The new feature toggle bundle is a complete rework but the public interfaces doesn't change so much. It use the new Flagception library under the hood.
Generally, the namespace changed to Flagception\
or Flagception\Bundle\FlagceptionBundle
So all namespaces and service id's are renamed.
Additional, the composer package renamed from bestit/feature-toggle-bundle
to flagception/flagception-bundle
The feature manager interface renamed from BestIt\FeatureToggleBundle\Manager\FeatureManagerInterface
to Flagception\Manager\FeatureManagerInterface
The default feature manager (Flagception\Manager\FeatureManager
) is accessible via the service id flagception.manager.feature_manager
Instead of bags it expects a FeatureActivatorInterface
and a optional ContextDecoratorInterface
as constructor argument.
The stashes are renamed to "activators" and implement the Flagception\Activator\FeatureActivatorInterface
instead of the
The compiler pass tag also changed from best_it_feature_toggle.stash
to flagception.activator
. The stash bag was removed - a ChainActivator
all activator (stashes) now.
Decorators implement the renamed Flagception\Decorator\ContextDecoratorInterface
now (old: BestIt\FeatureToggleBundle\Decorator\ContextDecoratorInterface
The compiler pass tag changed from best_it_feature_toggle.context_decorator
to flagception.context_decorator
The decorator bag was removed - a ChainDecorator
holds all decorators now.
All events are removed.
A few fields have been renamed.
For example - the old config:
active: true
The new config (active
to default
default: true
I think every single point listed here will be more confusing than helping. Just have a look at the new and detailed readme.