` tags are not being overridden anymore
+- More correct highlighting of code blocks inside non-`` containers:
+ highlighter now doesn't insist on replacing them with its own container and
+ just replaces the contents.
+- Small fixes in browser compatibility and heuristics.
+[c++ 0x]: http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/C%2B%2B0x
+[html 5]: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HTML5
+[ik]: http://kalnitsky.org.ua/
+### For developers
+The most significant change is the ability to include language submodes right
+under `contains` instead of defining explicit named submodes in the main array:
+ contains: [
+ 'string',
+ 'number',
+ {begin: '\\n', end: hljs.IMMEDIATE_RE}
+ ]
+This is useful for auxiliary modes needed only in one place to define parsing.
+Note that such modes often don't have `className` and hence won't generate a
+separate `` in the resulting markup. This is similar in effect to
+`noMarkup: true`. All existing languages have been refactored accordingly.
+Test file test.html has at last become a real test. Now it not only puts the
+detected language name under the code snippet but also tests if it matches the
+expected one. Test summary is displayed right above all language snippets.
+## CDN
+Fine people at [Yandex][] agreed to host highlight.js on their big fast servers.
+[Link up][l]!
+[yandex]: http://yandex.com/
+[l]: http://softwaremaniacs.org/soft/highlight/en/download/
+## Version 5.10 — "Paris".
+Though I'm on a vacation in Paris, I decided to release a new version with a
+couple of small fixes:
+- Tomas Vitvar discovered that TAB replacement doesn't always work when used
+ with custom markup in code
+- SQL parsing is even more rigid now and doesn't step over SmallTalk in tests
+## Version 5.9
+A long-awaited version is finally released.
+New languages:
+- Andrew Fedorov made a definition for Lua
+- a long-time highlight.js contributor [Peter Leonov][pl] made a definition for
+ Nginx config
+- [Vladimir Moskva][vm] made a definition for TeX
+[pl]: http://kung-fu-tzu.ru/
+[vm]: http://fulc.ru/
+Fixes for existing languages:
+- [Loren Segal][ls] reworked the Ruby definition and added highlighting for
+ [YARD][] inline documentation
+- the definition of SQL has become more solid and now it shouldn't be overly
+ greedy when it comes to language detection
+[ls]: http://gnuu.org/
+[yard]: http://yardoc.org/
+The highlighter has become more usable as a library allowing to do highlighting
+from initialization code of JS frameworks and in ajax methods (see.
+Also this version drops support for the [WordPress][wp] plugin. Everyone is
+welcome to [pick up its maintenance][p] if needed.
+[wp]: http://wordpress.org/
+[p]: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~isagalaev/+junk/highlight/annotate/342/src/wp_highlight.js.php
+## Version 5.8
+- Jan Berkel has contributed a definition for Scala. +1 to hotness!
+- All CSS-styles are rewritten to work only inside `` tags to avoid
+ conflicts with host site styles.
+## Version 5.7.
+Fixed escaping of quotes in VBScript strings.
+## Version 5.5
+This version brings a small change: now .ini-files allow digits, underscores and
+square brackets in key names.
+## Version 5.4
+Fixed small but upsetting bug in the packer which caused incorrect highlighting
+of explicitly specified languages. Thanks to Andrew Fedorov for precise
+## Version 5.3
+The version to fulfil old promises.
+The most significant change is that highlight.js now preserves custom user
+markup in code along with its own highlighting markup. This means that now it's
+possible to use, say, links in code. Thanks to [Vladimir Dolzhenko][vd] for the
+[initial proposal][1] and for making a proof-of-concept patch.
+Also in this version:
+- [Vasily Polovnyov][vp] has sent a GitHub-like style and has implemented
+ support for CSS @-rules and Ruby symbols.
+- Yura Zaripov has sent two styles: Brown Paper and School Book.
+- Oleg Volchkov has sent a definition for [Parser 3][p3].
+[1]: http://softwaremaniacs.org/forum/highlightjs/6612/
+[p3]: http://www.parser.ru/
+[vp]: http://vasily.polovnyov.ru/
+[vd]: http://dolzhenko.blogspot.com/
+## Version 5.2
+- at last it's possible to replace indentation TABs with something sensible
+ (e.g. 2 or 4 spaces)
+- new keywords and built-ins for 1C by Sergey Baranov
+- a couple of small fixes to Apache highlighting
+## Version 5.1
+This is one of those nice version consisting entirely of new and shiny
+- [Vladimir Ermakov][vooon] created highlighting for AVR Assembler
+- [Ruslan Keba][rukeba] created highlighting for Apache config file. Also his
+ original visual style for it is now available for all highlight.js languages
+ under the name "Magula".
+- [Shuen-Huei Guan][drake] (aka Drake) sent new keywords for RenderMan
+ languages. Also thanks go to [Konstantin Evdokimenko][ke] for his advice on
+ the matter.
+[vooon]: http://vehq.ru/about/
+[rukeba]: http://rukeba.com/
+[drake]: http://drakeguan.org/
+[ke]: http://k-evdokimenko.moikrug.ru/
+## Version 5.0
+The main change in the new major version of highlight.js is a mechanism for
+packing several languages along with the library itself into a single compressed
+file. Now sites using several languages will load considerably faster because
+the library won't dynamically include additional files while loading.
+Also this version fixes a long-standing bug with Javascript highlighting that
+couldn't distinguish between regular expressions and division operations.
+And as usually there were a couple of minor correctness fixes.
+Great thanks to all contributors! Keep using highlight.js.
+## Version 4.3
+This version comes with two contributions from [Jason Diamond][jd]:
+- language definition for C# (yes! it was a long-missed thing!)
+- Visual Studio-like highlighting style
+Plus there are a couple of minor bug fixes for parsing HTML and XML attributes.
+[jd]: http://jason.diamond.name/weblog/
+## Version 4.2
+The biggest news is highlighting for Lisp, courtesy of Vasily Polovnyov. It's
+somewhat experimental meaning that for highlighting "keywords" it doesn't use
+any pre-defined set of a Lisp dialect. Instead it tries to highlight first word
+in parentheses wherever it makes sense. I'd like to ask people programming in
+Lisp to confirm if it's a good idea and send feedback to [the forum][f].
+Other changes:
+- Smalltalk was excluded from DEFAULT_LANGUAGES to save traffic
+- [Vladimir Epifanov][voldmar] has implemented javascript style switcher for
+ test.html
+- comments now allowed inside Ruby function definition
+- [MEL][] language from [Shuen-Huei Guan][drake]
+- whitespace now allowed between `` and ``
+- better auto-detection of C++ and PHP
+- HTML allows embedded VBScript (`<% .. %>`)
+[f]: http://softwaremaniacs.org/forum/highlightjs/
+[voldmar]: http://voldmar.ya.ru/
+[mel]: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maya_Embedded_Language
+[drake]: http://drakeguan.org/
+## Version 4.1
+- Bash from Vah
+- DOS bat-files from Alexander Makarov (Sam)
+- Diff files from Vasily Polovnyov
+- Ini files from myself though initial idea was from Sam
+- Zenburn from Vladimir Epifanov, this is an imitation of a
+ [well-known theme for Vim][zenburn].
+- Ascetic from myself, as a realization of ideals of non-flashy highlighting:
+ just one color in only three gradations :-)
+In other news. [One small bug][bug] was fixed, built-in keywords were added for
+Python and C++ which improved auto-detection for the latter (it was shame that
+[my wife's blog][alenacpp] had issues with it from time to time). And lastly
+thanks go to Sam for getting rid of my stylistic comments in code that were
+getting in the way of [JSMin][].
+[zenburn]: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zenburn
+[alenacpp]: http://alenacpp.blogspot.com/
+[bug]: http://softwaremaniacs.org/forum/viewtopic.php?id=1823
+[jsmin]: http://code.google.com/p/jsmin-php/
+## Version 4.0
+New major version is a result of vast refactoring and of many contributions.
+Visible new features:
+- Highlighting of embedded languages. Currently is implemented highlighting of
+ Javascript and CSS inside HTML.
+- Bundled 5 ready-made style themes!
+Invisible new features:
+- Highlight.js no longer pollutes global namespace. Only one object and one
+ function for backward compatibility.
+- Performance is further increased by about 15%.
+Changing of a major version number caused by a new format of language definition
+files. If you use some third-party language files they should be updated.
+## Version 3.5
+A very nice version in my opinion fixing a number of small bugs and slightly
+increased speed in a couple of corner cases. Thanks to everybody who reports
+bugs in he [forum][f] and by email!
+There is also a new language — XML. A custom XML formerly was detected as HTML
+and didn't highlight custom tags. In this version I tried to make custom XML to
+be detected and highlighted by its own rules. Which by the way include such
+things as CDATA sections and processing instructions (` ... ?>`).
+[f]: http://softwaremaniacs.org/forum/viewforum.php?id=6
+## Version 3.3
+[Vladimir Gubarkov][xonix] has provided an interesting and useful addition.
+File export.html contains a little program that shows and allows to copy and
+paste an HTML code generated by the highlighter for any code snippet. This can
+be useful in situations when one can't use the script itself on a site.
+[xonix]: http://xonixx.blogspot.com/
+## Version 3.2 consists completely of contributions:
+- Vladimir Gubarkov has described SmallTalk
+- Yuri Ivanov has described 1C
+- Peter Leonov has packaged the highlighter as a Firefox extension
+- Vladimir Ermakov has compiled a mod for phpBB
+Many thanks to you all!
+## Version 3.1
+Three new languages are available: Django templates, SQL and Axapta. The latter
+two are sent by [Dmitri Roudakov][1]. However I've almost entirely rewrote an
+SQL definition but I'd never started it be it from the ground up :-)
+The engine itself has got a long awaited feature of grouping keywords
+("keyword", "built-in function", "literal"). No more hacks!
+[1]: http://roudakov.ru/
+## Version 3.0
+It is major mainly because now highlight.js has grown large and has become
+modular. Now when you pass it a list of languages to highlight it will
+dynamically load into a browser only those languages.
+- Konstantin Evdokimenko of [RibKit][] project has created a highlighting for
+ RenderMan Shading Language and RenderMan Interface Bytestream. Yay for more
+ languages!
+- Heuristics for C++ and HTML got better.
+- I've implemented (at last) a correct handling of backslash escapes in C-like
+ languages.
+There is also a small backwards incompatible change in the new version. The
+function initHighlighting that was used to initialize highlighting instead of
+initHighlightingOnLoad a long time ago no longer works. If you by chance still
+use it — replace it with the new one.
+[RibKit]: http://ribkit.sourceforge.net/
+## Version 2.9
+Highlight.js is a parser, not just a couple of regular expressions. That said
+I'm glad to announce that in the new version 2.9 has support for:
+- in-string substitutions for Ruby -- `#{...}`
+- strings from from numeric symbol codes (like #XX) for Delphi
+## Version 2.8
+A maintenance release with more tuned heuristics. Fully backwards compatible.
+## Version 2.7
+- Nikita Ledyaev presents highlighting for VBScript, yay!
+- A couple of bugs with escaping in strings were fixed thanks to Mickle
+- Ongoing tuning of heuristics
+Fixed bugs were rather unpleasant so I encourage everyone to upgrade!
+## Version 2.4
+- Peter Leonov provides another improved highlighting for Perl
+- Javascript gets a new kind of keywords — "literals". These are the words
+ "true", "false" and "null"
+Also highlight.js homepage now lists sites that use the library. Feel free to
+add your site by [dropping me a message][mail] until I find the time to build a
+submit form.
+[mail]: mailto:Maniac@SoftwareManiacs.Org
+## Version 2.3
+This version fixes IE breakage in previous version. My apologies to all who have
+already downloaded that one!
+## Version 2.2
+- added highlighting for Javascript
+- at last fixed parsing of Delphi's escaped apostrophes in strings
+- in Ruby fixed highlighting of keywords 'def' and 'class', same for 'sub' in
+ Perl
+## Version 2.0
+- Ruby support by [Anton Kovalyov][ak]
+- speed increased by orders of magnitude due to new way of parsing
+- this same way allows now correct highlighting of keywords in some tricky
+ places (like keyword "End" at the end of Delphi classes)
+[ak]: http://anton.kovalyov.net/
+## Version 1.0
+Version 1.0 of javascript syntax highlighter is released!
+It's the first version available with English description. Feel free to post
+your comments and question to [highlight.js forum][forum]. And don't be afraid
+if you find there some fancy Cyrillic letters -- it's for Russian users too :-)
+[forum]: http://softwaremaniacs.org/forum/viewforum.php?id=6
diff --git a/contrib/highlight.js/Configuration b/contrib/highlight.js/Configuration
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..66d4b6e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/highlight.js/Configuration
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+Selected languages for custom package:
diff --git a/contrib/highlight.js/LICENSE b/contrib/highlight.js/LICENSE
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..fe2f67b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/highlight.js/LICENSE
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+Copyright (c) 2006, Ivan Sagalaev
+All rights reserved.
+Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
+ * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+ notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+ * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
+ notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
+ documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+ * Neither the name of highlight.js nor the names of its contributors
+ may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
+ without specific prior written permission.
diff --git a/contrib/highlight.js/README.md b/contrib/highlight.js/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3afbde31
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/highlight.js/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
+# Highlight.js
+[![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/isagalaev/highlight.js.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/isagalaev/highlight.js)
+Highlight.js is a syntax highlighter written in JavaScript. It works in
+the browser as well as on the server. It works with pretty much any
+markup, doesn’t depend on any framework and has automatic language
+## Getting Started
+The bare minimum for using highlight.js on a web page is linking to the
+library along with one of the styles and calling
+This will find and highlight code inside of `` tags; it tries
+to detect the language automatically. If automatic detection doesn’t
+work for you, you can specify the language in the `class` attribute:
+The list of supported language classes is available in the [class
+reference][2]. Classes can also be prefixed with either `language-` or
+To disable highlighting altogether use the `nohighlight` class:
+## Custom Initialization
+When you need a bit more control over the initialization of
+highlight.js, you can use the [`highlightBlock`][3] and [`configure`][4]
+functions. This allows you to control *what* to highlight and *when*.
+Here’s an equivalent way to calling [`initHighlightingOnLoad`][1] using
+$(document).ready(function() {
+ $('pre code').each(function(i, block) {
+ hljs.highlightBlock(block);
+ });
+You can use any tags instead of `` to mark up your code. If
+you don't use a container that preserve line breaks you will need to
+configure highlight.js to use the `
` tag:
+hljs.configure({useBR: true});
+$('div.code').each(function(i, block) {
+ hljs.highlightBlock(block);
+For other options refer to the documentation for [`configure`][4].
+## Web Workers
+You can run highlighting inside a web worker to avoid freezing the browser
+window while dealing with very big chunks of code.
+In your main script:
+addEventListener('load', function() {
+ var code = document.querySelector('#code');
+ var worker = new Worker('worker.js');
+ worker.onmessage = function(event) { code.innerHTML = event.data; }
+ worker.postMessage(code.textContent);
+In worker.js:
+onmessage = function(event) {
+ importScripts('/highlight.pack.js');
+ var result = self.hljs.highlightAuto(event.data);
+ postMessage(result.value);
+## Getting the Library
+You can get highlight.js as a hosted, or custom-build, browser script or
+as a server module. Right out of the box the browser script supports
+both AMD and CommonJS, so if you wish you can use RequireJS or
+Browserify without having to build from source. The server module also
+works perfectly fine with Browserify, but there is the option to use a
+build specific to browsers rather than something meant for a server.
+Head over to the [download page][5] for all the options.
+**Note:** the library is not supposed to work straight from the source
+on GitHub; it requires building. If none of the pre-packaged options
+work for you refer to the [building documentation][6].
+Also, if you are using something like almond, you need to use the
+optimizer to give the module a name. The basic example would be:
+r.js -o name=hljs paths.hljs=/path/to/highlight out=highlight.js
+## License
+Highlight.js is released under the BSD License. See [LICENSE][7] file
+for details.
+## Links
+The official site for the library is at .
+Further in-depth documentation for the API and other topics is at
+ .
+Authors and contributors are listed in the [AUTHORS.en.txt][8] file.
+[1]: http://highlightjs.readthedocs.org/en/latest/api.html#inithighlightingonload
+[2]: http://highlightjs.readthedocs.org/en/latest/css-classes-reference.html
+[3]: http://highlightjs.readthedocs.org/en/latest/api.html#highlightblock-block
+[4]: http://highlightjs.readthedocs.org/en/latest/api.html#configure-options
+[5]: https://highlightjs.org/download/
+[6]: http://highlightjs.readthedocs.org/en/latest/building-testing.html
+[7]: https://github.com/isagalaev/highlight.js/blob/master/LICENSE
+[8]: https://github.com/isagalaev/highlight.js/blob/master/AUTHORS.en.txt
diff --git a/daps2013/version.xsl b/daps2013/VERSION
similarity index 100%
rename from daps2013/version.xsl
rename to daps2013/VERSION
diff --git a/daps2013/VERSION.xsl b/daps2013/VERSION.xsl
new file mode 120000
index 00000000..974cf28e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/daps2013/VERSION.xsl
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/daps2013/fo/docbook.xsl b/daps2013/fo/docbook.xsl
index c4a16aa9..d20ae3d7 100644
--- a/daps2013/fo/docbook.xsl
+++ b/daps2013/fo/docbook.xsl
@@ -31,6 +31,6 @@
diff --git a/daps2013/xhtml/docbook.xsl b/daps2013/xhtml/docbook.xsl
index 9265d45b..0a2d7912 100644
--- a/daps2013/xhtml/docbook.xsl
+++ b/daps2013/xhtml/docbook.xsl
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
diff --git a/opensuse2013/version.xsl b/opensuse2013/VERSION
similarity index 100%
rename from opensuse2013/version.xsl
rename to opensuse2013/VERSION
diff --git a/opensuse2013/VERSION.xsl b/opensuse2013/VERSION.xsl
new file mode 120000
index 00000000..974cf28e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/opensuse2013/VERSION.xsl
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/opensuse2013/fo/docbook.xsl b/opensuse2013/fo/docbook.xsl
index a41e388a..e979b8b9 100644
--- a/opensuse2013/fo/docbook.xsl
+++ b/opensuse2013/fo/docbook.xsl
@@ -31,6 +31,6 @@
diff --git a/opensuse2013/xhtml/docbook.xsl b/opensuse2013/xhtml/docbook.xsl
index 54e734ce..b9b49603 100644
--- a/opensuse2013/xhtml/docbook.xsl
+++ b/opensuse2013/xhtml/docbook.xsl
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
diff --git a/packaging/suse-xsl-stylesheets.spec b/packaging/suse-xsl-stylesheets.spec
index e4d86880..08792f43 100644
--- a/packaging/suse-xsl-stylesheets.spec
+++ b/packaging/suse-xsl-stylesheets.spec
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
Name: suse-xsl-stylesheets
-Version: 2.0.5
+Version: 2.0.6
Release: 0
@@ -33,18 +33,10 @@ Release: 0
-%define novdocversion 1.0
-%define novdocname novdoc
-%define regcat %{_bindir}/sgml-register-catalog
-%define dbstyles %{_datadir}/xml/docbook/stylesheet/nwalsh/current
-%define suse_schemas_catalog catalog-for-suse_schemas.xml
-%define susexsl_catalog catalog-for-%{name}.xml
-%define suse_schemas_groupname suse_schemas
-%define suse_xml_dir %{_datadir}/xml/suse
-%define db_xml_dir %{_datadir}/xml/docbook
-%define suse_schema_dir %{suse_xml_dir}/schema
-%define suse_styles_dir %{db_xml_dir}/stylesheet
+%define dbstyles %{_datadir}/xml/docbook/stylesheet/nwalsh/current
+%define susexsl_catalog catalog-for-%{name}.xml
+%define db_xml_dir %{_datadir}/xml/docbook
+%define suse_styles_dir %{db_xml_dir}/stylesheet
Summary: SUSE-Branded Stylesheets for DocBook
License: GPL-2.0 or GPL-3.0
@@ -77,62 +69,52 @@ Requires: docbook-xsl-stylesheets >= 1.77
Requires: docbook5-xsl-stylesheets >= 1.77
Requires: libxslt
+Requires: aspell-en
Recommends: daps
# Fonts
-%if 0%{?suse_version} >= 1220
-Requires: dejavu-fonts
+# Western fallback: currently necessary for building with XEP, it seems.
+Requires: ghostscript-fonts-std
+# Western fallback 2: These should make the Ghostscript fonts unnecessary.
Requires: gnu-free-fonts
-Requires: liberation-fonts
+# "Generic" font for use in cases where we don't want one of the gnu-free-fonts
+Requires: dejavu-fonts
+# FONTS USED IN "suse" (aka "suse2005") STYLESHEETS
+# Proprietary Western:
Recommends: agfa-fonts
-# Japanese:
-Recommends: sazanami-fonts
-# Korean:
-Recommends: un-fonts
-Requires: dejavu
-Requires: freefont
+# Fallback for proprietary Western:
Requires: liberation-fonts
-Recommends: aspell aspell-en
-Recommends: agfa-fonts
# Japanese:
-Recommends: sazanami-fonts
+Requires: sazanami-fonts
# Korean:
-Recommends: unfonts
-# Chinese -- only available from M17N:fonts in Code 11:
-Recommends: wqy-microhei-fonts
+Requires: un-fonts
+# Chinese:
+Requires: wqy-microhei-fonts
-%if 0%{?sles_version}
-Recommends: ttf-founder-simplified
-# A rather simplistic solution which roughly means that you need M17N:fonts to
-# build the new stylesheets on older OS's.
-%if 0%{?suse_version} >= 1220
+# Western fonts:
Requires: google-opensans-fonts
Requires: sil-charis-fonts
-Recommends: google-opensans-fonts
-Recommends: sil-charis-fonts
# Monospace -- dejavu-fonts, already required
# Western fonts fallback -- gnu-free-fonts, already required
-# Chinese simplified -- wqy-microhei-fonts, already recommended
+# Chinese simplified -- wqy-microhei-fonts, already required
# Chinese traditional:
-Recommends: arphic-uming-fonts
+Requires: arphic-uming-fonts
# Japanese:
-Recommends: ipa-pgothic-fonts
-Recommends: ipa-pmincho-fonts
-# Korean:
-Recommends: nanum-fonts
+Requires: ipa-pgothic-fonts
+Requires: ipa-pmincho-fonts
+# Korean -- un-fonts, already required
# Arabic:
-Recommends: arabic-amiri-fonts
+Requires: arabic-amiri-fonts
@@ -161,28 +143,17 @@ make install DESTDIR=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT LIBDIR=%_libdir
-# register catalogs
-if [ -x %{regcat} ]; then
- %{regcat} -a %{_datadir}/sgml/CATALOG.%{novdocname}-%{novdocversion} >/dev/null 2>&1 || true
# XML Catalogs
# remove existing entries first - needed for
# zypper in, since it does not call postun
# delete ...
if [ "2" = "$1" ]; then
- edit-xml-catalog --group --catalog %{_sysconfdir}/xml/suse-catalog.xml \
- --del %{suse_schemas_groupname} || true
edit-xml-catalog --group --catalog %{_sysconfdir}/xml/suse-catalog.xml \
--del %{name} || true
# ... and (re)add it again
-edit-xml-catalog --group --catalog %{_sysconfdir}/xml/suse-catalog.xml \
- --add %{_sysconfdir}/xml/%{suse_schemas_catalog}
edit-xml-catalog --group --catalog %{_sysconfdir}/xml/suse-catalog.xml \
--add %{_sysconfdir}/xml/%{susexsl_catalog}
@@ -200,12 +171,6 @@ exit 0
if [ "0" = "$1" ]; then
if [ ! -f %{_sysconfdir}/xml/%{suse_schemas_catalog} -a -x /usr/bin/edit-xml-catalog ] ; then
- # SGML: novdoc dtd entry
- %{regcat} -r %{_datadir}/sgml/CATALOG.%{novdocname}-%{novdocversion} >/dev/null 2>&1 || true
- # XML
- # schemas entry
- edit-xml-catalog --group --catalog %{_sysconfdir}/xml/suse-catalog.xml \
- --del %{suse_schemas_groupname}
# susexsl entry
edit-xml-catalog --group --catalog %{_sysconfdir}/xml/suse-catalog.xml \
--del %{name}
@@ -227,8 +192,6 @@ exit 0
%dir %{_datadir}/suse-xsl-stylesheets
%dir %{_datadir}/suse-xsl-stylesheets/aspell
-%dir %{suse_xml_dir}
%dir %{suse_styles_dir}
%dir %{suse_styles_dir}/suse
%dir %{suse_styles_dir}/suse-ns
@@ -239,13 +202,6 @@ exit 0
%dir %{suse_styles_dir}/opensuse2013
%dir %{suse_styles_dir}/opensuse2013-ns
-%dir %{suse_schema_dir}
-%dir %{suse_schema_dir}/dtd
-%dir %{suse_schema_dir}/rng
-%dir %{suse_schema_dir}/dtd/1.0
-%dir %{suse_schema_dir}/rng/0.9
-%dir %{suse_schema_dir}/rng/1.0
%dir %{_ttfontsdir}
%dir %{_defaultdocdir}/%{name}
@@ -260,13 +216,7 @@ exit 0
-# SUSE Schemas
# Catalogs
-%config /var/lib/sgml/CATALOG.*
%config %{_sysconfdir}/xml/*.xml
# Fonts
diff --git a/schema/README b/schema/README
index 4b80e755..a657dff9 100644
--- a/schema/README
+++ b/schema/README
@@ -1,100 +1,4 @@
-This is the Novdoc and SUSEDoc schemas. Although Novdoc is technically not
-based on DocBook the tags and structure are.
-In general, XML instances of Novdoc should be compatible to DocBook.
-SUSEDoc is a RELAX NG schema and a subset of DocBook 5. Currently, it can be
-used in two variants:
-1. As the file `susedoc5.rn{c,g}` which is based on `docbookxi.rn{c,g}`. In
- other words, the SUSEDoc schema cannot life without the DocBook schema.
-2. As a single`susedoc5-flat.rn{c,g}`. This file is totally independant of
- any DocBook schema and can be used without having DocBook 5 installed on
- your system.
-Both variants contain the same structure, elements, and attributes. They
-serve different purposes.
-Creating Flat SUSEDoc
-Creating the flat SUSEDoc schema requires the `rnginline` tool at
-Use one of the following methods to install `rnginline`:
-* Install over an RPM package
-* Install it over a Python virtual environment
-Installing rnginline from RPM Package
-The following procedure can be used for openSUSE Leap 42.1:
-1. Add the repository:
- $ sudo zypper ar http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/home:/thomas-schraitle/openSUSE_Leap_42.1/home:thomas-schraitle.repo
-2. Install it:
- $ sudo zypper in python3-rnginline
-The executable can be found in `/usr/bin/rnginline`.
-Installing rnginline using a Python Virtual Environment
-1. Install the RPM packages `python3-devel`, `libxml2-devel`, and `libxslt-devel`.
-2. Create a Python3 virtual environment:
- $ python3 -m venv .env3
-3. Activate the virtual environment:
- $ source .env3/bin/activate
- => You should see a changed prompt (look for the "(.env3)" part).
-3. Install the `rnginline` library from PyPi:
- $ pip install rnginline
-The executable can be found in `.env3/bin/rnginline`.
-Creating a Flat SUSEDoc Schema
-1. Update your `suse-xsl` GitHub repository.
-2. Convert the official compact version into the XML version with trang:
- $ trang susedoc5.rnc susedoc5.rng
-3. Create the flat RNG version:
- $ rnginline susedoc5.rng susedoc-flat.rng
-4. Optional: Cleanup and remove unnecessary namespaces:
- $ mv susedoc-flat.rng _flat.rng
- $ xmllint -o susedoc5-flat.rng --nsclean --format flat.rng
- $ rm _flat.rng
-5. Optional: Create the compact version:
- $ trang susedoc5-flat.rng susedoc5-flat.rnc
+NovDoc & GeekoDoc
+See https://github.com/openSUSE/geekodoc
diff --git a/schema/dtd/1.0/CATALOG b/schema/dtd/1.0/CATALOG
deleted file mode 100644
index 11e4c636..00000000
--- a/schema/dtd/1.0/CATALOG
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-DTDDECL "-//Novell//DTD NovDoc XML V1.0//EN" /usr/share/sgml/opensp/xml.dcl
-PUBLIC "-//Novell//DTD NovDoc XML V1.0//EN" "/usr/share/xml/novdoc/schema/dtd/1.0/novdocx.dtd"
-SYSTEM "novdocx.dtd" "novdocx.dtd"
diff --git a/schema/dtd/1.0/catalog.xml b/schema/dtd/1.0/catalog.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index ea7edc52..00000000
--- a/schema/dtd/1.0/catalog.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/schema/dtd/1.0/novdocx.dtd b/schema/dtd/1.0/novdocx.dtd
deleted file mode 100644
index 59b2c7a0..00000000
--- a/schema/dtd/1.0/novdocx.dtd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1250 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/schema/dtd/1.0/novdocxi.dtd b/schema/dtd/1.0/novdocxi.dtd
deleted file mode 100644
index d3185c1e..00000000
--- a/schema/dtd/1.0/novdocxi.dtd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/schema/dtd/1.0/novell.ent b/schema/dtd/1.0/novell.ent
deleted file mode 100644
index d770f584..00000000
--- a/schema/dtd/1.0/novell.ent
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
- SM">
- CLM">
- CM">
- *">
diff --git a/schema/dtd/1.0/productspec.dtd b/schema/dtd/1.0/productspec.dtd
deleted file mode 100644
index 746ad89d..00000000
--- a/schema/dtd/1.0/productspec.dtd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,92 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/schema/rng/0.9/novdoc5.rnc b/schema/rng/0.9/novdoc5.rnc
deleted file mode 100644
index 68ca4e69..00000000
--- a/schema/rng/0.9/novdoc5.rnc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,107 +0,0 @@
-# Novdoc5 Schema
-# See http://docbook.org/docs/howto
-# This schema is (or should be) an (re)implementation of Novdoc4 in
-# DocBook 5.
-# Author: Thomas Schraitle, 2013
-namespace a = "http://relaxng.org/ns/compatibility/annotations/1.0"
-namespace ctrl = "http://nwalsh.com/xmlns/schema-control/"
-namespace db = "http://docbook.org/ns/docbook"
-namespace s = "http://www.ascc.net/xml/schematron"
-namespace html = "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"
-namespace mml = "http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML"
-namespace svg = "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"
-namespace xlink = "http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"
-include "susedoc5.rnc" inherit = db
- # Redefine element pattern as notAllowed here:
- db.anchor = notAllowed
- db.annotation = notAllowed
- db.bibliolist = notAllowed
- db.biblioref = notAllowed
- db.blockquote = notAllowed
- db.epigraph = notAllowed
- db.extendedlink = notAllowed
- db.glosslist = notAllowed
- db.informalexample = notAllowed
- db.informalequation = notAllowed
- db.literallayout = notAllowed
- db.locator = notAllowed
- db.olink = notAllowed
- db.programlistingco = notAllowed
- db.qandaset = notAllowed
- db.tag = notAllowed
- db.task = notAllowed
- db.taskprerequisites = notAllowed
- db.taskrelated = notAllowed
- db.tasksummary = notAllowed
- # db.topic = notAllowed
- db.sidebar = notAllowed
- db.segmentedlist = notAllowed
- db.synopsis = notAllowed
- | (db.productionset | db.constraintdef)
- | db.msgset
- # Attributes
- db.href.attributes = empty
- # Other content models:
- db.table.choice = db.cals.table
- db.admonition.blocks = db.important | db.note | db.tip | db.warning
- db.graphic.blocks = db.mediaobject
- db.informaltable.choice = db.cals.informaltable
- db.informal.blocks = db.informalfigure | db.informaltable
- db.list.blocks = db.itemizedlist | db.orderedlist | db.procedure | db.simplelist| db.variablelist | db.calloutlist
- db.publishing.blocks = notAllowed
- db.technical.blocks = db.procedure | db.msgset
- db.verbatim.blocks = db.screen | db.programlisting
- db.link.inlines = (db.xref | db.link )
- div {
- # http://lists.xml.org/archives/xml-dev/200710/msg00067.html
- # Needed to omit some attributes in attribute wildcard
- # Error message would be:
- # conflicting ID-types for attribute "id" from namespace "http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace" of element X
- db._any.attribute =
- ## Any attribute including in any attribute in any namespace.
- attribute * - ( xml:id | linkend) { text }
- }
- div {
- # Removed any block elements inside glossdiv
- db.glossdiv =
- ## A division in a Glossary
- element glossdiv {
- db.glossdiv.attlist,
- # db.glossdiv.info,
- # db.all.blocks*,
- db.glossentry+
- }
- }
- div {
- db.glossentry =
- ## An entry in a Glossary or GlossList
- element glossentry {
- db.glossentry.attlist,
- db.glossterm,
- # db.acronym?,
- # db.abbrev?,
- # db.indexterm*,
- # (db.glosssee | db.glossdef+)
- db.glossdef+
- }
- }
-# --- EOF ---
diff --git a/schema/rng/0.9/susedoc5-flat.rnc b/schema/rng/0.9/susedoc5-flat.rnc
deleted file mode 100644
index edb8ce59..00000000
--- a/schema/rng/0.9/susedoc5-flat.rnc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10169 +0,0 @@
-namespace a = "http://relaxng.org/ns/compatibility/annotations/1.0"
-namespace ctrl = "http://nwalsh.com/xmlns/schema-control/"
-default namespace db = "http://docbook.org/ns/docbook"
-namespace html = "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"
-namespace local = ""
-namespace mml = "http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML"
-namespace rng = "http://relaxng.org/ns/structure/1.0"
-namespace s = "http://purl.oclc.org/dsdl/schematron"
-namespace svg = "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"
-namespace xi = "http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude"
-namespace xlink = "http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"
-# Use a catalog entry to resolve this:
-# include "http://docbook.org/xml/5.1CR3/rng/docbook.rnc"
-div {
- div {
- # This file is part of DocBook XInclude V5.1CR3
- #
- # Copyright 1992-2011 HaL Computer Systems, Inc.,
- # O'Reilly & Associates, Inc., ArborText, Inc., Fujitsu Software
- # Corporation, Norman Walsh, Sun Microsystems, Inc., and the
- # Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information
- # Standards (OASIS).
- #
- # Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute the DocBook schema
- # and its accompanying documentation for any purpose and without fee
- # is hereby granted in perpetuity, provided that the above copyright
- # notice and this paragraph appear in all copies. The copyright
- # holders make no representation about the suitability of the schema
- # for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without expressed or implied
- # warranty.
- #
- # If you modify the DocBook schema in any way, label your schema as a
- # variant of DocBook. See the reference documentation
- # (http://docbook.org/tdg5/en/html/ch05.html#s-notdocbook)
- # for more information.
- #
- # Please direct all questions, bug reports, or suggestions for changes
- # to the docbook@lists.oasis-open.org mailing list. For more
- # information, see http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/.
- #
- # ======================================================================
- start =
- (db.set
- | db.book
- | db.divisions
- | db.components
- | db.navigation.components
- | db.section
- | db.para)
- | (db.abstract
- | db.mediaobject.content
- | db.audiodata
- | db.imagedata
- | db.textdata
- | db.videodata
- | db.caption
- | db.publishing.blocks
- | db.formal.blocks
- | db.informal.blocks
- | db.formalpara
- | db.inlinemediaobject
- | db.list.blocks
- | db.legalnotice
- | db.verbatim.blocks
- | db.graphic.blocks
- | db.personblurb
- | db.revhistory
- | db.simpara
- | db.step
- | db.stepalternatives)
- | (db.partintro | db.simplesect)
- | db.annotation
- | (db.sect1 | db.sect2 | db.sect3 | db.sect4 | db.sect5)
- | (db.refentry | db.refsection | db.refsynopsisdiv)
- | (db.refsect1 | db.refsect2 | db.refsect3)
- | (db.glossary | db.glossdiv | db.glosslist)
- | (db.bibliodiv | db.bibliolist)
- | (db.setindex | db.index | db.indexdiv)
- | (db.toc | db.tocdiv)
- | (db.task
- | db.taskprerequisites
- | db.taskrelated
- | db.tasksummary)
- | (db.calloutlist
- | db.programlistingco
- | db.screenco
- | db.imageobjectco)
- | (db.productionset | db.constraintdef)
- | (db.msg
- | db.msgexplan
- | db.msgmain
- | db.msgrel
- | db.msgset
- | db.msgsub)
- | (db.qandadiv | db.qandaentry | db.qandaset)
- | (db.equation | db.informalequation)
- | db.cmdsynopsis
- | (db.synopsis.blocks
- | db.funcsynopsisinfo
- | db.classsynopsisinfo)
- | db.admonition.blocks
- | db.topic
- div {
- db._any.attribute =
- ## Any attribute, including any attribute in any namespace.
- attribute * { text }
- db._any =
- ## Any element from almost any namespace
- element * - (db:* | html:*) {
- (db._any.attribute | text | db._any)*
- }
- }
- db.arch.attribute =
- ## Designates the computer or chip architecture to which the element applies
- attribute arch { text }
- db.audience.attribute =
- ## Designates the intended audience to which the element applies, for example, system administrators, programmers, or new users.
- attribute audience { text }
- db.condition.attribute =
- ## provides a standard place for application-specific effectivity
- attribute condition { text }
- db.conformance.attribute =
- ## Indicates standards conformance characteristics of the element
- attribute conformance { text }
- db.os.attribute =
- ## Indicates the operating system to which the element is applicable
- attribute os { text }
- db.revision.attribute =
- ## Indicates the editorial revision to which the element belongs
- attribute revision { text }
- db.security.attribute =
- ## Indicates something about the security level associated with the element to which it applies
- attribute security { text }
- db.userlevel.attribute =
- ## Indicates the level of user experience for which the element applies
- attribute userlevel { text }
- db.vendor.attribute =
- ## Indicates the computer vendor to which the element applies.
- attribute vendor { text }
- db.wordsize.attribute =
- ## Indicates the word size (width in bits) of the computer architecture to which the element applies
- attribute wordsize { text }
- db.outputformat.attribute =
- ## Indicates the output format (for example, print or epub) to which the element applies
- attribute outputformat { text }
- db.effectivity.attributes =
- db.arch.attribute?
- & db.audience.attribute?
- & db.condition.attribute?
- & db.conformance.attribute?
- & db.os.attribute?
- & db.revision.attribute?
- & db.security.attribute?
- & db.userlevel.attribute?
- & db.vendor.attribute?
- & db.wordsize.attribute?
- & db.outputformat.attribute?
- db.endterm.attribute =
- ## Points to the element whose content is to be used as the text of the link
- attribute endterm { xsd:IDREF }
- db.linkend.attribute =
- ## Points to an internal link target by identifying the value of its xml:id attribute
- attribute linkend { xsd:IDREF }
- db.linkends.attribute =
- ## Points to one or more internal link targets by identifying the value of their xml:id attributes
- attribute linkends { xsd:IDREFS }
- db.xlink.href.attribute =
- ## Identifies a link target with a URI
- attribute xlink:href { xsd:anyURI }
- db.xlink.simple.type.attribute =
- ## Identifies the XLink link type
- attribute xlink:type {
- ## An XLink simple link type
- "simple"
- }
- db.xlink.role.attribute =
- ## Identifies the XLink role of the link
- attribute xlink:role { xsd:anyURI }
- db.xlink.arcrole.attribute =
- ## Identifies the XLink arcrole of the link
- attribute xlink:arcrole { xsd:anyURI }
- db.xlink.title.attribute =
- ## Identifies the XLink title of the link
- attribute xlink:title { text }
- db.xlink.show.enumeration =
- ## An application traversing to the ending resource should load it in a new window, frame, pane, or other relevant presentation context.
- "new"
- |
- ## An application traversing to the ending resource should load the resource in the same window, frame, pane, or other relevant presentation context in which the starting resource was loaded.
- "replace"
- |
- ## An application traversing to the ending resource should load its presentation in place of the presentation of the starting resource.
- "embed"
- |
- ## The behavior of an application traversing to the ending resource is unconstrained by XLink. The application should look for other markup present in the link to determine the appropriate behavior.
- "other"
- |
- ## The behavior of an application traversing to the ending resource is unconstrained by this specification. No other markup is present to help the application determine the appropriate behavior.
- "none"
- db.xlink.show.attribute =
- ## Identifies the XLink show behavior of the link
- attribute xlink:show { db.xlink.show.enumeration }
- db.xlink.actuate.enumeration =
- ## An application should traverse to the ending resource immediately on loading the starting resource.
- "onLoad"
- |
- ## An application should traverse from the starting resource to the ending resource only on a post-loading event triggered for the purpose of traversal.
- "onRequest"
- |
- ## The behavior of an application traversing to the ending resource is unconstrained by this specification. The application should look for other markup present in the link to determine the appropriate behavior.
- "other"
- |
- ## The behavior of an application traversing to the ending resource is unconstrained by this specification. No other markup is present to help the application determine the appropriate behavior.
- "none"
- db.xlink.actuate.attribute =
- ## Identifies the XLink actuate behavior of the link
- attribute xlink:actuate { db.xlink.actuate.enumeration }
- db.xlink.simple.link.attributes =
- db.xlink.simple.type.attribute?
- & db.xlink.href.attribute?
- & db.xlink.role.attribute?
- & db.xlink.arcrole.attribute?
- & db.xlink.title.attribute?
- & db.xlink.show.attribute?
- & db.xlink.actuate.attribute?
- db.xml.id.attribute =
- ## Identifies the unique ID value of the element
- attribute xml:id { xsd:ID }
- db.version.attribute =
- ## Specifies the DocBook version of the element and its descendants
- attribute version { text }
- db.xml.lang.attribute =
- ## Specifies the natural language of the element and its descendants
- attribute xml:lang { text }
- db.xml.base.attribute =
- ## Specifies the base URI of the element and its descendants
- attribute xml:base { xsd:anyURI }
- db.remap.attribute =
- ## Provides the name or similar semantic identifier assigned to the content in some previous markup scheme
- attribute remap { text }
- db.xreflabel.attribute =
- ## Provides the text that is to be generated for a cross reference to the element
- attribute xreflabel { text }
- db.xrefstyle.attribute =
- ## Specifies a keyword or keywords identifying additional style information
- attribute xrefstyle { text }
- db.revisionflag.enumeration =
- ## The element has been changed.
- "changed"
- |
- ## The element is new (has been added to the document).
- "added"
- |
- ## The element has been deleted.
- "deleted"
- |
- ## Explicitly turns off revision markup for this element.
