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MODAVIS modavis-project
Digital Organology | Acoustics | MIR GitHub for PhD-Project MODAVIS by Dominik Ukolov


Lucas Gris lucasgris
Interest in audio processing and deep learning.
Bao-Sinh Nguyen sinhprous

Stealth Web 3 startup Remote

Lele Liu cheriell
Music+AI Researcher

Universität Würzburg Würzburg, Germany

Miguel Pérez migperfer

Ph.D. Student at Pompeu Fabra University Munich

Christos Plachouras chrispla
I like sound | phd student @c4dm

London, UK

Leo Aimone Laimonade
👨‍💻 Audio R&D for Music Information Retrieval. 🧐 Interested in Audio FX, ML/DL applications for audio and intelligent hearing devices. 📚 MSc SMC - @QMUL
Baotong Tian User-tian
First-year PhD at Audio Information Research Lab @ UR

University of Rochester Rochester, New York

Emmanouil Benetos emmanouilb
Reader in Machine Listening @c4dm Queen Mary University of London and Turing Fellow @alan-turing-institute

Queen Mary University of London London, UK

aarón montoya-moraga montoyamoraga
assistant professor @disenoUDP, TBD professor @FAU-UChile, graduate from @ITPNYU @mitmedialab

@disenoUDP Chile


Ciudad de México

aaronchen chenchy
dasp, mir, machine learning
Scusk Rimsi yoyolicoris
I'm a Djentle man. When I hear 0000000 I click like.


PhD researcher in AI and Music at Queen Mary University of London

@aim-qmul London, UK

Nicolas Danet nicolasdanet
Pure Data + JUCE

Montpellier, France

Rodrigo Diaz rodrigodzf

Queen Mary University of London Berlin

Antonella Torrisi antorr91

Queen Mary University of London London

Carl Thomé carlthome
Music ML, audio data, self-supervised learning, differentiable programming

Stockholm, Sweden

Yazhou li630925405
La isla a mediodía; PhD researcher @c4dm

Queen Mary University of London London, United Kingdom

Jinhua Liang JinhuaLiang
A Ph.D. student from Centre for Digial Music (C4DM), Queen Mary University of London.


Huan Zhang anusfoil
PhD student in AI+Music @ C4DM, QMUL;

Center for Digital Music London