diff --git a/src/domains/pay-wallet-app/04_apim_io_payment_wallet.tf b/src/domains/pay-wallet-app/04_apim_io_payment_wallet.tf
index d8aa7797f0..27a2cac43c 100644
--- a/src/domains/pay-wallet-app/04_apim_io_payment_wallet.tf
+++ b/src/domains/pay-wallet-app/04_apim_io_payment_wallet.tf
@@ -69,15 +69,6 @@ module "apim_io_payment_wallet_api_v1" {
-resource "azurerm_api_management_api_operation_policy" "delete_io_wallets" {
- api_name = "${local.project}-io-payment-wallet-api-v1"
- resource_group_name = local.pagopa_apim_rg
- api_management_name = local.pagopa_apim_name
- operation_id = "deleteIOPaymentWalletById"
- xml_content = file("./api/io-payment-wallet/v1/_delete_wallet.xml.tpl")
resource "azurerm_api_management_api_operation_policy" "get_payment_methods_for_io" {
api_name = "${local.project}-io-payment-wallet-api-v1"
resource_group_name = local.pagopa_apim_rg
@@ -92,24 +83,6 @@ resource "azurerm_api_management_api_operation_policy" "get_payment_methods_for_
-resource "azurerm_api_management_api_operation_policy" "get_wallets_by_user_and_walletId_for_io" {
- api_name = "${local.project}-io-payment-wallet-api-v1"
- resource_group_name = local.pagopa_apim_rg
- api_management_name = local.pagopa_apim_name
- operation_id = "getIOPaymentWalletById"
- xml_content = templatefile("./api/io-payment-wallet/v1/_get_wallets_by_user_and_walletId.xml.tpl", { ecommerce_hostname = local.ecommerce_hostname })
-resource "azurerm_api_management_api_operation_policy" "get_wallets_by_user_for_io" {
- api_name = "${local.project}-io-payment-wallet-api-v1"
- resource_group_name = local.pagopa_apim_rg
- api_management_name = local.pagopa_apim_name
- operation_id = "getIOPaymentWalletsByIdUser"
- xml_content = templatefile("./api/io-payment-wallet/v1/_get_wallets_by_user.xml.tpl", { ecommerce_hostname = local.ecommerce_hostname })
resource "azurerm_api_management_api_operation_policy" "post_io_wallets" {
api_name = "${local.project}-io-payment-wallet-api-v1"
resource_group_name = local.pagopa_apim_rg
@@ -122,15 +95,6 @@ resource "azurerm_api_management_api_operation_policy" "post_io_wallets" {
-resource "azurerm_api_management_api_operation_policy" "update_applications_for_io" {
- api_name = "${local.project}-io-payment-wallet-api-v1"
- resource_group_name = local.pagopa_apim_rg
- api_management_name = local.pagopa_apim_name
- operation_id = "updateIOPaymentWalletApplicationsById"
- xml_content = file("./api/io-payment-wallet/v1/_update_applications.xml.tpl")
resource "azurerm_api_management_named_value" "pay_wallet_family_friends_user_ids" {
name = "pay-wallet-family-friends-user-ids"
diff --git a/src/domains/pay-wallet-app/api/io-payment-wallet/v1/_base_policy.xml.tpl b/src/domains/pay-wallet-app/api/io-payment-wallet/v1/_base_policy.xml.tpl
index 6880befc75..f523a9af6e 100644
--- a/src/domains/pay-wallet-app/api/io-payment-wallet/v1/_base_policy.xml.tpl
+++ b/src/domains/pay-wallet-app/api/io-payment-wallet/v1/_base_policy.xml.tpl
@@ -4,11 +4,7 @@
@@ -24,8 +20,7 @@
diff --git a/src/domains/pay-wallet-app/api/io-payment-wallet/v1/_delete_wallet.xml.tpl b/src/domains/pay-wallet-app/api/io-payment-wallet/v1/_delete_wallet.xml.tpl
index 1269b9139c..92bfb2ad6e 100644
--- a/src/domains/pay-wallet-app/api/io-payment-wallet/v1/_delete_wallet.xml.tpl
+++ b/src/domains/pay-wallet-app/api/io-payment-wallet/v1/_delete_wallet.xml.tpl
@@ -1,76 +1,6 @@
- @($"{{pm-host}}/pp-restapi-CD/v1/wallet/{(string)context.Variables["idWalletPM"]}")
