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Farhad Allian f-allian
Research Data Engineer @ The University of Sheffield | PhD in Applied Mathematics

The University of Sheffield Sheffield

Varvara Papazoglou vpapg
University Teaching Associate & PhD candidate in Natural Language Processing.

The University of Sheffield Sheffield, UK

Xianyuan Liu xianyuanliu
Senior AI Research Engineer at @SheffieldML @Shef-AIRE @pykale.

University of Sheffield Sheffield, UK

Emily Chambers evchambers
Research Scientist - FHEA - Sheffield Bioinfomatics Core - Sheffield University. Training - Data analysis/viz - R Enthusiast - The Carpentries Instructor

University of Sheffield Sheffield

Ziqing Xue Ziqingxue0927

University of Sheffield Sheffield, UK

Johann Petrak johann-petrak
Researcher at the Austrian Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence and Research Fellow at University of Sheffield (Natural Language Processing Group)

@sheffieldnlp, @GateNLP, @OFAI Vienna, AT and Sheffield, UK

Arko Chatterjee arkochatterjee
data science @QMUL

@GAIUS-Networks London, UK

Alisha Suhag alisha392
Mixed-methods behavioural scientist studying health behaviours and chronic disease.

University of Sheffield Sheffield

Nikolaos Papachristou nikolaospapachristou
Quality, Data Scientist, Senior Manager
Crowds Crowds21
Observation without comment is the highest form of human wisdom
Natalia Bulgakova nbul

University of Sheffield Sheffield

Yuliang Weng yld-weng
Research Software Engineer

The University of Sheffield

Will Furnass willfurnass
Research platforms engineer at the University of Sheffield

University of Sheffield UK

Joe Heffer Joe-Heffer-Shef
Senior Research Data Engineer

The University of Sheffield Sheffield, United Kingdom

Haiping Lu haipinglu
Professor of Machine Learning, Turing Academic Lead, Head of AI Research Engineering, and Insigneo Research Director for Healthcare Data / AI,

The University of Sheffield Sheffield, UK