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MOHIT GUPTA edited this page May 9, 2023 · 3 revisions

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What is Dagger?

Dagger is a fully static and compile-time dependency injection framework. Compile-time means that issues in the dependency graph (such as cycles or missing providers) are caught during build-time.

Components & Subcomponents

Dagger creates the dependency graph using components and subcomponents

  • Components are top-level containers of providers that are pulled from modules that component is configured to include
  • Subcomponents are also containers, and may contain other subcomponents
  • Subcomponents automatically inherit all the dependencies from their parent components
  • Components/subcomponents can automatically collect dependencies for which they are scoped


Scopes are compile-time annotations associated both with a component/subcomponent and either injectable objects or providers of objects

Injectables & Providers

Dagger supports two types of injections: field and constructors

  • All objects that are injected need to have an @Inject-declared constructor
  • Any parameters passed into an @Inject-declared constructor will be retrieved from the dependency graph
  • Fields can be marked as @Inject-able, but a separate inject() method in a component needs to be added for that class to initialize those fields, and the class must call this method

Note: Classes can have their providers inferred just by being qualified and having an @Inject-able constructor--no need for a Dagger module


Dagger modules are defined in separate classes annotated with the @Module tag

  • Modules can provide an implementation with @Provides
  • Modules can bind one type to another type using @Binds

Its Usage in Oppia Android

  • Dagger object lifetimes need to be compatible with Android object lifecycles
  • Prefer constructor injection over field injection to encourage encapsulation
  • Result are activity/fragment/view presenter classes that are field-injected into their corresponding Android objects, but themselves support constructor injection
There's an Android-specific dependency hierarchy:
  • Root application component for @Singleton that's initialized in a custom Application class
  • Per-activity and per-fragment subcomponents that are initialized in base activity and fragment classes, respectively
  • Inheritance such that all application-level classes can be injected in activities, and all activity-level classes can be injected into fragments (but not vice versa for either)
  • Activity & fragment controllers for each activity and fragment that are @Inject-constructed, and can inject all needed dependencies and perform necessary UI logic
  • Activity and fragment classes become boilerplate classes that extend base classes that enable DI for them, and delegate UI callbacks to their controller classes for processing
  • View models are also injectable for use in controllers per a ProAndroidDev article
  • Similar to Dagger Android, but with better encapsulation

You can understand it with this example :

This is a Singleton-scoped object with dependency. Note that because Factory is @Singleton scoped, it can inject everything in the Singleton component including blocking dispatcher.

class Factory @Inject constructor(@BlockingDispatcher private val blockingDispatcher: CoroutineDispatcher) {
  fun <T: Any> create(): InMemoryBlockingCache<T> {
    return InMemoryBlockingCache(blockingDispatcher)

These are Singleton-scoped providers with custom qualifiers. Note also that to distinguish between two of the same types, we can use custom qualifier annotations like @BackgroundDispatcher and @BlockingDispatcher.

class DispatcherModule {
 fun provideBackgroundDispatcher(): CoroutineDispatcher {
   return Executors.newFixedThreadPool(4).asCoroutineDispatcher()

 fun provideBlockingDispatcher(): CoroutineDispatcher {
   return Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor().asCoroutineDispatcher()

How to write Tests with Dagger

  • Dependencies can be replaced at test time
  • This is especially useful for API endpoints! We can replace Retrofit instances with mocks that let us carefully control request/response pairs
  • This is also useful for threading! We can synchronize coroutines and ensure they complete before continuing test operations
  • Tests can declare their own scoped modules in-file
  • Tests themselves create a test application component and inject dependencies directly into @Inject-able fields
  • Bazel (#59) will make this even easier since test modules could then be shareable across tests

Here is an example of testing with Oppia Dagger. This shows setting up a test component and using it to inject dependencies for testing purposes. It also shows how to create a test-specific dependency that can be injected into a test for manipulation.

class InMemoryBlockingCacheTest {
 @ExperimentalCoroutinesApi @Inject @field:TestDispatcher lateinit var testDispatcher: TestCoroutineDispatcher
 @ExperimentalCoroutinesApi private val backgroundTestCoroutineScope by lazy { CoroutineScope(backgroundTestCoroutineDispatcher) }
 @ExperimentalCoroutinesApi private val backgroundTestCoroutineDispatcher by lazy { TestCoroutineDispatcher() }

 @Before @ExperimentalCoroutinesApi fun setUp() { setUpTestApplicationComponent() }

 @Test @ExperimentalCoroutinesApi fun `test with testDispatcher since it's connected to the blocking dispatcher`() = runBlockingTest(testDispatcher) { /* ... */ }

 private fun setUpTestApplicationComponent() {

 @Qualifier annotation class TestDispatcher
 class TestModule {
   @ExperimentalCoroutinesApi @Singleton @Provides @TestDispatcher fun provideTestDispatcher(): TestCoroutineDispatcher { return TestCoroutineDispatcher() }
   @ExperimentalCoroutinesApi @Singleton @Provides @BlockingDispatcher
   fun provideBlockingDispatcher(@TestDispatcher testDispatcher: TestCoroutineDispatcher): CoroutineDispatcher { return testDispatcher }

 @Component(modules = [TestModule::class])
 interface TestApplicationComponent {
   @Component.Builder interface Builder { @BindsInstance fun setApplication(application: Application): Builder fun build(): TestApplicationComponent }
   fun inject(inMemoryBlockingCacheTest: InMemoryBlockingCacheTest)

Points to Note

Dagger compile-time errors can be hard to understand

  • When you encounter one: scan the error for the dependency name (it's likely a dependency you just imported into the file failing to compile)
  • Search for the Dagger module you want to use to provide that dependency
  • Make sure your Gradle module or Bazel build file depends on the library that contains the module you need
  • Note that Gradle modules cannot depend on the app module, which means any Dagger modules in the app Gradle module are inaccessible outside of the app module
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