- @($"Bearer {((String)context.Variables["sessionToken"])}")
- application/json
- {
- "title": "Unauthorized",
- "status": 401,
- "detail": "Unauthorized"
- }
- application/json
- {
- "title": "Not Found",
- "status": 404,
- "detail": "Wallet not found"
- }
- application/json
- {
- "title": "Error deleting wallet",
- "status": 502,
- "detail": "There was an error deleting wallet"
- }
diff --git a/src/domains/pay-wallet-app/api/io-payment-wallet/v1/_get_payment_methods.xml.tpl b/src/domains/pay-wallet-app/api/io-payment-wallet/v1/_get_payment_methods.xml.tpl
index 477c1e999b..51da1c328d 100644
--- a/src/domains/pay-wallet-app/api/io-payment-wallet/v1/_get_payment_methods.xml.tpl
+++ b/src/domains/pay-wallet-app/api/io-payment-wallet/v1/_get_payment_methods.xml.tpl
@@ -1,43 +1,10 @@
- @{
- JObject response = context.Response.Body.As();
- if (context.Response.StatusCode != 200) {
- return response.ToString();
- }
- string enabled_payment_wallet_method_ids_pm = "${enabled_payment_wallet_method_ids_pm}";
- string[] values = enabled_payment_wallet_method_ids_pm.Split(',');
- HashSet pmEnabledMethods = new HashSet(values);
- foreach (var method in ((JArray) response["paymentMethods"])) {
- string id = (string) method["id"];
- if (pmEnabledMethods.Contains(id)) {
- method["status"] = "ENABLED";
- method["methodManagement"] = "ONBOARDABLE_ONLY";
- } else {
- method["status"] = "DISABLED";
- }
- }
- return response.ToString();
- }
diff --git a/src/domains/pay-wallet-app/api/io-payment-wallet/v1/_get_wallets_by_user.xml.tpl b/src/domains/pay-wallet-app/api/io-payment-wallet/v1/_get_wallets_by_user.xml.tpl
index 9014a33d5b..59ce29e724 100644
--- a/src/domains/pay-wallet-app/api/io-payment-wallet/v1/_get_wallets_by_user.xml.tpl
+++ b/src/domains/pay-wallet-app/api/io-payment-wallet/v1/_get_wallets_by_user.xml.tpl
@@ -1,199 +1,6 @@
- {{pm-host}}/pp-restapi-CD/v3/wallet
- @($"Bearer {((String)context.Variables["sessionToken"])}")
- application/json
- {
- "title": "Unauthorized",
- "status": 401,
- "detail": "Unauthorized"
- }
- application/json
- {
- "title": "Error retrieving user wallet data",
- "status": 502,
- "detail": "There was an error retrieving user wallet data"
- }
- ())" />
- application/json
- {
- "title": "Wallet not found",
- "status": 404,
- "detail": "No wallet found for input wallet token"
- }
- https://${ecommerce_hostname}/pagopa-ecommerce-payment-methods-service/payment-methods
- IO
- application/json
- {
- "title": "Error retrieving eCommerce payment methods",
- "status": 502,
- "detail": "There was an error retrieving eCommerce payment methods"
- }
- ())" />
- application/json
- @{
- JObject pmWalletResponse = (JObject)context.Variables["pmUserWalletResponseBody"];
- var walletApplications = new List{"PAGOPA"};
- var eCommerceWalletTypes = new Dictionary
- {
- { "Card", "CARDS" },
- { "BPay", "BANCOMATPAY" },
- { "PayPal", "PAYPAL" }
- };
- var eCommercePaymentMethodIds = new Dictionary();
- JObject paymentMethods = (JObject)context.Variables["paymentMethodsResponseBody"];
- foreach(JObject paymentMethod in (JArray)paymentMethods["paymentMethods"]){
- eCommercePaymentMethodIds[paymentMethod["name"].ToString()] = paymentMethod["id"].ToString();
- }
- Object[] wallets = pmWalletResponse["data"]
- .Where(wallet =>{
- return eCommerceWalletTypes.ContainsKey((string) wallet["walletType"]);
- })
- .Select(wallet =>{
- JObject result = new JObject();
- //convert wallet id (long) to UUID v4 with all bit set to 0 (except for the version).
