Niranjan Anandkumar
The Engineer, Founder <⚡> Deceptive AI |
AI Obsession , Research ⚙️ Product 🔱 AGI |
AI for Masses | Breaking Barriers and Boundaries
Deceptive AI Greater Bengaluru, India
Harminder Singh Nijjar
AI, automation solutions architect
@passivebot Othello, Washington, US
Yash Nasit
👋 Hi, I'm Yash Nasit, a passionate 3rd-year robotics engineer with a deep enthusiasm for the Robot Operating System (ROS2) and its impact on modern robotics.
Andrey Vukolov
Mechanical/Robotic scientist, photographer, decentralised technologies enthusiast. I work at @ElettraSciComp group on the things needed at the synchrotron.
ELETTRA - Sincrotrone Trieste Trieste, Italy