# Global defaults.
scrape_timeout: 30s
# Subtracted from Prometheus' scrape_timeout to give us some headroom and prevent Prometheus from timing out first.
scrape_timeout_offset: 500ms
# Minimum interval between collector runs: by default (0s) collectors are executed on every scrape.
min_interval: 0s
# all unsuccessful queries will be retried this number of times
query_retry: 3
# all metrics will be named using the formula "[metric_prefix]_[metric_name]"
metric_prefix: <global_prefix>
# all http codes that will be consider auth is invalid and must do a Login()
invalid_auth_code: [401,403]
exporter_name: <name_exporter>
# dictionnary of scripts definitions to handle connections to REST API
# some script names are use internally to perform actions:
# "init": script used to initialize connections parameters like headers, vars, etc...
# "login": script used if connection to the API requires a login phase; by e.g. to obtain a token after sending login/password.
# "logout": if you want to logout after each scrapping
# "clear": to reset previously set values.
# "ping": script called to determine if a target is UP (responding); it would call login script if necessary
# depending on resulting http code received : invalid_auth_code ( set in global.invalid_auth_code they are http 401, 403 usually ) on each query
# only the "ping" script is mandatory
- name: default headers
# allowed/recognized vars that are internally :
# scheme http, https...
# host:
# port:
# base_url: base_path that will prefix all url send to API
# proxy_url:
# verifySSL: true|false
# queryRetry: update
# headers: map
# cookies: map
# if you set them in init script they will overwrite the values specified in GlobalConfig or in target config
# you can set your own vars here too, if they are usefull somewhere else in your scripts later...
session_id: ''
- name: "Content-Type"
value: application/json
- name: Accept
value: "application/json"
base_url: /nitro/v1
verifySSL: true
# script called to determine if a target is responding; it will call login script if necessary
# new login phase is determined by http code received : invalid_auth_code ( http 401, 403 usually ) on each query
- name: check ping cnx
# will call base_url + url in fact !
url: /config/nsversion
method: get
ok_status: 200
# to catch and store the results (content object) and use it later...
var_name: nsversion
## login script example:
# it will loop until queryRetry times (or timeout) :
# - to try to POST to /config/login url the data `{"login": {"username":"<login>", "password":"<password>"}}`
# - analyze the result status:
# if code == 201: set cookie session_id with value from response (query.var_name : login => .login.session_id)
# else if code != 401 && != 403: set loop_var (login_retry) to max(queryRetry) to leave the loop immediately
# else increase value of loop_var (login_retry) to loop on
- name: init login loop
login_retry: 0
results_status: 0
until: "{{ $login_retry := .login_retry | int }}{{ lt $login_retry .queryRetry }}"
- name: login phase
url: /config/login
method: post
# obtain decrypted password from encrypted one from config
# (.password) and from query parameter auth_key (.auth_key)
# build a dict obj $login = { "username": "<user>", "password": "<decrypted_password>"}
# build a dict obj $data = { "login": $login }
# return json reprensation of $data as data of login query
data: >-
{{ $tmp_pass := exporterDecryptPass .password .auth_key }}
{{ $login := dict "username" .user "password" $tmp_pass }}
{{ $data := dict "login" $login }}
{{ $data | toRawJson }}
# tell the query command that code 201 is ok (default ok code is 200)
# if code is not OK, meaning result_status is not in ok_status list, the query status is false, and the query will be retried.
ok_status: 201
# store the result object in variable "login", so we can handle value in "login" object.
var_name: login
# play the "auth_check" script to analyse query
# the actions should also be set here instead of in an another script...
- name: analyze login response
play_script: auth_check
- name: analyze login response ok
- name: "sessionid"
value: '{{ .login.sessionid }}'
logged: true
login_retry: "{{ .queryRetry }}"
- eq .results_status 201
- name: analyze login response
logged: false
login_retry: "{{ .queryRetry }}"
- or (eq .results_status 401) (eq .results_status 403)
- name: analyze login response not ok with retry
logged: false
login_retry: "{{ add .login_retry 1 }}"
- and (and (ne .results_status 201) (ne .results_status 401)) (ne .result_status 403)
# Collector files specifies a list of globs. One collector definition is read from each matching file.
- "metrics/*.collector.yml"
# collectors: list of collector that defines what to do to collect and define metrics
# mandatory collector_name
- collector_name: <name>
# optional metric prefix for that specific collector, generally a sub section of export name.
metric_prefix: <global_prefix>_<name>
# optional go templates dictionnary used by this collector.
# here templates are used as "function" to transform values
# a dictionnary of script to perform.
# a script is a list of actions to perform for the collector:
# it is generally a query on a specific url of the API, then an analizis of the results an a format on them.
# optional dictionnary of authentication parameters (name: AuthConfig)
# they can be used in local target definitions, or used in dynamic target scrapping
# user, password or token can be set to use system environment variable
# e.g.:
# user: $env:EXPORTER_USER
# password: $env:EXPORTER_PASSWD
# mode: basic|token|[anything else:=> user defined login script]
mode: script
user: <login>
password: <password>
mode: basic
user: <login>
password: /encrypted/<encryped_password>
mode: token
token: <bearer token>
# use this auth_config to authenticate via env vars
mode: script
# The targets to monitor and the collectors to execute on it.
# target "default" is used as a pattern for all targets name not defined locally.
# exporter is used in "proxy" mode.
- name: default
scheme: https
host: set_latter
port: 443
# if target needs to authenticate, define here the auth params
# either use an auth_name or a statically defined params:
# auth_name: default
# or has its own auth paramaters
# auth_config:
# # mode: basic|token|[anything else:=> user defined login script]
# mode: <mode>
# user: <login>
# password: <password>
- ~.*_metrics
# others targets
- name: <target>
# or use a specific file for each target definition (easier way to active/remove a single target)
- targets_files: [ "/etc/httpapi_exporter/netscaler/targets/*.yml" ]