- //wallet id long value is stored into UUID latest 8 byte
- string walletIdHex = ((long)wallet["idWallet"]).ToString("X").PadLeft(16,'0');
- string walletIdToUuid = "00000000-0000-4000-"+walletIdHex.Substring(0,4)+"-"+walletIdHex.Substring(4);
- result["walletId"] = walletIdToUuid;
- string pmWalletType = (string) wallet["walletType"];
- string eCommerceWalletType = eCommerceWalletTypes[pmWalletType];
- result["paymentMethodId"] = eCommercePaymentMethodIds[eCommerceWalletType];
- result["status"] = "VALIDATED";
- TimeZoneInfo zone = TimeZoneInfo.FindSystemTimeZoneById("Central European Standard Time");
- DateTime creationDateTime = DateTime.Parse(((string)wallet["createDate"]).Replace(" ","T"));
- DateTime utcCreationDateTime = TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTimeToUtc(creationDateTime, zone);
- DateTimeOffset creationDateTimeOffset = new DateTimeOffset(utcCreationDateTime);
- result["creationDate"] = creationDateTimeOffset.ToString("o");
- result["updateDate"] = result["creationDate"];
- var convertedApplications = new List();
- foreach(JValue application in wallet["enableableFunctions"]){
- string applicationName = application.ToString().ToUpper();
- if(walletApplications.Contains(applicationName) && wallet[application.ToString()] != null){
- JObject converted = new JObject();
- converted["name"] = applicationName;
- converted["status"] = Convert.ToBoolean(wallet[application.ToString()]) == true ? "ENABLED" : "DISABLED";
- converted["updateDate"] = result["creationDate"];
- convertedApplications.Add(converted);
- }
- }
- result["applications"] = JArray.FromObject(convertedApplications);
- JObject details = new JObject();
- details["type"] = eCommerceWalletType;
- string paymentMethodAsset = null;
- if (eCommerceWalletType == "CARDS") {
- details["lastFourDigits"] = $"{wallet["info"]["blurredNumber"]}";
- details["expiryDate"] = $"{(string)wallet["info"]["expireYear"]}{(string)wallet["info"]["expireMonth"]}";
- details["brand"] = wallet["info"]["brand"];
- paymentMethodAsset = (string)wallet["info"]["brandLogo"];
- }
- if (eCommerceWalletType == "PAYPAL") {
- var info = (JObject)(wallet["info"]);
- var pspArray = (JArray)(info["pspInfo"]);
- var pspInfo = (JObject)(pspArray[0]);
- details["pspId"] = pspInfo["abi"];
- details["maskedEmail"] = pspInfo["email"];
- details["pspBusinessName"] = pspInfo["ragioneSociale"];
- paymentMethodAsset = "https://assets.cdn.platform.pagopa.it/apm/paypal.png";
- }
- if (eCommerceWalletType == "BANCOMATPAY") {
- details["maskedNumber"] = wallet["info"]["numberObfuscated"];
- details["instituteCode"] = wallet["info"]["instituteCode"];
- details["bankName"] = wallet["info"]["bankName"];
- paymentMethodAsset = (string)wallet["info"]["brandLogo"];
- }
- result["details"] = details;
- result["paymentMethodAsset"] = paymentMethodAsset;
- Boolean favourite = (Boolean) wallet["favourite"];
- JObject clients = new JObject();
- JObject clientIO = new JObject();
- clientIO["status"] = "ENABLED";
- if(favourite == true) {
- DateTime localDateUtc = DateTime.UtcNow;
- DateTimeOffset lastUsageDateTimeOffset = new DateTimeOffset(localDateUtc);
- clientIO["lastUsage"] = lastUsageDateTimeOffset.ToString("o");
- }
- clients["IO"] = clientIO;
- result["clients"] = clients;
- return result;
- }).ToArray();
- JObject response = new JObject();
- response["wallets"] = JArray.FromObject(wallets);
- return response.ToString();
- }
diff --git a/src/domains/pay-wallet-app/api/io-payment-wallet/v1/_get_wallets_by_user_and_walletId.xml.tpl b/src/domains/pay-wallet-app/api/io-payment-wallet/v1/_get_wallets_by_user_and_walletId.xml.tpl
index b5baa8f973..92bfb2ad6e 100644
--- a/src/domains/pay-wallet-app/api/io-payment-wallet/v1/_get_wallets_by_user_and_walletId.xml.tpl
+++ b/src/domains/pay-wallet-app/api/io-payment-wallet/v1/_get_wallets_by_user_and_walletId.xml.tpl
@@ -1,213 +1,6 @@