- "off"
- db.revisionflag.attribute =
- ## Identifies the revision status of the element
- attribute revisionflag { db.revisionflag.enumeration }
- db.dir.enumeration =
- ## Left-to-right text
- "ltr"
- |
- ## Right-to-left text
- "rtl"
- |
- ## Left-to-right override
- "lro"
- |
- ## Right-to-left override
- "rlo"
- db.dir.attribute =
- ## Identifies the direction of text in an element
- attribute dir { db.dir.enumeration }
- db.rdfalite.vocab =
- ## The RDFa Lite vocab
- attribute vocab { xsd:anyURI }
- db.rdfalite.typeof =
- ## The RDFa Lite typeof
- attribute typeof { text }
- db.rdfalite.property =
- ## The RDFa Lite property
- attribute property { text }
- db.rdfalite.resource =
- ## The RDFa Lite resource
- attribute resource { text }
- db.rdfalite.prefix =
- ## The RDFa Lite prefix
- attribute prefix { text }
- db.common.base.attributes =
- db.version.attribute?
- & db.xml.lang.attribute?
- & db.xml.base.attribute?
- & db.remap.attribute?
- & db.xreflabel.attribute?
- & db.revisionflag.attribute?
- & db.dir.attribute?
- & db.effectivity.attributes
- & db.rdfalite.attributes
- db.common.attributes =
- db.xml.id.attribute?
- & db.common.base.attributes
- & db.annotations.attribute?
- db.common.idreq.attributes =
- db.xml.id.attribute
- & db.common.base.attributes
- & db.annotations.attribute?
- db.common.linking.attributes =
- (db.linkend.attribute | db.xlink.attributes)?
- db.common.req.linking.attributes =
- db.linkend.attribute | db.xlink.attributes
- db.common.data.attributes =
- ## Specifies the format of the data
- attribute format { text }?,
- (
- ## Indentifies the location of the data by URI
- attribute fileref { xsd:anyURI }
- |
- ## Identifies the location of the data by external identifier (entity name)
- attribute entityref { xsd:ENTITY })
- db.verbatim.continuation.enumeration =
- ## Line numbering continues from the immediately preceding element with the same name.
- "continues"
- |
- ## Line numbering restarts (begins at 1, usually).
- "restarts"
- db.verbatim.continuation.attribute =
- ## Determines whether line numbering continues from the previous element or restarts.
- attribute continuation { db.verbatim.continuation.enumeration }
- db.verbatim.linenumbering.enumeration =
- ## Lines are numbered.
- "numbered"
- |
- ## Lines are not numbered.
- "unnumbered"
- db.verbatim.linenumbering.attribute =
- ## Determines whether lines are numbered.
- attribute linenumbering { db.verbatim.linenumbering.enumeration }
- db.verbatim.startinglinenumber.attribute =
- ## Specifies the initial line number.
- attribute startinglinenumber { xsd:integer }
- db.verbatim.language.attribute =
- ## Identifies the language (i.e. programming language) of the verbatim content.
- attribute language { text }
- db.verbatim.xml.space.attribute =
- ## Can be used to indicate explicitly that whitespace in the verbatim environment is preserved. Whitespace must always be preserved in verbatim environments whether this attribute is specified or not.
- attribute xml:space {
- ## Whitespace must be preserved.
- "preserve"
- }
- db.verbatim.common.attributes =
- db.verbatim.continuation.attribute?
- & db.verbatim.linenumbering.attribute?
- & db.verbatim.startinglinenumber.attribute?
- & db.verbatim.xml.space.attribute?
- db.verbatim.attributes =
- db.verbatim.common.attributes & db.verbatim.language.attribute?
- db.label.attribute =
- ## Specifies an identifying string for presentation purposes
- attribute label { text }
- db.width.characters.attribute =
- ## Specifies the width (in characters) of the element
- attribute width { xsd:nonNegativeInteger }
- db.spacing.enumeration =
- ## The spacing should be "compact".
- "compact"
- |
- ## The spacing should be "normal".
- "normal"
- db.spacing.attribute =
- ## Specifies (a hint about) the spacing of the content
- attribute spacing { db.spacing.enumeration }
- db.pgwide.enumeration =
- ## The element should be rendered in the current text flow (with the flow column width).
- "0"
- |
- ## The element should be rendered across the full text page.
- "1"
- db.pgwide.attribute =
- ## Indicates if the element is rendered across the column or the page
- attribute pgwide { db.pgwide.enumeration }
- db.language.attribute =
- ## Identifies the language (i.e. programming language) of the content.
- attribute language { text }
- db.performance.enumeration =
- ## The content describes an optional step or steps.
- "optional"
- |
- ## The content describes a required step or steps.
- "required"
- db.performance.attribute =
- ## Specifies if the content is required or optional.
- attribute performance { db.performance.enumeration }
- db.floatstyle.attribute =
- ## Specifies style information to be used when rendering the float
- attribute floatstyle { text }
- db.width.attribute =
- ## Specifies the width of the element
- attribute width { text }
- db.depth.attribute =
- ## Specifies the depth of the element
- attribute depth { text }
- db.contentwidth.attribute =
- ## Specifies the width of the content rectangle
- attribute contentwidth { text }
- db.contentdepth.attribute =
- ## Specifies the depth of the content rectangle
- attribute contentdepth { text }
- db.scalefit.enumeration =
- ## False (do not scale-to-fit; anamorphic scaling may occur)
- "0"
- |
- ## True (scale-to-fit; anamorphic scaling is forbidden)
- "1"
- db.scale.attribute =
- ## Specifies the scaling factor
- attribute scale { xsd:positiveInteger }
- db.classid.attribute =
- ## Specifies a classid for a media object player
- attribute classid { text }
- db.autoplay.attribute =
- ## Specifies the autoplay setting for a media object player
- attribute autoplay { text }
- db.halign.enumeration =
- ## Centered horizontally
- "center"
- |
- ## Aligned horizontally on the specified character
- "char"
- |
- ## Fully justified (left and right margins or edges)
- "justify"
- |
- ## Left aligned
- "left"
- |
- ## Right aligned
- "right"
- db.valign.enumeration =
- ## Aligned on the bottom of the region
- "bottom"
- |
- ## Centered vertically
- "middle"
- |
- ## Aligned on the top of the region
- "top"
- db.biblio.class.enumeration =
- ## A digital object identifier.
- "doi"
- |
- ## An international standard book number.
- "isbn"
- |
- ## An international standard technical report number (ISO 10444).
- "isrn"
- |
- ## An international standard serial number.
- "issn"
- |
- ## An international standard text code.
- "istc"
- |
- ## A Library of Congress reference number.
- "libraryofcongress"
- |
- ## A publication number (an internal number or possibly organizational standard).
- "pubsnumber"
- |
- ## A Uniform Resource Identifier
- "uri"
- db.biblio.class-enum.attribute =
- ## Identifies the kind of bibliographic identifier
- attribute class { db.biblio.class.enumeration }?
- db.biblio.class-other.attribute =
- ## Identifies the nature of the non-standard bibliographic identifier
- attribute otherclass { xsd:NMTOKEN }
- db.biblio.class-other.attributes =
- ## Identifies the kind of bibliographic identifier
- attribute class {
- ## Indicates that the identifier is some 'other' kind.
- "other"
- }
- & db.biblio.class-other.attribute
- db.biblio.class.attribute =
- db.biblio.class-enum.attribute | db.biblio.class-other.attributes
- db.ubiq.inlines =
- (db.inlinemediaobject
- | db.remark
- | db.link.inlines
- | db.alt
- | db.trademark
- | # below, effectively the publishing inlines (as of 5.0)
- db.abbrev
- | db.acronym
- | db.date
- | db._emphasis
- | db.footnote
- | db.footnoteref
- | db._foreignphrase
- | db._phrase
- | db._quote
- | db.subscript
- | db.superscript
- | db.wordasword)
- | db.annotation
- | (db._firstterm | db._glossterm)
- | db.indexterm
- | db.coref
- db._text = (text | db.ubiq.inlines | db._phrase | db.replaceable)*
- db._title = db.title? & db.titleabbrev? & db.subtitle?
- db._title.req = db.title & db.titleabbrev? & db.subtitle?
- db._title.only = db.title? & db.titleabbrev?
- db._title.onlyreq = db.title & db.titleabbrev?
- db._info = (db._title, db.titleforbidden.info?) | db.info?
- db._info.title.req =
- (db._title.req, db.titleforbidden.info?) | db.titlereq.info
- db._info.title.only =
- (db._title.only, db.titleforbidden.info?) | db.titleonly.info
- db._info.title.onlyreq =
- (db._title.onlyreq, db.titleforbidden.info?)
- | db.titleonlyreq.info
- db._info.title.forbidden = db.titleforbidden.info?
- db.all.inlines =
- (text
- | db.ubiq.inlines
- | db.general.inlines
- | db.domain.inlines
- | db.extension.inlines)
- | db.xi.include
- db.general.inlines =
- db.publishing.inlines
- | db.product.inlines
- | db.bibliography.inlines
- | db.graphic.inlines
- | db.indexing.inlines
- | db.link.inlines
- db.domain.inlines =
- db.technical.inlines
- | db.math.inlines
- | db.markup.inlines
- | db.gui.inlines
- | db.keyboard.inlines
- | db.os.inlines
- | db.programming.inlines
- | db.error.inlines
- db.technical.inlines =
- (db.replaceable | db.package | db.parameter)
- | db.termdef
- | db.nonterminal
- | (db.systemitem | db.option | db.optional | db.property)
- db.product.inlines =
- db.trademark
- | (db.productnumber
- | db.productname
- | db.database
- | db.application
- | db.hardware)
- db.bibliography.inlines =
- db.citation
- | db.citerefentry
- | db.citetitle
- | db.citebiblioid
- | db.author
- | db.person
- | db.personname
- | db.org
- | db.orgname
- | db.editor
- | db.jobtitle
- db.publishing.inlines =
- (db.abbrev
- | db.acronym
- | db.date
- | db.emphasis
- | db.footnote
- | db.footnoteref
- | db.foreignphrase
- | db.phrase
- | db.quote
- | db.subscript
- | db.superscript
- | db.wordasword)
- | db.glossary.inlines
- | db.coref
- db.graphic.inlines = db.inlinemediaobject
- db.indexing.inlines = notAllowed | db.indexterm
- db.link.inlines =
- (db.xref | db.link | db.olink | db.anchor) | db.biblioref
- db.extension.inlines = notAllowed
- db.nopara.blocks =
- (db.list.blocks
- | db.formal.blocks
- | db.informal.blocks
- | db.publishing.blocks
- | db.graphic.blocks
- | db.technical.blocks
- | db.verbatim.blocks
- | db.bridgehead
- | db.remark
- | db.revhistory)
- | db.indexterm
- | db.synopsis.blocks
- | db.admonition.blocks
- db.para.blocks = db.anchor | db.para | db.formalpara | db.simpara
- db.all.blocks =
- (db.nopara.blocks | db.para.blocks | db.extension.blocks)
- | db.annotation
- | db.xi.include
- db.formal.blocks = (db.example | db.figure | db.table) | db.equation
- db.informal.blocks =
- (db.informalexample | db.informalfigure | db.informaltable)
- | db.informalequation
- db.publishing.blocks =
- db.sidebar | db.blockquote | db.address | db.epigraph
- db.graphic.blocks = db.mediaobject | db.screenshot
- db.technical.blocks =
- db.procedure
- | db.task
- | (db.productionset | db.constraintdef)
- | db.msgset
- db.list.blocks =
- (db.itemizedlist
- | db.orderedlist
- | db.procedure
- | db.simplelist
- | db.variablelist
- | db.segmentedlist)
- | db.glosslist
- | db.bibliolist
- | db.calloutlist
- | db.qandaset
- db.verbatim.blocks =
- (db.screen | db.literallayout)
- | (db.programlistingco | db.screenco)
- | (db.programlisting | db.synopsis)
- db.extension.blocks = notAllowed
- db.info.extension = db._any
- db.info.elements =
- (db.abstract
- | db.address
- | db.artpagenums
- | db.author
- | db.authorgroup
- | db.authorinitials
- | db.bibliocoverage
- | db.biblioid
- | db.bibliosource
- | db.collab
- | db.confgroup
- | db.contractsponsor
- | db.contractnum
- | db.copyright
- | db.cover
- | db.date
- | db.edition
- | db.editor
- | db.issuenum
- | db.keywordset
- | db.legalnotice
- | db.mediaobject
- | db.org
- | db.orgname
- | db.othercredit
- | db.pagenums
- | db.printhistory
- | db.pubdate
- | db.publisher
- | db.publishername
- | db.releaseinfo
- | db.revhistory
- | db.seriesvolnums
- | db.subjectset
- | db.volumenum
- | db.info.extension)
- | db.annotation
- | db.extendedlink
- | (db.bibliomisc
- | db.bibliomset
- | db.bibliorelation
- | db.biblioset)
- | db.itermset
- | (db.productname | db.productnumber)
- | db.xi.include
- db.bibliographic.elements =
- db.info.elements
- | db.publishing.inlines
- | db.citerefentry
- | db.citetitle
- | db.citebiblioid
- | db.person
- | db.personblurb
- | db.personname
- | db.subtitle
- | db.title
- | db.titleabbrev
- div {
- db.title.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.title.attlist =
- db.title.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- db.title =
- ## The text of the title of a section of a document or of a formal block-level element
- element title { db.title.attlist, db.all.inlines* }
- }
- div {
- db.titleabbrev.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.titleabbrev.attlist =
- db.titleabbrev.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- db.titleabbrev =
- ## The abbreviation of a title
- element titleabbrev { db.titleabbrev.attlist, db.all.inlines* }
- }
- div {
- db.subtitle.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.subtitle.attlist =
- db.subtitle.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- db.subtitle =
- ## The subtitle of a document
- element subtitle { db.subtitle.attlist, db.all.inlines* }
- }
- div {
- db.info.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.info.attlist = db.info.role.attribute? & db.common.attributes
- db.info =
- ## A wrapper for information about a component or other block
- element info {
- db.info.attlist, (db._title & db.info.elements*)
- }
- }
- div {
- db.titlereq.info.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.titlereq.info.attlist =
- db.titlereq.info.role.attribute? & db.common.attributes
- db.titlereq.info =
- ## A wrapper for information about a component or other block with a required title
- element info {
- db.titlereq.info.attlist, (db._title.req & db.info.elements*)
- }
- }
- div {
- db.titleonly.info.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.titleonly.info.attlist =
- db.titleonly.info.role.attribute? & db.common.attributes
- db.titleonly.info =
- ## A wrapper for information about a component or other block with only a title
- element info {
- db.titleonly.info.attlist,
- (db._title.only & db.info.elements*)
- }
- }
- div {
- db.titleonlyreq.info.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.titleonlyreq.info.attlist =
- db.titleonlyreq.info.role.attribute? & db.common.attributes
- db.titleonlyreq.info =
- ## A wrapper for information about a component or other block with only a required title
- element info {
- db.titleonlyreq.info.attlist,
- (db._title.onlyreq & db.info.elements*)
- }
- }
- div {
- db.titleforbidden.info.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.titleforbidden.info.attlist =
- db.titleforbidden.info.role.attribute? & db.common.attributes
- db.titleforbidden.info =
- ## A wrapper for information about a component or other block without a title
- element info {
- db.titleforbidden.info.attlist, db.info.elements*
- }
- }
- div {
- db.subjectset.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.subjectset.scheme.attribute =
- ## Identifies the controlled vocabulary used by this set's terms
- attribute scheme { xsd:NMTOKEN }
- db.subjectset.attlist =
- db.subjectset.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- & db.subjectset.scheme.attribute?
- }
- div {
- db.subject.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.subject.weight.attribute =
- ## Specifies a ranking for this subject relative to other subjects in the same set
- attribute weight { text }
- db.subject.attlist =
- db.subject.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- & db.subject.weight.attribute?
- }
- div {
- db.subjectterm.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.subjectterm.attlist =
- db.subjectterm.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- }
- div {
- db.keywordset.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.keywordset.attlist =
- db.keywordset.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- db.keywordset =
- ## A set of keywords describing the content of a document
- element keywordset { db.keywordset.attlist, db.keyword+ }
- }
- div {
- db.keyword.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.keyword.attlist =
- db.keyword.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- db.keyword =
- ## One of a set of keywords describing the content of a document
- element keyword { db.keyword.attlist, text }
- }
- db.table = db.table.choice
- db.informaltable = db.informaltable.choice
- div {
- db.procedure.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.procedure.info = db._info.title.only
- db.procedure =
- ## A list of operations to be performed in a well-defined sequence
- [
- s:pattern [
- name = "Root must have version"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:rule [
- context = "/db:procedure"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:assert [
- test = "@version"
- "If this element is the root element, it must have a version attribute."
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- ]
- element procedure {
- db.procedure.attlist,
- db.procedure.info,
- db.all.blocks*,
- db.step+,
- db.result?
- }
- }
- div {
- db.step.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.step.attlist =
- db.step.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- & db.performance.attribute?
- db.step.info = db._info.title.only
- # This content model is blocks*, step|stepalternatives, blocks* but
- # expressed this way it avoids UPA issues in XSD and DTD versions
- db.step =
- ## A unit of action in a procedure
- [
- s:pattern [
- name = "Root must have version"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:rule [
- context = "/db:step"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:assert [
- test = "@version"
- "If this element is the root element, it must have a version attribute."
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- ]
- element step {
- db.step.attlist,
- db.step.info,
- ((db.all.blocks+,
- ((db.substeps | db.stepalternatives), db.all.blocks*)?,
- db.result?)
- | ((db.substeps | db.stepalternatives),
- db.all.blocks*,
- db.result?))
- }
- }
- div {
- db.stepalternatives.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.stepalternatives.attlist =
- db.stepalternatives.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- & db.performance.attribute?
- db.stepalternatives.info = db._info.title.forbidden
- db.stepalternatives =
- ## Alternative steps in a procedure
- [
- s:pattern [
- name = "Root must have version"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:rule [
- context = "/db:stepalternatives"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:assert [
- test = "@version"
- "If this element is the root element, it must have a version attribute."
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- ]
- element stepalternatives {
- db.stepalternatives.attlist,
- db.stepalternatives.info,
- db.step+
- }
- }
- div {
- db.substeps.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.substeps.attlist =
- db.substeps.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- & db.performance.attribute?
- db.substeps =
- ## A wrapper for steps that occur within steps in a procedure
- element substeps { db.substeps.attlist, db.step+ }
- }
- div {
- db.result.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.result.attlist =
- db.result.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- db.result =
- ## A wrapper for identifying the results of a procedure or step
- element result { db.result.attlist, db.all.blocks+ }
- }
- div {
- db.sidebar.floatstyle.attribute = db.floatstyle.attribute
- db.sidebar.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.sidebar.info = db._info
- }
- div {
- db.abstract.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.abstract.attlist =
- db.abstract.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- db.abstract.info = db._info.title.only
- db.abstract =
- ## A summary
- [
- s:pattern [
- name = "Root must have version"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:rule [
- context = "/db:abstract"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:assert [
- test = "@version"
- "If this element is the root element, it must have a version attribute."
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- ]
- element abstract {
- db.abstract.attlist, db.abstract.info, db.para.blocks+
- }
- }
- div {
- db.personblurb.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.personblurb.attlist =
- db.personblurb.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- db.personblurb.info = db._info.title.only
- db.personblurb =
- ## A short description or note about a person
- [
- s:pattern [
- name = "Root must have version"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:rule [
- context = "/db:personblurb"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:assert [
- test = "@version"
- "If this element is the root element, it must have a version attribute."
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- ]
- element personblurb {
- db.personblurb.attlist, db.personblurb.info, db.para.blocks+
- }
- }
- div {
- db.blockquote.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.blockquote.info = db._info.title.only
- db.blockquote =
- ## A quotation set off from the main text
- [
- s:pattern [
- name = "Root must have version"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:rule [
- context = "/db:blockquote"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:assert [
- test = "@version"
- "If this element is the root element, it must have a version attribute."
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- ]
- element blockquote {
- db.blockquote.attlist,
- db.blockquote.info,
- db.attribution?,
- db.all.blocks+
- }
- }
- div {
- db.attribution.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.attribution.attlist =
- db.attribution.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- }
- div {
- db.bridgehead.renderas.enumeration =
- ## Render as a first-level section
- "sect1"
- |
- ## Render as a second-level section
- "sect2"
- |
- ## Render as a third-level section
- "sect3"
- |
- ## Render as a fourth-level section
- "sect4"
- |
- ## Render as a fifth-level section
- "sect5"
- db.bridgehead.renderas-enum.attribute =
- ## Indicates how the bridge head should be rendered
- attribute renderas { db.bridgehead.renderas.enumeration }?
- db.bridgehead.renderas-other.attribute =
- ## Identifies the nature of the non-standard rendering
- attribute otherrenderas { xsd:NMTOKEN }
- db.bridgehead.renderas-other.attributes =
- ## Indicates how the bridge head should be rendered
- attribute renderas {
- ## Identifies a non-standard rendering
- "other"
- }
- & db.bridgehead.renderas-other.attribute
- db.bridgehead.renderas.attribute =
- db.bridgehead.renderas-enum.attribute
- | db.bridgehead.renderas-other.attributes
- db.bridgehead.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.bridgehead =
- ## A free-floating heading
- element bridgehead { db.bridgehead.attlist, db.all.inlines* }
- }
- div {
- db.remark.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.remark.attlist =
- db.remark.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- db.remark =
- ## A remark (or comment) intended for presentation in a draft manuscript
- element remark { db.remark.attlist, db.all.inlines* }
- }
- div {
- db.epigraph.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.epigraph.info = db._info.title.forbidden
- }
- div {
- db.footnote.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.footnote.label.attribute =
- ## Identifies the desired footnote mark
- attribute label { xsd:NMTOKEN }
- db.footnote.attlist =
- db.footnote.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- & db.footnote.label.attribute?
- }
- div {
- db.formalpara.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.formalpara.attlist =
- db.formalpara.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- db.formalpara.info = db._info.title.onlyreq
- db.formalpara =
- ## A paragraph with a title
- [
- s:pattern [
- name = "Root must have version"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:rule [
- context = "/db:formalpara"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:assert [
- test = "@version"
- "If this element is the root element, it must have a version attribute."
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- ]
- element formalpara {
- db.formalpara.attlist,
- db.formalpara.info,
- db.indexing.inlines*,
- db.para
- }
- }
- div {
- db.para.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.para.info = db._info.title.forbidden
- }
- div {
- db.simpara.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.simpara.attlist =
- db.simpara.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- db.simpara.info = db._info.title.forbidden
- }
- div {
- db.itemizedlist.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.itemizedlist.mark.attribute =
- ## Identifies the type of mark to be used on items in this list
- attribute mark { xsd:NMTOKEN }
- db.itemizedlist.info = db._info.title.only
- }
- div {
- db.orderedlist.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.orderedlist.continuation.enumeration =
- ## Specifies that numbering should begin where the preceding list left off
- "continues"
- |
- ## Specifies that numbering should begin again at 1
- "restarts"
- db.orderedlist.continuation.attribute =
- ## Indicates how list numbering should begin relative to the immediately preceding list
- attribute continuation {
- db.orderedlist.continuation.enumeration
- }
- db.orderedlist.startingnumber.attribute =
- ## Specifies the initial line number.
- attribute startingnumber { xsd:integer }
- db.orderedlist.inheritnum.enumeration =
- ## Specifies that numbering should ignore list nesting
- "ignore"
- |
- ## Specifies that numbering should inherit from outer-level lists
- "inherit"
- db.orderedlist.inheritnum.attribute =
- ## Indicates whether or not item numbering should be influenced by list nesting
- attribute inheritnum { db.orderedlist.inheritnum.enumeration }
- db.orderedlist.numeration.enumeration =
- ## Specifies Arabic numeration (1, 2, 3, …)
- "arabic"
- |
- ## Specifies upper-case alphabetic numeration (A, B, C, …)
- "upperalpha"
- |
- ## Specifies lower-case alphabetic numeration (a, b, c, …)
- "loweralpha"
- |
- ## Specifies upper-case Roman numeration (I, II, III, …)
- "upperroman"
- |
- ## Specifies lower-case Roman numeration (i, ii, iii …)
- "lowerroman"
- db.orderedlist.numeration.attribute =
- ## Indicates the desired numeration
- attribute numeration { db.orderedlist.numeration.enumeration }
- db.orderedlist.info = db._info.title.only
- }
- div {
- db.listitem.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.listitem.override.attribute =
- ## Specifies the keyword for the type of mark that should be used on this
- ## item, instead of the mark that would be used by default
- attribute override { xsd:NMTOKEN }
- db.listitem.attlist =
- db.listitem.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- & db.listitem.override.attribute?
- db.listitem =
- ## A wrapper for the elements of a list item
- element listitem { db.listitem.attlist, db.all.blocks+ }
- }
- div {
- db.segmentedlist.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.segmentedlist.info = db._info.title.only
- }
- div {
- db.segtitle.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.segtitle.attlist =
- db.segtitle.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- }
- div {
- db.seglistitem.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.seglistitem.attlist =
- db.seglistitem.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- }
- div {
- db.seg.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.seg.attlist =
- db.seg.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- }
- div {
- db.simplelist.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.simplelist.type.enumeration =
- ## A tabular presentation in row-major order.
- "horiz"
- |
- ## A tabular presentation in column-major order.
- "vert"
- |
- ## An inline presentation, usually a comma-delimited list.
- "inline"
- db.simplelist.type.attribute =
- ## Specifies the type of list presentation.
- [ a:defaultValue = "vert" ]
- attribute type { db.simplelist.type.enumeration }
- db.simplelist.columns.attribute =
- ## Specifies the number of columns for horizontal or vertical presentation
- attribute columns { xsd:integer }
- db.simplelist =
- ## An undecorated list of single words or short phrases
- [
- s:pattern [
- name = "Root must have version"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:rule [
- context = "/db:simplelist"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:assert [
- test = "@version"
- "If this element is the root element, it must have a version attribute."
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- ]
- element simplelist { db.simplelist.attlist, db.member+ }
- }
- div {
- db.member.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.member.attlist =
- db.member.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- db.member =
- ## An element of a simple list
- element member { db.member.attlist, db.all.inlines* }
- }
- div {
- db.variablelist.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.variablelist.termlength.attribute =
- ## Indicates a length beyond which the presentation system may consider a term too long and select an alternate presentation for that term, item, or list
- attribute termlength { text }
- db.variablelist.info = db._info.title.only
- }
- div {
- db.varlistentry.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.varlistentry.attlist =
- db.varlistentry.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- db.varlistentry =
- ## A wrapper for a set of terms and the associated description in a variable list
- element varlistentry {
- db.varlistentry.attlist, db.term+, db.listitem
- }
- }
- div {
- db.term.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.term.attlist =
- db.term.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- db.term =
- ## The word or phrase being defined or described in a variable list
- element term { db.term.attlist, db.all.inlines* }
- }
- div {
- db.example.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.example.label.attribute = db.label.attribute
- db.example.width.attribute = db.width.characters.attribute
- db.example.pgwide.attribute = db.pgwide.attribute
- db.example.floatstyle.attribute = db.floatstyle.attribute
- db.example.info = db._info.title.onlyreq
- db.example =
- ## A formal example, with a title
- [
- s:pattern [
- name = "Element exclusion"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:rule [
- context = "db:example"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:assert [
- test = "not(.//db:example)"
- "example must not occur among the children or descendants of example"
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- s:pattern [
- name = "Element exclusion"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:rule [
- context = "db:example"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:assert [
- test = "not(.//db:figure)"
- "figure must not occur among the children or descendants of example"
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- s:pattern [
- name = "Element exclusion"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:rule [
- context = "db:example"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:assert [
- test = "not(.//db:table)"
- "table must not occur among the children or descendants of example"
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- s:pattern [
- name = "Element exclusion"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:rule [
- context = "db:example"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:assert [
- test = "not(.//db:equation)"
- "equation must not occur among the children or descendants of example"
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- s:pattern [
- name = "Root must have version"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:rule [
- context = "/db:example"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:assert [
- test = "@version"
- "If this element is the root element, it must have a version attribute."
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- ]
- element example {
- db.example.attlist,
- db.example.info,
- db.all.blocks+,
- db.caption?
- }
- }
- div {
- db.informalexample.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.informalexample.width.attribute = db.width.characters.attribute
- db.informalexample.pgwide.attribute = db.pgwide.attribute
- db.informalexample.floatstyle.attribute = db.floatstyle.attribute
- db.informalexample.info = db._info.title.forbidden
- db.informalexample =
- ## A displayed example without a title
- [
- s:pattern [
- name = "Root must have version"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:rule [
- context = "/db:informalexample"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:assert [
- test = "@version"
- "If this element is the root element, it must have a version attribute."
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- ]
- element informalexample {
- db.informalexample.attlist,
- db.informalexample.info,
- db.all.blocks+,
- db.caption?
- }
- }
- db.verbatim.inlines = (db.all.inlines | db.lineannotation) | db.co
- db.verbatim.contentmodel =
- db._info.title.forbidden, (db.textobject | db.verbatim.inlines*)
- div {
- db.literallayout.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.literallayout.class.enumeration =
- ## The literal layout should be formatted with a monospaced font
- "monospaced"
- |
- ## The literal layout should be formatted with the current font
- "normal"
- db.literallayout.class.attribute =
- ## Specifies the class of literal layout
- attribute class { db.literallayout.class.enumeration }
- }
- div {
- db.screen.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.screen.width.attribute = db.width.characters.attribute
- db.screen =
- ## Text that a user sees or might see on a computer screen
- [
- s:pattern [
- name = "Root must have version"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:rule [
- context = "/db:screen"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:assert [
- test = "@version"
- "If this element is the root element, it must have a version attribute."
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- ]
- element screen { db.screen.attlist, db.verbatim.contentmodel }
- }
- div {
- db.screenshot.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.screenshot.info = db._info
- }
- div {
- db.figure.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.figure.label.attribute = db.label.attribute
- db.figure.pgwide.attribute = db.pgwide.attribute
- db.figure.floatstyle.attribute = db.floatstyle.attribute
- db.figure.info = db._info.title.onlyreq
- db.figure =
- ## A formal figure, generally an illustration, with a title
- [
- s:pattern [
- name = "Element exclusion"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:rule [
- context = "db:figure"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:assert [
- test = "not(.//db:example)"
- "example must not occur among the children or descendants of figure"
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- s:pattern [
- name = "Element exclusion"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:rule [
- context = "db:figure"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:assert [
- test = "not(.//db:figure)"
- "figure must not occur among the children or descendants of figure"
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- s:pattern [
- name = "Element exclusion"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:rule [
- context = "db:figure"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:assert [
- test = "not(.//db:table)"
- "table must not occur among the children or descendants of figure"
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- s:pattern [
- name = "Element exclusion"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:rule [
- context = "db:figure"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:assert [
- test = "not(.//db:equation)"
- "equation must not occur among the children or descendants of figure"
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- s:pattern [
- name = "Root must have version"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:rule [
- context = "/db:figure"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:assert [
- test = "@version"
- "If this element is the root element, it must have a version attribute."
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- ]
- element figure {
- db.figure.attlist, db.figure.info, db.all.blocks+, db.caption?
- }
- }
- div {
- db.informalfigure.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.informalfigure.label.attribute = db.label.attribute
- db.informalfigure.pgwide.attribute = db.pgwide.attribute
- db.informalfigure.floatstyle.attribute = db.floatstyle.attribute
- db.informalfigure.info = db._info.title.forbidden
- db.informalfigure =
- ## A untitled figure
- [
- s:pattern [
- name = "Root must have version"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:rule [
- context = "/db:informalfigure"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:assert [
- test = "@version"
- "If this element is the root element, it must have a version attribute."
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- ]
- element informalfigure {
- db.informalfigure.attlist,
- db.informalfigure.info,
- db.all.blocks+,
- db.caption?
- }
- }
- db.mediaobject.content =
- (db.videoobject | db.audioobject | db.imageobject | db.textobject)
- | db.imageobjectco
- div {
- db.mediaobject.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.mediaobject.info = db._info.title.forbidden
- db.mediaobject =
- ## A displayed media object (video, audio, image, etc.)
- [
- s:pattern [
- name = "Root must have version"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:rule [
- context = "/db:mediaobject"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:assert [
- test = "@version"
- "If this element is the root element, it must have a version attribute."
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- ]
- element mediaobject {
- db.mediaobject.attlist,
- db.mediaobject.info,
- db.alt?,
- db.mediaobject.content+,
- db.caption?
- }
- }
- div {
- db.inlinemediaobject.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.inlinemediaobject.attlist =
- db.inlinemediaobject.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- db.inlinemediaobject.info = db._info.title.forbidden
- db.inlinemediaobject =
- ## An inline media object (video, audio, image, and so on)
- [
- s:pattern [
- name = "Root must have version"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:rule [
- context = "/db:inlinemediaobject"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:assert [
- test = "@version"
- "If this element is the root element, it must have a version attribute."
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- ]
- element inlinemediaobject {
- db.inlinemediaobject.attlist,
- db.inlinemediaobject.info,
- db.alt?,
- db.mediaobject.content+
- }
- }
- div {
- db.videoobject.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.videoobject.attlist =
- db.videoobject.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- db.videoobject.info = db._info.title.forbidden
- }
- div {
- db.audioobject.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.audioobject.attlist =
- db.audioobject.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- db.audioobject.info = db._info.title.forbidden
- }
- db.imageobject.content =
- db.imagedata+
- | db.imagedata.mathml
- | db.imagedata.svg+
- | db.xi.include
- div {
- db.imageobject.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.imageobject.attlist =
- db.imageobject.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- db.imageobject.info = db._info.title.forbidden
- db.imageobject =
- ## A wrapper for image data and its associated meta-information
- [
- s:pattern [
- name = "Root must have version"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:rule [
- context = "/db:imageobject"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:assert [
- test = "@version"
- "If this element is the root element, it must have a version attribute."
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- ]
- element imageobject {
- db.imageobject.attlist,
- db.imageobject.info,
- db.imageobject.content
- }
- }
- div {
- db.textobject.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.textobject.attlist =
- db.textobject.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- db.textobject.info = db._info.title.forbidden
- db.textobject =
- ## A wrapper for a text description of an object and its associated meta-information
- [
- s:pattern [
- name = "Root must have version"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:rule [
- context = "/db:textobject"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:assert [
- test = "@version"
- "If this element is the root element, it must have a version attribute."
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- ]
- element textobject {
- db.textobject.attlist,
- db.textobject.info,
- (db.phrase | db.textdata | db.all.blocks+)
- }
- }
- div {
- db.videodata.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.videodata.align.enumeration = db.halign.enumeration
- db.videodata.align.attribute =
- ## Specifies the (horizontal) alignment of the video data
- attribute align { db.videodata.align.enumeration }
- db.videodata.autoplay.attribute = db.autoplay.attribute
- db.videodata.classid.attribute = db.classid.attribute
- db.videodata.valign.enumeration = db.valign.enumeration
- db.videodata.valign.attribute =
- ## Specifies the vertical alignment of the video data
- attribute valign { db.videodata.valign.enumeration }
- db.videodata.width.attribute = db.width.attribute
- db.videodata.depth.attribute = db.depth.attribute
- db.videodata.contentwidth.attribute = db.contentwidth.attribute
- db.videodata.contentdepth.attribute = db.contentdepth.attribute
- db.videodata.scalefit.enumeration = db.scalefit.enumeration
- db.videodata.scalefit.attribute =
- ## Determines if anamorphic scaling is forbidden
- attribute scalefit { db.videodata.scalefit.enumeration }
- db.videodata.scale.attribute = db.scale.attribute
- db.videodata.attlist =
- db.videodata.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.data.attributes
- & db.videodata.align.attribute?
- & db.videodata.valign.attribute?
- & db.videodata.width.attribute?
- & db.videodata.contentwidth.attribute?
- & db.videodata.scalefit.attribute?
- & db.videodata.scale.attribute?
- & db.videodata.depth.attribute?
- & db.videodata.contentdepth.attribute?
- & db.videodata.autoplay.attribute?
- & db.videodata.classid.attribute?
- db.videodata.info = db._info.title.forbidden
- }
- div {
- db.audiodata.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.audiodata.align.enumeration = db.halign.enumeration
- db.audiodata.align.attribute =
- ## Specifies the (horizontal) alignment of the video data
- attribute align { db.audiodata.align.enumeration }
- db.audiodata.autoplay.attribute = db.autoplay.attribute
- db.audiodata.classid.attribute = db.classid.attribute
- db.audiodata.contentwidth.attribute = db.contentwidth.attribute
- db.audiodata.contentdepth.attribute = db.contentdepth.attribute
- db.audiodata.depth.attribute = db.depth.attribute
- db.audiodata.scale.attribute = db.scale.attribute
- db.audiodata.scalefit.enumeration = db.scalefit.enumeration
- db.audiodata.scalefit.attribute =
- ## Determines if anamorphic scaling is forbidden
- attribute scalefit { db.audiodata.scalefit.enumeration }
- db.audiodata.valign.enumeration = db.valign.enumeration
- db.audiodata.valign.attribute =
- ## Specifies the vertical alignment of the video data
- attribute valign { db.audiodata.valign.enumeration }
- db.audiodata.width.attribute = db.width.attribute
- db.audiodata.attlist =
- db.audiodata.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.data.attributes
- & db.audiodata.align.attribute?
- & db.audiodata.autoplay.attribute?
- & db.audiodata.classid.attribute?
- & db.audiodata.contentdepth.attribute?
- & db.audiodata.contentwidth.attribute?
- & db.audiodata.depth.attribute?
- & db.audiodata.scale.attribute?
- & db.audiodata.scalefit.attribute?
- & db.audiodata.valign.attribute?
- & db.audiodata.width.attribute?
- db.audiodata.info = db._info.title.forbidden
- }
- div {
- db.imagedata.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.imagedata.align.enumeration = db.halign.enumeration
- db.imagedata.align.attribute =
- ## Specifies the (horizontal) alignment of the image data
- attribute align { db.imagedata.align.enumeration }
- db.imagedata.valign.enumeration = db.valign.enumeration
- db.imagedata.valign.attribute =
- ## Specifies the vertical alignment of the image data
- attribute valign { db.imagedata.valign.enumeration }
- db.imagedata.width.attribute = db.width.attribute
- db.imagedata.depth.attribute = db.depth.attribute
- db.imagedata.contentwidth.attribute = db.contentwidth.attribute
- db.imagedata.contentdepth.attribute = db.contentdepth.attribute
- db.imagedata.scalefit.enumeration = db.scalefit.enumeration
- db.imagedata.scalefit.attribute =
- ## Determines if anamorphic scaling is forbidden
- attribute scalefit { db.imagedata.scalefit.enumeration }
- db.imagedata.scale.attribute = db.scale.attribute
- db.imagedata.attlist =
- db.imagedata.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.data.attributes
- & db.imagedata.align.attribute?
- & db.imagedata.valign.attribute?
- & db.imagedata.width.attribute?
- & db.imagedata.contentwidth.attribute?
- & db.imagedata.scalefit.attribute?
- & db.imagedata.scale.attribute?
- & db.imagedata.depth.attribute?
- & db.imagedata.contentdepth.attribute?
- db.imagedata.info = db._info.title.forbidden
- db.imagedata =
- ## Pointer to external image data
- [
- s:pattern [
- name = "Root must have version"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:rule [
- context = "/db:imagedata"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:assert [
- test = "@version"
- "If this element is the root element, it must have a version attribute."
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- ]
- element imagedata { db.imagedata.attlist, db.imagedata.info }
- }
- div {
- db.textdata.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.textdata.encoding.attribute =
- ## Identifies the encoding of the text in the external file
- attribute encoding { text }
- db.textdata.attlist =
- db.textdata.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.data.attributes
- & db.textdata.encoding.attribute?
- db.textdata.info = db._info.title.forbidden
- }
- div {
- db.multimediaparam.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.multimediaparam.name.attribute =
- ## Specifies the name of the parameter
- attribute name { text }
- db.multimediaparam.value.attribute =
- ## Specifies the value of the parameter
- attribute value { text }
- db.multimediaparam.valuetype.attribute =
- ## Specifies the type of the value of the parameter
- attribute valuetype { text }
- db.multimediaparam.attlist =
- db.multimediaparam.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.multimediaparam.name.attribute
- & db.multimediaparam.value.attribute
- & db.multimediaparam.valuetype.attribute?
- db.multimediaparam =
- ## Application specific parameters for a media player
- element multimediaparam { db.multimediaparam.attlist, empty }
- }
- div {
- db.caption.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.caption.attlist =
- db.caption.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- db.caption.info = db._info.title.forbidden
- }
- div {
- db.address.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- }
- div {
- db.street.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.street.attlist =
- db.street.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- }
- div {
- db.pob.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.pob.attlist =
- db.pob.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- }
- div {
- db.postcode.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.postcode.attlist =
- db.postcode.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- }
- div {
- db.city.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.city.attlist =
- db.city.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- }
- div {
- db.state.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.state.attlist =
- db.state.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- }
- div {
- db.country.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.country.attlist =
- db.country.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- }
- div {
- db.phone.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.phone.attlist =
- db.phone.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- }
- div {
- db.fax.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.fax.attlist =
- db.fax.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- }
- div {
- db.otheraddr.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.otheraddr.attlist =
- db.otheraddr.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- }
- div {
- db.affiliation.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.affiliation.attlist =
- db.affiliation.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- }
- div {
- db.shortaffil.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.shortaffil.attlist =
- db.shortaffil.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- }
- div {
- db.jobtitle.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.jobtitle.attlist =
- db.jobtitle.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- }
- div {
- db.orgname.class.enumeration =
- ## A consortium
- "consortium"
- |
- ## A corporation
- "corporation"
- |
- ## An informal organization
- "informal"
- |
- ## A non-profit organization
- "nonprofit"
- db.orgname.class-enum.attribute =
- ## Specifies the nature of the organization
- attribute class { db.orgname.class.enumeration }
- db.orgname.class-other.attributes =
- ## Specifies the nature of the organization
- attribute class {
- ## Indicates a non-standard organization class
- "other"
- },
- ## Identifies the non-standard nature of the organization
- attribute otherclass { text }
- db.orgname.class.attribute =
- db.orgname.class-enum.attribute
- | db.orgname.class-other.attributes
- db.orgname.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.orgname.attlist =
- db.orgname.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- & db.orgname.class.attribute?
