If you'd like to learn about the tests used in this module, click here.
Use the validate.sh script to validate that your Terraform configurations are valid.
Documentation for this project is generated using terraform-docs.
Use the document.sh to generate standard Terraform documentation with the header file injected above it:
Use the format.sh script to format your code using canonical Terraform formatting.
Use the wizard.sh script to replace placeholder values located within the Terraform template.
Validation, documentation and formatting scripts are useful to use as pre-commit hooks, as they can be re-run without concern and ensure valid, well documented configurations are committed for this module:
GIT_ROOT=$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)
This project is configured to continuously validate the checks mentioned above (with the exception of tests) using the GitHub Actions in this repo. The actions will fire on any merge request to main
, and will increment the patch number of the semver of the git tag when merged according to the changes indicated in labels of pull requests.