- {{pm-host}}/pp-restapi-CD/v3/wallet
- @($"Bearer {((String)context.Variables["sessionToken"])}")
- application/json
- {
- "title": "Unauthorized",
- "status": 401,
- "detail": "Unauthorized"
- }
- application/json
- {
- "title": "Error retrieving user wallet data",
- "status": 502,
- "detail": "There was an error retrieving user wallet data"
- }
- ())" />
- application/json
- {
- "title": "Wallet not found",
- "status": 404,
- "detail": "No wallet found for input wallet token"
- }
- https://${ecommerce_hostname}/pagopa-ecommerce-payment-methods-service/payment-methods
- IO
- application/json
- {
- "title": "Error retrieving eCommerce payment methods",
- "status": 502,
- "detail": "There was an error retrieving eCommerce payment methods"
- }
- ())" />
- {"PAGOPA"};
- var eCommerceWalletTypes = new Dictionary
- {
- { "Card", "CARDS" },
- { "BPay", "BANCOMATPAY" },
- { "PayPal", "PAYPAL" }
- };
- var eCommercePaymentMethodIds = new Dictionary();
- JObject paymentMethods = (JObject)context.Variables["paymentMethodsResponseBody"];
- foreach(JObject paymentMethod in (JArray)paymentMethods["paymentMethods"]){
- eCommercePaymentMethodIds[paymentMethod["name"].ToString()] = paymentMethod["id"].ToString();
- }
- JObject walletResult = (JObject) pmWalletResponse["data"]
- .Where(wallet =>{
- return eCommerceWalletTypes.ContainsKey((string) wallet["walletType"]) && (((string)context.Variables["walletId"]).Equals((string)wallet["idWallet"]));
- })
- .Select(wallet =>{
- JObject result = new JObject();
- //convert wallet id (long) to UUID v4 with all bit set to 0 (except for the version).
- //wallet id long value is stored into UUID latest 8 byte
- string walletIdHex = ((long)wallet["idWallet"]).ToString("X").PadLeft(16,'0');
- string walletIdToUuid = "00000000-0000-4000-"+walletIdHex.Substring(0,4)+"-"+walletIdHex.Substring(4);
- result["walletId"] = walletIdToUuid;
- string pmWalletType = (string) wallet["walletType"];
- string eCommerceWalletType = eCommerceWalletTypes[pmWalletType];
- result["paymentMethodId"] = eCommercePaymentMethodIds[eCommerceWalletType];
- result["status"] = "VALIDATED";
- TimeZoneInfo zone = TimeZoneInfo.FindSystemTimeZoneById("Central European Standard Time");
- DateTime creationDateTime = DateTime.Parse(((string)wallet["createDate"]).Replace(" ","T"));
- DateTime utcCreationDateTime = TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTimeToUtc(creationDateTime, zone);
- DateTimeOffset creationDateTimeOffset = new DateTimeOffset(utcCreationDateTime);
- result["creationDate"] = creationDateTimeOffset.ToString("o");
- result["updateDate"] = result["creationDate"];
- string paymentMethodAsset=null;
- var convertedApplications = new List();
- foreach(JValue application in wallet["enableableFunctions"]){
- string applicationName = application.ToString().ToUpper();
- if(walletApplications.Contains(applicationName) && wallet[application.ToString()] != null){
- JObject converted = new JObject();
- converted["name"] = applicationName;
- converted["status"] = Convert.ToBoolean(wallet[application.ToString()]) == true ? "ENABLED" : "DISABLED";
- converted["updateDate"] = result["creationDate"];
- convertedApplications.Add(converted);
- }
- }
- result["applications"] = JArray.FromObject(convertedApplications);
- JObject details = new JObject();
- details["type"] = eCommerceWalletType;
- if (eCommerceWalletType == "CARDS") {
- details["lastFourDigits"] = $"{wallet["info"]["blurredNumber"]}";
- details["expiryDate"] = $"{(string)wallet["info"]["expireYear"]}{(string)wallet["info"]["expireMonth"]}";
- details["brand"] = wallet["info"]["brand"];
- paymentMethodAsset = (string)wallet["info"]["brandLogo"];
- }
- if (eCommerceWalletType == "PAYPAL") {
- var info = (JObject)(wallet["info"]);
- var pspArray = (JArray)(info["pspInfo"]);
- var pspInfo = (JObject)(pspArray[0]);
- details["pspId"] = pspInfo["abi"];