- }
- div {
- db.orgdiv.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.orgdiv.attlist =
- db.orgdiv.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- }
- div {
- db.artpagenums.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.artpagenums.attlist =
- db.artpagenums.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- }
- div {
- db.personname.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.personname.attlist =
- db.personname.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- }
- db.person.author.contentmodel =
- db.personname,
- (db.personblurb
- | db.affiliation
- | db.email
- | db.uri
- | db.address
- | db.contrib)*
- db.org.author.contentmodel =
- db.orgname,
- (db.orgdiv
- | db.affiliation
- | db.email
- | db.uri
- | db.address
- | db.contrib)*
- db.credit.contentmodel =
- db.person.author.contentmodel | db.org.author.contentmodel
- div {
- db.author.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.author.attlist =
- db.author.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- db.author =
- ## The name of an individual author
- element author { db.author.attlist, db.credit.contentmodel }
- }
- div {
- db.authorgroup.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.authorgroup.attlist =
- db.authorgroup.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- db.authorgroup =
- ## Wrapper for author information when a document has multiple authors or collaborators
- element authorgroup {
- db.authorgroup.attlist,
- (db.author | db.editor | db.othercredit)+
- }
- }
- div {
- db.collab.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.collab.attlist =
- db.collab.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- }
- div {
- db.authorinitials.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.authorinitials.attlist =
- db.authorinitials.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- }
- div {
- db.person.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.person.attlist =
- db.person.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- db.person =
- ## A person and associated metadata
- element person {
- db.person.attlist,
- db.personname,
- (db.address
- | db.affiliation
- | db.email
- | db.uri
- | db.personblurb)*
- }
- }
- div {
- db.org.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.org.attlist =
- db.org.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- }
- div {
- db.confgroup.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.confgroup.attlist =
- db.confgroup.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- }
- div {
- db.confdates.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.confdates.attlist =
- db.confdates.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- }
- div {
- db.conftitle.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.conftitle.attlist =
- db.conftitle.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- }
- div {
- db.confnum.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.confnum.attlist =
- db.confnum.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- }
- div {
- db.confsponsor.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.confsponsor.attlist =
- db.confsponsor.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- }
- div {
- db.contractnum.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.contractnum.attlist =
- db.contractnum.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- }
- div {
- db.contractsponsor.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.contractsponsor.attlist =
- db.contractsponsor.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- }
- div {
- db.copyright.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.copyright.attlist =
- db.copyright.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- db.copyright =
- ## Copyright information about a document
- element copyright { db.copyright.attlist, db.year+, db.holder* }
- }
- div {
- db.year.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.year.attlist =
- db.year.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- db.year =
- ## The year of publication of a document
- element year { db.year.attlist, db._text }
- }
- div {
- db.holder.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.holder.attlist =
- db.holder.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- }
- db.cover.contentmodel =
- (db.para.blocks
- | db.extension.blocks
- | db.list.blocks
- | db.informal.blocks
- | db.publishing.blocks
- | db.graphic.blocks
- | db.technical.blocks
- | db.verbatim.blocks
- | db.bridgehead
- | db.remark
- | db.revhistory)
- | db.synopsis.blocks
- div {
- db.cover.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.cover.attlist =
- db.cover.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- db.cover =
- ## Additional content for the cover of a publication
- element cover { db.cover.attlist, db.cover.contentmodel+ }
- }
- db.date.contentmodel =
- xsd:date | xsd:dateTime | xsd:gYearMonth | xsd:gYear | text
- div {
- db.date.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.date.attlist =
- db.date.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- db.date =
- ## The date of publication or revision of a document
- element date { db.date.attlist, db.date.contentmodel }
- }
- div {
- db.edition.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.edition.attlist =
- db.edition.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- db.edition =
- ## The name or number of an edition of a document
- element edition { db.edition.attlist, db._text }
- }
- div {
- db.editor.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.editor.attlist =
- db.editor.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- db.editor =
- ## The name of the editor of a document
- element editor { db.editor.attlist, db.credit.contentmodel }
- }
- div {
- db.biblioid.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.biblioid.attlist =
- db.biblioid.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- & db.biblio.class.attribute
- }
- div {
- db.citebiblioid.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.citebiblioid.attlist =
- db.citebiblioid.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- & db.biblio.class.attribute
- }
- div {
- db.bibliosource.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.bibliosource.attlist =
- db.bibliosource.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- & db.biblio.class.attribute
- }
- div {
- db.bibliorelation.type.enumeration =
- ## The described resource pre-existed the referenced resource, which is essentially the same intellectual content presented in another format
- "hasformat"
- |
- ## The described resource includes the referenced resource either physically or logically
- "haspart"
- |
- ## The described resource has a version, edition, or adaptation, namely, the referenced resource
- "hasversion"
- |
- ## The described resource is the same intellectual content of the referenced resource, but presented in another format
- "isformatof"
- |
- ## The described resource is a physical or logical part of the referenced resource
- "ispartof"
- |
- ## The described resource is referenced, cited, or otherwise pointed to by the referenced resource
- "isreferencedby"
- |
- ## The described resource is supplanted, displaced, or superceded by the referenced resource
- "isreplacedby"
- |
- ## The described resource is required by the referenced resource, either physically or logically
- "isrequiredby"
- |
- ## The described resource is a version, edition, or adaptation of the referenced resource; changes in version imply substantive changes in content rather than differences in format
- "isversionof"
- |
- ## The described resource references, cites, or otherwise points to the referenced resource
- "references"
- |
- ## The described resource supplants, displaces, or supersedes the referenced resource
- "replaces"
- |
- ## The described resource requires the referenced resource to support its function, delivery, or coherence of content
- "requires"
- db.bibliorelation.type-enum.attribute =
- ## Identifies the type of relationship
- attribute type { db.bibliorelation.type.enumeration }?
- db.bibliorelation.type-other.attributes =
- ## Identifies the type of relationship
- attribute type {
- ## The described resource has a non-standard relationship with the referenced resource
- "othertype"
- }?,
- ## A keyword that identififes the type of the non-standard relationship
- attribute othertype { xsd:NMTOKEN }
- db.bibliorelation.type.attribute =
- db.bibliorelation.type-enum.attribute
- | db.bibliorelation.type-other.attributes
- db.bibliorelation.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.bibliorelation.attlist =
- db.bibliorelation.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- & db.biblio.class.attribute
- & db.bibliorelation.type.attribute
- }
- div {
- db.bibliocoverage.spacial.enumeration =
- ## The DCMI Point identifies a point in space using its geographic coordinates
- "dcmipoint"
- |
- ## ISO 3166 Codes for the representation of names of countries
- "iso3166"
- |
- ## The DCMI Box identifies a region of space using its geographic limits
- "dcmibox"
- |
- ## The Getty Thesaurus of Geographic Names
- "tgn"
- db.bibliocoverage.spatial-enum.attribute =
- ## Specifies the type of spatial coverage
- attribute spatial { db.bibliocoverage.spacial.enumeration }?
- db.bibliocoverage.spatial-other.attributes =
- ## Specifies the type of spatial coverage
- attribute spatial {
- ## Identifies a non-standard type of coverage
- "otherspatial"
- }?,
- ## A keyword that identifies the type of non-standard coverage
- attribute otherspatial { xsd:NMTOKEN }
- db.bibliocoverage.spatial.attribute =
- db.bibliocoverage.spatial-enum.attribute
- | db.bibliocoverage.spatial-other.attributes
- db.bibliocoverage.temporal.enumeration =
- ## A specification of the limits of a time interval
- "dcmiperiod"
- |
- ## W3C Encoding rules for dates and times—a profile based on ISO 8601
- "w3c-dtf"
- db.bibliocoverage.temporal-enum.attribute =
- ## Specifies the type of temporal coverage
- attribute temporal { db.bibliocoverage.temporal.enumeration }?
- db.bibliocoverage.temporal-other.attributes =
- ## Specifies the type of temporal coverage
- attribute temporal {
- ## Specifies a non-standard type of coverage
- "othertemporal"
- }?,
- ## A keyword that identifies the type of non-standard coverage
- attribute othertemporal { xsd:NMTOKEN }
- db.bibliocoverage.temporal.attribute =
- db.bibliocoverage.temporal-enum.attribute
- | db.bibliocoverage.temporal-other.attributes
- db.bibliocoverage.coverage.attrib =
- db.bibliocoverage.spatial.attribute
- & db.bibliocoverage.temporal.attribute
- db.bibliocoverage.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.bibliocoverage.attlist =
- db.bibliocoverage.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- & db.bibliocoverage.coverage.attrib
- }
- div {
- db.legalnotice.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.legalnotice.attlist =
- db.legalnotice.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- db.legalnotice.info = db._info.title.only
- db.legalnotice =
- ## A statement of legal obligations or requirements
- [
- s:pattern [
- name = "Root must have version"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:rule [
- context = "/db:legalnotice"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:assert [
- test = "@version"
- "If this element is the root element, it must have a version attribute."
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- ]
- element legalnotice {
- db.legalnotice.attlist, db.legalnotice.info, db.all.blocks+
- }
- }
- div {
- db.othercredit.class.enumeration =
- ## A copy editor
- "copyeditor"
- |
- ## A graphic designer
- "graphicdesigner"
- |
- ## A production editor
- "productioneditor"
- |
- ## A technical editor
- "technicaleditor"
- |
- ## A translator
- "translator"
- |
- ## An indexer
- "indexer"
- |
- ## A proof-reader
- "proofreader"
- |
- ## A cover designer
- "coverdesigner"
- |
- ## An interior designer
- "interiordesigner"
- |
- ## An illustrator
- "illustrator"
- |
- ## A reviewer
- "reviewer"
- |
- ## A typesetter
- "typesetter"
- |
- ## A converter (a persons responsible for conversion, not an application)
- "conversion"
- db.othercredit.class-enum.attribute =
- ## Identifies the nature of the contributor
- attribute class { db.othercredit.class.enumeration }?
- db.othercredit.class-other.attribute =
- ## Identifies the nature of the non-standard contribution
- attribute otherclass { xsd:NMTOKEN }
- db.othercredit.class-other.attributes =
- ## Identifies the nature of the contributor
- attribute class {
- ## Identifies a non-standard contribution
- "other"
- }
- & db.othercredit.class-other.attribute
- db.othercredit.class.attribute =
- db.othercredit.class-enum.attribute
- | db.othercredit.class-other.attributes
- db.othercredit.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.othercredit.attlist =
- db.othercredit.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- & db.othercredit.class.attribute
- db.othercredit =
- ## A person or entity, other than an author or editor, credited in a document
- element othercredit {
- db.othercredit.attlist, db.credit.contentmodel
- }
- }
- div {
- db.pagenums.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.pagenums.attlist =
- db.pagenums.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- }
- div {
- db.contrib.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.contrib.attlist =
- db.contrib.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- db.contrib =
- ## A summary of the contributions made to a document by a credited source
- element contrib { db.contrib.attlist, db.all.inlines* }
- }
- div {
- db.honorific.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.honorific.attlist =
- db.honorific.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- }
- div {
- db.firstname.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.firstname.attlist =
- db.firstname.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- db.firstname =
- ## A given name of a person
- element firstname { db.firstname.attlist, db._text }
- }
- div {
- db.givenname.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.givenname.attlist =
- db.givenname.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- db.givenname =
- ## The given name of a person
- element givenname { db.givenname.attlist, db._text }
- }
- div {
- db.surname.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.surname.attlist =
- db.surname.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- db.surname =
- ## An inherited or family name; in western cultures the last name
- element surname { db.surname.attlist, db._text }
- }
- div {
- db.lineage.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.lineage.attlist =
- db.lineage.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- }
- div {
- db.othername.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.othername.attlist =
- db.othername.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- }
- div {
- db.printhistory.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.printhistory.attlist =
- db.printhistory.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- }
- div {
- db.pubdate.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.pubdate.attlist =
- db.pubdate.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- db.pubdate =
- ## The date of publication of a document
- element pubdate { db.pubdate.attlist, db.date.contentmodel }
- }
- div {
- db.publisher.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.publisher.attlist =
- db.publisher.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- }
- div {
- db.publishername.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.publishername.attlist =
- db.publishername.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- }
- div {
- db.releaseinfo.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.releaseinfo.attlist =
- db.releaseinfo.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- db.releaseinfo =
- ## Information about a particular release of a document
- element releaseinfo { db.releaseinfo.attlist, db._text }
- }
- div {
- db.revhistory.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.revhistory.info = db._info.title.only
- db.revhistory =
- ## A history of the revisions to a document
- [
- s:pattern [
- name = "Root must have version"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:rule [
- context = "/db:revhistory"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:assert [
- test = "@version"
- "If this element is the root element, it must have a version attribute."
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- ]
- element revhistory {
- db.revhistory.attlist, db.revhistory.info, db.revision+
- }
- }
- div {
- db.revision.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.revision.attlist =
- db.revision.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- db.revision =
- ## An entry describing a single revision in the history of the revisions to a document
- element revision {
- db.revision.attlist,
- db.revnumber?,
- db.date,
- (db.authorinitials | db.author)*,
- (db.revremark | db.revdescription)?
- }
- }
- div {
- db.revnumber.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.revnumber.attlist =
- db.revnumber.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- db.revnumber =
- ## A document revision number
- element revnumber { db.revnumber.attlist, db._text }
- }
- div {
- db.revremark.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.revremark.attlist =
- db.revremark.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- db.revremark =
- ## A description of a revision to a document
- element revremark { db.revremark.attlist, db._text }
- }
- div {
- db.revdescription.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.revdescription.attlist =
- db.revdescription.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- db.revdescription =
- ## A extended description of a revision to a document
- element revdescription {
- db.revdescription.attlist, db.all.blocks*
- }
- }
- div {
- db.seriesvolnums.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.seriesvolnums.attlist =
- db.seriesvolnums.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- }
- div {
- db.volumenum.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.volumenum.attlist =
- db.volumenum.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- }
- div {
- db.issuenum.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.issuenum.attlist =
- db.issuenum.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- }
- div {
- db.package.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.package.attlist =
- db.package.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- db.package =
- ## A software or application package
- element package { db.package.attlist, db._text }
- }
- div {
- db.email.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.email.attlist =
- db.email.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- db.email =
- ## An email address
- element email { db.email.attlist, db._text }
- }
- div {
- db.lineannotation.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.lineannotation.attlist =
- db.lineannotation.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- }
- div {
- db.parameter.class.enumeration =
- ## A command
- "command"
- |
- ## A function
- "function"
- |
- ## An option
- "option"
- db.parameter.class.attribute =
- ## Identifies the class of parameter
- attribute class { db.parameter.class.enumeration }
- db.parameter.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.parameter.attlist =
- db.parameter.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- & db.parameter.class.attribute?
- db.parameter =
- ## A value or a symbolic reference to a value
- element parameter { db.parameter.attlist, db._text }
- }
- db.replaceable.inlines = db._text | db.co
- div {
- db.replaceable.class.enumeration =
- ## A command
- "command"
- |
- ## A function
- "function"
- |
- ## An option
- "option"
- |
- ## A parameter
- "parameter"
- db.replaceable.class.attribute =
- ## Identifies the nature of the replaceable text
- attribute class { db.replaceable.class.enumeration }
- db.replaceable.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.replaceable.attlist =
- db.replaceable.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- & db.replaceable.class.attribute?
- db.replaceable =
- ## Content that may or must be replaced by the user
- element replaceable {
- db.replaceable.attlist, db.replaceable.inlines*
- }
- }
- div {
- db.uri.type.attribute =
- ## Identifies the type of URI specified
- attribute type { text }?
- db.uri.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.uri.attlist =
- db.uri.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- & db.uri.type.attribute
- db.uri =
- ## A Uniform Resource Identifier
- element uri { db.uri.attlist, db._text }
- }
- div {
- db.abbrev.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.abbrev.attlist =
- db.abbrev.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- }
- div {
- db.acronym.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.acronym.attlist =
- db.acronym.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- }
- div {
- db.citation.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.citation.attlist =
- db.citation.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- }
- div {
- db.citerefentry.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.citerefentry.attlist =
- db.citerefentry.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- }
- div {
- db.refentrytitle.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.refentrytitle.attlist =
- db.refentrytitle.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- db.refentrytitle =
- ## The title of a reference page
- element refentrytitle {
- db.refentrytitle.attlist, db.all.inlines*
- }
- }
- div {
- db.manvolnum.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.manvolnum.attlist =
- db.manvolnum.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- }
- div {
- db.citetitle.pubwork.enumeration =
- ## An article
- "article"
- |
- ## A bulletin board system
- "bbs"
- |
- ## A book
- "book"
- |
- ## A CD-ROM
- "cdrom"
- |
- ## A chapter (as of a book)
- "chapter"
- |
- ## A DVD
- "dvd"
- |
- ## An email message
- "emailmessage"
- |
- ## A gopher page
- "gopher"
- |
- ## A journal
- "journal"
- |
- ## A manuscript
- "manuscript"
- |
- ## A posting to a newsgroup
- "newsposting"
- |
- ## A part (as of a book)
- "part"
- |
- ## A reference entry
- "refentry"
- |
- ## A section (as of a book or article)
- "section"
- |
- ## A series
- "series"
- |
- ## A set (as of books)
- "set"
- |
- ## A web page
- "webpage"
- |
- ## A wiki page
- "wiki"
- db.citetitle.pubwork.attribute =
- ## Identifies the nature of the publication being cited
- attribute pubwork { db.citetitle.pubwork.enumeration }
- db.citetitle.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.citetitle.attlist =
- db.citetitle.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- & db.citetitle.pubwork.attribute?
- db.citetitle =
- ## The title of a cited work
- element citetitle { db.citetitle.attlist, db.all.inlines* }
- }
- div {
- db.emphasis.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.emphasis.attlist =
- db.emphasis.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- db.emphasis =
- ## Emphasized text
- element emphasis { db.emphasis.attlist, db.all.inlines* }
- }
- div {
- db._emphasis =
- ## A limited span of emphasized text
- element emphasis { db.emphasis.attlist, db._text }
- }
- div {
- db.foreignphrase.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.foreignphrase.attlist =
- db.foreignphrase.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- }
- div {
- db._foreignphrase.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db._foreignphrase.attlist =
- db._foreignphrase.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- db._foreignphrase =
- ## A limited word or phrase in a language other than the primary language of the document
- element foreignphrase { db._foreignphrase.attlist, db._text }
- }
- div {
- db.phrase.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.phrase.attlist =
- db.phrase.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- db.phrase =
- ## A span of text
- element phrase { db.phrase.attlist, db.all.inlines* }
- }
- div {
- db._phrase =
- ## A limited span of text
- element phrase { db.phrase.attlist, db._text }
- }
- div {
- db.quote.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.quote.attlist =
- db.quote.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- db.quote =
- ## An inline quotation
- element quote { db.quote.attlist, db.all.inlines* }
- }
- div {
- db._quote.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db._quote.attlist =
- db._quote.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- db._quote =
- ## A limited inline quotation
- element quote { db._quote.attlist, db._text }
- }
- div {
- db.subscript.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.subscript.attlist =
- db.subscript.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- db.subscript =
- ## A subscript (as in H2
- ## O, the molecular formula for water)
- element subscript { db.subscript.attlist, db._text }
- }
- div {
- db.superscript.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.superscript.attlist =
- db.superscript.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- db.superscript =
- ## A superscript (as in x2
- ## , the mathematical notation for x multiplied by itself)
- element superscript { db.superscript.attlist, db._text }
- }
- div {
- db.trademark.class.enumeration =
- ## A copyright
- "copyright"
- |
- ## A registered copyright
- "registered"
- |
- ## A service
- "service"
- |
- ## A trademark
- "trade"
- db.trademark.class.attribute =
- ## Identifies the class of trade mark
- attribute class { db.trademark.class.enumeration }
- db.trademark.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.trademark.attlist =
- db.trademark.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- & db.trademark.class.attribute?
- db.trademark =
- ## A trademark
- element trademark { db.trademark.attlist, db._text }
- }
- div {
- db.wordasword.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.wordasword.attlist =
- db.wordasword.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- }
- div {
- db.footnoteref.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.footnoteref.label.attribute = db.label.attribute
- db.footnoteref.attlist =
- db.footnoteref.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.linkend.attribute
- & db.footnoteref.label.attribute?
- }
- div {
- db.xref.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.xref.xrefstyle.attribute = db.xrefstyle.attribute
- db.xref.endterm.attribute = db.endterm.attribute
- db.xref.attlist =
- db.xref.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.req.linking.attributes
- & db.xref.xrefstyle.attribute?
- & db.xref.endterm.attribute?
- db.xref =
- ## A cross reference to another part of the document
- element xref { db.xref.attlist, empty }
- }
- div {
- db.link.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.link.xrefstyle.attribute = db.xrefstyle.attribute
- db.link.endterm.attribute = db.endterm.attribute
- db.link =
- ## A hypertext link
- element link { db.link.attlist, db.all.inlines* }
- }
- div {
- db.olink.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.olink.xrefstyle.attribute = db.xrefstyle.attribute
- db.olink.localinfo.attribute =
- ## Holds additional information that may be used by the application when resolving the link
- attribute localinfo { text }
- db.olink.targetdoc.attribute =
- ## Specifies the URI of the document in which the link target appears
- attribute targetdoc { xsd:anyURI }
- db.olink.targetptr.attribute =
- ## Specifies the location of the link target in the document
- attribute targetptr { text }
- db.olink.type.attribute =
- ## Identifies application-specific customization of the link behavior
- attribute type { text }
- db.olink.attlist =
- db.common.attributes
- & db.olink.targetdoc.attribute?
- & db.olink.role.attribute?
- & db.olink.xrefstyle.attribute?
- & db.olink.localinfo.attribute?
- & db.olink.targetptr.attribute?
- & db.olink.type.attribute?
- }
- div {
- db.anchor.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.anchor.attlist =
- db.anchor.role.attribute? & db.common.idreq.attributes
- }
- div {
- db.alt.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.alt.attlist = db.alt.role.attribute? & db.common.attributes
- db.alt =
- ## A text-only annotation, often used for accessibility
- element alt { db.alt.attlist, (text | db.inlinemediaobject)* }
- }
- db.status.attribute =
- ## Identifies the editorial or publication status of the element on which it occurs
- attribute status { text }
- db.toplevel.sections =
- ((db.section+, db.simplesect*) | db.simplesect+)
- | (db.sect1+, db.simplesect*)
- | db.refentry+
- | ((db.section | db.xi.include)+
- | (db.simplesect | db.xi.include)+)
- | (db.refentry | db.xi.include)+
- | (db.refsect1 | db.xi.include)+
- | (db.sect1 | db.xi.include)+
- db.toplevel.blocks.or.sections =
- (db.all.blocks+, db.toplevel.sections?) | db.toplevel.sections
- db.recursive.sections =
- ((db.section+, db.simplesect*) | db.simplesect+)
- | db.refentry+
- | ((db.section | db.xi.include)+
- | (db.simplesect | db.xi.include)+)
- | (db.refentry | db.xi.include)+
- | (db.refsect1 | db.xi.include)+
- db.recursive.blocks.or.sections =
- (db.all.blocks+, db.recursive.sections?) | db.recursive.sections
- db.divisions = db.part | db.reference | db.xi.include
- db.components =
- (db.dedication
- | db.acknowledgements
- | db.preface
- | db.chapter
- | db.appendix
- | db.article
- | db.colophon)
- | db.xi.include
- db.navigation.components =
- notAllowed | db.glossary | db.bibliography | db.index | db.toc
- db.component.contentmodel =
- db.navigation.components*,
- db.toplevel.blocks.or.sections,
- db.navigation.components*
- db.setindex.components = notAllowed | db.setindex
- db.toc.components = notAllowed | db.toc
- db.set.components =
- ((db.set | db.book)+ | db.article+)
- | db.xi.include
- div {
- db.set.status.attribute = db.status.attribute
- db.set.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.set.info = db._info.title.req
- db.set =
- ## A collection of books
- [
- s:pattern [
- name = "Root must have version"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:rule [
- context = "/db:set"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:assert [
- test = "@version"
- "If this element is the root element, it must have a version attribute."
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- ]
- element set {
- db.set.attlist,
- db.set.info,
- db.toc.components?,
- db.set.components,
- db.setindex.components?
- }
- }
- db.book.components =
- (db.navigation.components | db.components | db.divisions)*
- | db.topic*
- div {
- db.book.status.attribute = db.status.attribute
- db.book.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.book.info = db._info
- db.book =
- ## A book
- [
- s:pattern [
- name = "Root must have version"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:rule [
- context = "/db:book"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:assert [
- test = "@version"
- "If this element is the root element, it must have a version attribute."
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- ]
- element book {
- db.book.attlist, db.book.info, db.book.components
- }
- }
- div {
- db.dedication.status.attribute = db.status.attribute
- db.dedication.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.dedication.info = db._info
- }
- div {
- db.acknowledgements.status.attribute = db.status.attribute
- db.acknowledgements.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.acknowledgements.info = db._info
- }
- div {
- db.colophon.status.attribute = db.status.attribute
- db.colophon.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.colophon.info = db._info
- }
- db.appendix.contentmodel = db.component.contentmodel | db.topic+
- div {
- db.appendix.status.attribute = db.status.attribute
- db.appendix.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.appendix.info = db._info.title.req
- db.appendix =
- ## An appendix in a book or article
- [
- s:pattern [
- name = "Root must have version"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:rule [
- context = "/db:appendix"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:assert [
- test = "@version"
- "If this element is the root element, it must have a version attribute."
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- ]
- element appendix {
- db.appendix.attlist,
- db.appendix.info,
- db.appendix.contentmodel?
- }
- }
- db.chapter.contentmodel = db.component.contentmodel | db.topic+
- div {
- db.chapter.status.attribute = db.status.attribute
- db.chapter.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.chapter.info = db._info.title.req
- db.chapter =
- ## A chapter, as of a book
- [
- s:pattern [
- name = "Root must have version"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:rule [
- context = "/db:chapter"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:assert [
- test = "@version"
- "If this element is the root element, it must have a version attribute."
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- ]
- element chapter {
- db.chapter.attlist, db.chapter.info, db.chapter.contentmodel?
- }
- }
- db.part.components =
- (db.navigation.components | db.components)
- | (db.refentry | db.reference)
- | db.xi.include
- db.part.contentmodel = db.part.components+ | db.topic+
- div {
- db.part.status.attribute = db.status.attribute
- db.part.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.part.info = db._info.title.req
- db.part =
- ## A division in a book
- [
- s:pattern [
- name = "Root must have version"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:rule [
- context = "/db:part"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:assert [
- test = "@version"
- "If this element is the root element, it must have a version attribute."
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- ]
- element part {
- db.part.attlist,
- db.part.info,
- db.partintro?,
- db.part.contentmodel?
- }
- }
- div {
- db.preface.status.attribute = db.status.attribute
- db.preface.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.preface.info = db._info.title.req
- db.preface =
- ## Introductory matter preceding the first chapter of a book
- [
- s:pattern [
- name = "Root must have version"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:rule [
- context = "/db:preface"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:assert [
- test = "@version"
- "If this element is the root element, it must have a version attribute."
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- ]
- element preface {
- db.preface.attlist,
- db.preface.info,
- db.component.contentmodel?
- }
- }
- div {
- db.partintro.status.attribute = db.status.attribute
- db.partintro.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.partintro.attlist =
- db.partintro.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- & db.label.attribute?
- & db.partintro.status.attribute?
- db.partintro.info = db._info
- db.partintro =
- ## An introduction to the contents of a part
- [
- s:pattern [
- name = "Root must have version"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:rule [
- context = "/db:partintro"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:assert [
- test = "@version"
- "If this element is the root element, it must have a version attribute."
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- ]
- element partintro {
- db.partintro.attlist,
- db.partintro.info,
- db.toplevel.blocks.or.sections?
- }
- }
- div {
- db.section.status.attribute = db.status.attribute
- db.section.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.section.info = db._info.title.req
- }
- div {
- db.simplesect.status.attribute = db.status.attribute
- db.simplesect.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.simplesect.info = db._info.title.req
- }
- db.article.components = db.toplevel.sections
- db.article.navcomponents =
- db.navigation.components
- | db.acknowledgements
- | db.dedication
- | db.appendix
- | db.colophon
- div {
- db.article.status.attribute = db.status.attribute
- db.article.class.enumeration =
- ## A collection of frequently asked questions.
- "faq"
- |
- ## An article in a journal or other periodical.
- "journalarticle"
- |
- ## A description of a product.
- "productsheet"
- |
- ## A specification.
- "specification"
- |
- ## A technical report.
- "techreport"
- |
- ## A white paper.
- "whitepaper"
- db.article.class.attribute =
- ## Identifies the nature of the article
- attribute class { db.article.class.enumeration }
- db.article.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.article.attlist =
- db.article.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- & db.label.attribute?
- & db.article.status.attribute?
- & db.article.class.attribute?
- db.article.info = db._info.title.req
- db.article =
- ## An article
- [
- s:pattern [
- name = "Root must have version"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:rule [
- context = "/db:article"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:assert [
- test = "@version"
- "If this element is the root element, it must have a version attribute."
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- ]
- element article {
- db.article.attlist,
- db.article.info,
- db.article.navcomponents*,
- ((db.all.blocks+, db.article.components?)
- | db.article.components),
- db.article.navcomponents*
- }
- }
- db.annotations.attribute =
- ## Identifies one or more annotations that apply to this element
- attribute annotations { text }
- div {
- db.annotation.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.annotation.annotates.attribute =
- ## Identifies one ore more elements to which this annotation applies
- attribute annotates { text }
- db.annotation.attlist =
- db.annotation.role.attribute?
- & db.annotation.annotates.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- db.annotation.info = db._info.title.only
- db.annotation =
- ## An annotation
- [
- s:pattern [
- name = "Element exclusion"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:rule [
- context = "db:annotation"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:assert [
- test = "not(.//db:annotation)"
- "annotation must not occur among the children or descendants of annotation"
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- s:pattern [
- name = "Root must have version"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:rule [
- context = "/db:annotation"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:assert [
- test = "@version"
- "If this element is the root element, it must have a version attribute."
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- ]
- element annotation {
- db.annotation.attlist, db.annotation.info, db.all.blocks+
- }
- }
- db.xlink.extended.type.attribute =
- ## Identifies the XLink extended link type
- [
- s:pattern [
- name = "XLink extended placement"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:rule [
- context = "*[@xlink:type='extended']"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:assert [
- test = "not(parent::*[@xlink:type='extended'])"
- "An XLink extended type element may not occur as the direct child of an XLink extended type element."
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- ]
- attribute xlink:type {
- ## An XLink extended link type
- "extended"
- }
- db.xlink.locator.type.attribute =
- ## Identifies the XLink locator link type
- [
- s:pattern [
- name = "XLink locator placement"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:rule [
- context = "*[@xlink:type='locator']"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:assert [
- test = "parent::*[@xlink:type='extended']"
- "An XLink locator type element must occur as the direct child of an XLink extended type element."
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- ]
- attribute xlink:type {
- ## An XLink locator link type
- "locator"
- }
- db.xlink.arc.type.attribute =
- ## Identifies the XLink arc link type
- [
- s:pattern [
- name = "XLink arc placement"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:rule [
- context = "*[@xlink:type='arc']"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:assert [
- test = "parent::*[@xlink:type='extended']"
- "An XLink arc type element must occur as the direct child of an XLink extended type element."
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- ]
- attribute xlink:type {
- ## An XLink arc link type
- "arc"
- }
- db.xlink.resource.type.attribute =
- ## Identifies the XLink resource link type
- [
- s:pattern [
- name = "XLink resource placement"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:rule [
- context = "*[@xlink:type='resource']"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:assert [
- test = "parent::*[@xlink:type='extended']"
- "An XLink resource type element must occur as the direct child of an XLink extended type element."
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- ]
- attribute xlink:type {
- ## An XLink resource link type
- "resource"
- }
- db.xlink.title.type.attribute =
- ## Identifies the XLink title link type
- [
- s:pattern [
- name = "XLink title placement"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:rule [
- context = "*[@xlink:type='title']"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:assert [
- test =
- "parent::*[@xlink:type='extended'] or parent::*[@xlink:type='locator'] or parent::*[@xlink:type='arc']"
- "An XLink title type element must occur as the direct child of an XLink extended, locator, or arc type element."
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- ]
- attribute xlink:type {
- ## An XLink title link type
- "title"
- }
- db.xlink.extended.link.attributes =
- db.xlink.extended.type.attribute
- & db.xlink.role.attribute?
- & db.xlink.title.attribute?
- db.xlink.locator.link.attributes =
- db.xlink.locator.type.attribute
- & db.xlink.href.attribute
- & db.xlink.role.attribute?
- & db.xlink.title.attribute?
- & db.xlink.label.attribute?
- db.xlink.arc.link.attributes =
- db.xlink.arc.type.attribute
- & db.xlink.arcrole.attribute?
- & db.xlink.title.attribute?
- & db.xlink.show.attribute?
- & db.xlink.actuate.attribute?
- & db.xlink.from.attribute?
- & db.xlink.to.attribute?
- db.xlink.resource.link.attributes =
- db.xlink.resource.type.attribute
- & db.xlink.role.attribute?
- & db.xlink.title.attribute?
- & db.xlink.label.attribute?
- db.xlink.title.link.attributes = db.xlink.title.type.attribute
- db.xlink.from.attribute =
- ## Specifies the XLink traversal-from
- attribute xlink:from { xsd:NMTOKEN }
- db.xlink.label.attribute =
- ## Specifies the XLink label
- attribute xlink:label { xsd:NMTOKEN }
- db.xlink.to.attribute =
- ## Specifies the XLink traversal-to
- attribute xlink:to { xsd:NMTOKEN }
- div {
- db.extendedlink.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.extendedlink.attlist =
- db.extendedlink.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- &
- ## Identifies the XLink link type
- [ a:defaultValue = "extended" ]
- attribute xlink:type {
- ## An XLink extended link
- "extended"
- }?
- & db.xlink.role.attribute?
- & db.xlink.title.attribute?
- }
- div {
- db.locator.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.locator.attlist =
- db.locator.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- &
- ## Identifies the XLink link type
- [ a:defaultValue = "locator" ]
- attribute xlink:type {
- ## An XLink locator link
- "locator"
- }?
- & db.xlink.href.attribute
- & db.xlink.role.attribute?
- & db.xlink.title.attribute?
- & db.xlink.label.attribute?
- }
- div {
- db.arc.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.arc.attlist =
- db.arc.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- &
- ## Identifies the XLink link type
- [ a:defaultValue = "arc" ]
- attribute xlink:type {
- ## An XLink arc link
- "arc"
- }?
- & db.xlink.arcrole.attribute?
- & db.xlink.title.attribute?
- & db.xlink.show.attribute?
- & db.xlink.actuate.attribute?
- & db.xlink.from.attribute?
- & db.xlink.to.attribute?
- }
- db.sect1.sections =
- ((db.sect2+, db.simplesect*) | db.simplesect+)
- | (db.sect2 | db.xi.include)+
- div {
- db.sect1.status.attribute = db.status.attribute
- db.sect1.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.sect1.info = db._info.title.req
- db.sect1 =
- ## A top-level section of document
- [
- s:pattern [
- name = "Root must have version"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:rule [
- context = "/db:sect1"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:assert [
- test = "@version"
- "If this element is the root element, it must have a version attribute."
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- ]
- element sect1 {
- db.sect1.attlist,
- db.sect1.info,
- db.navigation.components*,
- ((db.all.blocks+, db.sect1.sections?) | db.sect1.sections)?,
- db.navigation.components*
- }
- }
- db.sect2.sections =
- ((db.sect3+, db.simplesect*) | db.simplesect+)
- | (db.sect3 | db.xi.include)+
- div {
- db.sect2.status.attribute = db.status.attribute
- db.sect2.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.sect2.info = db._info.title.req
- db.sect2 =
- ## A subsection within a sect1
- [
- s:pattern [
- name = "Root must have version"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:rule [
- context = "/db:sect2"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:assert [
- test = "@version"
- "If this element is the root element, it must have a version attribute."
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- ]
- element sect2 {
- db.sect2.attlist,
- db.sect2.info,
- db.navigation.components*,
- ((db.all.blocks+, db.sect2.sections?) | db.sect2.sections)?,
- db.navigation.components*
- }
- }
- db.sect3.sections =
- ((db.sect4+, db.simplesect*) | db.simplesect+)
- | (db.sect4 | db.xi.include)+
- div {
- db.sect3.status.attribute = db.status.attribute
- db.sect3.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.sect3.info = db._info.title.req
- db.sect3 =
- ## A subsection within a sect2
- [
- s:pattern [
- name = "Root must have version"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:rule [
- context = "/db:sect3"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:assert [
- test = "@version"
- "If this element is the root element, it must have a version attribute."
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- ]
- element sect3 {
- db.sect3.attlist,
- db.sect3.info,
- db.navigation.components*,
- ((db.all.blocks+, db.sect3.sections?) | db.sect3.sections)?,
- db.navigation.components*
- }
- }
- db.sect4.sections =
- ((db.sect5+, db.simplesect*) | db.simplesect+)
- | (db.sect5 | db.xi.include)+
- div {
- db.sect4.status.attribute = db.status.attribute
- db.sect4.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.sect4.info = db._info.title.req
- db.sect4 =
- ## A subsection within a sect3
- [
- s:pattern [
- name = "Root must have version"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:rule [
- context = "/db:sect4"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:assert [
- test = "@version"
- "If this element is the root element, it must have a version attribute."
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- ]
- element sect4 {
- db.sect4.attlist,
- db.sect4.info,
- db.navigation.components*,
- ((db.all.blocks+, db.sect4.sections?) | db.sect4.sections)?,
- db.navigation.components*
- }
- }
- db.sect5.sections =
- db.simplesect+ | (db.simplesect | db.xi.include)+
- div {
- db.sect5.status.attribute = db.status.attribute
- db.sect5.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.sect5.info = db._info.title.req
- db.sect5 =
- ## A subsection within a sect4
- [
- s:pattern [
- name = "Root must have version"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:rule [
- context = "/db:sect5"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:assert [
- test = "@version"
- "If this element is the root element, it must have a version attribute."
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- ]
- element sect5 {
- db.sect5.attlist,
- db.sect5.info,
- db.navigation.components*,
- ((db.all.blocks+, db.sect5.sections?) | db.sect5.sections)?,
- db.navigation.components*
- }
- }
- db.toplevel.refsection =
- db.refsection+
- | db.refsect1+
- | (db.refentry | db.xi.include)+
- | (db.refsect1 | db.xi.include)+
- db.secondlevel.refsection =
- db.refsection+
- | db.refsect2+
- | (db.refentry | db.xi.include)+
- | (db.refsect2 | db.xi.include)+
- db.reference.components = db.refentry | db.xi.include
- div {
- db.reference.status.attribute = db.status.attribute
- db.reference.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.reference.info = db._info.title.req
- db.reference =
- ## A collection of reference entries
- [
- s:pattern [
- name = "Root must have version"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:rule [
- context = "/db:reference"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:assert [
- test = "@version"
- "If this element is the root element, it must have a version attribute."
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- ]
- element reference {
- db.reference.attlist,
- db.reference.info,
- db.partintro?,
- db.reference.components*
- }
- }
- div {
- db.refentry.status.attribute = db.status.attribute
- db.refentry.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.refentry.info = db._info.title.forbidden
- db.refentry =
- ## A reference page (originally a UNIX man-style reference page)
- [
- s:pattern [
- name = "Root must have version"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:rule [
- context = "/db:refentry"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:assert [
- test = "@version"
- "If this element is the root element, it must have a version attribute."
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- ]
- element refentry {
- db.refentry.attlist,
- db.indexterm*,
- db.refentry.info,
- db.refmeta?,
- db.refnamediv+,
- db.refsynopsisdiv?,
- db.toplevel.refsection
- }
- }
- div {
- db.refmeta.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.refmeta.attlist =
- db.refmeta.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- db.refmeta =
- ## Meta-information for a reference entry
- element refmeta {
- db.refmeta.attlist,
- db.indexterm*,
- db.refentrytitle,
- db.manvolnum?,
- db.refmiscinfo*,
- db.indexterm*
- }
- }
- db.refmiscinfo.class.enumeration =
- ## The name of the software product or component to which this topic applies
- "source"
- |
- ## The version of the software product or component to which this topic applies
- "version"
- |
- ## The section title of the reference page (e.g., User Commands)
- "manual"
- |
- ## The section title of the reference page (believed synonymous with "manual" but in wide use)
- "sectdesc"
- |
- ## The name of the software product or component to which this topic applies (e.g., SunOS x.y; believed synonymous with "source" but in wide use)
- "software"
- db.refmiscinfo.class-enum.attribute =
- ## Identifies the kind of miscellaneous information
- attribute class { db.refmiscinfo.class.enumeration }?
- db.refmiscinfo.class-other.attribute =
- ## Identifies the nature of non-standard miscellaneous information
- attribute otherclass { text }
- db.refmiscinfo.class-other.attributes =
- ## Identifies the kind of miscellaneious information
- attribute class {
- ## Indicates that the information is some 'other' kind.
- "other"
- }
- & db.refmiscinfo.class-other.attribute
- db.refmiscinfo.class.attribute =
- db.refmiscinfo.class-enum.attribute
- | db.refmiscinfo.class-other.attributes
- div {
- db.refmiscinfo.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.refmiscinfo.attlist =
- db.refmiscinfo.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- & db.refmiscinfo.class.attribute?
- db.refmiscinfo =
- ## Meta-information for a reference entry other than the title and volume number
- element refmiscinfo { db.refmiscinfo.attlist, db._text }
- }
- div {
- db.refnamediv.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.refnamediv =
- ## The name, purpose, and classification of a reference page
- element refnamediv {
- db.refnamediv.attlist,
- db.refdescriptor?,
- db.refname+,
- db.refpurpose,
- db.refclass*
- }
- }
- div {
- db.refdescriptor.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.refdescriptor.attlist =
- db.refdescriptor.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- }
- div {
- db.refname.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.refname.attlist =
- db.refname.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- db.refname =
- ## The name of (one of) the subject(s) of a reference page
- element refname { db.refname.attlist, db.all.inlines* }
- }
- div {
- db.refpurpose.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.refpurpose.attlist =
- db.refpurpose.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- db.refpurpose =
- ## A short (one sentence) synopsis of the topic of a reference page
- element refpurpose { db.refpurpose.attlist, db.all.inlines* }
- }
- div {
- db.refclass.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.refclass.attlist =
- db.refclass.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- }
- div {
- db.refsynopsisdiv.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.refsynopsisdiv.info = db._info
- db.refsynopsisdiv =
- ## A syntactic synopsis of the subject of the reference page
- [
- s:pattern [
- name = "Root must have version"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:rule [
- context = "/db:refsynopsisdiv"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:assert [
- test = "@version"
- "If this element is the root element, it must have a version attribute."
