String No
Desktop (Windows) WINDOWS_SIGNING_PASSWORD Password for Windows signing key String No
Desktop (Windows) WINDOWS_SIGNING_CERTIFICATE Certificate for Windows app signing String No
Desktop (MacOS) MACOS_SIGNING_KEY Signing key for MacOS application String No
Desktop (MacOS) MACOS_SIGNING_PASSWORD Password for MacOS signing key String No
Desktop (MacOS) MACOS_SIGNING_CERTIFICATE Certificate for MacOS app signing String No
Desktop (Linux) LINUX_SIGNING_KEY Signing key for Linux application String No
Desktop (Linux) LINUX_SIGNING_PASSWORD Password for Linux signing key String No
Desktop (Linux) LINUX_SIGNING_CERTIFICATE Certificate for Linux app signing String No

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