- details["maskedEmail"] = pspInfo["email"];
- details["pspBusinessName"] = pspInfo["ragioneSociale"];
- paymentMethodAsset = "https://assets.cdn.platform.pagopa.it/apm/paypal.png";
- }
- if (eCommerceWalletType == "BANCOMATPAY") {
- details["maskedNumber"] = wallet["info"]["numberObfuscated"];
- details["instituteCode"] = wallet["info"]["instituteCode"];
- details["bankName"] = wallet["info"]["bankName"];
- paymentMethodAsset = (string)wallet["info"]["brandLogo"];
- }
- result["details"] = details;
- result["paymentMethodAsset"] = paymentMethodAsset;
- Boolean favourite = (Boolean) wallet["favourite"];
- JObject clients = new JObject();
- JObject clientIO = new JObject();
- clientIO["status"] = "ENABLED";
- if(favourite == true) {
- DateTime localDateUtc = DateTime.UtcNow;
- DateTimeOffset lastUsageDateTimeOffset = new DateTimeOffset(localDateUtc);
- clientIO["lastUsage"] = lastUsageDateTimeOffset.ToString("o");
- }
- clients["IO"] = clientIO;
- result["clients"] = clients;
- return result;
- }).SingleOrDefault();
- return walletResult;
- }" />
- application/json
- @(((JObject)context.Variables["walletResponseBody"]).ToString())
- application/json
- {
- "title": "Wallet not found",
- "status": 404,
- "detail": "Wallet not found"
- }
diff --git a/src/domains/pay-wallet-app/api/io-payment-wallet/v1/_post_wallets.xml.tpl b/src/domains/pay-wallet-app/api/io-payment-wallet/v1/_post_wallets.xml.tpl
index b29a028442..12e5f0f3d2 100644
--- a/src/domains/pay-wallet-app/api/io-payment-wallet/v1/_post_wallets.xml.tpl
+++ b/src/domains/pay-wallet-app/api/io-payment-wallet/v1/_post_wallets.xml.tpl
@@ -1,82 +1,6 @@
- @("https://${ecommerce_hostname}/pagopa-ecommerce-payment-methods-service/payment-methods/" + context.Variables["paymentMethodId"])
- IO
- application/json
- {
- "title": "Error retrieving eCommerce payment methods",
- "status": 502,
- "detail": "There was an error retrieving eCommerce payment methods"
- }
- ())" />
- {
- { "CP", "pm-onboarding/creditcard" },
- { "BPAY", "pm-onboarding/bpay" },
- { "PPAL", "pm-onboarding/paypal" }
- };
- string redirectUrlPrefix;
- paymentMethodTypeCodes.TryGetValue(returnedPaymentMethodTypeCode, out redirectUrlPrefix);
- return redirectUrlPrefix;
- }" />
- application/json
- {
- "title": "Error retrieving eCommerce payment methods",
- "status": 502,
- "detail": "Invalid payment method name"
- }
- application/json
- @{
- return new JObject(
- new JProperty("redirectUrl", $"https://${env}payment-wallet.pagopa.it/{(string)context.Variables["redirectUrlPrefix"]}#sessionToken={((string) context.Variables["sessionToken"])}")
- ).ToString();
- }
diff --git a/src/domains/pay-wallet-app/api/io-payment-wallet/v1/_update_applications.xml.tpl b/src/domains/pay-wallet-app/api/io-payment-wallet/v1/_update_applications.xml.tpl
index 499271f8f1..41bc62d1f6 100644
--- a/src/domains/pay-wallet-app/api/io-payment-wallet/v1/_update_applications.xml.tpl
+++ b/src/domains/pay-wallet-app/api/io-payment-wallet/v1/_update_applications.xml.tpl
@@ -1,111 +1,6 @@
- @($"{{pm-host}}/pp-restapi-CD/v2/wallet/{(string)context.Variables["idWalletPM"]}/payment-status")
- application/json
- @($"Bearer {((String)context.Variables["sessionToken"])}")
- @{
- JObject requestBody = (JObject)context.Variables["requestBody"];
- JArray applications = (JArray)requestBody["applications"];
- foreach(JObject application in applications){
- String name = application["name"].ToString();
- String status = application["status"].ToString();
- if(name.Equals("PAGOPA")) {
- return new JObject(
- new JProperty("data", new JObject(
- new JProperty("pagoPA", status.Equals("ENABLED"))
- ))
- ).ToString();
- }
- }
- return new JObject().ToString();
- }
- application/json
- {
- "title": "Unauthorized",
- "status": 401,
- "detail": "Unauthorized"
- }
- application/json
- {
- "title": "Forbidden",
- "status": 403,