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- ]
- element refsynopsisdiv {
- db.refsynopsisdiv.attlist,
- db.refsynopsisdiv.info,
- ((db.all.blocks+, db.secondlevel.refsection?)
- | db.secondlevel.refsection)
- }
- }
- div {
- db.refsection.status.attribute = db.status.attribute
- db.refsection.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.refsection.info = db._info.title.req
- db.refsection =
- ## A recursive section in a refentry
- [
- s:pattern [
- name = "Root must have version"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:rule [
- context = "/db:refsection"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:assert [
- test = "@version"
- "If this element is the root element, it must have a version attribute."
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- ]
- element refsection {
- db.refsection.attlist,
- db.refsection.info,
- ((db.all.blocks+, db.refsection*) | db.refsection+)
- }
- }
- db.refsect1.sections = db.refsect2+
- div {
- db.refsect1.status.attribute = db.status.attribute
- db.refsect1.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.refsect1.info = db._info.title.req
- db.refsect1 =
- ## A major subsection of a reference entry
- [
- s:pattern [
- name = "Root must have version"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:rule [
- context = "/db:refsect1"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:assert [
- test = "@version"
- "If this element is the root element, it must have a version attribute."
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- ]
- element refsect1 {
- db.refsect1.attlist,
- db.refsect1.info,
- ((db.all.blocks+, db.refsect1.sections?)
- | db.refsect1.sections)
- }
- }
- db.refsect2.sections = db.refsect3+
- div {
- db.refsect2.status.attribute = db.status.attribute
- db.refsect2.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.refsect2.info = db._info.title.req
- db.refsect2 =
- ## A subsection of a refsect1
- [
- s:pattern [
- name = "Root must have version"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:rule [
- context = "/db:refsect2"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:assert [
- test = "@version"
- "If this element is the root element, it must have a version attribute."
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- ]
- element refsect2 {
- db.refsect2.attlist,
- db.refsect2.info,
- ((db.all.blocks+, db.refsect2.sections?)
- | db.refsect2.sections)
- }
- }
- div {
- db.refsect3.status.attribute = db.status.attribute
- db.refsect3.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.refsect3.attlist =
- db.refsect3.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- & db.label.attribute?
- & db.refsect3.status.attribute?
- db.refsect3.info = db._info.title.req
- db.refsect3 =
- ## A subsection of a refsect2
- [
- s:pattern [
- name = "Root must have version"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:rule [
- context = "/db:refsect3"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:assert [
- test = "@version"
- "If this element is the root element, it must have a version attribute."
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- ]
- element refsect3 {
- db.refsect3.attlist, db.refsect3.info, db.all.blocks+
- }
- }
- db.glossary.inlines =
- db.firstterm | db.glossterm | db._firstterm | db._glossterm
- db.baseform.attribute =
- ## Specifies the base form of the term, the one that appears in the glossary. This allows adjectival, plural, and other variations of the term to appear in the element. The element content is the default base form.
- attribute baseform { text }?
- div {
- db.glosslist.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.glosslist.info = db._info.title.only
- db.glosslist =
- ## A wrapper for a list of glossary entries
- [
- s:pattern [
- name = "Root must have version"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:rule [
- context = "/db:glosslist"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:assert [
- test = "@version"
- "If this element is the root element, it must have a version attribute."
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- ]
- element glosslist {
- db.glosslist.attlist,
- db.glosslist.info?,
- db.all.blocks*,
- db.glossentry+
- }
- }
- div {
- db.glossentry.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.glossentry.sortas.attribute =
- ## Specifies the string by which the element's content is to be sorted; if unspecified, the content is used
- attribute sortas { text }
- db.glossentry =
- ## An entry in a glossary or glosslist
- element glossentry {
- db.glossentry.attlist,
- db.glossterm,
- db.acronym?,
- db.abbrev?,
- db.indexterm*,
- (db.glosssee | db.glossdef+)
- }
- }
- div {
- db.glossdef.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.glossdef.subject.attribute =
- ## Specifies a list of keywords for the definition
- attribute subject { text }
- db.glossdef.attlist =
- db.glossdef.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- & db.glossdef.subject.attribute?
- db.glossdef =
- ## A definition in a glossentry
- element glossdef {
- db.glossdef.attlist, db.all.blocks+, db.glossseealso*
- }
- }
- div {
- db.glosssee.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.glosssee.otherterm.attribute =
- ## Identifies the other term
- attribute otherterm { xsd:IDREF }
- db.glosssee.attlist =
- db.glosssee.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- & db.glosssee.otherterm.attribute?
- db.glosssee =
- ## A cross-reference from one glossentry
- ## to another
- [
- s:pattern [
- name = "Glosssary 'see' type constraint"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:rule [
- context = "db:glosssee[@otherterm]"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:assert [
- test =
- "local-name(//*[@xml:id=current()/@otherterm]) = 'glossentry' and namespace-uri(//*[@xml:id=current()/@otherterm]) = 'http://docbook.org/ns/docbook'"
- "@otherterm on glosssee must point to a glossentry."
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- ]
- element glosssee { db.glosssee.attlist, db.all.inlines* }
- }
- div {
- db.glossseealso.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.glossseealso.otherterm.attribute =
- ## Identifies the other term
- attribute otherterm { xsd:IDREF }
- db.glossseealso.attlist =
- db.glossseealso.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- & db.glossseealso.otherterm.attribute?
- db.glossseealso =
- ## A cross-reference from one glossentry to another
- [
- s:pattern [
- name = "Glossary 'seealso' type constraint"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:rule [
- context = "db:glossseealso[@otherterm]"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:assert [
- test =
- "local-name(//*[@xml:id=current()/@otherterm]) = 'glossentry' and namespace-uri(//*[@xml:id=current()/@otherterm]) = 'http://docbook.org/ns/docbook'"
- "@otherterm on glossseealso must point to a glossentry."
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- ]
- element glossseealso {
- db.glossseealso.attlist, db.all.inlines*
- }
- }
- div {
- db.firstterm.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.firstterm.attlist =
- db.firstterm.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- & db.baseform.attribute
- }
- div {
- db._firstterm.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db._firstterm.attlist =
- db._firstterm.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- & db.baseform.attribute
- db._firstterm =
- ## The first occurrence of a term, with limited content
- [
- s:pattern [
- name = "Glossary 'firstterm' type constraint"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:rule [
- context = "db:firstterm[@linkend]"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:assert [
- test =
- "local-name(//*[@xml:id=current()/@linkend]) = 'glossentry' and namespace-uri(//*[@xml:id=current()/@linkend]) = 'http://docbook.org/ns/docbook'"
- "@linkend on firstterm must point to a glossentry."
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- ]
- element firstterm { db._firstterm.attlist, db._text }
- }
- div {
- db.glossterm.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.glossterm.attlist =
- db.glossterm.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- & db.baseform.attribute
- db.glossterm =
- ## A glossary term
- [
- s:pattern [
- name = "Glossary 'glossterm' type constraint"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:rule [
- context = "db:glossterm[@linkend]"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:assert [
- test =
- "local-name(//*[@xml:id=current()/@linkend]) = 'glossentry' and namespace-uri(//*[@xml:id=current()/@linkend]) = 'http://docbook.org/ns/docbook'"
- "@linkend on glossterm must point to a glossentry."
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- ]
- element glossterm { db.glossterm.attlist, db.all.inlines* }
- }
- div {
- db._glossterm.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db._glossterm.attlist =
- db._glossterm.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- & db.baseform.attribute
- db._glossterm =
- ## A glossary term
- [
- s:pattern [
- name = "Glossary 'glossterm' type constraint"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:rule [
- context = "db:glossterm[@linkend]"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:assert [
- test =
- "local-name(//*[@xml:id=current()/@linkend]) = 'glossentry' and namespace-uri(//*[@xml:id=current()/@linkend]) = 'http://docbook.org/ns/docbook'"
- "@linkend on glossterm must point to a glossentry."
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- ]
- element glossterm { db._glossterm.attlist, db._text }
- }
- div {
- db.glossary.status.attribute = db.status.attribute
- db.glossary.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.glossary.info = db._info
- db.glossary =
- ## A glossary
- [
- s:pattern [
- name = "Root must have version"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:rule [
- context = "/db:glossary"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:assert [
- test = "@version"
- "If this element is the root element, it must have a version attribute."
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- ]
- element glossary {
- db.glossary.attlist,
- db.glossary.info,
- db.all.blocks*,
- (db.glossdiv* | db.glossentry*),
- db.bibliography?
- }
- }
- div {
- db.glossdiv.status.attribute = db.status.attribute
- db.glossdiv.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.glossdiv.info = db._info.title.req
- db.glossdiv =
- ## A division in a glossary
- [
- s:pattern [
- name = "Root must have version"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:rule [
- context = "/db:glossdiv"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:assert [
- test = "@version"
- "If this element is the root element, it must have a version attribute."
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- ]
- element glossdiv {
- db.glossdiv.attlist,
- db.glossdiv.info,
- db.all.blocks*,
- db.glossentry+
- }
- }
- div {
- db.termdef.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.termdef.attlist =
- db.termdef.role.attribute?
- & db.glossentry.sortas.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- & db.baseform.attribute
- }
- db.relation.attribute =
- ## Identifies the relationship between the bibliographic elemnts
- attribute relation { text }
- div {
- db.biblioentry.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- }
- div {
- db.bibliomixed.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- }
- div {
- db.biblioset.relation.attribute = db.relation.attribute
- db.biblioset.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.biblioset.attlist =
- db.biblioset.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- & db.biblioset.relation.attribute?
- }
- div {
- db.bibliomset.relation.attribute = db.relation.attribute
- db.bibliomset.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.bibliomset.attlist =
- db.bibliomset.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- & db.bibliomset.relation.attribute?
- }
- div {
- db.bibliomisc.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.bibliomisc.attlist =
- db.bibliomisc.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- }
- div {
- db.bibliography.status.attrib = db.status.attribute
- db.bibliography.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.bibliography.info = db._info
- }
- div {
- db.bibliodiv.status.attrib = db.status.attribute
- db.bibliodiv.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.bibliodiv.info = db._info.title.req
- }
- div {
- db.bibliolist.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.bibliolist.info = db._info.title.only
- }
- div {
- db.biblioref.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.biblioref.xrefstyle.attribute = db.xrefstyle.attribute
- db.biblioref.endterm.attribute = db.endterm.attribute
- db.biblioref.units.attribute =
- ## The units (for example, pages) used to identify the beginning and ending of a reference.
- attribute units { xsd:token }
- db.biblioref.begin.attribute =
- ## Identifies the beginning of a reference; the location within the work that is being referenced.
- attribute begin { xsd:token }
- db.biblioref.end.attribute =
- ## Identifies the end of a reference.
- attribute end { xsd:token }
- db.biblioref.attlist =
- db.biblioref.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.req.linking.attributes
- & db.biblioref.xrefstyle.attribute?
- & db.biblioref.endterm.attribute?
- & db.biblioref.units.attribute?
- & db.biblioref.begin.attribute?
- & db.biblioref.end.attribute?
- }
- db.significance.enumeration =
- ## Normal
- "normal"
- |
- ## Preferred
- "preferred"
- db.significance.attribute =
- ## Specifies the significance of the term
- attribute significance { db.significance.enumeration }
- db.zone.attribute =
- ## Specifies the IDs of the elements to which this term applies
- attribute zone { xsd:IDREFS }
- db.indexterm.pagenum.attribute =
- ## Indicates the page on which this index term occurs in some version of the printed document
- attribute pagenum { text }
- db.scope.enumeration =
- ## All indexes
- "all"
- |
- ## The global index (as for a combined index of a set of books)
- "global"
- |
- ## The local index (the index for this document only)
- "local"
- db.scope.attribute =
- ## Specifies the scope of the index term
- attribute scope { db.scope.enumeration }
- db.sortas.attribute =
- ## Specifies the string by which the term is to be sorted; if unspecified, the term content is used
- attribute sortas { text }
- db.index.type.attribute =
- ## Specifies the target index for this term
- attribute type { text }
- div {
- db.itermset.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.itermset.attlist =
- db.itermset.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- }
- db.indexterm.contentmodel =
- (db.primary,
- (db.secondary,
- ((db.tertiary, (db.see | db.seealso+)?)?
- | (db.see | db.seealso+)?)?)?)?,
- (db.see | db.seealso+)?
- div {
- db.indexterm.singular.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.indexterm.singular.class.attribute =
- ## Identifies the class of index term
- attribute class {
- ## A singular index term
- "singular"
- }
- db.indexterm.singular.attlist =
- db.indexterm.singular.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- & db.significance.attribute?
- & db.zone.attribute?
- & db.indexterm.pagenum.attribute?
- & db.scope.attribute?
- & db.index.type.attribute?
- & db.indexterm.singular.class.attribute?
- db.indexterm.singular =
- ## A wrapper for an indexed term
- element indexterm {
- db.indexterm.singular.attlist, db.indexterm.contentmodel
- }
- }
- div {
- db.indexterm.startofrange.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.indexterm.startofrange.class.attribute =
- ## Identifies the class of index term
- attribute class {
- ## The start of a range
- "startofrange"
- }
- db.indexterm.startofrange.attlist =
- db.indexterm.startofrange.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- & db.significance.attribute?
- & db.zone.attribute?
- & db.indexterm.pagenum.attribute?
- & db.scope.attribute?
- & db.index.type.attribute?
- & db.indexterm.startofrange.class.attribute
- db.indexterm.startofrange =
- ## A wrapper for an indexed term that covers a range
- element indexterm {
- db.indexterm.startofrange.attlist, db.indexterm.contentmodel
- }
- }
- div {
- db.indexterm.endofrange.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.indexterm.endofrange.class.attribute =
- ## Identifies the class of index term
- attribute class {
- ## The end of a range
- "endofrange"
- }
- db.indexterm.endofrange.startref.attribute =
- ## Points to the start of the range
- attribute startref { xsd:IDREF }
- db.indexterm.endofrange.attlist =
- db.indexterm.endofrange.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- & db.indexterm.endofrange.class.attribute
- & db.indexterm.endofrange.startref.attribute
- db.indexterm.endofrange =
- ## Identifies the end of a range associated with an indexed term
- element indexterm { db.indexterm.endofrange.attlist, empty }
- }
- div {
- db.indexterm =
- db.indexterm.singular
- | db.indexterm.startofrange
- | db.indexterm.endofrange
- }
- div {
- db.primary.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.primary.attlist =
- db.primary.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- & db.sortas.attribute?
- db.primary =
- ## The primary word or phrase under which an index term should be sorted
- element primary { db.primary.attlist, db.all.inlines* }
- }
- div {
- db.secondary.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.secondary.attlist =
- db.secondary.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- & db.sortas.attribute?
- db.secondary =
- ## A secondary word or phrase in an index term
- element secondary { db.secondary.attlist, db.all.inlines* }
- }
- div {
- db.tertiary.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.tertiary.attlist =
- db.tertiary.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- & db.sortas.attribute?
- db.tertiary =
- ## A tertiary word or phrase in an index term
- element tertiary { db.tertiary.attlist, db.all.inlines* }
- }
- div {
- db.see.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.see.class.attribute = attribute class { "normal" | "under" }
- db.see.attlist =
- db.see.role.attribute?
- & db.see.class.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- db.see =
- ## Part of an index term directing the reader instead to another entry in the index
- element see { db.see.attlist, db.all.inlines* }
- }
- div {
- db.seealso.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.seealso.class.attribute =
- attribute class { "normal" | "under" }
- db.seealso.attlist =
- db.seealso.role.attribute?
- & db.seealso.class.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- }
- div {
- db.index.status.attribute = db.status.attribute
- db.index.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.index.attlist =
- db.index.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- & db.label.attribute?
- & db.index.status.attribute?
- & db.index.type.attribute?
- db.index.info = db._info
- # Yes, db.indexdiv* and db.indexentry*; that way an is valid.
- # Authors can use an empty index to indicate where a generated index should
- # appear.
- db.index =
- ## An index to a book or part of a book
- [
- s:pattern [
- name = "Root must have version"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:rule [
- context = "/db:index"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:assert [
- test = "@version"
- "If this element is the root element, it must have a version attribute."
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- ]
- element index {
- db.index.attlist,
- db.index.info,
- db.all.blocks*,
- (db.indexdiv* | db.indexentry* | db.segmentedlist)
- }
- }
- div {
- db.setindex.status.attribute = db.status.attribute
- db.setindex.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.setindex.attlist =
- db.setindex.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- & db.label.attribute?
- & db.setindex.status.attribute?
- & db.index.type.attribute?
- db.setindex.info = db._info
- }
- div {
- db.indexdiv.status.attribute = db.status.attribute
- db.indexdiv.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.indexdiv.attlist =
- db.indexdiv.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- & db.label.attribute?
- & db.indexdiv.status.attribute?
- db.indexdiv.info = db._info.title.req
- db.indexdiv =
- ## A division in an index
- [
- s:pattern [
- name = "Root must have version"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:rule [
- context = "/db:indexdiv"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:assert [
- test = "@version"
- "If this element is the root element, it must have a version attribute."
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- ]
- element indexdiv {
- db.indexdiv.attlist,
- db.indexdiv.info,
- db.all.blocks*,
- (db.indexentry+ | db.segmentedlist)
- }
- }
- div {
- db.indexentry.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.indexentry.attlist =
- db.indexentry.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- db.indexentry =
- ## An entry in an index
- element indexentry {
- db.indexentry.attlist,
- db.primaryie,
- (db.seeie | db.seealsoie)*,
- (db.secondaryie, (db.seeie | db.seealsoie | db.tertiaryie)*)*
- }
- }
- div {
- db.primaryie.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.primaryie.attlist =
- db.primaryie.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.linkends.attribute?
- }
- div {
- db.secondaryie.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.secondaryie.attlist =
- db.secondaryie.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.linkends.attribute?
- }
- div {
- db.tertiaryie.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.tertiaryie.attlist =
- db.tertiaryie.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.linkends.attribute?
- }
- div {
- db.seeie.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.seeie.attlist =
- db.seeie.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.linkend.attribute?
- }
- div {
- db.seealsoie.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.seealsoie.attlist =
- db.seealsoie.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.linkends.attribute?
- }
- db.toc.pagenum.attribute =
- ## Indicates the page on which this element occurs in some version of the printed document
- attribute pagenum { text }
- div {
- db.toc.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.toc.attlist =
- db.toc.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- db.toc.info = db._info.title.only
- }
- div {
- db.tocdiv.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.tocdiv.pagenum.attribute = db.toc.pagenum.attribute
- db.tocdiv.attlist =
- db.tocdiv.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.tocdiv.pagenum.attribute?
- & db.linkend.attribute?
- db.tocdiv.info = db._info
- }
- div {
- db.tocentry.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.tocentry.pagenum.attribute = db.toc.pagenum.attribute
- db.tocentry.attlist =
- db.tocentry.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.tocentry.pagenum.attribute?
- & db.linkend.attribute?
- }
- db.task.info = db._info.title.req
- div {
- db.task.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.task =
- ## A task to be completed
- [
- s:pattern [
- name = "Root must have version"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:rule [
- context = "/db:task"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:assert [
- test = "@version"
- "If this element is the root element, it must have a version attribute."
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- ]
- element task {
- db.task.attlist,
- db.task.info,
- db.tasksummary?,
- db.taskprerequisites?,
- db.procedure+,
- db.example*,
- db.taskrelated?
- }
- }
- div {
- db.tasksummary.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.tasksummary.attlist =
- db.tasksummary.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- db.tasksummary.info = db._info.title.only
- db.tasksummary =
- ## A summary of a task
- [
- s:pattern [
- name = "Root must have version"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:rule [
- context = "/db:tasksummary"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:assert [
- test = "@version"
- "If this element is the root element, it must have a version attribute."
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- ]
- element tasksummary {
- db.tasksummary.attlist, db.tasksummary.info, db.all.blocks+
- }
- }
- div {
- db.taskprerequisites.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.taskprerequisites.attlist =
- db.taskprerequisites.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- db.taskprerequisites.info = db._info.title.only
- db.taskprerequisites =
- ## The prerequisites for a task
- [
- s:pattern [
- name = "Root must have version"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:rule [
- context = "/db:taskprerequisites"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:assert [
- test = "@version"
- "If this element is the root element, it must have a version attribute."
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- ]
- element taskprerequisites {
- db.taskprerequisites.attlist,
- db.taskprerequisites.info,
- db.all.blocks+
- }
- }
- div {
- db.taskrelated.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.taskrelated.attlist =
- db.taskrelated.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- db.taskrelated.info = db._info.title.only
- db.taskrelated =
- ## Information related to a task
- [
- s:pattern [
- name = "Root must have version"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:rule [
- context = "/db:taskrelated"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:assert [
- test = "@version"
- "If this element is the root element, it must have a version attribute."
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- ]
- element taskrelated {
- db.taskrelated.attlist, db.taskrelated.info, db.all.blocks+
- }
- }
- db.area.units.enumeration =
- ## Coordinates expressed as a pair of CALS graphic coordinates.
- "calspair"
- |
- ## Coordinates expressed as a line and column.
- "linecolumn"
- |
- ## Coordinates expressed as a pair of lines and columns.
- "linecolumnpair"
- |
- ## Coordinates expressed as a line range.
- "linerange"
- db.area.units-enum.attribute =
- ## Identifies the units used in the coords attribute. The default units vary according to the type of callout specified: calspair
- ## for graphics and linecolumn
- ## for line-oriented elements.
- attribute units { db.area.units.enumeration }?
- db.area.units-other.attributes =
- ## Indicates that non-standard units are used for this area
- ## . In this case otherunits
- ## must be specified.
- attribute units {
- ## Coordinates expressed in some non-standard units.
- "other"
- }?,
- ## Identifies the units used in the coords
- ## attribute when the units
- ## attribute is other
- ## . This attribute is forbidden otherwise.
- attribute otherunits { xsd:NMTOKEN }
- db.area.units.attribute =
- db.area.units-enum.attribute | db.area.units-other.attributes
- div {
- db.calloutlist.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.calloutlist.info = db._info.title.only
- }
- div {
- db.callout.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.callout.arearefs.attribute =
- ## Identifies the areas described by this callout.
- attribute arearefs { xsd:IDREFS }
- db.callout.attlist =
- db.callout.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.callout.arearefs.attribute
- db.callout =
- ## A called out
- ## description of a marked area
- element callout { db.callout.attlist, db.all.blocks+ }
- }
- div {
- db.programlistingco.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.programlistingco.info = db._info.title.forbidden
- }
- div {
- db.areaspec.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.areaspec.attlist =
- db.areaspec.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- & db.area.units.attribute
- }
- div {
- db.area.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.area.linkends.attribute =
- ## Point to the callout
- ## s which refer to this area. (This provides bidirectional linking which may be useful in online presentation.)
- attribute linkends { xsd:IDREFS }
- db.area.label.attribute =
- ## Specifies an identifying number or string that may be used in presentation. The area label might be drawn on top of the figure, for example, at the position indicated by the coords attribute.
- attribute label { text }
- db.area.coords.attribute =
- ## Provides the coordinates of the area. The coordinates must be interpreted using the units
- ## specified.
- attribute coords { text }
- db.area.attlist =
- db.area.role.attribute?
- & db.common.idreq.attributes
- & db.area.units.attribute
- & (db.area.linkends.attribute
- | db.xlink.simple.link.attributes)?
- & db.area.label.attribute?
- & db.area.coords.attribute
- }
- div {
- # The only difference is that xml:id is optional
- db.area.inareaset.attlist =
- db.area.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.area.units.attribute
- & (db.area.linkends.attribute
- | db.xlink.simple.link.attributes)?
- & db.area.label.attribute?
- & db.area.coords.attribute
- db.area.inareaset =
- ## A region defined for a callout in a graphic or code example
- element area { db.area.inareaset.attlist, db.alt? }
- }
- div {
- db.areaset.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.areaset.linkends.attribute = db.linkends.attribute
- db.areaset.label.attribute = db.label.attribute
- db.areaset.attlist =
- db.areaset.role.attribute?
- & db.common.idreq.attributes
- & db.area.units.attribute
- & (db.areaset.linkends.attribute
- | db.xlink.simple.link.attributes)?
- & db.areaset.label.attribute?
- }
- div {
- db.screenco.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.screenco.info = db._info.title.forbidden
- }
- div {
- db.imageobjectco.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.imageobjectco.attlist =
- db.imageobjectco.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- db.imageobjectco.info = db._info.title.forbidden
- }
- div {
- db.co.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.co.linkends.attribute = db.linkends.attribute
- db.co.label.attribute = db.label.attribute
- db.co.attlist =
- db.co.role.attribute?
- & db.common.idreq.attributes
- & db.co.linkends.attribute?
- & db.co.label.attribute?
- db.co =
- ## The location of a callout embedded in text
- element co { db.co.attlist, empty }
- }
- div {
- db.coref.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.coref.label.attribute = db.label.attribute
- db.coref.attlist =
- db.coref.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.linkend.attribute
- & db.coref.label.attribute?
- }
- div {
- db.productionset.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.productionset.info = db._info.title.only
- }
- div {
- db.production.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.production.attlist =
- db.production.role.attribute?
- & db.common.idreq.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- }
- div {
- db.lhs.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.lhs.attlist =
- db.lhs.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- }
- div {
- db.rhs.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.rhs.attlist =
- db.rhs.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- }
- div {
- db.nonterminal.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.nonterminal.def.attribute =
- ## Specifies a URI that points to a production
- ## where the nonterminal
- ## is defined
- attribute def { xsd:anyURI }
- db.nonterminal.attlist =
- db.nonterminal.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- & db.nonterminal.def.attribute
- }
- div {
- db.constraint.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.constraint.attlist =
- db.constraint.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.req.linking.attributes
- }
- div {
- db.productionrecap.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.productionrecap.attlist =
- db.productionrecap.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.req.linking.attributes
- }
- div {
- db.constraintdef.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.constraintdef.info = db._info.title.only
- }
- db.char.attribute =
- ## Specifies the alignment character when align
- ## is set to char
- ## .
- attribute char { text }
- db.charoff.attribute =
- ## Specifies the percentage of the column's total width that should appear to the left of the first occurance of the character identified in char
- ## when align
- ## is set to char
- ## .
- attribute charoff {
- xsd:decimal { minExclusive = "0" maxExclusive = "100" }
- }
- db.frame.attribute =
- ## Specifies how the table is to be framed. Note that there is no way to obtain a border on only the starting edge (left, in left-to-right writing systems) of the table.
- attribute frame {
- ## Frame all four sides of the table. In some environments with limited control over table border formatting, such as HTML, this may imply additional borders.
- "all"
- |
- ## Frame only the bottom of the table.
- "bottom"
- |
- ## Place no border on the table. In some environments with limited control over table border formatting, such as HTML, this may disable other borders as well.
- "none"
- |
- ## Frame the left and right sides of the table.
- "sides"
- |
- ## Frame the top of the table.
- "top"
- |
- ## Frame the top and bottom of the table.
- "topbot"
- }
- db.colsep.attribute =
- ## Specifies the presence or absence of the column separator
- attribute colsep {
- ## No column separator rule.
- "0"
- |
- ## Provide a column separator rule on the right
- "1"
- }
- db.rowsep.attribute =
- ## Specifies the presence or absence of the row separator
- attribute rowsep {
- ## No row separator rule.
- "0"
- |
- ## Provide a row separator rule below
- "1"
- }
- db.orient.attribute =
- ## Specifies the orientation of the table
- attribute orient {
- ## 90 degrees counter-clockwise from the rest of the text flow.
- "land"
- |
- ## The same orientation as the rest of the text flow.
- "port"
- }
- db.tabstyle.attribute =
- ## Specifies the table style
- attribute tabstyle { text }
- db.rowheader.attribute =
- ## Indicates whether or not the entries in the first column should be considered row headers
- attribute rowheader {
- ## Indicates that entries in the first column of the table are functionally row headers (analogous to the way that a thead provides column headers).
- "firstcol"
- |
- ## Indicates that row headers are identified by use of the headers attribute on entries in the table.
- "headers"
- |
- ## Indicates that entries in the first column have no special significance with respect to column headers.
- "norowheader"
- }
- db.align.attribute =
- ## Specifies the horizontal alignment of text in an entry.
- attribute align {
- ## Centered.
- "center"
- |
- ## Aligned on a particular character.
- "char"
- |
- ## Left and right justified.
- "justify"
- |
- ## Left justified.
- "left"
- |
- ## Right justified.
- "right"
- }
- db.valign.attribute =
- ## Specifies the vertical alignment of text in an entry.
- attribute valign {
- ## Aligned on the bottom of the entry.
- "bottom"
- |
- ## Aligned in the middle.
- "middle"
- |
- ## Aligned at the top of the entry.
- "top"
- }
- db.specify-col-by-colname.attributes =
- ## Specifies a column specification by name.
- attribute colname { text }
- db.specify-col-by-namest.attributes =
- ## Specifies a starting column by name.
- attribute namest { text }
- db.specify-span-by-spanspec.attributes =
- ## Specifies a span by name.
- attribute spanname { text }
- db.specify-span-directly.attributes =
- ## Specifies a starting column by name.
- attribute namest { text }
- &
- ## Specifies an ending column by name.
- attribute nameend { text }
- db.column-spec.attributes =
- db.specify-col-by-colname.attributes
- | db.specify-col-by-namest.attributes
- | db.specify-span-by-spanspec.attributes
- | db.specify-span-directly.attributes
- db.colname.attribute =
- ## Provides a name for a column specification.
- attribute colname { text }
- db.spanname.attribute =
- ## Provides a name for a span specification.
- attribute spanname { text }
- div {
- db.tgroup.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.tgroup.tgroupstyle.attribute =
- ## Additional style information for downstream processing; typically the name of a style.
- attribute tgroupstyle { text }
- db.tgroup.cols.attribute =
- ## The number of columns in the table. Must be an integer greater than zero.
- attribute cols { xsd:positiveInteger }
- db.tgroup.attlist =
- db.tgroup.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- & db.char.attribute?
- & db.charoff.attribute?
- & db.tgroup.tgroupstyle.attribute?
- & db.tgroup.cols.attribute
- & db.colsep.attribute?
- & db.rowsep.attribute?
- & db.align.attribute?
- db.tgroup =
- ## A wrapper for the main content of a table, or part of a table
- element tgroup {
- db.tgroup.attlist,
- db.colspec*,
- db.spanspec*,
- db.cals.thead?,
- db.cals.tfoot?,
- db.cals.tbody
- }
- }
- div {
- db.colspec.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.colspec.colnum.attribute =
- ## The number of the column to which this specification applies. Must be greater than any preceding column number. Defaults to one more than the number of the preceding column, if there is one, or one.
- attribute colnum { xsd:positiveInteger }
- db.colspec.colwidth.attribute =
- ## Specifies the width of the column.
- attribute colwidth { text }
- db.colspec.attlist =
- db.colspec.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- & db.colspec.colnum.attribute?
- & db.char.attribute?
- & db.colsep.attribute?
- & db.colspec.colwidth.attribute?
- & db.charoff.attribute?
- & db.colname.attribute?
- & db.rowsep.attribute?
- & db.align.attribute?
- & db.rowheader.attribute?
- db.colspec =
- ## Specifications for a column in a table
- element colspec { db.colspec.attlist, empty }
- }
- div {
- db.spanspec.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.spanspec.namest.attribute =
- ## Specifies a starting column by name.
- attribute namest { text }
- db.spanspec.nameend.attribute =
- ## Specifies an ending column by name.
- attribute nameend { text }
- db.spanspec.attlist =
- db.spanspec.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- & db.spanname.attribute
- & db.spanspec.namest.attribute
- & db.spanspec.nameend.attribute
- & db.char.attribute?
- & db.colsep.attribute?
- & db.charoff.attribute?
- & db.rowsep.attribute?
- & db.align.attribute?
- db.spanspec =
- ## Formatting information for a spanned column in a table
- element spanspec { db.spanspec.attlist, empty }
- }
- div {
- db.cals.thead.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.cals.thead.attlist =
- db.cals.thead.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- & db.valign.attribute?
- db.cals.thead =
- ## A table header consisting of one or more rows
- element thead { db.cals.thead.attlist, db.colspec*, db.row+ }
- }
- div {
- db.cals.tfoot.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.cals.tfoot.attlist =
- db.cals.tfoot.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- & db.valign.attribute?
- db.cals.tfoot =
- ## A table footer consisting of one or more rows
- element tfoot { db.cals.tfoot.attlist, db.colspec*, db.row+ }
- }
- div {
- db.cals.tbody.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.cals.tbody.attlist =
- db.cals.tbody.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- & db.valign.attribute?
- db.cals.tbody =
- ## A wrapper for the rows of a table or informal table
- element tbody { db.cals.tbody.attlist, db.row+ }
- }
- div {
- db.row.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.row.attlist =
- db.row.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- & db.rowsep.attribute?
- & db.valign.attribute?
- db.row =
- ## A row in a table
- element row { db.row.attlist, (db.entry | db.entrytbl)+ }
- }
- div {
- db.entry.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.entry.morerows.attribute =
- ## Specifies the number of additional rows which this entry occupies. Defaults to zero.
- attribute morerows { xsd:integer }
- db.entry.rotate.attribute =
- ## Specifies the rotation of this entry. A value of 1 (true) rotates the cell 90 degrees counter-clockwise. A value of 0 (false) leaves the cell unrotated.
- attribute rotate {
- ## Do not rotate the cell.
- "0"
- |
- ## Rotate the cell 90 degrees counter-clockwise.
- "1"
- }
- db.entry.scope.attribute =
- ## Specifies the scope of a header.
- attribute scope {
- ## Applies to the row
- "row"
- |
- ## Applies to the column
- "col"
- |
- ## Applies to the row group
- "rowgroup"
- |
- ## Applies to the column group
- "colgroup"
- }
- db.entry.headers.attribute =
- ## Specifies the entry or entries which serve as headers for this element.
- attribute headers { xsd:IDREFS }
- db.entry.attlist =
- db.entry.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- & db.valign.attribute?
- & db.char.attribute?
- & db.colsep.attribute?
- & db.charoff.attribute?
- & db.entry.morerows.attribute?
- & db.column-spec.attributes?
- & db.rowsep.attribute?
- & db.entry.rotate.attribute?
- & db.align.attribute?
- & db.entry.scope.attribute?
- & db.entry.headers.attribute?
- db.entry =
- ## A cell in a table
- [
- s:pattern [
- name = "Element exclusion"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:rule [
- context = "db:entry"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:assert [
- test = "not(.//db:table)"
- "table must not occur among the children or descendants of entry"
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- s:pattern [
- name = "Element exclusion"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:rule [
- context = "db:entry"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:assert [
- test = "not(.//db:informaltable)"
- "informaltable must not occur among the children or descendants of entry"
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- ]
- element entry {
- db.entry.attlist, (db.all.inlines* | db.all.blocks*)
- }
- }
- div {
- db.entrytbl.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.entrytbl.tgroupstyle.attribute =
- ## Additional style information for downstream processing; typically the name of a style.
- attribute tgroupstyle { text }
- db.entrytbl.cols.attribute =
- ## The number of columns in the entry table. Must be an integer greater than zero.
- attribute cols { xsd:positiveInteger }
- db.entrytbl.attlist =
- db.entrytbl.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- & db.char.attribute?
- & db.charoff.attribute?
- & db.column-spec.attributes?
- & db.entrytbl.tgroupstyle.attribute?
- & db.entrytbl.cols.attribute?
- & db.colsep.attribute?
- & db.rowsep.attribute?
- & db.align.attribute?
- }
- div {
- db.cals.entrytbl.thead.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.cals.entrytbl.thead.attlist =
- db.cals.entrytbl.thead.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- & db.valign.attribute?
- db.cals.entrytbl.thead =
- ## A table header consisting of one or more rows
- element thead {
- db.cals.entrytbl.thead.attlist, db.colspec*, db.entrytbl.row+
- }
- }
- div {
- db.cals.entrytbl.tbody.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.cals.entrytbl.tbody.attlist =
- db.cals.entrytbl.tbody.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- & db.valign.attribute?
- db.cals.entrytbl.tbody =
- ## A wrapper for the rows of a table or informal table
- element tbody {
- db.cals.entrytbl.tbody.attlist, db.entrytbl.row+
- }
- }
- div {
- db.entrytbl.row.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.entrytbl.row.attlist =
- db.entrytbl.row.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- & db.rowsep.attribute?
- & db.valign.attribute?
- db.entrytbl.row =
- ## A row in a table
- element row { db.entrytbl.row.attlist, db.entry+ }
- }
- div {
- db.cals.table.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.cals.table.label.attribute = db.label.attribute
- db.cals.table.info = db._info.title.onlyreq
- db.cals.table =
- ## A formal table in a document
- [
- s:pattern [
- name = "Element exclusion"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:rule [
- context = "db:table"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:assert [
- test = "not(.//db:example)"
- "example must not occur among the children or descendants of table"
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- s:pattern [
- name = "Element exclusion"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:rule [
- context = "db:table"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:assert [
- test = "not(.//db:figure)"
- "figure must not occur among the children or descendants of table"
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- s:pattern [
- name = "Element exclusion"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:rule [
- context = "db:table"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:assert [
- test = "not(.//db:equation)"
- "equation must not occur among the children or descendants of table"
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- s:pattern [
- name = "Root must have version"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:rule [
- context = "/db:table"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:assert [
- test = "@version"
- "If this element is the root element, it must have a version attribute."
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- ]
- element table {
- db.cals.table.attlist,
- db.cals.table.info,
- (db.alt? & db.indexing.inlines* & db.textobject*),
- (db.mediaobject+ | db.tgroup+),
- db.caption?
- }
- }
- div {
- db.cals.informaltable.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.cals.informaltable.info = db._info.title.forbidden
- db.cals.informaltable =
- ## A table without a title
- [
- s:pattern [
- name = "Root must have version"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:rule [
- context = "/db:informaltable"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:assert [
- test = "@version"
- "If this element is the root element, it must have a version attribute."
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- ]
- element informaltable {
- db.cals.informaltable.attlist,
- db.cals.informaltable.info,
- (db.alt? & db.indexing.inlines* & db.textobject*),
- (db.mediaobject+ | db.tgroup+),
- db.caption?
- }
- }
- db.html.coreattrs =
- ## This attribute assigns a class name or set of class names to an element. Any number of elements may be assigned the same class name or names. Multiple class names must be separated by white space characters.
- attribute class { text }?
- &
- ## This attribute specifies style information for the current element.
- attribute style { text }?
- &
- ## This attribute offers advisory information about the element for which it is set.
- attribute title { text }?
- db.html.i18n =
- ## This attribute specifies the base language of an element's attribute values and text content. The default value of this attribute is unknown.
- attribute lang { text }?
- db.html.events =
- ## Occurs when the pointing device button is clicked over an element.
- attribute onclick { text }?
- &
- ## Occurs when the pointing device button is double clicked over an element.
- attribute ondblclick { text }?
- &
- ## Occurs when the pointing device button is pressed over an element.
- attribute onmousedown { text }?
- &
- ## Occurs when the pointing device button is released over an element.
- attribute onmouseup { text }?
- &
- ## Occurs when the pointing device is moved onto an element.
- attribute onmouseover { text }?
- &
- ## Occurs when the pointing device is moved while it is over an element.
- attribute onmousemove { text }?
- &
- ## Occurs when the pointing device is moved away from an element.
- attribute onmouseout { text }?
- &
- ## Occurs when a key is pressed and released over an element.
- attribute onkeypress { text }?
- &
- ## Occurs when a key is pressed down over an element.
- attribute onkeydown { text }?
- &
- ## Occurs when a key is released over an element.
- attribute onkeyup { text }?
- db.html.attrs =
- db.common.attributes
- & db.html.coreattrs
- & db.html.i18n
- & db.html.events
- db.html.cellhalign =
- ## Specifies the alignment of data and the justification of text in a cell.
- attribute align {
- ## Left-flush data/Left-justify text. This is the default value for table data.
- "left"
- |
- ## Center data/Center-justify text. This is the default value for table headers.
- "center"
- |
- ## Right-flush data/Right-justify text.
- "right"
- |
- ## Double-justify text.
- "justify"
- |
- ## Align text around a specific character. If a user agent doesn't support character alignment, behavior in the presence of this value is unspecified.
- "char"
- }?
- &
- ## This attribute specifies a single character within a text fragment to act as an axis for alignment. The default value for this attribute is the decimal point character for the current language as set by the lang attribute (e.g., the period in English and the comma in French). User agents are not required to support this attribute.
- attribute char { text }?
- &
- ## When present, this attribute specifies the offset to the first occurrence of the alignment character on each line. If a line doesn't include the alignment character, it should be horizontally shifted to end at the alignment position. When charoff is used to set the offset of an alignment character, the direction of offset is determined by the current text direction (set by the dir attribute). In left-to-right texts (the default), offset is from the left margin. In right-to-left texts, offset is from the right margin. User agents are not required to support this attribute.
- attribute charoff {
- xsd:integer >> a:documentation [ "An explicit offset." ]
- | xsd:string { pattern = "[0-9]+%" }
- >> a:documentation [ "A percentage offset." ]
- }?
- db.html.cellvalign =
- ## Specifies the vertical position of data within a cell.
- attribute valign {
- ## Cell data is flush with the top of the cell.
- "top"
- |
- ## Cell data is centered vertically within the cell. This is the default value.
- "middle"
- |
- ## Cell data is flush with the bottom of the cell.
- "bottom"
- |
- ## All cells in the same row as a cell whose valign attribute has this value should have their textual data positioned so that the first text line occurs on a baseline common to all cells in the row. This constraint does not apply to subsequent text lines in these cells.
- "baseline"
- }?
- db.html.table.attributes =
- ## Provides a summary of the table's purpose and structure for user agents rendering to non-visual media such as speech and Braille.
- attribute summary { text }?
- &
- ## Specifies the desired width of the entire table and is intended for visual user agents. When the value is a percentage value, the value is relative to the user agent's available horizontal space. In the absence of any width specification, table width is determined by the user agent.
- attribute width {
- xsd:integer >> a:documentation [ "An explicit width." ]
- | xsd:string { pattern = "[0-9]+%" }
- >> a:documentation [ "A percentage width." ]
- }?
- &
- ## Specifies the width (in pixels only) of the frame around a table.
- attribute border { xsd:nonNegativeInteger }?
- &
- ## Specifies which sides of the frame surrounding a table will be visible.
- attribute frame {
- ## No sides. This is the default value.
- "void"
- |
- ## The top side only.
- "above"
- |
- ## The bottom side only.
- "below"
- |
- ## The top and bottom sides only.
- "hsides"
- |
- ## The left-hand side only.
- "lhs"
- |
- ## The right-hand side only.
- "rhs"
- |
- ## The right and left sides only.
