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Vinh Cao skaarlcooper
Sophomore Economics dropout to pursue a career in DevSecOps.
Yash Darji Yash2378
Dreamer of Space
Mariam Khayr MariamCoder22
🚀 Exploring the Frontiers of Tech 🤖 | Computer Scientist & Futurist


Alejandro Jesus del Campillo Jaime informaticacba
Diseñador y Analista Web/Sistemas/Hosting/BD: Frontend: HTML5, CSS, JS, Backend: SQL, PHP, ASM, C++. Arqui: POO, UML, MVC, REST, CRUD. BOOTSTRAP, ADMINLTE

@informaticacba-cba-gob-ar Cordoba, Argentina

Fanon Jupkwo FanJups
Java Software Engineer

Fundao, Portugal

Aung Myint, Steven jaihan

Self employed Rangoon