- "detail": "Forbidden"
- }
- application/json
- {
- "title": "Not Found",
- "status": 404,
- "detail": "Wallet not found"
- }
- application/json
- {
- "title": "Error changing wallet status",
- "status": 502,
- "detail": "There was an error changing wallet status"
- }
diff --git a/src/domains/shared-app/api/session-wallet/v1/_base_policy.xml.tpl b/src/domains/shared-app/api/session-wallet/v1/_base_policy.xml.tpl
index b7128af459..1e1e6ffa02 100644
--- a/src/domains/shared-app/api/session-wallet/v1/_base_policy.xml.tpl
+++ b/src/domains/shared-app/api/session-wallet/v1/_base_policy.xml.tpl
@@ -1,225 +1,164 @@
- @($"{{pm-host}}/pp-restapi-CD/v1/users/actions/start-session?token={(string)context.Variables["walletToken"]}")
+ ${pdv_api_base_path}/tokens
+ {{wallet-session-personal-data-vault-api-key}}
+ @{
+ return new JObject(
+ new JProperty("pii", (string)context.Variables["userFiscalCode"])
+ ).ToString();
+ }
- application/json
- {
- "title": "Unauthorized",
- "status": 401,
- "detail": "Invalid session token"
- }
+ {
+ "title": "Error starting session",
+ "status": 502,
+ "detail": "Error during fiscal code tokenization"
+ }
- ())" />
+ ())" />
+ application/json
+ @{
+ return new JObject(
+ new JProperty("title", "Bad gateway - Invalid PDV response"),
+ new JProperty("status", 502),
+ new JProperty("detail", "Cannot tokenize fiscal code")
+ ).ToString();
+ }
+ @("${io_backend_base_path}/pagopa/api/v1/user?version=20200114")
+ application/json
+ @("Bearer " + (string)context.Variables.GetValueOrDefault("walletToken"))
+ application/json
+ {
+ "title": "Unauthorized",
+ "status": 401,
+ "detail": "Invalid session token"
+ }
- application/json
+ application/json
"title": "Error starting session",
"status": 502,
- "detail": "Cannot tokenize user fiscal code: PM start-session fiscalCode is null"
+ "detail": "There was an error while getting user info"
- ${pdv_api_base_path}/tokens
- {{wallet-session-personal-data-vault-api-key}}
- @{
- return new JObject(
- new JProperty("pii", (string)context.Variables["userFiscalCode"])
- ).ToString();
- }
- {
- "title": "Error starting session",
- "status": 502,
- "detail": "Error during fiscal code tokenization"
- }
- ())" />
- application/json
- @{
- return new JObject(
- new JProperty("title", "Bad gateway - Invalid PDV response"),
- new JProperty("status", 502),
- new JProperty("detail", "Cannot tokenize fiscal code")
- ).ToString();
- }
+ ())" />
+ ${pdv_api_base_path}/tokens
+ {{ecommerce-personal-data-vault-api-key}}
+ @{
+ JObject userAuthBody = (JObject)context.Variables["userAuthBody"];
+ string spidEmail = (String)userAuthBody["spid_email"];
+ string noticeEmail = (String)userAuthBody["notice_email"];
+ string email = String.IsNullOrEmpty(noticeEmail) ? spidEmail : noticeEmail;
+ return new JObject(
+ new JProperty("pii", email)
+ ).ToString();
+ }
- @("${io_backend_base_path}/pagopa/api/v1/user?version=20200114")
- application/json
- @("Bearer " + (string)context.Variables.GetValueOrDefault("walletToken"))
- application/json
- {
- "title": "Unauthorized",
- "status": 401,
- "detail": "Invalid session token"
- }
- application/json
- {
- "title": "Error starting session",
- "status": 502,
- "detail": "There was an error while getting user info"
- }
- ())" />
- ${pdv_api_base_path}/tokens
- {{ecommerce-personal-data-vault-api-key}}
- @{
- JObject userAuthBody = (JObject)context.Variables["userAuthBody"];
- string spidEmail = (String)userAuthBody["spid_email"];
- string noticeEmail = (String)userAuthBody["notice_email"];
- string email = String.IsNullOrEmpty(noticeEmail) ? spidEmail : noticeEmail;
- return new JObject(
- new JProperty("pii", email)
- ).ToString();
- }
- ())" />
+ ())" />
+ // Return the HMAC SHA512-signed JWT as the value for the Authorization header
+ return $"{jwtHeaderBase64UrlEncoded}.{jwtPayloadBase64UrlEncoded}.{jwtSignatureBase64UrlEncoded}";
+ }" />