- "vsides"
- |
- ## All four sides.
- "box"
- |
- ## All four sides.
- "border"
- }?
- &
- ## Specifies which rules will appear between cells within a table. The rendering of rules is user agent dependent.
- attribute rules {
- ## No rules. This is the default value.
- "none"
- |
- ## Rules will appear between row groups (see thead, tfoot, and tbody) and column groups (see colgroup and col) only.
- "groups"
- |
- ## Rules will appear between rows only.
- "rows"
- |
- ## Rules will appear between columns only.
- "cols"
- |
- ## Rules will appear between all rows and columns.
- "all"
- }?
- &
- ## Specifies how much space the user agent should leave between the left side of the table and the left-hand side of the leftmost column, the top of the table and the top side of the topmost row, and so on for the right and bottom of the table. The attribute also specifies the amount of space to leave between cells.
- attribute cellspacing {
- xsd:integer >> a:documentation [ "An explicit spacing." ]
- | xsd:string { pattern = "[0-9]+%" }
- >> a:documentation [ "A percentage spacing." ]
- }?
- &
- ## Specifies the amount of space between the border of the cell and its contents. If the value of this attribute is a pixel length, all four margins should be this distance from the contents. If the value of the attribute is a percentage length, the top and bottom margins should be equally separated from the content based on a percentage of the available vertical space, and the left and right margins should be equally separated from the content based on a percentage of the available horizontal space.
- attribute cellpadding {
- xsd:integer >> a:documentation [ "An explicit padding." ]
- | xsd:string { pattern = "[0-9]+%" }
- >> a:documentation [ "A percentage padding." ]
- }?
- db.html.tablecell.attributes =
- ## Provides an abbreviated form of the cell's content and may be rendered by user agents when appropriate in place of the cell's content. Abbreviated names should be short since user agents may render them repeatedly. For instance, speech synthesizers may render the abbreviated headers relating to a particular cell before rendering that cell's content.
- attribute abbr { text }?
- &
- ## This attribute may be used to place a cell into conceptual categories that can be considered to form axes in an n-dimensional space. User agents may give users access to these categories (e.g., the user may query the user agent for all cells that belong to certain categories, the user agent may present a table in the form of a table of contents, etc.). Please consult an HTML reference for more details.
- attribute axis { text }?
- &
- ## Specifies the list of header cells that provide header information for the current data cell. The value of this attribute is a space-separated list of cell names; those cells must be named by setting their id attribute. Authors generally use the headers attribute to help non-visual user agents render header information about data cells (e.g., header information is spoken prior to the cell data), but the attribute may also be used in conjunction with style sheets.
- attribute headers { text }?
- &
- ## Specifies the set of data cells for which the current header cell provides header information. This attribute may be used in place of the headers attribute, particularly for simple tables.
- attribute scope {
- ## The current cell provides header information for the rest of the row that contains it
- "row"
- |
- ## The current cell provides header information for the rest of the column that contains it.
- "col"
- |
- ## The header cell provides header information for the rest of the row group that contains it.
- "rowgroup"
- |
- ## The header cell provides header information for the rest of the column group that contains it.
- "colgroup"
- }?
- &
- ## Specifies the number of rows spanned by the current cell. The default value of this attribute is one (1
- ## ). The value zero (0
- ## ) means that the cell spans all rows from the current row to the last row of the table section (thead
- ## , tbody
- ## , or tfoot
- ## ) in which the cell is defined.
- attribute rowspan { xsd:nonNegativeInteger }?
- &
- ## Specifies the number of columns spanned by the current cell. The default value of this attribute is one (1
- ## ). The value zero (0
- ## ) means that the cell spans all columns from the current column to the last column of the column group (colgroup
- ## ) in which the cell is defined.
- attribute colspan { xsd:nonNegativeInteger }?
- db.html.table.info = db._info.title.forbidden
- db.html.table.model =
- db.html.table.info?,
- db.html.caption,
- (db.html.col* | db.html.colgroup*),
- db.html.thead?,
- db.html.tfoot?,
- (db.html.tbody+ | db.html.tr+)
- db.html.informaltable.info = db._info.title.forbidden
- db.html.informaltable.model =
- db.html.informaltable.info?,
- (db.html.col* | db.html.colgroup*),
- db.html.thead?,
- db.html.tfoot?,
- (db.html.tbody+ | db.html.tr+)
- div {
- db.html.table.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.html.table.label.attribute = db.label.attribute
- db.html.table.attlist =
- db.html.attrs
- & db.html.table.attributes
- & db.html.table.role.attribute?
- & db.html.table.label.attribute?
- & db.orient.attribute?
- & db.pgwide.attribute?
- & db.tabstyle.attribute?
- & db.floatstyle.attribute?
- }
- div {
- db.html.informaltable.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.html.informaltable.label.attribute = db.label.attribute
- db.html.informaltable.attlist =
- db.html.attrs
- & db.html.table.attributes
- & db.html.informaltable.role.attribute?
- & db.html.informaltable.label.attribute?
- & db.orient.attribute?
- & db.pgwide.attribute?
- & db.tabstyle.attribute?
- & db.floatstyle.attribute?
- }
- div {
- db.html.caption.attlist = db.html.attrs
- db.html.caption =
- ## An HTML table caption
- [
- s:pattern [
- name = "Element exclusion"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:rule [
- context = "db:caption"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:assert [
- test = "not(.//db:example)"
- "example must not occur among the children or descendants of caption"
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- s:pattern [
- name = "Element exclusion"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:rule [
- context = "db:caption"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:assert [
- test = "not(.//db:figure)"
- "figure must not occur among the children or descendants of caption"
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- s:pattern [
- name = "Element exclusion"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:rule [
- context = "db:caption"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:assert [
- test = "not(.//db:table)"
- "table must not occur among the children or descendants of caption"
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- s:pattern [
- name = "Element exclusion"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:rule [
- context = "db:caption"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:assert [
- test = "not(.//db:equation)"
- "equation must not occur among the children or descendants of caption"
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- s:pattern [
- name = "Element exclusion"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:rule [
- context = "db:caption"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:assert [
- test = "not(.//db:sidebar)"
- "sidebar must not occur among the children or descendants of caption"
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- s:pattern [
- name = "Element exclusion"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:rule [
- context = "db:caption"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:assert [
- test = "not(.//db:task)"
- "task must not occur among the children or descendants of caption"
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- s:pattern [
- name = "Element exclusion"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:rule [
- context = "db:caption"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:assert [
- test = "not(.//db:caution)"
- "caution must not occur among the children or descendants of caption"
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- s:pattern [
- name = "Element exclusion"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:rule [
- context = "db:caption"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:assert [
- test = "not(.//db:important)"
- "important must not occur among the children or descendants of caption"
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- s:pattern [
- name = "Element exclusion"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:rule [
- context = "db:caption"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:assert [
- test = "not(.//db:note)"
- "note must not occur among the children or descendants of caption"
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- s:pattern [
- name = "Element exclusion"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:rule [
- context = "db:caption"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:assert [
- test = "not(.//db:tip)"
- "tip must not occur among the children or descendants of caption"
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- s:pattern [
- name = "Element exclusion"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:rule [
- context = "db:caption"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:assert [
- test = "not(.//db:warning)"
- "warning must not occur among the children or descendants of caption"
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- s:pattern [
- name = "Root must have version"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:rule [
- context = "/db:caption"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:assert [
- test = "@version"
- "If this element is the root element, it must have a version attribute."
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- ]
- element caption { db.html.caption.attlist, db.all.inlines* }
- }
- div {
- db.html.col.attlist =
- db.html.attrs
- &
- ## This attribute, whose value must be an integer > 0, specifies the number of columns spanned
- ## by the col
- ## element; the col
- ## element shares its attributes with all the columns it spans. The default value for this attribute is 1 (i.e., a single column). If the span attribute is set to N > 1, the current col
- ## element shares its attributes with the next N-1 columns.
- attribute span { xsd:nonNegativeInteger }?
- &
- ## Specifies a default width for each column spanned by the current col
- ## element. It has the same meaning as the width
- ## attribute for the colgroup
- ## element and overrides it.
- attribute width { text }?
- & db.html.cellhalign
- & db.html.cellvalign
- db.html.col =
- ## Specifications for a column in an HTML table
- element col { db.html.col.attlist, empty }
- }
- div {
- db.html.colgroup.attlist =
- db.html.attrs
- &
- ## This attribute, which must be an integer > 0, specifies the number of columns in a column group. In the absence of a span attribute, each colgroup
- ## defines a column group containing one column. If the span attribute is set to N > 0, the current colgroup
- ## element defines a column group containing N columns. User agents must ignore this attribute if the colgroup
- ## element contains one or more col
- ## elements.
- attribute span { xsd:nonNegativeInteger }?
- &
- ## This attribute specifies a default width for each column in the current column group. In addition to the standard pixel, percentage, and relative values, this attribute allows the special form 0*
- ## (zero asterisk) which means that the width of the each column in the group should be the minimum width necessary to hold the column's contents. This implies that a column's entire contents must be known before its width may be correctly computed. Authors should be aware that specifying 0*
- ## will prevent visual user agents from rendering a table incrementally. This attribute is overridden for any column in the column group whose width is specified via a col
- ## element.
- attribute width { text }?
- & db.html.cellhalign
- & db.html.cellvalign
- db.html.colgroup =
- ## A group of columns in an HTML table
- element colgroup { db.html.colgroup.attlist, db.html.col* }
- }
- div {
- db.html.thead.attlist =
- db.html.attrs & db.html.cellhalign & db.html.cellvalign
- db.html.thead =
- ## A table header consisting of one or more rows in an HTML table
- element thead { db.html.thead.attlist, db.html.tr+ }
- }
- div {
- db.html.tfoot.attlist =
- db.html.attrs & db.html.cellhalign & db.html.cellvalign
- db.html.tfoot =
- ## A table footer consisting of one or more rows in an HTML table
- element tfoot { db.html.tfoot.attlist, db.html.tr+ }
- }
- div {
- db.html.tbody.attlist =
- db.html.attrs & db.html.cellhalign & db.html.cellvalign
- db.html.tbody =
- ## A wrapper for the rows of an HTML table or informal HTML table
- element tbody { db.html.tbody.attlist, db.html.tr+ }
- }
- div {
- db.html.tr.attlist =
- db.html.attrs & db.html.cellhalign & db.html.cellvalign
- db.html.tr =
- ## A row in an HTML table
- element tr { db.html.tr.attlist, (db.html.th | db.html.td)+ }
- }
- div {
- db.html.th.attlist =
- db.html.attrs
- & db.html.tablecell.attributes
- & db.html.cellhalign
- & db.html.cellvalign
- db.html.th =
- ## A table header entry in an HTML table
- element th {
- db.html.th.attlist, (db.all.inlines* | db.all.blocks*)
- }
- }
- div {
- db.html.td.attlist =
- db.html.attrs
- & db.html.tablecell.attributes
- & db.html.cellhalign
- & db.html.cellvalign
- db.html.td =
- ## A table entry in an HTML table
- element td {
- db.html.td.attlist, (db.all.inlines* | db.all.blocks*)
- }
- }
- div {
- db.msgset.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.msgset.info = db._info.title.only
- db.msgset =
- ## A detailed set of messages, usually error messages
- [
- s:pattern [
- name = "Root must have version"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:rule [
- context = "/db:msgset"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:assert [
- test = "@version"
- "If this element is the root element, it must have a version attribute."
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- ]
- element msgset {
- db.msgset.attlist,
- db.msgset.info,
- (db.msgentry+ | db.simplemsgentry+)
- }
- }
- div {
- db.msgentry.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.msgentry.attlist =
- db.msgentry.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- }
- div {
- db.simplemsgentry.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.simplemsgentry.msgaud.attribute =
- ## The audience to which the message relevant
- attribute msgaud { text }
- db.simplemsgentry.msgorig.attribute =
- ## The origin of the message
- attribute msgorig { text }
- db.simplemsgentry.msglevel.attribute =
- ## The level of importance or severity of a message
- attribute msglevel { text }
- db.simplemsgentry.attlist =
- db.simplemsgentry.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- & db.simplemsgentry.msgaud.attribute?
- & db.simplemsgentry.msgorig.attribute?
- & db.simplemsgentry.msglevel.attribute?
- db.simplemsgentry =
- ## A wrapper for a simpler entry in a message set
- element simplemsgentry {
- db.simplemsgentry.attlist, db.msgtext, db.msgexplan+
- }
- }
- div {
- db.msg.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.msg.attlist =
- db.msg.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- db.msg.info = db._info.title.only
- }
- div {
- db.msgmain.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.msgmain.attlist =
- db.msgmain.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- db.msgmain.info = db._info.title.only
- }
- div {
- db.msgsub.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.msgsub.attlist =
- db.msgsub.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- db.msgsub.info = db._info.title.only
- }
- div {
- db.msgrel.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.msgrel.attlist =
- db.msgrel.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- db.msgrel.info = db._info.title.only
- }
- div {
- db.msgtext.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.msgtext.attlist =
- db.msgtext.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- db.msgtext =
- ## The actual text of a message component in a message set
- element msgtext { db.msgtext.attlist, db.all.blocks+ }
- }
- div {
- db.msginfo.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.msginfo.attlist =
- db.msginfo.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- }
- div {
- db.msglevel.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.msglevel.attlist =
- db.msglevel.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- }
- div {
- db.msgorig.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.msgorig.attlist =
- db.msgorig.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- }
- div {
- db.msgaud.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.msgaud.attlist =
- db.msgaud.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- }
- div {
- db.msgexplan.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.msgexplan.attlist =
- db.msgexplan.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- db.msgexplan.info = db._info.title.only
- db.msgexplan =
- ## Explanatory material relating to a message in a message set
- [
- s:pattern [
- name = "Root must have version"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:rule [
- context = "/db:msgexplan"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:assert [
- test = "@version"
- "If this element is the root element, it must have a version attribute."
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- ]
- element msgexplan {
- db.msgexplan.attlist, db.msgexplan.info, db.all.blocks+
- }
- }
- div {
- db.qandaset.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.qandaset.defaultlabel.enumeration =
- ## No labels
- "none"
- |
- ## Numeric labels
- "number"
- |
- ## "Q:" and "A:" labels
- "qanda"
- db.qandaset.defaultlabel.attribute =
- ## Specifies the default labelling
- attribute defaultlabel { db.qandaset.defaultlabel.enumeration }
- db.qandaset.info = db._info.title.only
- db.qandaset =
- ## A question-and-answer set
- [
- s:pattern [
- name = "Root must have version"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:rule [
- context = "/db:qandaset"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:assert [
- test = "@version"
- "If this element is the root element, it must have a version attribute."
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- ]
- element qandaset {
- db.qandaset.attlist,
- db.qandaset.info,
- db.all.blocks*,
- (db.qandadiv+ | db.qandaentry+)
- }
- }
- div {
- db.qandadiv.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.qandadiv.attlist =
- db.qandadiv.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- db.qandadiv.info = db._info.title.only
- db.qandadiv =
- ## A titled division in a qandaset
- [
- s:pattern [
- name = "Root must have version"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:rule [
- context = "/db:qandadiv"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:assert [
- test = "@version"
- "If this element is the root element, it must have a version attribute."
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- ]
- element qandadiv {
- db.qandadiv.attlist,
- db.qandadiv.info,
- db.all.blocks*,
- (db.qandadiv+ | db.qandaentry+)
- }
- }
- div {
- db.qandaentry.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.qandaentry.attlist =
- db.qandaentry.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- db.qandaentry.info = db._info.title.only
- }
- div {
- db.question.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.question.attlist =
- db.question.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- }
- div {
- db.answer.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.answer.attlist =
- db.answer.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- db.answer =
- ## An answer to a question posed in a qandaset
- element answer { db.answer.attlist, db.label?, db.all.blocks+ }
- }
- div {
- db.label.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.label.attlist =
- db.label.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- }
- db.math.inlines = db.inlineequation
- db.equation.content =
- (db.mediaobject+ | db.mathphrase+) | db._any.mml+ | db.xi.include+
- db.inlineequation.content =
- (db.inlinemediaobject+ | db.mathphrase+)
- | db._any.mml+
- | db.xi.include+
- div {
- db.equation.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.equation.label.attribute = db.label.attribute
- db.equation.info = db._info.title.only
- }
- div {
- db.informalequation.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.informalequation.attlist =
- db.informalequation.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- & db.pgwide.attribute?
- & db.floatstyle.attribute?
- db.informalequation.info = db._info.title.forbidden
- }
- div {
- db.inlineequation.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.inlineequation.attlist =
- db.inlineequation.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- }
- div {
- db.mathphrase.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.mathphrase.attlist =
- db.mathphrase.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- }
- db.imagedata.mathml.content = db._any.mml | db.xi.include
- div {
- db.imagedata.mathml.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.imagedata.mathml.attlist =
- db.imagedata.mathml.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- &
- ## Specifies that the format of the data is MathML
- attribute format {
- ## Specifies MathML.
- "mathml"
- }?
- & db.imagedata.align.attribute?
- & db.imagedata.valign.attribute?
- & db.imagedata.width.attribute?
- & db.imagedata.contentwidth.attribute?
- & db.imagedata.scalefit.attribute?
- & db.imagedata.scale.attribute?
- & db.imagedata.depth.attribute?
- & db.imagedata.contentdepth.attribute?
- db.imagedata.mathml.info = db._info.title.forbidden
- db.imagedata.mathml =
- ## A MathML expression in a media object
- [
- s:pattern [
- name = "Root must have version"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:rule [
- context = "/db:imagedata"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:assert [
- test = "@version"
- "If this element is the root element, it must have a version attribute."
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- ]
- element imagedata {
- db.imagedata.mathml.attlist,
- db.imagedata.mathml.info,
- db.imagedata.mathml.content+
- }
- }
- div {
- db._any.mml =
- ## Any element from the MathML namespace
- element mml:* { (db._any.attribute | text | db._any)* }
- }
- db.imagedata.svg.content = db._any.svg | db.xi.include
- div {
- db.imagedata.svg.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.imagedata.svg.attlist =
- db.imagedata.svg.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- &
- ## Specifies that the format of the data is SVG
- attribute format {
- ## Specifies SVG.
- "svg"
- }?
- & db.imagedata.align.attribute?
- & db.imagedata.valign.attribute?
- & db.imagedata.width.attribute?
- & db.imagedata.contentwidth.attribute?
- & db.imagedata.scalefit.attribute?
- & db.imagedata.scale.attribute?
- & db.imagedata.depth.attribute?
- & db.imagedata.contentdepth.attribute?
- db.imagedata.svg.info = db._info.title.forbidden
- db.imagedata.svg =
- ## An SVG drawing in a media object
- [
- s:pattern [
- name = "Root must have version"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:rule [
- context = "/db:imagedata"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:assert [
- test = "@version"
- "If this element is the root element, it must have a version attribute."
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- ]
- element imagedata {
- db.imagedata.svg.attlist,
- db.imagedata.svg.info,
- db.imagedata.svg.content+
- }
- }
- div {
- db._any.svg =
- ## Any element from the SVG namespace
- element svg:* { (db._any.attribute | text | db._any)* }
- }
- db.markup.inlines =
- db.tag
- | db.markup
- | db.token
- | db.symbol
- | db.literal
- | db.code
- | db.constant
- | db.email
- | db.uri
- div {
- db.markup.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.markup.attlist =
- db.markup.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- }
- div {
- db.tag.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.tag.class.enumeration =
- ## An attribute
- "attribute"
- |
- ## An attribute value
- "attvalue"
- |
- ## An element
- "element"
- |
- ## An empty element tag
- "emptytag"
- |
- ## An end tag
- "endtag"
- |
- ## A general entity
- "genentity"
- |
- ## The local name part of a qualified name
- "localname"
- |
- ## A namespace
- "namespace"
- |
- ## A numeric character reference
- "numcharref"
- |
- ## A parameter entity
- "paramentity"
- |
- ## A processing instruction
- "pi"
- |
- ## The prefix part of a qualified name
- "prefix"
- |
- ## An SGML comment
- "comment"
- |
- ## A start tag
- "starttag"
- |
- ## An XML processing instruction
- "xmlpi"
- db.tag.class.attribute =
- ## Identifies the nature of the tag content
- attribute class { db.tag.class.enumeration }
- db.tag.namespace.attribute =
- ## Identifies the namespace of the tag content
- attribute namespace { xsd:anyURI }
- db.tag.attlist =
- db.tag.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- & db.tag.class.attribute?
- & db.tag.namespace.attribute?
- db.tag =
- ## A component of XML (or SGML) markup
- element tag { db.tag.attlist, (db._text | db.tag)* }
- }
- div {
- db.symbol.class.attribute =
- ## Identifies the class of symbol
- attribute class {
- ## The value is a limit of some kind
- "limit"
- }
- db.symbol.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.symbol.attlist =
- db.symbol.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- & db.symbol.class.attribute?
- }
- div {
- db.token.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.token.attlist =
- db.token.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- }
- div {
- db.literal.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.literal.attlist =
- db.literal.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- db.literal =
- ## Inline text that is some literal value
- element literal { db.literal.attlist, db._text }
- }
- div {
- code.language.attribute =
- ## Identifies the (computer) language of the code fragment
- attribute language { text }
- db.code.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.code.attlist =
- db.code.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- & code.language.attribute?
- db.code =
- ## An inline code fragment
- element code {
- db.code.attlist, (db.programming.inlines | db._text)*
- }
- }
- div {
- db.constant.class.attribute =
- ## Identifies the class of constant
- attribute class {
- ## The value is a limit of some kind
- "limit"
- }
- db.constant.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.constant.attlist =
- db.constant.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- & db.constant.class.attribute?
- db.constant =
- ## A programming or system constant
- element constant { db.constant.attlist, db._text }
- }
- div {
- db.productname.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.productname.class.enumeration =
- ## A name with a copyright
- "copyright"
- |
- ## A name with a registered copyright
- "registered"
- |
- ## A name of a service
- "service"
- |
- ## A name which is trademarked
- "trade"
- db.productname.class.attribute =
- ## Specifies the class of product name
- attribute class { db.productname.class.enumeration }
- db.productname.attlist =
- db.productname.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- & db.productname.class.attribute?
- db.productname =
- ## The formal name of a product
- element productname { db.productname.attlist, db._text }
- }
- div {
- db.productnumber.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.productnumber.attlist =
- db.productnumber.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- db.productnumber =
- ## A number assigned to a product
- element productnumber { db.productnumber.attlist, db._text }
- }
- div {
- db.database.class.enumeration =
- ## An alternate or secondary key
- "altkey"
- |
- ## A constraint
- "constraint"
- |
- ## A data type
- "datatype"
- |
- ## A field
- "field"
- |
- ## A foreign key
- "foreignkey"
- |
- ## A group
- "group"
- |
- ## An index
- "index"
- |
- ## The first or primary key
- "key1"
- |
- ## An alternate or secondary key
- "key2"
- |
- ## A name
- "name"
- |
- ## The primary key
- "primarykey"
- |
- ## A (stored) procedure
- "procedure"
- |
- ## A record
- "record"
- |
- ## A rule
- "rule"
- |
- ## The secondary key
- "secondarykey"
- |
- ## A table
- "table"
- |
- ## A user
- "user"
- |
- ## A view
- "view"
- db.database.class.attribute =
- ## Identifies the class of database artifact
- attribute class { db.database.class.enumeration }
- db.database.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.database.attlist =
- db.database.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- & db.database.class.attribute?
- }
- div {
- db.application.class.enumeration =
- ## A hardware application
- "hardware"
- |
- ## A software application
- "software"
- db.application.class.attribute =
- ## Identifies the class of application
- attribute class { db.application.class.enumeration }
- db.application.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.application.attlist =
- db.application.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- & db.application.class.attribute?
- }
- div {
- db.hardware.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.hardware.attlist =
- db.hardware.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- }
- db.gui.inlines =
- db.guiicon
- | db.guibutton
- | db.guimenuitem
- | db.guimenu
- | db.guisubmenu
- | db.guilabel
- | db.menuchoice
- | db.mousebutton
- div {
- db.guibutton.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.guibutton.attlist =
- db.guibutton.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- }
- div {
- db.guiicon.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.guiicon.attlist =
- db.guiicon.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- }
- div {
- db.guilabel.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.guilabel.attlist =
- db.guilabel.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- }
- div {
- db.guimenu.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.guimenu.attlist =
- db.guimenu.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- db.guimenu =
- ## The name of a menu in a GUI
- element guimenu {
- db.guimenu.attlist,
- (db._text | db.accel | db.superscript | db.subscript)*
- }
- }
- div {
- db.guimenuitem.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.guimenuitem.attlist =
- db.guimenuitem.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- }
- div {
- db.guisubmenu.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.guisubmenu.attlist =
- db.guisubmenu.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- }
- div {
- db.menuchoice.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.menuchoice.attlist =
- db.menuchoice.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- db.menuchoice =
- ## A selection or series of selections from a menu
- element menuchoice {
- db.menuchoice.attlist,
- db.shortcut?,
- (db.guibutton
- | db.guiicon
- | db.guilabel
- | db.guimenu
- | db.guimenuitem
- | db.guisubmenu)+
- }
- }
- div {
- db.mousebutton.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.mousebutton.attlist =
- db.mousebutton.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- }
- db.keyboard.inlines =
- db.keycombo
- | db.keycap
- | db.keycode
- | db.keysym
- | db.shortcut
- | db.accel
- div {
- db.keycap.function.enumeration =
- ## The "Alt" key
- "alt"
- |
- ## The "Alt Graph" key
- "altgr"
- |
- ## The "Backspace" key
- "backspace"
- |
- ## The "Command" key
- "command"
- |
- ## The "Control" key
- "control"
- |
- ## The "Delete" key
- "delete"
- |
- ## The down arrow
- "down"
- |
- ## The "End" key
- "end"
- |
- ## The "Enter" key
- "enter"
- |
- ## The "Escape" key
- "escape"
- |
- ## The "Home" key
- "home"
- |
- ## The "Insert" key
- "insert"
- |
- ## The left arrow
- "left"
- |
- ## The "Meta" key
- "meta"
- |
- ## The "Option" key
- "option"
- |
- ## The page down key
- "pagedown"
- |
- ## The page up key
- "pageup"
- |
- ## The right arrow
- "right"
- |
- ## The "Return" key
- "return"
- |
- ## The "Shift" key
- "shift"
- |
- ## The spacebar
- "space"
- |
- ## The "Tab" key
- "tab"
- |
- ## The up arrow
- "up"
- db.keycap.function-enum.attribute =
- ## Identifies the function key
- attribute function { db.keycap.function.enumeration }?
- db.keycap.function-other.attributes =
- ## Identifies the function key
- attribute function {
- ## Indicates a non-standard function key
- "other"
- }?,
- ## Specifies a keyword that identifies the non-standard key
- attribute otherfunction { text }
- db.keycap.function.attrib =
- db.keycap.function-enum.attribute
- | db.keycap.function-other.attributes
- db.keycap.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.keycap.attlist =
- db.keycap.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- & db.keycap.function.attrib
- db.keycap =
- ## The text printed on a key on a keyboard
- element keycap { db.keycap.attlist, db._text }
- }
- div {
- db.keycode.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.keycode.attlist =
- db.keycode.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- }
- db.keycombination.contentmodel =
- (db.keycap | db.keycombo | db.keysym) | db.mousebutton
- div {
- db.keycombo.action.enumeration =
- ## A (single) mouse click.
- "click"
- |
- ## A double mouse click.
- "double-click"
- |
- ## A mouse or key press.
- "press"
- |
- ## Sequential clicks or presses.
- "seq"
- |
- ## Simultaneous clicks or presses.
- "simul"
- db.keycombo.action-enum.attribute =
- ## Identifies the nature of the action taken. If keycombo
- ## contains more than one element, simul
- ## is the default, otherwise there is no default.
- attribute action { db.keycombo.action.enumeration }?
- db.keycombo.action-other.attributes =
- ## Identifies the nature of the action taken
- attribute action {
- ## Indicates a non-standard action
- "other"
- }?,
- ## Identifies the non-standard action in some unspecified way.
- attribute otheraction { text }
- db.keycombo.action.attrib =
- db.keycombo.action-enum.attribute
- | db.keycombo.action-other.attributes
- db.keycombo.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.keycombo.attlist =
- db.keycombo.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- & db.keycombo.action.attrib
- db.keycombo =
- ## A combination of input actions
- element keycombo {
- db.keycombo.attlist, db.keycombination.contentmodel+
- }
- }
- div {
- db.keysym.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.keysym.attlist =
- db.keysym.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- }
- div {
- db.accel.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.accel.attlist =
- db.accel.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- }
- div {
- db.shortcut.action.attrib = db.keycombo.action.attrib
- db.shortcut.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.shortcut.attlist =
- db.shortcut.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- & db.shortcut.action.attrib
- }
- db.os.inlines =
- db.prompt
- | db.envar
- | db.filename
- | db.command
- | db.computeroutput
- | db.userinput
- db.computeroutput.inlines =
- (text | db.ubiq.inlines | db.os.inlines | db.technical.inlines)
- | db.co
- | db.markup.inlines
- db.userinput.inlines =
- (text | db.ubiq.inlines | db.os.inlines | db.technical.inlines)
- | db.co
- | db.markup.inlines
- | db.gui.inlines
- | db.keyboard.inlines
- db.prompt.inlines = db._text | db.co
- div {
- db.prompt.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.prompt.attlist =
- db.prompt.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- db.prompt =
- ## A character or string indicating the start of an input field in a computer display
- element prompt { db.prompt.attlist, db.prompt.inlines* }
- }
- div {
- db.envar.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.envar.attlist =
- db.envar.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- db.envar =
- ## A software environment variable
- element envar { db.envar.attlist, db._text }
- }
- div {
- db.filename.class.enumeration =
- ## A device
- "devicefile"
- |
- ## A directory
- "directory"
- |
- ## A filename extension
- "extension"
- |
- ## A header file (as for a programming language)
- "headerfile"
- |
- ## A library file
- "libraryfile"
- |
- ## A partition (as of a hard disk)
- "partition"
- |
- ## A symbolic link
- "symlink"
- db.filename.class.attribute =
- ## Identifies the class of filename
- attribute class { db.filename.class.enumeration }
- db.filename.path.attribute =
- ## Specifies the path of the filename
- attribute path { text }
- db.filename.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.filename.attlist =
- db.filename.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- & db.filename.path.attribute?
- & db.filename.class.attribute?
- db.filename =
- ## The name of a file
- element filename { db.filename.attlist, db._text }
- }
- div {
- db.command.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.command.attlist =
- db.command.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- db.command =
- ## The name of an executable program or other software command
- element command { db.command.attlist, db._text }
- }
- div {
- db.computeroutput.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.computeroutput.attlist =
- db.computeroutput.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- }
- div {
- db.userinput.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.userinput.attlist =
- db.userinput.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- }
- div {
- db.cmdsynopsis.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.cmdsynopsis.sepchar.attribute =
- ## Specifies the character that should separate the command and its top-level arguments
- attribute sepchar { text }
- db.cmdsynopsis.cmdlength.attribute =
- ## Indicates the displayed length of the command; this information may be used to intelligently indent command synopses which extend beyond one line
- attribute cmdlength { text }
- db.cmdsynopsis.label.attribute = db.label.attribute
- db.cmdsynopsis.info = db._info.title.forbidden
- }
- db.rep.enumeration =
- ## Can not be repeated.
- "norepeat"
- |
- ## Can be repeated.
- "repeat"
- db.rep.attribute =
- ## Indicates whether or not repetition is possible.
- [ a:defaultValue = "norepeat" ]
- attribute rep { db.rep.enumeration }
- db.choice.enumeration =
- ## Formatted to indicate that it is optional.
- "opt"
- |
- ## Formatted without indication.
- "plain"
- |
- ## Formatted to indicate that it is required.
- "req"
- db.choice.opt.attribute =
- ## Indicates optionality.
- [ a:defaultValue = "opt" ]
- attribute choice { db.choice.enumeration }
- db.choice.req.attribute =
- ## Indicates optionality.
- [ a:defaultValue = "req" ]
- attribute choice { db.choice.enumeration }
- div {
- db.arg.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.arg.rep.attribute = db.rep.attribute
- db.arg.choice.attribute = db.choice.opt.attribute
- db.arg.attlist =
- db.arg.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- & db.arg.rep.attribute?
- & db.arg.choice.attribute?
- }
- div {
- db.group.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.group.rep.attribute = db.rep.attribute
- db.group.choice.attribute = db.choice.opt.attribute
- db.group.attlist =
- db.group.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- & db.group.rep.attribute?
- & db.group.choice.attribute?
- }
- div {
- db.sbr.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.sbr.attlist = db.sbr.role.attribute? & db.common.attributes
- }
- div {
- db.synopfragment.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.synopfragment.attlist =
- db.synopfragment.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- }
- div {
- db.synopfragmentref.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.synopfragmentref.attlist =
- db.synopfragmentref.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.linkend.attribute
- }
- db.programming.inlines =
- db.function
- | db.parameter
- | db.varname
- | db.returnvalue
- | db.type
- | db.classname
- | db.exceptionname
- | db.interfacename
- | db.methodname
- | db.modifier
- | db.initializer
- | db.oo.inlines
- db.oo.inlines = db.ooclass | db.ooexception | db.oointerface
- db.synopsis.blocks =
- (db.funcsynopsis
- | db.classsynopsis
- | db.methodsynopsis
- | db.constructorsynopsis
- | db.destructorsynopsis
- | db.fieldsynopsis)
- | db.cmdsynopsis
- div {
- db.synopsis.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.synopsis.label.attribute = db.label.attribute
- }
- div {
- db.funcsynopsis.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.funcsynopsis.info = db._info.title.forbidden
- }
- div {
- db.funcsynopsisinfo.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.funcsynopsisinfo.attlist =
- db.funcsynopsisinfo.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- & db.verbatim.attributes
- }
- div {
- db.funcprototype.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.funcprototype.attlist =
- db.funcprototype.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- }
- div {
- db.funcdef.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.funcdef.attlist =
- db.funcdef.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- }
- div {
- db.function.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.function.attlist =
- db.function.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- db.function =
- ## The name of a function or subroutine, as in a programming language
- element function { db.function.attlist, db._text }
- }
- div {
- db.void.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.void.attlist =
- db.void.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- }
- div {
- db.varargs.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.varargs.attlist =
- db.varargs.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- }
- div {
- db.group.paramdef.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.group.paramdef.choice.attribute = db.choice.opt.attribute
- db.group.paramdef.attlist =
- db.group.paramdef.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- & db.group.paramdef.choice.attribute?
- db.group.paramdef =
- ## A group of parameters
- element group {
- db.group.paramdef.attlist, (db.paramdef | db.group.paramdef)+
- }
- }
- div {
- db.paramdef.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.paramdef.choice.enumeration =
- ## Formatted to indicate that it is optional.
- "opt"
- |
- ## Formatted to indicate that it is required.
- "req"
- db.paramdef.choice.attribute =
- ## Indicates optionality.
- [ a:defaultValue = "opt" ]
- attribute choice { db.paramdef.choice.enumeration }
- db.paramdef.attlist =
- db.paramdef.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- & db.paramdef.choice.attribute?
- }
- div {
- db.funcparams.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.funcparams.attlist =
- db.funcparams.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- }
- div {
- db.classsynopsis.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.classsynopsis.class.enumeration =
- ## This is the synopsis of a class
- "class"
- |
- ## This is the synopsis of an interface
- "interface"
- db.classsynopsis.class.attribute =
- ## Specifies the nature of the synopsis
- attribute class { db.classsynopsis.class.enumeration }
- }
- div {
- db.classsynopsisinfo.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- }
- div {
- db.ooclass.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.ooclass.attlist =
- db.ooclass.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- }
- div {
- db.oointerface.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.oointerface.attlist =
- db.oointerface.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- }
- div {
- db.ooexception.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.ooexception.attlist =
- db.ooexception.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- }
- db.modifier.xml.space.attribute =
- ## Can be used to indicate that whitespace in the modifier should be preserved (for multi-line annotations, for example).
- attribute xml:space {
- ## Extra whitespace and line breaks must be preserved.
- [
- # Ideally the definition of xml:space used on modifier would be
- # different from the definition used on the verbatim elements. The
- # verbatim elements forbid the use of xml:space="default" which
- # wouldn't be a problem on modifier. But doing that causes the
- # generated XSD schemas to be broken so I'm just reusing the existing
- # definition for now. It won't be backwards incompatible to fix this
- # problem in the future.
- # | ## Extra whitespace and line breaks are not preserved.
- # "default"
- ]
- "preserve"
- }
- div {
- db.modifier.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.modifier.attlist =
- db.modifier.xml.space.attribute?
- & db.modifier.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- }
- div {
- db.interfacename.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.interfacename.attlist =
- db.interfacename.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- }
- div {
- db.exceptionname.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.exceptionname.attlist =
- db.exceptionname.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- }
- div {
- db.fieldsynopsis.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- }
- div {
- db.initializer.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.initializer.attlist =
- db.initializer.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- db.initializer.inlines =
- db._text | db.mathphrase | db.markup.inlines
- }
- div {
- db.constructorsynopsis.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.constructorsynopsis.attlist =
- db.constructorsynopsis.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- & db.language.attribute?
- }
- div {
- db.destructorsynopsis.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- }
- div {
- db.methodsynopsis.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- }
- div {
- db.methodname.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.methodname.attlist =
- db.methodname.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- }
- div {
- db.methodparam.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.methodparam.rep.attribute = db.rep.attribute
- db.methodparam.choice.attribute = db.choice.req.attribute
- db.methodparam.attlist =
- db.methodparam.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- & db.methodparam.rep.attribute?
- & db.methodparam.choice.attribute?
- }
- div {
- db.group.methodparam.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.group.methodparam.choice.attribute = db.choice.opt.attribute
- db.group.methodparam.attlist =
- db.group.methodparam.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- & db.group.methodparam.choice.attribute?
- db.group.methodparam =
- ## A group of method parameters
- element group {
- db.group.methodparam.attlist,
- (db.methodparam | db.group.methodparam)+
- }
- }
- div {
- db.varname.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.varname.attlist =
- db.varname.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- db.varname =
- ## The name of a variable
- element varname { db.varname.attlist, db._text }
- }
- div {
- db.returnvalue.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.returnvalue.attlist =
- db.returnvalue.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- }
- div {
- db.type.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.type.attlist =
- db.type.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- }
- div {
- db.classname.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.classname.attlist =
- db.classname.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- }
- div {
- db.programlisting.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.programlisting.width.attribute = db.width.characters.attribute
- db.programlisting =
- ## A literal listing of all or part of a program
- [
- s:pattern [
- name = "Root must have version"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:rule [
- context = "/db:programlisting"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:assert [
- test = "@version"
- "If this element is the root element, it must have a version attribute."
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- ]
- element programlisting {
- db.programlisting.attlist, db.verbatim.contentmodel
- }
- }
- db.admonition.contentmodel = db._info.title.only, db.all.blocks+
- div {
- db.caution.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.caution =
- ## A note of caution
- [
- s:pattern [
- name = "Element exclusion"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:rule [
- context = "db:caution"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:assert [
- test = "not(.//db:caution)"
- "caution must not occur among the children or descendants of caution"
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- s:pattern [
- name = "Element exclusion"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:rule [
- context = "db:caution"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:assert [
- test = "not(.//db:important)"
- "important must not occur among the children or descendants of caution"
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- s:pattern [
- name = "Element exclusion"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:rule [
- context = "db:caution"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:assert [
- test = "not(.//db:note)"
- "note must not occur among the children or descendants of caution"
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- s:pattern [
- name = "Element exclusion"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:rule [
- context = "db:caution"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:assert [
- test = "not(.//db:tip)"
- "tip must not occur among the children or descendants of caution"
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- s:pattern [
- name = "Element exclusion"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:rule [
- context = "db:caution"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:assert [
- test = "not(.//db:warning)"
- "warning must not occur among the children or descendants of caution"
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- s:pattern [
- name = "Root must have version"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:rule [
- context = "/db:caution"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:assert [
- test = "@version"
- "If this element is the root element, it must have a version attribute."
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- ]
- element caution {
- db.caution.attlist, db.admonition.contentmodel
- }
- }
- div {
- db.important.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.important =
- ## An admonition set off from the text
- [
- s:pattern [
- name = "Element exclusion"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:rule [
- context = "db:important"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:assert [
- test = "not(.//db:caution)"
- "caution must not occur among the children or descendants of important"
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- s:pattern [
- name = "Element exclusion"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:rule [
- context = "db:important"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:assert [
- test = "not(.//db:important)"
- "important must not occur among the children or descendants of important"
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- s:pattern [
- name = "Element exclusion"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:rule [
- context = "db:important"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:assert [
- test = "not(.//db:note)"
- "note must not occur among the children or descendants of important"
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- s:pattern [
- name = "Element exclusion"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:rule [
- context = "db:important"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:assert [
- test = "not(.//db:tip)"
- "tip must not occur among the children or descendants of important"
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- s:pattern [
- name = "Element exclusion"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:rule [
- context = "db:important"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:assert [
- test = "not(.//db:warning)"
- "warning must not occur among the children or descendants of important"
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- s:pattern [
- name = "Root must have version"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:rule [
- context = "/db:important"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:assert [
- test = "@version"
- "If this element is the root element, it must have a version attribute."
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- ]
- element important {
- db.important.attlist, db.admonition.contentmodel
- }
- }
- div {
- db.note.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.note =
- ## A message set off from the text
- [
- s:pattern [
- name = "Element exclusion"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:rule [
- context = "db:note"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:assert [
- test = "not(.//db:caution)"
- "caution must not occur among the children or descendants of note"
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- s:pattern [
- name = "Element exclusion"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:rule [
- context = "db:note"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:assert [
- test = "not(.//db:important)"
- "important must not occur among the children or descendants of note"
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- s:pattern [
- name = "Element exclusion"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:rule [
- context = "db:note"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:assert [
- test = "not(.//db:note)"
- "note must not occur among the children or descendants of note"
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- s:pattern [
- name = "Element exclusion"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:rule [
- context = "db:note"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:assert [
- test = "not(.//db:tip)"
- "tip must not occur among the children or descendants of note"
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- s:pattern [
- name = "Element exclusion"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:rule [
- context = "db:note"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:assert [
- test = "not(.//db:warning)"
- "warning must not occur among the children or descendants of note"
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- s:pattern [
- name = "Root must have version"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:rule [
- context = "/db:note"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:assert [
- test = "@version"
- "If this element is the root element, it must have a version attribute."
