This provides the automated agent deployment on multiple target hosts, where monitoring is required.
Following sections will walk you through the pre-requisites, configuration and executing the playbooks.
The current playbooks works for linux based hosts, but this can be extended to other operating systems as well.
Make sure you have SSH capability on the target hosts and the user connecting through SSH has the capability to become root.
You need to have OCI CLI installed and OCI configuration created only on the localhost from where the deployment is initiated.
refer: -
You need ansible collection to execute playbooks and configured with OCI CLI on the localhost from where the deployment is initiated.
The hosts file contains the configurations for the playbooks.
- target_hosts = where you want to install the agent
- target_hosts:vars = target host specific variables
- all:vars = global variables, which are applicable to all, including localhost
Refer the hosts file for detailed information.
- compartment_ocid: This specifies the compartment for the Management Agent. This needs to be set as environment variable.
export compartment_ocid=<your_compartment_ocid_goes_here>
ansible-playbook -i hosts mgmt_agent_install.yaml -kK
ansible-playbook -i hosts mgmt_agent_uninstall.yaml -kK
The -kK option is the shorthand of --ask-pass and --ask-become-pass
SSH password: The ssh user password
BECOME password[defaults to SSH password]: The password to become the root user.
- At the end of each playbook run, you should be able to see something similar like this for a successful execution
PLAY RECAP *************************************************************************************************************************************************************** : ok=10 changed=5 unreachable=0 failed=0 skipped=5 rescued=0 ignored=0
localhost : ok=12 changed=1 unreachable=0 failed=0 skipped=1 rescued=0 ignored=0
- Go to oracle cloud - Observability & Management - Management Agents - Agents
- select the compartment and verify the installed agents
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