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- ]
- element note { db.note.attlist, db.admonition.contentmodel }
- }
- div {
- db.tip.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.tip =
- ## A suggestion to the user, set off from the text
- [
- s:pattern [
- name = "Element exclusion"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:rule [
- context = "db:tip"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:assert [
- test = "not(.//db:caution)"
- "caution must not occur among the children or descendants of tip"
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- s:pattern [
- name = "Element exclusion"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:rule [
- context = "db:tip"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:assert [
- test = "not(.//db:important)"
- "important must not occur among the children or descendants of tip"
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- s:pattern [
- name = "Element exclusion"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:rule [
- context = "db:tip"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:assert [
- test = "not(.//db:note)"
- "note must not occur among the children or descendants of tip"
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- s:pattern [
- name = "Element exclusion"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:rule [
- context = "db:tip"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:assert [
- test = "not(.//db:tip)"
- "tip must not occur among the children or descendants of tip"
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- s:pattern [
- name = "Element exclusion"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:rule [
- context = "db:tip"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:assert [
- test = "not(.//db:warning)"
- "warning must not occur among the children or descendants of tip"
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- s:pattern [
- name = "Root must have version"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:rule [
- context = "/db:tip"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:assert [
- test = "@version"
- "If this element is the root element, it must have a version attribute."
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- ]
- element tip { db.tip.attlist, db.admonition.contentmodel }
- }
- div {
- db.warning.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.warning =
- ## An admonition set off from the text
- [
- s:pattern [
- name = "Element exclusion"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:rule [
- context = "db:warning"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:assert [
- test = "not(.//db:caution)"
- "caution must not occur among the children or descendants of warning"
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- s:pattern [
- name = "Element exclusion"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:rule [
- context = "db:warning"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:assert [
- test = "not(.//db:important)"
- "important must not occur among the children or descendants of warning"
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- s:pattern [
- name = "Element exclusion"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:rule [
- context = "db:warning"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:assert [
- test = "not(.//db:note)"
- "note must not occur among the children or descendants of warning"
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- s:pattern [
- name = "Element exclusion"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:rule [
- context = "db:warning"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:assert [
- test = "not(.//db:tip)"
- "tip must not occur among the children or descendants of warning"
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- s:pattern [
- name = "Element exclusion"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:rule [
- context = "db:warning"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:assert [
- test = "not(.//db:warning)"
- "warning must not occur among the children or descendants of warning"
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- s:pattern [
- name = "Root must have version"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:rule [
- context = "/db:warning"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:assert [
- test = "@version"
- "If this element is the root element, it must have a version attribute."
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- ]
- element warning {
- db.warning.attlist, db.admonition.contentmodel
- }
- }
- db.error.inlines =
- db.errorcode | db.errortext | db.errorname | db.errortype
- div {
- db.errorcode.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.errorcode.attlist =
- db.errorcode.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- }
- div {
- db.errorname.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.errorname.attlist =
- db.errorname.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- }
- div {
- db.errortext.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.errortext.attlist =
- db.errortext.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- }
- div {
- db.errortype.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.errortype.attlist =
- db.errortype.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- }
- db.systemitem.inlines = db._text | db.co
- div {
- db.systemitem.class.enumeration =
- ## A daemon or other system process (syslogd)
- "daemon"
- |
- ## A domain name (example.com)
- "domainname"
- |
- ## An ethernet address (00:05:4E:49:FD:8E)
- "etheraddress"
- |
- ## An event of some sort (SIGHUP)
- "event"
- |
- ## An event handler of some sort (hangup)
- "eventhandler"
- |
- ## A filesystem (ext3)
- "filesystem"
- |
- ## A fully qualified domain name (my.example.com)
- "fqdomainname"
- |
- ## A group name (wheel)
- "groupname"
- |
- ## An IP address (
- "ipaddress"
- |
- ## A library (libncurses)
- "library"
- |
- ## A macro
- "macro"
- |
- ## A netmask (
- "netmask"
- |
- ## A newsgroup (comp.text.xml)
- "newsgroup"
- |
- ## An operating system name (Hurd)
- "osname"
- |
- ## A process (gnome-cups-icon)
- "process"
- |
- ## A protocol (ftp)
- "protocol"
- |
- ## A resource
- "resource"
- |
- ## A security context (a role, permission, or security token, for example)
- "securitycontext"
- |
- ## A server (mail.example.com)
- "server"
- |
- ## A service (ppp)
- "service"
- |
- ## A system name (hephaistos)
- "systemname"
- |
- ## A user name (ndw)
- "username"
- db.systemitem.class-enum.attribute =
- ## Identifies the nature of the system item
- attribute class { db.systemitem.class.enumeration }?
- db.systemitem.class-other.attribute =
- ## Identifies the nature of the non-standard system item
- attribute otherclass { xsd:NMTOKEN }
- db.systemitem.class-other.attributes =
- ## Identifies the kind of systemitemgraphic identifier
- attribute class {
- ## Indicates that the system item is some 'other' kind.
- "other"
- }
- & db.systemitem.class-other.attribute
- db.systemitem.class.attribute =
- db.systemitem.class-enum.attribute
- | db.systemitem.class-other.attributes
- db.systemitem.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.systemitem.attlist =
- db.systemitem.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- & db.systemitem.class.attribute?
- db.systemitem =
- ## A system-related item or term
- element systemitem {
- db.systemitem.attlist, db.systemitem.inlines*
- }
- }
- div {
- db.option.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.option.attlist =
- db.option.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- db.option =
- ## An option for a software command
- element option { db.option.attlist, db._text }
- }
- div {
- db.optional.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.optional.attlist =
- db.optional.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- }
- div {
- db.property.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.property.attlist =
- db.property.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- db.property =
- ## A unit of data associated with some part of a computer system
- element property { db.property.attlist, db._text }
- }
- div {
- db.topic.status.attribute = db.status.attribute
- db.topic.role.attribute = attribute role { text }
- db.topic.type.attribute =
- ## Identifies the topic type
- attribute type { text }
- db.topic.info = db._info.title.req
- db.topic =
- ## A modular unit of documentation not part of any particular narrative flow
- [
- s:pattern [
- name = "Root must have version"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:rule [
- context = "/db:topic"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:assert [
- test = "@version"
- "If this element is the root element, it must have a version attribute."
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- ]
- element topic {
- db.topic.attlist,
- db.topic.info,
- db.navigation.components*,
- db.toplevel.blocks.or.sections,
- db.navigation.components*
- }
- }
- div {
- db.any.other.attribute = attribute * - local:* { text }
- db.xi.include.attlist =
- attribute href {
- xsd:anyURI { pattern = "[^#]+" }
- }?,
- [ a:defaultValue = "xml" ] attribute parse { "xml" | "text" }?,
- attribute xpointer { text }?,
- attribute encoding { text }?,
- attribute accept { text }?,
- attribute accept-language { text }?,
- db.any.other.attribute*
- db.xi.include =
- ## An XInclude
- element xi:include { db.xi.include.attlist, db.xi.fallback? }
- }
- div {
- # The fallback element has no attributes
- db.xi.fallback =
- ## An XInclude fallback
- element xi:fallback {
- db.all.blocks+ | db.all.inlines+ | db._any*
- }
- }
- }
- # Redefine element pattern as notAllowed here as they are not needed:
- #
- # List created with:
- # egrep "\s+db\.[a-z]+\s*=\s*" /usr/share/xml/docbook/schema/rng/5.1/docbook.rnc | sort > db5-elements.txt
- # cat db5-elements.txt | sed 's,=,= notAllowed,g' > db5-elements-notallowed.txt
- #
- div {
- db.abbrev = notAllowed
- # db.abstract = notAllowed
- db.accel = notAllowed
- db.acknowledgements = notAllowed
- db.acronym = notAllowed
- db.address = notAllowed
- db.affiliation = notAllowed
- # db.alt = notAllowed
- db.anchor = notAllowed
- # db.annotation = notAllowed
- # db.answer = notAllowed
- # db.appendix = notAllowed
- db.application = notAllowed
- db.arc = notAllowed
- db.area = notAllowed
- db.areaset = notAllowed
- db.areaspec = notAllowed
- db.arg = notAllowed
- # db.article = notAllowed
- db.artpagenums = notAllowed
- db.attribution = notAllowed
- db.audiodata = notAllowed
- db.audioobject = notAllowed
- # db.author = notAllowed
- # db.authorgroup = notAllowed
- db.authorinitials = notAllowed
- db.bibliocoverage = notAllowed
- db.bibliodiv = notAllowed
- db.biblioentry = notAllowed
- db.bibliography = notAllowed
- db.biblioid = notAllowed
- db.bibliolist = notAllowed
- db.bibliomisc = notAllowed
- db.bibliomixed = notAllowed
- db.bibliomset = notAllowed
- db.biblioref = notAllowed
- db.bibliorelation = notAllowed
- db.biblioset = notAllowed
- db.bibliosource = notAllowed
- # db.blockquote = notAllowed
- # db.book = notAllowed
- # db.bridgehead = notAllowed
- # db.callout = notAllowed
- # db.calloutlist = notAllowed
- db.caption = notAllowed
- # db.caution = notAllowed
- # db.chapter = notAllowed
- db.citation = notAllowed
- db.citebiblioid = notAllowed
- db.citerefentry = notAllowed
- # db.citetitle = notAllowed
- db.city = notAllowed
- db.classname = notAllowed
- db.classsynopsis = notAllowed
- db.classsynopsisinfo = notAllowed
- db.cmdsynopsis = notAllowed
- # db.co = notAllowed
- # db.code = notAllowed
- db.collab = notAllowed
- db.colophon = notAllowed
- # db.colspec = notAllowed
- # db.command = notAllowed
- db.computeroutput = notAllowed
- db.confdates = notAllowed
- db.confgroup = notAllowed
- db.confnum = notAllowed
- db.confsponsor = notAllowed
- db.conftitle = notAllowed
- # db.constant = notAllowed
- db.constraint = notAllowed
- db.constraintdef = notAllowed
- db.constructorsynopsis = notAllowed
- db.contractnum = notAllowed
- db.contractsponsor = notAllowed
- # db.contrib = notAllowed
- # db.copyright = notAllowed
- db.coref = notAllowed
- db.country = notAllowed
- # db.cover = notAllowed
- db.database = notAllowed
- # db.date = notAllowed
- db.dedication = notAllowed
- db.destructorsynopsis = notAllowed
- # db.edition = notAllowed
- # db.editor = notAllowed
- # db.email = notAllowed
- # db.emphasis = notAllowed
- # db.entry = notAllowed
- db.entrytbl = notAllowed
- # db.envar = notAllowed
- db.epigraph = notAllowed
- db.equation = notAllowed
- db.errorcode = notAllowed
- db.errorname = notAllowed
- db.errortext = notAllowed
- db.errortype = notAllowed
- # db.example = notAllowed
- db.exceptionname = notAllowed
- db.extendedlink = notAllowed
- db.fax = notAllowed
- db.fieldsynopsis = notAllowed
- # db.figure = notAllowed
- # db.filename = notAllowed
- # db.firstname = notAllowed
- db.firstterm = notAllowed
- db.footnote = notAllowed
- db.footnoteref = notAllowed
- db.foreignphrase = notAllowed
- # db.formalpara = notAllowed
- db.funcdef = notAllowed
- db.funcparams = notAllowed
- db.funcprototype = notAllowed
- db.funcsynopsis = notAllowed
- db.funcsynopsisinfo = notAllowed
- # db.function = notAllowed
- # db.glossary = notAllowed
- # db.glossdef = notAllowed
- # db.glossdiv = notAllowed
- # db.glossentry = notAllowed
- # db.glosslist = notAllowed
- # db.glosssee = notAllowed
- # db.glossseealso = notAllowed
- # db.glossterm = notAllowed
- db.group = notAllowed
- db.guibutton = notAllowed
- db.guiicon = notAllowed
- db.guilabel = notAllowed
- # db.guimenu = notAllowed
- db.guimenuitem = notAllowed
- db.guisubmenu = notAllowed
- db.hardware = notAllowed
- db.holder = notAllowed
- db.honorific = notAllowed
- # db.imagedata = notAllowed
- # db.imageobject = notAllowed
- db.imageobjectco = notAllowed
- # db.important = notAllowed
- # db.index = notAllowed
- # db.indexdiv = notAllowed
- # db.indexentry = notAllowed
- # db.indexterm = notAllowed
- # db.info = notAllowed
- db.informalequation = notAllowed
- # db.informalexample = notAllowed
- # db.informalfigure = notAllowed
- db.initializer = notAllowed
- db.inlineequation = notAllowed
- # db.inlinemediaobject = notAllowed
- db.interfacename = notAllowed
- db.issuenum = notAllowed
- # db.itemizedlist = notAllowed
- db.itermset = notAllowed
- db.jobtitle = notAllowed
- # db.keycap = notAllowed
- db.keycode = notAllowed
- # db.keycombo = notAllowed
- db.keysym = notAllowed
- # db.keyword = notAllowed
- # db.keywordset = notAllowed
- db.label = notAllowed
- # db.legalnotice = notAllowed
- db.lhs = notAllowed
- db.lineage = notAllowed
- db.lineannotation = notAllowed
- # db.link = notAllowed
- # db.listitem = notAllowed
- # db.literal = notAllowed
- db.literallayout = notAllowed
- db.locator = notAllowed
- db.manvolnum = notAllowed
- db.markup = notAllowed
- db.mathphrase = notAllowed
- # db.mediaobject = notAllowed
- # db.member = notAllowed
- # db.menuchoice = notAllowed
- db.methodname = notAllowed
- db.methodparam = notAllowed
- db.methodsynopsis = notAllowed
- db.modifier = notAllowed
- db.mousebutton = notAllowed
- db.msg = notAllowed
- db.msgaud = notAllowed
- db.msgentry = notAllowed
- # db.msgexplan = notAllowed
- db.msginfo = notAllowed
- db.msglevel = notAllowed
- db.msgmain = notAllowed
- db.msgorig = notAllowed
- db.msgrel = notAllowed
- # db.msgset = notAllowed
- db.msgsub = notAllowed
- # db.msgtext = notAllowed
- db.nonterminal = notAllowed
- # db.note = notAllowed
- db.olink = notAllowed
- db.ooclass = notAllowed
- db.ooexception = notAllowed
- db.oointerface = notAllowed
- # db.option = notAllowed
- db.optional = notAllowed
- # db.orderedlist = notAllowed
- db.org = notAllowed
- db.orgdiv = notAllowed
- db.orgname = notAllowed
- db.otheraddr = notAllowed
- # db.othercredit = notAllowed
- db.othername = notAllowed
- # db.package = notAllowed
- db.pagenums = notAllowed
- # db.para = notAllowed
- db.paramdef = notAllowed
- # db.parameter = notAllowed
- # db.part = notAllowed
- # db.partintro = notAllowed
- # db.person = notAllowed
- # db.personblurb = notAllowed
- # db.personname = notAllowed
- db.phone = notAllowed
- # db.phrase = notAllowed
- db.pob = notAllowed
- db.postcode = notAllowed
- # db.preface = notAllowed
- # db.primary = notAllowed
- db.primaryie = notAllowed
- db.printhistory = notAllowed
- # db.procedure = notAllowed
- db.production = notAllowed
- db.productionrecap = notAllowed
- db.productionset = notAllowed
- # db.productname = notAllowed
- # db.productnumber = notAllowed
- # db.programlisting = notAllowed
- db.programlistingco = notAllowed
- # db.prompt = notAllowed
- # db.property = notAllowed
- # db.pubdate = notAllowed
- db.publisher = notAllowed
- db.publishername = notAllowed
- # db.qandadiv = notAllowed
- # db.qandaentry = notAllowed
- # db.qandaset = notAllowed
- # db.question = notAllowed
- # db.quote = notAllowed
- db.refclass = notAllowed
- db.refdescriptor = notAllowed
- # db.refentry = notAllowed
- # db.refentrytitle = notAllowed
- # db.reference = notAllowed
- # db.refmeta = notAllowed
- # db.refmiscinfo = notAllowed
- # db.refname = notAllowed
- # db.refnamediv = notAllowed
- # db.refpurpose = notAllowed
- # db.refsection = notAllowed
- # db.refsynopsisdiv = notAllowed
- # db.releaseinfo = notAllowed
- # db.remark = notAllowed
- # db.replaceable = notAllowed
- db.returnvalue = notAllowed
- # db.revdescription = notAllowed
- # db.revhistory = notAllowed
- # db.revision = notAllowed
- # db.revnumber = notAllowed
- # db.revremark = notAllowed
- db.rhs = notAllowed
- # db.row = notAllowed
- db.sbr = notAllowed
- # db.screen = notAllowed
- db.screenco = notAllowed
- db.screenshot = notAllowed
- # db.secondary = notAllowed
- db.secondaryie = notAllowed
- db.section = notAllowed
- # db.see = notAllowed
- db.seealso = notAllowed
- db.seealsoie = notAllowed
- db.seeie = notAllowed
- db.seg = notAllowed
- db.seglistitem = notAllowed
- db.segmentedlist = notAllowed
- db.segtitle = notAllowed
- db.seriesvolnums = notAllowed
- # db.set = notAllowed
- db.setindex = notAllowed
- db.shortaffil = notAllowed
- db.shortcut = notAllowed
- db.sidebar = notAllowed
- db.simpara = notAllowed
- # db.simplelist = notAllowed
- # db.simplemsgentry = notAllowed
- db.simplesect = notAllowed
- # db.spanspec = notAllowed
- db.state = notAllowed
- # db.step = notAllowed
- # db.stepalternatives = notAllowed
- db.street = notAllowed
- db.subject = notAllowed
- db.subjectset = notAllowed
- db.subjectterm = notAllowed
- # db.subscript = notAllowed
- # db.substeps = notAllowed
- # db.subtitle = notAllowed
- # db.superscript = notAllowed
- # db.surname = notAllowed
- db.symbol = notAllowed
- db.synopfragment = notAllowed
- db.synopfragmentref = notAllowed
- db.synopsis = notAllowed
- # db.systemitem = notAllowed
- # db.tag = notAllowed
- # db.task = notAllowed
- # db.taskprerequisites = notAllowed
- # db.taskrelated = notAllowed
- # db.tasksummary = notAllowed
- # db.term = notAllowed
- db.termdef = notAllowed
- # db.tertiary = notAllowed
- db.tertiaryie = notAllowed
- db.textdata = notAllowed
- # db.textobject = notAllowed
- # db.tbody = notAllowed
- # db.tfoot = notAllowed
- # db.tgroup = notAllowed
- # db.tip = notAllowed
- # db.title = notAllowed
- # db.titleabbrev = notAllowed
- db.toc = notAllowed
- db.tocdiv = notAllowed
- db.tocentry = notAllowed
- db.token = notAllowed
- # db.trademark = notAllowed
- db.type = notAllowed
- # db.uri = notAllowed
- db.userinput = notAllowed
- db.varargs = notAllowed
- # db.variablelist = notAllowed
- # db.varlistentry = notAllowed
- # db.varname = notAllowed
- db.videodata = notAllowed
- db.videoobject = notAllowed
- db.void = notAllowed
- db.volumenum = notAllowed
- # db.warning = notAllowed
- db.wordasword = notAllowed
- # db.xref = notAllowed
- # db.year = notAllowed
- }
- # ======== Removed Attribute
- db.rdfalite.attributes = empty
- db.xlink.attributes = empty
- # Removed all db.common.linking.attributes from division elements
- db.acknowledgements.attlist =
- db.acknowledgements.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.label.attribute?
- & db.acknowledgements.status.attribute?
- db.appendix.attlist =
- db.appendix.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.label.attribute?
- & db.appendix.status.attribute?
- db.bibliography.attlist =
- db.bibliography.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.label.attribute?
- & db.bibliography.status.attrib?
- db.bibliodiv.attlist =
- db.bibliodiv.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.label.attribute?
- & db.bibliodiv.status.attrib?
- db.biblioentry.attlist =
- db.biblioentry.role.attribute? & db.common.attributes
- db.bibliomixed.attlist =
- db.bibliomixed.role.attribute? & db.common.attributes
- db.book.attlist =
- db.book.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.label.attribute?
- & db.book.status.attribute?
- db.chapter.attlist =
- db.chapter.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.label.attribute?
- & db.chapter.status.attribute?
- db.colophon.attlist =
- db.colophon.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.label.attribute?
- & db.colophon.status.attribute?
- db.dedication.attlist =
- db.dedication.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.label.attribute?
- & db.dedication.status.attribute?
- db.glossary.attlist =
- db.glossary.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.label.attribute?
- & db.glossary.status.attribute?
- db.glossdiv.attlist =
- db.glossdiv.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.label.attribute?
- & db.glossdiv.status.attribute?
- db.glossentry.attlist =
- db.glossentry.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.glossentry.sortas.attribute?
- db.part.attlist =
- db.part.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.label.attribute?
- & db.part.status.attribute?
- db.preface.attlist =
- db.preface.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.label.attribute?
- & db.preface.status.attribute?
- db.reference.attlist =
- db.reference.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.reference.status.attribute?
- & db.label.attribute?
- db.refentry.attlist =
- db.refentry.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.refentry.status.attribute?
- & db.label.attribute?
- db.refsection.attlist =
- db.refsection.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.refsection.status.attribute?
- & db.label.attribute?
- db.refsect1.attlist =
- db.refsect1.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.label.attribute?
- & db.refsect1.status.attribute?
- db.refsect2.attlist =
- db.refsect2.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.label.attribute?
- & db.refsect2.status.attribute?
- db.refnamediv.attlist =
- db.refnamediv.role.attribute? & db.common.attributes
- db.refsynopsisdiv.attlist =
- db.refsynopsisdiv.role.attribute? & db.common.attributes
- db.section.attlist =
- db.section.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.label.attribute?
- & db.section.status.attribute?
- db.sect1.attlist =
- db.sect1.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.label.attribute?
- & db.sect1.status.attribute?
- db.sect2.attlist =
- db.sect2.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.label.attribute?
- & db.sect2.status.attribute?
- db.sect3.attlist =
- db.sect3.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.label.attribute?
- & db.sect3.status.attribute?
- db.sect4.attlist =
- db.sect4.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.label.attribute?
- & db.sect4.status.attribute?
- db.sect5.attlist =
- db.sect5.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.label.attribute?
- & db.sect5.status.attribute?
- db.set.attlist =
- db.set.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.label.attribute?
- & db.set.status.attribute?
- db.simplesect.attlist =
- db.simplesect.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.label.attribute?
- & db.simplesect.status.attribute?
- db.topic.attlist =
- db.topic.role.attribute?
- & db.topic.type.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.label.attribute?
- & db.topic.status.attribute?
- # Removed all db.common.linking.attributes from block elements
- db.address.attlist =
- db.address.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.verbatim.attributes
- db.bibliolist.attlist =
- db.bibliolist.role.attribute? & db.common.attributes
- db.blockquote.attlist =
- db.blockquote.role.attribute? & db.common.attributes
- db.bridgehead.attlist =
- db.bridgehead.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.bridgehead.renderas.attribute?
- db.calloutlist.attlist =
- db.calloutlist.role.attribute? & db.common.attributes
- db.caution.attlist = db.caution.role.attribute? & db.common.attributes
- db.classsynopsis.attlist =
- db.classsynopsis.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.language.attribute?
- & db.classsynopsis.class.attribute?
- db.cmdsynopsis.attlist =
- db.cmdsynopsis.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.cmdsynopsis.sepchar.attribute?
- & db.cmdsynopsis.cmdlength.attribute?
- & db.cmdsynopsis.label.attribute?
- db.constraintdef.attlist =
- db.constraintdef.role.attribute? & db.common.attributes
- db.classsynopsisinfo.attlist =
- db.classsynopsisinfo.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.verbatim.attributes
- db.destructorsynopsis.attlist =
- db.destructorsynopsis.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.language.attribute?
- db.epigraph.attlist =
- db.epigraph.role.attribute? & db.common.attributes
- db.equation.attlist =
- db.equation.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.equation.label.attribute?
- & db.pgwide.attribute?
- & db.floatstyle.attribute?
- db.example.attlist =
- db.example.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.example.label.attribute?
- & db.example.floatstyle.attribute?
- & (db.example.width.attribute | db.example.pgwide.attribute)?
- db.fieldsynopsis.attlist =
- db.fieldsynopsis.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.language.attribute?
- db.figure.attlist =
- db.figure.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.figure.label.attribute?
- & db.figure.pgwide.attribute?
- & db.figure.floatstyle.attribute?
- db.funcsynopsis.attlist =
- db.funcsynopsis.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.language.attribute?
- db.glosslist.attlist =
- db.glosslist.role.attribute? & db.common.attributes
- db.important.attlist =
- db.important.role.attribute? & db.common.attributes
- db.informalexample.attlist =
- db.informalexample.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.informalexample.floatstyle.attribute?
- & (db.informalexample.width.attribute
- | db.informalexample.pgwide.attribute)?
- db.informalfigure.attlist =
- db.informalfigure.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.informalfigure.label.attribute?
- & db.informalfigure.pgwide.attribute?
- & db.informalfigure.floatstyle.attribute?
- db.cals.informaltable.attlist =
- db.cals.informaltable.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.tabstyle.attribute?
- & db.floatstyle.attribute?
- & db.orient.attribute?
- & db.colsep.attribute?
- & db.rowsep.attribute?
- & db.frame.attribute?
- & db.pgwide.attribute?
- & db.rowheader.attribute?
- db.itemizedlist.attlist =
- db.itemizedlist.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.spacing.attribute?
- & db.itemizedlist.mark.attribute?
- db.literallayout.attlist =
- db.literallayout.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- & db.verbatim.attributes
- & db.literallayout.class.attribute?
- db.mediaobject.attlist =
- db.mediaobject.role.attribute? & db.common.attributes
- db.methodsynopsis.attlist =
- db.methodsynopsis.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.language.attribute?
- db.msgset.attlist = db.msgset.role.attribute? & db.common.attributes
- db.note.attlist = db.note.role.attribute? & db.common.attributes
- db.orderedlist.attlist =
- db.orderedlist.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.spacing.attribute?
- & (db.orderedlist.continuation.attribute
- | db.orderedlist.startingnumber.attribute)?
- & db.orderedlist.inheritnum.attribute?
- & db.orderedlist.numeration.attribute?
- db.procedure.attlist =
- db.procedure.role.attribute? & db.common.attributes
- db.productionset.attlist =
- db.productionset.role.attribute? & db.common.attributes
- db.programlisting.attlist =
- db.programlisting.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.verbatim.attributes
- & db.programlisting.width.attribute?
- db.programlistingco.attlist =
- db.programlistingco.role.attribute? & db.common.attributes
- db.qandaset.attlist =
- db.qandaset.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.qandaset.defaultlabel.attribute?
- db.revhistory.attlist =
- db.revhistory.role.attribute? & db.common.attributes
- db.screen.attlist =
- db.screen.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.verbatim.attributes
- & db.screen.width.attribute?
- db.screenco.attlist =
- db.screenco.role.attribute? & db.common.attributes
- db.screenshot.attlist =
- db.screenshot.role.attribute? & db.common.attributes
- db.segmentedlist.attlist =
- db.segmentedlist.role.attribute? & db.common.attributes
- db.sidebar.attlist =
- db.sidebar.role.attribute?
- & db.sidebar.floatstyle.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- db.simplelist.attlist =
- db.simplelist.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.simplelist.type.attribute?
- & db.simplelist.columns.attribute?
- db.synopsis.attlist =
- db.synopsis.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.verbatim.attributes
- & db.synopsis.label.attribute?
- db.cals.table.attlist =
- db.cals.table.role.attribute?
- & db.cals.table.label.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.tabstyle.attribute?
- & db.floatstyle.attribute?
- & db.orient.attribute?
- & db.colsep.attribute?
- & db.rowsep.attribute?
- & db.frame.attribute?
- & db.pgwide.attribute?
- &
- ## Indicates if the short or long title should be used in a List of Tables
- attribute shortentry {
- ## Indicates that the full title should be used.
- "0"
- |
- ## Indicates that the short short title (titleabbrev) should be used.
- "1"
- }?
- &
- ## Indicates if the table should appear in a List of Tables
- attribute tocentry {
- ## Indicates that the table should not occur in the List of Tables.
- "0"
- |
- ## Indicates that the table should appear in the List of Tables.
- "1"
- }?
- & db.rowheader.attribute?
- db.task.attlist = db.task.role.attribute? & db.common.attributes
- db.tip.attlist = db.tip.role.attribute? & db.common.attributes
- db.variablelist.attlist =
- db.variablelist.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.spacing.attribute?
- & db.variablelist.termlength.attribute?
- db.warning.attlist = db.warning.role.attribute? & db.common.attributes
- # ========= Changed attributes
- db.link.attlist &= db.xlink.simple.link.attributes
- # ======== Changed content model
- # Admonitions
- div {
- db.admonition.blocks =
- # Removed caution
- db.important
- | db.note
- | db.tip
- | db.warning
- }
- # entry
- # div {
- # # Disallow admonitions in table s
- # db.entry = element entry {
- # db.entry.attlist,
- # (db.all.inlines* | db.some.blocks*)
- # }
- # }
- # We only want to support CALS tables
- db.informaltable.choice = notAllowed | db.cals.informaltable
- db.table.choice = notAllowed | db.cals.table
- db.html.table = notAllowed
- db.html.informaltable = notAllowed
- # para
- div {
- # Disallow xml:id in paras
- db.para.attlist =
- db.para.role.attribute?
- & db.common.base.attributes
- & db.annotations.attribute?
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- # We don't want block elements inside paras, imitate simpara
- db.para =
- ## A paragraph (without block elements)
- [
- s:pattern [
- name = "Root must have version"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:rule [
- context = "/db:para"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:assert [
- test = "@version"
- "The root element must have a version attribute."
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- ]
- element para {
- db.para.attlist,
- # db.para.info,
- (db.all.inlines)*
- }
- }
- # personname
- div {
- # Removed text
- db.personname =
- ## The personal name of an individual
- element personname {
- db.personname.attlist,
- (db.honorific
- | db.firstname
- | db.surname
- | db.lineage
- | db.othername)+
- }
- }
- # qandaentry
- div {
- # We need one question and one answer
- db.qandaentry =
- ## A question/answer set within a QandASet
- element qandaentry {
- db.qandaentry.attlist,
- db.qandaentry.info,
- db.question,
- db.answer
- }
- }
- # question
- div {
- # Removed label and question has to start with a para
- db.question =
- ## A question in a QandASet
- element question { db.question.attlist, db.para, db.all.blocks* }
- }
- # lists: itemizedlist, orderedlist, variablelist
- div {
- # Removed several block elements as child of list elements
- # db.all.blocks -> db.para.blocks
- db.calloutlist =
- ## A list of callout
- element calloutlist {
- db.calloutlist.attlist,
- db.calloutlist.info,
- # db.para.blocks*,
- db.callout+
- }
- db.itemizedlist =
- ## A list in which each entry is marked with a bullet or other dingbat
- element itemizedlist {
- db.itemizedlist.attlist,
- db.itemizedlist.info,
- # db.para.blocks*,
- db.listitem+
- }
- db.orderedlist =
- ## A list in which each entry is marked with a sequentially incremented label
- element orderedlist {
- db.orderedlist.attlist,
- db.orderedlist.info,
- # db.para.blocks*,
- db.listitem+
- }
- db.variablelist =
- ## A list in which each entry is composed of a set of one or more terms and an associated description
- element variablelist {
- db.variablelist.attlist,
- db.variablelist.info,
- # db.para.blocks*,
- db.varlistentry+
- }
- }
diff --git a/schema/rng/0.9/susedoc5-flat.rng b/schema/rng/0.9/susedoc5-flat.rng
deleted file mode 100644
index f9d5d762..00000000
--- a/schema/rng/0.9/susedoc5-flat.rng
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15363 +0,0 @@
- Any attribute, including any attribute in any namespace.
- Any element from almost any namespace
- Designates the computer or chip architecture to which the element applies
- Designates the intended audience to which the element applies, for example, system administrators, programmers, or new users.
- provides a standard place for application-specific effectivity
- Indicates standards conformance characteristics of the element
- Indicates the operating system to which the element is applicable
- Indicates the editorial revision to which the element belongs
- Indicates something about the security level associated with the element to which it applies
- Indicates the level of user experience for which the element applies
- Indicates the computer vendor to which the element applies.
- Indicates the word size (width in bits) of the computer architecture to which the element applies
- Indicates the output format (for example, print or epub) to which the element applies
- Points to the element whose content is to be used as the text of the link
- Points to an internal link target by identifying the value of its xml:id attribute
- Points to one or more internal link targets by identifying the value of their xml:id attributes
- Identifies a link target with a URI
- Identifies the XLink link type
- simple
- An XLink simple link type
- Identifies the XLink role of the link
- Identifies the XLink arcrole of the link
- Identifies the XLink title of the link
- new
- An application traversing to the ending resource should load it in a new window, frame, pane, or other relevant presentation context.
- replace
- An application traversing to the ending resource should load the resource in the same window, frame, pane, or other relevant presentation context in which the starting resource was loaded.
- embed
- An application traversing to the ending resource should load its presentation in place of the presentation of the starting resource.
- other
- The behavior of an application traversing to the ending resource is unconstrained by XLink. The application should look for other markup present in the link to determine the appropriate behavior.
- none
- The behavior of an application traversing to the ending resource is unconstrained by this specification. No other markup is present to help the application determine the appropriate behavior.
- Identifies the XLink show behavior of the link
- onLoad
- An application should traverse to the ending resource immediately on loading the starting resource.
- onRequest
- An application should traverse from the starting resource to the ending resource only on a post-loading event triggered for the purpose of traversal.
- other
- The behavior of an application traversing to the ending resource is unconstrained by this specification. The application should look for other markup present in the link to determine the appropriate behavior.
- none
- The behavior of an application traversing to the ending resource is unconstrained by this specification. No other markup is present to help the application determine the appropriate behavior.
- Identifies the XLink actuate behavior of the link
- Identifies the unique ID value of the element
- Specifies the DocBook version of the element and its descendants
- Specifies the natural language of the element and its descendants
- Specifies the base URI of the element and its descendants
- Provides the name or similar semantic identifier assigned to the content in some previous markup scheme
- Provides the text that is to be generated for a cross reference to the element
- Specifies a keyword or keywords identifying additional style information
- changed
- The element has been changed.
- added
- The element is new (has been added to the document).
- deleted
- The element has been deleted.
- off
- Explicitly turns off revision markup for this element.
- Identifies the revision status of the element
- ltr
- Left-to-right text
- rtl
- Right-to-left text
- lro
- Left-to-right override
- rlo
- Right-to-left override
- Identifies the direction of text in an element
- The RDFa Lite vocab
- The RDFa Lite typeof
- The RDFa Lite property
- The RDFa Lite resource
- The RDFa Lite prefix
- Specifies the format of the data
- Indentifies the location of the data by URI
- Identifies the location of the data by external identifier (entity name)
- continues
- Line numbering continues from the immediately preceding element with the same name.
- restarts
- Line numbering restarts (begins at 1, usually).
- Determines whether line numbering continues from the previous element or restarts.
- numbered
- Lines are numbered.
- unnumbered
- Lines are not numbered.
- Determines whether lines are numbered.
- Specifies the initial line number.
- Identifies the language (i.e. programming language) of the verbatim content.
- Can be used to indicate explicitly that whitespace in the verbatim environment is preserved. Whitespace must always be preserved in verbatim environments whether this attribute is specified or not.
- preserve
- Whitespace must be preserved.
- Specifies an identifying string for presentation purposes
- Specifies the width (in characters) of the element
- compact
- The spacing should be "compact".
- normal
- The spacing should be "normal".
- Specifies (a hint about) the spacing of the content
- 0
- The element should be rendered in the current text flow (with the flow column width).
- 1
- The element should be rendered across the full text page.
- Indicates if the element is rendered across the column or the page
- Identifies the language (i.e. programming language) of the content.
- optional
- The content describes an optional step or steps.
- required
- The content describes a required step or steps.
- Specifies if the content is required or optional.
- Specifies style information to be used when rendering the float
- Specifies the width of the element
- Specifies the depth of the element
- Specifies the width of the content rectangle
- Specifies the depth of the content rectangle
- 0
- False (do not scale-to-fit; anamorphic scaling may occur)
- 1
- True (scale-to-fit; anamorphic scaling is forbidden)
- Specifies the scaling factor
- Specifies a classid for a media object player
- Specifies the autoplay setting for a media object player
- center
- Centered horizontally
- char
- Aligned horizontally on the specified character
- justify
- Fully justified (left and right margins or edges)
- left
- Left aligned
- right
- Right aligned
- bottom
- Aligned on the bottom of the region
- middle
- Centered vertically
- top
- Aligned on the top of the region
- doi
- A digital object identifier.
- isbn
- An international standard book number.
- isrn
- An international standard technical report number (ISO 10444).
- issn
- An international standard serial number.
- istc
- An international standard text code.
- libraryofcongress
- A Library of Congress reference number.
- pubsnumber
- A publication number (an internal number or possibly organizational standard).
- uri
- A Uniform Resource Identifier
- Identifies the kind of bibliographic identifier
- Identifies the nature of the non-standard bibliographic identifier
- Identifies the kind of bibliographic identifier
- other
- Indicates that the identifier is some 'other' kind.
- The text of the title of a section of a document or of a formal block-level element
- A wrapper for information about a component or other block
- A wrapper for information about a component or other block with a required title
- A wrapper for information about a component or other block with only a title
- A wrapper for information about a component or other block with only a required title
- A wrapper for information about a component or other block without a title
- Identifies the controlled vocabulary used by this set's terms
- Specifies a ranking for this subject relative to other subjects in the same set
- One of a set of keywords describing the content of a document
- A list of operations to be performed in a well-defined sequence
- If this element is the root element, it must have a version attribute.
- A unit of action in a procedure
- If this element is the root element, it must have a version attribute.
- Alternative steps in a procedure
- If this element is the root element, it must have a version attribute.
- A wrapper for steps that occur within steps in a procedure
- A wrapper for identifying the results of a procedure or step
- A summary
- If this element is the root element, it must have a version attribute.
- A short description or note about a person
- If this element is the root element, it must have a version attribute.
- A quotation set off from the main text
- If this element is the root element, it must have a version attribute.
- sect1
- Render as a first-level section
- sect2
- Render as a second-level section
- sect3
- Render as a third-level section
- sect4
- Render as a fourth-level section
- sect5
- Render as a fifth-level section
- Indicates how the bridge head should be rendered
- Identifies the nature of the non-standard rendering
- Indicates how the bridge head should be rendered
- other
- Identifies a non-standard rendering
- A free-floating heading
- A remark (or comment) intended for presentation in a draft manuscript
- A paragraph with a title
- If this element is the root element, it must have a version attribute.
- continues
- Specifies that numbering should begin where the preceding list left off
- restarts
- Specifies that numbering should begin again at 1
- Indicates how list numbering should begin relative to the immediately preceding list
- Specifies the initial line number.
- ignore
- Specifies that numbering should ignore list nesting
- inherit
- Specifies that numbering should inherit from outer-level lists
- Indicates whether or not item numbering should be influenced by list nesting
- arabic
- Specifies Arabic numeration (1, 2, 3, …)
- upperalpha
- Specifies upper-case alphabetic numeration (A, B, C, …)
- loweralpha
- Specifies lower-case alphabetic numeration (a, b, c, …)
- upperroman
- Specifies upper-case Roman numeration (I, II, III, …)
- lowerroman
- Specifies lower-case Roman numeration (i, ii, iii …)
- Indicates the desired numeration
- Specifies the keyword for the type of mark that should be used on this
- item, instead of the mark that would be used by default
- A wrapper for the elements of a list item
- horiz
- A tabular presentation in row-major order.
- vert
- A tabular presentation in column-major order.
- inline
- An inline presentation, usually a comma-delimited list.
- Specifies the type of list presentation.
- Specifies the number of columns for horizontal or vertical presentation
- An undecorated list of single words or short phrases
- If this element is the root element, it must have a version attribute.
- Indicates a length beyond which the presentation system may consider a term too long and select an alternate presentation for that term, item, or list
- A wrapper for a set of terms and the associated description in a variable list
- The word or phrase being defined or described in a variable list
- A formal example, with a title
- example must not occur among the children or descendants of example
- figure must not occur among the children or descendants of example
- table must not occur among the children or descendants of example
- equation must not occur among the children or descendants of example
- If this element is the root element, it must have a version attribute.
- A displayed example without a title
- If this element is the root element, it must have a version attribute.
- monospaced
- The literal layout should be formatted with a monospaced font
- normal
- The literal layout should be formatted with the current font
- Specifies the class of literal layout
- Text that a user sees or might see on a computer screen
- If this element is the root element, it must have a version attribute.
- A formal figure, generally an illustration, with a title
- example must not occur among the children or descendants of figure
- figure must not occur among the children or descendants of figure
- table must not occur among the children or descendants of figure
- equation must not occur among the children or descendants of figure
- If this element is the root element, it must have a version attribute.
- A untitled figure
- If this element is the root element, it must have a version attribute.
- A displayed media object (video, audio, image, etc.)
- If this element is the root element, it must have a version attribute.
- An inline media object (video, audio, image, and so on)
- If this element is the root element, it must have a version attribute.
- A wrapper for image data and its associated meta-information
- If this element is the root element, it must have a version attribute.
- A wrapper for a text description of an object and its associated meta-information
- If this element is the root element, it must have a version attribute.
- Specifies the (horizontal) alignment of the video data
- Specifies the vertical alignment of the video data
- Determines if anamorphic scaling is forbidden
- Specifies the (horizontal) alignment of the video data
- Determines if anamorphic scaling is forbidden
- Specifies the vertical alignment of the video data
- Specifies the (horizontal) alignment of the image data
- Specifies the vertical alignment of the image data
- Determines if anamorphic scaling is forbidden
- Pointer to external image data
- If this element is the root element, it must have a version attribute.
- Identifies the encoding of the text in the external file
- Specifies the name of the parameter
- Specifies the value of the parameter
- Specifies the type of the value of the parameter
- Application specific parameters for a media player
- consortium
- A consortium
- corporation
- A corporation
- informal
- An informal organization
- nonprofit
- A non-profit organization
- Specifies the nature of the organization
- Specifies the nature of the organization
- other
- Indicates a non-standard organization class
- Identifies the non-standard nature of the organization
- Wrapper for author information when a document has multiple authors or collaborators
- hasformat
- The described resource pre-existed the referenced resource, which is essentially the same intellectual content presented in another format
- haspart
- The described resource includes the referenced resource either physically or logically
- hasversion
- The described resource has a version, edition, or adaptation, namely, the referenced resource
- isformatof
- The described resource is the same intellectual content of the referenced resource, but presented in another format
- ispartof
- The described resource is a physical or logical part of the referenced resource
- isreferencedby
- The described resource is referenced, cited, or otherwise pointed to by the referenced resource
- isreplacedby
- The described resource is supplanted, displaced, or superceded by the referenced resource
- isrequiredby
- The described resource is required by the referenced resource, either physically or logically
- isversionof
- The described resource is a version, edition, or adaptation of the referenced resource; changes in version imply substantive changes in content rather than differences in format
- references
- The described resource references, cites, or otherwise points to the referenced resource
- replaces
- The described resource supplants, displaces, or supersedes the referenced resource
- requires
- The described resource requires the referenced resource to support its function, delivery, or coherence of content
- Identifies the type of relationship
- Identifies the type of relationship
- othertype
- The described resource has a non-standard relationship with the referenced resource
- A keyword that identififes the type of the non-standard relationship
- dcmipoint
- The DCMI Point identifies a point in space using its geographic coordinates
- iso3166
- ISO 3166 Codes for the representation of names of countries
- dcmibox
- The DCMI Box identifies a region of space using its geographic limits
- tgn
- The Getty Thesaurus of Geographic Names
- Specifies the type of spatial coverage
- Specifies the type of spatial coverage
- otherspatial
- Identifies a non-standard type of coverage
- A keyword that identifies the type of non-standard coverage
- dcmiperiod
- A specification of the limits of a time interval
- w3c-dtf
- W3C Encoding rules for dates and times—a profile based on ISO 8601
- Specifies the type of temporal coverage
- Specifies the type of temporal coverage
- othertemporal
- Specifies a non-standard type of coverage
- A keyword that identifies the type of non-standard coverage
- A statement of legal obligations or requirements
- If this element is the root element, it must have a version attribute.
- copyeditor
- A copy editor
- graphicdesigner
- A graphic designer
- productioneditor
- A production editor
- technicaleditor
- A technical editor
- translator
- A translator
- indexer
- An indexer
- proofreader
- A proof-reader
- coverdesigner
- A cover designer
- interiordesigner
- An interior designer
- illustrator
- An illustrator
- reviewer
- A reviewer
- typesetter
- A typesetter
- conversion
- A converter (a persons responsible for conversion, not an application)
- Identifies the nature of the contributor
- Identifies the nature of the non-standard contribution
- Identifies the nature of the contributor
- other
- Identifies a non-standard contribution
- A person or entity, other than an author or editor, credited in a document
- A summary of the contributions made to a document by a credited source
- An inherited or family name; in western cultures the last name
- A history of the revisions to a document
- If this element is the root element, it must have a version attribute.
- An entry describing a single revision in the history of the revisions to a document
- command
- A command
- function
- A function
- option
- An option
- Identifies the class of parameter
- A value or a symbolic reference to a value
- command
- A command
- function
- A function
- option
- An option
- parameter
- A parameter
- Identifies the nature of the replaceable text
- Content that may or must be replaced by the user
- Identifies the type of URI specified
- A Uniform Resource Identifier
- article
- An article
- bbs
- A bulletin board system
- book
- A book
- cdrom
- chapter
- A chapter (as of a book)
- dvd
- emailmessage
- An email message
- gopher
- A gopher page
- journal
- A journal
- manuscript
- A manuscript
- newsposting
- A posting to a newsgroup
- part
- A part (as of a book)
- refentry
- A reference entry
- section
- A section (as of a book or article)
- series
- A series
- set
- A set (as of books)
- webpage
- A web page
- wiki
- A wiki page
- Identifies the nature of the publication being cited
- The title of a cited work
- A limited word or phrase in a language other than the primary language of the document
- A superscript (as in x2
-, the mathematical notation for x multiplied by itself)
- copyright
- A copyright
- registered
- A registered copyright
- service
- A service
- trade
- A trademark
- Identifies the class of trade mark
- A trademark
- A cross reference to another part of the document
- Holds additional information that may be used by the application when resolving the link
- Specifies the URI of the document in which the link target appears
- Specifies the location of the link target in the document
- Identifies application-specific customization of the link behavior
- A text-only annotation, often used for accessibility
- Identifies the editorial or publication status of the element on which it occurs
- A collection of books
- If this element is the root element, it must have a version attribute.
- A book
- If this element is the root element, it must have a version attribute.
- An appendix in a book or article
- If this element is the root element, it must have a version attribute.
- A chapter, as of a book
- If this element is the root element, it must have a version attribute.
- A division in a book
- If this element is the root element, it must have a version attribute.
- Introductory matter preceding the first chapter of a book
- If this element is the root element, it must have a version attribute.
- An introduction to the contents of a part
- If this element is the root element, it must have a version attribute.
- faq
- A collection of frequently asked questions.
- journalarticle
- An article in a journal or other periodical.
- productsheet
- A description of a product.
- specification
- A specification.
- techreport
- A technical report.
- whitepaper
- A white paper.
- Identifies the nature of the article
- An article
- If this element is the root element, it must have a version attribute.
- Identifies one or more annotations that apply to this element
- Identifies one ore more elements to which this annotation applies
- An annotation
- annotation must not occur among the children or descendants of annotation
- If this element is the root element, it must have a version attribute.
- Identifies the XLink extended link type
- An XLink extended type element may not occur as the direct child of an XLink extended type element.
- extended
- An XLink extended link type
- Identifies the XLink locator link type
- An XLink locator type element must occur as the direct child of an XLink extended type element.
- locator
- An XLink locator link type
- Identifies the XLink arc link type
- An XLink arc type element must occur as the direct child of an XLink extended type element.
- arc
- An XLink arc link type
- Identifies the XLink resource link type
- An XLink resource type element must occur as the direct child of an XLink extended type element.
- resource
- An XLink resource link type
- Identifies the XLink title link type
- An XLink title type element must occur as the direct child of an XLink extended, locator, or arc type element.
- title
- An XLink title link type
- Specifies the XLink traversal-from
- Specifies the XLink label
- Specifies the XLink traversal-to
- Identifies the XLink link type
- extended
- An XLink extended link
- Identifies the XLink link type
- locator
- An XLink locator link
- Identifies the XLink link type
- arc
- An XLink arc link
- A top-level section of document
- If this element is the root element, it must have a version attribute.
- A subsection within a sect1
- If this element is the root element, it must have a version attribute.
- A subsection within a sect2
- If this element is the root element, it must have a version attribute.
- A subsection within a sect3
- If this element is the root element, it must have a version attribute.
- A subsection within a sect4
- If this element is the root element, it must have a version attribute.
- A collection of reference entries
- If this element is the root element, it must have a version attribute.
- A reference page (originally a UNIX man-style reference page)
- If this element is the root element, it must have a version attribute.
- Meta-information for a reference entry
- source
- The name of the software product or component to which this topic applies
- version
- The version of the software product or component to which this topic applies
- manual
- The section title of the reference page (e.g., User Commands)
- sectdesc
- The section title of the reference page (believed synonymous with "manual" but in wide use)
- software
- The name of the software product or component to which this topic applies (e.g., SunOS x.y; believed synonymous with "source" but in wide use)
- Identifies the kind of miscellaneous information
- Identifies the nature of non-standard miscellaneous information
- Identifies the kind of miscellaneious information
- other
- Indicates that the information is some 'other' kind.
- Meta-information for a reference entry other than the title and volume number
- A short (one sentence) synopsis of the topic of a reference page
- A syntactic synopsis of the subject of the reference page
- If this element is the root element, it must have a version attribute.
- A recursive section in a refentry
- If this element is the root element, it must have a version attribute.
- A major subsection of a reference entry
- If this element is the root element, it must have a version attribute.
- A subsection of a refsect1
- If this element is the root element, it must have a version attribute.
- A subsection of a refsect2
- If this element is the root element, it must have a version attribute.
- Specifies the base form of the term, the one that appears in the glossary. This allows adjectival, plural, and other variations of the term to appear in the element. The element content is the default base form.
- A wrapper for a list of glossary entries
- If this element is the root element, it must have a version attribute.
- Specifies the string by which the element's content is to be sorted; if unspecified, the content is used
- An entry in a glossary or glosslist
- Specifies a list of keywords for the definition
- A definition in a glossentry
- Identifies the other term
- A cross-reference from one glossentry
- to another
- @otherterm on glosssee must point to a glossentry.
- Identifies the other term
- A cross-reference from one glossentry to another
- @otherterm on glossseealso must point to a glossentry.
- The first occurrence of a term, with limited content
- @linkend on firstterm must point to a glossentry.
- A glossary term
- @linkend on glossterm must point to a glossentry.
- A glossary term
- @linkend on glossterm must point to a glossentry.
- A glossary
- If this element is the root element, it must have a version attribute.
- A division in a glossary
- If this element is the root element, it must have a version attribute.
- Identifies the relationship between the bibliographic elemnts
- The units (for example, pages) used to identify the beginning and ending of a reference.
- Identifies the beginning of a reference; the location within the work that is being referenced.
- Identifies the end of a reference.
- normal
- Normal
- preferred
- Preferred
- Specifies the significance of the term
- Specifies the IDs of the elements to which this term applies
- Indicates the page on which this index term occurs in some version of the printed document
- all
- All indexes
- global
- The global index (as for a combined index of a set of books)
- local
- The local index (the index for this document only)
- Specifies the scope of the index term
- Specifies the string by which the term is to be sorted; if unspecified, the term content is used
- Specifies the target index for this term
- Identifies the class of index term
- singular
- A singular index term
- A wrapper for an indexed term
- Identifies the class of index term
- startofrange
- The start of a range
- A wrapper for an indexed term that covers a range
- Identifies the class of index term
- endofrange
- The end of a range
- Points to the start of the range
- Identifies the end of a range associated with an indexed term
- The primary word or phrase under which an index term should be sorted
- normal
- under
- Part of an index term directing the reader instead to another entry in the index
- An index to a book or part of a book
- If this element is the root element, it must have a version attribute.
- A division in an index
- If this element is the root element, it must have a version attribute.
- Indicates the page on which this element occurs in some version of the printed document
- A task to be completed
- If this element is the root element, it must have a version attribute.
- A summary of a task
- If this element is the root element, it must have a version attribute.
- The prerequisites for a task
- If this element is the root element, it must have a version attribute.
- Information related to a task
- If this element is the root element, it must have a version attribute.
- calspair
- Coordinates expressed as a pair of CALS graphic coordinates.
- linecolumn
- Coordinates expressed as a line and column.
- linecolumnpair
- Coordinates expressed as a pair of lines and columns.
- linerange
- Coordinates expressed as a line range.
- Identifies the units used in the coords attribute. The default units vary according to the type of callout specified: calspair
- for graphics and linecolumn
- for line-oriented elements.
- Indicates that non-standard units are used for this area
-. In this case otherunits
- must be specified.
- other
- Coordinates expressed in some non-standard units.
- Identifies the units used in the coords
- attribute when the units
- attribute is other
-. This attribute is forbidden otherwise.
- Identifies the areas described by this callout.
- A called out
- description of a marked area
- Point to the callout
-s which refer to this area. (This provides bidirectional linking which may be useful in online presentation.)
- Specifies an identifying number or string that may be used in presentation. The area label might be drawn on top of the figure, for example, at the position indicated by the coords attribute.
- Provides the coordinates of the area. The coordinates must be interpreted using the units
- specified.
- A region defined for a callout in a graphic or code example
- The location of a callout embedded in text
- Specifies a URI that points to a production
-where the nonterminal
- is defined
- Specifies the alignment character when align
- is set to char
- Specifies the percentage of the column's total width that should appear to the left of the first occurance of the character identified in char
- when align
- is set to char
- 0
- 100
- Specifies how the table is to be framed. Note that there is no way to obtain a border on only the starting edge (left, in left-to-right writing systems) of the table.
- all
- Frame all four sides of the table. In some environments with limited control over table border formatting, such as HTML, this may imply additional borders.
- bottom
- Frame only the bottom of the table.
- none
- Place no border on the table. In some environments with limited control over table border formatting, such as HTML, this may disable other borders as well.
- sides
- Frame the left and right sides of the table.
- top
- Frame the top of the table.
- topbot
- Frame the top and bottom of the table.
- Specifies the presence or absence of the column separator
- 0
- No column separator rule.
- 1
- Provide a column separator rule on the right
- Specifies the presence or absence of the row separator
- 0
- No row separator rule.
- 1
- Provide a row separator rule below
- Specifies the orientation of the table
- land
- 90 degrees counter-clockwise from the rest of the text flow.
- port
- The same orientation as the rest of the text flow.
- Specifies the table style
- Indicates whether or not the entries in the first column should be considered row headers
- firstcol
- Indicates that entries in the first column of the table are functionally row headers (analogous to the way that a thead provides column headers).
- headers
- Indicates that row headers are identified by use of the headers attribute on entries in the table.
- norowheader
- Indicates that entries in the first column have no special significance with respect to column headers.
- Specifies the horizontal alignment of text in an entry.
- center
- Centered.
- char
- Aligned on a particular character.
- justify
- Left and right justified.
- left
- Left justified.
- right
- Right justified.
- Specifies the vertical alignment of text in an entry.
- bottom
- Aligned on the bottom of the entry.
- middle
- Aligned in the middle.
- top
- Aligned at the top of the entry.
- Specifies a column specification by name.
- Specifies a starting column by name.
- Specifies a span by name.
- Specifies a starting column by name.
- Specifies an ending column by name.
- Provides a name for a column specification.
- Provides a name for a span specification.
- Additional style information for downstream processing; typically the name of a style.
- The number of columns in the table. Must be an integer greater than zero.
- A wrapper for the main content of a table, or part of a table
- The number of the column to which this specification applies. Must be greater than any preceding column number. Defaults to one more than the number of the preceding column, if there is one, or one.
- Specifies the width of the column.
- Specifications for a column in a table
- Specifies a starting column by name.
- Specifies an ending column by name.
- Formatting information for a spanned column in a table
- A table header consisting of one or more rows
- A table footer consisting of one or more rows
- A wrapper for the rows of a table or informal table
- Specifies the number of additional rows which this entry occupies. Defaults to zero.
- Specifies the rotation of this entry. A value of 1 (true) rotates the cell 90 degrees counter-clockwise. A value of 0 (false) leaves the cell unrotated.
- 0
- Do not rotate the cell.
- 1
- Rotate the cell 90 degrees counter-clockwise.
- Specifies the scope of a header.
- row
- Applies to the row
- col
- Applies to the column
- rowgroup
- Applies to the row group
- colgroup
- Applies to the column group
- Specifies the entry or entries which serve as headers for this element.
- A cell in a table
- table must not occur among the children or descendants of entry
- informaltable must not occur among the children or descendants of entry
- Additional style information for downstream processing; typically the name of a style.
- The number of columns in the entry table. Must be an integer greater than zero.
- A table header consisting of one or more rows
- A wrapper for the rows of a table or informal table
- A formal table in a document
- example must not occur among the children or descendants of table
- figure must not occur among the children or descendants of table
- equation must not occur among the children or descendants of table
- If this element is the root element, it must have a version attribute.
- A table without a title
- If this element is the root element, it must have a version attribute.
- This attribute assigns a class name or set of class names to an element. Any number of elements may be assigned the same class name or names. Multiple class names must be separated by white space characters.
- This attribute specifies style information for the current element.
- This attribute offers advisory information about the element for which it is set.
- This attribute specifies the base language of an element's attribute values and text content. The default value of this attribute is unknown.
- Occurs when the pointing device button is clicked over an element.
- Occurs when the pointing device button is double clicked over an element.
- Occurs when the pointing device button is pressed over an element.
- Occurs when the pointing device button is released over an element.
- Occurs when the pointing device is moved onto an element.
- Occurs when the pointing device is moved while it is over an element.
- Occurs when the pointing device is moved away from an element.
- Occurs when a key is pressed and released over an element.
- Occurs when a key is pressed down over an element.
- Occurs when a key is released over an element.
- Specifies the alignment of data and the justification of text in a cell.
- left
- Left-flush data/Left-justify text. This is the default value for table data.
- center
- Center data/Center-justify text. This is the default value for table headers.
- right
- Right-flush data/Right-justify text.
- justify
- Double-justify text.
- char
- Align text around a specific character. If a user agent doesn't support character alignment, behavior in the presence of this value is unspecified.
- This attribute specifies a single character within a text fragment to act as an axis for alignment. The default value for this attribute is the decimal point character for the current language as set by the lang attribute (e.g., the period in English and the comma in French). User agents are not required to support this attribute.
- When present, this attribute specifies the offset to the first occurrence of the alignment character on each line. If a line doesn't include the alignment character, it should be horizontally shifted to end at the alignment position. When charoff is used to set the offset of an alignment character, the direction of offset is determined by the current text direction (set by the dir attribute). In left-to-right texts (the default), offset is from the left margin. In right-to-left texts, offset is from the right margin. User agents are not required to support this attribute.
- An explicit offset.
- [0-9]+%
- A percentage offset.
- Specifies the vertical position of data within a cell.
- top
- Cell data is flush with the top of the cell.
- middle
- Cell data is centered vertically within the cell. This is the default value.
- bottom
- Cell data is flush with the bottom of the cell.
- baseline
- All cells in the same row as a cell whose valign attribute has this value should have their textual data positioned so that the first text line occurs on a baseline common to all cells in the row. This constraint does not apply to subsequent text lines in these cells.
- Provides a summary of the table's purpose and structure for user agents rendering to non-visual media such as speech and Braille.
- Specifies the desired width of the entire table and is intended for visual user agents. When the value is a percentage value, the value is relative to the user agent's available horizontal space. In the absence of any width specification, table width is determined by the user agent.
- An explicit width.
- [0-9]+%
- A percentage width.
- Specifies the width (in pixels only) of the frame around a table.
- Specifies which sides of the frame surrounding a table will be visible.
- void
- No sides. This is the default value.
- above
- The top side only.
- below
- The bottom side only.
- hsides
- The top and bottom sides only.
- lhs
- The left-hand side only.
- rhs
- The right-hand side only.
- vsides
- The right and left sides only.
- box
- All four sides.
- border
- All four sides.
- Specifies which rules will appear between cells within a table. The rendering of rules is user agent dependent.
- none
- No rules. This is the default value.
- groups
- Rules will appear between row groups (see thead, tfoot, and tbody) and column groups (see colgroup and col) only.
- rows
- Rules will appear between rows only.
- cols
- Rules will appear between columns only.
- all
- Rules will appear between all rows and columns.
- Specifies how much space the user agent should leave between the left side of the table and the left-hand side of the leftmost column, the top of the table and the top side of the topmost row, and so on for the right and bottom of the table. The attribute also specifies the amount of space to leave between cells.
- An explicit spacing.
- [0-9]+%
- A percentage spacing.
- Specifies the amount of space between the border of the cell and its contents. If the value of this attribute is a pixel length, all four margins should be this distance from the contents. If the value of the attribute is a percentage length, the top and bottom margins should be equally separated from the content based on a percentage of the available vertical space, and the left and right margins should be equally separated from the content based on a percentage of the available horizontal space.
- An explicit padding.
- [0-9]+%
- A percentage padding.
- Provides an abbreviated form of the cell's content and may be rendered by user agents when appropriate in place of the cell's content. Abbreviated names should be short since user agents may render them repeatedly. For instance, speech synthesizers may render the abbreviated headers relating to a particular cell before rendering that cell's content.
- This attribute may be used to place a cell into conceptual categories that can be considered to form axes in an n-dimensional space. User agents may give users access to these categories (e.g., the user may query the user agent for all cells that belong to certain categories, the user agent may present a table in the form of a table of contents, etc.). Please consult an HTML reference for more details.
- Specifies the list of header cells that provide header information for the current data cell. The value of this attribute is a space-separated list of cell names; those cells must be named by setting their id attribute. Authors generally use the headers attribute to help non-visual user agents render header information about data cells (e.g., header information is spoken prior to the cell data), but the attribute may also be used in conjunction with style sheets.
- Specifies the set of data cells for which the current header cell provides header information. This attribute may be used in place of the headers attribute, particularly for simple tables.
- row
- The current cell provides header information for the rest of the row that contains it
- col
- The current cell provides header information for the rest of the column that contains it.
- rowgroup
- The header cell provides header information for the rest of the row group that contains it.
- colgroup
- The header cell provides header information for the rest of the column group that contains it.
- Specifies the number of rows spanned by the current cell. The default value of this attribute is one (1
-). The value zero (0
-) means that the cell spans all rows from the current row to the last row of the table section (thead
-, tbody
-, or tfoot
-) in which the cell is defined.
- Specifies the number of columns spanned by the current cell. The default value of this attribute is one (1
-). The value zero (0
-) means that the cell spans all columns from the current column to the last column of the column group (colgroup
-) in which the cell is defined.
- An HTML table caption
- example must not occur among the children or descendants of caption
- figure must not occur among the children or descendants of caption
- table must not occur among the children or descendants of caption
- equation must not occur among the children or descendants of caption
- sidebar must not occur among the children or descendants of caption
- task must not occur among the children or descendants of caption
- caution must not occur among the children or descendants of caption
- important must not occur among the children or descendants of caption
- note must not occur among the children or descendants of caption
- tip must not occur among the children or descendants of caption
- warning must not occur among the children or descendants of caption
- If this element is the root element, it must have a version attribute.
- This attribute, whose value must be an integer > 0, specifies the number of columns spanned
- by the col
- element; the col
- element shares its attributes with all the columns it spans. The default value for this attribute is 1 (i.e., a single column). If the span attribute is set to N > 1, the current col
- element shares its attributes with the next N-1 columns.
- Specifies a default width for each column spanned by the current col
- element. It has the same meaning as the width
- attribute for the colgroup
- element and overrides it.
- Specifications for a column in an HTML table
- This attribute, which must be an integer > 0, specifies the number of columns in a column group. In the absence of a span attribute, each colgroup
- defines a column group containing one column. If the span attribute is set to N > 0, the current colgroup
- element defines a column group containing N columns. User agents must ignore this attribute if the colgroup
- element contains one or more col
- elements.
- This attribute specifies a default width for each column in the current column group. In addition to the standard pixel, percentage, and relative values, this attribute allows the special form 0*
- (zero asterisk) which means that the width of the each column in the group should be the minimum width necessary to hold the column's contents. This implies that a column's entire contents must be known before its width may be correctly computed. Authors should be aware that specifying 0*
- will prevent visual user agents from rendering a table incrementally. This attribute is overridden for any column in the column group whose width is specified via a col
- element.
- A group of columns in an HTML table
- A detailed set of messages, usually error messages
- If this element is the root element, it must have a version attribute.
- The audience to which the message relevant
- The origin of the message
- The level of importance or severity of a message
- A wrapper for a simpler entry in a message set
- Explanatory material relating to a message in a message set
- If this element is the root element, it must have a version attribute.
- none
- No labels
- number
- Numeric labels
- qanda
- "Q:" and "A:" labels
- Specifies the default labelling
- A question-and-answer set
- If this element is the root element, it must have a version attribute.
- A titled division in a qandaset
- If this element is the root element, it must have a version attribute.
- Specifies that the format of the data is MathML
- mathml
- Specifies MathML.
- A MathML expression in a media object
- If this element is the root element, it must have a version attribute.
- Specifies that the format of the data is SVG
- svg
- Specifies SVG.
- An SVG drawing in a media object
- If this element is the root element, it must have a version attribute.
- attribute
- An attribute
- attvalue
- An attribute value
- element
- An element
- emptytag
- An empty element tag
- endtag
- An end tag
- genentity
- A general entity
- localname
- The local name part of a qualified name
- namespace
- A namespace
- numcharref
- A numeric character reference
- paramentity
- A parameter entity
- pi
- A processing instruction
- prefix
- The prefix part of a qualified name
- comment
- An SGML comment
- starttag
- A start tag
- xmlpi
- An XML processing instruction
- Identifies the nature of the tag content
- Identifies the namespace of the tag content
- A component of XML (or SGML) markup
- Identifies the class of symbol
- limit
- The value is a limit of some kind
- Identifies the (computer) language of the code fragment
- An inline code fragment
- Identifies the class of constant
- limit
- The value is a limit of some kind
- A programming or system constant
- copyright
- A name with a copyright
- registered
- A name with a registered copyright
- service
- A name of a service
- trade
- A name which is trademarked
- Specifies the class of product name
- The formal name of a product
- altkey
- An alternate or secondary key
- constraint
- A constraint
- datatype
- A data type
- field
- A field
- foreignkey
- A foreign key
- group
- A group
- index
- An index
- key1
- The first or primary key
- key2
- An alternate or secondary key
- name
- A name
- primarykey
- The primary key
- procedure
- A (stored) procedure
- record
- A record
- rule
- A rule
- secondarykey
- The secondary key
- table
- A table
- user
- A user
- view
- A view
- Identifies the class of database artifact
- hardware
- A hardware application
- software
- A software application
- Identifies the class of application
- A selection or series of selections from a menu
- alt
- The "Alt" key
- altgr
- The "Alt Graph" key
- backspace
- The "Backspace" key
- command
- The "Command" key
- control
- The "Control" key
- delete
- The "Delete" key
- down
- The down arrow
- end
- The "End" key
- enter
- The "Enter" key
- escape
- The "Escape" key
- home
- The "Home" key
- insert
- The "Insert" key
- left
- The left arrow
- meta
- The "Meta" key
- option
- The "Option" key
- pagedown
- The page down key
- pageup
- The page up key
- right
- The right arrow
- return
- The "Return" key
- shift
- The "Shift" key
- space
- The spacebar
- tab
- The "Tab" key
- up
- The up arrow
- Identifies the function key
- Identifies the function key
- other
- Indicates a non-standard function key
- Specifies a keyword that identifies the non-standard key
- The text printed on a key on a keyboard
- click
- A (single) mouse click.
- double-click
- A double mouse click.
- press
- A mouse or key press.
- seq
- Sequential clicks or presses.
- simul
- Simultaneous clicks or presses.
- Identifies the nature of the action taken. If keycombo
- contains more than one element, simul
- is the default, otherwise there is no default.
- Identifies the nature of the action taken
- other
- Indicates a non-standard action
- Identifies the non-standard action in some unspecified way.
- A combination of input actions
- A character or string indicating the start of an input field in a computer display
- devicefile
- A device
- directory
- A directory
- extension
- A filename extension
- headerfile
- A header file (as for a programming language)
- libraryfile
- A library file
- partition
- A partition (as of a hard disk)
- symlink
- A symbolic link
- Identifies the class of filename
- Specifies the path of the filename
- The name of a file
- Specifies the character that should separate the command and its top-level arguments
- Indicates the displayed length of the command; this information may be used to intelligently indent command synopses which extend beyond one line
- norepeat
- Can not be repeated.
- repeat
- Can be repeated.
- Indicates whether or not repetition is possible.
- opt
- Formatted to indicate that it is optional.
- plain
- Formatted without indication.
- req
- Formatted to indicate that it is required.
- Indicates optionality.
- Indicates optionality.
- The name of a function or subroutine, as in a programming language
- opt
- Formatted to indicate that it is optional.
- req
- Formatted to indicate that it is required.
- Indicates optionality.
- class
- This is the synopsis of a class
- interface
- This is the synopsis of an interface
- Specifies the nature of the synopsis
- Can be used to indicate that whitespace in the modifier should be preserved (for multi-line annotations, for example).
- preserve
- Extra whitespace and line breaks must be preserved.
- A literal listing of all or part of a program
- If this element is the root element, it must have a version attribute.
- A note of caution
- caution must not occur among the children or descendants of caution
- important must not occur among the children or descendants of caution
- note must not occur among the children or descendants of caution
- tip must not occur among the children or descendants of caution
- warning must not occur among the children or descendants of caution
- If this element is the root element, it must have a version attribute.
- An admonition set off from the text
- caution must not occur among the children or descendants of important
- important must not occur among the children or descendants of important
- note must not occur among the children or descendants of important
- tip must not occur among the children or descendants of important
- warning must not occur among the children or descendants of important
- If this element is the root element, it must have a version attribute.
- A message set off from the text
- caution must not occur among the children or descendants of note
- important must not occur among the children or descendants of note
- note must not occur among the children or descendants of note
- tip must not occur among the children or descendants of note
- warning must not occur among the children or descendants of note
- If this element is the root element, it must have a version attribute.
- A suggestion to the user, set off from the text
- caution must not occur among the children or descendants of tip
- important must not occur among the children or descendants of tip
- note must not occur among the children or descendants of tip
- tip must not occur among the children or descendants of tip
- warning must not occur among the children or descendants of tip
- If this element is the root element, it must have a version attribute.
- An admonition set off from the text
- caution must not occur among the children or descendants of warning
- important must not occur among the children or descendants of warning
- note must not occur among the children or descendants of warning
- tip must not occur among the children or descendants of warning
- warning must not occur among the children or descendants of warning
- If this element is the root element, it must have a version attribute.
- daemon
- A daemon or other system process (syslogd)
- domainname
- A domain name (example.com)
- etheraddress
- An ethernet address (00:05:4E:49:FD:8E)
- event
- An event of some sort (SIGHUP)
- eventhandler
- An event handler of some sort (hangup)
- filesystem
- A filesystem (ext3)
- fqdomainname
- A fully qualified domain name (my.example.com)
- groupname
- A group name (wheel)
- ipaddress
- An IP address (
- library
- A library (libncurses)
- macro
- A macro
- netmask
- A netmask (
- newsgroup
- A newsgroup (comp.text.xml)
- osname
- An operating system name (Hurd)
- process
- A process (gnome-cups-icon)
- protocol
- A protocol (ftp)
- resource
- A resource
- securitycontext
- A security context (a role, permission, or security token, for example)
- server
- A server (mail.example.com)
- service
- A service (ppp)
- systemname
- A system name (hephaistos)
- username
- A user name (ndw)
- Identifies the nature of the system item
- Identifies the nature of the non-standard system item
- Identifies the kind of systemitemgraphic identifier
- other
- Indicates that the system item is some 'other' kind.
- A system-related item or term
- A unit of data associated with some part of a computer system
- Identifies the topic type
- A modular unit of documentation not part of any particular narrative flow
- If this element is the root element, it must have a version attribute.
- Indicates if the short or long title should be used in a List of Tables
- 0
- Indicates that the full title should be used.
- 1
- Indicates that the short short title (titleabbrev) should be used.
- Indicates if the table should appear in a List of Tables
- 0
- Indicates that the table should not occur in the List of Tables.
- 1
- Indicates that the table should appear in the List of Tables.
- A paragraph (without block elements)
- The root element must have a version attribute.
- A list of callout
- A list in which each entry is marked with a bullet or other dingbat
- A list in which each entry is marked with a sequentially incremented label
- A list in which each entry is composed of a set of one or more terms and an associated description
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/schema/rng/0.9/susedoc5.rnc b/schema/rng/0.9/susedoc5.rnc
deleted file mode 100644
index 45aa1fb5..00000000
--- a/schema/rng/0.9/susedoc5.rnc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,998 +0,0 @@
-# SUSEDoc5 Schema
-# See http://docbook.org/docs/howto
-# This schema is a customization of DocBook for SUSE documents
-# Author: Thomas Schraitle, 2015
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-include "docbookxi.rnc"
- # Redefine element pattern as notAllowed here as they are not needed:
- #
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- # cat db5-elements.txt | sed 's,=,= notAllowed,g' > db5-elements-notallowed.txt
- #
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- db.synopsis = notAllowed
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- # db.tag = notAllowed
- # db.task = notAllowed
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- # db.term = notAllowed
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- db.textdata = notAllowed
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- # db.title = notAllowed
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- }
- #======== Removed Attribute
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- & db.common.attributes
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- & db.bibliography.status.attrib?
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- & db.common.attributes
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- & db.bibliodiv.status.attrib?
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- & db.common.attributes
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- & db.common.attributes
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- & db.common.attributes
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- & db.dedication.status.attribute?
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- & db.common.attributes
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- & db.glossary.status.attribute?
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- db.glossdiv.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
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- & db.glossdiv.status.attribute?
- db.glossentry.attlist =
- db.glossentry.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.glossentry.sortas.attribute?
- db.part.attlist =
- db.part.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.label.attribute?
- & db.part.status.attribute?
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- & db.common.attributes
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- & db.common.attributes
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- & db.label.attribute?
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- & db.common.attributes
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- & db.label.attribute?
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- & db.common.attributes
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- & db.label.attribute?
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- & db.common.attributes
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- & db.common.attributes
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- & db.refsect2.status.attribute?
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- & db.common.attributes
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- & db.common.attributes
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- db.section.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.label.attribute?
- & db.section.status.attribute?
- db.sect1.attlist =
- db.sect1.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.label.attribute?
- & db.sect1.status.attribute?
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- db.sect2.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.label.attribute?
- & db.sect2.status.attribute?
- db.sect3.attlist =
- db.sect3.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.label.attribute?
- & db.sect3.status.attribute?
- db.sect4.attlist =
- db.sect4.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.label.attribute?
- & db.sect4.status.attribute?
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- db.sect5.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.label.attribute?
- & db.sect5.status.attribute?
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- & db.common.attributes
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- & db.set.status.attribute?
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- db.simplesect.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
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- & db.common.attributes
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- & db.topic.status.attribute?
- # Removed all db.common.linking.attributes from block elements
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- db.address.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.verbatim.attributes
- db.bibliolist.attlist =
- db.bibliolist.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- db.blockquote.attlist =
- db.blockquote.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
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- db.bridgehead.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.bridgehead.renderas.attribute?
- db.calloutlist.attlist =
- db.calloutlist.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- db.caution.attlist =
- db.caution.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- db.classsynopsis.attlist =
- db.classsynopsis.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.language.attribute?
- & db.classsynopsis.class.attribute?
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- db.cmdsynopsis.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.cmdsynopsis.sepchar.attribute?
- & db.cmdsynopsis.cmdlength.attribute?
- & db.cmdsynopsis.label.attribute?
- db.constraintdef.attlist =
- db.constraintdef.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- db.classsynopsisinfo.attlist =
- db.classsynopsisinfo.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.verbatim.attributes
- db.destructorsynopsis.attlist =
- db.destructorsynopsis.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.language.attribute?
- db.epigraph.attlist =
- db.epigraph.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
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- db.equation.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.equation.label.attribute?
- & db.pgwide.attribute?
- & db.floatstyle.attribute?
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- db.example.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.example.label.attribute?
- & db.example.floatstyle.attribute?
- & (db.example.width.attribute | db.example.pgwide.attribute)?
- db.fieldsynopsis.attlist =
- db.fieldsynopsis.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.language.attribute?
- db.figure.attlist =
- db.figure.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.figure.label.attribute?
- & db.figure.pgwide.attribute?
- & db.figure.floatstyle.attribute?
- db.funcsynopsis.attlist =
- db.funcsynopsis.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.language.attribute?
- db.glosslist.attlist =
- db.glosslist.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- db.important.attlist =
- db.important.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- db.informalexample.attlist =
- db.informalexample.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.informalexample.floatstyle.attribute?
- & (db.informalexample.width.attribute | db.informalexample.pgwide.attribute)?
- db.informalfigure.attlist =
- db.informalfigure.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.informalfigure.label.attribute?
- & db.informalfigure.pgwide.attribute?
- & db.informalfigure.floatstyle.attribute?
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- db.cals.informaltable.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.tabstyle.attribute?
- & db.floatstyle.attribute?
- & db.orient.attribute?
- & db.colsep.attribute?
- & db.rowsep.attribute?
- & db.frame.attribute?
- & db.pgwide.attribute?
- & db.rowheader.attribute?
- db.itemizedlist.attlist =
- db.itemizedlist.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.spacing.attribute?
- & db.itemizedlist.mark.attribute?
- db.literallayout.attlist =
- db.literallayout.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- & db.verbatim.attributes
- & db.literallayout.class.attribute?
- db.mediaobject.attlist =
- db.mediaobject.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- db.methodsynopsis.attlist =
- db.methodsynopsis.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.language.attribute?
- db.msgset.attlist =
- db.msgset.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- db.note.attlist =
- db.note.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- db.orderedlist.attlist =
- db.orderedlist.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.spacing.attribute?
- & (db.orderedlist.continuation.attribute
- | db.orderedlist.startingnumber.attribute)?
- & db.orderedlist.inheritnum.attribute?
- & db.orderedlist.numeration.attribute?
- db.procedure.attlist =
- db.procedure.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
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- db.productionset.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
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- db.programlisting.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.verbatim.attributes
- & db.programlisting.width.attribute?
- db.programlistingco.attlist =
- db.programlistingco.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- db.qandaset.attlist =
- db.qandaset.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.qandaset.defaultlabel.attribute?
- db.revhistory.attlist =
- db.revhistory.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- db.screen.attlist =
- db.screen.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.verbatim.attributes
- & db.screen.width.attribute?
- db.screenco.attlist =
- db.screenco.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- db.screenshot.attlist =
- db.screenshot.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- db.segmentedlist.attlist =
- db.segmentedlist.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- db.sidebar.attlist =
- db.sidebar.role.attribute?
- & db.sidebar.floatstyle.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- db.simplelist.attlist =
- db.simplelist.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.simplelist.type.attribute?
- & db.simplelist.columns.attribute?
- db.synopsis.attlist =
- db.synopsis.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.verbatim.attributes
- & db.synopsis.label.attribute?
- db.cals.table.attlist =
- db.cals.table.role.attribute?
- & db.cals.table.label.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.tabstyle.attribute?
- & db.floatstyle.attribute?
- & db.orient.attribute?
- & db.colsep.attribute?
- & db.rowsep.attribute?
- & db.frame.attribute?
- & db.pgwide.attribute?
- &
- ## Indicates if the short or long title should be used in a List of Tables
- attribute shortentry {
- ## Indicates that the full title should be used.
- "0"
- |
- ## Indicates that the short short title (titleabbrev) should be used.
- "1"
- }?
- &
- ## Indicates if the table should appear in a List of Tables
- attribute tocentry {
- ## Indicates that the table should not occur in the List of Tables.
- "0"
- |
- ## Indicates that the table should appear in the List of Tables.
- "1"
- }?
- & db.rowheader.attribute?
- db.task.attlist =
- db.task.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- db.tip.attlist =
- db.tip.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- db.variablelist.attlist =
- db.variablelist.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- & db.spacing.attribute?
- & db.variablelist.termlength.attribute?
- db.warning.attlist =
- db.warning.role.attribute?
- & db.common.attributes
- #========= Changed attributes
- db.link.attlist &= db.xlink.simple.link.attributes
- #======== Changed content model
- # Admonitions
- div {
- db.admonition.blocks =
- # Removed caution
- db.important | db.note | db.tip | db.warning
- }
- # entry
- #div {
- # # Disallow admonitions in table s
- # db.entry = element entry {
- # db.entry.attlist,
- # (db.all.inlines* | db.some.blocks*)
- # }
- #}
- # We only want to support CALS tables
- db.informaltable.choice = notAllowed | db.cals.informaltable
- db.table.choice = notAllowed | db.cals.table
- db.html.table = notAllowed
- db.html.informaltable = notAllowed
- # para
- div {
- # Disallow xml:id in paras
- db.para.attlist =
- db.para.role.attribute?
- & db.common.base.attributes
- & db.annotations.attribute?
- & db.common.linking.attributes
- # We don't want block elements inside paras, imitate simpara
- db.para =
- ## A paragraph (without block elements)
- [
- s:pattern [
- name = "Root must have version"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:rule [
- context = "/db:para"
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- s:assert [
- test = "@version"
- "The root element must have a version attribute."
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- "\x{a}" ~
- " "
- ]
- ]
- element para {
- db.para.attlist,
- # db.para.info,
- (db.all.inlines)*
- }
- }
- # personname
- div {
- # Removed text
- db.personname =
- ## The personal name of an individual
- element personname {
- db.personname.attlist,
- (db.honorific
- | db.firstname
- | db.surname
- | db.lineage
- | db.othername)+
- }
- }
- # qandaentry
- div {
- # We need one question and one answer
- db.qandaentry =
- ## A question/answer set within a QandASet
- element qandaentry {
- db.qandaentry.attlist,
- db.qandaentry.info,
- db.question,
- db.answer
- }
- }
- # question
- div {
- # Removed label and question has to start with a para
- db.question =
- ## A question in a QandASet
- element question {
- db.question.attlist,
- db.para,
- db.all.blocks*
- }
- }
- # lists: itemizedlist, orderedlist, variablelist
- div {
- # Removed several block elements as child of list elements
- # db.all.blocks -> db.para.blocks
- db.calloutlist =
- ## A list of callout
- element calloutlist {
- db.calloutlist.attlist,
- db.calloutlist.info,
- # db.para.blocks*,
- db.callout+
- }
- db.itemizedlist =
- ## A list in which each entry is marked with a bullet or other dingbat
- element itemizedlist {
- db.itemizedlist.attlist,
- db.itemizedlist.info,
- # db.para.blocks*,
- db.listitem+
- }
- db.orderedlist =
- ## A list in which each entry is marked with a sequentially incremented label
- element orderedlist {
- db.orderedlist.attlist,
- db.orderedlist.info,
- # db.para.blocks*,
- db.listitem+
- }
- db.variablelist =
- ## A list in which each entry is composed of a set of one or more terms and an associated description
- element variablelist {
- db.variablelist.attlist,
- db.variablelist.info,
- # db.para.blocks*,
- db.varlistentry+
- }
- }
-} # end of include
-# Redefine content modell here:
-# --- EOF ---
diff --git a/schema/rng/1.0/novdocx.rnc b/schema/rng/1.0/novdocx.rnc
deleted file mode 100644
index da0035d3..00000000
--- a/schema/rng/1.0/novdocx.rnc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1120 +0,0 @@
-# ......................................................................
-# novdoc DTD V1.0 ......................................................
-# File novdoc.dtd ......................................................
-# novdocx.dtd is a subset of DocBook and all instances should be valid
-# DocBook files, however, the docbookx.dtd is not directly referenced.
-# Please use the following formal public identifier:
-# "-//Novell//DTD NovDoc XML V1.0//EN" "novdocx.dtd"
-# The following is copyright information required for the docbook dtd:
-# Copyright 1992-2002 HaL Computer Systems, Inc.,
-# O'Reilly & Associates, Inc., ArborText, Inc., Fujitsu Software
-# Corporation, Norman Walsh, Sun Microsystems, Inc., and the
-# Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information
-# Standards (OASIS).
-# $Id: novdocx.dtd 42467 2009-06-22 16:16:33Z toms $
-# Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute the DocBook XML DTD
-# and its accompanying documentation for any purpose and without fee
-# is hereby granted in perpetuity, provided that the above copyright
-# notice and this paragraph appear in all copies. The copyright
-# holders make no representation about the suitability of the DTD for
-# any purpose. It is provided "as is" without expressed or implied
-# warranty.
-namespace a = "http://relaxng.org/ns/compatibility/annotations/1.0"
-namespace xi = "http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude"
-\include = element xi:include { attlist_include, fallback? }
-attlist_include &=
- attribute href { text }?,
- [ a:defaultValue = "xml" ] attribute parse { "xml" | "text" }?,
- attribute xpointer { text }?,
- attribute encoding { text }?,
- attribute accept { text }?,
- attribute accept-language { text }?,
- attribute os { text }?,
- attribute arch { text }?
-fallback = element xi:fallback { attlist_fallback, any }
-attlist_fallback &= empty
-xi_include.def = notAllowed
-xi_include.opt = notAllowed
-admonitions = important | note | tip | warning
-lists =
- itemizedlist | orderedlist | simplelist | variablelist | calloutlist
-tables = table | informaltable
-figures = figure | informalfigure
-# CHANGE_SEP_28 added bridgehead to common group and removed the other specific instances
-common =
- bridgehead | example | screen | remark | para | formalpara | indexterm
-all = admonitions | lists | figures | tables | common | xi_include.def
-xrefinlines = xref | link | ulink
-coreinlines =
- command
- | envar
- | productname
- | literal
- | emphasis
- | option
- | replaceable
- | remark
- | filename
- | citetitle
- | quote
- | phrase
- | systemitem
- | guimenu
- | subscript
- | superscript
- | trademark
- | varname
-basicinlines = coreinlines | indexterm
-guiinlines = keycombo | keycap | menuchoice
-allinlines = xrefinlines | basicinlines | guiinlines | inlinemediaobject
-# Profiling information (attributes)
-profiling.attributes =
- attribute os { text }?,
- attribute arch { text }?,
- attribute condition { text }?
-xmlbase = attribute xml:base { text }?
-set =
- element set {
- attlist_set,
- title, subtitle?, titleabbrev?,
- setinfo?,
- toc?,
- (book | xi_include.def)+,
- setindex?
- }
-setinfo =
- element setinfo {
- attlist_setinfo,
- productname*,
- productnumber*,
- date?,
- releaseinfo?,
- legalnotice*,
- authorgroup*,
- abstract*
- }
-book =
- element book {
- attlist_book,
- bookinfo,
- (preface? | xi_include.opt),
- (part | chapter | article | xi_include.def)+,
- (appendix | glossary | xi_include.def)*,
- index?
- }
-# change require title in bookinfo this will be full book title used for links to bookinfo but not displayed
-bookinfo =
- element bookinfo {
- attlist_bookinfo,
- title,
- productname+,
- productnumber?,
- date?,
- releaseinfo?,
- titleabbrev?,
- (legalnotice | xi_include.def)+,
- authorgroup*,
- abstract*
- }
-article =
- element article {
- attlist_article,
- title,
- subtitle?,
- articleinfo?,
- (((calloutlist
- | itemizedlist
- | orderedlist
- | variablelist
- | important
- | note
- | tip
- | warning
- | screen
- | formalpara
- | para
- | mediaobject
- | informaltable
- | example
- | figure
- | table
- | procedure
- | qandaset
- | bridgehead
- | remark
- | abstract
- | indexterm
- | xi_include.def)+,
- (sect1* | (refentry | xi_include.def)*))
- | (sect1+ | (refentry | xi_include.def)+)),
- (index | glossary | appendix | xi_include.def)*
- }
-articleinfo =
- element articleinfo {
- attlist_articleinfo,
- (author
- | authorgroup
- | date
- | releaseinfo
- | productname
- | productnumber
- | legalnotice
- | indexterm
- | abstract
- | xi_include.def)+
- }
-preface =
- element preface {
- attlist_preface,
- title,
- (((all | procedure | qandaset)+, sect1*)
- | sect1+)
- }
-part =
- element part {
- attlist_part,
- title,
- partintro?,
- (((chapter | xi_include.def)+, appendix*)
- | appendix+)
- }
-# CHANGE_SEP_28 added msgset to Appendix, Chapter and Sect1
-appendix =
- element appendix {
- attlist_appendix,
- title,
- (all | procedure | qandaset)+,
- (sect1* | refentry* | msgset?)
- }
-chapter =
- element chapter {
- attlist_chapter,
- title,
- (abstract | all | procedure | qandaset)+,
- (sect1* | refentry* | msgset? | xi_include.opt)
- }
-abstract = element abstract { attlist_abstract, title?, para+ }
-index = element index { attlist_index, empty }
-setindex = element setindex { attlist_setindex, empty }
-toc = element toc { attlist_toc, empty }
-attlist_toc &= empty
-# sections
-sect1 =
- element sect1 {
- attlist_sect1,
- title,
- (all | procedure | qandaset)+,
- (sect2* | refentry* | msgset?)
- }
-sect2 =
- element sect2 {
- attlist_sect2, title, (all | procedure | qandaset)+, sect3*
- }
-sect3 =
- element sect3 {
- attlist_sect3, title, (all | procedure | qandaset)+, sect4*
- }
-sect4 =
- element sect4 { attlist_sect4, title, (all | procedure | qandaset)+ }
-partintro = element partintro { attlist_partintro, all+, sect1* }
-# inlines
-application =
- element application { attlist_application, (text | phrase | remark)* }
-command =
- element command {
- attlist_command, (text | option | replaceable | remark)*
- }
-envar = element envar { attlist_envar, text }
-literal =
- element literal { attlist_literal, (text | replaceable | remark)* }
-emphasis =
- element emphasis {
- attlist_emphasis, (text | xrefinlines | basicinlines | guiinlines)*
- }
-citetitle =
- element citetitle {
- attlist_citetitle, (text | phrase | remark | xrefinlines)*
- }
-option =
- element option { attlist_option, (text | replaceable | remark)* }
-replaceable =
- element replaceable { attlist_replaceable, (text | remark)* }
-filename =
- element filename { attlist_filename, (text | replaceable | remark)* }
-# CHANGE quote can contain other inlines
-quote = element quote { attlist_quote, (text | allinlines)* }
-phrase = element phrase { attlist_phrase, (text | allinlines)* }
-productname =
- element productname {
- attlist_productname, (text | phrase | remark | superscript)*
- }
-productnumber =
- element productnumber {
- attlist_productnumber, ( text | remark | superscript)*
- }
-systemitem = element systemitem { attlist_systemitem, (text | remark)* }
-varname = element varname { attlist_varname, text }
-attlist_varname &= empty
-# Curtis, do we need that according to legal issues?
-trademark = element trademark { attlist_trademark, text }
-co = element co { attlist_co, empty }
-xref = element xref { attlist_xref, empty }
-link = element link { attlist_link, (text | basicinlines)* }
-ulink = element ulink { attlist_ulink, (text | basicinlines)* }
-keycombo = element keycombo { attlist_keycombo, keycap+ }
-keycap = element keycap { attlist_keycap, (text | remark)* }
-menuchoice =
- element menuchoice { attlist_menuchoice, shortcut?, guimenu+ }
-# toms
-shortcut = element shortcut { attlist_shortcut, (keycombo | keycap+) }
-guimenu = element guimenu { attlist_guimenu, text }
-subscript = element subscript { attlist_subscript, (text | remark)* }
-superscript =
- element superscript { attlist_superscript, (text | remark)* }
-# common
-bridgehead =
- element bridgehead { attlist_bridgehead, (text | coreinlines)* }
-title = element title { attlist_title, (text | coreinlines)* }
-subtitle = element subtitle { attlist_subtitle, (text | coreinlines)* }
-attlist_subtitle &= empty
-titleabbrev =
- element titleabbrev { attlist_titleabbrev, (text | coreinlines)* }
-example =
- element example {
- attlist_example,
- title,
- (lists | formalpara | para | screen | indexterm)+
- }
-para = element para { attlist_para, (text | allinlines)* }
-formalpara = element formalpara { attlist_formalpara, title, para }
-# change add replaceable, command, emphasis, option and xrefinlines to screen
-screen =
- element screen {
- attlist_screen,
- (text
- | co
- | emphasis
- | replaceable
- | command
- | option
- | phrase
- | xrefinlines)*
- }
-remark = element remark { attlist_remark, (text | allinlines)* }
-# admonitions
-admonition.module =
- title?,
- (para
- | remark
- | screen
- | simplelist
- | itemizedlist
- | variablelist
- | orderedlist)+
-tip = element tip { attlist_tip, admonition.module }
-important = element important { attlist_important, admonition.module }
-note = element note { attlist_note, admonition.module }
-warning = element warning { attlist_warning, admonition.module }
-# lists
-itemizedlist =
- element itemizedlist {
- attlist_itemizedlist, title?, remark*, listitem+
- }
-orderedlist =
- element orderedlist {
- attlist_orderedlist, title?, remark*, listitem+
- }
-simplelist = element simplelist { attlist_simplelist, member+ }
-variablelist =
- element variablelist {
- attlist_variablelist, title?, remark*, varlistentry+
- }
-# calloutlist is used with co tag to callout sections within screen
-# we should review the use of calloutlist, callout and co
-calloutlist = element calloutlist { attlist_calloutlist, callout+ }
-callout =
- element callout {
- attlist_callout,
- (para | remark | lists | admonitions | screen | indexterm)+
- }
-listitem = element listitem { attlist_listitem, all+ }
-member = element member { attlist_member, (text | allinlines)* }
-varlistentry =
- element varlistentry { attlist_varlistentry, term+, listitem }
-term = element term { attlist_term, (text | allinlines)* }
-# procedure
-procedure = element procedure { attlist_procedure, title?, all*, step+ }
-step =
- element step { attlist_step, (para | formalpara), all*, substeps* }
-substeps = element substeps { attlist_substeps, step+ }
-# tables
-informaltable = element informaltable { attlist_informaltable, tgroup }
-table = element table { attlist_table, title, tgroup }
-tgroup = element tgroup { attlist_tgroup, colspec*, thead?, tbody }
-colspec = element colspec { attlist_colspec, empty }
-thead = element thead { attlist_thead, colspec*, row+ }
-tbody = element tbody { attlist_tbody, row+ }
-row = element row { attlist_row, entry+ }
-# novdoc entry included tblhead and tsubhead for which no docbook
-# counterpart exists. May need to find alternatives?
-entry =
- element entry {
- attlist_entry,
- (admonitions
- | mediaobject
- | para
- | screen
- | formalpara
- | itemizedlist
- | orderedlist
- | simplelist
- | remark)*
- }
-# figures
-figure = element figure { attlist_figure, title, mediaobject+ }
-informalfigure =
- element informalfigure { attlist_informalfigure, mediaobject+ }
-# provo doc has required a text description for all graphics where suse
-# has not. textobject is optional but we might discuss this further
-inlinemediaobject =
- element inlinemediaobject {
- attlist_inlinemediaobject, textobject?, imageobject+
- }
-mediaobject =
- element mediaobject { attlist_mediaobject, textobject*, imageobject+ }
-imageobject = element imageobject { attlist_imageobject, imagedata }
-imagedata = element imagedata { attlist_imagedata, empty }
-textobject = element textobject { attlist_textobject, phrase }
-# QandASet
-qandaset =
- element qandaset {
- attlist_qandaset, (remark | indexterm)*, (qandadiv+ | qandaentry+)
- }
-attlist_qandaset &=
- attribute defaultlabel { "none" | "number" | "qanda" }?,
- profiling.attributes,
- xmlbase
-qandadiv =
- element qandadiv {
- attlist_qandadiv, title, (remark | indexterm)*, qandaentry+
- }
-attlist_qandadiv &=
- profiling.attributes,
- attribute id { xsd:ID }?,
- xmlbase
-qandaentry = element qandaentry { attlist_qandaentry, question, answer }
-attlist_qandaentry &=
- profiling.attributes,
- attribute id { xsd:ID }?,
- xmlbase
-question =
- element question {
- attlist_question,
- label?,
- para,
- (calloutlist
- | itemizedlist
- | orderedlist
- | variablelist
- | important
- | note
- | tip
- | warning
- | screen
- | formalpara
- | para
- | mediaobject
- | informalfigure
- | informaltable
- | example
- | figure
- | table
- | procedure
- | remark
- | indexterm)*
- }
-attlist_question &= profiling.attributes, xmlbase
-answer =
- element answer {
- attlist_answer,
- label?,
- (calloutlist
- | itemizedlist
- | orderedlist
- | variablelist
- | important
- | note
- | tip
- | warning
- | screen
- | formalpara
- | para
- | mediaobject
- | informalfigure
- | informaltable
- | example
- | figure
- | table
- | procedure
- | remark
- | indexterm)+
- }
-attlist_answer &= profiling.attributes, xmlbase
-label =
- element label {
- attlist_label,
- (text
- | emphasis
- | trademark
- | ulink
- | remark
- | subscript
- | superscript
- | indexterm)*
- }
-attlist_label &= empty
-# glossary
-glossary =
- element glossary {
- attlist_glossary,
- title,
- (para | formalpara | remark)*,
- (glossentry+ | glossdiv+)
- }
-glossdiv =
- element glossdiv { attlist_glossdiv, title, remark*, glossentry+ }
-glossentry =
- element glossentry { attlist_glossentry, glossterm, glossdef+ }
-glossterm =
- element glossterm { attlist_glossterm, (text | basicinlines)* }
-glossdef = element glossdef { attlist_glossdef, (para | remark)+ }
-# indexterm
-indexterm =
- element indexterm {
- attlist_indexterm,
- primary?,
- ((secondary,
- ((tertiary, (see | seealso+)?)
- | see
- | seealso+)?)
- | see
- | seealso+)?
- }
-# content for these????
-primary = element primary { attlist_primary, (text | phrase)* }
-secondary = element secondary { attlist_secondary, (text | phrase)* }
-tertiary = element tertiary { attlist_tertiary, (text | phrase)* }
-see = element see { attlist_see, (text | phrase)* }
-seealso = element seealso { attlist_seealso, (text | phrase)* }
-# authorgroup
-authorgroup = element authorgroup { attlist_authorgroup, author+ }
-author = element author { attlist_author, firstname, surname }
-firstname =
- element firstname { attlist_firstname, (text | phrase | remark)* }
-surname = element surname { attlist_surname, (text | phrase | remark)* }
-# msgset
-msgset = element msgset { attlist_msgset, simplemsgentry+ }
-attlist_msgset &= empty
-simplemsgentry =
- element simplemsgentry { attlist_simplemsgentry, msgtext, msgexplan+ }
-msgtext = element msgtext { attlist_msgtext, (para | remark)+ }
-attlist_msgtext &= empty
-msgexplan =
- element msgexplan {
- attlist_msgexplan, title, para, (all | procedure)*
- }
-attlist_msgexplan &= empty
-# misc
-legalnotice =
- element legalnotice {
- attlist_legalnotice, title?, (simplelist | para | formalpara)+
- }
-date = element date { attlist_date, (text | phrase | superscript)* }
-releaseinfo = element releaseinfo { attlist_releaseinfo, (text | phrase)* }
-# refentry
-refentry =
- element refentry {
- attlist_refentry, refmeta?, remark*, refnamediv, refsect1+
- }
-refmeta = element refmeta { attlist_refmeta, refentrytitle, manvolnum? }
-attlist_refmeta &= empty
-refentrytitle =
- element refentrytitle {
- attlist_refentrytitle,
- (text
- | command
- | envar
- | literal
- | replaceable
- | filename
- | guiinlines)*
- }
-manvolnum = element manvolnum { attlist_manvolnum, text }
-attlist_manvolnum &= empty
-refnamediv =
- element refnamediv {
- attlist_refnamediv,
- refname+,
- refpurpose,
- refclass*,
- (link | ulink | remark)*
- }
-refname =
- element refname {
- attlist_refname,
- (text
- | command
- | envar
- | literal
- | replaceable
- | filename
- | guiinlines)*
- }
-refpurpose =
- element refpurpose {
- attlist_refpurpose,
- (text | xrefinlines | basicinlines | guiinlines)*
- }
-refclass = element refclass { attlist_refclass, (text | application)* }
-refsect1 =
- element refsect1 {
- attlist_refsect1, title, (all | procedure | qandaset)*, refsect2*
- }
-refsect2 =
- element refsect2 {
- attlist_refsect2, title, (all | procedure | qandaset)*, refsect3*
- }
-refsect3 =
- element refsect3 {
- attlist_refsect3, title, (all | procedure | qandaset)*
- }
-# change added condition and userlevel
-attlist_abstract &=
- attribute id { xsd:ID }?,
- profiling.attributes,
- xmlbase
-attlist_appendix &=
- attribute id { xsd:ID }?,
- attribute role { text }?,
- profiling.attributes,
- xmlbase
-attlist_application &= profiling.attributes, xmlbase
-attlist_article &=
- attribute id { xsd:ID }?,
- attribute role { text }?,
- attribute lang { text }?,
- attribute class {
- "faq"
- | "journalarticle"
- | "productsheet"
- | "specification"
- | "techreport"
- | "whitepaper"
- }?,
- xmlbase,
- profiling.attributes
-attlist_articleinfo &=
- attribute role { text }?,
- xmlbase,
- profiling.attributes
-attlist_author &= profiling.attributes, xmlbase
-attlist_authorgroup &=
- attribute role { text }?,
- profiling.attributes,
- xmlbase
-attlist_book &=
- attribute revision { text }?,
- attribute role { text }?,
- attribute conformance { text }?,
- attribute lang { text }?,
- attribute id { xsd:ID }?,
- profiling.attributes,
- xmlbase
-attlist_bookinfo &=
- attribute id { xsd:ID }?,
- attribute role { text }?,
- profiling.attributes,
- xmlbase
-attlist_bridgehead &=
- profiling.attributes,
- xmlbase,
- attribute renderas { "sect1" | "sect2" | "sect3" | "sect4" }?,
- attribute id { xsd:ID }?
-attlist_calloutlist &= profiling.attributes
-# change added role to Chapter
-attlist_chapter &=
- attribute role { text }?,
- attribute conformance { text }?,
- attribute id { xsd:ID }?,
- attribute revision { text }?,
- attribute lang { text }?,
- profiling.attributes,
- xmlbase
-attlist_citetitle &=
- profiling.attributes,
- xmlbase,
- attribute pubwork {
- "article"
- | "bbs"
- | "book"
- | "cdrom"
- | "chapter"
- | "dvd"
- | "emailmessage"
- | "gopher"
- | "journal"
- | "manuscript"
- | "newsposting"
- | "part"
- | "refentry"
- | "section"
- | "series"
- | "set"
- | "webpage"
- | "wiki"
- }?
-attlist_co &=
- attribute id { xsd:ID }?,
- xmlbase,
- profiling.attributes
-attlist_colspec &=
- attribute colnum { text }?,
- attribute colname { text }?,
- attribute colwidth { text }?,
- attribute align { "center" | "justify" | "left" | "right" }?,
- xmlbase,
- profiling.attributes
-attlist_command &= profiling.attributes, xmlbase
-attlist_date &= profiling.attributes, xmlbase
-attlist_releaseinfo &= profiling.attributes, xmlbase
-attlist_emphasis &=
- attribute role { text }?,
- profiling.attributes,
- xmlbase
-attlist_entry &=
- attribute align { "center" | "justify" | "left" | "right" }?,
- attribute colname { text }?,
- attribute namest { text }?,
- attribute nameend { text }?,
- attribute morerows { text }?,
- attribute valign { "bottom" | "middle" | "top" }?,
- profiling.attributes,
- xmlbase
-attlist_envar &= profiling.attributes, xmlbase
-attlist_example &=
- attribute id { xsd:ID }?,
- profiling.attributes,
- xmlbase
-# pgwide used to set image at left edge or current indent
-attlist_figure &=
- attribute pgwide { text }?,
- attribute id { xsd:ID }?,
- profiling.attributes,
- xmlbase
-attlist_filename &= profiling.attributes, xmlbase
-attlist_firstname &= profiling.attributes, xmlbase
-attlist_formalpara &=
- attribute id { xsd:ID }?,
- attribute role { text }?,
- profiling.attributes,
- xmlbase
-attlist_glossary &=
- attribute role { text }?,
- attribute id { xsd:ID }?,
- profiling.attributes,
- xmlbase
-attlist_glossdef &= profiling.attributes, xmlbase
-attlist_glossterm &= profiling.attributes, xmlbase
-attlist_glossdiv &=
- attribute id { xsd:ID }?,
- profiling.attributes,
- xmlbase
-attlist_glossentry &=
- attribute id { xsd:ID }?,
- profiling.attributes,
- xmlbase
-attlist_guimenu &= profiling.attributes, xmlbase
-attlist_index &=
- attribute role { text }?,
- profiling.attributes,
- xmlbase
-attlist_informalfigure &=
- attribute pgwide { text }?,
- profiling.attributes,
- xmlbase
-attlist_imageobject &=
- attribute role { text }?,
- profiling.attributes,
- xmlbase
-attlist_imagedata &=
- attribute fileref { text }?,
- attribute width { text }?,
- attribute format { text }?,
- profiling.attributes,
- xmlbase
-attlist_important &=
- attribute id { xsd:ID }?,
- profiling.attributes,
- xmlbase
-attlist_informaltable &=
- attribute frame { "topbot" | "none" }?,
- attribute rowsep { text }?,
- attribute pgwide { text }?,
- profiling.attributes,
- xmlbase
-attlist_inlinemediaobject &= profiling.attributes, xmlbase
-# change added role and spacing
-attlist_itemizedlist &=
- attribute id { xsd:ID }?,
- [ a:defaultValue = "bullet" ]
- attribute mark { "bullet" | "dash" | "box" | "check" }?,
- attribute role { text }?,
- [ a:defaultValue = "normal" ]
- attribute spacing { "compact" | "normal" }?,
- profiling.attributes,
- xmlbase
-attlist_keycap &=
- attribute function {
- "alt"
- | "backspace"
- | "command"
- | "control"
- | "delete"
- | "down"
- | "end"
- | "enter"
- | "escape"
- | "home"
- | "insert"
- | "left"
- | "meta"
- | "option"
- | "other"
- | "pagedown"
- | "pageup"
- | "right"
- | "shift"
- | "space"
- | "tab"
- | "up"
- }?,
- profiling.attributes,
- xmlbase
-attlist_keycombo &=
- attribute action { "press" | "seq" }?,
- profiling.attributes,
- xmlbase
-attlist_legalnotice &=
- attribute id { xsd:ID }?,
- profiling.attributes,
- xmlbase
-attlist_listitem &= profiling.attributes, xmlbase
-attlist_literal &= profiling.attributes, xmlbase
-attlist_mediaobject &= profiling.attributes, xmlbase
-attlist_member &= profiling.attributes, xmlbase
-attlist_menuchoice &= profiling.attributes, xmlbase
-attlist_note &=
- attribute id { xsd:ID }?,
- profiling.attributes,
- xmlbase
-attlist_option &= profiling.attributes, xmlbase
-# change added spacing
-attlist_orderedlist &=
- attribute id { xsd:ID }?,
- [ a:defaultValue = "normal" ]
- attribute spacing { "compact" | "normal" }?,
- attribute numeration {
- "arabic" | "loweralpha" | "lowerroman" | "upperalpha" | "upperroman"
- }?,
- profiling.attributes,
- xmlbase
-attlist_para &=
- attribute role { text }?,
- profiling.attributes,
- xmlbase
-attlist_part &=
- attribute revision { text }?,
- attribute role { text }?,
- attribute conformance { text }?,
- attribute id { xsd:ID }?,
- profiling.attributes,
- xmlbase
-attlist_partintro &= profiling.attributes, xmlbase
-attlist_phrase &=
- attribute role { text }?,
- profiling.attributes,
- xmlbase
-attlist_preface &=
- attribute role { text }?,
- attribute id { xsd:ID }?,
- profiling.attributes,
- xmlbase
-attlist_primary &=
- attribute sortas { text }?,
- profiling.attributes,
- xmlbase
-attlist_procedure &=
- attribute id { xsd:ID }?,
- profiling.attributes,
- xmlbase
-attlist_productname &=
- attribute role { text }?,
- profiling.attributes,
- xmlbase
-attlist_productnumber &=
- attribute role { text }?,
- profiling.attributes,
- xmlbase
-attlist_quote &= profiling.attributes, xmlbase
-attlist_refclass &= profiling.attributes, xmlbase
-attlist_remark &=
- attribute role { text }?,
- attribute id { xsd:ID }?,
- profiling.attributes,
- xmlbase
-attlist_refname &= profiling.attributes, xmlbase
-attlist_refnamediv &= profiling.attributes, xmlbase
-attlist_refpurpose &= profiling.attributes, xmlbase
-attlist_refentry &=
- attribute role { text }?,
- attribute id { xsd:ID }?,
- profiling.attributes,
- xmlbase
-attlist_refentrytitle &=
- attribute role { text }?,
- xmlbase
-attlist_refsect1 &=
- attribute id { xsd:ID }?,
- profiling.attributes,
- xmlbase
-attlist_refsect2 &=
- attribute id { xsd:ID }?,
- profiling.attributes,
- xmlbase
-attlist_refsect3 &=
- attribute id { xsd:ID }?,
- profiling.attributes,
- xmlbase
-attlist_simplemsgentry &=
- attribute id { xsd:ID }?,
- xmlbase
-attlist_replaceable &= profiling.attributes, xmlbase
-attlist_row &=
- attribute rowsep { text }?,
- attribute id { xsd:ID }?,
- attribute valign { "bottom" | "middle" | "top" }?,
- profiling.attributes,
- xmlbase
-attlist_screen &=
- profiling.attributes,
- attribute linenumbering { "numbered" | "unnumbered" }?,
- xmlbase
-attlist_sect1 &=
- attribute role { text }?,
- attribute id { xsd:ID }?,
- profiling.attributes,
- xmlbase
-attlist_sect2 &=
- attribute role { text }?,
- attribute id { xsd:ID }?,
- profiling.attributes,
- xmlbase
-attlist_sect3 &=
- attribute role { text }?,
- attribute id { xsd:ID }?,
- profiling.attributes,
- xmlbase
-attlist_sect4 &=
- attribute role { text }?,
- attribute id { xsd:ID }?,
- profiling.attributes,
- xmlbase
-attlist_secondary &=
- attribute sortas { text }?,
- profiling.attributes,
- xmlbase
-attlist_see &= profiling.attributes, xmlbase
-attlist_seealso &= profiling.attributes, xmlbase
-attlist_set &=
- attribute lang { text }?,
- attribute id { xsd:ID }?,
- profiling.attributes,
- xmlbase
-attlist_setinfo &=
- attribute id { xsd:ID }?,
- attribute role { text }?,
- profiling.attributes,
- xmlbase
-attlist_setindex &= profiling.attributes, xmlbase
-attlist_shortcut &= profiling.attributes, xmlbase
-attlist_simplelist &= profiling.attributes, xmlbase
-attlist_step &=
- attribute id { xsd:ID }?,
- [ a:defaultValue = "required" ]
- attribute performance { "optional" | "required" }?,
- profiling.attributes,
- xmlbase
-attlist_subscript &= profiling.attributes, xmlbase
-# id on substeps was probably a mistake
-attlist_substeps &=
- attribute id { xsd:ID }?,
- [ a:defaultValue = "required" ]
- attribute performance { "optional" | "required" }?,
- profiling.attributes,
- xmlbase
-attlist_superscript &= profiling.attributes, xmlbase
-attlist_surname &= profiling.attributes, xmlbase
-attlist_systemitem &=
- attribute class {
- "constant"
- | "daemon"
- | "domainname"
- | "etheraddress"
- | "event"
- | "eventhandler"
- | "filesystem"
- | "fqdomainname"
- | "groupname"
- | "ipaddress"
- | "library"
- | "macro"
- | "netmask"
- | "newsgroup"
- | "osname"
- | "process"
- | "resource"
- | "server"
- | "service"
- | "systemname"
- | "username"
- }?,
- profiling.attributes,
- xmlbase
-attlist_table &=
- attribute id { xsd:ID }?,
- attribute frame { "topbot" | "none" }?,
- attribute rowsep { text }?,
- attribute pgwide { text }?,
- profiling.attributes,
- xmlbase
-attlist_tbody &= profiling.attributes, xmlbase
-attlist_term &= profiling.attributes, xmlbase
-attlist_tertiary &=
- attribute sortas { text }?,
- profiling.attributes,
- xmlbase
-# change added role
-attlist_textobject &=
- attribute role {
- "description" | "longdescription" | "screencappath"
- },
- profiling.attributes,
- xmlbase
-attlist_tgroup &=
- attribute cols { text },
- attribute tgroupstyle { text }?,
- attribute align { "center" | "char" | "justify" | "left" | "right" }?,
- attribute valign { "bottom" | "middle" | "top" }?,
- profiling.attributes,
- xmlbase
-attlist_thead &= profiling.attributes, xmlbase
-attlist_tip &=
- attribute id { xsd:ID }?,
- profiling.attributes,
- xmlbase
-attlist_title &= profiling.attributes, xmlbase
-attlist_titleabbrev &= profiling.attributes, xmlbase
-attlist_trademark &=
- attribute class { "service" | "trade" | "registered" | "copyright" }?,
- profiling.attributes,
- xmlbase
-# change added role attribute
-attlist_ulink &=
- attribute url { text },
- attribute role { text }?,
- attribute type { text }?,
- profiling.attributes,
- xmlbase
-attlist_variablelist &=
- attribute id { xsd:ID }?,
- profiling.attributes,
- xmlbase
-attlist_varlistentry &=
- attribute id { xsd:ID }?,
- profiling.attributes,
- xmlbase
-attlist_warning &=
- attribute id { xsd:ID }?,
- profiling.attributes,
- xmlbase
-# This parameter entity "deactivates" all IDREF(S).
-# So somebody can validate a separate file even if some
-# xref/link elements points outside this file.
-# The NOVDOC.DEACTIVATE.IDREF p.e. is mutually exclusive
-# to the following declaration.
-# This p.e. should be never touched.
-attlist_callout &=
- attribute arearefs { xsd:IDREF },
- profiling.attributes,
- xmlbase
-attlist_link &=
- attribute linkend { xsd:IDREF },
- profiling.attributes,
- xmlbase
-attlist_indexterm &=
- profiling.attributes,
- xmlbase,
- attribute startref { xsd:IDREF }?,
- attribute role { text }?,
- attribute class { "endofrange" | "singular" | "startofrange" }?,
- attribute id { xsd:ID }?
-attlist_xref &=
- attribute linkend { xsd:IDREF },
- attribute xrefstyle { text }?,
- profiling.attributes,
- xmlbase
-start = \include | set
-any =
- (element * {
- attribute * { text }*,
- any
- }
- | text)*
-# End of %__HIDE__
-# Entities which are used by SUSE
-# If someone doesn't need that, it can be switched off with the proper
-# parameter entity declaration, e.g.:
-# end of ISOlat1.module
-# end of ISOlat2.module
-# end of ISOnum.module
-# end of ISOpub.module
-# ]]>
diff --git a/schema/rng/1.0/novdocxi.rnc b/schema/rng/1.0/novdocxi.rnc
deleted file mode 100644
index 5ab7e162..00000000
--- a/schema/rng/1.0/novdocxi.rnc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-# novdocx.dtd is a subset of DocBook and all instances should be valid
-# DocBook files, however, the docbookx.dtd is not directly referenced.
-# Use this file with Emacs and nXML or any other XML editor which
-# supports RELAX NG.
-# ** This file just definies the start pattern, but not the core
-# elements for Novdoc. The core elements are definied in the
-# novdoc-core.rnc file which is converted from the DTD during
-# installation.
-# It can be manually created by running trang with the
-# -i no-generate-start option:
-# $ trang -i no-generate-start novdocx.dtd novdocx-core.rnc
-# **
-# Copyright 2012 Thomas Schraitle
-datatypes xsd = "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-datatypes"
-include "novdocx-core.rnc" {
- xi_include.def = \include
- xi_include.opt = \include?
- # We need to redefine that to avoid the following Jing error:
- # error: conflicting ID-types for attribute "X"
- # whereas "X" is one of the following attributes in brackets:
- # See also http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/rng-users/message/1205
- any = (element *
- {
- attribute * - (id | linkend | startref | arearefs) { text }* ,
- any
- }
- | text)*
-structure =
- ## Contains all divison-like elements
- appendix | article | book | bridgehead | chapter
- | legalnotice
- | glossary
- | preface
- | refentry
- | refsect1 | refsect2 | refsect3
- | set
- | sect1 | sect2 | sect3 | sect4
-block =
- ## Contains all block elements
- # HINT: figure_s_ and table_s_ are a pattern, not an element
- # definition
- abstract | example | figures | tables | screen | procedure
- | admonitions | lists
-start = structure | block
diff --git a/schema/rng/1.0/novell.ent b/schema/rng/1.0/novell.ent
deleted file mode 120000
index c0d50f93..00000000
--- a/schema/rng/1.0/novell.ent
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/suse/version.xsl b/suse/VERSION
similarity index 100%
rename from suse/version.xsl
rename to suse/VERSION
diff --git a/suse/fo/docbook.xsl b/suse/fo/docbook.xsl
index 6b45c9cc..09d0a4c2 100644
--- a/suse/fo/docbook.xsl
+++ b/suse/fo/docbook.xsl
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
diff --git a/suse/xhtml/docbook.xsl b/suse/xhtml/docbook.xsl
index 39310311..dcea04c3 100644
--- a/suse/xhtml/docbook.xsl
+++ b/suse/xhtml/docbook.xsl
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
diff --git a/suse2013/version.xsl b/suse2013/VERSION
similarity index 100%
rename from suse2013/version.xsl
rename to suse2013/VERSION
diff --git a/suse2013/VERSION.xsl b/suse2013/VERSION.xsl
new file mode 120000
index 00000000..974cf28e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/suse2013/VERSION.xsl
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/suse2013/common/l10n/ar.xml b/suse2013/common/l10n/ar.xml
index c2e7a662..43c5b9bf 100644
--- a/suse2013/common/l10n/ar.xml
+++ b/suse2013/common/l10n/ar.xml
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
@@ -9,12 +9,8 @@
@@ -44,42 +40,67 @@
@@ -107,7 +128,7 @@
@@ -115,12 +136,12 @@
+ -->
@@ -154,6 +175,6 @@
diff --git a/suse2013/common/l10n/cs.xml b/suse2013/common/l10n/cs.xml
index 3ea1d5cf..2e1e5842 100644
--- a/suse2013/common/l10n/cs.xml
+++ b/suse2013/common/l10n/cs.xml
@@ -8,11 +8,6 @@
@@ -71,15 +66,24 @@
@@ -164,12 +168,12 @@
diff --git a/suse2013/common/l10n/da.xml b/suse2013/common/l10n/da.xml
index 0c07c73e..24054123 100644
--- a/suse2013/common/l10n/da.xml
+++ b/suse2013/common/l10n/da.xml
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
@@ -12,10 +12,6 @@
@@ -78,15 +74,24 @@
@@ -179,7 +184,7 @@
@@ -194,12 +199,12 @@
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index 955a9e49..590a4333 100644
--- a/suse2013/common/l10n/de.xml
+++ b/suse2013/common/l10n/de.xml
@@ -11,9 +11,6 @@
@@ -71,7 +68,7 @@
@@ -80,13 +77,13 @@
diff --git a/suse2013/common/l10n/en.xml b/suse2013/common/l10n/en.xml
index 8e49de89..2fbb4392 100644
--- a/suse2013/common/l10n/en.xml
+++ b/suse2013/common/l10n/en.xml
@@ -11,10 +11,6 @@
@@ -70,56 +66,55 @@
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index d13ec639..5110488b 100644
--- a/suse2013/common/l10n/es.xml
+++ b/suse2013/common/l10n/es.xml
@@ -10,11 +10,6 @@
@@ -96,15 +91,24 @@
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--- a/suse2013/common/l10n/fi.xml
+++ b/suse2013/common/l10n/fi.xml
@@ -10,16 +10,11 @@
@@ -67,21 +62,30 @@
@@ -183,7 +187,7 @@
@@ -198,14 +202,14 @@
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index 577c8868..2b95f8d4 100644
--- a/suse2013/common/l10n/fr.xml
+++ b/suse2013/common/l10n/fr.xml
@@ -13,10 +13,6 @@
@@ -76,15 +72,24 @@
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--- a/suse2013/common/l10n/hu.xml
+++ b/suse2013/common/l10n/hu.xml
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
@@ -16,10 +16,6 @@
@@ -70,56 +66,65 @@
@@ -180,12 +185,12 @@
@@ -198,11 +203,11 @@
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--- a/suse2013/common/l10n/it.xml
+++ b/suse2013/common/l10n/it.xml
@@ -10,10 +10,6 @@
@@ -70,52 +66,61 @@
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index 0b2a32d3..169510c8 100644
--- a/suse2013/common/l10n/ja.xml
+++ b/suse2013/common/l10n/ja.xml
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@@ -66,48 +60,57 @@
@@ -196,7 +199,7 @@
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index 78fd7411..e496baea 100644
--- a/suse2013/common/l10n/ko.xml
+++ b/suse2013/common/l10n/ko.xml
@@ -11,10 +11,6 @@
@@ -48,14 +44,14 @@
@@ -70,60 +66,69 @@
@@ -212,5 +217,5 @@
diff --git a/suse2013/common/l10n/lt_lt.xml b/suse2013/common/l10n/lt_lt.xml
index 3bb034dc..6d1fec12 100644
--- a/suse2013/common/l10n/lt_lt.xml
+++ b/suse2013/common/l10n/lt_lt.xml
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
@@ -11,12 +11,7 @@
@@ -70,55 +65,58 @@
@@ -185,5 +183,5 @@
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index c48bdbd5..604f7bf5 100644
--- a/suse2013/common/l10n/nl.xml
+++ b/suse2013/common/l10n/nl.xml
@@ -14,12 +14,8 @@
@@ -77,73 +73,82 @@
@@ -204,12 +209,12 @@
@@ -224,7 +229,7 @@
diff --git a/suse2013/common/l10n/no.xml b/suse2013/common/l10n/no.xml
index ecb79186..c02e64e8 100644
--- a/suse2013/common/l10n/no.xml
+++ b/suse2013/common/l10n/no.xml
@@ -10,15 +10,11 @@
@@ -66,37 +62,55 @@
@@ -173,7 +187,7 @@
diff --git a/suse2013/common/l10n/pl.xml b/suse2013/common/l10n/pl.xml
index c9e57629..caea078a 100644
--- a/suse2013/common/l10n/pl.xml
+++ b/suse2013/common/l10n/pl.xml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
@@ -12,10 +12,6 @@
@@ -68,46 +64,55 @@
@@ -171,7 +176,7 @@
diff --git a/suse2013/common/l10n/pt_br.xml b/suse2013/common/l10n/pt_br.xml
index 17168185..42bb3ebc 100644
--- a/suse2013/common/l10n/pt_br.xml
+++ b/suse2013/common/l10n/pt_br.xml
@@ -10,10 +10,6 @@
@@ -70,37 +66,46 @@
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index defea47f..061e1088 100644
--- a/suse2013/common/l10n/ru.xml
+++ b/suse2013/common/l10n/ru.xml
@@ -10,10 +10,6 @@
@@ -70,40 +66,49 @@
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index b3abbc20..4764b619 100644
--- a/suse2013/common/l10n/sv.xml
+++ b/suse2013/common/l10n/sv.xml
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xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform" >
+ 1
+ 0
@@ -75,7 +111,7 @@
Do not trim lines that contain spaces at the beginning and then continue
with text. Doing that might destroy some content: e.g. command-line
output formatted as a table. -->
@@ -71,19 +69,20 @@
+ mode="intra.title.markup">
@@ -93,17 +92,18 @@
@@ -113,8 +113,10 @@
@@ -122,6 +124,7 @@
@@ -131,25 +134,28 @@
@@ -159,28 +165,37 @@
WARNING: Element without title used for intra xref linking.
- affected ID:
+ mode="intra.title.markup">
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@@ -476,7 +476,7 @@
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--- a/suse2013/fo/book.titlepage.templates.xsl
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--- a/suse2013/fo/l10n.properties.xml
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IPAPMincho, serif
IPAPGothic, sans-serif
- 'DejaVu Sans Mono', DejaVuSansMono, 'WenQuanYi Micro Hei Mono', WenQuanYiMicroHeiMono, monospace
+ 'WenQuanYi Micro Hei Mono', WenQuanYiMicroHeiMono, monospace
- 'DejaVu Sans Mono', DejaVuSansMono, KoreanSans, UnBatang, 'Un Batang', 'WenQuanYi Micro Hei Mono', WenQuanYiMicroHeiMono, monospace
+ UnBatang, serif
+ UnDotum, sans-serif
+ 'WenQuanYi Micro Hei Mono', WenQuanYiMicroHeiMono, monospace
- 1
+ 0.965
@@ -230,7 +231,7 @@
that. -->
'WenQuanYi Micro Hei', WenQuanYiMicroHei, sans-serif
- 'DejaVu Sans Mono', DejaVuSansMono, 'WenQuanYi Micro Hei Mono', WenQuanYiMicroHeiMono, monospace
+ 'WenQuanYi Micro Hei Mono', WenQuanYiMicroHeiMono, monospace
@@ -241,7 +242,7 @@
apparently -->
- .75
+ 1
@@ -254,9 +255,19 @@
'AR PL UMing TW', ARPLUMingTW, serif
- 'DejaVu Sans', DejaVuSans, 'AR PL UMing TW', ARPLUMingTW
- 'DejaVu Sans Mono', DejaVuSansMono, 'WenQuanYi Micro Hei Mono', WenQuanYiMicroHeiMono, monospace
+ 'WenQuanYi Micro Hei Mono', WenQuanYiMicroHeiMono, monospace
@@ -269,7 +280,7 @@
- 1
+ 0.781
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--- a/suse2013/fo/param.xsl
+++ b/suse2013/fo/param.xsl
@@ -119,6 +119,7 @@ task before
"ls -l " "ls - -l"? -->
@@ -153,7 +154,7 @@ task before
- start
+ start
@@ -329,6 +330,8 @@ Suite 200
Cambridge MA 02141
+ select="($target/ancestor-or-self::chapter[@lang!='']
+ | $target/ancestor-or-self::appendix[@lang!='']
+ | $target/ancestor-or-self::chapter[@xml:lang!='']
+ | $target/ancestor-or-self::appendix[@xml:lang!=''])[1]"/>
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--- a/suse2013/formatter-config/xep/xep-daps.xml
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--- /dev/null
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+Slightly modified from "github.com style" shipped with upstream highlight.js.
+ (c) Vasily Polovnyov
+ Stefan Knorr , 2016
+/* We want this for screen only, to avoid increasing people's printing costs
+ too much... */
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+/*! highlight.js v9.3.0 | BSD3 License | git.io/hljslicense */
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